0 volv' vn.-NO. 200. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. Journal. BUSCTTSS LOCALS. fPBSB0M Milk Luok BJeouk. X. Cai i ss beit. GIt them a trial Ml ba ooaTiaoed. ? A- HiiXU,. llw ii M Broad Btreet. OAISISS. Curranta, Citron, Mine XV Meet, rranee. Tapioca, Cora Starch, Flavoring Extract, ate. C E. 8LOTEB CAVE MONBY-a W. Porter, bUad O man, U la the eity and will put your piano or organ in good ordi r. Chargee from S3 00 to So 00 Thie being tor principal maanaof rapport. I ask a trial. All work warranted. Can ba found at Mra. & U. Smith boarding house on MiddJ etreet. laorlS tf, "pOB SALE Five aharaa t toe It in tha 1 New Berne building and Loan At soclatioa. Apply to W. 11 . Wation. OEW1NQ Machiaaa rapaired. Oiur- O ant ad first class work John Ed wards. Trenwith'e shop. Middle street. MIDDLE STREET 8ALCOS. Best Oyeterf oa tba market and pre pared in every ityle. Open at all boors. Mas. 8, A womble GO with tba erod U John Daen's and try bia floe groceries and be made happy. Every one if delighted with hia good and h low prices. TO thoea who have been smoking PTOcUmaUeii Cigars, manufactured M Factory Ma 10 if, and eold in thU city to tha wholesale and .retail trade by Tha Grocer, E B. Hsckbura.I would' say that sinoe tome merchants have been so vary kind as to have a cigar put up at another factory bearing tha same name, brand, caution label, etc. u the cigars which I have advertised for over a year, I hava bad a still better cigar manufactured and tha brand registered, and it is really tba best 9 for 5 in the United States. Remember the brand. Old Hickory. Factory No. 1017. Try them. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN. just received and for sale by James Redmond. pORN 3BELLER3, Grain Fana, Feed Cutters at Geo Aixf.n & Co. fUST RECEIVED--Another lot of I GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for sale by James Redmond ENGINE and Gin Packing, etc. at Repairs, Bellin, Geo. Allen & Cj. I) LEASE REMEMBER that I need money as well as the reet of man kind, end if you owe me please pay me. J. C. WiirrrY. USE PURE ICE. msnufactured by tba Jarman Ice factory. Ij) 29U 1)URE WINLS AND LIQUORS for L Mediolnal and other usea for sale by James Redmond. COTTON TIES and Cotton Gins at' Qio. Allen & Co. We only atk one trial on Old Virginia Oharoota. 5 for 10 cents. oo28 F. Ulhkjh. Wholesale Agent. , THE annexation of Canada to the United States is again being ..agitated. Anna Dickinson is showing her culinary accomplishments by frying the fat oat of Quay. HBMBK,sWe,35ffff?ff3, The New York Herald reasseits its right to be regarded the political weathercock of the nation. Hon. Alfbeiv Rowland's ma jority is greater than that of any North Carolina Congressman. A western paper says it is now discovered that it is no discredit to a man to have a grandfather. Correct. "Harrison Is overwhelmed with wagon loads of letters and Dews papers." Never too late to learn, Mr. Harrison. We are neither crowing nor eat ing crow. Oar flag is neither dpwn nor at half mast Truth Is mighty V; and wUl prevail. " Governor Scales has issued " L his proclamation naming Thursday, November 29th, as a day of thanks ... fifing tad praise, . Olives Dockebt has- sufficient- i T recovered from hig aversion to "ihe iCitchln to return home. ' He Is "TiViier itoat a 'sadder tain.'-';'? On February the 18th, 1889. the . doors of the State University will be opened to .teachers who desire to 41: take special courses of instruction. iVraw wrap for ladies la ealle L the Grr6?er It ra only worn when :.rtf go ont Happy is' the woman wrapped ia the ' conscionsneaa of Saving done her duty. , : ' Thb World points with pride to circulation on the day iter the . electioa of 63005 copies. This Is , jthe biggest day's issue in the record cf American joarnanllsa.M . It is "cat how much we say, bat what we taj, tbat gives character. . " 'v ,- f1! ' MWHiTXAr BkH) and Marat Ileistead arcriJid!M for foreign mlaaJOls.t If tiijr Is any prob ibilttj f l&i sent toTl. place from which they cannot 're