- - - - : """ r- ''" - 1 : : VOL. VIL-NO. 172. -NEW BEBEP. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. at BU3I5TSS LOCALS. " 31b. Can Peaches, 10c. S lb. Can Jersey Tossatoas, 10. 0. E.8L0TXK. COTTON TIES end Cottoa OIm m . Oto. Aixn C& LAB0E (rtU tuppij f Lyaa Haven Oysters oa kind toaighl at Mrs. S. A. WeenalaV E NOISE and Oia Repairs, Bolting, Packing, te. at Geo Allxh. Co "IMPORTED FBENCH BRA9DY AXD JL HOUANu uin.iDU received uo James kxdmqkd. WAX5KB MlLLXB'9 flag & at hlf jnast, , In waclading r hi epeeca at Itaaeaiast' Tanradaj be aid; "I do not coma to beg jour votea. I ihafl sot be disappointed If defeated, only aoryj for the ihame mtingaa 0,000,000 people wha are controlled hjf the fami element." THB New Yark Star or last Fri 1 --; Botnf ef tt niaf of Crayea eua tyil liaat a taa Haas tiokt Urine their la th fsjoa, are bosily a tge4 abraistiaj aaMacTlaBoeraU tatpgii tta the Bttejwblkaea ropli t Jy Vote tba fepakjaa portion of U ai2l4 Uckat and not toU for naaaaae Kau, . Th report, la etratt day save "Careflil and cwiaerTa- I14 kte Pani CoBotrUa f reu eairy- .for sal ly ftORN SBELLERS. Grata Fane. Facd " J Ctttlora at uro allxji uo - v;pURS WINES AND LIQUORS for electors of v A. Medicinal eaorxnerasrs lor ai compntation T" it" 4 CTOATED BY THE PUREST 2V MOTIVES." Whether my ad rtniaeaieauare poeted in a otnspkuout fJfciac wr sot, (by my friend,) I am ' etill determined to .til good gro reriee vary cheap. I have on band 500 bbia of WrU. 8mith ft Co 'a unrivaltd float, bovgbl bafora lb adtnc,hicb - I Mend to aail rery cloa. Country I aMrcbaata wbo aro in earch of b caina would do well to call and me. I will taraj aaa tbem roonr . To tb eitr trada,-btti wholtla and ratail, I jrticnlarly aacer, and guaraaiaa to V'sW perfect aatiafaetioa. Tk Fiuttt Batter and Whitett Flour ar my lead Ina twaoialtlea. .. T foiOROCXR, E. B. HACKBURN. . TJLEA8E REMEMBER that I need IT mon.y aa wall a tb raat of man- ! kind, end if J oo ow me plaaa pay na. iJ?7 - J. C. )r BITTY. tire Democratic catiaatea of . the rote of the State of 'Sew York; at the coming aleoUoB ehow a ptarali tj for the ClereUnd 'and Ttarmaa aboat 40,OuO. Thi has been medaainjM the Srt da j 'a registration in t&a eitj anJ the second daj'e in Brook-Ijn." LOCAL NEWS. ADVtRJ73SMKXTS. T. Dinv-Quaraatinn notica. Y. M. 'j. A. ProoounoioK match. Misa tUitaurrra LANa-Mlllinary. New BtUNi Theatre J.nauachek. C. E Sloveb Cmand peacbea, etc. Quarantioe ttaltkna have been rc- moTed. Do not forget the entertainment at tb Y. M. C. A. tomorrow nicht Work of layior the brick foundation GO DOWN to the Caeh Store and get to tne itor6 of Dr Buihe baa been aoma of thoee three pound toana of I . . . tet pltneii.nt tha ag mcnt. Tty. know full well that ilMrk-e'i rjmocrau annport the tiokota they did two year agathaj at Terwnlmlnglr dtleAtad. That aant fellowi rr, trying tojuak the Bepnblicaaa belier ibit the Dentoci.u will only rot for Nann and Roeaoil ao4 aot rot the jwhola Ociet. Tber alrayt rart to datparata aaeaturea a few daj before th eleotloa, and ly ian U about U ohp aa anything they can do, Domocrata aad Republican abode ire to aee Craren oounty prosper will rote the Coalition ticket, and all the trategy and faUehooda oiroulatad will not prevent the election of that ticket. Tomatoea and Ptacbe for 10 oenta per can. No living mortal can aell tba tame gooda for 10 centa except tb (Jaih man JUST RECEIVED Another lot of OARRETTW COON AO