Journal PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL, VLT.-NO. 150. NEW BERNE. N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1888. Daily 11 H 11 ''C - , t , BUSINESS LOCALS. WHITE Creesa Himm, Felton Mar " ket Corne4 Beef. Breakfast Scrip. a E. Slotir. PARIS GREEN (or destroying ths cot too worm at Qto. Alleh A Co. SHOE B BUSHES, Wip Broomt, Hearth Brooms, Shoe Dressing, Stove Polish, Toilet Soap, Canary Bird SMd, to. C E. Slovir. GIN SAWS filed promptly and satis ' factor ily by U420j4lm.l A B. Dk.nmso.n. SPINACH. Turnip, and Siberian Kale Seed at Uro. Allen &. Co. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Having put my delivery wagon on the street, I am now in a position to furnish all my customers with First Class Groceries at ' ort notioe ani a vary itnall profit. I defy com pet men. warrant my good, and only ak a trial to convince the most doubtful. Now txueof my friends tay tat my ad vtrtiaing and my wagtju don't pay me (with my small profit), and that I will toon bresk. Let me be the bi judge of that. I am still paving 100 cents on tb dollar, my property is in my own nam, and lam determined to tell giod groceries cheap. Very respectfully . THE GROCER, E. B HACKHURN. I)HILA BUTTER, the beK in the I market, on ice at Dunn', only 30 cent per lb. 7HITE LEAD, Mixed P.iut, Vsr v T msb, Oil and Glass at Oko. Ai.lkn A Co USE PURE ICE. manufactured by the Jsrroari Ioe Factory. Iji29tf Thkv aav foul play. tbe discussion ia all Floods are being report? tl froi:. numerous sections. Judok Thubman is engaged in tbe preparation of bis letter of nc ceptance. Tub corn crop in the Northwest ia said to be large and in advance of injury from frost. Savannah ia now the largest cotton port in the United States, and Norfolk second. Kmpibob William relasea to allow the use of French on the bill of fare at bis State ami military dinners. The cigar makers ot Havana are on big strike. They, with their families, are thought to number at least twonty. thousand persons. With all improved precautions it doea seem that there bare been more railroad accidents in tbe last few months than we ever before remember. IIuxar sympathy ia an angel ol mercy ; bnt the pngilist who boasts of hi powera, and is then worsted in the ring, most endnre his suffer ing unblessed by its ministry. Alaa, poor Dockery ! NORFOLK hag made her quaran tine regulations more stringent than erer. It includes all the cities oath of Weldon. All baggago and freight arriving from the yellow ferer district! are re-fumigated. DociBBY ia now, in this year 1888, in favor of paying a great debt that was created by thieves and bummers. It is believed that it woald literally bankrupt the State to pay the special tax bonds Wilmington Star. " TBI death of Professor Richard A, Proctor of yellow fever in New York,, is a calamity that in its sweep is world wide. Be was one of the greatest astronomers of the 'age, and science mourns the loss of her brilliant.soor ' Owing to destructive floods in .and near the 'city and incon venience of travel from quarantine regulations, Augusta, Ga-, has post poned-the opening of her expo Bition until November 8th-. It is to continue till December 15tb. a The Durham Progress has made ; its appearance, bat it has not found l its way to this Ofilce. If it is really to be a journal of progress,', we ' would like to feel the inspiration of its presence, and if it is to be ally of Republicanism we. would M'9 to know what it is about, so as ii! tcr counteract its pernicious LOCAL NEWS. Th straw hat aiast soost go. Ths steasser Nana is B. was ia port yesterday from Bogaa sow ad aad Bsaa- fort. Cotton is beginning to tnovs a litlls. Ths Vesper took out nineteen bales yes terday. , Mr. E. B. Cox has moved into the Club bouse on Craven street recently purchased by him and fitted op for a residence. Be is making it one of tbe best residences in the city. Thirty dollars have been handed in to the Joi r.nal office for. the Jackson