- mm a . D-MARKS nents for the future than ever in the past. Ilyitock is much larger and could not be bitter selected. I Day in Large Quantities for CASH, direct from Importers, Jobbers and manufac turers, which 'enables me to sell cheaper. A trial will convince that 0. MARES ii really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It woold be follj for me to attempt a full description of all my stock Tat Host elef ant line of I7 af e? Aaal?1!! lV..00 taat has ever been brought to this All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods ! Bilks! Satins! Velvets! and Velveteens! AND MY LINE OF Ixfhs, Hisses and Children's Cloaks ! veil yon will bare to come and see them, tbej are beyond description the largest, handsomest and HKST line in the city. Aiso a handsome lotot Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. fir DON'T FAIL to see my line of before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the Cheapest to the best : All wool Three Ply, Brussels, nil wool Ingrains etc, etc Wapler Matting, Fine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats. Rugs, Etc., Etc. Shoes! Shoes! Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mens, Ladies, Misses and Children's of all descriptions in endless variety. By calling at my store you will find very Eiany things that cannot he mentioned here; space would not permit, and hesides they are too numerous to mention. Two thousand yards 3-4 Cashmere . Two thousand yds. donble widtb The prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoes in the city (or ii.2.. - Hie imported flail Hose at 10c, Towels, 6c np. - Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Koto Paper, 5c. quire. Knvelopos, fc. package. Hose and Half Hose, 5c. pair. Ladies' Collars, 5c. A big drive in Ladies' Kid Gloves. only 50c, worth $1.00. . Ladies' Jerseys from GOc. np. Bed aid white Flannel from 15c. np. Corsets, 25c Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c. each. Ladies and Gents' Undershirts, 25c. To the Wholesale trade, I am sow prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale Buyers than ever before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete ? I boy in large qnantities from FIEST HANDS for SPOT CASH, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities' than Northern Houes. " - ..-'-yfinms and see me. I can save vou lion ft v. A(CUVJ JV1 VWiav a Wt " Allow me to thank yoa kindly, one and all, for your liberal patronage ii thf past, and to ask for a continuance of the same, assoriog ion that LOW PEICE3 SHALL ALWAYS -1 am, rery tml yours, ii i i . bUUUO market, including &H the at 10c. per yd. Cashmere at 12ic. per yd. worth 15c worth 20c. 4 bnttnm embroidered back for -a. e as wiwi wvvu -a-at - LEAD. ; f , it t . 4 It .-- THE JOURNAL. Irrivil miDipirtnt IT&lli MAIL CL0623. rotVerta. vYa-ta4 Boat, vie A. eV K.CE.&.U$M.. For ButM ; ud U ' Eet, at for Waeiu-toa,Sw.ftCwak,Bvdaa-4 BeMLfurt Cuaatiea, daily at a .-00 a. aa. Fot Treatoa, hoUokirilU u4 -Lave. tllla,. at tJI ft.au iVo Qi-aadxwo, Bay bora aa 1 Taa deaeera, daily at a. at. . - - v oma hours: laltoaey Orderaaa Kecuierc4L tor DMraMBt,tnw t aj. te -,ija. . la -UiUag Dape-ta-aat traa t aa' tola.au . . TJfioe opea eoaeta&Uy betvreea theee aovn except wka rauu-i art being dis tributed or ee&i. . IfleGirla. It ia a palatal spectacle in fami lies, where the toother ia the dredge, to tee the daughters, elegantly dressed, reclining at their ease, with their drawing, their music, their fancy work, and their read ing, beguiling