n r . 4 L: EDUOATE! iiDUOATEl i. 1 0 M jrr CCS" ut trV ... ,. t -A. Kw Bara r s t-tjf. Bala of 110 hl ai i 1 u I V. la .. ata. 'VJMlTiJjS v J For !'1f, . J 'rl l.-iA. Tlt'X 1LC1- i li i . i a. aa. - Y?...r y... f lSaaf I a FM L -I l.-?? t. Ir s. ' S4 iu Ja IttiJ ji , u i ...... .yo , s, XyfffiKiiACADEZIT acuoiu.'.K. c.i K..TV IGrsi' L ,1 ' ranoAU M4.fM.t Was haw aMa i4 apaa TaB. S, Utat aaa AaiCaBjaa at aVy luar4 4 tuiHM ardanla,! T Pb afcad vai iwvi UBoa to v.J vi aaawM. o aaoMcuoa aaa la aw of ptuu-aetad Itutaaa. - - - w.. V ij -.1 .i at aacssw . Oc"K.-?faw. v--- '-T-VaA nJ v ; t ts f 'j J if Vt twia UVU ; VlOiljy H K!iWO I an now, prepared to ' offer- better induce rrnto far the future than ever in the past. ny.stQek is much larger and could :not be tetter, Selected. .-.i xMinH u I Esj ia Large Quar.IiIi:3tf:rC3S.I. direct from Importers, turers, which enables trial will convince that o.wmm ijjrcally the LEADEE 0F I0Y7 PRICES.i It would be folly for me to Attempt full description of all my took Tie Moet elejant line of ' ' , ., J tMESS that haa erer been brought to this market, iaolodiof all tke AH the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Cilks! Satins! Velvets! and Velveteens! AND MY LINE OF 1:2:1, Hisses and Children's Glcaks! TiSfyom will bate to oome and eee then, they are beyond description tfeetergeet, bandflomest and REST line in tbe eity. Also a handsome Mot t ; - T7raps and Shawls, r? DONT FAIL to Bee my line t kit before pKofeteiaf, which ie tery larpe, embmciat fll fmt from th,e tbetjcttltlMlbest: All wool Three Fly, Bnusels, an r'wl, Ingrain !fptf YUttlttg, Pine Matting, Oa'cJttVJ wldtu, Table Oil Clntbe, Mats. Rugij tQ,,Ktc Shoes ! Knot a line of Shoes never was exhibited ia ihia "jpim'iefres Ladies, Misses and Children's of all By calling at my stowyo?5ill 0i vcrjf nsayrthings that cannot he iTeki her gp3 would not permit and besides they are too numerous to mention. TarA thAfi&n4 vanla tuhmera Tv tbonaand yds. double width Cashmere at per yd.' worth 15c Tfai prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoes in tbe ctty lot flli. Pasta Cloth, 10c. np. Flaalajported Halt Hose at 10c, worth 20c. Towels, 6a. np. Tcrlctn Bath Boap, 5c. Good ITote Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. package. : COM Md Half Hose, 5c. pair. BlUf flrlva la Ladies' Kid Gloves. only 0e worth 91M. Ladles' Jerseys from 60o. np. Bad and white Flannel from 15c. up. I Corsets, 25c k Men'a Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c, each. Ladies and Gents' Undershirts, 25c. To the llolesale Midi n I ant bow Dreoared to oflei.better thaw iri twfnrA. Mv stock is tnnch Ibstjln large qnantitiea from - fticb enables me to sell CHEAPER ' C;o and see me. rcayaewnw , -"r .'Arency for Clark'! O. i . A nw ni to thanlt Tort Wndlv. One ii tbi pwt, ftad t ak for coatinaanca of 4ha aameaawring foa that LOW PRICES SHALL "ALWAYS LJ3AD.J fnyfJjl ... I am, very tnxiy jonn,. TTTTT TTTT T T JoDberV ani Manufac me to sell cheaper. A l Mr 4 Flannels, .Etc.; Etc. of , ( , m , i ' ii.tt .t. : i m descriptions in pdJess viriety.',' ' at 