ville sufferers. K there are others who are willing to contribute let them come forward Don't wait to bb callid UPON IN PtK&'N We teiiev more improvements are oemg on i raven street than any otner ui the cay. 1 he latest is on the corner or rt-uee ana L raven streets I where a rei.ience ia being moved OUCl lor IDe I uriMieor improving. A new u I euhstantial wharf is being c lntitruc.e,! u hust Front street at the Jua'.ice plxce. As to a sight for a re- sort building we think this Doint ad- mirably suited. The far projection into the water makes this ooint command ons of the prettiest views we know of. The Vouag Men's Democratic Club of this city has been invited to participate with tbe Cleveland, Fowle and Skinnsr Club at Oglesby, Carteret county, next Saturday in s grand barbecue, flag raising, speaking, etc. A special tiain will go down leaving New Berne at 9 o'clock. Fare $1 00 for round trip. The citizens of Morehead City have petitioned the owners of the Atlantic Hotel to keep their house open during tbe winter season. The petition sets forth the advsntsges of the plaoe ss a winter resort in the matter of climate, health. tDorts. eta . etn. Thev also ne titlon Messrs Beerraan 4 Ccox the lessees of the house to have the same open during the winter. The McLean building on the comer of Pollock and Crsven streets and the lot adjoining on Craven, have been pur chased by Ur F. W. Hughes who will have the old building taken down and s handsome residence built on the site. Doctor Hughes is also collecting ma terial to build an omce on the vacant lot on Middle street next to Or pen, Foy & Co ' bank. 'lessons from the Plague." Rev. II. W. Battle will discuss the teschingt of the terrible yellow fever scourge, Sunday night, st ths Baptist church. A collection will bs taken for ths Jacksonville sufferers, and all in sympathy are earnestly requested to ttend . Personal I Mr. J. M. Howard of Howard A Jones has returned from the North where he has been for purchase of fall stock. Mr. S. R. Ball hss returned from the Northern markets. He went to pur chase the fall stock of F. T. Patterson's store. air. w. is., ntyron, ttie emcient ciei a of Green, For & Co's bank, returned ve.terd.v from a nles.nre trln North. J -w Spscial Train for Oglesby. The A. & N. C. R. will run a special train to Oglesby, Carteret county, on Saturday next. All who wish to at tend tbe grand barbecue on that occa sion will havs an opportunity of doing so and returning the came evening at the moderate rate of one dollar for the round trip. Other stations below New Berne in proportion. The special will leave New Berne at nine o'clock, run through to Morehead City and return I to Oglesby at 11:80. The special rates will apply to mail train from Morehead City to Oglesby. Steamer Movements. The Defiance of the Clyde linear- rivedfrom Baltimore yesterday with a cargo of general merchandise. The Man too of the O. D. line arrived yesterday morning with a cargo of general merchandise. The Carolina arrived from Bell's Ferry yesterday with thirteen bales of I new cotton. .The Teepex of the E a IX line tailed yesterday with a cargo of cotton, naval stores, lumber and general merchan dise. The Eaglet ef this Una wUl ar- rite today.Vj,; . .. The steamer Trent arrived from Beau fort yesterday With a cargo of fish scrap. km Ktegaat SwfcttltmU- For oiln, salts, pills, and all kinds of 1 bitter, nanseoos medicines is the Terr agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of I igs. Keoommendea by leading physi clans. ' Mantifactarsd only by the Cali fornia rig Syrnp Company, San Fran cisno, tSl I R. N, Duffy, agent, New Berne, N.O sepisawiw The Jacksonville Tund. Tbe following asm have been paid in at the Jocmal office for the relief of the Jacksonville sufferers. Others who are willing to aid shoald hand in their mite at once sad let it be forwarded. Don't wait to be called on : J. A. Meadow flO 00 Jas. Redmond 10 00 Green, Foy 4 Co., 10 00 St. Paul's School. This school opens today under favor able auspices. A new building of the most convenient size and form and pe culiarly adapted for the purpose in view has just been completed, furnishing to the pupils every desirable facility for their educational pursuits. Tbe school is under the personal man agement of the clergy attached to the church who will themselves teach the classical studies. It is well known that the Catholic clergy have to undergo a hong and thorough course of classical .,.