i - VOL. VII.-NO. 185. ;BER3pIc,tC.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. - ' j -. " ' -! " rsl : 1 .rr.i : ; - ! ;r hew IV' I "V., 3 - .busestss tocixa. 173 Cat lteJmtfrecsJvea.; - C. E. Slotul IV RANTS, Dried Apples, amlM Codfish, Sooeed Tripe, Pige Fee, aad Pig Toaguea. Abo, a lot of Cuatd Paacbee. Tomatoes aad Sugar Can, Pottea Uam, Coraed Beef. Bote. 8a ea fve, etc , aa cheap, as tee eheeneea, jatt received at DilLe QaoceaT. oSltt Cb Broad street MIDDLE -8TSKET eALftOrT. Bert Oysters Mi the Saarket and pre pared ia every yle. Open at all , bean. - Mis. 8. A. Wombix I O with ths crowd to Joha Do an a aad try hie ftae greoeriee sad be seeds happy. Ertrr oae is delighted ita his good aad bis low arioes. IEY that nsw lot el Baek what, fresb .Boosted Coffee aad Canned Goods at . PaMoss Bkos ocW tf TO thoaa who have Wn amoking ProclanetkM Cigars, naeaufeotnred at Factory No. lOlf , aad paid la this eity to the wholesale and. rnU srado by The Urooer, K B. Hackbnra.t would tar that elaee eotne ' BMreHanta have been eo very kind aa to have a cic.tr pat np at aaotber factory beating the tame Bane, brand .caatioa label, eto. M the slgere which I have adveniaed for 0 'er a 1 ear, I Aeve had a atill totter otgar aaafectwred and the brand registered, nd It U really the beat I (or 5 la the Uaited States, Remember the bread. Old Hickory. Factory No. 1017. Try them. COTTON TIES and Cotton Dint at Qio. Aluch ft Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN. last received and for tale by Jambs Redmond. CORN SHELLER8, Grain Fane, Feed Cutlers at Geo Allk & Co. TUST RECEIVED Another lot of J GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for sals by Jams Redmond. PNQINE and Oin Repairs, Belting, Paokiag, etc. at- Geo. ALLEN & Co )LEA3E REMEMBER that I need a. money at well aa tbe reet 01 man-1 kind, and if you owe me please pay me. j. o. wHrrrr. Tin speech of the campaign U tha repr of rpsJialiter General Dickinson to' Urialne, at Grand Sapids, Mich., last Saturday., He handles the plumed knight aa ha waa never handled before, . and leaves hia miserable cartas too poor for crowa to feed open. The report which reached Wash ington last Saturday that American and Russian war vessels, will sup port the King Cores in hia ejTorts to secure the independence of hia country from the Chinese empire is without foundation, eo far as title government is concerned. Tbe administration stands by the Mon roe doctrine. Tiik prompt Action of the Presi dent in regard to the Sackville in cident ban greatly rncreased Mr. Cleveliiud'ti popularity sod leaves little or no doubt of his triumphant election. The Secretary of State, the Hod. Thos. F. Para), was directed to inform the British Gov ernment that the pre en co of Lord Sackville West was no longer de sired. The stay of hia lordship in America will he limited to a very few days. LOCAL NEWS. The Speakftf- Last light. A good erowd eaeemHil at the ooart boom lat nitht, and we caa eaf ery aay that awTwaeetBwd better eater mlaed. WaAia. ftelkve aa eadienee weM rraf tire of. heariag Mae Bobblae. Bit aloqaaaoe tntaraparaei M it U with hamoraqa KfatraUawa of the robject in hand k eimfly eapti rating, aad the act he eaika the mere oae waata to hear hint fJ If he has net made Tftes or Ue penoeratlo tioket m hit brilliant caBTAM of the Eaet, then talk ing will ok make them. We want him to come again when the time rolls aroaad. Bon, F. N.Siradwiek followed Major Robbins ia a nowerfal epeeah for tbe Democratic ticket. Oar reporter eoeld not remain to hear him through, bot heard emowghto know that he held the adJeaoe while he told them of their duty. He la aa able speaker, and it doing noble eervioe for the oaax The epeakere were attrodased by Major Joha Hoghee, and the beet of order prevailed. At on the previous night, many ladiee were out to bear them. fee an to andertake to give eeeaatvaoptitj( t, but wilt truthfully Sty that I havu Loi heard a eiat-le per- eoa Had the ItMBt fault, and on the 6th November Pamlico will be en re to do her whole daty, and tend greeting to ear ateter couniiM ibat the ie to lint for good government. Si mote tt be. NEW A D VER TISESIESTS. Dail Prunes, etc. C, E. 8L0VER-0at fltkes. Thomas & Soss-Pertmptorj by James Ridmond. USE PURE ICE, manufactured by the Jarman Ice Factorv. ( jj 29tf Cheroote. 