1 UJ 4 t-T THE ONLY. PROFESSIONAL. 8TEAMEUA M 1 4 I I4' r 1 ? 1 4 : Brilliant" .Durable:;.; ; Economical - ... A Diaiaead &tw IVy eaccl all othcca a 9rfTth, ttdtj wad Fastae. Neat taken art jas u poed. twin of imitations they Pi mad of cheap aad kfcrior ttwith and ir poor, vc crockj-coiors. , jfl colon; iq cents tacfc. Saad postal 1st Dye lalsfc, Sasaaae Card, ate-cbons far tasuUai rma- saaeJavg aba tasat laa a, aUreg (lEifMl,!,' 8oed by Dragjtans ar ay WZLLt ilCMMBSaH A C IWfitofM. IV. Pgr Qildiag W Breaaiaf Faacy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Ools Oarrt ligiw, Coffer. Only u Cuu. J, W. STEWART, Sie all Liver j Stable. ' V"-. ;... "! T-.--,na'T. .'jr " """"" Stock on hand will be closed out at very low trices. A full supply of nw stock, horses and mules, the best for this section, will e on hand this fall and winter. ,'Toad Street, New Berne, N C. aocftdwtf The Bergner & Engel PHILADELPHIA LAGER : BEER, IS UNQUESTIONABLY TEE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly , recommended for its TONIC and Nu tritive qualities. The high reputation enjoyed by the HERGNEIl & BNQKL JOMPANT, W due to the fact that ODly the FINEST AND QEST .MATERIALS are used and that the are exercised daring ts ma&ofactare. Agent and Bottler, New Jrne.i N)tC. mmi X0IT1 CAI0LU1 UARBLE WORKS, HIT BER5I.N.C. Honuments Tombs ITAIIAN&AUER1CAH UARBLE ' ' Otiti will roiT prompt ttntlor f ;oit Xi WILLIS Proprietor I OirBMOAD AD GBAVtfi 9f. O R. knxsa U my aathsrlsed ag t i ' , " EOUD KNOB, H. C , Ttrictureique Scenery in i 7iterttjrortk Carolina.! : P T T3 Of INTEREST K&AR BT ' v (' vk ft' y i,, - .,.1 l ot . t. i " o"of tb null,. T vp I ; T irr.n H . Ir-llk H " J IV f- . t,. (.. t of Prof. Mi(chU t , , s.oui.Muoa.kiB mitt. fnr root dry tmoiiphcre; no fop; Ilfrbl Cr'i !1 the yetr. ' T?rmi wonbls lycK-tborweek. , slSdwtj CURES I PROOFS7 , , -r-aaassCaaaryCoae. Nauralgla aw Nervous .aaiacse,cn. Prostration dATiw'aotly . . alian i Rheumatism "TTtTft Kidney fabM,i Diseases -;""tgIa-h, Sloan City. Iowa. XD 'f'C-y,tM All Liver sawU,. apnoi, aad Mo Disorders "" greaRt SltlLL and CARE jj4dwt( GEORGE ALLEU & CO DEALERS I General 5ardware Afrricoltural Implements. Flown, narrows, CaltlTatorX llea and Axes, Wood's Mowers and RADer. Fertilizers. Land Plaster. Kai Mechanics Tools and Bardwai dware, Master k LLme, Brick, Cement, PI: Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, nislwOilUss,PttMid Hair.' Cook BtOTes. Eareka Bnrarbv Proof Sash Locks, warranted to (rive security and satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. j GEO. ALLEN A CO, i. H. CEABTEU. BaSIL KaJTLT, t JOHN H. CEABTREE & C0 ENGINEER8, Founders and Machinists Manufacturer! and Dealers la BBarsVf Kaitaaa. BwtWra, Saw Hllla, Kdg-inK fTwt-efrBUakimia, Wean prenured to do Oaattnn at all kinfla wiu promptneaa, Parti orjlar end Immediate attention alraa toMpeicaof ftliklnda. , ........ , . 