j" g 'AH ; TONAL i - v ftwr ilJL VOL. Vn.-NO. 218i- NEW BERNEN OV SATURDAY; DECEMBER 8. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. v . BUSINESS LOCALS, ALMANACS TnV SorU Cu bu Almanace (or ibiTNf 188, ' Uco. ALLS 4t Oo. PICKLES, tfcoeeeti. F. Taylor 'Bare beyond douet the, beet ever told is this aaaxkM. - (i-- iKEThoaeead Rolle Wei Paper at very low pricee. . ,- UXO. ALLKS ID. 1)UEC AVeniJ for drag purpoeee tad the pun; of Bye Wblekey (or BBedfciaalparpMrS. Aleo fiaecookiag wtaee at J. F, TiYloaV n , ta , 0' 'IX) tbOM . who kT0 been emokiag A PreeleaaatioaCtgere,aiaauf entered at Factory No. 1017, sad sold ta thia aity to th wholeeale aad raUil trade by The Urooer, I B. Heck bora, I would aay that eiace aoma march an U have era to vary kind aa to have a ciarai put ep at aaotbar factory bearing tka aaeae area, brand, caution label, eta. aa the sigara which I have advertised for o?er a year, I have had a atiU better elgar aseaufactered and the braad rectetareA, and tfU really tba baat S for t ia tha Uaitad Slatee. Remeanbel tha braad. Old Hickory. Factory No. 1017, Try taeau.- - ' T If PORTED FIENCH BBA3DY AND 1 HOLLAND GIK.)aat received and for sale by ; ., Janta Hkdmojsd. ENOINB and Ola Repairs, Baiting, Packing, ete.at ; .. .s f. .o, aujw ft Co. IUST RSCEITKD-Aaothar lot of GARRETT "ft COGHAO BRANDY for aala by l ' Jamm Ribmord. PURS WINES AND LIQUORS for Madlolnal aad othar uaea for aala by Jams Redmond. 8E PURE ICE, maanfactarad by tha Jerman Ioa Factory. n " Wa only ak ona trial on Old Virginia Caeroota. a for 10 eanta. oc28 F. Ulmch. Wholaaala Agent. T1LEA8E REMEMBER that I aaad L money aa wall aa (ha rent of men- ina, ana ii you owa ma piea. vj J. 0. Whtttt. CORN 8BXLLER8, Qrala Faaa, Faad Cutura at Geo. Allen ft Co. SEWING lfaohlnaa repaired. Ganr antaad firat claaa work. John Ed wards, Trenwith'a ahop, Middla auaat. 8TANLY h been-, heard from, nd again the refrain is sounded "Charge Chaatar charte; on Sunly on, Edison proposes to hare left at each subscriber's house a 1 ailing newinaDer. Good Lord, deliver us! Y ... A HUSBi.KD'8 extibition ff VotS Attaehaant Tacatad."; . Grand Army Tttibit. U to a woman a tlortoOS tdea Of ' aftar Ua aaanaeaV of Dall lsiunrou Dec. i. Tta work of raptare, and wUOi w forb,dde. IjJ ttt?JZ&i SJ&J&S fruit ia its bliMfrlagtl borders. fr2i .rlTf'l!! ? tha Graad Army of tka Eepnblic ia pre- X&eaimK H roreter flowlu J tbOSS Ciud SUtaa agalnat thaaaaigaaasto "antln thU citj.Gea. Kooatr, U ra rippling brooklets , fcr murnaurinf prtraat tha diipoaal at the real estate oetTiaK Btany escoar&ging letter from ojwtticltiDaaea life ebbawaj Ilia eoarnad "U a-igamaat upon tha KTV:."1 thrilliof and a- bcantifnl rjthm.Icrooad Of fraud. Taeeaae WMargutdlof ike Grand Army, ahowtng pcluicaJ Lots expressed to her in honeyt4 WWJ"awa,ymoMK',,," J"- oa,aaa an un u.eo.w organizuton endearments U to her of all thirds diy "d ktuchm.nt wa racafd. uAMj;iter froM D s of Waahiagton, III., js that ha waa a aoldwr from 1881 to 1864, entering tha army aa a prime and being promoted to kujor. Ua joined tha Grand Army OB earth the tendereet, the holiest, Steeaaar Krreaeats. tha purest and the best. It is thfl The Yeeper of tba E. C D. line erj soul of contentment, affection's Ml aa. aaa a. tit .a. i . I Ona ; L.: : J ki : j ai4a;a - m-A a.nMAM J .A A . f. I XsmOBOsl WUI Mil UaU DvIBlDa sa w U U1S3 CUT IUU tUUS) wrHTal rrgaVTa- minUtry and sunnj dreams. It is L o,clock iDg iti ..The Poit UBdrt0Sk to the uardiao angel of the fireside, " ' lh- 0 D .iM u.d boom Fifer i objected and when the, and Uerer slipping from its riehU yMterd.y Norfolk wlth fall cargo 70mTh. hi K thu.d.gd eweled finger those precious gems I of oottoa ate., and paaa.at.era. Thai me for to jeara for no other reaaon of indearment that foreTer makes Msntaa wUl arriya tonight and uua i wMt uemocrat. beautiful and glorious the grand oaaay at U o orock. "The Democrat, of Colorado are with ineDtouioi ua uiyaa una arriyca TOo in tba new nioTament. we will paradise of home. lleary Blonnt. IP KllSEB WlLHELM is again suffering from that ear trouble. Uneasy is the head that wears a crowp. Northern sectional paperf seem to bate adopted the motto, MNo matter what tha color is, so yotf paiat it red.'' AN Alabama v paper announces the. marriage of Mr. Thomas Jones to Miss Lou nschett.,-" So ' the hatchet baa become a tomahawk. , We had thought to adora par colamns today with .Mtrror gems bat the1 scintillate, sparkle t and blaze - so that we' dare .tioC touch tbem. ' mIhb 'Outlook Publishing Com pany,' composed of prominent Re publicans, was chartered at Bich mond last Wednesday. They pro ,'pose, to .s,ta'tt a daily and iweekry rill local news; NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. G H. Bobkkts -Annual meeting. Mrs E Dvocio-Boardera wanted. I jatterday with a large cargo of general marchaadiaa. Injunction Made FarpatuaL Tha 8. H.Gray Maauf'g Co. hating gotten aa ia junction agalnat tha collec- lion of Una fence tax on their property In No. 7 townahip, tha caee came up for bearing before Judge Montgomery at the recent term of the court, and after tha injunction ru w org&otzition, cheerfully join ll.e every man of us. ' Hugh H. ilaruot, of Idaho Springe, art iu a letter to A djt. tien Koontz: "I hare Iock beileed that theUrand Army waa used indirect!)' for political pnrpoae. und (or that reason 1 hate withdrawn from the Post here. " E. J. MoKendall, of Ltroit, write, that be waa in tha army, but hag been treated by Grand Army men little bet- tar than it be had been a rebel because ha Totea tha Democratic ticket Re fa Tba State Grange, P. of II, neeeta at Kinatoa next Tuesday. c Out Einaton LrsUBMDk bT COnniai ftienda are preparing ta do the right lwu ma4a perpetual. Tkiait a deciaioa Torathe new organizulon n,l thinks tmng ay tbem. fof aoma lmnortanca. This ia a larva lBM tneerice. perrorme.i t,y the Dem Tk. an.-... o.a t a . ... . ah i,vi..k..,uki ocratio soldier, in tha war will te ap- - iivi.v . ..c wiM... ....wv. nreoiatpd when th. rotn nut frm uunoai capacity in carrying rreignte, I territory or ua towotnip, out aa it naa I among the Repubhoanj and the ioP!e Letaaxtt ndittoCharlotteanditwiUbelaointareatin atlhar farm or stock, the see how many of them fought fur the paying a dividend, la leas than t wo loompaay' related tha payment of iba yeara. I fence tax aad so far has won tha fight. vur aeignoor r. n. reiieuar, Mq., Ta,nort-mt TinaBDlal Tranaaction. "P'r carnage, loniaomce The g0M,p 0 the trwU ,Mterd.T "tt 7 nr. wane an waa sua in iaa i wu