J "5 . Y , li? V 51 a u RNAL. J t . it-;. VOL; VII.-NO..209. NEW BERNE; K. C.' WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2t. 1888. PRICE 5 OENJTS. Jou t - " BPSHITSS LOCALS. 4 g&IYID yesterday. Batter, freeh XX end , .Jrt Barley. Split Fee, Cora Starch. fta UiMa L- etr. -., . i' .t BWWIi T3ICKLES. thoa at J. F. Taylor' ar x v Ml don at th mm ever hu is this Mtkli AflDDLI BTKEET 8ALOON. Bwt 1A Oyster on Ui mars aad pre pared ia aver etvl. Open at all henr. , Km. 8. A. Woiuta A LMAMAC8. TafMra North Cero A lint JJaaanaoa for the veer 1888 Una allxs tt Co. 0 N E Thousand Roll Wall Paper at vrv low price. Qto. ALLKK & Co. THEN preparing for yonrThaake 1 f giving FaMivub. plea remsm bor that O. E. 8 LOVER offr good awtted fr th occasion. 20 dm 28 1JURE Alcohol for drug purposes and tha purest of By WM-key for medicinal parpoara. Alao floa cooking wioaa at J. F. Taylob's U rpO thoaa who have bevn amok lag -L Proclamation Cigars, manutactwrd at Factory No 10il, and told ia tbta city to tha wholaaala and ruil trad by Tha Orooar, B 0 Hackboro. I would ay that sine aoma merchente have bairn to vary kind a to have a cigar pat op at aaotaar factory bearing tha earn a ana, brand, caution label, a us. aa the sigar which I ha?a advertised for over a yaar. I hav had a atUI batter oigar maaafactnred and tha brand retietered. and It ia raally tha beat I for 5 la tbe Uaited State. Remember tha brand. Old Hickory. Factory No. 1017. Try tnem. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN. last received and for eaJe by Jaxks RbdmuRD. TTJ8T RECEIVED Another lot of I GARRETT'S COOUAO BRANDY for aala by James Redmond. PNQTHE aad Din Rapairt, Baiting, Packing, cio. at Qeo. Alls & Co. I) LEASE REMEMBER that I need money aa well aa tha raat of man kind, and It yon owe ma pleaae pay n J. C. WHITTT. t)TJRB WINES AND LIQUORS for 1 Medicinal and other oaea for tile by James Redmond. USE PURE ICE, manufactured by tha Jarman Ioa Pactorr. I Jj 28 tf We only aak one trial on Old Virginia Cheroot for 10 cent. oc28 F Uleich, Wholaaala Agent. CORN SBELLERS, Qrain Fane, Feed Cuttara at Obo. Aujui & Co. SEWtNO Machine repaired.' Guar anteed flrat claaa work John Ed vrknm, Tranwlth'a ahop, Middle atreet. Judge Rttokbr has sent a chal lenge to Senator Blackburn. We are glad to announce tbe re election of Senator Morgan of Ala bama. The caae of Cross and White will pused on by the Supreme Courts the United States. Bishop Lyman is in Borne, Italy, and probably preached In tbe American chnrch there latt San- day. AN injunction has toeo granted against the lease of the Jenuesaee road by the JRicnmoud and Dan- LOB, 'Saocvillk-. West, late British Minister at Washington, and bis party, took their departure steamer La Boargojne. TKS la saji :. , 'Tbe negroes elects iadecomte.cAanot give required bonds. , Thej cannot serye unless white Democrats go on their bimd. ? Will they be so nnwlso as to do this r - h Dirtfan Tobaoco Plant just ljwmJiUfat )i the difference ia fariiaharged bj- railroads tote ligioua --: gatheriDgs and those charged to, FaIts and Expositions. It compares thai rates charged to . the Baptist atGoanntioa Ja&d those tothsanfUlal position and, .finds- 95. .centa differeaca la favor o( the latter notwithstanding tha autance was aoouc one nun drrd- tka"P lattherrt The ' Plant seems to hava forgotten that Dan Tills is in Virginia and the Baptist Conyentioa waa, held i in