rn'N- n riii in V H NlJ BER10 C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1888. VOL. Vn.-NO. 170. PRICE 5 CENTS. lit IP fOtMNATj.' n t- BUSETESS LOCiXS. COTTON TIES tad Cotton Gin at Gio. Allm dt Co. LARGE fmh supply of Lynn Hitm Oysters ob hand tonight at Mrs. 8. A. WombUV ENGINE tod Gia Repairs, Belting, Pecking, ate. at , Geo Alleh & Co. 171NE fat beef for 8atu rd y morning at BJSwert'a atells. CORN SHELLERS, Grata Fens, Feed Cutters at GaO AiXM & Co. FINE stall-fed Beef at Chae. E. Nel- sob a stall ob 8aturday morning. PLEASE REMEMBER that I Dead money aa wall at tha rest of man kiad, and if yon owi ma plaata pay ma. J.C.VT BITTY. OURE WINES AND LIQUORS for .1 Mediotnal and other usee for sale ' by U 4 CTUaTED James Rkdhond BY TBE PUREST Xi. MOTIVES." W nether my ad vertisements are posted ia w ntpicuoua plaeo or not, (by my friends,) I am still determined to all good gto ceries very cheap. I have on head 500 bbU oMVylle, Smith & Co. unrivaled float, bought bofora tha edvence.whicb I intend to set I very close, country merchants who ara in aaarch of bn- ' gains would do wall to call aad aaa me, I will surely save them money. To the city trade, botB wholesale and retail, I particularly eater, and guarantee to give perfeot eatiefaotion. The Finest ' Butter and Whitest Flour are my lead , i speoialtiee. ,? THE GROCER, E B. HACKBURN. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN. just received and for aale by James Ridmond. GO DOWN to the Cash Store and get aome of thoee three pound oanaof Tomatoes and Peachea for 10 cent per can. No living mortal oan tell the same gooda for 10 cerltl except the Caah man. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for aale by Jamkb Redmond. IJHIL'A BUTTER, the best in the .market, on ice at Dunn', only 30 centi per lb. IP fSE PURE ICR, manufactured by the Jarman Ice Factor v 1 j j 0li 'f UK Massachusetts Independents are for Cleveland through mid through. MILLER, Hall and Hartwell, of Troy, N. Y., the largest makers of linen wear in this country have come out for Cleveland and Thar man. "Whit about bulldozing P It will not be attempted on our part, nor will it be submitted to from any quarter. "A free ballot and a fair count" is pare Democracy 'THERE is much canvassing in North Carolina. - This is well ; but puolio speaking will not take the ' place of earnest work and vigilance at the polls. Bee to it that every man, is talked to in private and brought oat to the election. 1 4THH Democratic Rational Com mlttee, are assurnd that the anion Cigarmakert-vr throtrghoot ' the country will rote solidly against Harf ison aW Morton, becaase of ' tBeif ; determine! , jappoaUioii . to organized labor bf Oen Harrison daring his official caieer. , ' Judge THtrRMAN received telegram last Tuesday that hurried ' him away from Washington. His friends were preparing to. give him a reception v at the-Ebbet House, t bat i the grand old, man never Indulges in festivities' when, work is to W done. : : Germans are Independent think era.: They will not blindlyj lollow the lead of Carl Schurtz, but they are proud of him as their country . man, . anfli they will listen to his words and, weigh his conclusions. . We confidently, rely upon the Ger man vote in this election." -. , , Tna following ebeering dispatch was received ly Chairman Brice irom Newark, K.1 Jn last 'Tuesday "This great manufacturing city has just given a Democratic ma jority of about 1,000, being again of 2,500 over charter election October, 1834.. It Is the first time this city baa gone Democratic prior to a residential election. 