conoerBiBg the purchase by Mr. cauT.M auu m ihuihi u using toe t.. . u,... vr. ri... s r.. brush to great advanUga. Lr th ' mtMk ftwB1K, ', lh ' Nation.i The euonyoma bushee are being re- Bank of New Berne by Mai. R. 8. mored from the Episcopal Church yard, I Tucker and Dr. Martin of Raleigh. bating about all died. Tbia beautiful Ma j. Tucker alone, if we mlaUke act, greasional district in :TeTrMr'to7mlt",'1Mdftm'0,th,k dTb" StrfT-d tha permanent org fate in New Berne during tha laat year, tuaflr' aoatrolled tha manacament ef ni in kA .i.n.i preservation of the Uaion Reports from Democrsli in thin Sute continue to come in, and i.' .he letters received are any indicatior the sepa ration will be c)mplete. Several hun dred have signified their intention of withdrawing from the lirand Army of the Republic, and many are now wait ing for charters uuder which to or,au ice. Tomorrow an Kierutive Committee of one representative from each Con- the Sate will be rom the State at aoi7ion DIED. At h i home ia Craven county oa Wednesday avaaiag, Daoamber 8th, Mr. J. J. Saaaer, aged about thirty years. Ha leavae a wife and one child. Notice. The National mm or Ni Bcrnk. Kiw Bxmst, N. C. Pec. 7. 18. Tha Annual Meeting of the Stockholder of this Bank, for th. election of Director, and tha transact! oa of such other boalaaas aa may cam. before them, will be held at their Banking Hoase on the Second Tua day. being the EIGHTH dav of JANUARY. 1889. The Polls will be opened al TWELVE M . to be closed ill PU (I. II ROBERTS decTdwtd Cashier A PREACHER 11 H ID OP DlSfRP- atA. HliToaom, Kla , Leon Co .July SMI I have beD a sufferer from Indltetliou anadyspepela (oral eng lime aod have tried many remedie., ,but unlit I w Induced by my irteods ts try your B. 8. B. received no relief, but since uIdk It have found more relief and comfort than iron aa.7 other treatment I have used Hoping ou will forward to my addrecs your HUIe Sl-page hook for preacri ptloe , alen e lileme of our., Sen.l at earliest date. Ru Koim' Boarders Wanted, J r Ol B(DGENTLJME.N a. Uitla hoarders. ' Apply at 1 he office of J J AS. v WATERS. de.lX Neil dcr New Berne hj kau Mules and Horses. NORTH CARol.lN Ti" K. air L. S Western N. STRL'Er hir w'. C. . . t .. 1 . of i sd from fn Mules IT ttll Bl SATISFACTION. uaLSNDo. ria.. June let. i" Ws nave been selling Bolanlo Blood Balm ever since It flrwt same before the pontic We sell more of It loan any other blood pu rifler In the market, and It elves perfect eat lefactlon. J. it alums A Co. Ke tali and Wholesale Dealers la beianfe Blood Halm. For sale in New Berne at the drug store, of R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. nov Boarders Wanted, Ky l' V. It has died on several lota where it was I tha bank; and wa take pleasure in say- formerly specially prominent. Gin Sunned. Meeare. A. & J. B. Reel, living in Pamlioo county about eight mile, from Fowler' Ferry, had their gia baraed taat Thursday. The Are waa caused by sparks from the emokeatack. Lou about $300, mostly ia aeed, cotton ; aa damage to machinery; fully in.ared. lag that it would be difficult to nod a bank in the State that baa been mere raocetaf ally managed than the National of Near Berne. Bat few banks have a cleverer, mora prudent, industrious aad