BRANDY for aala by Jambs Redmond. THItA BUTTER, the beet in the L" market, on ic at Dunn 'a, only 30 oenta per lb. TT8E PURE ICE. manufactured by U th Jarmaa Ice Kactorr uew ark or the The Coalition candidate poke at Bill' Neck yeeterday and will tpeak at Fulobera' today. Tha mail going weat will cloae at four o'clock in the morning- on Tueedar Wednvtday and Thursday. i'ror. H. T. Murtha, stenography, U in the city in the intere.t of teachlns tbort hsnd. He cuaranteee abilitv to write In two weeks time. Prajer meeting at tha residence of Mr. P n sun Stanley, on Broad street. this evening at 8 o'clock, under the aua- piots of ihe Y. M. C. A. A party of sportsmen were outyetter u.y ana &iriea tnree deer within he miles ofthocity- They brought baik one and fome other small game. The pronouncing match at the Y. M C. A tomorrow night is for a good cause ao go and contribute your share. Be 'i-i " j .1. ' . ' " t,, . ' . . side aiding the Association, the oddity If is said that when Blaine heaid ... ' . ' Newark, and covenant. ,lTnR epidemic is dyfogout" i the glad mcssnge that eomtg from Jacksonville. - , ! 'UUll-ULU Seftjblioan piinciple lllastra ted at Chicago : "Ileduce he poor inan'd'Ioa that rich men may loal )ft basiness." Jananachea at the Tbeatte. Tb wtebrateo acteaa, Janauschek, will appaar at ir e tbemtr next ritar day night. The Chicago Telegraaa Dtaka tk folio to g oemmeni : .Lafl Taiac a Urge number of ad mirara of preiound and aubu art act ug aaeembled at UaClBaai t wit aeea lb world-renowned. Ukgedianne Jaasjhek in a grand production of th amwaicat and romantic play, a dra maMaauon of bir W alter 8coct'a novel of Out Mriog. nuild "ktg Msr ifliea. Tb character of Meg aterriltee i on callio for an rtit thoroughly aobooi) and educated in the tnuat diffl- rultaael arduous lines of professional abof aai gifted ith ine genius prcu lur I y adapted to lb luierpretation of Oo tuple character, being tba. qualified in the higher raoka vt iraeuaiic art Mm. J.nauihf k U eminent! li.teo to Wear the m.atie of the Is'e Charlotte Guaboiaa 8ne ban a voice thit thrills and slocuitUa. aua by us pleadiag tone of aou si .he wiu fruiu tbe strongest heart nn. i.uii . d J )Q pthi She hoJds her .udieuoe epell bouoj by a more than w,.nderiul uwuentim aod power of eloquence After a ion. oareer she is t.l the true represeota tive of the heruic u drauj. villi u. great artiste bif uieihoj re ium1'I 8he is .n actress who iiibun-. id her 0n projier persun n u.tluu vaiiety of dramatto qualities. She hi a r m d emotional force Kreat--r ill m tti-ini, a nervous and fiery intention equal o aachel, and a rkill f r eUri. r.ti n ai d fioih only equal ed I; IWn.tiir lt Ihe lory is well km .id t. al i- ilen E'igiih ti mi ti BENEFTT OF 8T JOHN'S LODGE. NEW BERNE THEATRE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday, JDctober 20. Positively Farewell Tear a ad only appear aoee hare gl tn Ureal at UvUtg actrcaa. JAIIAUSCIIEK tb. maawgeeiaot f kfr. I r. In tir w.tf las Uwparao MEG MEniLIES ! Cuder tb.uaaaa.t er kfr. Fiank V Hwi.j, in ur ei.tc las Uaparaowauou ol that QUI waa to reply to him, recol lections of Ben Hill overcame him, and ho had to retire for refresh meats. lfl aiittJe monotonons forns to annoaace every day that the Democratio prospect is brighter, - btty f most Vindicate the truth of the Jochhal offlcawith a package of hlitorr and Stand qb to the racket. Connecticut batternuta that he haa monotoiiy of