(;.. .w..,. ,.. in Philosophy and Theology. Six years nt rnrmrt , .t.l. tst ika -llr- oourse, Latin in particular, which is continued through the six additional years of study in Philosophy and The ology give tbe Catholic clergy a pro fioiency in these studies that is any thing but common. In addition the school will give a thorough training- io common and high school education. Jurors Drawn The following jurors hays been drawn for the fall term of the District' Court of the V. S. for the Pamlico dis trict of North Carolina, which convents in New Bert e on the fourth Monday in October Jurors are not required to be present until Tuesday, 10 o'clock a.m. Wayne county J. F. Hooks, N. O. Holland, John Williams, John KSmith, Hugh Humphrey N. H. Ourley and W. D. Lane. Onslow E L. Francke aod N. S. 8hpard Hyde A S. Oibbs Craven-Q. W. Pope, K. A. Russell, S. D. Pope, Joseph H. Stevenson, Clem. Wetherington, Ed. Oerork, B. H. Dsv- enport, Basil Manly, E. K. Bishop, L. II . Culler, Oeo. J. Dudley, B. O. Credle, C.T.Watson, K. R. Jones sod J. K. Willis. Pamlico Paul C belemar, Bonj. Brinson and J. F. Co well. Jones L. A. Haywood, A. F. Cox and II. C. Koonce. Wilson James T. Cobb. Edgecombe Eli as Cai r. Carteret 8. J. Moore, W. W. Chad- wick and Martin T. Davis. Beaufort Charles Wabab. J. M. Rob erts and Henry Bonner. Lenoir Durham Orsdy. Dempsey Wood.S. S. Howard, J. M. Woe ley and Benj. Sutton. Oreene Tedoo Frizzle, John Sylla- vant, Meoan ratricx, a. l. uad, wen dell Sugg, Luby Harper, THE YELLOW FEVER. Jacksonville, Sept 18. We have had a bright sunshiny but delusive day, in which the insidious pestilence has been the most terrible in our history. The record of new cases far eclipses all orevious reports, there beins: 188 for the twenty-four hours ending st 6 p.m. The official report of deaths is 20. Th t041 """ to date are 1,203; total 10 UCBI1IS Three oases are reported at Oaines- Tille, and there are rumors of cases at Wilborneand Fernandlna. APPOINTMENTS For Hon. D. W. Fowle and Hou. T. F. Dayldso . Hon. Daniel O. Fowle, Democratic AanilMllA fA. llAVATIinv m wt it II .n T V Davidson, Democratic' candidate for Attorney General, will address tbe people on the issues of the campaign at me iouowing times ana pieces: Friday, Sept. 88, Oiford. Saturday, Sept. 29, Henderson. Monday, October 1, Halifax. Tuesday, Oct. 3, Jackson. Wednesday, Oct. 8, Nashville. Friday, Oct. 5, Wilson. Saturday, Oot. 6, Sraithfield. Monday, Oot. 8, Fsyetteville. Tuesday, Oct. 9, Dunn. Thursday, Oct, 11, Carthage. Friday, Oct. 12, Rockingham. Saturday, Oct. 18, Mazton. Monday, Oct 15. Elizabethtown. Tuesday, Oct. 10, WhiteviUe. Thursday, Oot. 18, S. Washington. Friday, Oot. 19, Ksnansrill. Saturday, Oot SO, Clinton. Monday, Oct S3, Elizabeth City.. Taetdayr Oct S3, E isnton. Wednesday, Oot. 84, Plymouth. Thursday, Oot 25, Washington. Saturday, Oct 27, Swan Quarter Monday, Oot 89, Stonewall. Tuesday, Oct 80, Kinston. Wednesday, Oct. 81, Snow Hill. Thursday, Nor. 1, Greenville. Friday, Nor. 8, Tarboro. , Saturday, Nov. 8, Goldsboro. BaekUem'a Ante (kttvrs. Thb'Bkst Balti la the world for I Out. Braises. Sores. ' TJloera, Sat I Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped - Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail tJkt Eruptions, and positively' cure files or no pay required, it is raantnieea so rive perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by R. N. Duffr. .. V iB 17 I " . - Kinstin items. Ths freshet io Sense m.r has