10c. Tjef vd 4 bottom embroidered back for indocements to Wholesale Bayerj larirer.'niore varied and combtete.' riRST. HADSilar' BfPT CABr in small qaantraes tnan onaern l,n , )', U'l fill ' ". tt ' N. T. SpyoiCothm; . y '-at . i im. j -. and VSL Yor Wr liberal patronage ; - (r:ia . j ,2 hit i&HM Baa! - tr- aa, dafy UliSa-M. For . I'twJovu m4 - tly- Fa Wi.thoco, bartoro Sa Via- t -' cmca botes: - 1J I Kae; Vrdat al BNd Ut ter Cmnaiesf .toon tUo.tq.LVt. Iak2c lMtBMt toone BB.Ba 'L,', 'w t OSMMMHMtMUr iinthiw t. Letters tT , lacleat IViec." A rt markabla aooTery baa mn niada is nps Of table, or latUra, which CDtnjKise a. lit&rarr rretpon dent of ISQQ to yeari ago carried oa betweei SnPtisns and Asiatics. Tbe tablets now -a Vien na repreaeat letters aalispatebes sent to Egypt by the governors and kinrs ; of faleatiaa, Syria, Baby lonia and other coos tries of west ern Asia. Tbe Hod, ia remarkable every way, and opena the people; of that age to as witb . freshness and familiarity. It is dear thai the literary spirit is very ancient, and Prof, ttayce surmises we shall yet find libraries of clay books. One tows In Jadab was called "Baok Town," or 'Library towa." The momentum of tola discovery will be marked Bich men should hesitate no lotgvr to nnearth the test tmH ns o mi orient.". f r HeasrsWs Employmmt l the yoont maa reaombar thtye la nothing derogatory 'to any( employment which ministers to the, wilt being of tbo race. sIC It Obi spirit that is carried lato an eta ploy ment that elevates It of tfe' grades it Tba plowtt&tlbat Uttns the clod may be a Cincianatas or wasblngtont or he may be brptheYi to tne - eroa he tarns. it' is every way creditable to handle the yard stick and to measure tape : the only discredit consists iahavkwra soul Whose range of thbagbta W asl short as the stick, and as narrow as the tape. J rn ' See here. Grippe, I understand you have a superior way of Coring hams. I should like to leant tW'( "Well, yea; I know very well Jow to curt them ; but tke 'trouble with me, just now. is to find a way to procure them." APVICBS TO MOTH BUM lias. WntsLowv Boothikq StwjH boald aiwsn he ue4 for ekiidrec tetthiaf . It Methee the chili, Mfteaa the rant, ftllmn all neinl earea wind oolio, and ia the bait ramadr for diaM sob. Twaoty-aTaaMtaabpttla. Ak yooi daa1r tot Old VlrgfaU CharontB. B tnr 10 Mnta. 3m ,1 F.UlAi6WholMalaAtV4-f1 new eee::e l;d PAMLICO UNE. The BteaaerrTAIlOilA, A handoaI aoMtHMtad rtaht tttid naa. anfar boat, harln( baail plaead oa Ibli rouw. n praparsa a nM.r Muprymtwv to an from ail aotata oa loltar NaaaaHlva. and Pamlloo conntr. and Maw Rama. War tha prtaant tha followlas MhadnU will ba la om ration; Laaaa Kaw Bans BatgKUf at six. A., at Olabfoota, Aim. venaamer an waBOWii.r- r Learea Hayboro evarr MotUgf an A Thart- Vaod amarerTml tb Ckaaka. antVlbt at OBT at H inhfe at sew Berae Monday and 1 fhara lay evenraca. rr xcaiwiHi loB.'am- pie freight aelUUea, Fretabt reoelnted tor aa J renaftad dally by igot r eat.