the joubnal;,, tbi i;? jisrtTixir11 it's taoytopyp rs. - .- p .j. t ' ..A. - if ., " S - t-. 1 J r !J t Xjpja. K r,iua usjzs cur fci-tr. ;ve-:.:i: miaou tsmM it. Stake Ptump, LatiH Hmom Babi. awsvenaea) w SVJMk! a Bffa MPs ' . Sum! by nnt MtNvlU. wan. J"3rf '."ar imi,n AVamniieof Uaufhj ttty portraits, prtated e 1b Mate paper ) ajMU vruoeaa, Mb! free w aA w a.iy- . , .4 rutin a pea Avery kkuthee -u-- hi- i r4 at tav er a mm Ht a, . ,B sag-tan, V. 1 tlit" lUlU L1H 1 1 vKlUIty. liUiJ ait. ..lUJraiaiMI. .t Rfrir nn-.'hnnfl ;iwi?i-rfld; nones and. mules,: tne best for tius section, will on hand this fall' and winter. , ' ad Street, flew ffie',' '."?'" ' 1 B(t7dwU PHILADctPlllA i Mitiii .imI W ' 111 aOH-WI'lW' aatw ..f..: .-t,.u.ti.uiJ ... -la.TJMQnMTIflMbLVW x11' 1J ' i Finest Bieerf icta!ht: 1 It is brewed from tho :. i ... ... .. West Barley llalt and ( Laazer Hops. tanttfwtKr XteMy for TBITIVE qiialities. : Tba' high reputation enjojed lOMPASY is dna to the fact that MATEHUIJ5 are paetjaha tbat W Wc4wtnga6 'Uonuments Tonics. , I vV;J-Wl J. '.''" - i i A ttf . Wwu4M wkk 1 !iTiLlinur:En::Aii:An:Li 1 r," ,r ;;-;n;.vVW-.i XhderswiirreoelTe proaap attoetiov MsTOtgaagsasrf S lay H is ' Vr .jfiii if. WILLIS. Proprieto o p. Knxtattiay 0ii4,ft : I,,. -..iBuso-dtw i in .. .... i - i... . J? aal.lvi g .BQKD50B.J irot- tkinreiqiie;,,raer in ..... l , -; , r- "X i - (. u OF ISTPRIST K1A.T XHatant Klla . 1 . a tai.i- . 1 .i i r,rti ii i w - 1 . . t i i ' !"', V.krhal t -1 f t at. gf - ! f t f -in- ar; BO f :: V it . patueooor. . J -r." Terms r r."w YES .....JM..t Sttengtt.u Fastness; .Dfiautyt ....AM8L.I Simplicity. arrenud to ouara- ejre MukkuutaWi Iramiwiuil k arte mum hruiasas ui durable eulua. At ft lb lnnsas. tail liuj rIU ilCHAHDSOM A Ctf, SmlimjtJ, ft Far OJldiaf er Broasiag Paac Anit , pX DIAMOND PAINTS.,,. 014, tur, Simh, Cappar. OaJy M Casta. hi it t --- npply of' new tocKtefetK? LflGEIl'CEcllj ... .,', ' I fineBt Eaton CaiiaU ' "1 fA AaXSala.a h mJm raft I aWfaiaa WlaUawl Ska, f t. A f Jfitfl SHU I its TONIC an HU- v ! by the BERGNER & ENOKLf on!illiiNEOTUNrJfc the greatest SKILL and OARfc ,riiinllijy4diilfl i xic3rt General Hardware Agricultural Ijn p i am . ,BLktlLLi riowa, iiarrowi, voiUTft lla and Aaeav Wood 'a Mowers and Rcapara, Steam Enginest Lima, Brick, Cement, Piaatarf Balr, Painty Kalsomlne, YallUg.robm, And.makaraxperimeaU eish. Oil. Glass. Putty aod Hatil ntofl W mlerhtsX-fr tnhnin rnaun RaMnmtnM. oflllnto tba natum'tTUtOTT K'oi eack Ckokr BrtlMlllMrrlatl Proof Bash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES YtMtT LOW. GEO. ALLEN aft CO. j J. B. ORlBTRZa. BASIL KAkXT, JOHN H. CEABTREE & CQ ENGINEERS, Fouudera and Maclnlati llaiiafactarers and Dealer ia tSuHESUDMiCMST.' BlUar af Eaglaaa. Ballan.' Saw Killa. tMgtag A Cat-eff IfkliH Weara pranarad todaOaatlnsaof all Wlta prompuiaaa, ,. Partlsolar anl Imraadlala attaattsa El' WTcpaiioiauKiDaa. . We wUl ka t lad to twpteaeeaa Ibr aar daaei lpUoa of maohlBarj. ...... Vt are thaatrvnta fnr tba sale of tba laaa Raw. -Arao fnr 6; A. BartAtaiAt eaa brated indet trofUDie 410A vaiva.. . . . . . We tlTa satlafttetofT gaarantaa ffratl vnrt anoaoTiat rrnomwwij Big D aaasleea, aalvaa, L i . 