dene' some damage to rhe road between the town and the ir u ondge Rev. H. C P . i ti ditiii.l to leave next wet k : : the Bib.e '. l.rge in Kentucky c-rs.ty f.i 'o'.i.tccd his trip on acccuc: uf a hiLe of Uum ness relations, he having b uiht tL in-, tereet of Mr. Vi!liaai in ihe L-UMnese: which ther have be v. u'.cij for sometiaie pa?: Robert and Kraus Kn ; r :. convicted at the U?t irrru I tt V s :ii A lt trie District CourtatNf- Hrrrie ! r distilling have been pai ! .ait I President and returned l pa r ion families, The petition L r li. was signed by the otlioers of .he 'im and a lare cuii! l-er v f tl.-' '. --t . '. - i.s of this countr . The leruocriti. u'..j i-.t K .u-i :i Saturday n a t--Ti''ete ' 1 Ke old cannon b rough; u p t r . :u N w ht-riiB began to beloh forth the i- early in the morning and reann ie.l tin- people for miles around that the tune had coit-.e for them to begin in vrnet the work of tfce campaign Between t i he ! three thousand people g-ul.ered together on that day to henr the is-suts.f the campaign dnrued. lto- a-i done :n a masterly manner l-v i it M U Kansoni. I ongres.-n ;:in 1 mini nt , h weft and V. I!. Avci'ck Then .pee able, pructM . i .: t 1 -i I They were m;ci the people an ! tLev ei rapt attention, I t votes bv that nav J w About t en ' 1 ve county Hssemhl m i;; t : room of the court hoi. Prohibition party ! made chairman lit! .1. After enrolling t h- n .' present denring to tt , m the party, a caucus ia In I,! e 1 session of the count v .'on en u n ed I noon the convention o - g m 1 Ing J H W ebb, chuii man and liowen, sorrotary . The P'iihiij; a county tn krt in do-Ian I m and the following were un-ui 1 nominated II C. I'tovo n (. r 10 eral Assembly A M. h 1 11 sheriff, J. I. Walter-, n ci-t- r of 1 ,1 W. II. Worth, treasure; V. A Soup kins, surveyor. Resolutions "n nd 1 t d heartily endorsing the National an 1 State tickets. The follow mg 1 - u-ne committeo was appointed K ! K n sey, chairman, of M.xifry Hall 1 1 Becton. Kinslon.CS Andrew. n e Allen ('room. Neuse 1 'a ni ti 11 the chairman and serretai y s nann . n added to the committee Thwconi nittei was empowered to appoint oiio from each township not rrpreenie I an I ti till oi. t all vaoanries on the (1 I 1 HON 1 IIOM is l lllllt, AND TIIK COTniN 11 ti.illV. . MAPK K, lit TIM' KWtMl, ( AKUl.lM . We were shown ycnler which can bo neen at Mesar.i. Barbee & liar he.' 1 1 1 ii in n lay tin No an arttcie st.'fe of uD." Smith Wilmington street, this city, and win h is to be used as a subHtitute for cotton bagging. It is m ute bv lion. Thoinaa M. Holt at his mills at llaw River, N. C , for the farmers of North Carolina. The goods are strong and durable and make a most excellent substitute for tbe jute bagging heretofore used, and by the use of them and like substitute our farmers will be enabled to throttle the monster known as the "Cotton Bag ging Trust," by means of which a few northern manufacturers are oppreesive ly seeking to suck the life-blood out of our people. In the history of this coun try there hag never been a more xhame tess attempt to extort the hard earned money of our Southern farmers than the one this same "Cotton Bagging Trust" is now engaged in. Without any . just cause or reason but simply because they thought they had the power the parties engaged in this ne farious undertaking have wantonly and for the purpose of adding to their al ready enormous wealth nut up the prico , of ootton bagging from f0 to 7") per cent and at a season of the year when the cotton is in tho fields ready to be gathered, thereby adding to the ex penses of the farmers of the South in the marketing of their cotton crop at least the sum of 82.000 000. It therefore affords us great pleasure to chronicle tbe fact that Col. Holt and the rret of our North Carolina manufacturers havo come to the rescue of tbe agricultural Interest of our State, and have joined hands with it in its fight against this heartless "Trust." Col. Holt is himself