turn by all means let them go. u5o man that ever held Presidency struggled with breadth of patriotism and more oj ore intrepid nerve to give this country a truly national admmi tratiA than Grover Cleveland." Ay old gentleman said a few dajs ago that if Cleveland was no elected be would qait the country and go to Texas. If Harrison is elec:ed we will stick the closer to North Caroliu.. P.Y way ol encouragement to Democrats, l lie Wilmington Mes- sengersaya: "Ao earnest minori ty inspired by the high purpose ol booeat maintenance of principles and self protection is more than a match for a majority animated by the spirit of hatred and seeking the low recompense of revenge." Tdk opportunity that offers itself to North Carolina at the present time to make known its charms as a winter resort, and at tract to its monntains and moors the stream of tourists and invalids ho have been accustomed to go to Florida for the cold weather soason, is appreciated by wide awake peo pie living farther North." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. 8 lovkr Rsisins, etc. Mili.es Bone milk lunch biscuit. Our shelled rtreete begin to need an other covering of shell. Soma Tery flae pl&nted oyetors in market )eterdav. Bring more Con ference week L"H every farmer in the adjoining oountiee prepare eomethieg for the Fair. Valuable premiums will be (riven on the best exhibit. It is reported that there is not a vacant house in the city. There is plenty of lumber at our saw mills and mechanics are ready for work. Sheriff Stimson predict warm win ter. With an acre of slab wood for sale one would think that he would expect very cold weather. John W. Stewart has charge of tha omnibus and will fill orders for passen gers or baggage left at Hotel Albert or at his ofBceop Broad street. ,, . Stimeon mills are bow cutting fifty thousand feet of lumber per day. Bia already extensive dry kilns will be en largea soon. woai a pity it la we haven't got a faxaliure factory with on hundred bands employed to work np a large amount of thialtMBber. , Prof. H. T. Martha, who has been teaching short-hand in tha city for tha past few weeks. left yesterday on the steamer Manteo for Norfolk. Since ha has bean in New Bern wa believe he 'haa given entire satisfaction in his teaching. Prof. Martha haa conducted himself gentlemanly aad ia our judge ment is a muter of hia profeaeioa. Seduced Batea. Tha A. & N. C. R. will give reduced rates to Goldshoro and retorn on tha 2 let Inst., tha time of holding the Catho- lio Fair. Boaad trip, from New Berne! and return 13.15. Good for three diya- Tieketa will be tanned only to thoaa who have 'certificate from Father Chaa.K. Barns. Pay Your Taxes. Sheriff Stimson has given notice that the Usee for 1888 must be paid forth' with. He ia compelled t aettle the State and school taxes at an early date aad farther indulgent' Cannot ba ex paoted. Walk up to tha Captain ''a desk and settle. . . .mv- Vote af that ITintn. Senatorial Distritt, Sheriff C. H. For of. Jones, deputy sheriff J, F, Cox cf Ooalowaad deputy , i . " ,mi ,vi win!, miii vt loksvi la yesterday; and vopared the vote acoordiog to..iaw.7 tb returns showed 2,877 votes, for Benjamia Brocl, tha regular IkmocratioKcaadi4aia and 1,819 ? for John N. "Whitford. giving Brock a mijority of JJ55. T . Acuta rheumatism is ao taftammatios of tha joints, marked by pain heat aad red nee. With thee symptoms apply Salvation Oil. tha great paia-care, at one. Pne S5 cents a bsttkn Nothing tiies tba patience o a raaa mora than ta listen to a aaokino; eoagh, which ba knows coo Id esAily ba cared with Dr. Lull's Cossh Syrup ? -; , On ei Vaw Sana's Valuable Industrie.