themselves of the lapse of boors, days and weeks, and never dreaming of their responsi bilities bat, as a Deoessary conse quence of neglect of duty, growing weary of their useless lives, lay hold of every newly invented stimulant to rouse their drooping energies, and blaming their fate, when they dare not blame their Ood, for having placed them where ! they are. These individuals will often tell yoa, with an air of affect ed compassion (for who can believe it real), that poor, dear mamma is working herself to death ; yet no .sooner do you propose that they should assist her, than they declare she is quite in her element; in short, that she would never be happy if she had only half so much to de selected. It was stated at the late meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, that ''Ave million people are now dependent on the electric current for their daily bread. Scarcely a week passes without some Iresh practi cal applicatiou of its principles, and we seem to be only on the shore ol that sea of economy and beneficence which expands with every new dis covery of the properties of electric ity, and spreads already beyond the mental grasp of nny one single worker.'' Drawing and Fainting. MISS MACE'S SCHOOL for Drawinc I and Painting will be reopened October ; 1st at her residence on Jobnton street. I eep22dtf Gaston Hocse Barber Shop. Prof. W. H. Sbepard is now ranninf four chair and baa secured the serrices of Harper of Ooidsboro, a skilled barber. Good shave, 10 cenU: hair cnttinfc' 20 cents. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. HiTvXR out or OKsca, If yotj dctlre to pOTcbaun a sewing machl : your ptaoe for forms an 1 (J AM MimnA ffll1 mw Milt wHl. direct ton4-arwtl tlroK to yon be low iwimwd. cnicww - a mOH SqUAHLB BELLAS, ILL. avi . u-. r . ' TFY. rttoun.xa. ii? 1 T.nwnA4cwcUM., CIGARS FOB SALE AT COST. Having pnrchaed a" large stock of Cigan, and the demand for same being mall, I bow offer to the - merebante CIGARS AT COST until my stook ia reaooea. uaan on delivery. , , IBtgObM urea amlTr- iai awiaCacttoa lalbe I GletL. I DtMKrlba 11 uwt ' aria. TI .?,.,ta!Tl?ri trawftMiwilff. a Hiaau aanarara. "W. U4T4Ewai L urnve. wm a ... r..i-. uf ' U TrBic.HJ. 1 'Hl Sold tr CtsnicU. J. V. JoBSji,TAgtnt, New Benut Ibe Tot the Child Likes Best ft-3 Mfzr A. aeal Ktu Thr Oeidc. 'noCtJJMWi. Parl.7t,t X ti-& ro " Box. V TrtlT rualM-. -ant po.trfi w teuum iLrJjJ ,i' C01EIEIICIA1 ' , COTTOJ. ' Ktw YOKX1Oct.22.fBtar closed veryeuajy. SJea of 53,800 aalaa, October, f.4 A prO, " 19 M Nov. St jy, lS.lt DuoernU , I 68 ' t J a -a." V "I- January, .? Jiy. . , 18 M I -xmiery, t H l AtuMt.; IQM Krc - ess ' $ "... ' Raw Berne atari at mieij. 8JS ef UVMIMMSM1SIS. DOWT9 IUSMT. v. -. ..- ' StO COTTO"-.3 M IKl .' rodder, tl.00al.2J far kaadrad, ' ' TvaMTruraBAr4,UCs); ai. It lAa-1.00l.M. - ;y OArs-Xe w, 4U47 la bmla. BaaswAX 1711 far lr. , BaaiN-Oa foot, a.t to. e r fa Poax !$. per pour. HAaa-CooBtrr, llalSo.; lint tlio. Potato a.hoM, !. per aah.: jabm. .Os&Oo, per baaa. Onx&- SOo per bee-. Fa(rrA--l1.00 w baW. (i Sle (i-rwm 4(kU. Mir half .grows, tJ35c. , 'h, . MSAb-eJit85o.bolu4. TDoxa-Cypreae, II ia. sad er, 3 00 per IL; piae $1504 M. f t. BamaLas Waat,Lilia,4alll a'aa laal; 6 lach SJ OOaJ M. BuiUta I tahkarta.ti.3;aapLMjMrli. J 8tavbi-R O. kbd. SlOil tar M. . waoLBtAU raim.i Haas Pom New $17 60 - BaoouNta Meat SelOo. C. R.B,r.B'a. &Saal L.C.-10U11 ruca4.W8 SO. Ltan 10io. by the tiaroe. Kails Bui, lO's.M .60. 