6 for 10 etnte oc28 F. Uluch. Wholetale Agent. Go to the polls early and woik hard all day. U-xmj-j ,1.- li TnK Coalition candidates Mj Stedman tonight at the court house. Matter Albert Patterson is getting hie tpan of Angoran under pretty good training. 1)URE WINLS AND LIQUORS for Albrt ia now furnishing its Medioinal and other wt for tale guest with the beat the market affords. The fine! of game, fih and oysters are aerved daily. There are numerous amall improve- We only aik one trial 00 Old Virginia meB(i going on orer the city in th. way of repairing and painting. Be yond alt doubt the paint brush makes a wonderful improvement for the money invested. W. T. Walker, Prohibition candidate are for Governor, spoke at Fire Points last sanguine; tbe people are confl- "ere was only a medium siaed fj-nt icrowuio near mm ana tner were at- waiter is a good More Thoroughly Understood The spirit of Coalition has penetrated every nook aod ooraar of Craven coun ty, and U better andentood today thaa it has ever been before. T we years ago it was proclaimed aad ably propeundtd by at fine talent as we have, but tt was new to many thea aad looked upon as 4 experimental and probably dangerous, Nevertbelees It presented views that tbe people couldn't discard without giving it terioua thought and consideration. It was too plain that in the movement there was somethiog which presented itself as a remedy for an evil that had too long esisted. After a full eiplanation of the cause by a few earnest workers, the questioo took root and gathered renewed force and energy until ita weight waa made tab f el tea a power. In it there was no saoaifloe of honor nor 'principle, but there waa, through ita success, and its success aloae, an opening whereby most wholesome results could be obtained Another two years have rolled around to find the very name Coalition ringing louder and stronger than ever. It going to succeed, because it is open and fair la all of ita details, and it is right and it it beat. to CHEERING words for Simmons epeakerand if he can bring about tem- I . a ao-ain vroar. ne end a erand rtn Prence ne win nave gained a molt --7 tip toe to eatch the shont-of vic tory. J Another Candidat 3 Newt has been received here that W W -a 1 a t . a w 1 f ok me time oeing me XiOraip. Mabeon, col., of Edaeoombo. has Sackville incident runs ahead of 1 been brought forward by the Republl- the tariff. Everybody applauds cans of the second district as a eaadi- Clerelaudtotheecho. .jaate ror uongrees. Thia is doubtlees on account of the irregularity of Cheab- "AXt thingg are for the best,"! ham's nomination. Jhe only way Oat id thj old adage. Ia that case the 0' Ws muddle is for all right-thinking iittuuuaui iu iuw lur uon. r. aii Simmons, who ie a representative of the people without regard to party, race or color. Democratic party ia sure to win, fotl it iaavrtifnlf lbe: best." . I 'Mini '' At V bano.net io -lionor oi Gen Iulaager, ihennoonced his in tentions', of 'standing aa a Deputy lie: I A Delightful Sail. Tuesday afternoon Mr. B, P. Wil fof Taria. The"1 DODularity Of ,Bon-1 liml invited the visiting atateamea, langer with the popoJaca of Prante Hon-,F-N- S'nidwiok and Hon. w. M. ia e IdSnUyincrwing. ib' "d f nmber, JSf - ,. , sail in his elegant sharpie "Beetle and JiEW YOM napera of Sundav E,,1-" M'-.8. declined to go upon, the give graphio acconnU of President w,torb!1t " h"J CWteTiew.ot the vast TZ Tb STES arm ol solid baslnesa men on u.mt. nd two '.iiu rijVh-a.n.-M bt the ehialCtain ar 1 r - - herself a Democrat. lif- tni beauty, for two; milea she . i j . 