accommodating aet of officer. While tbia la true it baa been rather a source of regret that at least a majority of the atook in the bank was not owned bjf eitlsena of New Berne. We think the transaction a cause of Stonewall Items. O. Ii. Clayton, Uoiversalist. is us and will remain until Mon Wh KK or MONTH. A Mm Kl. rU'lH'IIV i hi ner of Hancock and Pollock ,lfl Vew Hsrtie, N. C 1e" ,1 ly I. City Ordinance. lie it ordained, That from and after this date it shall be unlawful for any party or parties to have any festival, cake walk or parade without first having ob tained permission from the Mayor Any violation of the above ordinance will subject the offender to a floe of fifty dollars or imprisonment for 30 days. E. H. Msadows, Mayor. Silas Fi'Lohir, City Clerk. and Ho-iee. Come ao,l see thorn. Just Received, ii Howard & Jones, A NKW I , , r ( if Black Clerical Suits, Silk and Derby Hats, Collars and Cuffs, Underwear, Etc., Etc. 11, 'iu, N C vai:;i & JONES. I2dwtf DRUBS h Go to F. S. DUFFY nRl'OGTST, AM) III 1 MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. A Wsriiinir. Th. man or boy who h been firing oongratoIaUoi for the paople of N.w -a y y a aaistoi aittia lanctioaoi craven anal"01"" a. w.-, -v. Rev. among day. Jno. W. Bryan and Mrs. M. F. Bryan of Qoldeboro, are down on a visit to friends and relatives. Died of hemorrhsgic fever in this place, 29th ult., (ieorge, son of Jas. C. and Mrs. Julia Ormond . Aged about 4 yearr. Sam Campen and Mrs.Campen have Dysentery was veninirof thi4r.h lnr. Johnaon atreeU recently after nishtlnM any jwnar oapwai w ceuar man tne cau.e of nii deMh, had better quit ahooting or go into the locser. we want an tne outawe Henry A. SauIs of Wayne county, country or Woods for' BractlceV Alpital that can be iadnoaa here Icr waa down on a visit to s. B. Lane, Laq- gentleman who na a, Well oi double barreled shot sun aayi iU con-1 wiy luoowaew jws i .-. tt iiokintr tenU will be sent after thia disturber of snmenna wnn taa interest ana proa:- o. Brogden got. 8elah the neighborhood if he keeps up his I eommaaity. loo many ci The steamer Tahoma, Capt. Hussav, our young men seek otner neioa tor ill on our line and is giving nutta a dis- work and investment. It la a good aign Ptch to freighting, giving us two trips haa the, bni- to tar. the, sttention teZTc'. S3 home, show connasnca laths eonat-Q.H. Dowdy ia aboard and is as usual tioo ef things and sre willing to do quite clever and accommodating. William H. Oliver, NOTARY PUBLIC, Hewbern, N. C. I hi" lff I idsi.rl m r m t A lai u' Kr U'tl it :,il . nif r v and K1ne Hon A ' - 1 1 , 1 1 H.snl t n , ., tlgftn. tw-i ("i I in. k . - . to n i r 1 llul ;,., , j i , i r eai her v, k n,i i- m M i a vt . r i i , . AImo. a linn Ihiuiic , r liOCMlt, Hll.1 HUlKlrlH Hli,,i Ihf ! KV I,, i 1 s I ;,, r Clt . IVl fu- I ui. 4 tin ap " -.1 '.hi,i,t riaaiini.'. r 1 auu, Mi rl! i unt,l Bln:, i'e made hy "f ( lirldtmni ' ll v,e offer at r ( A-ll. . l fU'Y ' H) ) CIGARS FOHJJALE AT COST, HaviiiK purcham',1 n large ptock of Cigars, and the il.-iiian,i fr eame being small. I now olFcr tn tho merchants CIUARS AT CO.ST until ruy stock is reduced. t;ash on delivery. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION ()wilj to Money nml TIMKS wo r. Prices on 61 &. 