. - - - - MIX- VOL, Vn.-NO.178. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE M OURNAJL r BUSINESS LOCALS. BUCKWHEAT. iVoNT TAIL to call m Mr. T. M, XJ ' JBowdea aeet the gearket fo Cfasas - arocarice and e vary thin BJly kept ia that Una. oottltr MKSL 8. A. WOMBLE will receive aaother eapply ot those axoallaat Lyi a Havea Oysters by the steamer Defiance to arrive this moraiag. PROF. TkL .BAKER, of Charlotte, tueer'and repairer of musical in strasneata, la la tha eity for a f dsjs. Aavoas having work ia tbat lina he will ba pleased to wait on thau. octtllf COTTON TIES and Cotton Gins at Uio. Allien ft Co. IMPORTED FEKNCH BR1SDY AND HOLLAND 01!. jost received snd for sale by J a Hits Redmond. CORN SHELLER3. Grain Fan Feed Cottars at Qco Aixe.m & Co U i CTUATED BY TDE PUREST 1Y MOTIVES " Whether tny J veniremen te ara powd in niicuous plaoa or aot, (by my friends.) 1 am still determined to aril good ro renee vary ahaap. I haw oo hand 500 bbla of Wylia. Smith Co. 'a unrivaled floor, booghl bafora the adf ance, which I inttnd to tall very cloaa. Country marohanta who ara la aaarch of ber gaioa woald do wall ta call and see ma, I will surely save tbam money. To the eity trade, both wholtaaia tod retail, I particularly aatar, and guarantee to Jtlra parfeot satisfaction. Tha Fineit Batter and Whitest Flour ara my lead lot speclalUee. THE GROCER, E B. HACKBCRN. ENGINE and Oin Rep in, Belting, Packing, etc. at Gao, Allen ft Co 1 ) LEASE REMEMBER that I need money aa well as the reat ot man kind, and if J oo owa me please pay me. 4. u. n turn. GO DOWN to tha Caah Store and get aoma Of tboae three pound cans of Tom a toe and Peaches for 10 cents per can. No living mortal can sell the same goods for 10 cents except the Cash man. TUST RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for sale by Jambs Redmond. 1)HIL'A BUTTER, the best in the market, on ice at Dunn's, only 30 cents per lb. 1)URE WINLS AND LIQUORS for Medicinal and other usee for sale by Jams Rkdmond. USE PURE ICE. mana factored by tbe Jarman loa f'actotv. ( jj 9tf IT U jaat tiro weeks from to tbe election. today REPORTS come in of bad conduct on tbe part of the opponents 'ot Coalition, and retalia ion is sug gested; bat onr friends will please remember tbat a lion never moves a baif when a monkey misbehaves. asaBBaaenn - The Coalition candidates have 'nearly finished the canvass ot Craven county. Everywhere the prospect is cheering. Not a single neighborhood has been visited in which they have not fonnd abun dant encouragement. THBtlitical j skies, are very bright, but it Vust.be.remeinbered thaiBt;taev orlci;aone, and to bonVlu the two weeks that remain before tbe ides of Novem ber, is bnl preparatory to tbe work on election .flaj ; Set to it that everj,ttan'lsj)preperly iMtreteI "and does his duty. 'VEtery great battle has its de cisive moment,, and ft single di vision, a single brigade, a single regiment, '.ft single soldier, may precipitate that moment and bring - disaster ; or success. Let every man see to ft that he stands in his ; place, and he. will be a Stonewall " in defense of light, bis conn try and his home."V,Tv; ' r X Do yoo -want tbe general govern. men! administered in the interests of all the people! Then ga to work for Cleveland and jThnrman; Do ' jon want the wise administration, ' that baa made the waste places ' of orth Carolina blossom,- as tbe rose, to continue Its beneficent in- nnencei ,: i nen wort wr tne ocaie ticket. Do yori want Craven county . to rise from th e dristi ; and "clothe 'herself with strength and beauty ! .: Then work for Coalitfoa;!' There is no'timo , for idleness.. Everything is inspiring, i -Victorj