0UENAL. t- : : . " 11 - f- 'T Tr "' "V ir '' " 1 " ' - VOLVIINO; I'dG t M y tjfEW BEBPC TUDAYNOyJBMBER 1 3. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. . BUSHSXSS LOCALS. ' l . OEWEKJ Machines TOeIrd, Ow i ; VJnaieeJ irss elaas wtk. - - -novl) tf Jobs EWAiM.f qXrrebytt. Saoattkle anarelng.1 x a tar lot of rtM Morfoia Oysters, Uw 4age lot of TikmMm, Trait aad Candies oa hand at Hn. Wotnblea, alUd'e street. vita the crowd to Juha Dnaat X and try bit fiao a rootriee aa4 bo made happy. Every oao ie delighted wkj ait good aad bia low prices. rrO thooo who bar bee eenokiag X Proclamation Cigar, Manufactured at Factory No. 1017, oo4 sold ia this city to the wholaeele aa null trada .bj Tba Urooar.S B.Heckaurn.I would , araay' that aiaco eoate aterchanta have bea ao very kiad aa to base a cigar nut ap af gaotaec factory bearing tho hbi aamo,' brand, caation labal, etc. aa tba olgare which ! have advertised for over a I ear, I havo bad a atUI better cigar manufactured aad tho braad reaistered, aad it la really tba beet for S ia the United Stale. Reaaeaabr tbo brand. Old Hickory. Factory, No. 1017. Try thorn. .. IMPORTED FBIIfCffBRiDY AND HOTXlilD- OW. jeea received and for aala by - - a Bedwthix. CORN 8HELLERS, drain Tani, Food Cutter at , Oao Allek & Co. JUST RECEIVED-Anottar lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for aala by James Rkcmodd. ipNGXNE aad Qin Rapaira, Belting, f asking, etc. at 4 . Oao Allen Co. 1) LEASE REMEMBER that I Dead tnoaay aa wall aa tba reat of man kind, and if yon ow me please pay ma. J. C. Whittt. pUBE -WINES AND LIQUORS roc 1 Medicinal and other na for aala by James Redmond. BE PURE ICE, manufactured by Ike Jar nan Ice Factory. IjtSOtf C COTTON TIES and Cotton Gina at " Oio. Allen tt Co. We only ak on trial oo Old Virginia Cheroot. 8 for 10 cent. oc28 F. UuiICH, Wholesale Agent Stocks generally have declined. 'The country will manage to get along. Tbarman. "And still the principle that men shall be taxed only for pablic par poses ia right." WE join tbe Wilmington Star in aajiuf, ''now for an educational revival in North Carolina." Uon. Tom. Bekd of Maine, will probably, be the next Speaker of " tTjfl HoQe of BepresenUtives . Tsk switchmen on the New York Oktral and the Boston and Albany roadi have Itruck Tor higher wage?. A freight blockade ti the rtau'.t. a.'Jil usaawaaswaawaaBaawa . V'XfxYA Loot wood, one , of the defeated candidates for Preside nt, -.-,i.i,i.,ii.i i.ii'"" -i. was one oi toe urst vo veiegrapu -oongratnlationa to Oen. Harrison. - -i-.Lr-..uj.-i.rJL'..j; If newspapers are to be believed, and we readily credit them all, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Morton will be . genuine ornaments of Washington '.".aoclety.' ." ' "" ' To men in Missouri hare gone craiy ia consequence of the election ; excitement." It really looks to .na as it a majority of the people were a little off. FovtV months more, and then look on. for a clean sweep. Gen. jnartlson wUlXake ihe civil service oat of politic IjmaVlnl it nnani motaly lpuUicn;'' y. .i.a". 