4 We wffl beclad to M plana end eeUj&atea lor any deaotipUoa ot maehlnety, j We are the arsnta for the aala of the Aaaeto loan Saw,' Alao rbr Q. A A. Bercsmin'a eeie- bratftl XnaeatnwUbie Mla Veirea, - Wa (ire atlaike)orr guarantee for an work eonaDToa. . iraiawwir I 0 haailTee waWet-' OMl, t to 1 bay. j cure of OeaorrboM and. Oleat. I pnaeriba It aad --; 1M wlb. racAmmaae- Z. 7 Til.' 1 TKe a eatwew aeliraaa.r - - Daerta. W. TOIC2,S1.00.' ; Sold br Stofcteta. ; J. Y. JOEDAI, Agant, New Berne, ' may2 dwlf it, a jat'rUatlOflTC. gr volMiesakkstbsrWat lu-k, Aai Mard laa Sm kklM : I ate it Aaa kaatui 4m k, i4iukUlikUM. Th totakUaf air is broke, As4 eaTr4 bmo WIU; Tb fltesklu Nx. iot wok . Tb aw tpislisjbUs. Tk rlppflnc wrtt isfil flows, Aad wkUpntO tb tbor ; Th prfmm oi U alaepuf rot Smbm ivMtar tUa twf or, A brwM driaks if lha ftdrjr tonod Aad ciths it tkNOsh Um sir ; I m a (tar alids to th froaad, Th ena (till w beat. So sUtstt ft it SMated to ne, : Be treataloaaly ma, I kwc4 te fail apoa mj ks Aa4 wall at bar (hl KataMgbK.'tvoald b s bappy itiog N aasn a aomad to kaar. So thoM atalodiooa tooaa mifht ring Forvrar in my ar. Tiaas- Damoora t UaisllasaU ItaUary. ilow far nay one employ com-, pliments, lo bi$ Interooorse with society, consistently vita truth and honor f This question requires ns to fix the meaning of a compliment, h it anything different from flattery f , Flattery may be gives by meaus , of a compliment, and yet there are maoy eoas4iments that are true, veil deserred, and sincere. Both compliment and flattery belong to tbe element of praise. Erery one holds that it is right to praise, if it be rightly done. Bat when one i , praised for things not meritorious, orwnicn me person nas not per formed, or for qualities not pos sessed, or when the praise is out of proper proportion to desert or fact, it is flattery. And yet this does not hit the precise moral element that determines it. Flattery is praise insincerely Riven for an is terested purpose. A compliment id, usually, praise delivered in some unexpected and oeantnui lorm. a compliment is praise in an art form. It may be a mere intimation, a graceful com parison, an allusion, or an inference made or implied. It is praise crjs talized. It bears about the relation to praise that proverbs do to formal philosophy, or that form does to poetry. Uut there is a benevolence in compliments which tempts one to look for agreeable traits among bis friends, and not for faults. There U among the young of onr time ah impression that caustic and critical things are smart and genteel. It U .supposed that dishing wit, nn scrupulous cats, and sometimes an abrupt and rode demeanor, are signs oi geooemftniy freedom. Taie is a sad declension from tbe polished and . kind gentilities of former schools of good manners. Bnt a habit of saying agreeable things in an elegant way, if it does hot degenerate into falseness, will work benefit upon tbe speaker; sweetening his mind, turning him back from bitter ana hateful