North Carolina, and that Korth Carolina territory; Hi been divided, bj the associated railways, ana that tney are worklsi it for all it is worth. ' "-' 11111 IIS I , Ps4irly I elected., , IsPiaJiArOUa, Ind., Kot. J3. Th eoavantionot Kaicta cf Labor today elected U follow i; i ' .t: T. V. row"'y. OrsailUswr v, orkaa and y - VTfcoati of Iowa,, O-nwal V.c yi rrnaa Tb vot f r Urt od V--"t ii.90d: rowii-'lU, j I -r:a 1. ' . -: LOCAL NEWS. HIW ADYXSTJSIMEXTS. "H.i'-8chool want; ' & L. Dux-SpacUl tralna. C E 8 Lovxb Butter, ate. Geo. Alleb ft Co. Turaar'a N. C. Almanac. Tbe city council waa in ipecial aajaion laat aighk Judge Montgomery aaema to be tha right man ia tha right place. The ateamer Tahoma will arrive thia arening from Waahiagtoa. N. C. with a party of Conference viaitora. Our friand W. B. FUanarat CroaUS, u haviug fine rport with wild ge a B out yeaiardaj aadkaoakad four out of a fljck of about four hundred at one ibot. Tba Confute ore it here and but few oyatera io aiaikrt. Tbe atormy weather haa prteaiad the orttermen from woik. Anutber day or to like yeater- day and they will ooma along. Mr E C. Duncan of Beaufort re ceived a trlegram whila in thia oity yeaterday ibit a achooner wat wracked thirty mi lea from Beaafort. Tha tele gram did not state what bar cargo ia. Judge Montgomery la of the opinion that tboaa who violate th law, not the taapayera, ahould pay tha coat. Hie k. KAA. 1. i . i v.... j " "u" uu' "" Some vfry large Irish poiatoee wer,ke 14 Bu- brought to tha Jouehal offloa Tueaday. I t ney were raised by Mr S. B. Wriaht on the farm of Mrs. W T. Taylor about 1 aigbt mile from the eity. Thia baa been an uousu l seaaun for vegetables. Good qualiti. g of beana and peaa have been shipped North and strawberries! and potatoes all raised here lo the lat tar part of November. 8teamer Mwemnta. Tbe Eaglet of tbe E CD. line arrived yesterday morning and sailed y eater day afternoon with full cargo. The Vesper of thii line arrived laat night and will sail at 4 o'clock thia afternoon - Conference Notes About t o hundred and fifty membara of the M E. Conference arrived last nhtht and were n.A hnm h, K. mnlLtearfrHntiA. r J The various committee, on ...mln. tions were io session yeaterday and a large number were examined. Ther are about twenty-Bv. aDnUcanta for ad- niMion Ri.hon Granberv and Ih. Pr..idinNort M w T and pay up, ITMara in onntnttatlnt, ..r.. I m on the work of the inoomiat Tear. All tbe Presiding Elders wr preaent, and, w are nle.aed to learn, all an fovlne? good health. v Conference convenea this coming at I a n a i I y.euocioca. i The Superior Court. Court nooaanad on TuaJa- morning at 10 o'clock. Jud.a llontaomar ore- sidinir: Solltitor White renreeentin. th State. I Mr. John 8. McGowan w.a aworn .. foreman of the Hand iurv His Honor'. charge waa on of foro and clearne, touching upon practical mattar. and lmnre..d tha inmri ..d kL.n.nu I ith th importance of mainUlnlag r I Th Stat docket, numbering over payer, of th eonnty will h.r to dano ... iu-t - tf,t, t. .w. i- want to th jury: But v.. Augnam Lancaster, A. dc B., verdict not guilty, State t. Er.est Row, L & R., verdict not nnderi at thia writing. Vbiting attorney. Cbaa. H. Brows of Kbiton aad Jaa. E OUar f Boli- i...it.vit M i- if Aicp pnaj w viwai Our Dead at Bollywood Oaautnjr. Last summer the JonxiC appealed to4h rItlsns -Nrw Seree to eon - tribute to the i.noV-oMr w . M i t . ' a. I ,7 . , I;!rn aorvn wwiu yvuiiunin msivnii).) m Bjoeaaioa lnt i wits araw new baried at Bollywood Cemetery, Rich - mond Virginia.;. A apod manof 6nrJ pLpisL yMpoa,aeo;.w;uii paj,Mu; THanaBtsixKJiS aiooai.vo. there i y a dfieiney that most b mnnllad. On testerdMv we had a viiltl from a lady of Hew 'Bern. 