- . i Kn J. A Veelows having rebailt hia (rWtmiUathat ware destroyed by fire about a year ago, ia bow hack at the old stand and b battat trim for making asaal and feed thant aver before. The mam building where tha mills are run is foot tfery, laxg aad commodious, with elevators to Barry tha grain or Basal to the different floors. Two mills hava alaeady bean put ia and several ethers are to be added at once, giving a capacity of seven to eight hundred baskets per day. A large warehouse tor tha storage of grain from boats, one for thaatorage of nseai aad feed, and tha brick boiler and angina room, con stitute the other buildings. The mill are ran by a seventy hone power en gine with one hundred end twenty horse power boiler. Tha machinery, Ilia, elevators aad fixtures are of the latest style, and altogether constitute one of tha beet milla la tha South. Mel for bread and feed for stock are turned out in great quantities, and with the embargo of the R. & D. R. at Ooldsboro taken off many towns in the State would be supplied from these mills. Another important industry is the fertiliser factory which la located at the old ootton factory aita Bear Union Point- It is owned and condaetad by Meears H. & J. A. Meadows. Hare all kinds of chemicals, phosphates, potash, kainit. fish scrap, and all other material of manurial value, are being manipulated into standard fertilizers, which the past year have proved valuable on all kinds of crope grown in this section. Tbey have large storehouses and the capacity of the mills it twexiCy-rlvo tons per day. We rejoice to see uch prosperous enterprises, yet we feel sad when we know that all our enterprises of this nature are hedged in by the associated railways, and railroads that our own State built extend no helping hand to encourage, but rather discriminate against them. We call upon JuJge Fowle now to nvestigate the condition of our section n regard to its facilities for rescuing tha interior and western portions of the State, ao that, if he concludes, as is fashionable nowadays, to have a policy in regard to the A. & N. C. R. to have one that will redound to the interest of those who have been burdened with the construction of the road, and cot one to please a few railroad manipulators who care for nobody s interest but their own. Board of Trade Meeting. An interesting meeting of the Board of Trade was held laat night. A large number was in attendance and matters ot vital interest to New Bertie and thii entire sec tion were discussed at length. We think good will oome of the meeting of which wa will have more to aay in the future, if tha people here will unite aad make an earnest effort. Steamer ICovaments. Tha Eaglet of tha E C.;D. line arrived yesterday and will sail this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tha Manteo ot the O. D. line arrived aad sailed last night with full oargo Of cotton, etc. The Newbsrne will ar rive tonight. Tha Taaonssj will leave for lower Neuse aad Bay river at 8 o'olock this morning end return Monday morning. Testlmoalal. Wa. the undersigned, pupils of Prof. H. P. Martha, take pleasure ia testify ing to tha surprising progress mads by as In Stenography under his tuition. The sefsnoe of Stenography has hitherto appeared to ns as one or the unattain able soieaoea, except by tha utmost per severance and undivided application. but under the system introduced among us by Professor Martha, we hava In the course of leas than three weeks been enabled t reach a rats of spaed ia writiac StsaoaTOphr which far exoeeda oat moat sanguine expectations aad far ia advanos of we guarantee offered us by the Prof, en entering his class, being enabled ia the short time stated of writiat from one hundred words in oae minute to one hundred f wordi in thiee minutes aocording to oar respect ive applications. Wa cordially recom mend Prof. Martha to any one desiring to study this science, as a courteous rantlemaB. a ' patient and untiring 4 teacher and master of bu profession. cWa feel truly grateful to the Prof. for oar wonderful advancement under his system aad are gratified at the re auluor aiBtsorta. , .WeWish him that patronage in such other localities as he may visit, that hia t vstera' and.akill ia,impsrtisg his knowledge so greatly aeeervee. ' - Signed si members of '.hi class ia Stenography. .: A . Few Bern, Nov. IS, 1888. ' a-', O. H. GVfO, Atty. . , P. B. Pauxma. AUy. E. B. Bobebts. Agi. O. D. 