63 Broad t!' SCARCITY o I'KKSKNT UAJU) t t.lio following Low Thankprrivinrr Sunrlics at street : practice there. Ootton Thief Caught. Policaman Wilson, prompted by in formation conveyed to him that some thing wrong was going ua at the cotton their part in building up and develop- platform,yisited that placS last night I ing nf. resources, abont seven o'clock and returned with! r ' acoloredcitli.n anda sack of cotton. I ' " 8111 Ws withhold his nam. foa tha nreaent WaBHIKOTOW, Uec. B.-Up to ..hVt.t ...... u , today, 100 out of 823 certificate, of elec- ai hs claims that the cotton wu given UoaVf members of tba 61st Congreee, o nim aa a present. e unriatmae I have been received by lion. John B times are close at band perhaps lomel Clark, clerk of the House of Repreaen ... heartl man .lih r.Uni oarinoaiee nave neen re a m t.a tn ai v nl! T...Ii I eiTe trom WealfVirginia. did give it to him. He tarried xhe next Honae wiU be at-the station noaee isil sight.' ; t BRINOIRG C.LS.DWE89 To millions, pleasing their palates and cleansing their systems, arousing thsir Livere, Kidneys, stomachs and Bowels to a healthy activity. Such is the mis sion of tbe famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of r igs. R. N. Duffy, aajent. New Berne, N.C. novl3dw4w VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY The tlan Burst. AKNAPOLI9, Md., Dec. 5. At tbe paper. - N obth Carolina papers ; are modestly say faf , Throngbont tbe campaign tbe ton of -car State press watfbigQj creditable alike to those who condacted and those who supported lt. " ' " Ini federal grand jury convened at Indignapolis laet Tuesday. The U. t B-District Attorney acting ander enecial Instructions1 of tbe cojKt, will bring before the. grand . jary all evidence obtainable tentf- ' ing to show corrupt practices at the late eiecuou. f. - ' . ;A skcohd test of the Besaamer cast steet gna at: the '. proving grounds at tb.6 Naval". Academy, Annapolis, resulted la the bursting of the ereat - gun ia a thousand fraements." "Well, that' is bad but it is nothing to the bursting of " oar big gna on the sixth of Kovem ber. - ' : ' ? ' "!-': " OUU e teamed citlien, Col. L, h " Polk, editor of. the Progressive Farmer, seems to be in demand. Ha leaves ca" Ilonday to attend the raeetinj cf tVa national Alliance at JIaii,:'", T':!-". Ha is f-tVice-rreri:.-ttrt' "' -' v I ( - -n cf t; 2 v-'lve ( ,,.. .-.3 C .. . . gem roua ootton a ia give it to nim. tie urnsa Th. Ma nu .in k..w..m ... - - v a rv av st r vijio, uui, iv j . n. h iuo clerk Clark today to a repreeentative of iec0nd test of the Bessemer cast steel tH I InffA vim. "it will Uliuinr. . vr i Tha SemooTats of Sdgeecinbej i y I flcial count of certificates to decide the Academy thia afternoon, tbe sun burst . The Democrats of Edgecombe county I political , complexion of the next I into numberless pieces breaking a heavy stood aloof from Semihtlean honda and Honw' . .. Ulmber platform. It waa torn into a , r,-... fragmenta. The flretcharge ... " - . i tne poaeiouuy or a re-conns in d wu thirty aia pounda; tbsaeooad forty au, nut one.raiieato onng np tnara- loon'i fliatrttt la Haw York, tha ln, eight th8 regulation charte. quired bonds. The offices were prompW W ; reanlt in Baooa raoataiBg I The gun was madeof Beesemercast ly declared . m . . nuKUl BUU wviiuim IV, WW uuuuun filed their bonaa.ai rencei a colored I With the uncertainty that exUU in WM charged with forty-eight pounds of man, whose I name is Hine,was elected thll district, thenneaeee distriot, and poe, tne Bh0t waa a concave aI TWd and tha tmWtU. i" r vvew vukiow .bii,iiii btH or one hundred pounda. Tneuov ' - I m sak amnewa A llAffaaaAPalgjB BraAni thsl HAnM I a. ! J a, a.t.1- auw avuiw ai-vwi.