11 1 "3. I held her way, and then returning ONE Of the most impressive in-1 passed into the Trent. It was a delight cidentg iOf : the gTat Democratic Jfulsail. Maior Bobbins enjoyed ft ferj parade iaKdw York lait5atardfty moch''0tt,T "fetUng that lira. Boh. waa the nfflinrof drums and the , I , Tt , ; 9' w . u . . iT pirucipate in the pleature. ... r,4afid th . hotfil iln whlclf Mrt A Occasion. 4ecaQ8(g 6f thi: cruel - treatment of Mrlr of tL the mint lamiiy., ' w -4 v'i .1 of Jaaaea A. Brraa. Eaa.iaw a-emli ati i "rirr r,?H-i9JUMit: OornextOoveraoVatdrroTi, ? TBX Democracy Of Eastern Card. W. M. Bobbins were wiierittkiMrJ Una buve occasion Jo ( thank the Btrodwiok was eonfined; xr. bia: room State ; Eiecutivo Committee for withheadaohe,AftraBhOttr, delight "sending to thia aecUoa of theBtate W'r Pont lath. elegant parlors, the those . xhampipna of Democrteyl a00 or omtng-rpopa were, throws Daniel G.Fowte, A, lfc Wadded 1" " nmm ,r o.-jt: i r -.r"-.vs M""- ""isw. wine ano oirnuwica, . jwooinn wu .Dftxtled. and noble aentl and V- bteuman. .lneir coming-l mentt found cracefttlntteranoaaadall has been a blessing to ns, and they I went merry at a marriage beIL" At tt will return to their'homea with 8 dock the banquet was oyer aod the higher appreciation of oar people P"7.dUpef9ed with blessings on the !! tTT. i. 1. Vf-t. -ri . ----, : ; tina. tiowm tarw WUlOtt W U 1 .1 I... I. ., ,.i, l.,lM,mi.C tv.f-n no mm mnst l-'pf.fo v All When you ctntaet.,5.0iA,ViMlnla ? ,!! anrl -ill lira ton In ti, ol " PV hearts Cf our people. Vja I VJ : F.Uuuch Wholesale Agtiat. Kinston Items. A killing frost on Tuesday nnrL.iii Small change is verv ocarce bre- bouta new. Klaaton College has oce buo ' rrd aod tweatv-flve pupils. George Koraegav is a goi jjJe of cigars. Ws ve tried om of his. The hail on Saturday evening did much damage to many pane of our oounty. Mr. E. F. Cox will ooa ivd hU position a Chair oi u ( l uuty Chd missioaers. The "Third J'aitj caa JiJait s made no votes last Saturday We uko oo woman sa(frae" ia our Tar barrels and a brass tan I roaJe thinits trighl and lively at the tl iJgt-r meeting oa Wedneaday bibt Oysters plentiful, but we wait for ihe New rier bivalves, and they J n't itet ipe till ice co an s. The four young aieu ol Kius.ou. ho ent out 10 Montana Territory I a l July seek their fortune, are all dn.ug well there, KCltiOii gool vh,-, ,i,,t ru joying ficellfnt bemiv Some of Mr.Lhauurey I ir , . ustoiu era ieero not to have learu,l ibm, ho h ai re Soved his gooJ- to III? Ue italli He teow in th lower oue jf the km stores nearly opposite the i-ourt house. lion. 11. A (ludgt r spoke to a Urge audience in the court house lust night, Wednesday. Without detracting from the other good Democrats who have at several times during this cam paian, a.Ures ed the people of Kinston. we really think that Mr. Oudger't speech was the leet. tie is peculiarly ell qualified for a oi mpaigner. Lion est, earnest, fearless, he speaks with true patriotism, to a I and lideluy. lie s a real orator. Ue gets the sympathy of hia audience in th very outset and keepe it to the close. Ilia speech, last night, cannot and will not be f irgotu n soon by our people. Many ladies were present 1 nd teemed to enjoy tie occasion. We shall hail his appearance with plean are if he ever comes this wry agin. ATLANTIC BAPTIST ASSOC I VII ON. Personal. Lieut. -Governor Stedman arrived in the city laat night and is the guest of J A. Bryan, Esq. Mrs, V. T. Uarraway and family er rived laat Bight from their summer visit to Round Knob. Mim Eleanor Carrawsy who has been on an extended visit to the mountains returned last night. Mr. J. C. Whitty and Bev. H. W Battle left yesterday morning for La Orange to attend the meeting of the Atlantic Association of the Baptist Church. Mrs. W. F. Rountree and children left yesterday morning on a visit to Mrs. A. T. Kennedy of Lenoir. Maure. A. Gordon aad B. 8. Grade ere at tae excoaage yesterday