-a - VOL VH.-NO. 22 ERIDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS; . : "i wsejwsa.-Vw ., ... i . "i'a , mffs ' - -."Tr -. . RNAL V BUSINESS LOCALS. OYSTERS, the Vm( the. market af fotde e Joe L. Willie, nfta Mall M east side of market house, (dec 14 It rRS."WOMBLX has jot.reeiv4 another UA ! fiae LTBB nTB Orsure at the Middle street saloon. ; Faosiiies supplied oa short aoticei t A LMASACS.-Tttxaer'a HortaCero A lint Almanace for U year 188. V, Una. i lux ft Co. S BWINQ Machines repaired. Qaur anteed first class work JOBS Ed- waU,TrawUh'i shop, Middle street. ONE Thousand Bella Well Paper at very low prioea. . , w . OtOn AlXIJt & Co. pLXAtif BEMKXBER that I aeed 1- . mmt h well m the rod of. nu kiai.aad if yoaowc me plea ay sue. y J. cmarn. CORN &HELLERS, Grain Fan, Feed On tun at Oto Aixes ft Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRA DY AND HOLLAND OIK. just received and foseier ;.. . tun RXDM3KB. PNdEtE aod Ola Repairs, Beltioj, - Peeking, eto. at - Gao. Alum & Co. JUST RECEIVED Aaotber lot of GARRETT'S COON AO BRANDY for sale by . Jihu Risjiukd, USE PtfRE ICE. manufactured by tbe Jarmaa lee Factor. fjy8tf PCH $71X19 A5D LIQUORS for Mecioiael aad ether sees lot sat b: " .; JAMMS RrPMOKD. We only ak one trial oa Old Virginia "Charcots, I for 10 eaaU. oo28 F. UutiCH, Wholesale Agent. News baa been received At Kal eigh of the critical iilneae of lion. .Thorn MRufflo, at Baltimore, where he ia noder treatment. . Tna excitement oter the un fortunate affair at Birmingham has abated." The Governor of Alabama sustains tbe action of the Sheriff. e -At a conlerence of Democratic Senators held last Tuesday it Was decided to make no factions oppo sition to the Senate substitute bill The Southern Cultivator has an interesting sketch of the State De partment 01 Agriculture, end a portrait of Mr. John Robinson, tbe .Commissioner. .. ! On Tuesday the . Nary Depart ntent issaed orders fox the U. S ' steamers Galena and Yantio to sail da the following, day for Port x aa Prince to enforce tbe demands of tbia government for the immediate release of the steamer Haytien Be 0 St i AT last the United States census report of 1880 Is completed, the twenty-second aid r last volume having been issaed. The work con tains over 19,000 pages and cost the ' country rsearly 16,000,000. It is said to 4)0 the! most elaborate undertaking of the; kind ia the worleVahistory-tf.T. World, v A Chioago. dispatch of Dec. 11 sats : Three "men are known to ; have - been killed; one fatally in ' iured and a number of people badly ..bruised and Ilhakea early this 'r morning, by, at explosion oX mea! 1 dost which" completely, wrecked a three story brick baildiDg." This Is something new to us, and we : would like to see an explanation. - A dispatch from Annapolis, ML ' . . r Dso. llf : lays t - The steamer . Governor McLfthe "of the oyster . navy, had a pitched battle with illegal dredgers off Hell-Point a the month' of Chester river last night s Two dredgers were sunk one J captaredj '-and r four were run ashore. This is the first fight with oyster:, pirates since the State ves sels lave been -equipped With - cannon, and the first 4a, which the - dredrs were routed. The steamer . McLane Was riddled with bullets.' - it.'' There are two lesssons taught by the ' late contention ; that the .. rr.pple will be 'slow to learn nnt ' cc .isg events- forco them to - t" fledge.' The first is thatonr . .Cou :.cnt has passed from the political fitrio' built us by the fatten ti a Cnaccial ccccera in wLica ti:" 5 -tr-i -riT--a ---?.tj lrtn?nall 'f-l'io Buiirs. 11 r t pl'.ic raaa, Kt ! oca ta llst-oni Is that I j ! - rsfy an t r v, can tl3 r::c . j 1 "How a Democrat eincerely da, tlrinj' that hU.pajtj a power, eaa eonsietently co na Kepobll ca boad, thai knocklBg some Democrat oat the of3c Vterhtps, we caa't aee, anrt' f U i problem ef equal difficulty to bj to eolre how oy loyT Democratic lawyer cab consistently lecept 4 ipecUliee to aid in prcTentinE the aeatinfofa Democratic official. We pot ho faith in the explanation that ft lawyer is obliged to accept a fee as a matter of business whether or not the case conflicts with, iia prefer ences, because j that, takes away bis private rights. Laurtnbnrg Exchange. LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. UlriCh Cheeee, etc. Jos L. Willis -Ottert. A cart load of "New river mulleU were la maiket yesterday. Tbe oyiiernaen aay tbat a good tupply of canning oyitere will bo brought in aoon aa the cannery opens, Mr. J. K. WflUa was Wakbg abip- enta from hie' marble yard yeetarday to Beli't Ferry and Pollokrrilla. The Poard of Trad will bold an im- portaaf meeting tbia erening. It ia hoped that every member will attend. There wee a '(light enow fall at Kin- ton yeturday, and at Raleigh there was reported to have been three inches. Steamer Movements. Tbe