'M I V ... ' . . ai. --v asepiy, uiareswa n ui auojecv m ha uuly vjsitad Hollywood, and wa pained to tee how few tf tar gtaVe of Jfotth Carolina oldier.;A properly mark.d.o.tpfhiVlh.d bead boards pf common plaSi boar J-but they have decayed' sal -fallen down. The eood beetle of Richmond keeo'the ground a ; fa people of tha different Sutea to farnleh tbe simple msrble a'aba thatieaordt theaameaof tba slw pirt heroes. n!a we ask cOBtrilu'.'ccs to th!. ttcred CMC. -' I ' ; ' a Walconkt Ia tha aama el th titiato of New Boraa vajralooa the North Carolina Cbatf araaoa.'" Waloom to ear aity, our locus ail ewr haarta: wloom aa fel low-cUUaaa of North CaroUoa; welcome aa oo-laborars ttf a aaasUorationa of ataakiad, walcoma a th aerranla of AaliviacOol. ? t Wa treat that yowhara racaired th htptisn of th Boly Ghoat, aad that your praeaoce among aa will b a diriaa benediction. W trmat that your auy in thia eommualty will b pleaaaat. and that yon will a th work of th Lord proaper ia your hand. Finally, we truat that your liraa will be long and aefal, and that whM year work i done, yoa will racelre a blUaful wel oom to th DMUtiful city of God. . A line Colt. Our townsman, E. M. Pavia, E.j.. M the Snt eoll aaaa en our itracii for many yaar. Itkjuataix month old today aad weighs SIS pound. It is a beauty and 1 of high grade atock, being aired by "Oold Duet," owned by Joel Klaeey, Eeq., of thia oouoty. W tincerely truat that tha organiza tion of our Fair will etimolate our farmere to raiaa their own atock. The amount of money eant from Eaetero North Carolina annually t buy mulea and horaee would aetoniah any en who haa not Ukan the trouble to aatimata it. u www u .11 F.ir. for n.tir. .uv Jodga Moatgomery waa rary much eatoaianea ycatcraay arter calling a docket r 0?,r r hundred caaea and cloa tn enormous ooeta that are P"d up for tha taxpayers of this county. Said he, "Idon'taee how the 'xPTers stand it. Ifauoh coata were put upon tha people up in my coontry they would make it buzi around some body 'a ears." Tha Jouknal called attention to these thing several years aro, and it was done pointedly, in fact ao much so that some of our friends thought we war too personal. We are of tba opinion that the taxpayers of thia county will never be relieved of such unnecessary c " T UBU,D w m nww ,n I i mm m i . . r" wma' uu muat oe iracea to th0M fssponslbto and they must be held TT .J .i i a . i , w accouna. unsu mis ia none, mere ia no growung ana grumoung. until nw"u " community eU mciT healthy to condemn wr0D' n0 matter whon Pirated, ime taxpayer ana inejoages mignt ... i i. i . . . . It DUZZ arOUDQ IDO ear 01 UOS WBO m rasponaiuie lor mucnui me un neoe,ry tnrown upon in """' "P UP lQ' ou" onl" 11 " awpp Work at th Tir Grounds. Tha MtMt ti-fl ik. arouna recently purcnaeoa oy tn r air 0OUUn. main DUUding, wn.cH the flnw ,fl oItT' BM M thoroughly renoTatd. It has ten room ! , , i ttl t . ri . . . wnHSI wuigiv ampieapaoiorexnioiu or IM0I tXWny. . ftn I I a SV- otmt. lain proauow, o. ohlMrj .ball Is about compltd. It is " WB V3n "a winuowa. iu eiaciea, wun lonj siis " 'VT. - . m - - a. ' n beautified and pat la Ant class ordr. Again w wlh to Command thowia- P"haaiig theae bafidfag aad ground. Tba, improtwnenU mad aad thecon- Irtrwotidnol th road from tb federal loeanetary win more tnan aoanietn valu of th property Oar araten tn th Itrronndingeoun Uke Hf el ' Ihteret in th Fair, They ought to boome stock holder! and have a vole in directing its A" dvaioping affairs. An annual exhibit hers of th th farm and forett, sonads Will aid them materially in davalosinav their roures. aad uimu late every departmant of Udustry to rnwd sfEorts t bnild up bom aad beooms ; indapendent of.: foratga u I dustric. 1 Whra the Imorovamentt now in asawwll Wcaa laalAl wava OA Ishinainr tttaw itfltflrl. I w ill aa au v SWV w WW ihblvi nuav via a. avr in' troasdi ah4 w trait I wUl 1 friend to the Fair- euch as will desire to Bf f S l f) I vProbabir sm a thlat " bat ' caused tnoh a raoeral revival of trade at R. If unnyn urn aaw m weir giyiug awav I to their oaatomersof so many fre trial Dr. ElD( Nw fot Cotirasptiom Their trad to simply eoormons tn this very valuable article from the fact thar U TWtHitt V.!g2tSl Asthma, Broncbiti. : Croup r and all hroat and lvt dlseaaea Quickly cured Von can teat it bafor buying by gttkig a trtu botu free, larva aiaa at. srerr bottle warraotad. 'For sale wholesale aad retail, at R. IT. Duffy's drug store. I . , V II II 111 I 111 I UI III. " ' ' -; 1 iTTbaa yoa esn get f Old Virglnf CherooU for 9 ota,why ds you p7 enafor oneciriif .u.--- ;v. ! F. Uuucb, Wbolesats Agent. Kinstoa Items. Politics have quieted down. Now for a BAPTIST LADY, who la a gradnat, buaineea activity. ' uaa t seare a rmai achooi. saa liu Kiaatoa OtJlege now haa one hundred aewrsl raara expaneao la teacihlna Prt and twntyniae pupils. mary Ciassoa, Biaaar EBgUab branahea. Xlnaaon Collega, fall term closes Dec. J Llla " ult A" OOB 1Un JOthfor th Chriataaa holidays. Th!- ,u- lo ln ' N,w B-rB spring term begins December 31st Jocu au i2&L&I"it- A VALUABLE B00"k7 wwMwt tivtu v.aj av. A UC7 BLUdtl UJJ licks hw chops and think of - Thsnks Thar are many conjectures concern- i ing who wiU M our next postmaster. ! But we cannot get a cleverer one thanj Mai Ravtwtt Rev. J H. Page, pa.tor of the Melho- 1 A tat church hr orva tn V.w Rrn. rhu I week. Take good care of him: for he i worthy and veil qualilied. Oar Montana boys continue lo do ell They leport plenty of snow out there, and jek rabuu oich out uavel a bullet from a Wincneeter rifle. We are very glad to be able to siate that Mr. Albert Ilaskins. the efficient clerk of Mr. Chauncey Uray, is improv ing. This ia tbe only severe case of sickness that we know uf in our town. Five days of threat vmh no perform ance by the weather Hut Boreas is potting in some baty work and re minding some of our rin ug popalatioo that the cold wealht-r will come before loog. klr. Tom Joy m r .i yt un lypo from Washington, D . alur auinuij hume to vote, remained fa Java visiting relatives. Tom 8-'ni co .1 nrj;; w-ll in his new home. ciJijir f: m lm ap pearance. ansa aiattie a. tountret- tin ukin oharge of aechooi ixarlbe remdence of Mr. Simon Hodges m iliia c. uuiy. W'el have many young people who would! make excellent itfaeherr.. I.-i the neigh boring counties leurt aiul t iht-in. Rev. A. J. Uiree 1jjvu ' resigned the pastorale of Kineuu sni l.u UranKe Baptist cburchee, ill It- ivo ibis Held after December Lie is rti ouu. earnest and able preacher, auu hi.i trumpet never iiivea an uocenain ho iuI Rev. J. J Harper, paalor of the 1ia oiplee cburcu hvre, euiered upon hia duties Sunday, Nov . 