tblngi, and. inclining him to the way of kindness, ft rill confer great pleasure oa, the oojett, since no thing can be more agreeable in tbe rflhor aoenei of life than suddenly to receive praise for well doing, in a form that pleases ai once both the moralsense and the taste. A man, koweyer, most be kind, of a good taste, and thoroughly honest, W ncompneifihta without danger -rW himself. Ex. ,SIr',efIdak)Ba eeatly wrote to a oorrespHflejtjrflO,,,juia aaked him hla opinion of the power of the presgrorxtw and. tUj.'-I rate the alue of 'the r?j press high, but thd sentttosnfl yon enclose could not .haye J)oen, minei ' I am wholly nnaoie to aaake toe comparison. If asked by a foreign visitor I uhonld tell him that m my opiaion the balance of good done by the press, , a Aetna auaira itv enetmoas (a4 sapeelallj that to pool fo men Its. cciucisais are Invamawe) bnt that I bare not so farotaWe an opinion of Its average action in foreign affairs' Hawkee' WaatevfaCQlaaeee. As we read Vr. nawkaa' teatlmonlaU frofSa,lonniorw, SenaiAn Leaialatori, 4 men of acieoee aBd. dir"tmthad oitl- tana throBrhont Vt .! states, whnk tenntaa u aaTioKJt k rfyesim- ire4,od'u.euie ' y tha - ..a oi ni bei jcuui f u raaiisa .fasi aslaaufaai Ul r bril- iUnoj M IttM-ej So-aai waf to aeJ aj ta yoaUi and te i J 7 taadla. lk.. .iCAl.lIUtil a,,t la li. daairM fey ill arierUde wearerl. i lTeyea fiitedand fit fwMta fcjlf OttSMaiAlROnTa F. 8. Duffy, jrv-raN.O slSdlm P My Motbr tor TAIR DEALING. GlaLtl Us a wa4w .-aI0E f 4 TPTeOST' a--.-1 ,.'11-. 4Tna niVlefalfDad jwhaeae Ua ttaatm meoiea a Wdaia itraet, mrmeny SoiIaTKteTSTTrr. OokaeTla prerjJl Kl fur- ftbeWaetbwMbet"artT' t imui TtmettMxt rtnt es . .,,-1 1 11 mm 1 1 i) a .1: . . 1" ,n-iii petlf.i.c M feral LVOwisaWiJ- faaClai'lHttt tha da Ke Bernaand tlelnlty In thk lle,-nd opaina wlU be apered to giw tte falleat aatlafaetlon. Drtrara aad taama farntsned for any oeeaaloa or to any pert of aarround' lng eonntry. T, arwXUa, ijTiim v , Middle atraeC f (r 0 TVs Ho T.I Ho Potash, Or any other Minertl Poison. It Is nature a tuu', rram Boots. m4 Hi It tl pm fsxUy Hat i, eaa. It U tbs) Otilj mruV k3, wc tLa world ifNiSM m mil its assays It CuJ'SM atamiria. R.cu u.a,, uji akoow. Ar0ttSsSSk4 oUksr blood 4Ukss terttofois , lACuraLe. U etna svay .Uaeus from impure N-ovl It is xk (jtw I bf CsWmBbjids rf lb bett VhwtxoMOt to Urn Ctosa sum, umk vs pua th steUflMat of 4 rH mf tMv QsmmI S , rtsrenrt cvn a,lrv tmg trum tvvcr fr-.m maMwtHS witti an swsi rmitiu. J .n I'&iMiY. M D., miAvlai Os. Afajtns, Oa.- wiuie Waits u sjmctM la acrwrukB awrii voavra. 1 pr oftbw! s. sV kV svSa! Uniaj Uut fi avjid rvtHiss 0 W PiUkA fL D. Rsrvflniro, T4, IVc 1 haw tutu tsjws bottles of jsrr Specirto fur suonilr btoud pnasoa. 41 s'ts ioik'I bsHMr uss t Ul or ajij oiikes rtnurOr I tiv ajr uskmL B V WntriKiA. M L.. Fur lj vi -'tn Ck, V !. X J fTa,iL th w-tl knern druffist in 4 phsichui. anviiir, ard Oout v . Art. writes Rbiii eoiiis a w letls aVso sakisl A. ft. 9, Is o .itHed .if I can ssJsmv rscommDl It as tb rrniy r r si akls dts S4aaaav It saaUara a.. b1 Lm qsjm Sbsy bs, W) b. k giMaj a btsuirY of this Woskdvrful r.