1 , , - E. L.PEICE, ... Chran. Essex Co. Dem. Com." Thus Kew Jersey passes from tbe list of doubtful 'States and takes her place ia ttie Democratic column Tna utterances of 6am Sma' c-'tt to open tie eyes of every r - "rat who has Kctened to the f z a voice of the political seducer. 8 phat be airs: ortf qanlin will, by the rete of tktf Protibition partTi probabl Vs placodi ia the Republican party. We Wan to tolx the Eepoblican and Dffdooratie babies up so thai thej cannot be told apart and then kill both of them.0 The WUmington fitarverj aptly adds: Thank jou, Air, Small, for revealing yoar plans and calcu lations. Yoo would like to hand over the white people of North Carolina into the merciful keeping of black Radicalism, bat j"oa will tail aa .you did in Georgia. Yoo will grow i-mall by degrees and beautifully less ! LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMESTS. 8 L. Dill Special train. George Asn-Offioe of, etc. Mrs. 8 A. Womble Oratera. New Bern Theatre Benefit. 8. L. Dill Ho! for Raleigh Fair. Geo Allik & Co. Cotton tie, etc. Geo Allen & Co. Corn thellre.eto. T. J. Tub nsb & Co. Cloaing out.eto Geo. Allen & Co. -Engine end gin repairs, eio. The county candidatea on tha Coali tion ticket apeak at Vanceboro today. Mr. Arthur L. Butts will be at tha theatre Monday night with hit pano rama and beautiful artistic scenes. Bishop Petty of the A. M. E, Zion Church from California will preach at St. Peter's Church Sunday morning and at night. The building committee of the Fair Association is going ahead with the re pairs on tbe grounds and buildings. A large machinery ball and extensive stables re to be erected at ooce. Tbe property id a magnificent purchase, and brn the macadamized road is com pleted will be worth treble its coat. The Directors did well in the purchase. Our friend Geo Ash in a letter pub lished In another column cornea out squarely in favor of judicioua advertis ing, though he says it is difficult to get p a good advertisement. This is a faot; it rtquires tact, but there la one feature n advertising that all can adopt with profit to themselves and pleasure to their customers, and that ia, naver aar in your advertisement that yon are do- ins things that you can not do. Mr. Ash says he endorsee that rule heartily and will stick to it. Steamer Movements. The Eaglet ot tbe E. C. D. line arrived yesterday with cargo of general mer chandise and will sail this afternoon at o'clock. The Vesper of tbia line will arrive tomorrow. TbeNewberne of the 0. D. line tailed for Norfolk yesterday carrying oot full cargo of cotton, shingles, naval storee. other freights, and passengers. The Manteo wilt arrive tonight. Meeting of Board of Trade. A large and interesting meeting of the Board of Trade was held last night. 8everal new members were received and matters of vital interest to New Berne and this section were diecuased with earnestness and real. The follow ing standing committees were an nounceJ, the appointments taking tffeet from the first of June last: On Bankrng-Oeo, B. Roberts, Thor . A. Green, John Dunn. On Taxation John J. Wolfenden, E B. Hackburn, Dr. frank Duffy. '' Oa Emigration Geo. Allen, Maj John Hughes. Owen II. Onion. On Hotels and Winter Resort Cas. Reizenstein, J A.- Patterson, Wm. H. Oliver. On Education Gen. C. A. Battle, E, H. Meadows, 8. 8, Willett. On Printing P. H. Pelletler, H. 8 Nunn, Dr. N. H. J3treet. On Information and Statist ice Geo Robert. Ransom, Isaae Pattenbri( B Roberts. On Finance Ale. Miller. C. E. For Chas. 8. Holllater. On Membership Jts. W Waters, K. Willis, Thos. McCarthy. n j On Mannfaotniing 8; H. Gfray, J. A. Meadows. Daniel Stimson. ' "i Ott Transportation J.V frr Ciarka, Washington Bryan, C, H, Blank, t i iOa. Oounty Roads BJ E. Bryaniit. R. Jones. 