1 " .1111' 1 I " yiz learn, from the ".Wilmington 'Star, tbat the ekxt . croasee.the - jrreat stream of Hovember meteors known as the Leonides tonight. -'Astronomers ssy tke'part ot the -'meteorie1 tlgf- Vw r)noirnearing Is not its thickest part and we may t have' to" wait till ;i80a loir V tery grand sbowcr!,of .these shooting . - etats; bombard on atmosphere. Fetvrtheleas;there may be an'nn TwaaJ tliaplay tonight. ... U It is admitted. the Bepnbllcans wiU.' ihaye a majority in f both branches of .the Fifty first Con- cress. vWe wanted ibe Democrats v to win the House because we desire ' truth'td preTall 4a all ifia eontcals. Bat, as the Republicans' will hare the President and tbe Senate, it Is vyeTna'pV.lhat -. Hotise alsq.; ' Now the whole re sponsibility, for' the administration of the tovernraect will rest npoa them, and it will not be long before : Attj wni oe eauea to give an ao . cr-Dt cf their stewardship. ; VT 'I e - Miss Aiste E. Dicxinson has begun aanit ia th Sapreme Court tj TeccrreiIjQ fjliVXiionaJ Bepabliean (mji)ittephe says tahercitiltiifheada her irraagerceAti 141 Heavier with committee man Jamea 8. Clatkaon, treaanrer Tudiey aad saeretary Fasactttfr datiter a aaciea ftairtT poMtteal BpeecUi She'waa tohave afl ht vetpaaaea paid by the com mittee and to receive 1125 a day. In case Harrison was elected her pay for the entire series waa to be $5,000. She has been paid S,75t, and, aa the Kopablicaoa 1ave bees soecessful, she ts snfng for 1160 more. Thkbk is great and important work for tba liepablioan party to perform along the old lines of nationality and progress. For tunately Jbe party baa in General I 11,..;,:., . i. . . uaitwu ius luiiu iw tue uuui, DOW that it h hn naltcit hv tha wnrwU ia r.nm, it, M vi .n i ifi-uaiv ivo vaaj J1BW0 puu complateiiaunfloislied work. Qen. Harrison believes in and insists npoo the reduction of the tarin needed to stop the accumulation of aTreaaafv nnrnlaa. AndT MJi .an I b made without impariiif the Just protection of Americaaittdaatrlas. I N. Y. Tribune. ThU is exactly tbe position of the Democratic party on the tariff auring tne campaign, it was op posed ' by tbe Tribune and all leaders of the Republican campaign up to the hour of Harrison's elec-1 tion. They have heard the voice nf thA nnnla mH nm nn.Aa. - v.. v yvi-.v. uun - i tariff reformers. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrh Womble -Oyster. Jon.N EDwaBDH-Rawing machine repaired. Some good work is being done on the sidewalks on Craven street by the oity foros, An important meeting of the board of director of the Fair Association will be held tonight at the office of O. H. Qulon at half-past seven o'clock. Let it be remembered that New Berne most be attractive aa possible 'flaring Conference. There will be a host of people here, and just thtt ' clos of people whose good opinion is worth a great deal. A change for the better baa taken I . I . . I . I L. , 1 , . ' . 1 . .....wr. xne latter portico or uotooer ana tne nrstten day ot o- vemoer were a.most as warm aa em- mer.buttbe preseat change iailcate. w, w.nWr com.nK. wioierence convene on lha j zotn. Are yon ready for it? Bruth ap "our oremisea. Fatten vonr niira and yonr ohicken. Enlarge your hospitality and get your heart right before Ood and man. Prepare to receive and imoirt hUa.inra f . ! j! a . - . if n. .... ,klsl,..J iv. - t,- .1 n.l. . rt . ,j f .in., i. .1 wawrt aiwncoow, jri ut Tegara to tnei. article "Yoang eolorwl msn read thia r..v,. ii vi.-u ...I , V. UUW publish reply of S. N..IItn. editor of the Ad vocate. Wa paume what U will not be I necessary ta refer to this matter again, as we are eatUfled publio opinion baa settled down in regard toJU Thia i the annnal waek of-nravarf. .Ifh h VM... lf.. fSk.t... .