2Hn. lie is a fine preacher aud will aoubtiese be very ac ceptable not only to bio own people, but also to thoaa of other denominations who go to hear him. Mr. Waller Edmond an i family reached their winter home, in KinMon, on Thursday ni(bt lat. Wt welcome them moat heartilv an t wish ibem a moat pleasant coj mru amongst us. We are glad to know itiul ibere is an un usal amount of game about here this season. The banana truteof our town have felt no frost yet. The geraniums are ourishiog yet. Our front yards look ike summer. Tue Kreen pepper stands erect yet, and Mr. John Llay s peturrias do not know that the chill of winter has attacked our Northern neighbors of colder clime. Tomato vines are yet bearing their delicious fruit. In fact thia climate is the place for the seeker of winter resorts. Startling Devflopments Expected. Chicaoo. November 2(5. The Mail this afternoon prints thn fullowing: Indianapolis. November 20. The startling developments that are expected to follow the indictment of bribers at tbe recent election will shake Indiana to its centre. Many of the name sent into the United Btate Dis triot Attorney for offenses against the State are those of men prominent In the Republican party, coairmen of oountv committers, county officers of note, ana men whose reputation have extended beyond the State, and who were known in the past for their integrity and up rightness. Over a thousand oomplainu hava been filed at the office of U S. District Attorney Seller. Th most scruputou oare is being exercised in arranging the cases. Not a man will be brought before the grand jury whose evidence cannot be corroborated, and no ease will be presented without the most convlotlng evidence. A man in Dearborn county, it is said, was offered $1 a day for a year to change from Cleveland to Harrison. A man con victed in the United States Court for counterfeiting four years ago, was re prieved before tbe expiration of hie term, and on election day he was taken to the polls by tbe sheriff and allowed to Y0t. In ifonroeville two witnesses will swear that tbey saw a voter receive a ram of money aud an overcoat from a well-known Republican, and all for a vote for Harrison . V , Travelers should be prepared for the change f weather and the effect of exposure by providing themselves wun Dr. Bull's Couth run., ' ' A Nashville doctor's prescription for a lady raffertog with neuralgia: A new bonuetv a caibmor shawl, a pair of gaiter boots and a- bottle of Salvation Oil. The lady recovered immediately of course. , -t A ttenobllcan Trick Leaks dnt. . Hrw.Yoit.5oT. it-Tha tteiti ReJelgb. N. u special says: It ia learned that ln Pitt oouoty 100 negro women, dreated in men's clothing, voted the Republican ticket at the late election. Th mttr ia to be investigated. Two negro women of Granville coaaty h been arrested, and are in u charged with thrashing, with a buggy whip, a negro man who voted the ijemocratt i negro man who voted the ijemocrattq ticket,'! . I t f .It .v Would ion jcarex Mhav a word of ad vie worth a-grtattjair eter tam per wtthfiowr.aWy!almf using opiate to quiet it tom-yyi trouble ' 'Thousands of 'pec:ue lading nn - attaiactory lives. txcanawM tn aispnH iur effect of loaigpttion. lt aacn irt Lkxador ahd b