one of the largest and most successful farmers in North Carolina and can al ways be relied upon to lend aid and as sistance to his brother farmers when ever it is in his power to do so. We say hurrah for the manufacturers of North Carolina for their praiseworthy effort to protect the leading interest of the State at a critical moment. Messrs. Barbee & Barbee say that the substitute manufactured by Col. Holt answers the purpose well and can be bought of them at a prioe which is from 3 to 5 cents less per yard than is now demanded for jute cotton bagging. Veiily, we believe the farmers of North Carolina now have the "Cotton Bagging Trust1' by the throat. This matter shall reoaive immediate attention, so that the mills can go to work on tbe goods if they are approved and desired. by the farmers. News and Observer. The Sage of Segntn. Ausnii, Tex., Aug. 8, 1835 To Mb. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir: It gives me pleasure to say that I have been nsinn vonr glasses lot time past with much aatiaf acti p. i r clesr- n ess, softness an44orsr tended, they are not mr; that I have" stst men. j, mend them to all tt; ' wi glass. I am very r -i Johh lBxiirr,iEx-iJ . v any c - oa a fas. -ed by 3dlm All eyes fitted and fit i ii F. 8. Duffy, New Berne, - AUiasc F. S. Alii Kesolved 1, insi tne n v,. r . o. , "ce hereby enters Us earnest protest , 'T1 "".1. of I IBLHJI VI VUi our Legislature un wiKkaiui ui laws as will heresiter prevent this out rage on the rights of the taxpayers of our State. Adopted Heeolved .', That we demand in- h changes in our laws as will reduce the costs in litigation in minor causes so J as shall enlarge the jurisdiction of our Just-e of the Peace. Adopted. Kesolred 3. That we demand that lss thall be enacted to prohibit our put he orticiaU froxn receiving or using fre . . . i pasees or free uekeu on our railroads Adopted I Resolved 4. Tl.v. e demand that ,ur ! I - - . .... ... - .. -V. 1 .U . for l.etBISiU 1 V rPlWLUU m L'". . the regulation of CreighU and tarirT on I the railroads of our State. Adopted ' Resolved 5, That the abov resolutions be published in The Progressue Farmer for Cie next two months with a re-iuesl I thai tha preae of the State copv i : -t".-, eJ ! I, ram! Kaliflrallon Mertiiitf The Republicans and such olber is ; may desire are requested to meet at ! Urayton Hall, neii the depot, on cuffii utreet. tonight at 7 30. They will te addressed by prominent speakers COMMEIUMAL. co rrov Sept. I" - 1 utnte ! Demand sf Ue I. C. t. S . . . V AV f " Sale of 4s . " " ' I I Sept. J TJ March J '' t e (l.ioher. 'J - April ' '' r in i j iiv ' M,,v 9 'J May. I'1 07 ran lio l ll,cemher. tiU June 1 " ' ' 1. I :t:u was, rat'.uary. JulJ- ' -- " 1 v I February. '.' s3 .uut fie1 Sew Kerne mar kit ! " :! :- ba'.eK at J '. 4 lion '1 to i 4 1 . niNkiti no M K Eggs IV i kn S. lie in mar ket ( i I v wou Id bring 70o in hulk l-od ler. Si ("'til 'J." per hun.lred T'.'l PtNTiNS Hard . '. oo J i v T At -81 ;(. OaTs. New, :t'.a4iV. in bulk Bkkbw x 17a2h- per lb BaitF On foot. to 7c. KfiKSH Pokr 7iashi per II a m t ouott . 1 la 1.'.- pound lard : l't it ps - '.0c. ;n ;ieck Ai'i'li-.- i.'c per bushel I I'i vie - (i.Hid .(uality, f no p r 1 uh I : a I I s -Scuppernoiig, per hush 1". T Toi - - Bahamas. ,'.o ' . yams. 7V. per bush ( M. s - .)0c. per bush ' W.s.i.-lOa-'dc. PbaNCTS- y.'ta&l.OO per bushel j OHircma lroD 4'IjI'c. pair half ! grown, S'.'ia'iV. j MkaL S2t aS'ic. bolted. I SiiiNOLKS West India, dul I and n m n i : . i i.aI, no. fin itoil.linu f.. llldl , v llll.ll rr. . . u . . . rs " inch hearts. 82 2.ri . saps.l.f)0 per M Snvit-i-K O. h id. if U)l ner M WIIOLIRAIJI PBirss. lira Pour Sew 816 50 old -:" ''V h'.ocLorn Meat 74af r. C. R. 's. F. B s. B.'snnd I.. C- 'J.'.'to. Fu)UB-83..'0a6.00. Labo 9 i c. bv the tierce. N Alir-Hafris"lO 's, 82 M. 8uoAa-lranula'ed, -c CuFFKR l.'ialc. Chkksk ii. Halt 80a85. per sac k. Molarsib and 3raups 80a4Si Powdkr 83.00. flnoT Drop, tM, buck, 81. 