-. w J " - v-u. ciattenInthsTJhltad6tatetTheieo- eiatton hare BAmmatkoeit shalr mMtnM . .I.V.i . , , l. f.u m n MM.. .uvw. w .. v. Hancock: aa leader. S, B. BaU wul cone I duet the service tonight at 80 o'clock. I aaaa . a a . in. mee .ng w. eoau.ua througn tne WM,,uo a"--7 nigua wuiui ia at the ehnrohee. v. tm ..a .... i. t reponeu iuh ui Mpawntn wiU have a rousing -JolifloatkmM to- nlghL There can be ao objeotion to ih.tf ha.imr . a-,ut t!.. ir..riH i n . B v a-"!v j to usual ftr the auceeeaful party uucat camrKiw w mieoraaa ineir ate - tory with bonfires And lilumbiaUoas. nr. ikd oi,b yZ.:.,.fr::V.Tl doaa la the right spirit, and that every thing ba omitted, that would have a tendency to "dlaiurb'the peace of the community, wecheerfnliv neeanaenl vti Ban .., T . r. .. oauy oytwp, waKi wwwssaww . - r i T 3 vR-s-i -w hu w vm.t v vwun. ,., ..... m ion reel arowsv, iistiese bo a aeepona n,,X0rJ, tKm .? 70tnol2 to. w tfwji iu ia siuiin auavaiy, yuua iitw BoKKev. .Priae only M eeoUv w , . ' t Whea ton' ckn get5 tfffCl? 'Virginia Cberoou lor 10 cebtihy ddybtt pay Xlectioai wC We kaveaotUag farther of iav portaacefroaataa alaotioa. b ia Mill donbtfoi wbica party baa a aoejoriiy ia the Hooaa af Coagteea with caaaoea iaH favor of tba fefUkae. SMbaou la Uerktad byRBU OTar,afahaadrd jt TTWootatio State tioket ia laaUi, ty bweaay LUn aal twenty taoaaa&d aal the Democrat have a good majority ta the LagiaUtare. - 1 1 ; : Caogt AgaJn.vj CtaaVD(aoa, aoL, waa takea ia early yeaterdaj .morning by policeman Qaa a&raatha'oaa who had baaa commit ting a aomber 'of thafu aroa4 the city reoeatly ia the day tima. He was taken before Jaetioo Briaeoa aad aoaaaakted ts jail in defanrt of oAa hundred dollar baU. Dixon has been out of tbe peni tentiary only a few month for a ilmilar offence. fteaaot lUremeaU. TheYeaperof the E. O, D. line tailed rertarday with a carao at eotaon, lum- fv. ? bf and gaaaraJ marohandia. The Eaglet ai this line will arrive today and U afteraoon at 4 o'oiock The Vanteo of the O. D. line tailed yeeterday for Norfolk with a fall cargo r""' "" Ma peasenger. me rtewnerne win arrive toniaht aod tail tomorrow at II o'clock. The Tahoma of the Pamlioo linear- rived lt night and will aU tomorrow morning at o'clock. Freights fottbi 00' wm ""d .c. u. wuewDH up to (i p m. toaay. Personal. Mrs. Nellie Welth left yesterday for New York, where the will taks pateag for her home in England. Mis Lida Sohenck and Mum Emma ru ... .... . w I Lvuewnv ibis vwsieraav on ui oaanteo for New York. Mis Sadie S. Manly left yesterday morning for a visit to Raleigh. Miaa MinnU M. Bryan left yesterday aaoming for a visit to Fayetteville. L. J, Moore, Esq., is attending court at Kinstoo. Mr. C. S. Llollister made a businees trip to Kinstoo yesterday. W. 8. Chadwick. Eso.. of Beaufort was in the city yeeterday. Not Discouraged. Let it not be supposed that the good people of Cray en are discouraged by the reault of the late election. They will not relax their efforts, bat, better instructed in the school of experience, they will employ better method In the future. There ie ao part of the globe In whioh energy and skill will find higher rewards than ia the county of Craven. We intend that here one blade of graaa baa grown Ave shall flour iah: whare one flower baa bloomed igitu iBu dltpT1M ita