no monotony. "Ued- Th ar of quality and menu The special train for the Pearton meeting vw ill leave the A. ft N.C. depot today promptly at 8 00 p.m. Returning will leave Ooldsboro after the aervioe at 10 00 p.m. Fare for the rounl trip only $1 00. Mr. Johnathan Havens haa presented I . i . .a a . ; w 1 " " " . omewnat similar to our wainut in DOtn Hi-RSMSON is disgusted With his me and flavor. OWQ town, tlie City of Indianapolis. I An affray occurred at, Vanceboro cn At if hft -gteat KepabllCan mass Saturday night last in which a man mftfttltftf all th'i no'nora wera naid to Brown received a blow which it T.i,i-jri.H3.iiI-.ii- U thought will prove faul. Deoatr I sheriff R. C. Cleve brought' down and llodged in jiil yesterday the man who track th blow. , A good audience greeUd Mr. Arthur Batta last night to witneaa, hi new ... ' J'-'v4ii 1 "-'ii.li! :l"ktl psintiogi in a panorama consist- naiifp .iwimo yMuiu B" I j of arti The People Heeding. Reporte from th oanvaaa of the Coa lition candidate are encouraging, first, beeaua many of thoa who faror lb movement ar finding Una to go out and batter inform theaaaalree of lb great aeed and value to b derived from Coalition. Second, because other whhavBot been in accord with it. are willing to go out and judge for tbemselvs instead of relying on hear ing one side of the subject ooly. That U all the Coalitionistaclaiaa a fairtbd impartial hearing from th anptiju- diced and those who went representa tion in the legislature who will have to be recognized . Tht question was Riven birth two years ago. It was ably propounded from the stump. It was new to the people and they took hold of It with no little hesitancy, but facts are stubborn things and they felt compelled to give it an exantiaation. From tha statement of the caae it was shown that this was the way and the only way out of an evil that had too long existed. It was not aa pleasant a step aa all de sired, hut it aa beat ander th dream- stances, and whatever is best is right. Coalition baa taken root and it is exerting itself into a power that ia going to be felt because It is a necessity for the welfare of. not one, or certain indi vjduala, but of the community. Tbe iry political dictator and leader haa bia day. The people ar thinking for themeelyta and are no longer will ing to be told what they must do. Measure and principle that will re dound tot their beneit to what they olamor for and i what they are toieg to have. MA It M.tN(OMrNrl. BlalnrdT!I-iiarrls6rreoame dig. grnatUJa Ana left witMflt eeremoTjy. K .v.wW'MIMlaill, 1 1 . ' '1 BB Jt Grape TitieITpgaa aajl that UttCK xutenin naa : uurw Dotke7 treed oyet ;iri tbejiooa-i artiatio (cenea vividl Bawtravlaa neighborhood., ate trying to imoke in, of ntempmnoeP 8om of th ... .'L tjrf ili' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' J ' " . ... .. ipni,, ! Wfl'ia mo viq women are preaentauona wr of great beiaty, heating the Water. rich and brilliant Hare you regietrd ? ' you rtgttcra .Jitetbenistorrof presidential! "'Z eleetibna that the inore,city ilcketa Lnd ,fterw,r(i Chngd your place of laere may in tuc neiu tuu greawc i residence r if so, you mutt reaiM Wifl Ke' thi Vote that is called out,! again. No man can rot unto hail evety ballot carrying the national regiatered for the towatMp in which h candidateayS aaithe local J' Look into4 the maUr atone, v.ftrnlr.a,n tt will -Waft trf 1W. I "t" t."" ' Hon.. A.. U. Waddell add relied