8coa OraanUtad, 8ie Oowm 15i8o. Cbusx I2i. Salt COfcSio. Mr Mok. Kolassbs ajtp STacrt MrUk. PowDia gj.so, BaoT Drop, glO, back. $1.78 Caaosura-Mo. Hides Dry, t.So.; rre 4o Iallow' 4a rer lb TO THE Voters of Craven Go. AND THE PUBLIC GE1TEHALLY. Take notice that at MR. F. T. PAT- TERSONTT CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE Two doors north of Dotal Albert, If id die atreet, yea will fled a Large and Well Seleoted Line of OlotlxirLgr! I oaa eell you: A good warm suit for $3 SO. A better warm so it for $4 00. A wool suit for 85.00. The best suit you eTer aaw for only 86.00. A nobby suit, Caaelmere, for only 7 60. These goodt nuH bt arcn to be appre ciated. A good bea?y orercoat, only $2.00. A better heavy overcoat, only $8.00. A aioe beery far trimmed, 88 50. A aioa ea tin-faced oorkecrew, $10 00. As I intend to lead ia low prices. Ton will bare to tee these coode to be con vinced, and I teapectfally invito oa aad all to a eioea examination as to prices and quality. Mr. S. K. Ball will take great pleasure ia showing this Una of clothing to ale friends. - My Shoa Department Isf all aad complete. ' I will eell a good leather inner and outer -sols glove grain buttoa shoe, ladies, for Si. w., A nice kid button shoe, ladies, for . A niaa nahhta e-raln fnr t1 9.K 1 . I keep ep the line of that very pooatar Common Sense Ladies Shoe that has given such nnireraei saUsf action. In men'a goods I eaa give vou a good. strong, anraoie enoe ior fi.w. A A setter Shoe for $1.2$. 1 t kfy Dongolar top bnttoa Shoe, for War aad style caai be beat, only $1.80. Drop ia And look, at my porpoise teatner bai. ana., uong. cutoes. vsrj pr warranteci. (. , , . s . ,, In Clotha and Jeans, You must see than and hear the prioee. n i CABPET8 . "WUl eeU yoa A good CAfpet, 8$ Inchea wide, for enly 20a. par yd. Look at the 25o. carpet,' leo the 80a andSSe., that oeantirni an wool filling only 3au sod dt Brnml's Carpet for 60s. . - . A rood line of Comfortables, Qallta ana uianieu tnat cannot ran to please. BoKgy Bobes sad Bona Blaakets as cneap as ou could wish tbem. .-, ) ' Beantif al Bobber Garments for gea demea'e wear.' ' . .. .... ' UnlAundried Drees Shirts I defy toot petition. Look st my 60a. Shirt. ..,-., Trunk,VAliss and Band Satchels, peat assortment aad cheapest in the city. ; Mora cioinina; in variety. Be it remembered, any article bought at my store IX aot Atiafaetory will be usea back aaf money refunded a ita- ont question. ".ik fi -A'ee? ". llr, B. B. Ball will enrutrrortomake your visit pleasant and agreeable. . .Thanking the publio for past patron am, tsptcfn;ij ask ooatiauajioe. Beapectfany ysnr ob svj; n -rg TTiF.;PATTER80.ir; M A A A A r The nodertlgaad aavteg - pwehaaed the eztenaive Btablea ea Middle atreet, formerly emflaetet bf Kr, Coasn,U pieparedAo far- lah the ptrttUe wllh the very beat aarrtea la HORB1C8 aa vtelCLtrs or KYtST tC cRirrxos. T " ' Sine stock alwrsraha?!?ovBfRB. 8 tS or KXOHAKSE.' An sxperlaDae of aararal yaarahaa-tst fswiUlar,wltn the needs ox ciew Mtrae aa vteinity la tlili una, and nepalaa wiUbe spared to give tba fnnt atlaiAetteai.' 'Drivers'. an fl faTrt firx- ;.a r Cils.cf.Luid. r ruuMl to U. 'a5sBt ia the eetio la Sopartur .tmrt ot iva oouoly. K. O. imi CmJt &ra m4 euton kr U Tmrv.r J, kr ii4 kr f a Iwiuit. 