fragrance; wh. w chu4 hu received the rodi menU .dnC4tlda a half o,. .hall L w g uaMinM men and women to rejoice and bless mankind. The oapitai of the comntnmty la oa the aide of intelligent progrcsa. and poverty and ling was on tbe edge of the upper falls inumau annt nranni aha Hwlorwlof the Oenesea river. Theee falls are meat of thia heaven blessed land Craven to the front. I Annual 8ermon to the Y. If. 0. A. ....... I t,.... w. v ir i 1 aauaai wiuaia .IV. M-t kuieuMj imwwuBiiMiir l . ., . , . . ? .""r"'" ' . 7 """ by Ret. Dr. L,P V. The Uat wis TTT. , T. II. !.. iron srruv. sit. iq, u WHtmuuiuwuiiiiviuui. tuna ou.o u. men, c. and earnest disooarae, applying princi- "ore or less Injured They were at pally to young men. Aer u sermon A a. a the reports of the aecretary and uealh4rem0TCi, There are 21 missing men. nrar of tba AaaociaUon wera read which .hn.! thai thar. was as ahaUmsnt of . . . t . iniaTaaf aaa anrna arooa wdtk niu Been - 1" . " . .. anna tke nail Tear, thowali. flaafMtaIlT. uwt,totoaariood a foundation a. I . u n . wma aaairmoie. iter. air. urawioro toeni I 4,uvred a faw remark relative ta tbe I Aaaoclation. Ha told the reran- meal I ivat lenoaalbtlkT rented anonlbrI both P01'"01 parties and both I r 3 aVv I a. ta-tateiklA. aa VtA Aotln i AVt nArA 1, the worn, there wa equally U great if ao greater. That w 1- prHNCli in ill siosz Bv n errani tton,al great trllt was due them. ' of. raw... " """" I, Tr . trm k a CTrv tin . Na. Tha jhavieet wow torm.yr known at this ieaaon as tna year negaa as o cioci this morning, and ie Mill ragtag withlmde, and that not a (ingle arreet bad tiua0atB.vHUBm. - pwrw rwi &u abow.thal the. storm as general all oyat lbalitaUw . f v,.-t - ' "11',.. i waa uousuauy uio auu urucrij.A.fio fK.Hsaicwtalaa olaobneeaoIutUnB w.iads4jeiv1nooii of Alfc.'-wdttt; I take giea .plaasare recommenaing jjav junga naw. ajiscot ST. irwMidi.uutii'.. i ww-,r-"i "' ( Mr9n attsck , c tronchJUs r; and - icatann. , At gave mo instant reuei anaiaaoet S tstiDTUStftocr TjrMovea " WatSrl in isMirtivesnaiMsa iBivaanBiSB - laffluttwt MiaMa, ' I aTan h tA atata that had tried btrremediea wiJl bo good L-aaoU. llara alSO SJMt tleCtrtO IHUeTI i r Aan tiara. alan auaa t. J sumption, soughs and is sold on Mia I a positive guarantee. Trial bottles Ih.SZK a Vard. ' Ehtoes Jotrnl: -Please allow me thiwagh Tu paper to correct tbe u le nt eat aaaia ta bunday'a JocaaaL by Bob, fiaaoock, Jr , reiatiag to tb arti cle la the True Jispablican aocreditad to mat Young Colored Men,Rad Thia la Year Father," etc. I wu employed by Meear. Hancock, Haba aad ortter to adit Tba ( Adiw during tbe eaatpaiga r 19t Tbe AJvocaws waa tbe property of Uaneock. llaho and ether. AU matter appearing ia that paper waa subject to in approval or tejeeuoaef Root. Haneock. Jr., ae gen eral manager, end ofttimea aaeistant editor. I desire to inform ike public that the aruole in queatioa waa the aentlmeata of Ueem. Uaooock. Hahn aad other then, aad it reproduction at tki time prove that it i now, "Bond or ao iiomi," id not my sentiments. Tboae who have watched my arnal- ietio career eiace SI will aued ihe fact that J have alwaj advocated inJe pendent political action on the part ol the colored people, hen rucniui; my own machine. 