8. Co. J ,, r J. BronosD, Marohant. .UUg.B HAftrtB, Dairy Joornal.C Roscoi Now. l' ' A. W. WOO, Agk A. ft N. C.R. ' W. U. Bovp, Ttaia wsp. ,; - 1 ' -And other naotla.' - ! a Ask for Old Virginia Cheroots. t tot 10 cants C Tfk l?rt'rTal: thmitJSStJl JlPZimm F XJLRICH, Wholeaald Agenfcl fvf" A .lMIm ifW the Sugar Traits. Nbw Tons, November 14. -The sun broagtt by the Atsorney General on behalf of the people of the State of New York again the North Rtter Sugar Re fining Company, to diaeolve that corpo ration on the ground that it had ex ceeded the priTilegee granted it by its obarter in becoming one of the mem bers of a great sugar trust on October 1, 1887, and other sugar oust pan ie, was brought to trial today iu toe Supreme Court. The action is one of the results cf the Senate Inveetigaticf Committee of laat winter, which for the tirt time brought to light a deed of trust under which the different sugar have formed a combination. It was substantially agreed at the outlet by counsel that there would be no controverted question ot fact for the court to piss uikjo, but it would merely be a question of law. The formality of drawing a r.nv & then gone through with, the jury nero told as the only question at issue as one of law for the court to pass upon their eervioes woo I J nut be needed in the trial. Tbey were onlv rtquired to be present at the end of the cise to to through the formality of rendering a vjrdict as direct ty the court. Ibe counsel agreed thai the testimony to be offered not Una any very treat length OS time, and today they woul I ask to have the case adjourned utml Wednes day neit in order to arue the points f law. with this understanding the jurors were dismuMV ui;M nut Wed nesday Attorney Oemml fabor opened the case fcr It.e people an. I the taking of testimony begun The witneofes are some of tboge who were tef iro the State Committee, and aleo before the Cor gres lion a I Committee itiveHtiatinu the trust, and the facts ti.t, stated havp a ready been to d ViririninN otc. WaSiiixhTon, Nov ! : i,,-n M.ilmne in his consultation with S-nt-r v isy and others declares hia ability li prove that a maj irity of the votes cust in Vir ginia on the Cih Inst, were in favor of the Harrison and Morton electors He charges that the Democrats returned officers marked up Deruocrati - majori ties for several of the counties and in some instances marked up twice h i understood also that it is claimed mo or three Republican candidates for Congress were elected, and in the Hu h mond district it is said adi davits have been made that seven hundred Republi can voters, all of whose names are given, were unjustly prevented from depositing their ballots, tu n. Mahone says Harrison and Morton are fairly on tilled to Virginia, and if it is not con ceded to them there will be some fun It is said that hia visit to H iliunore last night was wiih a view to consultation with Judge Hood, before whom pro j ceedines will probably be brought in' case it is concluded to appeal to the courts. (Jen Benjamin K. Mutler, who haa come into the case as counsel, with his usual fertility suggested various methods of action, but it is not under stood that up to this time anythiog deli nite has been determined upon. (ien. Butler spoke of one difficulty the very decisive manner in which the Republi can party had committed itself in the contest of 1878 to the principle that it was not proper to go behind the returns. The Catholic University. BaLTIMORR, Md., Nov. 13. At four o'clock this afternoon a meeting was held at the Cardinal's residence of the .board of directors of the Cathlic I'ni- varsity of America. The principal busi ness of the meeting was an examination of the statutes and laws of the Univer sity. The statutes are to be presented for approbation to Pop Leeo XIII. Bis hop Keane is commissioned to go to Rone, and present them to the Holy Sea He sails next Satnrday morning. Bishop Keane Is also authorized to coo far, while; abroad, with the learned men of Eurspe in regard to the future corps of professors fbr