happy. t (u.i; ! ' '-' ami m in a n -Mn ,J (Ask ywi4IWtdr;tluYirginii Cheroots.',4 for, 10 ceatsA V, . n 1 ta t , I. TjLRlCn Wholesal Agent. f School Wanted. . a- bK si r, you on Turner's N. C. Almanac, ! X800 I - raK olIi reliable- Tb. stati ' i- iv ii 1 1 . i aa . w i- I H R.vkks jr. c. almana. -heais . , it. lraule JJra tk MTA1K C'Af 1T( BUILDING at Ki:gb N C Turner. North Crolln AlmDo u iba suudard Uurbam Tooacuo flaul. ; lus undoubtedly to most vlub! Alm ko w kuow ol KoDoa Hswa rnrner North Carolina Almanar I able to ail clsssss Oafurd Torehnbt. Turner's N. C AlmaDfto is tb mol com plele and isllabl Uibllcal Roorur. Turuam North Oarolln Almof tuu;J b in (very family trrscton Uaelie Tamer i N.I'. Alvsnse n sBiedln.uto lion of the Hut Wilson Advene. Turner s N. C Almaosc is uii an Ainia nac should bs-Wllmlnfion ftar. Turner's N C. Almanac : thr it uo other to ro ia par to It Carolina Wttcbniau. Turuai N. C. Almanac la a favortie o Norm Oaiolina Grnsboro North Htat. K.'erjrooilT nsedsoo and vrybody vtii buy l urneri N l'. Almanac Nwa and Ot mi r. T- Pri,e In rauta. r'or sal by UKo ALLKN A fi) . 5awhrri . N. C iwl"' w n Atlantic I N. C, Railroad. I'Ai'KNiiKR l'B.I"AHTMKN'l. ' New Hern. N. I' N 2b, hh si'K.riAl. EXCURSION RATES i TO T lilt H. E. Ch&ich Coufemce it Xewbsro. N. C. Tlrfet'tawHl l on ul anctA for nut i lav ' mi HU tthli.W, November adh. Hlll Novemlier slith. BI'NUAY. December 2nd. Tl'KHUAY. December 4ih. from Ooldahoro. Worehead I'Hy.aud all lutertuedlale alatuina to New Bern and return. I UiabopJoti.N :. (iKANHERY will preside Mauy eminent Ulvtne ami dlatlnuithed ' paraoiia irom all parta of the Htale will b in I lendHiice. ! Tint low rale of far la given lo afford an opuurtnnlly to ihoae perwina who will not 01 net-wise nave llm u attend. Itelow pleaae find rates of far aud ached u!. nnheduleof Trains of November i'"h anil lilt Q. and Ut'-ember Ith also hare for Kouml I'np when Ticket. ae nurcbaaed, lo New Hern and return ve Voreheiul City a i" a. If rl Newport T.M ' "ti A i ve New hern "21 UeUirnlBg-IaTe New Hern . H us m I, e Coldaboro mm a fl m I I durante H ao . Klnafon Ai Ar'v New llei i 1 .1 , Retutnlna-Leave New Bein S.U0 v The above arhedule alao annllea o "penal I Train from Ooldahoro to New Bern on uo day, Dec. 2d, . Hnl theH(olal Train from More lies. I Illy tn New Bern. Humlav le . 2d, will Uke the following schedule Iieave MorehaaJ Mm a m Arrive New Hern K in Return K, leave New llei n, 1 .00 o clock n!(;l,t H. I.. I'll. I.. (1 I A. Real Estate Sale. 1 will sail at Publle Auction, by order o( court, on MONDAY, .lANUAUY Tth, at the Court Hone door, 1 'i o'clock, tha dwelling and (round situated atthe corner of Poiloek and Metcalf streets. Newbern, N (' , and known aa th Hatch or Wliltiy l'roprty. Tei ina Catli. I, m. Woo 1 1. ) i in I oiuiuit.ionei Pure Teas. Ixvers of a cup of good Tea will do well to call at my Store and tupply ihomaelves witb a package of my Teas direct from the Importer, thereby saving jobber' profits and other ex penses. Put up in hslf pound boiea for 25o. per box. Satisfaction guaranteed. SUSAN F. BTANLY, Agt. 25 d3c For Barnston Tea Co. WHEN you ran ret a pare, clean, fine BAV ANNAH OIOAR melds and out, of the very finest HAVANN All TOBACCO, two for a nickel, wy don't yon fo to PALMER'S CIGAR STORE and get them. Do not be hnmbntned by cheap trash : act a aood smoke and be happy; and you eaa get any qnauiy