&D. J Ana. and eTery Information oiTaa. . . II. M. ABHUTT ' A..tlL V.nll.r. C.H. FOWUCH. Btoaewall. i'l tuwuui uo WBL.I Agenta. Bayboro. SMaesi a. Bcnrer. uarwtf oaneral MnCTTl AGENCY FOR lSnw la tha tima tn hnv vmv) irntn noVtlUaftar Kleetlon. Than every i - i geadt may be aboat tbe aarae prtee.T r ia ao fear that there will be any great cmi ua ttoa In anpply and daman d. iaiia ami aarewnattaey want. ou know, and a good rlttar a IlUla money. a peeeaaarlea of life they moat have, and thjUllaTe It Jany people jraal.IO BACCO, dfOAfiS, fll-tX HXVrf, and ail aiaoa naoauy aapt in a maa anotwr now J kava all klndi nr aneh aooda. I want ta ana. I hare the Beet and Flneat Stock I my Una ra d moaa aarwnero. ' . mi s t Middle iu, bmt Booth Front," fiaanvlfat New Berne N. O. 1002; EATcrip:: THE f-LEfe , Hxs a Vtsiroot or Watches,' GlsJslra - BOLIDBILVI' , ! I AND PlIilTllD WSS raaowi-.. - ' .v - . I kea iargar toe of lEf ioie than any other atcf i In T'wtk Carolina I take particular paiasto fit them to the trei of paxtiea needirj thea. .' " r Bavlag worked stead fly at fc UaVsh ror ovar thirty yaars, I beliaro lean do at rood work at any watchmaker to fh Btata. -ft- i , .vyoom ato srs jrf.,T J1 " f. ' - HIJd!airt.rMt: OapOBlte Baptist Char frtJ dwtf. DraTriEtnnd Pdiilirj. ' KIS3 llACiS'S SCr:QL for Drawinjt and Painting wia bo lerned October lit at her reaidenoe oa JohmonJ street. I - ep2dtf , ' m si 4 ' W i II 1 artatoaada. anil llPTOrtRSM: f&f? AmjaaUuaoinakaata. COo, baah. lgotARala,aaraaa aoav W wdaB.1 jaaaa. idadOa. par BaaB. d&OQOAwai aae bbmw Wool ISaOo. 4f U-aaJOJtB iTftatlaB c BaaBat' Cwim Mrow oaMir half VWKHHkataan IS aha; aa4"4a $3.00 par BL; pina tS-iajatttXta u ilM.saVaWaaIaia,daiiaIBaa tmal; tach t) OOaS 60. Batlilnc I- a. a m ail,,, i STi.vi-B. O. Bhd. SlOaMi Bf. : . muuumrm! ' BUSS Poi-Naw an.M ..- ar l1cotksBaijiBSTBinpt)0aaW . roWDm-13.00. . , ;.f . . 4 Tauow it,- a lb. MturW. .oK IIBSJDF PERStWS t Hume) n.;.r t 1, J ' Tf FJUt MUASINt)U0TilH3ANO .FEmLETiiillflM" fcoHWitl'rtf. kae'AaSb'urto,.N. a, UlTtiU. fottryeaw lg r'tooi B ViaoiiwbirB molted in Quiny, aad arte luibrUiB at aatad In a womb trouble, bioh oaoaad pta fai rtfferhi OiatrSnnta? Bad prix. I uinniiH. i wDoio prj w aia. 1 jpwgaa BIT TiuibaDd to let ma tar your BtmadTi.W ' btfbtkt bTenatioi ihh& BadaaarfiMt ear of mo. Itbai altoearadmaof Indicaa. tlajaaa4fnrUwnaoi4(ruirkblMwaVa4 ar my ohllOraa I would naarly koaaiaaaaa of I it arma. ana taneraa untold aeon BBaaaiaiaM awl nara' n bean tronblad with althar wltb my attwo tbo bona Wit tire tlftW rof bnabaudaaya It labaKraaa1bcioiil'Vft oilatbUiaf children. I bad Croat trout) la wliaMaam dnrint flantttlan. J eaa tratrall av,aa qiu onuaraa m faatn wito ao mnen aaaaaDa a llttla troabla aa my laat two bara. Wbaa. vor a aaattf alMof abatracaiB oa mnod Vaklnf tbo Samedy, It kaaea toy atoroaeb and bowalaraftilar aod Ua healthy ooadNioaavBd aaamato fcara taa amm trraot on tbelra. It la attaini tBp,Ba ittante f arer tried, a few a.ea IU braaajaa no. od mak ma Mai it Et aw im mm mi naa a aaw narwn. . i l pua- aay pan of my letter that rWi roar ie la the )oaaw, I .bau jmbiteWAat if in pane la tbe loaau. I Aata nubUeUv my experlenoe with tbe Remedy