1 rtfat that the Advo cate was no property of mine, but the property of lb liaho f action, aad there fore eipreeeea their irouuiputs and not mine. Rep'y, S N Iln.i, New Brcp, Nov 13 ixs ( ard. Ns Bkrnr. N C , N v EorTt)h Jor rn a l.:-Report have tteo ai i uored iuid nuai j.n nf il, i.rr ,on ,Dd ptopt.ay o( hu iinidren but that I have uUo boun i hu hue chii dren to a colored mm N ur.e aciaaint d with me atll for n moment telieve such rpurtt, nor ill tbe reour ia of my office show any tuch act of mine. Such a report no douU oriKiaated from a suit in our cuurt al ut the Civil land which ended in lO, con ducted by one of the lea.l ing law firms Of this city (all lniwcriij. who had oc casion to ask tbe court in a written oe lition to appoint John ! Villi, re spectable colored niQ, a guardian i l litum to file an answer for a minor who had an inttreotm said land, which is a form in law necessary to secure a good .i.i- Buoh an appointment gives no control whalster over tba ieron r property of a minor further than to tile an answer as above stated, which an swer was written by said law tirm. It is the custom in such caes for the attorneys to select the guardian il ht urn desired. Mr. Willis happened to be present and was thus selected a a matter of convenience to this tirm, to hand in this answer. That all there is to it. K V. Cartkn rrcR, Clerk Superior Court . It U Sensible Editor Journal: If it is sensible and right for white Republicans to leach colored voters aod their wires to stand solidly together and vote against the interest of Craven county, it is then sensible and right for the Demo- I orata to stand solidly together and touch not a siogle Republican s bond. ntr'pncwuujr yuum, Fair Pla aire and Loss of I.'fe. RocnttsTER, Nov. 10. List evening's Are waa tbe worst that ever occurred in thia city. At least U live were lost and 20 persons injured. The pecuniary lose Will amount to 5230,000 The alarm wa sounded at 7. SO and the fire depart ment waa soon on the scene. At that time but little 'fire could be seen from tbe outside. The building was approach able only on one sido and tbe firemen u.a 0Dlr an alley to work In. The build ainety-elx feet hii?h. When the firemen arrived the windows on the street side of the building were filled with men calling for help. There were 65 men inside. Tbe firemen aoswerrd them telling them not to jump, that they would soon be rescued. The men psld na attention to tne encouraging cries - n the air was filled with falling human bodie. At least 20 men jumped .V. .l-l.J All . . th , iniutJei tfoie thev could UDCW lasQu WKJ UlTiyitaia a vi i ut iuoiai It is eanpoeed that all the missing men ara dead In the ruins. It is reported at 10 a. m. that ten more oodies hve been louna in tne ruins. i. , . . - . A (frogs Libel. . n . a. u.u I xvar.anjti, hot. v. v a uiccuuK uciu fonlght by the board of aldermen of this city, at which were present mem Md -rosslv alanderoaa the sutemente tant, allegimr that political dietur - It, .-j .f. ,.,. .w. d Mon tha fettioi. th4t Mgroet 1nd Republicans bad' been wounded, I and that threat! or interference witn a it.:. k. Tk. hation declare that tot the tlightest i foundation, existed for the sUtemeat - i MaBniM in me citv aarinir tne cam I paiga foff -Eolation of tbe law, or for idiaorder growing qui of political differ suoas, and that tbe eity on election flay ujAtderaanlams'H. Jones, a prominent - i colored KepnblfDan, wnty was seconded u. m n tt i dt AiaqrmiH yaius u. uiuie, atn iu aatntial oototed mad,' and one orthe iKaftMthi. or.v. .r.ri'T I i - 'BBlftcrxsl CLADaESi !,.! .w.:. .l.. .j B4tTw Aa.aa-.aavj w syiwutwwaM. ewaaam aMvv,ww iej on I. .u. ..