8. R ' Street' : v- - Oa City ImprOTemette Jamas .Beet mood, George Henderson, John ' Tata BaMe. Cry Wlti;?! And the old folks laugh when thev find that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup at figs, ia more easily taken and mora beneficial bx its actios than, bitter, nauseous medicine i strengthens the Liver,' Kidneys. Stom ach and Bowels, white it arouses tLem to a healthy action. 5 R. N. Duffy, agent, New Berne, N.Cr .. . fiCta OW4W '. 'a Kea of Crava,Xock to Tow iBtareata The peeU pi Cravea coaaty, aoth Demomr--aa4 Eepablicaaa, as net not let thalx goal for taatr State aad Na tional tickets wWanado tMii looal intereatar TViawVy 414 foar years ago and ear city and aaotioa ware set back many years sa aooouat of jt. The Qeaeral AjaembJy waa overwhelmingly Pemneratat that year aa it aaa been auioft 1371. but post Craven was with the Uttte minority that received no con sideration . legislation waa passed that was detrimeatal to oar buaiaees, and it wu pused simply because there was no one there to resist It. Tha next Oeneral Assembly is just as are to be Democ ratio aa time will last natkl it meets. And it ia of the moat vital Importance that Craven county has repreaantstlves there who are ia aooord with the majority oa ploitical qnastiooa. . We (to not wish to tire oar people by hattnidrag at tbe same thing oon tinaobtly, bat when we see and know a thing that will be of incalculable benefit to a whole aectioo, and a large section, of tbe Bute, we feel in duty bound to give line upon line, argument upon argument and exhortation without atint until we accomplish, the desired end. We believe we have as obstacle in the way of our commercial progress and the development of oar aoBBtry ' resources and we would be recreant to our duty if we did not labor day ia and ay out to remove that obstacle. We beg to call at teat ion to the following extract from Capt. S. B. Alexander s addreaa to the North CaroHna State Al liance which assembled in Raleigh last ugust: Not only have the railroad and tele- raphs forced a change. in onr agricul ture, but they poeeess a power of taxa tion and patronage dangerous to tbe liberties of the people. They have cen tralize! our government and trusts, oombines, pools, monopolies sre tbeir offspring. A friend, now past three score years and ten, relsted to me the following incident: 'When I was a young man I visited Boston. I carried a letter of introduc tion to Mayor Quincy. tie received me with that hospitality for which be was istingulsbed, and invited me to a banquet given In honor of the comple tion Of the first forty miles of railroad that entered Boston. In bis speech at the banquet Quincy said: 'We have completed forty miles of railroad. If we can build forty we can build eighty ; r we can build eigbtv we can ouiid two hundred; if we can build two hundred we oan build one to the lakes; if we can bnild one to the lakes we oan build one to the Paeiflo Ocean. Give me the trans portation of a people and I will control tbem.' " Tbe people of New Berne, those who have watched the busineaa. commerce, trade and other industries and know the powers and influencea that operate to destroy them, can bear teetimony to the power of railroads. Our grain trade oan flourish or perish just as the R. & D. R chooses, and it seems that they have deoreed that it shall perish The only relief for ns is In the exten sion of tbe A. ft N C. R.toSanford and Charlotte. The people along the line ... .