Eaglet of tbe E. a D. line sailed yesterday with fall cargo.' The Vesper of this line will arrive today and sail tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Craven CcuUy Alliance. The next meeting of Craven County Alliance will be held in tbe court bouse In this city on the first Friday ia Jano ary nest. ' We tender the Alliance um of tbe columns of tbe JouaniL for any proceedings, announcements or other matter which they desire to go to tbe public. Keeting of tbe Stats Grange The annual meeting ' of the State Grange was held at Kins ton tbia week commencing Tussdsy- and continued ia session until a late hour last night. If r. W. A. Ewell of Vanoeboro retained last aight and informs us that the meet. ing was well attended and that a great deal of business waa transacted iwbicta was sure, if not directly f to; indirectly result in great good for the farmers. The next annual meeting will be held at Newton. Personal , We were pleased to reoeive a call yesterday from Mr. Israel A. Piaree and Mr. II. Im Rockwell of Troy, Pa. They have interest in this section and have oome down to spend a few days. We extend a hearty welcome Bxiolph Duffy t Esq Messrs. J. E ftbodes, n. A. Jarmaa and Mr. Barber, of Onslow, were to the cjty yesterday, w. F. Rountree, Esq. returned from Goldsboro lt night. He is Director of the Eastern Insane AaylomJaad has been attending a meeting of the same. J. L. n. Missilller, Esq. of Henderson is in the city.sr I'; f'f, r.S ? IQtk ' J. F. Parrolt of Klnston is to tbe clt on a short btuioess trip. ' ' ' . The Law on the Sabject Aa oyster wr is raglngln Jfarjland waters to pretenf the taking of see J oys ters and carrying tbent to ouef waters. Seed oyster seem to be-to plontrfelln North CarolmaWaMrs that theTilte it ia said. on several oeoasioos been burned into lime. . Complaint bavins been made to Commissioner Robmson concerning the, matter, be pukes the following reply; t. : -. -r t , Dear Sirt-Your letter of lb ' 13th to nana ana notea. iou nave ampie pro taotioa ef tbe law foe Um prevention of the destruction of young oystera,.Bto- tion 8388, chapter 43 of tbe Code makes ths offence indictable. ' ana "tne pat guilty of a misdemeanor. Ton can re portor call tbe attention of an oC.tfer to tbe tact tnat oysters t xibg Durnea into lime contrary to lawman d the party will have to answer before any Jnstloe of the peace,. "-ja .vt.,i' ; Tba people along the entire Coast should combine for the brotetfon of thenatnral oyster fields or beds, aad seethatthose encsr-d t t:iif wanton wholesale destruetioa of th Seed oys ters should be prosecuted, V, : Call tbe attention of the press of your town to the facts, and as it is a question of grave Importance to all who live along tbe coast, they will gladly, aa in tbe past, come ,to tbe r?cti and aid in having the law understood and respect ed. . Very truly yours, ..... - . JOHX ROBINSON. ' When yon rn got3 C!l V;--! .' Cl-proota for 11 C"',wh7 Jo yoa i:y f cecte for orec' "tif -.; i F. ULiiiv U, Wholesale Af t t The erkicJams y eater Jay oa the actioa of tbe hoard f oocaty ' eocaaaiaaioaars la, ftiliag taa tacanois la tba eouaty oOoaf war akarp, poiated, aid we might eey loud. . The gTOunas af complaint are first, tba appoiatpaeat at a maa ' who already held a lucrative f adaral poaitloa wboee time, would as expire aadar aix or eevaa saoaths and waose reaigaatioa wooid: probably head the offiee over to a Republican aooaer than if he held the BOs&tPOl us til rsatoved. Seoead, the appoiaUnaat of one who seldom con tributes to the expanse of a campaign or alda the party ia Us straggles for vlotroy oaly so far oae vote goes. Now while we are bound to admit that it via a mistake lntheoommia sloaers to vacate aa important fadera.1 position by inviting the inoumbentto take a county office, yet we appeal to our Democ ratio friends to be charitable ia their criticisms. Put yovrsefoes tn tht place of the eommUnontn with a dozen applicant for the sams porition, and you eaa imagine what a difficult task It is to give satire satisfaction. It true tbsre were many good, true, honest, capable, working Democrats, who bold no offioe, to select from; but we take it tbat the federal offloer elected is not so greedy for oQoe but what he ill either decline the position that baa sees taa dared biaa or reeign at once tbe position' he already holds and give the administratloa time to appoint bis suc cessor. -And if there Is any doubt about hie successor for the, unexpired term being a Democrat be will, if a good Democrat, hold bis present position and decline the one tendered bim by tbe commissioners. The JovBNAt took the ooeition imme diately after the eleotion tbat De op erate could not consistently, if true to Demooratlo principles, aid Republicans ia giving bonds. We were forced to this posltiow because Republicans in