- Jw I sjrijmayDaV, RJM ID wOW UmsniUIIVU VI wilier entertain tne nope teat tne iMuoerau prooertr about $5,000 by the bursting wm oontrvi ue iHiiwaw. . it . .i, 1 0r tha eun. EnilKB KODert A. Daaalel. ,. .,''- .,- . one of the offlcere who made the teat anarcain vemaaiiratioaa. i um As ticnU for owner, we offer for sale on easy and eoejmmoaaung irmi tne ioiiow log d eaciibed Improved Heal Eatate In the Cllvof Ne-v Bm: No. 1. WH1KIT PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; Includes tha pttee of land known aa THE 181, AN I), and the wharf or roadway leadlna toarevo from KaM Front ttrrei Also, water asac. now being filled In. Tbe loeauoD i. u. oeai. in me cuy ror an mann faetorlDK purpoaca, whlta tha largest ciaft vlaltlng our waters bav. ample depth of water ror loaoiDK ana .nnroaaing at ine wnan. No. 2 TWO HOUSES AND l,OTS Al UNION POINT, ocean' ed as aweinnaa. NO. . HARVEY WHARF PROPERTY. Ineladinc part of water front of Lot No. VI, in Ui.piaaof tlie eity. upon tb. property l. loeatea a eommoaioas otic a warehouse Th. O. D. 8. 8. C. nae a portion of the prop artv. No. I. THR IRON KKONT WAREHOUSK ON UoaVaN RTRELT. NO. 6. BRICK bTORK AND DWKLL1NU ON VRA.VEN 8TRKET occupied by It. O. E. iXMie. A fall description of tbl. valuable Droper- CmckK.Dso.e.-A1ooal paper saya: "The experiment provea thatBesae- Sj.SSi"J;,r'i .rMnS The extensive preparations being made I mer cast steel will not do for great application to the understand at ineiromc for tha reception of Mrs. uney e. rar- gune; ft has not wastioity nor tensile A BK. ' tJt Uiaj g) aaaj wuvu va eaaaave swa yj aue a aew fasiaaif sat aa uw s viaeriwiij aava jwudiiw 1 aons, on hex return to thia city from her I strength: The inn exploded had ! dec nted Jast 1 trip abroad,' are - vary likely to bet pressure of fourteen and one-tenth tons - publican elected who . succeeded 1 in giving bond, f The commlsaloners of Edgecombe', acted promptly ; the ecmt' miaaionerg of Craven are a little , more aeneroua ana extenaea tne time. . i ...... i M x 7 - w ?. The Boar J of Trade appoia r.iBv,t t,a fAllAin MmmftiAiAit I knocked ia - the bead ' by the police. I to the iquare inch. It waa shattered Mm P.mmii a kmm frtuajl fjitnay illMr I PrAm Ik. trnnlnnl Ia ilia mnf . holders, and the people along tha liae of ctn Baraie the atraau ofChloaeo be-1 ale II remained in one piece. The gua tbe A. x. . u. u. ana the country I bind a hraea nana, aatney aia m iion-i snowed weacnees in tne nreeon waere through which It la proposod to extend I on. they willfind thamaerres ry U ought to have strength." U' ' . . ,,l mistaaen. Jtnera naa neen enougn pi i ;wny m ' aad .endeavor -to seourS .k.v-. i .k. ..4 I Mi ivrn nu aiairr. auia luuiiauucan aaa blub iiuiuv av w wuia s ; their , aUA . ia extendiegT sud j narcby will never be allowed td. pa- U Ifa. A. K. HAwrssr-About A year road Into th Ja. A. Bryan Gray, Clement Wolfendea, E. H.Meadawi,- J? C. Wbitty, Geo. Robert Ransom, A.Uiller, K. R. Jones, James Badmond P. H. Pel le tier, J. J. Tolaon, H. 8. Nonn aad S. R. Street. dwtf Ina and Real Eatate Agti. e anterior or the Btatat I rade tbe streets or thia oity again pe i ftKa j procured my find palf crglaaaea . Maj. John Hughes, Si EL K5ss I am Chiei "rtt&M tlsaler but they 'strain! Manly; Oao. Allen, J. J. -,. .