with cotton. Mn. C. W. McLean has returned from a viait North. Mise Mande Amyette and Miae Lata Roberts' left for Wilton yesterday morn ing. Ol E. Foy, Ear. left for a trip North yesterday. Judge Green and Mrs. Green returned from New York laat night. X i 1 Steamer Xorementa. The Kaaletof the B.rC. D. linear rived yesterday with a cargo of general merchaadiie aad sailed yesterday after noon with a foil cargo. The Vesper of t&tnjk fiq arrive tomorrow. The Newberneof the O. D. linear- rived last ..night, with a large cargo of general merenandiM and wui san today at H 'dock foe Norfolk direct. " M t nine xiowara irom np in ireniwitn ootton. At n O A i i :nilJ The Cafoiina Rom Bell VFerry with qotfpi and) Queer of eaaseriger. StpnewaJl'Item, 4A-t4 a U-- On the evening of the SHh inat.. at about 1 p. m., Jadge Fowl arrived at oar whan ron a raUamer . from Hyde county waerern) naa peen . ruling nis appointment. - Ue waa met by a good lerrof uemocrats iwao eeoorted him. to C B. Fowler 1 - residence, of whom he was the weloome guest nntii the morning of the 89tbaiAl the ap pointed hour be was promptly oa hand in Bavboroi where he was areeted.bv the larrsst erewd ever Usembled in rsmiioo eoonty for an v purpose. lne esvtwd Wat varionalv aatimated at from 1.5 JO to 3,000, and every section of oar ooanty wt fe presented, and many were an hand from' t Beanfort oonn I.aCIraNue, 1 tctoher 20. The Atlantic Kaptist Association met today with the churc h nt LaOrange Rev. A. J. Mires was made Moderator pro tern. Rev.J.F l.ivw couducteJ devotional exerciaes. Letters from the different churches were read and delegates enrolled. AFTERNOON SESSION. Devotional exercises, l'rayer ly Rev J. S. Dill. On motion an election for Moderator Clerk and Treasurer was had, and J. Y Joyner of Uoldsboro was elected Mod era tor, W. U. llritt, (Jierk, and J . A Pridgen, Treasurer. Dr. John Mitchell was welcomed as i viaiting brother. On motion, 9t o clock tomorrow morning be tbe hoit to discuss Home Missions, and Dr. John Mitchell to nreaoh the missionary sermon at 11. On motion, the collection tonight be taken for ministerial education. Rev. A. J. Hires, chairman com. on State Missions, reports encouragingly of ite work. Rev. O. A. Woodson, chairman com on Foreign Mtseione. reports great pro grass 1st the field. Discussed by Reva Woodson, Dill, Battle, and Dr. Mitchell Albritton and Hires. Ministerial Education to be discussed tomorrow afternoon at 2i o'clock. On motion the Association adjourned to meet tomorrow at vt o clock. Prayer by Rev. II. W. Battle. W 01KB). Martha E. Brooke, daughter of . J. and Peuie Brooke, of Leaoir coantr. on the 24th inat, aged 4 years, 1 month and 16 days. It is a serious error for us to think that God takes away oar children by a special providence. He simply lets na ture take her course, and if the dear little one "fails asleep" it is from natural cause aod not by God s special decree. Who would presume to say that God , took away the spirit of Lsaarus by a special design, and then stood by the I j grave and wept over the calamity and I called the spirit back? It would be p sumptuous aod inconsistent. It gives us more consolation, and makes us love God more, to feel that the child died from natural causes that could not be controlled by the remediej used, and that, in the emergency, the loving Jesus caught up tbe precious jewel and keeps K safs for us by say log, "She is not dead but tleepiog," aod assures us of a happy re union in the beautiful mansion where God shall wipe awsy all tears and soothe the aching brow. We sympathize with the bereaved in tbe loss of their dear little one, who was nearer and dearer to them than tongue can tell, yet in (heir distress they should remember that to die is gained. She is missed from the circle, yet our hearts still hold her memory which will ever be cherished though our eyes no longer behold her sunny face. "Like beautiful flowers of morning Uplifting tbeir