la within onr - grasp, and' we'rhave but. to reach forth to it and it is cursi A' jj AS the day cf the election draws ccarer and nearer- interest in the i -.r.ticg vote grows' roore and more. I has -so c.'lca baen ibe ! "Jcf.cld of Presidential contests :r rcoplo are more or ls demoralized, tnX bold . theauelTeaM , ... ..... abject to the highest bidder. The State Committee. f both parties estimate tbe loa ting vete at from one hundred to two hundred in each county making from 12,000 to 16,000 in the State. It is for the capture of this vote that the battle is now raging. It seems that while both parties are confident, their leaders are apprehensive over the floating vote. From the txsist sources of information, we be lieve tbe greater partoXtLis vote will go to Cleveland and Thnrman. But it only one fourth of it becomes Democratic, i he State is perfectly safe. There are loading Demo crats wuo are of opinion tbat the electoiul vote of the State will be giveii !o C'Uvtlaud, even if Harri son capwirra tbe entire floating vole. Our confidence that Iodiaua i.h li nun-ratio mucins unshaken. LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEXEXTS. C. E SLOVEB-Buckwheat. Mrs VVoublr Fresh oysters F. M Bowdkm Cheap Groceries W. H. Oliver Insure your boilers. J. McSobley Boot and shoe maker. The churches, Sunday schools snd other places of religious worship in the city were well attended Sunday. The large territory in which New Beme is centrally located ought to make it a marketing point whereby a large wholesale as well aa retail trade would be obtained The Hfiortd Fair at Uoldsboro com rnences todky. We have been requested to state that tbe fare foi the round trip including entrance to the grounds is one dollar and seventy cents. The Wepcrof the E. C. D. line on her last trip brought in Ave hundred and twenty thousand pounds of freight, four hundred thousand of which was deliveied to the A. & N. C. R R. A pleasant evening; can be spent at the Mitchell residence this avening. The doors will be thrown open and re freshments served. No charges for ad mission but we will not say about get ting out. Expectations were high but they, were folly met in the appearance of Janau schek at the theatre Saturdsy night The audience was a seleot one though not largo, owing to the day on which people are most busy. Steamer Movements. The Eaglet of the E. C. D. line wUl sail this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Newberneof the 0. D. line sailed yesterday with a fall cargo of cotton and passengers. Tha Mantee will ar rive tonight and rail tomorrow at 12 o'clock. Fa r and Festival Tbe young ladies of Christ Church propose to have an entertainment for the aid of mission work sometime dur log Advent season about the second week in December. The ladle engaged in the matter are a sufficient guarantee that it will be an enjoyable affair. Santa Claul will ba on hand with lots of nice things for the children. Southern Cotton Villa. From tha Charlotte Chronicle we cet tone latereetiog gtireion)i ha cotton mills of the South. While the East produces a great deal of tbe fleecy staple, yet we have very few mills. If wa mistake not three new mills ara now being erected, In Charlotte which will be of great benefit in giving employ ment to laborers. Tha manufacturing towns ara the live ones and the East mast come to it. We need factories to work up tbe crude material that lies so abundant almost at Onr doers. , Tha Chronicle speaks as follows: . ., The figures finally made an of tbe consumption on the Boatbent icotten mills daring tbe past year, and the com parison --with those of. 18o-Ti7, are en ooaraging. t Tha, consumption for tbe past two years was as follows: , r. -1887-B. 188B-78 Vlretaia-.;... tl.803 : " 18,821 North Carolina.....