-..I- ... ,1,. u.jj w.ii ir)inuun iu i, General Aaeembly who will aid as. Let ns send some one who will aid tbem. 77tis ean be done by voting the Coalition ticket. Personal. Misa Hattie Dail left vesterdav for a.li. r u u in 0wi,.,v.I.w.,,cl,1 wua .u COMOCt a SChOOl, her services being solioited and obtained by the citizens of that nnrnmnnit. UUa n.II u tknrnnirh. ly qualified and of most amiable dispo sition. Her many friends in tbii city, while they regret to part with her, con gratulate tha people of Stella and vicini ty opoo their choice of a teacher. Mies Mamie Stimson has returned from a visit to Misa Maud Vyne at Bavelock. - Dr. and Mrs. Vase bave returned from their foreign tour. They visited many points of interest in the different European countries. Tha Highest Award. The JorjBWAL Is carrying an advertise ment for tha Bsrsaer & Engel Brewing . .m.. '. V l r, uompanj oi rnuaaeipn.a, wnioB Lora- pany Is represented In Norfolk by F W. Adams, aad la New Berne by Jas. Red mond, ' Te Company bad their manu factored articlee on exhibition at the great Belgian Exposition and have just received cable-ad vieee from the U.S. OowjBBissioner at Brassela announcing that tbe highest award and diploma, of Bonor,fdr;th.eoelleno ot ttei beer, ale and, porier e4 been awarded them. This ii ft hlghoompUment to an Ameri can mannfactarsr. MBS. WOSLOWB BOOTHKO 8TBOT tMAhinm. l It thm a,KlU. tflTtMi Hat frntwAM a. !! ara sail wain mavava avivtyl vwisvt wwvi seay eatw a uisivui aw tewaoaw it -Bra M-ataarw.iM aaaM a rwt a. , 7 , - -. . . a ,r.j : . : .. . -i THX praises Of Otneri fflJ be deb In teaching oa not what ire arp, bnfi wkat we ought to be.1 ' : THE Tf LLOvi FETEB JCSOMViLL&. Oot, 11 Last night s gale waa vary destructive in the sub Bros. Many small buildings were badly injured. The.gaie reached a velocity of forty miles an hoar just after mid Bight. Tha weather today is clear and bracing, and tbe situation i decidedly improved . Official bulletin of the Board of Health new case 47 . deaths 3 T jtal caaee 8,42? total deaths S04 of its new Otfveafcly twelve are white No contributions were rtporteJ by the Finance Committee toJay Bishop Weed as vovoy of tbe Aunl tary Association, wtll tomorrow viait Fernandina to make ao orti'ial exami nation ot the oonduioo there, inasmuch as the people of that en; ate dm-idedi? uncommunicative A eptoatl tiata will be provided. The qaeenon of return of curses to their homi s w fast h5omiu a moot em barrassing one. Neither Louisiana. Mississippi, Alabama nor Texas will re ceive yellow fever attendauu until after froet Meanwhile their pay goea on under tbe terms of tbe i-onrran. und with tbe lesseoiotf numher i f tick then services ar no longer required. DEi'aTtK. ALa . O. t U T o cases of yellow, hotb CuioreJ. were reported veeterday afternoon anil one leaih No new oases today. A Popular Noulhim Line The Old Doniinion line his he. me very popular w ith the tra elinii puhno. SO much so, - indeevi , th.u e vry eleamer Mouth is taxed to the fullest t iltm to accommodate paseners I his has rei n the Case throughout (he nuinnisr and fall. Naturally :i won 11 be supposed that tu account of the, yullow fevrr scare South the 1 ries pl)init between the Southern ports oul 1 mtfet a fall ing off in travel Th Id Ilomlinon route to the South and Southwest con neoting at Newport News with the Chesapeake aud Ohio Kulnmd. at Nor folk and rorisuiouih mid K.chuiomi with tbe ureal t:ilAiv lines for the West and South an.i at Norfolk i ih its ioland steam route through Nor h Carolina, make it a most desirahle nnd comforiable rouw for the touiist The route to New Heme, N C , via the canal, by steamer, is one that is taken mostly by those iu march of rest and rcrealioD The bays ami sounds of North Carolina abound in name, and fish, and a lare number of porting clubs from (he North have ibir nub bouses on the iland and shorts of these waters In the neighborhood of