- r. i if.u ;novl3 dw4w4 WILD HIS SIGHT. Us A. K Haw its -About a year ago I procured my first pair of g leases ' from some dealer, but they strained 1 my eyes and caused them to ache. 1 then bought a pair of yoai Crjetalizsd Lenses, and the effect has been woo derful, as a proof of which 1 do not use i any glasses now and see as well a ever r . L. DaMaL, M. D , Ed Tea. Med. Record AU eyes nited sod At guaranteed by F. S Duffv. New Berne. N C. o'.SJlm, Aak jour dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots S (or lv cents 2m K. V'lkk u, Wholesale Agsnt i To the Citizens of Craven Co. j The Tax List for 1388 is now in my hands for collection. Pleaae come for ward and settle the same Immediately and thus save coet and trouble. D. STIMSON, Xhrr,:T New Berne, Nov. 10, 1SSM. if new berWp1(mlTcolise.! The Steamer TAHOMA, i hai .lsom 'Iji coQairurttd irelf tit nj pai I euar tol. livlna orrll pi. ed u 111 i ioul, is pipard lo rondo r tuprruir mtn ! to and from ai points ou lowor Nni,r H : nd I'amlieo wanly, and Nw Be'ne Koi ' the prfaent the toliowtna acheduU wm t.- in operation: ! Loavea New Heme every Wednoadav an. I Katurday at 81X A. M. lor Baytxiro stipp.:.K ' nl riobfoois Adama an. I buiilUa urrki Yandemare and tuonewail Leavea Hajtwm every Momlay an ' T-.ura-4ay at HIX A.M.. atuppinf at wtor. .. andemere. amllha. AJanii ant i un i ... , Oeeta. aritviDi at Naw beroo Monday an.) rtiura tay sveDluss. Kicellent paaaenger accom ukm1i ion in pie freight aatlltiea. Kre hl re,-e1p.e,i for mi l received I , l v aneutC.1' l. line, and rvrry iul,.t n.n. n m H i v e n S I. MC( H ! Il A I., Aflll, Hmiiha 1' H ArtHOrlV Vandan cl M to l.r.H. Huinewall l'iUKlinKI.I, A if nta. Ba I... i.kohuk a. HtaaKi, I 'twit lieneral Mani-i; Look OutJFor Fraud! Rrad Thla. and la AoordlDgl) Tlie el.Ttion fortius eff nt-it T iCMflai und h...e it w,;i rfvnlt hi ll.a aat n-fa.-Hon uf every citien and to the !est inter ita of the country In the meantime e wish to mf. rrn tlie I'Ubln' that, having leen lnirne.1 ,,nt we are still in business, and may be f. in ai Trenwlth's Blarksniith Shop, when e ill lw gla.1 l) see our atr. ms and lake their orders. Immediate steps will 1 taVen t,, rel, 1 1 1.1 in brk k. at t he old at and, on Craven at rt'e; when we wid be in better ."ondition than ever. We hnve wiili us M It ! yua M.miim, who is well known in llna . Miiiumriii v for hia skill in woikminshi P Send in ness orders. We ae ea.lv fo K.DWAKKS & ( I. AUK. Hotter Makers and Mkhdisu i v: nwly Stoves are in Demand All the time, and tbe place to buy them 1 at P. 1.1. DRAHEY'S. We have a full line of Cooking and Healing Stoves, and will be sold on reasonable terms. We make a specialty of the New Far mer Oirl Cook Stores aad other brands Also a complete line of Hardware. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Cart and Waon Material, Harness. Paints, Oils, Olass, etc. Come and see me and be convinced that I will sell you good goods for little money. OC2Sdwtf r. U. URANEV. IT. Ulicli- WHOLESALE GROCER, ISSUES TUE FOI.LOWIXd PROCLAMATION 1,200 Cane 3 lb. Tomatoes, 2 lb. Corn, 3 lb. Peaches. 