will be tbe meow, of Uiara frjrta lb -1 aad wiinaCAw tea panite to anow u gooa an auoa mat aadWlna.) amy o4 Mem foul- " 'rv - - . MBB. UIU ALII. t .ltt.1 t. - .J -. .. . ... ,- .... lei.i " ! .' " ' bed L T ..A a au mi.l4 f aa;rbomejppl.ajid idntwnanwby waltZi 1 wwmwmwwaviM aro. Aaaraaa. &.. , w v amMJ Kitfraii, ar. r. -a at mi ! ,afi'. -m lala.rffc'taflflia ll K -1 at 1 c urn n r?ttiwrv "f bo 1 a-:g,jwrai4 .:e iUvlula itraeyormarVr laparflaArair iha.yary beat Mrrlea la lan-tatpawiewic feOESKS and VFHlOfia afJSVtllJJJS-J 'i' naJ" eL" fearihM todeme Umliiar with the rt New Berne and Yletnlty In thii line, a a ,opvizrrwtrnnfma faueat MatlBfaetJon DrlTirt mf taaTDlarnTahadTtf 1 for anrmailun orUmrf TaJtof Wronttd-41- ijdti&'JV uBildeiartet, rLar. j..t: -i.r - at" UiVLtLillJW Vf.ftn f ff-"r 4 n-f JrTefcarai.Tra i r;t-ijfnitrrw' a avfnaaa la fMU'ft. t. 4 I . Htmtara M . f - . x. 1 ma A.an.a twm fs I in .. twf Of lA'rMttn , . f .te , .1 I. I .. -1.. - v .4 .nrfi.wit n-.f .1. . . raMa. t tu. -i, b4, ta MajMiaa n -'f' I 1 ,1 flrtine.,.. y ffr. f" raseb4k, iTr . t.v i.il'U.(l nil t "a U k .''Ml1 ray I 1 ,),,, aW Ut ' ' "J f w. 1 j av awA rB4 t t4t nt ww-"a wtr m a - A " t a i - -e- 7 Jtresf,' rita Pfim 7a.Ha fviOki, . HAJu-Coui JT.'llalic: lul Ilia. " I IHH.UMU.Jt. I II .1 I ll I II ii.M M.m MSB " f v 7,r; vYt;:,j aaa) a , 1 . . I . , . , s a . . V. . . , ; til. i y r n t (J ..- If c f V L IlejJre to thank myj customers for the lib era! patronage they r aa mm as?t w V 4 last season, and res- ectfellyJMito theni It'call and eiamine mjK m)-iWI the nresent season. t ....... . . 1 oats 1 we e the public, in adJ... .1 Wis ri wlumta tm? 1 1 . .1 II I t a.. - - "' " !!,? J? f " e carrrfcvm In the ';w..gfta,mfca.tH.4i.Uii;.v:j mtoJtiMe; to1iie'raild t , iKfll'i li'l '; raa ' " " KO Miliar 1. ffitu.. r ' jlrU ,6 v4'.11 .'1 A'i.-r . 1 'li I - ee. v.... av . aft.f vt 4-il t ' I ' t . . J t . I'd I ,ri''w rj,ff aiaUll jaaatalr;To-'f" I .. ',1 . !i.-, iifl - ' llam'eMa'a.--i?i 'i,t "1 . j ....... V i ' i i . i' i i 4 . '- i. wivi ..' Jt 1 e ti '' :''" ' ' " ' ' itifa " f I ' i.. .v.. . I , .- i ;.Vi ( ,, .. baae-l , . . .... .Cf. I .....'. i . Vi ... .... ... '.. vti.;. .,7 ...... iv..-....v.i"::.: W V IT5 aaaoaaaaaa aaoat :caiicu:...v Ina rorcr i ax a'str.'i Ho. Sa BaJbr-Sbopr- 35S?; E. sV-flHf ia hoS raaaiac and h jt-urodiBa awrrtcea orHifycr barber. Uooiaha Stoenji Fnranaat tathejademantta tha action la Bnpanor Oonrt of Uiavan eoanty. M. wharataO tren aad otbara are plaln uamaM : 'J. May and otbara are da. fena atllat Wbila Aactioa at the l wam, on Monday tlio - , alt that pa real of t ' aty: BeglnnlDK at i cunning tbanea al anoeh that ' ' ' , tMraneh to a ! . . i(jiU r nweat eor- i ( . a r''anl f en .juth ' V i. i. a ., . i . of Pu,. Tt I i along tha a- a l J s ) 1 '. pa; than a... t- ,.... . - i". t to tha D'A-a rmi, i' i i j t ie the fork: than name asuau..uivi ulaalakanrar Jeaa.ee Kwall'a luia; tnea wiih aaid Kweli'a line ta or a ear tbe month or Thunderbolt branch; than SW MM bokaat then W. Mi, ia oiaa ao nwiai aaaaa, ura mm m aaiir e Frek Jamea C. lUrrWWadrtJ alitor of Jobn o. Oardoer, decTJ, BTB. BUalTeaga. On Monday ih of Novewhar. A. U. 1M8, at lil o'el ma ' t Oa Craa oacatyappdliraUia m (luftinti laatoa-" ar. eipoae ta aala all the right, title and in teraat of R. B, Itlaekledge in and to a oertain traotof land eontalnlne; about jM) nlnet,-alz aera werapr jnaa.wuni.ia aaoat it H mllaa from I'm any (.Near be oha north tWfA rMrAftd.bt:)the tab da where tne aatd defaadaat IV Bt'tMnck'etrga nowrealdea. For a moia particular description of aald a wnai tee me juaaainga WOhaabov ottonl 1 NOTICE. 'Ttk hStWrMgaM, Q.fO. Ba-rUon, Public Aominiatrator. naa oaiy quauned aa Admln latrator of the eatata or Jobn u. Oarilnar, daoaaaad and hereby glvte notie that ha aaqumee A41 MraoMylM atalraa aaalntt ana vatate Of the aaw Jbnl b. KardnHa. to eeeert thaai to taa m JWrtofhlamtorfTuly aavnenneaiea. lor payment on or oerore the 4ti day of October, A -P. 18WI. or e) th aotlie C f$eadkVb:(f ory "I Peraoni indebted to the titate mun pay wlihontdely. T, t.a.,..-:: CI-AEK A CIARK, Attorneys. )a.J li til i " i i ; ",i . a THE LADIES' FAVORITE. ; NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If yon desire to ptychaso a aswlng macb aak ourexmraVaHrear ra44or erania price, ir y n iot n r a( wnre t dlreot toncarwt addrowi to you below namedj NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE (MKNIXW ,rlCAao - 28 UfllCN BQUARtNi. .tfrlM.rl'tl Tfltl 'tttCAlK.tW. Sale of Land. P to tha aaginaing-iontalalng aaout all aerea. I ezoapUaa tharetrom ona.aeja reuadWj 1 Alpha maetlna-honaa. toffiaUsyioii oclSdJW Oommlaalonar anUUeu , r j t . u i t, j ; :3lllc't -; "H lai. -'v Bl ft JaV'- THE BEOI , ,. . of aircMfjiriftaaarAes,,), tt AtONTAININQSteriea, Pom. eel ether LHerari ' f attrtedam, aeaibiaiag Arii.lio, teieati6a and HeaaaaoM m.rt.ra. . tw(idTV lalODBrlftjal .tJal WwpWtJi O I in, Jhof o(7m we., Oil ff etairea ) -lfl Wdcuts, making it tht Model '. Jfgine f AmerUm. UNPAftACtfeLfelV bWr? r! -! Sicii amy of "Demontt'i Wimtlir Huuln.'1 mum. a uonpna uraereaiiuinx lb. Holder te tm mtcoaioa or any uumri iimrMa IB 1 nt la that number, I ivWVH . PATTrn"3 (T.lae4 at from M tit, to W Kit. . -I. i, dnr al TeilrL U a couuu.ralkia 9k w ThrpO Dn.iua. BMhloa oenartment h that number. In aar W ' ef tha (tit. manafactiiTed. jl vV , Bsbaerlbtn or Furekaam tmdlf IvV the Oonpoa ltk a twrant.aMa iXVT .S .O ti ota.m r.!,. or TrtunJ X ,. , u i aiailaeomBleta ptttera, of Um .A V CiiMttU HI al't asi kind they tnay W V " eleH, from th Vtina . V ; ' fonuinlnit tli u . nw f A , VV 1 T4 , 1 nnwun u-jiidtj own.. . w. to t ; , In. Marallufl. whirh 1. nf It.f.r. will, 4. . 1 1 ......... .. . . - , ' BiBf brUuaoj fettarr. a aaial eftatttaaa (eayetft ; KasaUIno la AmerieeV 1 Sltl -" OITLT TV70 DOLLARS". f ' P yar, IneloiitTig twelr foil fWf, WW i ' f ,l: "I ' " kind, teiecud, worth aearrr donbla ti.a ... . i i !'"w "d fmy rit far the enmnt mnlwr Ui T, ' ' a '"1 . ana yn will oenalnly N.aeril Two h.. lot .J v l f mi f t ua tima. IU raisa. . . .. , .. - t!r 0te-eit, f ub'!her,l 5 1 1 1 1 ' . I b4 by .11 Kwt!ln - i- . .'I J t, LwiMt to t t !y w !1 a-.n'J