New Berne abundant pine (uresis are found, also the Urged and finest truck ing farms in the country In January the truckers are engaged in i .lantinn peas and early vegetables for the early New ork market t Vople from the North' who visit New Heme in winter. I generally become ho lear-l iith tbe route and climate (h rptfular visitors to that do y iriiht s t)eOoni. NY Graphic The Eastern Carolina Dispatch Owiog to iiicrpaflt-d Iumij'H mj.1 to supply fully thw net-(In of his s ctlou for prompt and quick irunxportMUnn. tbe vessels of thin linn will, until further notion, make four trip pr week, leav In. Man Rarhn Millitj. I'll ll.X a Thurid,T -nd 8(inil. av .fnoon. ar rlvin Mondays. Tuesday. Wednesday land Fridays This is the nearest approach to a daily service that New Iterno has ever had and we have no doubt the public ill appreciate it. GEO nKNDEflSON. Ak'b'. Lemon Flixir. I A PLEASANT LKMos DRINK. I Cures iDdWeelion. headache malaiia kidney disease, rever. chills, loss or ap petite! debility and nervous prostration by regulating tbe Liver. Stomaeb, Bow els. Kidneys and uiood Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lmoos, cembined with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers I w . A- U'uc, rru niatiun, nm wriles: . ! ba?e suffered greatly from ndlffslinn or dvsDensia. One bottle of Lemon Elixir done me more good than all the medioine I ever taken Ad Old Citizen of Atlanta, Ua. By the recommendation of Rnv- V C Davis, I used Dr. Mozlev 's Lemon Elixir for a severe chronic case of indigeetion. palpitation and irregular action of tbe heart with constipation and biliousness. I also suffered greatly with gravel anl4 great pains in the back and kidneys. much of the time unable to stand alone. I was treated by many pbyicians and used many remedies, but tcot no relief. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir alone has made a perfect cure of all these dis- I am bow a welt man. My wife has for many years suffered great 1 with eonatioation and sick headaches from which she could get no relief.' The - 1 Lemon Elijtlr has permanently cured me. a. c. Arnold, I 0 Jiia siree. Atlanta, ui . drnaatats. 50 cents and 81 per bottle. Prepared by II Mozley, - 1 M D , Atlanta. Ga. Sold in New Berne by R,N Duffy, druggist. T- JJ TUnilEfl & C0. - 1 ClCwiriS- vJUI fll GOSl I ! On Kl4dl street, between South front and roiiocE, r ew ueroe, . o. .V SSSSSl ,n7."r"r -ni.l I Desks. Bab Jrruge, w mow cfaalra, i- ' - I mwrvwa ew luvauvu. L u. na B IB a uava Br tuii iixio ui juuiun, rx Itarvs, fictare Fama, O locks, and Wlnduw .isaieavt-. i-rf , . - v. ... t. Oil mr object far Closing Out st Coitlavreare n ftgSW& I ostt iwtr r. j. tuhnsr a co orncgor GEORGE ASH, THE CLOTHIER. Saw Bxrnb, S C., Oot 11, 1838. Diak 8ia Your kind favoa-so hand and oootaats noted. Many thaaka for your kind suggestions on business matters. I am myself a greet believer in advertisina and have often bees convinced of its value. But has it ever occurred to yon bow difficult it ia to get up a good ad vertisement, one that should meet all its requirements; what a task it is to tell in limited space sod novel manner of all the bargains that a merchant has labored so hard to provide for his cus tomers Take my case for instance here I have spent nearly a month in the Northern markets, spending both time and money in getting together an ag Kregation of Bargains that would as Ionian the natives, were they but to know it. How 1 am burning to tell them of my 810 00 Suite, that are so handsome and of such excellent qua! uy that tbe suit reoently exhibited in the Mouse of Representatives as tbe grratst bargain of the Century is nothing compared to it. How I would