the University. During bis absence all bia duties will be discharged by the newly appointed vice-rector of the University, Rev. Phil lip J. Carrigan, D. D who was com missioned today. Mr. Carrigan goes to morrow to take up his residence in Waahington. He will reside with Father Chappelle at St. Matthews until the completion of the University. Bis hop Keane will be absent about four months. The Presidential Term. Miw Yohk, Nov. 13. The Herald this morning devotes an entire page to the expression of opinion of prominent men anon the question of extending toe terra of office of the President of the Halted States to aaven otight years. It ia claimed that the shrinkage in the in ternal commerce and business of the country daring the past four months. traceable to the apprehension, excite ment and other conditions dependent upon the Presidential campaign, amounts to not less than $300,000,000; and the Herald argues that this and other reasons advanced justifies the ex tension of tha term ot the Presidential office. Among those quoted as favoring an extension are: Chauncey M. Depew aad Sidney Dillon, both of whom think six years about the proper length of time for whiob a President should be elected. ,. . SA.VKB HU aiGUT. Ma. A. K. Ha.wkes: About a year ago I procured my first pair of glasses from some dealer, but they strained my eyes and caused them to ache. I then bought a pair of your Crystalized Lenses, and the t fleet haa been won dirfuft al proof tf which i io not nse any glasses now and sea) aa wall at F. E. DiKtSL, M. D.i ; Ed. Tex.- Medr Record. All eVe fitted and fit CUirranteed br Charck News. W aj&hisotob , D. C, November 13 j Epiphany Church was tha eoene today , of a notable gathering . The missionary council of the Protestant Episcopal Ohsrch, convened there for ha annual j session. Among thoee ia the chancel i ware the following: Bishop WUliama i ofj Connecticut, Wataoo of North Caro j lina, Knickerbocker of Indiana, Whiu j ker of Pennsylvania, Thompson of Mississippi, Petarkin of West Virginia, Gilbert of Minnesota, Coleman of Del , ware, Doane of Albany. Walker of Da kota, Johnston of West Teias, and Bur j gest ot Quincy. The sermon was delivered by Buhop Whipple ot Minnesota. After recess the reports of the various organizations j of thechurch were read. Another tea- i sion was held this evening A celebrated artist in town hi )us ' finished a new sign, it reads I I ia dor, the golden remedy for all liver1 diseases. Hrica only 23 cents. j An infallible sign of physical decay is sleeplessness, if this is dangerous in ao adult, it is deadly in early child fcod Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will al 1 ways asaist in comforting the babv Pri:'5cts ; Trouble with Peru Tlirealrm d. Panama, Nov 13 Serious trout le between the United States and Peru is threatened over the seizure of an American Consulate. The trouble grew out of the seizure of a house st Molan do, occupied by the American Consul ate, which was claimed to belong to the Arequipa Railroad, and was therefore the prosperity of the State, and orders were given to occupy it by force al though the building was claimed to he long to an American citizen acklsa'i arnica Salr. Thz Rcht Salvi in the world for Cuts, Bruisee, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per bo z Fcr sale bv It N. Durlv. au 17 1 he Iticlininiiit l' position. Richmond. Nov. 13 PresidenlHtarke proposes to close the Exposition here on Saturday, the 24th inat. The merchants ot the city report a great increase of businers from the visitors attracted by the great show. When you ran Ret Cheroots for 10 cents, cents for one cigar? !S Old Virginia hy do ynu pay ' F. I'l.KK'lt, Wholesale Ajen' FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES AGENCY. I have i ust received a nice line id Kaibhanks' Standard Scai.f.s. which 1 will sell at MAN I FA( Tl'KKR'S PRICKS. Prices furnished on application and satisfaction guaranteed. I have also a complete line of Hardware, Carriage