-. 76 860' -, 88 878 South Carolina 111.008 --.t9,r70 LOeorgta,-. . . J838T7 " "126,708 Florid a..... .....,4v . .... , ISO Alabama....... '83.713 , 21.585 Mississirpi., Taieeesar 17,107 ,18.874 Louisiana..... .80lni -as 8.484 TexaertwMMtiMn4 frr: 844 na ehtl80 Arkansas 1.474.i!utrU15 Tenneesee....;..iw. 86.487 tf '. 84,086 Missouri iv... W U'iL, 8.800 Kentacky.T..n 18,818 k 6,887 Total '........456,t 90 ... 401.433 In Georgia and the Carol toss, tbe consumption! by the factoriss has cmt stripped tbe incrtaselatbeerop, .The Southern Atlantio States, with apro- dnction' of; about 1,750 000, bales, eon samed last sesson 613,043, oi one-fifth their own production, in their own The County Cwtsss. w . . . We ragrek tbal Us lateness of the boor U whioblhe report was racieved aravaatad a aiate extended notioe of the) Coalition maatinf at Jaaper oa last Friday. Considering tbe fact tbat every bod? fat thaaeighborbood was packing ooitoa, kha attend aaoe was remarkably good. The rpeaking was epanad by Mr. H. 3. 5ua, the candid ate to represent Craven c canty la the Bute Senate. It saay ba proper to State, bafora proceed ing further, that Mr. Nona was first nominated by tbe Democratic county convention, which nomination was en dorsed by a eounty convention of the Republican party. So also was Mr. R. A. Rnatall, the candidate for the Lower House. Messrs. D. Stimson, O. Bubbs, Iaaao Patterson, Miles Shepard and Henry J. Lovick were nominated by tbe Republican convention for the offices of Sheriff,' Register of Deeds, Treasurer, County Surveyor and Coroosr, and s county Democratic convention en dorsed their nomination. Thus by the independent, but concurrent action of Democrats snd Republicans tbe Coali tion ticket was formed and placed be fore the voters of Craven. Mr. Nucn poke remsrkably well. We wish we could reproduce his speech. He com menced with a brilliant tribute to East ern North Carolina, and showed how munificently Ood had endowed her. and how she had failed to attain the full measure of her greatness because of the total absence of proper represen tation in the State Legislature. He then turned to Craven, spoke in high compliment of her past history, vindi cated her present position, and pointed to the bright future that spreads out be fore her. Be indulged in no fsnry sketohes, but bsied his conclusions upon the inexorable logic of facts. He especially advocated the extension of the railroad to Charlotte, or some other place in Western North Carolina. This road built and in successful operation and Craven and the adjoining counties would have an outlet for their produc tion, and would supply the interior j and the West with corn, fruits, melons' and veg tables. All were pleased with tbe tpeech, and went away satisfied that Henry S. Nunn is just the man to represent Craven in the Senate. Mr. Nunn was followed by Mr. E. R Dudley. He is no novice in politics. On the contrary he is a veteran cam paigner, anl has represented Craven in tha Legislature. He too payed a de served tribute to North Carolina, and then proceeded to a scathing review of the Hahn faction of the Republican party. He had the record with him, which he distributed, and dared a con tradiction. His speech throughout was able and convincing. Mr. Dudley is not a candidate, but he is a leading Re publican who believes in Coalition in Craven county and is willing to work in tbe good caase. He has attended all the appointments and bis excellent work is folly appreciated. Next came Daniel Stimson, tbe pres ent Sheriff: and tbe nominee for