6.t. JoofaatOtiaatiaijaaaag ' 1 '4 i (llMt. I sraamlha It a4 - . - - ieelealalBreeomaaad-' yrl wtl tf Aa . . 1. w. .11 anlTbnm. ' " t.AgTena.wjL, a in v-jwvinmftKa,- micB,ei.a. V Ta. a wtl Sold !IUgj"4tA J. V. JOEDAJf, Agnt, Ksw trne, klnda StlBaAM Ajpe L..a. 4- " tfl 1' il ft ( ., V I i w. h 9m m A WU.ertUMmi4LX(UiMkUUt Lik tb U f tot U , T IV m m vr a L&a & 84 art thni m tmrrj , "rtlif artnt 0 W UX m IkM faU hvU tMMpaiMlMiirffii, Erw vaUiag M UT aUaaiMM, BIomoim tet mXk tkt mow, LoMtM4.fai4aiil tffbJac, tifklog Lika oagrMwjlitB) wm, Fktal nA fiUtfTyiag. a) tofS lika voioa 4rf to4 ag. . , ' 3.i j i , .iqi 1 1 ihwij ... . WtafckiH Trit'" ' It if kVfttllj 6 V -n4 reaoa vilk. apantUiom..,Soe of tlmoam-fcl0 telsffg hT their unrwuxwb! frra4.i I doaH b-neTeMfl' ttVQt afraid of Uefi.,5-14 Me da 8tael, ODe of ikV noat iiUlIectaaJ women of bar time, or emotv. Illoa tratira of bia peiat. mtfematt w ho fetrt "nothing Ind believes les, tells bow, after be k&4 popped the qoestion to4 be ftoceptad, be and his betrothed agreed tkat the marriage cerenoay ah on Id bo cele brated on the ladj'i birthday next entttni. i U see ma t be one of the ittle eccentriciUea of the feminine 8eemt more rotBa&tie. I tereenme. toTne dear oreaUrea, to lea re their state of single bleaaedueaa on the MttreTMrt of tkWr enttAnon to the orld. No.daidi ima 4a dsye, we all know, and curiosity led the couple to look into the almanac to ascer tain the day of the week on which the yoong lady's next birthday would fall, whether Sondaj. Mon day, or some other day. The alma. nao showed Friday oppoalte the natal day. That settled It. The wedding could not be upon that day. A. mn woman t baT mmaea nca i thing, yon say. rexhaps not. Bat a man would have ban- gled - matters, jaa the same. She dtdBot., A woman's wit would not; A woman's wit would belrbtit of mazes where a man would be lostr men weald bare P0ttr0Ad:He We4ldJnr. Bhe aid aoi.) xetbbftdaf Tallin, on a ISM, VVaWwH ' immW ' IIHIIlrvAl WFa lav isW ifenWJ b at I thw dy b Ifore atr ,rtkdaji iot'ha anptlalg, , iVl'W'M lamWiV telir this afftrr'. Va Mttawit xrmarafcltiriTi and frlf teiftaad ta-mala iilA tlia ban. pieat mkn o WrtHfort' n day BruJl O. sb not been aftiid .ba-fet married on Friday. " . -;. . CarkMity f Cktldrfj-Wkat It May philosophy oi taa manor at least, to ahataaeraaiiJiati.ofi aa swaeolna efcihi Terr "fttatftBthr ttwwa. lutoi! u. - ; T aV'tm-Tll;. a. at i i1 ! -na -m vaeulJWWVflJ - man. iae former la a sort or 'ptfot-baiiooo, a lUUff llihfc.tJ be' sore, but a critl- MTertiietoss, and pretty lweu M tna p direction, to ha taken 4'oifaf oaf to na a boy of original, or, what would xaoarally ba called fetttettthc iraWts, fond'of rambling gttiAfift a trarrrltJiP M tha amM alrla and riTer mak) prone to ooueot what JiCtiWXsaiWMAiitl then 0n his return to abut kimaelf np la according; W IU liadpo wch a oqi out te us, and we should- bare no difficulty in pronouncing