uu 1'u - . " -'- J large audience at- tha. :eor hooati fast 5 . .siiirlr ju muw.' s,,,, 0 tfftiri m North Carbllniahder what the. result will t& uraniisip.DT.biioanB. and then nd tntt.. am. the nominee 6 tnmaIy Hewitt jcuatioa of national poiidca.gave spcciall '(-. it: -winnaii awaiam . aaarMaw aa ja rAnAViMi kaaaa denc9 go.to abow that tbe-ctty will br . New 79)1 caad vote' overwhelmi1&ty in favor oflfowi fciub withband, aod torch. iwuii f Many ladies wer present, and Waddell Uieveiana muu Durm.u. f 1 was7 at hla boat. :TCravaa enaatw . .iU ' - tsxsasKamrmtatimeass". i,..l ttTt good account of herself at the) Dr. M ACKER ZIX, ' , rrWfrlCK'sl poiiaon tne 0th of ornibsrn j eU - - - Jn. 000K, ia wnicn pa gives aa accoun. The ataatso , of,,the 0, D. Uae aaifel of Emperor Frederick's disease and yesterday, carrying a good, cargsi Mil death, urate Biiegationsaremaaeioottonvotner ireigni ana paneagt!, st' the". German physiciaM, T Newberna JUanUfthtnen cr6 rharfotl with hivlnV'TiTtol '-''' are cnargea witrj navinp;e. jrif4 8unday wittva. ariroof gswrar Itneiacai issne.: xne dooki cBerciinaina aue4yw5y a:;er- .-.''.' 1 . m . . . f hnwA aV l-ifra ematrf Itja I DOOB W1D 1 CwfEv QI COlrOO, a lUmDers -vU. 4-w uw w laiLcvj oaiv .u - ftn,. rQT- tkt. .11 ...a-' - '-, 1 - I AM iw,H3t VI tjUlal UUTJ will rriW J i ana uermany. ' s -r J today and sail this art-raowi at pYlock A Telephone Line for New Berne. At the laat meeting of the Board of Trad a resolution waa offered by Mr. Geo. B. Roberta, requesting tbe com mittee oa City Improvement to inquire into th friotioability of etabliehlag a telephon Ifn in this city. Mr. Ja 4mond Is chairman of th committ and is oTssirous of secur- bg the) names of all persona who are Uliag to tak stock. Oar basiaess as all rammbrh great advanug of the Un bar la ltta-TO. which ould hay been continued but for tb xhorbitant, prion cbargid. Mr. Red mond wants to secur name with taa view of ascertaining the cost of re-establishing a lin. It ia a matter worthy of th consideration of all business men and we hppe tpey .will give Mr.. Bed- mocd, thelt turn at oaoev- Charlotte Detnociai. The Democracy ill need all the enerio and acuv it v . t the party leaders and workers in this campaign. Tbe Republican, will make the last Java Of the campaign in N-tih arolina the most actit of their can vass. Every man need to do hi. duty . Th peace, proxrers and proeeriiy uf tb Slate are at alako .11 tms election Newton Eeterpua. We are anil counting on a Democratic majority in the COObty of 2 000 ami le pr,p-ci of getting it are tnglit nin every dny The Enterpnne force are ihe bunn hunters of the lo u W het sowing is going on at a lively rate. The for sowing has net in ml) . mid Ihihh'm will he less puahcrl Ihm u-u;il wuh heir farm work. Ureen.boro lsily 1 'tr 1. .i Tlie pu g pec In of Wake Fnieet ('..Hi- are l.om log up as never before. In ii'Mi.i 'ii to he large aliendance of nimtenis niucii more intere.t thao uruui is teint mni tested for the pecuniary t-11. lii of iln- institution. Several day. mn Mik M T. Yates, widow of the r,-',t l'.ip"sl Missionary to 1 hina. sent k "' SuO to the atudei ix ' aiil f 11 ml .n I 11 ie earned that Urn Julian S 1 arr. 01 Durham, will in a f d -. nuke un addition of ?1 000 to the Aunc t urpre News and Observer: Soecml from Enfleld, Oct 13. By far the Urm Democratio meeting for maiy year past was held hero tod y The crow. 1 waa not lens than three