re election. All that ia necessary for bim to gt Vetee is for bim to be seen. Hon esty and sincerity shine oat in eveiy feature; but if there are those who can not see him, let them hear bis neigh bors talk. Ha made a abort speech, bat it was to the point. Every word told. He boldly challenged a comparison of his official reoord with that of hie op ponent. "Come to tbe books," said Mr. Stimson, "and if I have not done my doty torn me out. ' I'm a fair man myself, end all I ask is fair play." The last speech was by Hon. O HubbSj Coalition candidate for Register of Deeds. It was a clincher. Mr Habbs is ex-Congressman and ex Sheriff, and the present Register of Deeds, and be bcldly invited the close it scrutiny of all bis offiolal acts. In bis speech he was aggressive. He put the opposition in tha pillory and then gave them the bastinado. At times ba was) very elo qaent - The meeting closed with all Coalitionists perfectly satisfied with that day's work. The),, meeting tha next day at Barn- wslT wssof the" earn e order, bat tbe attendance wee 'larger. The speakers were the same as at jasper with tbe ad dition of Mr." R.' A." Bosaetl, Coalition candidate for tha Lower House, and Clement Msnly. Esq. Mr. Russell satis fled -his friend that e wiu make an exxalUat representative f- good-old Craven. Mr,- .Manly speech was superb. , It. Was a masterly vindication of Coalition, and a splsadld appeal for lithe.: re-election at Mr Simmons lo the Con rrees of tha United states. , The Coalition canvass baa been a grand success, and it oniy remains for tne people or craven to oo tneir auty ana elect tnsnf. itwtube eons. . .- ., , if: ADTICB TS) OTHXBS' t Km. WrasLOw'B Boothuo StboY should always ba used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the turns, allays all bain, cares wtad oolio, and is the best remedy for diar noea. i wenty-nve cents a Dome. 'olorad Papers oi Coalition. The Advocai paper pubiisueJ in this city, sun is i.rt.f f.r the Coalition move iuc-li, tiers para graph from a rtcci-i iseut. "Citizens of Craven! do jou ant your County to grow more prosperous, snd place in position men who have an in teres, in the upbuilding of home1 If so, vote for the Coalition ticket The Golden Rule, another laper, which i published at GoIJtboro. but which devotes a portion of m epace to Craven county, boldly ackno ledges that Coalition w ill be unJu u e to the better welfare of thu eeci.ou and urges its succett. We copy '"What iscoahtioD ' It id the uluu of two parties, as applied U pvlilue Jt an it generally happens purlions parties not of the same opinion . w he vei agree to sink their differences and act id com mon. Just what the Uepublicaas and Democrats bars agreed lo do for Craven county, viz toeitik their political d if ferencea in regard to tbe county politics and in common to the en I ihit we may have good county orticiaU like Mers Stimson lliKlw r.iitt-ri. ri I i,k nrM worthy m-u to represent us m the Legislature hko !e-.r N.inn i. 1 Uus ell. Thin is imr t hot mi I rha.l stand by it. an l any i i t wh is we are Democrats lu'Ctu-e e n.p(rt the Coalition ticket pr-erts ihfiiuih and makes a he an m-iru.i i i. which rk sns the caue which he x (-. We shall vote the ti.