600 Carta 1,200 Cans Very Cheap. No Deception, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. Steamer Howard, Independent SteunDoat Line. On and after Monday the 10th das ol Sept., the steamer Howard will run the following schedule: For Trenton every Monday and Fri day at eight o'clock, returning Tuesday and Saturday. ? . , a t . ' r, ... , J. J. LAJSITTER, Manager. J. J. DisoswAT, Agent at New Berne. no t-i O a a 0 0 H d u i H & H H 0 H Pe tJ3 O ns o . 4 en ..a be ax e3 ho a e3 09 E r3 d o CD e aa o -a - d on Qi to a t-. H O 3 d -i d -- eQ O P d u CD 1-1 CD O o d w cn a he 02 in x a J25 a o e-t 4- d a (U e3 CO o O For Sale, I I AM' v.ii Neu e t. i k :a: fiikrs 1' i . I .Ml k - -rid Hr-riu, N Shoes & Rubber Goods. An .r;, id"t art r ti A i.. nt Shoes st lot ( f auch as e I 'he I i $ k lie i ity, Kubter li .. .! Ilontrt. S, ... At JUtr The Lad The G?ntl I . 1 "i l.UU .s New Herr.e Must Come! men May Come ! '' Everybody " Com4 ! .'Ml i. i. Handsomest Tea, Dinner and Toilet Sets v. ri: i . i : ' I I ' 1 T.ITS M !!KKT M si I I. I SE o; i House Furnishing Goods T I 'TTnf ri:!''KS L. II. ( UTLEK, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW HKKM: N. C. Land For Sale. i'M HI.MiHKli AM) T W KNT V Kl K Al ltr in. .if or less, a!tnat)',l tliree uu:e weal nf Hi.. ( II v of Near Heme, on 1hTrem K.iad lead iiK u, n p uwo ot Trenton A ponton of tula lan.l ia dark, heavy clay mli soil, well adapted to the raining- of cot Inn, corn. p,)tatcs and nanerai crops of tm. k also well adapted to stpau herrlts the other portion U of a I lulu aandy loam, good for corn, peas. an. I uenem i . roi.s raised In this aenllon. There Is a fine m ill slta'on the lard with a stream that ti.i never known to he dry In the drteM seuson A Iso well covered will, while mail and i.mek, whlrn ta one of the heal tert ll,.ers. I here la aood aprlng water on land, n.l ts one ,f ihe h.M 1 1 h :ei t tarmal n. Ui la section. lUa a dw.-.p.ng houp,, contalnlnt four r.Kma. and haa a tine orchard of apple and other trulls, line and a balf ml lea to, tne railroad and t hrce a nd a half mllea to New Bernn r.y v.a:er I or further Informal on apply to P r. KF!rTnr. o-a2 i (. Koi ii, NewBerne, .t JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Maker, Pollock St.. Newbern,N. C Oealres to announce that his FALL, BTOCh. OK MA.TEKI A I, has been received and he U prepared to till orders for ME CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AM SHOES Having two snporlor Rallied workmen. all orders promptly tilled. In soliciting patronage t eiiranee "tbe beet material, a good fit, tne la'-eet etviaa and durability. ' As one among manv testtinonatla of the character of my work the subjoined from a wall known cltiieuteila itsowa story: , Ustteo States berse n C Consrs Rs orrrra. oet. 5th, lW Jvo. llrSoRi.gY. Kstt. iiEAR hi r-piae make me a pair of gaiters at ml lar to those yon made me two years ago. I have worn tbem two years and MT, ye'- I have been wean na thoee fifty six years and they are tbe best I ever wore. Respectfully, Signed jj 0 htxl. Repairing neatly and promptly done. octil dw FASHIONABLE TAILOR MIDDLE STREET;- Iwo doors contta TTahn'a ij.iu.ii: nnvl Atf W I? UK TrTJTrw - w h VTT ITtrtVtSVN limwo . !Tt-tX ansa 'im -'i '4il' ihyttf x:o oaodo! T a.l. aTlTwSnW a V - a. article, ALL QSaDES and in ... quantities. Gallon or address: J. . TATLDSj, V . .NeW Berne. oc9Jwtf U ii - r-;fj"'.i ' - - .

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