-.,!. nail tha. m my eyes and caused, tbeoa, to ache. I ADVICE TO MOTHERS Mbs. . Wiselow's EooTTii5a Brme should alwsji be used for cUMrn fclhing. -It e -othps tbe cti' 5, . ':-' t;-e gums, sl;--rs all paia, cur. ' "c, and ia tl.a test remedy f -r . .r L . . Tweoty-Cve cents a butUa, t tol brings threatening- letters to tbe 1 then bought a pair of .yppr. Cryitalixed Governor. The letters eame BOt Only TnaAa. and the afTunt haa haan won- from Chicago, but from cities to iU M Jk proof U whiolH do ol hm . ,- ,.;.,,;,: it ,m any glasses no w sad -Md: ai 'well'as x Why let the baby suffer aad perhaps t,, , r. EDAStki,'M. 0.," , ail""" ZZrJA :x Ed. Te. Med. Record; rectaenre. Ue v 3 eente a bottle. I Persons of ti etary habiU and ever T. 8. Duffy, Weir Berts; Cv-. el8dlm Ask' your dealer for Old Vbgibia Charoota. S ror 10 cents. ... t, , m : F.TJuucb, Wholesale Agent. 10,000 Cheroots, OLD VIRGINIA. 2,000 lbs. Bock Salt, 50 bbls. Pork, Juat received. For sale CHEAP ey OF. TJlrielx, ' u 4 ' ' ' . .... WHOLES ALEJ3ROCEB, Citron, .) ctx. Layer JUisins, l."alS cts. Off Stalk Kaisins, l'.'ial.i cts. Currants, ,'! lhs. (or 'i ct. Prunes, :! lb?, for iVS cts. Minco Meat, 10 eta. h. iMalnga drapes, 15 cts. lb. Evaporated Apples, lOcts. Dried Peaches, 15 cts. Cranberries, 10 cUs. . ( t. :i lbs. Pio Peaches, 10 cts. 5 lbs. Stand. Peaches, 15 cts. i lbs. Stand. Tomatoes, 10 cr. Sweet Mixed Tickles, :'() eta. qt.) We have a full line of Thanks giving and Christmas Gooda at very low prices. We guarantee all goods as represented, best quality. van anil SCO Us. UoodS (IClimcd free. nlTIni ALEX. MILLER. WHES von rain t . r,n hL SAVANNAH CIOAU Inside anaiolelihS very flnt SAVANNAH TOBACCO, for l1, wl,y dn't you go to PiLWBl8 iirroHg snd get them. Do not be D Dm bussed by rbun irath . . . smoke and be hapjy; and roti' caw tetany 4UBiux or uigara yoa want, Llttl. Mtxu oans, one cent. HVE CMfROoTk. t. popular brand, for ten oeats,t ..ta, iVbT ' not come and try them- ,f ' WM. h. PALMEBLH Middle st.. Newborn. AND CLOCKS ' y T. J. TUnilER, t'OP. STClXaXe TT1 A.XUii ; a w .bl 0B nJJBd ere reeeivfriseW. tVlihtnd,ni,arior 2aluJL Chawbei Bnlli Hall gtanda. Wbrdrnha.. hTe a foil line of MliTora,Ple.'. S,fL.PklU,r rrmme. Cteelta, and Window . W. W pot eaah W onf frMt ioi gei a iSfJ w toftT par cent, therafove wa an Mil roods eheaner tfaaa an ath i Utlaclty. ., tTZr-.- . r. xonra reneetraiiy r - isa-) f AJllilWleski OClSSwtf ...jiltlaMlLI worked tni ii Lidor a speciQo fot wactof arr'.;. -'suon, debility, coERtipatk -, a.-J i ' y ether ailmenta. Ai aU- trxiz.Ut. l ike S5 CsstaV u , ri- V f''l BHoesEtibbe(Jdod?; Inother lot of these, excellent f - - Just Arrived. VAto, the biggest I t r r KObbSi' Goods In' tne cIiy..K . Bts,8hbw;coaw;efo.5 ' -. ivMAi- A rhj J. f. tatIOh's, o9Jwlf . -- , Kewpcrt.