kiav, wltkofrtkaAldf fhyslegnomy, to be of 1 far better augury . than bis fellow who does nothing but pore orer his bio&f 'fm dreaming tnac were is any gnowicage oe- 'our fcki Kewto lirfnaVnlnrfc ajrA fWrl ftfrtflL LgolLoA IhA avatora if UlUgi, tkt l must generally be. Xns spirit taat KifWarfah ktowrt"to tboagiaiia ,,pwoamr,inaeaat or jv rj i:e.i w jpwmug vv A sftrfit tit riaki excel!tTromiSA aOTr-' i rAaAA.i-aiiwa "0rTHTJriTt)f ahoald aly k aaad: pr:vbiitm K-thirt,t k,oc.Uiuo ckua, aoneBa t 9 f -u.; allaya alt4 pain, .cares wiaA r " J f r I is ths best emaJw ioe 2Uai aoav 1 weAiy-BT omuw m womw. 1 "4 Cirr, and UodamAnd lor aame-tw s'". f pew-r f VT T.;. &nu C: - . !'! Gu.r i ry atock is : ... I. C ...,rj. loiti dim utmii aal : W b. s a Hat ' - MaMkwaMakaMatt n vaLoaU nifim Ins. to 4 sire as a a aA I tni.ij.W? u u-tf 7Vr -"a 4poAa. MM an bed a4 !9!B"k;i"' aa? wna as ened the wiueaear 4 a a Tka JkMlMmnTkmiiln a I aawMv ktMila aaaa aarta uav toptv. fcow .. at axx aacd a ' maw aiaaaaia, aad ntm tnmtrom Utut. pad 1 ewa ai mal inaiTma la paw maiaa, IstMarfalt (aa) nl tait oumt aao ka Mmibi M. kvaa, A WaatlnauiaK omujnftaa-niNMi Oe , amaat, ua. ueauamaa about two ran aao air anaaral bauia pi war aa- T'-v. ww. wriuiaMi caat i aoacvi 4ipalraa o vr twajif wall aamtav Ail ttai taa ak-ariau t,Trw m CSnAttn oa t4 A , a. a tur tnatahhowk uuvuBii woaia t Urvw tac aaj Aar tasau a tanroncii eorai aj With 41 rtran.ih Nturua, aad I moat a UuM AAA alua curvd M, at I durarded all othar whil lulan it a. a tunic I oaa m. MartUT rerDiairu1 It . for nneral iletuut. Itaartatat UaaauiBa W. . Bntau. J t. Raaxa. La. I kiow Xr. W. F nnaiaa aa4 will aar taat ha Matmnt U wirwoi Juaara auatrua, LtriaralM. Treatlw on Rlond an.1 Sktg Dlarasat nrnwi Irat. Tat t ai ferny c.. I'rjwer 1 ttlot. Qa TAKE 1'sPills Tha-rimt goea4aa aalonlahoathoin- valid, ftiliia; ciaativiiy 01 miu Bouyanoy of Body. t wMrlr aa twfor.- a !' Thtj (la appetite. GOOD DIGESTION, regular w1a anrt aolld flph. M-e-ly a(reoaled. Prlt,Jtl. per Im. Sold Everywhere. Don't Fail To Call Oo ROBERTS BROS., OR SEHD Your ORDERS TO US. . We ksve in stock s Full Line of groceries & provisions. C- 8. Parsons & Sons Boots : . i and Shoes, Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, i (Also 8kr direct from tha Boston factories. We are telline U . grade .fLOtR from the Mills in MichiKan very low. . WaalAojok Lorillstd apd Gail A Ai finaff. ROBERTS BROS., Crick! Brick! Brick! . .'Ii , SOjOOO ar Sale 4'... - J Bf - i4 fcfS.. ' , 4 i8 l . p. Bimnus & co., GENERAL comnssioN meechants, AMD GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock, NEW BERNE, N. C W Consign as yoar prod nee. mat dVtr 'JO The World Stands ' Aghast And wonder! Sow (1 Its that I can sell so mnch lower than any one else? IUaU youI bava aeterianed to ba aaaily satisfied for tba cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. Jf I Motto is: FAIR DEALINQ. ' i.Cpme and bay from me, and you win aeret regret it, '; K. R. JONES, nvNewBert83. 