-rne.: r an l lis cspchi, from sal over S wortu, iu , 'fis.s you tbat II t mt t tni aol whhhw wul tnsil tra on iHiioi it d.. N'V faoiiiy should bs without It. lCt t m another ou Couutglous baxMMi Poison, kim t t-aiu unut. Writs us a huu ,f vmr ra. ao.1 ont ttavftelau will a ' t H t t ' . ' leuer t a llrtcieil .iid,i. Ul. u o Lvi Jk jsi kaxmlavl r. Vr sus bf a. : drui ,tt, 1lB 'TIFT SriX Ifir i n , l-'HWfr V Atlanta, V rti 7j ttr . 1 U.iiA b. nUi, 35 Suow UllL 1 I CUBE CONSTIPATION. Te eeijey health one akonld have rea; lar ataraallan, every iwea y four hear. The evlla, both uieulal and phyaleal, reaultlus from HABITUAL CONSTIPATION ar weaBjr end rtea. For the r 11 re f thta rem m on tronble, Tiill', l.lver Hi la hateaalaed epeeularlfy neear elleled. Kleceatly tuftr roe fed. SOLD EVERY WH EE E Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., OR SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We bate in flock a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Boots and Shoes, Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, Alao Shoea direct from ibe Boston factories. Wo are gelling all grade "FLOUR from the Mill fn Michigan very low. We also job Ixirillard and Qail & Ax 8nnff. ROBERTS BROS, 8ovtr, front it., flew Bn$Jf. 0 Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 Joxr Sale BY V. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COfflJrIISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock, NEW BERNE, X. J 19 Conatgn na your produce, mavsdwtf h8 iWjorljL Stands Aghast AT M X LUW.ritlUEB, And iere?rio4 It that I can eel ao-araacli towe taan bdt one elee? b tlUaUM: tl hav determined to be eati7 mtinfled for the oaah, ao WORE Conle aad bur from mo, and yon will oarer regret itv- - wishaeaav weaaeara) loasna, lack of atrenats. Taor or e-saaoTVTMrj, Sanaa if try ladlaeraalaau liniwn, etc Valvtatt Aao era, mmlmd)frm. ' aarj KKDIOAX 00, BTJTTAXO, If. X. Tbe Toy the Child likes Best . ..! .a, TS!g flftV TOl ' 4 if iBaal Stone. Threa Colon, ACirrxn rawrrit1 1 1 Tea of an aces, rer ai.a, or . 1 .vaiDO a rood araraaahsx. TMierletin CaialorM sent 1 poat-frsa oa apaUoiaeB ta , F. Ad. Richter & Co., , (0 BUOaDWAY, "WtW YOOIt. Tott's Pills ZaJ f Afa"1 13 mi Jas. ,W. Waters, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Pentioa and Potest Rifhu a apectalt; . Hu removad kia offioa aett door Kuib ot Nw Berna Jovraal. SEW BERNE. N. C DR. J. D. CLARK 1 DENTIST, I - iawitu.a,t tA, tm wi, PollMi laud nmd n-t P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St , (wo door South ot Journal offioe. ... pnclic la U Oooatle of iven i wrM, Juas. Unuov n4 faiullco. j l'tid itf Cvurx at New Uem nul ' Huircui Ouun of tbe letil Jll OWEN H. OUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rouaa Soutk Front