1 vul tea fti Fuoae A.acbaa M bte aay ( ovBLMr, aii tht roi e a ...j trhig a StriA Mt, ru oi tacuce fcMue U auua Kw4 10 IA tin Muii iat n Mii road; wa eruia b"m-o to rurtMl tueA nm aaar (Ac Borvbwat cw dm M u rtnva eld Ald: tbaa aosia z1,0 W. lal Pimm ia a Uki ea vAe tit . I Pte Traaenwa bocoub; tbea ap aua alooeta M ol iwauaLa l Bixbya Uotr, tbo viiA Blxi;a line W. A. Ai pow to Ui BtAiaioaJ: lhaa ap ai4 road to UK for: taa ap taa araaisftoa ra4 taautaf JuHtlttllt t&aa witA aid tweu Uata ar aaar Ute atoata ef lbaadroot bnaaA: tbea C. MM potoa; thart N. M W. 6 am to 8wifcA: tba aua a a.td ereek to tae bacukainc eoatalBlM aboat tit acre. umpum taaroai eaa acre around tae . TaraaCaaA. faaMaiTwalraa'elark, W. ' OAUKUa GBAA.N, Ji eeltSJM ComnWttacr Valuable Farm For Sale. By TlrtM af the feweia la a BMrtna xa- eate4 br Adrtea t. Uaria and wU.. Zmur4 tAa lath 4iayo Jaanaryaoai ta b4un.i W. laa, I will 4Mii at IAa Oourt HeoN la Hawbwa, a Moaday tha tlh ay o( t4Teaber, iKM at IS a'elock, acudday at PatiUe AaeUoa. tba following aaaoa, via. All that farm or tract oi Ait euMMUog ol Uta two lota dreoted by tae Sara "t" tu tAa aWlaran of iaada -twaau AnocA W adawttrta. bau at law of hla rooiaaw Atary 6. wadawortA, and JoAa H. I Alia aad otbera. hairs at la w to 1 uUa Laaa. aiiaaled oa owe UiwaA la Cravaa coaaiy, aod eoataiatof raspacUrsly aboat las acres an4M$!iaerca. Alao a tblra tnat of laaa ba- ftaaluf at a earaar daotdad aa a daad aaata a la the flnt Una of UaaM filehtrdaunl aateat la thadlvtaloB batwaaa the halri of Juha T. Laoeaod tba haira of Man Q. arad wt.nta, aod ruaa tbaaoa norlh tr aaat ttt polaa to Hickory Urova road, thanoe alonf sUd road auatawardly to a atoaa la tba eaa otd eornar bl Daatet Blahardaoew pataat tbaaea to tba baalaalns. All of vbleh land la fully dfM'M la aald aaartgaa ewwhloA a re isierao ia aaia taarea eoaaty lb hook ho. 88. fullos m to tSL Terms eatb. BAMriL W. DtfHJI, acp25 w Uj Uraan a Bteveaaoa. NOTICE. PUBLIC LAND SALE. la obedlsaee toaJodaneat o' thauDerior Caarl of Cnvto eoa-ty, readertd In tba a of Jaa. C. Harrlaoo. Adm'r of tba Aa- tale of Rest, W Hyman. dtoeaaed, va. Wm. k. Himti ana otners. darenaanta " i will aall at Foblle Aactlon.attha CoartHoaaa door ia I be uity of rw varna, M. u nn uduai. kuv.mi. um. at tw aire o'clock. M., the followlog Keal fCetate baloDgli.f to the Katata of RobA W. Hrnaa.dao d.to wit: A certain tractor land ai mated la No. t Township, Craven eoaaty, M.U.. oa the ncrth side of tbe Atlantfe A N. C. KaUrod, and aaat of the arenae known aa "Clark's At aaaa," adlolalne the landa of Alex- Millar on Ua aaat and tba landa of Sam Del I pork and Better oa the north, containing !ti0 acrvs more or leaa. wbicb waa eonveved by Matilda D. Clark and George A Han to Robert Uymaa bv dead bearing date Nov. 14th, 1H7, recorded In racorda of Craven county, book Mo. 78. folio ra. Terras of Male: One-half caah: Balance on a crod It of tlx month a. New Berne, N. O., nept, 71h, 1W. JAM Be) C. UAKKISON, Adm'r of the Kit ate of tp27 i:t0d Kobt. W. Hyman, dec' J. NOTICE. The ondertlgnad, J. O. Harlaon, Public Administrator, baa daly qua lined aa Admln I .Ira tor of the aetata of John O. Gardner. deceased , and hereby gives notice that be r qnlrea all peraona having elalma agalnat the estate of tbe aald John O. Gardner, to Draeenttbem to the aald Admlntatrator dalv aotbentlcaled. for paymeot on or before the ltd day of October, A.D. ISM. or elae this notice anil be pleaded in oar of recovery, Peraona Indebted to tbe eatate mnit pay wunout oeiay. J AS, a HARRISON, Public Administrator, Clakk A Ckak, Attorneys. Newbern.N.C, Oct. Uh, 18X8 6w 'J i NOTICE. aadartlrmad. A lira Mnmfnrd.ha.duly qoallflad aa Admlalatiator oftbeeetata of Carolina Mnmford, and hereby gives notice that he requires ell peuona bavlug elalma agalnat tbe eatate of the aald Carolina Mam ford to Brteent them to tba aald Admtulstra tor, duly authenticated, for payment on or bafora the SHh day of Peptamber. 