beads from the dew (inspiring to rival in beauty, You jewels that shine In the blue. Hut plucked by the hand of an angel. Ere busting from bod into bloom. Like music, she softened our sorrows. Like sunshine, she banished our gloom tier love and her prattle of childhool. Each glance from her wonderful eyes Kemsina in our memories forever. Recalling our hearts to the tkies In realms of delight she is wailing . Now freed from all sorrow and pun. tod's mansion in rapture eiplormg Till ne are united again. )ur Martha in garments of whiinis Now joiui m the heavenly strain V IS.t O SI TIPTIO.V lU HtHLh! Read the following Mr J. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with absceea of lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced me an incurable onsumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm It in the linest medicine ever made. Jesae Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio says- Mad it not been for Dr. Kina; 2T. Uli'ioli, WnOLESALK OrrfvTBH, HSLES THL' luLLywiSsb PROCLAMA T VDN 1,200 Cans 3 600 Cans 2 1,200 Cans 3 5 fo Ask for Old Virginia Cheroots 10 cents. Take no other. F. Ulrich, Wholesale Agent an hand from ' Beanfort ooun ty, and to cap the elimax many were the fair ladies, both maid and matron, whrki presence greeted him and listened toiexpIanation of the creeds of both parties which was 'sparatielod. ' It was eech - aa explanation none eonld Jones County Items. lb. Tomatoes, lb. Cora, lb. Pescaes. Verj Cheap. No Location. M !.!'! V TKFtT. Land For" Sale. HC N 1 KKH ASP Tw KM V Y . I ur ,et ftltuAtr.l ll.rr- ml!. if I lie i i y of Nt w iieme. uu in Tmn leaJluu to tu town ol Iremou a A i Kc- w t8t Koad leajluii to (orM 'ii of tM lan, I ; o :. mn: .lttpir 1 t.. tl ia:::. of ion. ooim inal.T and .uini i'ioi ,,f tru, k alw wail ndaplKl to straw heir r it tbe oittr portion :s ,. a .iui amly i.wtn. foj fo, (urn. pt-a. ami unisrnl -ropg ralwa m u, . i-i.. ti f! rtf : a OiiS ni .1 a:t ontnaiai .i wlih itfni i' i ..,, ivfr kiloQ tot.. ,lry in Ui- ,li ir.t aendou Alao all eove wild wrt tnai I and . k icli upe ' " .: t;.ere la a.-i pi'.! i; 'e: o i . ( l land. an.i m la mx tn Ulla . t ion ' '.iiatiaug foio 4 i bartl of apple an, i . t.a.t in' lea to t . o1 a half tuil4 to V u ' 'or luU-iiuat'-- i.i , i n , rouia. anil liaa olht'r rr-. . is , ra.;r,Mi.l hi., I tt.re e Ktiii.i i', u ! , tii K C Kl- tlJK. o Hrrur . N i 1 IH IT V li! uu ti,liV I ' I ' I K lf (T l.f New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Luog Troubles. Was given up by doctors Am now in beat of health. " Try it. .Sample bottles free at li. N. Duffy's drug store. HI MI'HKLV. HEADQUARTERS i .: Tobacco ! I make 'i 1 article. A I.I. a uri I ii n I n!l on r rx-9dtf IT 'I A I. TV the above I in any .1 1 TA l.i R, New lierne r : F. M. Simmons will address the peo ple at Trenton ott Saturday ntit. Come oat and hear himv Johnston, of the Messenger, Jordan of the Free Press and Eaton -of the Journal, are attending court, collect ing and soliciting tosbcriptions. Mr. Isaac Harrison, a young man. aged 23 years, a son of Jai. L. Harrison, died at his home near Trenton yester day with hemorrhage of the lungs. Both Democrats and Republicans are tangnine of success i Jones this year. Republicans are bad If scared. Work, work, tay we, and au wilt be well on oar side. ' There was a tremendous crowd at Trenton Monday attending court, many oa basin see in ooart, vqhile sit appeared to be alliums to learn, what wUl be the tarn in the wheel of fxAltice.. The codntf canvass closed on Satur day laat at Trenton.- A)args crowd at tended." All the candidates were pres ent except Mr. T. T. Qreen who waa home, one of hie oniierot Having died on Friday, aged about ttvo years.- aft. Qreew has the foil sympathy bf ns all in the loss of nis brignt ijtue baby girl. -Cote Whitford ' told . the 1 oeonle at Trenton Saturday that he, waa, certain of his election Hot we rare certain he is mistaken for Mr. Brock will get more thaa ) Bibe-tenths ' of ' the ' Democratic totes.-while be will get aVmart sprink ling of white Republicans and many of the colored people, r Carteret and Ons low wiUhavttoelectCoiAWhitford if he gets to' the seat, as Jones county is sure to give Mr. Brook a good majority as the sunsets on the 6th i November .etwww 4 a --"i PEREMPTORY SALE. At Vine strest wharf, Camden. N I . op potlta I'nlladelphla, !'.). ST HDAY AFTKRNOOW. to,. liMh. at 3 o'clock, tbe STEAMBOAT "r. i tv nr i dNfi hp a Mr ii" loi.pflne, I7.i W 100. lentth IHH fret, Imllt at Nyark, New York, 188s, In the best mtnnpi: has aii con on upper oeck; hasikccommoda lions for 4i day passenKeia. and staU room accommodations; engine and Ixillera are of the moat improved kind and In Ortl -class order, la (Hied out In every particular tor Imm dlate nae. Impeded June. 1S8H, and In ready for service wltbout repair of any kind. She coat over tiO,UOD aa ane now liea. and haa been uaed out a faw month each Miion. hy reason of her alze the la mil adapted to route Imllt for, and consequent ly will be sold. ITI. THOMAS & SONS, A nrtlontcn, Nos. 1519 & 1541 Chestnut at.. v::i nnv't novT Philadelphia. For Sale, ONE THOl'SAND ACBE8 OF LAND. scvin miles liclow city, nortb aidi Neuse suitable for all trucks Also stock ranch. flood Mte f"r lamher null at Spikes' Point on cippU nnrl river .1. F. CI, AUK o i! dwtf New Berne, N. C give save , D. Q. Fowls. It is simply Ask y oor dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots. B for 10 cents. ' s h 3m F, Uleich, Wholesale Agent. SJP'"''"'"" m- a Stoves are in Demand II the time, and tbe place to 1 them is at P. M. DRAHEY'S. We have a full line of Cooking and Heating Stoves, and will be sold on reasonable terms. We make a specialty of the New Far mer Girl Cook Stores and other brands. Also a complete line of Hardware. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Cart and Wagon Material, Harness. Paints, Oils, Class, eto. Come and see me and be oonvinced that I will sell you good goods for little money. 0C29dwtf r. 11. UBA.NKY. Auction! To the Public ! As I am romp, .Pii 1,1 .settle np !M Kuate ol' II. i'olien, ile rased, 1 will oommonco AI.CTIO.N SAI.KS nr. the Ti:NTIf ilav. f 'm I'M HI,'. if n order to close ,,.t the- Entire Stock of Mrr-li an I im'c tin w in 1 1 We n -i. m l'-mMim- Dry Goods, Clothino", Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Matting, rHats and Cap?, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, And a gjeat many more articles tco oumerous to mention. The sale will continue dativ until the entire stock is sold. The stock will bo fixed ia lotj to Suit Merchants and other purchasers. I will als? sell at the same trine a LAUGH STOCK OF I5UOOIBS, and all kinds of SADDLKRV BI'GGY KOBES, Etc. Kemember these goods will be sold to the highest bidder, and tbe fublic arc the ones to make the prices. Shoes & Bubher Goods, MBaaaeaaaaae Another lot of those exosllent Shoes just arrived. Also, (he biggest lot of Rubber Goods In ths city, such ss Boots, Shoes, Coats, eto.. At 3. r.TAYLors, : ocQdwtt : Ksw Berne. I will also sell at Auction to tfe highest bidder tbe ENTiliE RtiAh ESTATE situated in Craven, Pam lico and Beaufort counties, consisting of Farms, Wood Lands and Dwellings and Storehouses. Among which in " the city of New Berne is the Wein stein Building, a three story and oasement iron clad and fire proof store house, situated on the corner 6C Pollook and Middle streets. ' Six nice two story dwell foes, also in the city of New Benie, situated o Pollock and Hancock streets, ail in perfect order and well rented. For lack of space we will nosbonc the descriptions of farms, etc., itf ' abjve named counties until tke da of sale. Terms will also be stated oaw day of sale. . , A, k . . COME ONE ! COME, AUfU VnL'WBERi Drawing and PaintMgC, MISS MACE'S SCHOOL for Draw and Painting will bs reopened October 1st at her residence oa Johnson streets ' sepJ2dtf ,