0. Oaskasaa. vaBatarai loaaas. lace af stranatb TVrot ar svaMpmaat, canaadby Udiacedoa, Qamaa.s, ata. (oebamt ImmitdJrm. , auaak BLTOJOAJai-Oa. BtnrVAXO, ST. r. TTbythe Bert I ?LWtJU' B-.f -a T ' , ,' .4 4-t " S rV?rjy'r41' t'TtanTtntsea a , A . .ml a.araaa box. a vwwaa aa---' "w f , . . - . . ' s IHMK-rtptifa CtfAlnee ), t a aa aoetonv ul " iu U M avaa Lc W . mL ami aa M tha W nut aa r& SI0OAOWAY, WKW YObT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ptnaiana sad I'audl &&M a aaeUUv. Haaraaiav ag ki flaa kMt i aouih DR. J. D. CLARK DKNTIHT, WBBJLI. a. o. PatlMt aa4a4. l-W, Tona irifY a t i. A w . CriTaa St., two 4oor South o Joaraal offloa. ! Wu! ptaytloa ta tba Ooaatlei of Crataa. tax- wral. Jooaa. Unaiov and raailicu. Ualted rtialea liporv at Barna, and ( apraoi-tD- tbaBUt, leal atf OWEH H. GUIOH, A.TTOB.MKY AT L,A W. Rooms-Son U Froat ttrat four door : . , . weat ui vrtrai. Metoaaula LA aoU )unva)aalnf ,p rtaU 'a. T hartr fciAtt p ji4. Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock ' drug store, ; oeit door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. Will give prompt attaotion to all uaUert peruia HEifl:fiiTfMLTin READ CAREFULLY. 3 Or. k. c. wwi ifaava aao kai TaaATHaar. a taraad apae Iflo tar Hi tie rta. ItUatorta. (XmulVnnv' rita. Nerout ararftA" rtaadAshe. Harrona PrAttralloo otuatd by Iba oaa ot aioabol or tnbaoro, WaMfnUiraa, Man tat Dapreaaloo. aortentna of the Brain raaukUng ta tuaanity and laadlna to miterr. daoay aad oaaut, rremature Old Agt. Barraaiaav fcoaa of poarer In altbar ant. Taenruntarjr loa4 t and Fpartnatorrbnta aauaea Djr ovarxertion of toe oraia.aeii abuae or ovar lndolganoe. KMih aoi eon- talot one month 4 treatment. Sl.ooabot.or tlx kottlaa tor 4.V00, tent by auall prepaid on raotlptafprKa. "Wtr OVARARTEB STX HOXKB To enra arty saae. With each order received by na 'or til boiaa, amorapaated vtth V '. we wlllaand the parcliaaar our wrlttea guar antee to refund the moner If the treatment doea not effect a enra. Guarantees issued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, sole agent. New Rema.ll. C. 4p)4 dwlv 11U MP 11 KEYS' icirsoPATmc ythoaat sTxcnra F0A0tteWAtl44P. Oogs, Hogt, Poultry. i saorAeaaoeaaa Treat. ateat af AalaiaU aad Chart Heat Free. rran-revere. raaaeatleaa. laBaipnialloa. A. A.-Vplael Mealaeliia. Milk Pever. 1). D.-Bete er Urate, Wavaia. E. R.-Ceaha, UeaveeyMaaraata. F. r.-Talle er Grtpea. Bellyarbe. 11'. H'.-rrTaiirp a5a'lliaefll5!5ea. J . I, -Eraetlve liiaaa. Maage. J. K.-DUeaaa4a4iWetraa. liable f'aae.Htll 8rfla. Sannul, Wltrh aaatlOUaadHeiUralor. ST. 00 Price, Uaetoftrttof OS enseal . .so aal4 br Praaa-tatai ar Real FrepaM ai Weeelpi af Price. Humphreyf Mad. Ca., lot fultaa St.. T. la aaa ta nn. Tha aahr aaaaaaafal raaMdr lor ad PraMjatloa, from tm-mmk ar atbar etaan 41 t.L er 4 nala aaa laia vial aewoar. lor at. T Daeaarrrt, ar teat aMtpaid oa racelat at aaaaefan' idaaiC i let L - Sold prict. Maaattari All of our Veterinary Preparation can be bad of J. V. Jordan, Drnggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streetr, Newborn. N. C. Atlantic V N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE E: 14. In Effect 6.25 A.M., Friday, Oot. 26th, GoinoEabt. Sobidvlx. OoinoWest, No. 51. Poajeitfxr Train. No. 50. Ar. Le. Butiona. Ar. Lve. pm 4 50 Qoldaboro 1188 a;m 5 37 5 40 La Orange 10 6o lu 68 0 09 6 14 Kinston 10 19 10 24 7 38 8 08 Now Berne 8 37 8 S4 10 04 m Morehead City am 6 38 Doily. Going East. 8chmtjls. Ooino Wist No.l No. St Mixed Ft. A Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Paso. Train. am 180 Goldaboro o 00 pm 6 57 7 05 Bast's 5 04 5 1 720 ,180,. LaGranga . 44 444 i rf , r aiimg uiwt a vw 1 1 tw 8 gJO.5 SEnstoaa JI S Einatoa 850 869 Caswell . Dover Core Creek Toscarora t J Clark Kawbara "Rlterdale Croatan HaTolock S80 2 35 158 S 10 151000 10 80 10 85 10 61 It 04 124 180 13 54 100 11 IS 11 40 13 8212 42 1219 400 10 82 12 00 9 41 9 46 4 46 4 51 4 69 5 03 5 27 5 82 928 983 8 59 9 04 817 827 6 26 o 80 waawooa "too 1 05 4 38 640 AUantio 7 47 7 52 7 00 7 10 Morehead City 717 7 27 7 19 7 20 AUaatio Hotel 705 7 15 7 25 om Morehead Depot am 7 00 Tuesday, Tbsf dav aa i hatnrday. tJtonday, W sonaaday ang frtdav. was .A .l.ti.(.i. W TralaWoMttaetawltawaaAlMbHOi Wat- Son Ttalm omnA Hertlu taavtag weUoaora FlMa. aa-'AMd with Kichsaowd D avlUa TiwJaWMlrta4iQokiborat4a-a4.... Train 41 eeaaaeta with Elobatead a peaeffle TTala,arrrrlBg atOolaabetafcrtt aaa,)aaiAwltA WlimuagvMi aaa wai-xm xiata croaa Forth at fcto p.BV Tra la t eonaaeta With Wllalnatna and Wcldoai Throoca Freight Train, leaving GoldahoraettBtB4ad wH 4ttrjand A DaavUle 1 roi f trtgbt rraln, teATlas Goldaboro at .. m t1 , ; s , , j j I - TV r 4 A --,1 W 1 1 msiVTs nA s?ri firs vryrr?-. t rr3 " SEMI-WEEKLY UIIIU Baltimore and New Berne Leivlnf Baitiiuor fur New lerce. Vb tu MjUAV, BATl Kl'. V. at SIX f. M Uraviw New ana lor BK-a-tl Ls- 1A. 8ATtUAY. m Tti.i haaat-01Rt:cTBaoar Nr. Mrua A WMit viuiual rkaaga i d uu bair aaviara Mpfaum bankaura ouay Amc- M NW betrt-4 iprn ou A N j d aruaa Uiaa (or foaiSf. t-biia-tolDhla. Kiehm(Kd. and ail p?lu Nno ual aadttaal. Making ouaaeriiuu rat all point, ot KlTrr uJ tr' out oi Sr ncrac. AfDtt &re as fa.iO . JAR. M . a ;uvs.- s uare. I yra Jt4.uw lnx. luahp UT.klrrilyt " . v t'ua.iit!yi"f rlrarl.aloMJaVadur. iiti ttatuiaaja I Po idau'. tMMtaydai . larua(B tull. 4di!i ITauI r auiaad tuaMpoiBl i gilM. iAit . . if i a r . AOIU HlKAKAtfc QF SHIP f -. C. EASTERN CAROLINA-' OtWCH The f aat Freight L oe aa wiin Naw Raala. l atvlla. Polula. au'l Neifuia, Ha tiaaeea. Pklladelphia. Sew ) pi a , Ala. .la Kllubeife Illy. !.(. THE STKAMERf EAGLET and VESPER of this line VIU ran eti regular artieduia time, leaving aw Aefl a ctrry MiiMiaI TUA8UA , TitaKat Ak And -A I I KIA fnr KlltnetB lltr in. I return nn Mt)Mt TV E8DA i . Wi-1'Mi.NliAI aiidKMlli.V Theee ateamara in eoaneeirmt- wta u Atlantic A N l'. K. K.. .Nortmt Hotiltieru K H., Mew Vora.l-bua. aargrfojk K. ttjau.i me PenasylviMiW kt. K Juruj A IvbWUSLt'"1 regular I1q offerina lufrtiut lacUiliea i (jutea lrutii;ttrtatioti. . i. ne tranatert tl K.ta.ta-ltr ly at Which point f rolnti t at.. tc 1-d iVn ran i . go tnrtiugh Uiileatluat o Lllrect all