-ket n K, i' Ii. io, be Cause it uthe onl y tub. i in ilu- ,-. unty which will atan l t thi nuifiul nrul industrial muii- s I i ir Imhih- ant any party of prmc pi- I h tin! '. oui and advocai es ,i ilfere' t i i . m i , le 14 not worthy to b u. r1 1 v ih- i! k,1 people of t'raten cmnty l.t u vote in maid for the w!i 'e 1' il,ti hi ticket and by doing thu e will he able to build up waste places an I en 1 onu they will blossom as a rose. What did tbe people of Craven cvun ty save by votinir for c slition 111 the campaign of IWi ' From ? I 000 to $4,000, in "spot cash, " beri liy several thousands more in vanoim war )v having eood anl eHuitnl c lunty ot loers, what would h ive b-en the bene fits to this county had the member sent to the Legislature remained there ,lur ing tbe wholn sermon an I n.t been hampered as they were ' No piu will ever tell. We have a great st'UKK'o before us therefore put no mm on mnJ but honest and true men. an I put our tickets in the liand.i only of truaCoa liliooUts, be at the polU early, think Over your precincts and wurds anil see who has and who has not voted, bring Out the maimed ami sick, and watch the enmy, be present wlun the polls close, see the votes counted an 1 report sny attempt to commit f rati I. Can the Hahnites liopo for anylbinK e'se but the rejection of the bunds, "marvel not." fo r it is written on hib, that Mayer Hahn will never no more, no more be Sheriff of Craven county. Young men, let the ring master pop his lash no longer, there mint hereafter be better nominations. TJ. 8. District Coutt. Court convened yesterday at lOo click snd took a recess until thi morning at 11 o'clock. Marshal V. V. Ii.chardson. Attorney F. EL Husbee, and many jurors and witnesses arrived last night. THE YELLOW FtVEU Jacksonville, Fla , Oct. 20 Tbe eather is decidedly warm and has be n for two days past. Dr. Neal Mitchell President of the Hoard of Health, re ports fifty new cases of yellow fever for the twenty-four hours endiuK at 6 p. m There was only one death Of the new cases seventeen were white and thirty three colored . Total cases. U 709. tola destbs, 327. Bncfclen's Arnica 81 v TBI BssT Salvb in the world for Outs, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cores piles or no par required. It is guaranteed to riveoerfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. N. Duff v. ;an 17 Appointments of Hon. F. M. Simmons. Hon. F. M. Simmons, candidate for Congress in the 2d Diitrict, will address the neon e at tne following times ana nieces: James Ulty, craven county, at nigni, Oct. 23. La Grange, Wednesday, Oct. 24. Scotland Neck, Thursday, Oci. 25 Halifax, Friday, Oot. 26. Windsor. Monday, Oct. 29. New Berne, Thursday, at night. Nov. 1. Tranten, Saturday, Nov. 3. Pollocksville, Monday, Nov. 5. Medical men often puzzle themselves over the large sale that Dr. Bull s baby Syrup enjoys. Its great popularity is due only to the excellent qualities pes sessed by this household medicine. 25s If you want to feel well and lively nee Lsxador. All druggists keep Price only 25 cents. StenogTfiphT. Prof. H. T. Murtha, a veteran Sten ographer and practical reporter, will organise a class in this city. His terms are tea dollars for a full course. No class attendance required. Ladies can be given lessons at own residence. Sat 1 isfaction guaranteed, rupus wui res a and write in two weeks, by giving two oars daily to the study. Address tbit ffice or call at Mas. J. H. Hnris' boarding boose. Nothing- bat superlative merit can account for the phenomenal reputation achieved by Salvation , uj. kills aini rrice w cents. .