Material, Ituilders' Supplies, SbipCbandlery, Uope, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Agricnltural Implements, etc. J. C . WHITCT, Craven st. , two doors below South Front (Dail's old Bland), New Berne. N. C. Be Not Alarmed. Owing to need of better training of the engine horses the fire bell will be rung neit Monday morning at eevtn o'clock. Citizens will remember that it is only practice, to more ircmUm the homes to the ringing. R. P. WILLIAMS, Ch'n Com . on Fire Dep'i . For Sale, ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, seven miles below city, north side Neuse suitable for all trucks. Also stock tax. cu . flood site for lumber null U Spihfa Point on creek and iiver J. F. CLARK. oc:)l dwtf New Berne, N. C. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Maker, PollocKflt.. Newbern, N. C Desires to snnonnee that his FALL ftTOCk OF MATERIAL has been received and he It prepared to all orders for FINE CUSTOM-MILE BOOTS AND SHOES Havhurlwo superior stilled workmen, all orders promptly filled. in soliciting patrooaie 1 guarantee "the nest material, a rood fit. the last atvl aifddarablllly." As one among many testimonials of the chraetcr of my work the subjoined from a weii Known ciusen vena liaown story: TJirrTtr; 8tats8 Niw Br.HXr, N. C, Ost. 5th, 1K88. COMMrs'RS ornci. J50. McaoRi.ET. Eaa, Deah KtR Please make ma a pair of gaiters similar to those yoa made me two yean aio. i nave worm uem two years and they am good yet. I have been wearln shoes 11 fly-six years aad tbey us the best I eyer wore. Respectfully, -Buned" K O mil Bepairlng neatly aad pmmptly done. oct33 dw To the Citizens of Craven Co. Tha Tax List for 1888 la now in my hands for collection. Please come for ward and settle tha aama immediately .. a .... a. a a e 7 and thna aava ml and trAnhla. -v v )f D SXIMSO 8heriff.v N,w BerBe;NoT,10,i838, tf 3 o & ed rt o 0 0 u U 3! H i? H H 0 H o i O BO - .3 bo 03 C3 3 CO CJ t-l 0 tX2 CO J - to o S S3 4 rt E CO T3 ti T3 o 09 93 0) -3 -a n CO a tH H o m a Sj ei O o OQ CD d PQ O CO aj a be CO UQ a o I - a X) CD S3 si o O Look Out For Fxaud Urn, I ud ol A, , ordinal, . ti.'U eit Tuev,i,y, ii tlm SKlttfa'c ' l.e tst inter- o.l tioti ejl h. f i vert ci 1 1 f the i i in r v t III' III' HI ' !..' tint ! . r ai:d 1 ;. u.f. ira the " ;i ' irne.1 ,,ut, we d niay be.f.iund at p. where he ' I'ntu and take ' ''ll to relmiid i 1 '-m t n stree,, er . -(.Iidltlull I Iihii 1 Mo,Bll, 1 h - i'''ii niun i f,,r a adv f.T Imsi ' I . I , K p.ll.l ure i I'r.' n i ' I I 'e tli, ,r ,.. I i. in lip I ht'll i b'l- I: I. - I hi -k . . l: .i!er V i ' h I f Stoves are in Demand AH t'i time, and the placo to buy them Is at P. M. ORKNEY'S. We have a full line of Cooking and Healinjj Stoves, and will be sold on reasonable terms. We make a specialty of the New Far mer (lirl Cook Stoves and other brands. Also a complete line of Hardware. 8ash, Doors and Blinds. Cart and Waon Material, Harness. Taints, Oils, disss, etc. Come and see me and be convinced that 1 will sell jou good gooda for little money. oc2dwtf I'. M. DRANEY. IT. XJlrieli, WMOLKS.M.K OROCKlt, -I'KS Tin; FOI.I.OWIM, PROCLAMATION 1,200 Cans 3 lb. Tomatoes, lb. Corn, lb. Peaches. 600 Cans 2 1,200 Cans 3 Very Chftap. No Deception. MIDDLE VM1EET, NEW BERNE, S. 0, AND CLOCKS 2 T. J. TURNER & CO. STIIilj HaZ2A,Xt We have on hund and are rwelviner - day handsome Fsrlor Units, chamber Sntta. Hall Htands. htdrobe. Desks, abf Car Mages, Willow Chairs, Leangas, Hit Bates, We also have a fall line of Mirrors, Me tores. Pletnre rrumta, cldclta, aad IndoW We par rnet cash fbr anrWrwra tmtt a discount of fonvper cent, therefore we e n sell goods cbAper thay aby other atores la Yonrarespeetfalry, -.-"inj f. J. TDBSEBU), 50 4 il MMdle it,, - -ocl.idwif .NewBeineJf.C. City.Taxes.jf City Tales are now" VluV'b Ke.l Estate, Personal Propertynd Poll. If not paid aooo I will be compel to lery upon your proprtyiv ' Plaaaa ooma. forward and et!e l aama without delay- 8IL43 FCLonr: ff- -K City Tag Co! " 1:;Not.15, 1883, , -. ?"ew ill""

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