like to speak of my hue imported French Worsteds and Eugluh Corkscrews tbat are, not with stand in (i tbe high tariff, so cheap and sucb elegant garments tbat no Amen can citizen could withstand the tempts tiou to purchase oj, were be but to see them. 1 would only need to tell tbe public of my tine Prince Albert Suits and stylish Overcoats, and tbe prices at which I sell tbem. to bave them fo oli faster than 1 coold replace tbem. How clad mothers would be to learn that I am now selling single knee pants separate fri rn the children's suits Aud what do you think of an eUganl tteut's (.Hove, worth $1 .50, tbat 1 seh fjr 50 j. Aud how could I into limited space crowd a description of my line of Hats i Inn comprise the l oumans. buolap aud Miller blocks. aud are bought from first hands and sold at unheard of low prices, and how describe the novelties and beauties 1 am exhibiting in Neck wear, and the Bargains 1 am giving away in I nderwear. If you can help me out In my dilemma you will oblige. In regard to your inquiry I would state that lhe (tallies qj 0(1 Shoes of which I am sole agent, sell so well be cause tbe hundreds who have bought them are daily testifying to their merits. Mil Job; Haxthk ot Pamlico is still with me and desires to be remembered all his friends Lie expects a t i trade from his county thw fall. Work for the Long Island U;eing Entabhsnmeut. of which I am still the agent, is coming In daily and giving geat satisfaction. We charge nothing for carrying the goods to and from New York Trade, in consequence of the big in dmements I am offering this fall, is increasing daily and prospects are now really bright. With best wiihes, 1 remain, Yours truly, GEORGE ASH. berne'theatre. NEW ONE NIGHT ONLY. FOB TUE BENEFIT OF THE Oxford Orphan Asylum, Monday Night, Oct. 15. ARTHUR L. BUTTS' NEW PAINTINGS, Just fiuishrd . b ECU RE YOUR SEATS. Admission: Children under 14. l"c. Adults, 25c. Reserved seats, 85 i. Seats on sale at usual place. Atlantic & North Caiolim Railroad, Passenger Department, Newbern, N Li., Oot. 12. 1883. Ho ! For the Kalelgh Fair. The following low rates of fare will be in tffect Oct. 16 to 19 inclusive, good to return to Oct. 20 inclusive from sta tions named below to Raleigh and re turn, including admission into tbe Fair. Morehead City , $3 40 Core Creek , $3 40 Wild wood 880 Dover 2 35 Newport Havelock 8.20 S.10 9.90 a.9o 9.70 9 50 Caswell 2 30 Kinston 2 30 Fall'g Creek 2 06 LaQrange 1.90 Croatan Riverdale Newbern Best's 1.75 TuecaroTa Schedule will be published in the next issue of this paper. . L DILL, O P. A. Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, Office Uenl Passenger Agent, newbern, n. v., Uct. 13, The following special trains will be run during tha aeries of meetings in Qoldsboro, con d noted by Rev. R. O Pearson. Leaving Newbern Tuesday, Oct. loth, and Friday, Oct. 19th. Fare for round trip Schedule, w hen tickets are purch d Leave Newbern 8 00 p.m. $1.00 " Clark's 8.18 " .95 " Tuscarora 8.88 " .90 " Core Creek 8.40 " .85 " Doter 8.58 " .80 Caswell 4 08 ' .75 KiBston 4 80 " .70 " Falling Creek, 4 84 ' .65 " LaQrange, 4.48 " .60 Best's 6.19 " .50 Arrive Goldsboro 5 40 " Returning train will leave floldsboro at 10.00 p.m. i harp. - S, L, DILL, O. P. A. AGENCY FOR 1 .p. i"V' ' ' J J Now is tbe Ira, to bat fods thea0 from now tut attar Jueeuon.