atreet, four door ffli of Craven, i Mercantile Law an J (Vt vj anv ' - a:- lea T imtxr Ivug (ii .. : Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of tlanoork' dru atore, oeit door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a m. to 4 p na. Will give j prompt atuotion lo atl matter! pertaio inn to JiiKUcst' nmirta d29dtf HEALTH TsVEaLTH! READ CAREFULLY. In. K. ('. WtiT'i Ntave tun Hkain Tilitr. a guaranteed aperitif fur Hfhic r;a. iMtsinba. iVavulaloii,. riu. Nervttu, Mearaifia. Heatacbe. Nervou, t rotirallon ,iwpd by the u,e of alcohol or tobarco. NA Hticrtilnrtui. Menial IeprrM!on, HfleniiK of the Hrmn resulting In InaanUy anl leall ni( to minery. ilecay and death, TreuiHture out Ag1. barrnoraa. Loaa of power In eliht-r aei. Involuntary hoaa.sana HperDiHtorrboa eaoaed by over-exertion of the hrain nrlf atmaa or over Indulgence. hAoh Ihii cm taina one month treatment, (i.ixi a 'r six Nut lea for I.V0O, sent hy utall (revuul on receipt of price. WK Ol'ARAISTKE SIX BOXES To cure any caae. With each order recele1 by ua 'or atz hoiea, accompanied with to aj. we will send toe puroliaaer oar written K'tar antea to refnnd the Bione If tba treatment doei not eflrot a cure. Guarantees Uaued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, aole agent, New IWne. N. C. ao24dwlv HUMPHREYS' HI i ua. r ET1CHEEY3' BOCK & Cold Binding Wtlh llMl laXTt'lBf . Baiud ran. n. a., tain. t i.rT o raracrpiL xoa. otrati ratra. I IPerera. ContMtloo. Intl.mnntior. . tlWaria. Worm (r Worn Coll . llt'rvlaa Gelte. r Taatbiaa of Infanta Ill . .. .! .ts llOtarraee.of nnMreaor Adu ts . Ovaeaterr. Brh1aa.JtHoaa OoHe Cholera Morboa. VomiUni t;eac he, (Jola, Hroacniti,. old. Hanralala. Toetkaok. Faouicha Heagarhea. Rira Haanarh. V.rhjrn HOMEOPATHIC Dvapeaale. bilieoa Stomacb . . 1 i 2ft .! t .AO .AO .AO .AO .AO Nopareeeee or Paioful Perloa, Whltea. too profura Parloda IX froap, Oooah, Diffleult Braathlnf. , I igar. heum. Erysipelas. Erupt lona., Rheuraatisra, Rheum. tic P.in KiS'SiaS!! Ptlea, turoa ar ateMint laaw. laeaaeaarOeTt l aaiaria 191 6 ( life Hisd Si hoeeiaa loacn. v ioint uouh eaeral PtrtirlUi.PMj.ioaJ Wukm Klamtlr PJeaaae A.-. Coach Vi()nt Coujrhs. . es IHerretis PebllltV I. SOlL'riaarr Ueaaweee, Wsttlna Bed. Otaeaaea r ine Heart, tf-iipttation AO Specifics ftold by Dmagi.t, or sent postpaid, on rweipt of prtcs.-HtaruaAiraauituKie. iurtst. in. All of the above medicine are for ale at tbe drug stores of F. 8. Daffy and R. Derry, Middle etreet. New Berne, N. C. tttx 's's.r.sVaiTr Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIMe TABLE No. 14 In Effeol 6.25 A.M.. Friday, O.t. 20th, Going East. Sohkduijc. Going West, No. 51. Ar. Lve Passenger Trains. Stations. No. 50. Ar. Lve, p m 4 50 5 37 5 40 6 09 6 14 7 38 8 0S 10 04 am Goldaboro La Grange Kins ton New Berne Morehead City Daily. 