- - Tne Darwinian ineorv perplexes tne multitude. They object to descendants from monkeys. But no even a;taoy Objects to Dr. Bail's Congo, by nip. Take re Year Cattle The time allowed by the Board of Council men allowtag cattle to roam at largs upon tea streets having expired the first of October, the ordinance in regard to cattle roaasing on the street will be enforced ia tbe future. By order of the Mayor. ocl9 5c 1 Jaa. T. Ev. , C. M. Tke Baktoe Cry r It, And the old folks laugh when they tind that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs, is more easily j taken and more benenciai in ita action than bitter, nauseous medicine. It strengthens the Liver, Kidneys. Stom ach snd Bowels, wbile it arouses iLem to a healthy action. K N. Duffy, agent. New Berne, N C octS dw4w ' JOHN cSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Maker,; Pollock St.. Newborn, N. C ! L'pi rn in innnuiire llul t i KAl.l wi n K ' 'I- Hi TiLKl A L hit to. a i tree i r,t mill i r a prt-pait-il to fl.l orders iof mi mm made boots and shoes HnuaTiwo superior .a. 1 1 fl w 01 L men u i In sVtiWMllUkj pa l mi agt I .irttu're .tie tl IUsalr1Jal ft gtKM FV .H'fhl !. sauJ durftbllily A one) arutnj many tstimonla. '..' hiwcler of tnv work ih utj lni) fn in h Well taDOWQ flllAf II In.it !IiiWQ tir ' S ITF l HTA Ta:H N HlKM N IVMMLH'K" riil. C Prl A h '. J m. 14 Horn . Khi I'rAK mk t'leaee u.skt in t a 1 f t Altera si en l 'r U the yoo nm.lf ti c i - ear ay . 1 have worn tfic in no ems ttnd ihey m ginM )t 1 liave Ueeu wi-mouk sboei ntty il i rkrn and !hy arc i: '-e-.t ever wore Kictfiliv -rtitjnH.l K It lj,tirli t nettle ufitl Tomi rv . tKlii lw Insure Your Boilers From Explosion l TH K American Steam Boiler INSURANCE CO. ' iK N1.W ViiKK uii t ri lial'U company i to loilenimfy against Idsd by explntiion ol Strain Hoilert, aloo for the ukaTU or IN it hy of any ppraon reuniting from eiplosion William H. Oliver, Newborn. N t' Aent. W lljr termiiMiioii the Company re fera to the following policy holders 1'. Linllard & Co.. Colgate A Co., dar ner & Co.. N. V. , Harrison, liavemeyer .t Co.. Hopes & Townsend, Phila. , lxbdell Car Wheel Co., Wilmington. Del.; W. K. Hooper Son, Pool A Hunt. Oail A Ai, Balto ; Htandard sugar Kenning C o. , Hoton Armour ff Co., Chicago. Facts! Facts!! Facts!!! Finest Cream Cheese In the City. a(;ent for Hazard Powder Co. 3F. TJLricIi, WHOLESALE GROCER, NEW BERSE. N. C. PROPOSILS FOR ROADWAY. DKPOT y,L'ABrKRMAJJTF.K'M OFFICE, WjkSHiarJTOK, l. C. Ootobr 8. IXX8. Scalnd propoaals. In triplicate, with acopv nt tbU advertisement, will be received at this office until THURSDAY. NOVKMBEK S, IMX for tbe construction of a Roadway from Nov Kerne, N, u , to tha National Mill try Cemetery, near that place. Kull Infor mal Ion In rea-ard to the work can be pro cured on application to tbla office, and of the Superintendent of the New Heme National Cemetery. Proposala should be endorsed "Propoaula for Construction of New Berne Cemetery Itoad war." and addressed to tbe undersigned. They will be openei at this office at Eleven o'clock, A. M , on the date above named, when blddeis are Invited to be present. Tbe right Is reserved lo reject any or all bids u. is. da.ndy, ueputy unartermaatsr General, U. 8. Army. 0 6t TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1000 newspsners divided Into BTATK8 AND SUCTIONS will be Sent on application-FRKSS. To those who want their advert'slng to nay. we can offer no better medium for tnor ough and effective work tban tbe various sections of onr aeUet Lveel Lias. GEO P. ROWILL A CO., Newspaper AdvertUlng Bureau, o.-tlSdwlm tO 8prnee street. Mew York Winter Clothing. ASA J05EJ, Ageat for P. KLEIN A BK- PhllaAelpbla, will foraish Suits made order and guaranteed to fit at Reasons b Prices, for Men and Boys. Sample eon sesa at tha Ptore of Geo. Allen A Co. UnUbrms a spsclalty. Orders solicited. Oct. I,V85S. dtf Boots and Shoes. Ia Oraat Variety. Tfat beat "peeked Brogaa ia tbe eity. Large Stock of Rubber Goods. Alleoldby.Elecirio LlghU at nlgl i sal by honest dealinf ia day time. 