thnunand, an.l many estimated it at f ur thousand Hon. 1 hornas W Mason ,n I Hon F at Sim menu held thia Ui- audience for nearly four h. 11 rn ni,ni break in the attention Ne.ily oi.r-half of the multitude was ri'it' 'I or colored en, whose entiiU'-Usm for Si iominh Was aa marked and iieciiie!! iht of the whites. No belter rk has ever been done from the hutu.ir Wsdesboro MeaseBifer gnd Inielligpn oer: The Carolina Central aod Oortti . Carolina and Northern railroads are to erect a large and haudnome union depot at Mooroe. 80 far as we have neen Anson county lend-, the H uih in the varied substitutes sh is usin for jutn bagging. A bale of cotton was sold in this market last week wrapped in o d Md quilte. To wive some idea of the reputation Wadesboro ha as a cotton market we merely mention the fact that yesterday a wagon drawn by six mules and loaded with eisht bales of cotton waa bere ail tbe way from White Plains, S C , over 80 miles from Wadesboro. Sapporia by her awn StstinfUUhed 00m laur of lafUlmatr actor- ! tae araatatiut lion f sir V aler Scott's famous novel. Ouy Sal sari, no x"lxas, Prodoc-d ip an its rKiaai cootpi.ves.M incluJing Btanc (ran morns, new and v.e (ant euai uutra, etc Fai s: u.uaral adtulailou " V-, rervl .eal.tL.UI; (alWry bet. 8ale uf teata oommence. at Fe''. J,f:.. Slwie. lUurauay moritlu at nia. u Cluck FALL AND WINTER MillineryOpening. Miss Harriettc Lane llaa luat returned from lb. Nortfjei n ( M e. with an EI. Ell A NT 8TOCK of Fine Milliiiery Goods, vuicb ah. will d splaj on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. Ir-1--. t.i u t 111. times. l hel.4le.of New Bern, and aurrouaJiuf ouiilry ar. i-ordlallv Invlled to call and ' fr )Qeiu.elv.s. that tit. best (lood. are to be ouiid al M1M.-S H HHlai rK UM x. i.ntlw.m Pollock it fi I omci of ' 1 GEOEGE ASH, THE CLOTHIER. J Nkw Baas. N. C.,-Oct 14. 1S3S. Daaa Pib Your kind favor to hand and contents noted. Many thanks for your kind suggestions on business matters. I am myself a great benever in adverUain and have often been convinced of it valae. But baa it ever o.-eurred toyo bow difficult it 1 to get up a good ad vertisement, ooe that should meet all lis requirement., ba.t a task it is to tell in limited spaoe and novel manoei of all the bargains that a merchant haa labored so hard to provide Ut ku cus tomers Take my case for ifiatanoe: hr 1 bar. spent nearly a tno&th in the !fontero markets. peadtng both time and money 10 -ttiug together an ag gregation of mi that would as tonish Uie naiiv.e a ere they but tu know 11 1Ui 1 am burning to tel' I them of uj s'. 't'O Huns, that are so handsome and uf euch excellent qual ity that tbe sun rectutly exhibited in tba House of Representatives as tbe grratet bargain of the Century is nothing cumpired lo it. 1!.)W would like to pak of my fine uiiported Fri-cil. Worsteds and riuglian L'ork.creaa t..at are, notwiih Btaoair ibe huh tarilT, so cheap and such elegant itariiiena that no Ameri can citiren could wiit.Han 1 the templa uoo to purcl.ase o e, were he bot lo se them. 1 of ni v sly lmb ! Id I L 1 V 1H fioe li 111. 1 v r rcoai.H . sell ltli-:ll i t." tel. the puulic e A ll eit Suns and and the prices at lo tie them go o NEW AND NOVEL Pronouncing Match AT THt V. M. C. A. Hall, Wednesday, Oct. 17th, 1 or the Benedt ef the Young; Men's Christian Assoc'n Tickets on aale at th. lores of Measr. ileo Alien d Ho ard i Jnne. and Hell . Jew . 1 1 v -lore. Ailm aslon t cents. !oor open m ' , o clock. 