1 1 88 arm 10 56 10 58 10 19 10 24 8 27 8 54 am 6 38 Qoma East. No.l. Mixed Ft, & Pass. Train, ata i30 S57 7 05 7 20 780 7 48 7 68 811 8 30 Schedule Going West No. 2.t Mixed Ft. ft Stations. Paea. Train Goldaboro Beat 'a La Grange Falling Creek Kinaton Caawell Dow Core Creek Tuscarora 100 IB 5 04 5 19 484 4 44 4 10 3 42 2 85 406 2 55 2 80 158 1 24 13 54 8 60 8 65 9 15 10 00 2 10 1 80 1 00 10 80 10 85 10 59 11 04 1116 11 40 Clark'a 12 32 12 42 IS IS 400 Newbern 10 82 12 00 4 46 4 69 5 27 604 6 26 688 700 7 12 725 4 51 RWerdale 9 41 0 48 5 03 CroaUn 9 28 9 83 5 82 Harelock 8 59 9 04 614 Newport 8 17 8 27 6 80 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 6 40 Atlantio 7 47 7 52 710 Morehead City 717 7 27 7 20 Atlantic Hotel 7 05 715 p na Morehead Depot am 7 00 Tuesday . Th of day am haturday. fMonday, edaearlay aad frlday. Train Meonaeeta wttn WUmlaatoa ael doo Train brnnd North, leering ooldaboro UM a. m- nK with Richmond a D arUla Train Woat, leevlnf Ooldaboro 140 p. jd, Traia (1 eoaaaota with Kiehmone. a Daarirja Traia, arriytng at Ood.bero 4:10 njn bod wlto Wilmington and.1 ilon. Train Irom tne HorUi aitrtO nil jo 1 A Trakn eosMiee-nrfh -'Wfltntntt! end Weldoo Throaga rrelcht Train, leering Ooldaboro at t-JO p.V- and with Klehmond a DanrUle Thronah . rrelcht Train, leaylng Qoldiboro at 1.10 P.M. k S. L. Dill. -. ... . :.. SnirSTtnteadent. f. l The II. C.,Feiht Una - J alle1 tfu)'r U ISM. TLU lilt WtU itaume lrLr rrftt.avr Sh.MI-W KEKLV TUIPS jo. Baltimore andKeBerns ' Leartoii Srtni 'rp tej Sew iWit ej. Ska&Air, SAI L ttfl.' , l f M Uvhii New h-n W .Uffltt Tl E8 Wl. AlCv.l'AT.atJC f M. Thj '. iii oii.j uIHiiT une om t.j ew Nerua tor hili ore 'TOoul cbaoge and ou reiarm trip frviu LA.wan.ire ouiu aircc wo ew berue. up(muk on al NOikuk. cwu jfc tibi Uitu for bou.u I ' v ijtf t. t him .pi..!.. Rji'biuv'D'i n : JH..IDU, Noriu ! lLmt ,u.l West .vi. k i r v'v.unwiiou Hr e .K' U:!I h.,. a- Mi ul ,. rw A i ' , , rt- , . ' I lsrrtl Pa. a.re i ' i ae v Co.. a uaJ, -..n I ,.ar,M 1 ' A ri.U. l:a s. jLue, I'.t . f i Li r : r I . t.. -aj.n t"or . CcTitral w'.a: i H r k, t . ivlei.i-e. tt. I ii rrb, ,. I ueadaj"! uJ Maiurd.) , j New 1 i it v I ha!.. K'tleiKlVi i Si! u , i 't .t t , M.UiU j s, w , a :., -in. ttetLitfeye. I h '..k s i ii e l. 1 t r,:Hr, .uLeeo j . po.ule i e dlllrrr al orr , . s , ibe eoiii pan ir Al HIU BHKtk tel. OK B( (.h AN Mill- I t -t. i . USE. EASTERN CAROLINA 0 SPATCH The Fast Freight Hoe hi riii 1. Uetn. Ke.tr. i .roll Point, , end Norfolk, Be Ittnore. PMIadelprit.. cw Wtk.Boit,,, h.ie.- ,la f Uaabeih it 7 . N.( . TT1F SrKAMF.R EAGLET and VESPER of this Une w;: run on regular wheduie time. iiug .Sew Jri.B nrry IfuNHAl Tl WriOAV, 1HI Kil.and r.iriltl.At' for Cllanelb t'ttv and reforn on MO i A ri'KKl'AI W r l'Nh.-UA aiMlHII'. These siramera ia connection uu tr.e Atlantic AN f K H. Nortolr Houu.ern K. K.. New tor a I u..a mil .Norlo k K K . an. I the I'r nnsy 1 vauia K K , rortn a r . . ut. e atd re; liar true .'ftr! prntir lacllillf, t(.i i" rl tr 1. lis, t i a : ' 1 tn'iii c.tr nt Dipped vh t h r 11 y .1 fnt !ows 1 K I'er r. iii : deal i 1,1 t'lHKl, I iMspatch I r c 1 'Mil,, Mil . i vr LI, K. mi n .. K . I .. Kr, A it 11 K K Iter. I m i,n w hut; au,l II.. V ter. . N.W I -ari'N V U, i'ra,;,dN rtai 1 Kaleaaa low mj lime .jiil, ' Eer ; 1111 hy ay outer une U hen -w. as'iin r . , 1 1 i,h a .e,l . four 1 r'.jia 11 i'rk ... 