't At - AJ.tt tAYLOB Srf . -f 0c9J wtf ? v i Nt w Berte. FALL AND WINTER Millinery Open rg Miss Harriette Lane Hi j oat returned from tte No.i.e n I'utei wth aa ELEGANT STOCi o; , u the wm d:Mi on U'FTl VTNTi A V fiPTnn iu " it nfil'auI. UHUiitH 17. to u 1 rie L.iurh. r:v:njiuf are 10 t, 11 , .re '-' ' 1 t , . (j 1 K LAMA lolloekSiri K . Nt... HK ci.cTiirf i: l lit k: v r t I, t lhat.k, tllB.Jlt ' I :i ents r y ur kiuJ Uer. I n, aJfrt.m Main UttC'- Mi mj-elf .i rmt ;. and have often vaiuc. H,t how ,1 .iV. j 1 u ,: vertiseriii-nt. one its rrij i.reiio-tiL.. t r brr -) 1 it e i feed if OH o 0 irred to jou up a (ood ad ul i meet all 1 taak it ia tt uvel ruannei i . t l h 1 1 ,U rut tell m limit, 1 spa an 1 of all the t I abort-. I .0 loinrr r,iiL io.-rchatit has lifirj to provi.le for his cuu h-re I liavt Mi.rtit netilv inonih ir. ik N orther d m . tif ii 1 1 nf both im,. and money in t:,ii.i,K together an aK nraii ..i ,.f :...-, .., inat KOUj tontsh th mtiv,-. ,.r,. thHV bllt ( know it i; 1 sm buruiDtf to t,l them of n-v : ) ,.,) ,Null8 lha, go handsome and . f surh excellent qual ity that fie tun: r,-, . ntly eihihite.1 jn "''.:ie "t Ueproncnuti imt-rl t.arg i.n , f the notliin,; Coiiipired to it as the . utury is I! w I w ... I I lui" imp r t,. i r , ike l, "peak of my W orsLe,iin Kn.1 f.nnlH.'i Ctk tlandui.' i, -Ui'll ele nit k 1 tl..i: re. tiotwuh lUh Unif. cheap and iiiiier.in ti,i n0 ,mer ii 1 1 hi j i . .... r . i 1 : i:i I tli. lion to pur, see them. r" hi hut to 1 O'! Id I'll i ( my I inn i' "tylish (Kerru i .1 I. tell the t.uhlii- Albert uila nd an 1 th riricea nr. it-.. Inch I nell th,.,; faeter than I cu . t" Ii ivii them go i 1 I rei :.l-o thi'Li. in "thers ,u!,l be to learn 1 1 1 1 1 ; Hintl.' kneenantH that I am in eparal' fr in tl And Int I . ' lent kill,. ell f,,r And how i , ii! lul 1 ren s suita. 1 :i k r f an elcnt ih : '. 0, that J ' ' .i-iiitod xpare nption of 1 1 1 v line of Haigi ' the o'jnians, lUinlapacd , and are t.ii)i;hl from lirst sold at unheard of low crowd a ilv t hat com pr ih Miller bio -k lian In and price, an 1 l,w deeenho the novelt.e. ami obauii.H i am eihihi:in, in Neck- wear, ami the Haram I am Kivinj away in I nderwear. If V .ii can heir. me out in my dilemma yuu will oblige. D - - In regard to your inquiry I wo.il.l main mat ine liitt es ' ril JK of wniL.i i am sole aent, sell go ell be bonght cause the hunilre is who have them are daily- iiNhfm., to their merits. Mil. J i: I!.yKl:' ol l'amli-o i. .till with me and desires to bo rememhei-Arl to all his friends. Hp. eTpoca a bi trade from Ins county thu fall. Work for tho Lone Nlm.l n.-; Entablisnment, of which I am still tl afrent, la coming in daily and (rivinc Kieat satisfaction. We charge cothirK for carrying the Kooda to and from New 1UII. Trade, in consequence of the bit; in lucercenta I am tlfciine thia fall increasinK daily and prow poets are new really bright. With best wishes, I remain. Yours truly, GEORGE ASH. Fua-x-xxitxjjre T. J. TURNER & CO. ARE Closing Oul al Cos! ! On Middle Street, between Ronth I.Vr.. ,. I'ollock. ew iteme, N.C. 7w ;Kh"y T " yo,,r tntoa loom ft w-tt'r- consisting of parlor Halts Chamber Hulls. Hall sunds? yUrdrobit Desks. Kab7 i-arrLges, vv liloW Tha.' Lounges, Tin Safes, .Vattressea, Trunks 1 an..' a (rreat variety of other Kurnllnrs to' nu merous to mention. Wealso have a full line or Mirror. Pic Shades 1''r""eS- ,;lofkS- ""I lew Our object for Cloaing Out at Cost if we are going bacg to Portsmouth, V. ',mre ours respectfully, ncl;'dw,f T.J. TCRSER A U HARDWARE, , COOK STOVHJ, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. LIME, CEMENT, - Terra Cotta Flue'fcp, And all Buildine MaffltiAl At LOWEST-PBIOE&J " L. H. CUTI :r29 &8;Mddle; Street,;

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