21 Opening Day. Mrs. Cuthburt & Rhodes Will have their MILLINER OPENING UN Thursday, October 18th When they will be pleased to have the Indies call aod examine their Large and Varied Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, id you think of an rU(tti.t i it'. ? : ' 0. that J which faster than 1 col,! t replace them How glad nioih. ri would (etoKaru that I aoi now selling single kneepaoid .eparate fn In tbe ttii.Jieii uuits. And li a l d o dent's K i.l (. sell for .")0c And h,. could I into limited "pace crowd a notion t, n,y 0 0( IJau, that comprise ihe V.mmuiis. i'unlap and Miller b.ot'k-.. hi.,1 ai e bought from (ir.t tiandu and ro,. i unberd of low prices i.n 1 h .u :,. -ris,. ihe noveltnn and btaulus I am ei I. ihr.inu in Neck wear, hi,, I i he IUr.iic,s 1 am glvinu a y in I 1 1 i i ii can help me out in !in ,1 ,;, - ii : : i y..U ill oblige. In reui I lo v ,,r ir.iitnry I vfould stale ini 11. e ltaiiies fjlil Shoes of hich 1 ,iin le Hi ni. sell ,i well he cause the hundred ho havo bought them are iimly u.ufyink- r their me run. Mn J r 1! v i w uh me arnl ,, lO UU ,M tllr lr:ide from l,i Work f r 1 1 K-labl iKtnnei, I agent, is i ..hi i g, eat nut - I.,, ii for earn in ill Vork Trade, in r, m, quence of diicementa I H;,, , if increasing itai I y mi I really bright. it ' 1 1 I'amlico id still ni in ti. remembered Ho expects a M i.i.ty i In. fall l."ng I-Und Dieing I.n h. 1 am still the in ,laily and giving W i i inirge nothioii '" N I. mi l from New ing Ihe bitj in llllrt fall, H i t-i nr i.iiw (araatlie Netlee. NrwBEU, N. C.Oct. 15, 1888. Motioe is hereby gtTsn that tb mu nicipal quarantin regulatton of tb Sity of NewberaV requiring railroad J rains, eteamrjoat .; gt to stop t th quarantine station fox inspection ire removed and anaatlad.' ' -I i FaUKOiS oum. fort Fhy iclan. S E. H. MgADOWB, Mayor. 2t , w.sis sarif 1 Prof. H.T.1 Martha, a reteran Sten ographer and , practical reportr will orgsalx a class la this city. Bis term are ' av dollars' far a full eourt. No Olassattendano rsqulredr Levies eaa cttrra leasone at omm rataasat4 isfaotk gaarahteWdi PapDs wilt, read and wrisrirrtwwseTtsicy giviogtwo hoar daily wnb ttady. Addrese this l-offlo or etll at Mas, M. Boon: DDardffignoas, Tha Babtea Cry Par It, And the old folk laugn wheo tbey riDd that tbe pleaaant California hqui1 fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is more easily taken and more beneficial in its action than bitter, nauseous medicine. It strengthens the Lit-r Kidnrys. Stom ach and Bowels, while it arouaes tl.em to a healthy action. B. N. Duflv. agent. New Berne, N. C. oct5 dw4w THE YiLLOff FtVER Jack 9on villi , ot i3 Th situ tk0 la hopeful. Tbe record for tbe day ia low, both id new cases an deaths.. Th onir alarming Nature r tha auddsn apperahoe ot uh-f-ver in South Jacksonville, across tne nv.r Thenar teu yellow fever patients at present tbera and- maay oam-a of mala rial fever. Tbe facilities for taking ear of., them are not ao good a in the Oity proper. Dr. Porter baa agreed to open and maintain .a hospital at the government, expense, providing the avOZlliary Aaeowaiioa win lurnisu building and equipment. Official bulletin: N w eases si. deatns S; total oasaa 8.