1,. 1 n J.Nn. 8 Wi I .HON 1. I Kt I Agent I" It It ilinn.. 1 Ma, Ku,.. 1 1 r " sir Jill. Ss, 1 1 I' A II It It . 1-1.1 1 in r reighl gcnl, tl H i 'i k r . i.ciieini Kreighi Agerit N Y. 1 " iv i. ...tr..R a II It 1 I It K I reigbt Agent N KRHt), Agent, .Newherne, . i'. , II KN 1 OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. TKI-WKEKI.Y I.IXK. Th" Did Dominion Str.ni.hli to... I'.ny's Old and Ka.orlla Water Itoute. la Allvrmarla and f Itraaprakr anal. Morrolh. Reltlmora. Nrv, lark ni.n. drlphla, Boston. Prortd, nrr, and Waahlncton City. And all points, North. East ami V,t On anil after MilX 1 A . moi: K ; M(t,. until fuitniT notice, ti.e Steimer MANTEO, Capt. Scate, AMI Steimer NEWBEfiNE, Capt Pritcbett. Will aa frnni Norfolk. Va.. for New u Tift Waiililngtll.MOMJAlM.VVKIIIVI-liA J and KKIDAYH, maglne close ROn 1,01 Inn Ith the Hteamerr of tba W n u s.H.t o .for Klnaum Trenton, and an nih.. andlnga on the Netme and Trent III vera Returning, will aall from HEW uiHuir for NOHKOI.K direct. MiiMiaVh un,. NK8UAV8 anil KH11IAYH at Twm.Vk M., (nooti), majtlog eonnertoni wun the (). 1). fi. . (v... for New Vorfc, H. 8. P. an.' ateemer. for Baltimore, Clyde Line btilpa for I'hllaa delphla, M.AM. T, Co. a shlpa for boston and I'rovldeDoe Our untiring eJTorta to nleaae nnrnatmn. and oar almost perfect setvlre forthepnat thirteen years, la the hM ., offer all ihlppera aa to ann t.niu rt i..r them In the future. Order allgootla oara of O.D. b.B.Oo., 5or-. folk. Va. ' Paeeeogers win Ond good table, somfort- ile rooms, and evurv mni, .r,,i .n..,. tlon will be paid them by the officers. E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. MEA8R8. ( X'LFKPPF.R A TI KNER, Agents, Norfolk. Ya. H' STANFORD, S Vice-President. New TirkrClty. THE rt" NETJSE I TRE1TT RIVER Steamboat Companj. Will ran the following gobedalo be and afu Jannar 1st. 1887. Steamer Trhrty.' Will leave every Monday" ind Thursday morning at Blx o'clork for Hmlths and Adams Ceetka and all lnurmediate points, returning same daj'. Steamer tlnston. Will leave New BenieXe. Rlnston on Tne. daya and Fridays at 12 o'clock, M, Ketarb 'n. ! Kletrtoa t.b WvMidaya and Thursdays; Touching at all intermediate LaudJngson Nouee aiyer ,,t: i sT. niSOBTfwVWewbem. W. r. 8TAJILT, Klnston. D. 8. BAmat,roUokariUe. W. K. WARD, Agent at Treatoa. y ' ,' M. O. Bhtth, JoUy Old Field if. R RiaTaTr AaaVaa . " f " "s aaatii ortusxv. -CtnttAn. Hi niA Tnitatrar r.v ItsebretKUnornewllli f t jootpaia, Bonif Of Til mi 1 tkmiars sent i i. 1.1 1... .a a M. wotn.i.F t. m n. ' Auoaaa, Wa.. tSo Kft Winu.-uaU 6W 1 1 1 ia n we.

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