goods to be tiurpH raii.m Carol l ii a lllapatci, da t k. s. r roro m.w ..tu.t.y rum t,. u fier T orth Utvcr. rroiii riitia.U .i .a t tun vs . A ha.,. . rl. K , Uoct m. Mat, ..ii from Hal'lQjore lirli a , Wit, A Bat id, t( Krum Norfolk tiy Norlolt souttiern K K. Krom BoatoD ly Men'haait.t Mluera'Prei . porlailon I o . .New lurkiiiij- t Kales aa low and time uqk ter t u hi lut other line When ocraaioti rcuirpa a si'lieil . of fo'ir trlpt (i wtrt will run. , J0. B. WII.90W fcn. r(rt. frAF.r Agpni 1' K K ), Ueurral 1 tafnc Nlai.aKe: DKO. HTKrill Ni, UU ,ton return taoot. F A H K It , Phtla B B. CtxiKh tiencrtu Krr ni,' ,f, i y P A N R. It , Snfto.i a HC. Ktl'lM II M rtpn. r. t f '.! Agent K. K N,.i..,k ,i tli ilh.M'KIWtlN Aant. fati4iilw Nrvbdux. N.t OLD DOMINIOII Steamship Gonpany. TKl-WEEKLY LINE. Th- Old Iamf4lta Staamthlp pa,'i Old ant I Favorite Water Keata, via Albemarle aad Crtcaapeaka Canal. roB Morfolk. Balllniora. New lurk, I'ltll. dclprtla. Boston. Pro, li.nrt, and M aaAlagtox M') v And all points, North, East and Wont . , I J ii iifn On and after MoS"DaT, rtrTOlifcrt Tnti.tlHt until lurtner notice, tpe SUimer NEWBERNE, Capt Pntchett, Will tall from Norfolk, V a., for New Berne, via Wash log ton.. MO N 1A rt,lUA KtslJA y. and KK1DAYS, mating close conaeeiion with the Hteamer of the N. A T. K. 8. B. to., for Klnatoo Trenton, aad all other landings on tba fceuae and, Irsutiu vara. .KetornlAg, will ball from WEV-fKKM0 for NUKKOI.K dlreot, KUil4lBtKl. NESUA VM and FblliAYH at. ILVK at., (Boon), maklag i' garraeruini with the O. 1) 8, (a, Oavtp ahlpa for Naw Yorb, B. 8. f. Co.' steamer for Baltimore, Clyde Llae Btrtpd ieAPhllea delphla, 41. A M. T, Uo.'a thlpa tM .JSasUtD and Provfdenrw ' ' "" -r Oar enuring efforto to ptaaa-owsajtrone, and our almost perfect servloa lot In 4 peat thirteen yeara. lathe beat gnkranaee'Wt can offer au rulppers aa to waai ws will go 'or them in the fotora. . Order all gooda cars of O.OL IMLOxV "ev folk.Va. , . PaaaencerS wilt flhd 4 good tanle; cAtnfort able room 1, aod svery oonnaai aad. a ten tlon will be paid them by the omoera. E. B. KOBEKTS, Aatnl- atBsaaa. OTjLPKPPBrR a iTRVWit,' - '- Agaou, orfaia.:VA W. H- 8TA5K0R0, Vice-President. New Tork City. TUB NHUSE I TRENT JliEB ill ui 8teamboat Company. Jruima ttva arilowins Sebadala aa AAA na aanary Ut,lse7. . Steamer TjrenV. a jiAt. Will leave evarr Monday and .XAOSa4ty morning at 8U o'clock for SmlUia aod Adams Oeeakt and ail Intermedial joints, rataralBgoaaaAday ltlb aitiiaQ , Steamer Kl&atpBs Win leave Naw Berne tot Kinston on Tues day and Fridays at 13 o'clock, M. Return ing, wiu leave ji lesion nn Moadayt aod Thuradaya: Touching at all Intermediate Lndings on neoaa KJvr. at Hewoara. W, t. BTAJTiT, Klnttaa, . . , t.- e: ba anew, roUottrnil ' " ' :..W..n WArUVasttAtfcteaA' ' JM WStTTB. GeuM It aaage aad WMaWrp tTaV. Its eared at borne wlta oat pal a, Booaf pf ttcnlan sant lUlli. B.M.WO' nv .3 .Apatistaadaat. N.C. maysawiy tea. WmMWluuHdbm a m y,..a)aa vl SI a atf WN.

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