&20. total deaths ill. Of th new cam only six were wbiteN 8armLBAla , Oot, IB A special i the Daily Eoterpr is from Deoator sayt: There was a slight f f et this morn lag. Ons deatb laat night Hd one new es fepwrnd taViay.. ' fidelity and Casualty INSURANCE COMPANY Of Nfc-W TURK. UiTers Bonds of Suretyship for Bank, Teiegrsph and Rail Road Officer, Ad ministrators, Guardians, Assignees, and others holding positions of Trust. Dill CTOH8. Wm M Richards, President. Gio S to , Prest American Exchange Bank of New York. Alex E Orb, Prest. New York Prod uce Exchange, U O Williams. Prest. Chemical Bank of New York J. D. VerbTILYB. Prest. Merchants' Nat. Bank of N Y. J. R. Maxwell, Prest. Central R. R. of New Jersey. Public squares ar a great bless log to th erysDTTwattriTrTT east sy lb tarn fsr Dr Ball's Baby ByTupT ft 1 tb bat rtmady for tha rar ef all disease babyhood has to aous ur.- Prio tSa. " If your bowels ar oottlv take a doaw ol Laxador: we know of ao better mad Reierenra. National Exchange Hoard ol E L Tead. Prest. Bank Boston. CnAS Plait, Trest Ins. Co. of North America, 'btla. Enoch PbaTT, Prest. Tanners and Plan tern Bank. Balto. J G. HaHVEY. Prest. Western National Bank. Balto James Sloan. Preet. Farmers' and iler chants' Bank, Balto. William H. Oliver, Newbern, N1 0. Agent. With bebt .hl.efl, I nvn.on. on rn truly. r.i iRi.K ASH Boots and Shoes. The best pCfgl d lo (Jrem Variety rogan in the mj. I.irgp St k ,,f Kub All sidd by and by 1 1 . n . , At oc9J tf i ti.'oda ieciric 1,'ghts at nig' dealu.g in day time. J v Taylors, New Berne Winter Clothing. ASA J, IN M. Aa?,,! f, Phlladeiptiirt, win fu, oraeranil i,ii anteil Prices, for Men an,l i M.KI A II 1H oi M.Ms maile lo nt at llason i . iy. .--,aiui,:ea c n . n at Ihe ''tore , f iloo. At en ,t a a pjciaity. orders solicited dtf Uniform Oct. ?, 1h.-,s AGciviCY KOR KK cheap from kli is ihe nm to hnc ... . bio ,n r.ir on . good, may H , sHmV pnce f," there "on lDm.rl',VU"rr be"r redo? uealcarehegot iu, B-ot,ie mo.v Ibev ui """""eth.y moat have, and "AtdM luAHs, HJl'tM. V.NUKF, and all kind, u.u.11, sept in a , ,gar - tore. Sow 1 ??, Vt" flVU ' 8U' h ff""8 nl to Veil have .h-Heat and Kn.est nt. ck In my Un. to oe round ftuy where ' ...... w- L. PAL.YIER Middle St.. nerfuiri Ktont, Heautifui .New 0ei ne, M. c. T. J. TURIItR & CO. Closing Out at Cost 1 On Uiddla ntraet, betwesa Boalh front and rouock, fw mrae,X. O. We espeetallr -all yottr attention to oar New Attoak. eonateUng' Par tor Malts, Ubambe oalta, aUU . Htaada. WanHaba-,, LMU, nee uarrta-awa, wiuow ciaaira, LoaoKee Tia ataiva. AtaUfssat innUSM a great variety of other Knrattura too na- msssiuaHsu.B, Ws also aare a tauamwof Mtrrdra, fie tarea, rteture Kramc, UluekA, sad vt indow ataaae. i-t'it 'i'l f !&' iiur ubjeet far Uoamg Out at jDoUt I we are nan to rmauiiu, va ' 1 .it u ca , Salvation Oil routaaad sniahs all bodily; naia. iftaUnUy www- aoets oaty twentv-flva eanu a bottle. ifAt wdUfa acbinasbcrjyirtrut Of plc but a bowtaof JDr.Uuir Oough 8ymta)tB -ebiaaeiosn i in place For oroupi brOMbiUa.' sore cbesu and aolds it ia a nmmnt aad kflBckeiouS rm dy.. .VOwt.i'iti i iiniw wlliyiti s BaTelst, N.'W' I going . . . Yours rssysetfailw ? '.; oci dwtf i j, r rjisia i Special Bargains IN All Graces of Tobacco LARGEST Sro,K IN THE CII,Y. LOW PRICES WHOLESALE GROCEE!y , EW BERNE, N..C, , LADYTEaCaE3fora.aiall,pivaU school, and can teach .niusio. Fpr par- ticotara WrlU trv-I & - i r " - . u r ntrt ilDHi-R60M!. m0'!???' . bet wa Baaoeck till aawau. couimng foarteen room, w kitokens, smoke-hous and stable. For farther particular eppfy tvr i? F' -C. BOBEET3.r iff if' I I W! i ,1J J tvil