oi uigar yoa want. Liiuie jaeii oans, on eent. FIVE CHKKOuT8. very popular brand, for tan cent, etc , etc Why not come and try them? W M. U rAliatKHi Middle St., Newbern. RENT INSURANCE. TOLICIES ISSUED IN THE Continental" and ffitna" Insurance Companies. which sec res the "Paymvat of Rent in the event of Fire at a very small cost. William H. Oliver. Newbern, N. C. i The hJtet of th Oomsani r(freentd AGENCY FOR 'iahggregaf ii aofoous bfivr '-.tc -film 'Of . $lou;ooo;ooo;' Thanksgiring SuppUes For SclI JOHN DUNNS. Fice Suax Cured li, Fulton Market Curocd brri. Freah Pi fora oi ...'. 10c Smoked 1W Tuoue. New Buckwneat, Mnpie Syimp sad New Orleans Motasee. PniUJelpnia Butler, tbe beat Butttr on tbe market """l""' Da b evert aleamar. Atioaore'. HiOit Me Jt, Leghorn Citron Layer Kaisine London I.y i I; .. . Loose Rslnn- l'Jo. , IV. to IV. Ite for 2V. t CurrsDtn. frunes. it,. Caiiforoia iii.ih--Malaga Urspce. ri v tiue, Crao berries. for -.'v. in. . Tomatoes, Cora asd Pie iVa hee 1(r I'tV. .'V. Sweet Mixed l ulled lnJon lyf r K.ga r me Dale JantHica and rioikia ,l'ln iu by every steamer I'onstaotly en hand A tine eiock of Apples. Itanana. I emona MneJ Nuli ami ('onfectionariex hi fact my amok will I' ca-io tho moot fasliduju 'an. I irv j riona aro K l'K IMTTOM. " - I 'l"i J1 U.N IhI.NN. For Sale, A II W ! HI i j Hi J1-.Um. ULl I C h f( ,. V v I.. i:V ' 'I! W i )RTH, lif N.-r (, me. N. C Mules and Horses. N-'IM'il . .K1 ,IS. MdJK. I - S Sli:i.i;r m no m Western N. C. purchaii, stork f,r thin section. DEKKR rriiCMAsiNO 1 'NTIf. nv RETI.'RNS r?3 dwtf Auction! To the Public ! A I .un romp, l.r.l to tetilo up Hi,' Hstatc ot II. Colirn, ilerpsacJ. I will oomnifioco A I (!TI SALES on the 7 r 1 1 Jay f NOVEMBER, in or ler to , 0. oit the Entire Stork of Mrrh anil ise now in tl.c W einstciu Uuililinp, conaitinfr of Dry Goods, Clothino, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Matting, Hats and Cap?, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises And a Rreat many more articles tco numerous to mention. The Auction Sale will oontinuo from Tuesday night, 27th ingt., be ginning at 7 o'clock, p.m., and lasting un i p.m., ana auction sale will be very night following until stock i cleared out. The Private Hales will eontintte during tho day at Auction Prioan The stock will be fixed ia lota ta Suit Merchant and other porohaiers. On Friday, December 7th, I will commence selling Buggies, Carriage?, Harness ana oaaaiery at Auction. Item ember these goods will be sold to the highest bidder, and the Dublin are the ones to make the prices. On Friday. Dec. 14th, at 11 o'dotlt a.m., I will sell at Public Anetion Id the highest bidder, in the Weingtn) BuJdiDg, the entire Ileal Eatala situated in Craven, famlif,Q, and Beaufort counties, erinirtsttn of Farms, Wood Lands and Dwnfbjty and Storehouses. Among wbili'hi the city of New Berne iath Weia stein Building, a three story fireproof building, situated on the corner of PWlodk and Middle streetst"' lu ' ' BUBice two itorf dwenrhrtaTao' in the eity of New Bernev sitnatad. Pollock.. and Hanpooi, streete, all-in penect oraer ana weu rented. Alllhe lieal Estttelrlll'le'ZoTfr witl h gwd-i tiUeyafld a rmiee:' ded. ,. The fall destf teraaU ill V ., f wu us Kkjvu on.um aaj.ora4e4;(i- J! or iurther, uuoraauoa isqnm ofi i?u. wucu as .Meiusifin.jjjuuaiDg., r. J - ExecTilor. '

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