- Then err- kind or4 goods niy be about me same pee, tbrMiar ao loar khat umre wilt M taypnl retiue ueu in supply and denwad,- People taust , hav v hat ta y want. oa keew, stxia'KoodVt deal catt be ut wi ia a uuie meaeyr Tbe nK-e.i1es of I tic tnay must here, and tbey ,m LmT n. Man, paoi4e want TO BAcXXV i IuaRs. Plr-tS, s-NL Kr, mat all k no uauaiiv keut La a Cigar terat Now 1 Dave ail aud, or sura suuda 1 waal te sell. I Ua b iiio beat and Kiucst SttefelB ay Line to tv fuuad ao vuere - - ta. i raLnsiK Middle st. near South Ifrunt, Uoaatlfui Si Eern N ( Wanted, I l TH.VCI school, and can it ticulars rue to J lid!,' u ' for a asuiUWucivate i music. For par- D. LaROQItE. Uavelock, N. C TO THK Voters of Graven Go. AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Take notice tbat at TLKSwV.S MK F T PAT CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE Two doors north of die street, you i.l Well helc ied Line i Hotel Albert, Mid tiud a Large and f Clothing: I can Sel I you A good warm pun for )Jo 50. A better w arm Mm for ; I i o. A wool suit for if") (Ml lhe best euit )uu ever caw forotllv ft! 00 A nobby suit ..i:iierc, for (inly n to be appi i'- 77.. .v , .Mfr A ht i ) mer o:it , only S3 00 A bell, i l.i ,t 1.,1'1,-iial on I v Jtl Oil A in. e I " a v I u r 1 1 imtiK ,1 , JS 5 J. A iii.-e Mini f;i,-,., cirkM-rew, $10 OX A 1 int. il l tu in ,,W prices. You will b.ive to s,' tlierte (roods to be con vinced, an. I 1 i et. ptr t 1 1 y invite one and all to a rloee examiuation aa to prices and .(.nlity. Mr. S. H. UaU. will tiue great pleasure in ithowiag th s line of i-lotbinu to hut friends. My Shoe Department l full and complete. liil Hell a nood it li , r inner and outer Hole luvu Kriin button shoe, la.i irs, lor r I ( 0. A ill e kl 1 I m Si ':. ladies, for A m. e p. b:,le Kraiu for tl i5. 1 keep in. Hi,' uiie .. that very popular Common ,., Lidi.-a Shoo that haa iveti Hurli uuiveral satif action. In in. ii kou.In I ,-,,n give, you a good , Htron, durable Shoe for i 00. A better iSlioo lor jf 1 'JV My Dortour tup buttou Slioe, for wear an.l an le cin't be betit, only $1 50. Drop in and look at my porpoise leather Hal. and tun;, huoes. Every pair warrant. ,1 Iu Cloths anil Jeans, ou n u.it see them an l hu lr th c pricer'. CvRPLTS, Will r.-II j ou u Kood carpet, Sfl inches wida for only 20o per yd. Look at tie ciirp-t, alo the 3uV, and 35o., beautiful all ool filling only He. thut , and my nruHwei carpet lor UUj. A Koud lino of Coiniortables, Ljuilti and Uiankets that caunot fail to please. BuiKy Koben and Horae niankets aa cheap tin ou could wish them. . Beautiful Rubber Garments for gen tlemen's wear. Unlaundried Dress Shirts I defy com petition. Look at my 50o. Mhirt. Trunks, Valisos and Hand Satchel?, ueov Bonurirneni ana cheapest in the city. uoy s L,iotmn6( in Variety. Be it remembered, any article bousht t my store if n,,t ntifactorv will hn taken back aud money refunded itV- ut question Mr. 8 R. Bali, will endtavor to make your visit pleanant and agreeable. inanainK the public for past patrot- f?e, I respectfully ask a continuance. itjt.pectlully your obt. svt., F. T, PATTERSON, Boots and Sh6es. In Great V arietV. Thn hvat wannaA rogan in tbe city. Large Stock of Rubber Goods. All sold by Electric Liahts at nioht and by honest dealing in day time. At J. F. TAYLOR 8, oc9dwtf New Berne. TobaccoT Tobacco ! THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF TOBACCO Ever brought to New Berne. from Gravely to Lowest Grades. At J. F. TAYLOR'S, t ocSJwtf New Berne , For Rent, A Dwelling Bouse oh" tha nreth ;?a of Pollock street, between Hancock and ueicair, containing fourteen rooms, two kitchens, smoke-house and stable. ror tanner particulars apply to o4d2w F, C. ROBERTS. Winter Clothing, ASA JOSEi, Aireat for O. KLEIS ft HRW63 Philadelphia, will furhlah nulta ada,w order and guaranteed to fit at Reasons.: " Prtsea, for Hen and Boys. Samples eC f sesa at the Ptore of Qa Allen Go'M.b'Jg I Cnlforms a specialty. Orders sUMlUaV ' i 0ct.M83. atf . '.,.7,:'v'. J - "