75. . KCBOSENa flio. HlDZH Dry, 6a8c. ; icreen 4 i Tallow 4c. tier lb. Stock holders oT New Beriw lliiihlinj and Ion n Association The suniial meeting of HtocklieVlers will be held at the rooms of the Young Mens' Christian Association on Wednes day, Sept. 2rtdi at o'clock p. m for the election of a board of di.-fctor and other busmen. All who cannot attend will please I e represented by prony. J KB Cakkaw a , Hec. and Treai fi. . i l.i - n K 1 1 lsi,! Krui 1 1 t ;ssp lr established IKs-Hat New Kfrne. N (' WALTERS Photograph Gallery. I take treat pleasnre In Informing 1115 mans frh nrls and I he pnblle generally, that I have retnrneil from Morhearl City and re opened my Photographic studio at thenlii stand, where I shall he pleased to see all my friends and the public generally The vert flattering success I have met with since I have made New Berne my home la a guarantee of the superior sjyle of nay work It speaks for Itself. My light gives the 80KT PORCELAIN EFFECT to all my work. IjniLUKItN'B riUTUKKSA SPECIALTY. EVKkT 8TYLS OF PTCTVRB COPIKn AHD KN- l.AROtD TO ANY STYLE D1SIRSO 1 hashing all for tnetr very llDeral Datron- a?e, and hoping to merit a continuance of the same, I am, respectfully, 1HUMA8 WALTER, New Berne. N C. N. w. cor. Middle and Pollock su .over RN. DofTy's iitog store. Entranes from Pollock street. up20 dtf Ho TruslBagging. TO ARRIVE, SIXTEEN THOUSAND YARDS of 1J lb. Bagging. Will be here within the next four weeks ditver from Scot. landf Bind ui; toue onrJEtti - l itf" to ts seen euLer at one store I r 3f .S, Tolseil 6 JociiX niaewi Iisl3 dwlta y Kear Cottotf Exchaon: TO ADVERTISERS. . . divta uio ?TA1 Kl? ASb iio.ns wiUMeart. Iun k'HILK. un.e viid wni tneir a.iveri'ipf m i'y e e can oCer no btiirr mediass tur umw- oull L.l ettei o ve uilt luaa Uta VATifilM ol vu.r vl'd Llit H , i r ' A J en lam j BarMm, . . , tucr sirart. New Terk. Sale o: Vilua.bk' Land. i A 1 hl'A , ' 1 it ' . o l'I k a id .ilm .u Heaufjrt -N '. SER 80TB, .' the Court 1 v, ill sell for ur about six liriil and T74 ihe Carolina m?ii hu;: ' to 1. v t trie h ghtst t . if inp, acre? br.OL.: . C V laied on both aides i North Carolina ito ruiles west of . eil adapted for ! be sol i in lota r 1- t . v e promf.1 . l'VUS, a. City Co. , dw4w pel ; of At. Ka . 1 r a ! ' Morehea 1 v truck f a r u. . r. to t ,i t p'i rcl IHM. . a . ; I . ' :n llirinc Insurance. v. , Ma. .. Mai Hi iinler Mn 11 the I'.ostoa. y to effSOt I Lr'J r 1 11. and hi.- o u r ai.. e . v .1 '. I: on I ottOB, Hoard Of 'HI h! iel.H 1 M t'.lCMiN. i!.n iDi Ins Co. t : I i:. School, ;: NK.rsE sts.. ' r 1 r. t'alholtOS. .v estgrada i. f ' rthe20lh7" -t J dim St. ;m i: Paul's Mil n n r . 1 tin-. . pe at J . Furniture!! JOHN SUTER ing n ery day hamhrr sets, wardrobes, s .fas. OtC, hand. I- Limit . o . ma 1 1 i . - ' '.o 1 rlo. H- a ',.-,;.' i f I :-:.-a Is .. f... 1 et. . w hi. ll ate l.etit al Trices It - lit I'i Itol loin. -i r. ,i m. i I.,- - i made work bureaus, stanlial. t ) ltO Jt -lib v R'rne. mi New Berne High School v. III. I: i l'l' : isKPThMBKR 17th, 1888.- I SI I dlt t SCHOOL F'lR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADhf Mi.. A T .1I.UKINS Hill re ooenher . huol fir the reeeitioti of (JirlsancL Vou ng I .ad ies c n MoNin i . m it ;;m, iss. l'r. -npt entraTice eminently desirable. S, i Nt. .::f Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair at J. C. WKITTY'S. Rope, Paints, Oil and Ship Chandlery at J. C. WHXTTY'S. For everything in the Hardware and Ma . chinery line go to J. C. WHITTY'S. Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 F"or Sale BV W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, V Market Dock, M;W BERNE, N. U. tT Consign us your produce. . .' mm d tf ': a; ' .'. " Duffy'sroup Syriip. Recipe of the late Dr. Waltib Dxtttt PREPARED AND BOLD JTf I . NEW BERNESfH , -k!S& tEAtt-rjWE," wUl' cWa Li r School, September 10, 18S ' MISS llAMM BdEOHTOtVer,.' ' -Qerman teacher. . , '. v - Tuition. ,1W per moiitb. a : -':":T; i l1