18c, or alaa this notloe will be pleaded In bar ol re covery. Paraobi Indebted to the estate mn.t pay witonni reiay. AL.L.KK Murdrum); eepla) Mv Ad mlntstrator, STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA. ( Superior urayan iunty. ) joart. lea and wife Ellen, Kllsa Whltty and narah ' B. bltt?, tafabta, by tbetr next friend, tieoraa jtiien, vs. Leonard Whltty. pecia' Proceeding fur the sale of Real s lata ior raruuon - The dattadanW Leonard Whltty, la hereby required to appear at the office of the dark of the Snoerlor Court of Craven oaat.oa Monday, November Kh, A.D. and an swer ar demur to tbe petition file In tbe apere entitled preceding. 'flept.lt.USS. w Clerk Snp. court. NOTICE. James C. Haniaon, administrator of John O, Uaroner, dec's, R.B. Blackledgai ' On VonSav tba Mlh dar of Bovarober. A. 1. 1888, at II o'clock, M., at tba Oourt I vHl, by authority ef the superior Court of Lravan eounty appointing metjommiaaioa. ar. axpoee to sate au ma ngnt, nil ana in tareet of R. B, Hi Mkladge In and to a eertetn traetef imai eontalnlna about (H) nlnett-six acres more or leas, situate about 8 mUes from, tbe city or Kew Be &a, on the north Slre ef Trent road, being the lands wberetae eaia e.ienaanv iv o. ntaoKeuge now reaiaes. For a more particular description of said ianas see ue pieaaingt in tne eoove entitled BCMOD. Terma of sale. CASH Vh'i.l .. . , J. .A. PATrtRSOIT, ooizuw Commissioner, Independent Steamboat Line. . Oa and titer Monday thi 10th dai oi ScpU tU steamar Howard will fuo tae foltowtag achedoler' For Trenton every Monday and Fri day ai eight o'clock, returning Tuesday ah 8aWdav .VjfiVi -Vi ' i. 3. LASITTEB, ''Itaaagwr. ; J.J. DiSOSWAT, Agent at New Berne- r IT Qiao's Cora for. Con enmpUon ia also the beat "toglincdlciiic. .' If -yon have a Conch Without diaeasa of ibe l-onga, a few dotx are ail " you need. But If you ne atlant thle eeay tnw.ns of aafety, the alight Cotieh may Vf vme a aerioua piati-p-, and several bot-tl-v 1 1 9 r"'.:Srel -'J .Jitlcs.'. W art requested to aUt thai the Oaveo Coaaty Bible Societr bare large aaeortaact lof Biblts aai TeaU ateaU, fvr aaie at price rang iarf from 10 eeats to t3.W per Tclume, at their depoaiurf InCike atoreof .t a4 swU 1 GEO. ALLEN 4 CO." The-Century. Haj tazine WIta the ifoTember, 1S37, issne The Centory commences its thirty- . Drth Tomme with a regular -circuity tion of almost 250,000. Tba war Papers and the Ufa of Lincoln in creased i:a monthly edition by 100, 000. T!;a latter history hariof; re oonntta the evants of Lincoln's ' early years, and frirenthe necessarj snnrey oiute poiiue&l condition oy the country, reaches a new period. ' l.L Lt.L . I - m. - t who wnicu bis secretaries were moat immediately, scquttfnt'ed Under the captsin -9 r ; Lincoln in the War , ' the writers now enter on the more m port ant part of tbt-ir narrative. vii.i tba early years of the War and " President Lincoln'?) part therein. 8uppleWntary War Papers' oil owing the bauie seriea" by distinguished , generals, will de sosibs interesting features or army life, tunneling from Libby, narra tives of personal adventure, etc General Bhermaa - will write on The Grand Strategy of the War." Kennan on Siberiiv Except the Life of Lincoln, anI ' the War Articies, nolnore impor tant series has ever been nndettak n by The Centory than this of Mr, Kenan's. Witu tne previous' 'pre-, paration of four years- travtl and study in Russia and Siberia, the anthor undertook a journey ol 000 miles for the special investiga tion here required. An introduc tion from the Russian Minister of " the Interior admitted aim to the principal mines and prisons, where be became acquainted with some three Hundred State exiles, Lib erals, Nihilists, and others, and the series will be a startling as well as accurate revelation of the exile system. The many illustrations by the artist and photographer, Mr. George A. Frost, who accompanied tbe author, will add greatly to the value ot tbe articles. A' Novel by Fggleston. with illustrations will ran through the year. Shorter novels will fol low by Cable and Stockton. Shor ter fictions will appear every month. Miscellaneous Teattoreav . will compriset several Illustrated articles on Ireland, by Charles De Kay- papers touching the field of the 8andav-School Lessons, illustrated by E. L. Wilson wild Western life, by Theodore Roose velt ; the English Cathedrals, by Mrs. van Rensselaer, with illustra tions by Ferinell; -Dr-Buckley's valuable papers on Dreams, Spirit uali8m, and Clairvoyance; essays in criticism, art,tratel, and fciOgraphy poems; cartoons; etcv '..k ' By a special oner the numbers (pr the past year (containing the Lin. Cola latory) niafp be secured with the' year's adbaodptiofi. rom - No- all, for $6.60, or, with the last year's number handsomely bound; $7X0 ? Published bfSHm CenitjsY Co, 33 East lTth'itreet, Kew Tor.,. ' " Sale of land. Puranant to a j'odgnient of the Baperlor Oourt of oavaa eouete, M Ita Spring Term, 1838, 1 will expose . Publie bale, at tae Court Honaeooor In -the City ef Now Kerne, on Monday, Nov. a, 1888, at 12 o'clock, M a ee-tala tract of land altaated -In Craven eoaaty, bounded and -described M rijows, to wit: Beginning a th mouth of Richmond Out, runt 1-g end wltb tbe same to tbe mouth of the eaatern treag thereof, tii cone up and wltk tba aaM eaatot a prong to H. H, Bryan's line, then With stld line N. tfftj E. 5l poles to Heuee rivar, thence wllh the aama to tne b ginning, eo,j giniog abeat thirty. aevaae-es'- .-.'. Terms Caah. . v . .r. , ; ur JA.8,f.BRU.SCJ3r.4' , oei iw . i: COfllmlaaionerr aWATe PMrSnr'nl'l ft aar-ana ' Of ail tHoagaiiries' " 0NTAINING Sterlet, PeeimeadtAetLllaren' stlractieaa, eambiaieg Artietie, Saientie ted Heatebold mitl.ra.- . . ... tttuttrmled trlth Orfginnl "Wl noa-v- inns, l'htatfrmntrrmsi Oil JVrtur mutt - fmt Womleuf, making it Jie Afedet . 1.1- Ma fat in pf Amertem. .- UNPARALLELED OFFER I IV1i Mmtalna upr ef "Tfmmtft VoitMy VuadM" A Cmrpoa Order, entitling tba hold te etloaof tity f"- Ur-r ted la lit v ashkm epartK.-4 tn tn.u aMb4jr, in WiT tiim tntmnctnivd. - ' I V Tiber, or Prehawf araillDg AN I v V a-liw- ue vovvom wii. a iwtHeeatetaiaa. ' V V or pwu, will iwlr. br rrtuia v -mail 1 complete patters, of u Vi V , -. ana aina wry nay V Hast, frotn Wie UwuIb ji.vNN pmUlnlnt th order. ' . omitliiln th order. ' . VV . -g . inn tfftBuwieiee - 1 V !l I Z Off ntmrT; 13 trainxl at f- era. to n ell JntbTer,ofiK a1f!lRd,ta. n Worth Of Threa D ' atari aonMa .ha the MafMl&e. WhVk U nt 4 . BlIH arllUlt fMtlU-M ftnfl mi . -' 4 X V' Clteapert Kagaaine i i ." r-OSLY.' two i p for, lBta'1!iif'tv t . - e p Vma. teotC wortii . .v, ( r f"M twt-pr - i. C"wm and jmt n r- - - --. i wo ayevaalgottta t - , fmbrtf--yr-t, r1'."-i.,.i5t.U'f1, i I i-y :i . v i r for any oeeaaloa or to any part r,f . --nnil- A' AAA. AMWUlrA w., - - Sf0BODWaV, tEWYK. Ing country. ..., V .-;. T. K ?

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