thaif-campaign' sought to arouse the bitterest' prejudices of the oolorcd race against tbs Democrats and fallowed up their efforts with bull-doiers at the polla whose threats and intimidations made a fair eleotion impossible. We received letters from different parts of the State heartily endorsing the post tlon, and the Democrats of this county almost with one accord agreed to Mhaaaaoff" aad 1st them take care of themselves. By so doing the commie- eioners, ia the discharge of their duty found H necessary to declare the offloee vaoanV. With the facts and.ciroum Itanoea'before them, it was a far easier task to declare these offloee vacant than it was to fill them to the entire satisfac tion of everybodv. Tbsre for, we-ask Our friends not to judge too harshly. Oar commissioners are aa truly repre saatatlve of ato weakh,' Intelligence and honor of the county as, perhaps, eaa be foOad: aad for the interest of the oounty, for the benefit of the tax payer, let us overlook their faulte in email things, and hold, up" their hands ia their efforts to economically admin liter the affalrl of the county and take care of its finances. Tbe Festival at Stanly Hall. It would be difficult to do complete justice to -tar excellent entertainment given by the Brotherhood of Bt. An draw, under the supervision and direo tlon of the ladies Of Christ Church, at Stanly ' Hair on Wednesday evening. That eSpacious worn has been the scene of many ornate festivities, bnt none ever fa' more pleasure than this. Bright colore tastefully . intermingled greeted the eye everywhere. Flags and evergreens brought out the display with striking . effect. Gayly dressed ladles made themselves at once orna mental and useful. And what was of more importance than anything else the patronage ef the festival was fully up to the expectation of iu friends. One of the most interesting features of the occasion waa the pretence of. many delightful little children. ' Aejhe chief purpose of - the entertainment was to raise funds for the friendless little boys and girls of the pariah school, now beitftf eoiidnotea bv'thrf Brotherhoods it was in excellent taste that children en- joyiBgi-eorefrirt and 1 homo bapplneas attoiSOLpauo&jae tais piaasantJ scene. And they did It with jollity end entbu- aiasan Ttl large Ubll,situtted within the harbdf of bid legal memories, waa covered with beautiful cake and other confections, and was s continual chartf to the visitors entering the hall. Under the excellent management of L airs George H. Roberts, who gave herself entirely to the success of the festival, it would be strange indeed if every element end incident of the occasion ahould not meet with ebthnaiaatio ap proval. We learn that the. pecuniary reeo'ti-e ", $- that a new to' puLa hMl.ld k thereby to tbe social charity s t to be aided- .1 ,.1,.. ,)..- f Askf-r f, V -13 cents. ' . u i . - - --F. Ulkicu, . Cteroots, v 0 for r. Ci ; ' ; ho'etale Agent. Kins toiw Item. Cotton ia tel iaj at 8! cu Egs 23 oh; pork T ets. Mr. R. H. Temple bas removed to tbe store jast vacated by Mr, Whitehurst. We notloa Mr. Junius Stevenson, of isms, in attendance on tbe State Grange. Mx. R. F. Wbiubarat moved to Dur- today tWedaeaday) and will con tinue tbe drug business there. Fine beaf and venison are now in tbe market. New river oyster have found tbtir way here at last, ani will be one of our staple articles of gool for tbe winter. Another bright day for the State Grange. Tbe members have oome in ill tb) ball is now prcttv well filled. Your reporter hu tried to get tbs name of tbe officers, but bas failed thus far. But Mr. Willia R. Williams of Pitt is the Graad Master and W . II Powell of Edgecombe, Treasurer. Among the now arrivals from a diatauce and near rs note tb follow 1 ok (' 01 Tur ner. LeriM" , J 1. o . v ba;H. I, I. . M 1 .1 , Poteeaai; H. v I- i ... l.cuu , li. V Laasiter, CreekiilU. J. H. Deaos, Nash oounty; B- C. bincklin. Nb. Allen Johnson, Johnston' Mills. lluuks. Ed.Tub JoL'RMaL By your peiuiiwion avail myself of tbi method to expre to the citizens of Nsw Berne, especially to the ladles of tbe familici of Messrs Green, Mesdows, Neal, Cutler, Hender son and other, the appreciation of my. self and wife for their many acta of him pitality and kindness during my sick ness of tbe last few day I'hev hare brought us under muoy ani lasting obligations. From our distant western home we shall remember thei-.i and shall ever pray tbe choicest benedic tions of heaven upon them and theirs both for this and the world to come. I am also under lasting obligations to Dr. Frank Duffy. May (iod bless tbem all. T. W. Gi thriis If you want to prevent typhoid fever, or if you feel aa if you were going to bava the chills and fever, take l.aiador. Price S3 cents a package. "Helen's Babies.'' This work is acknowledged to be the beat sell ing artiole in our bookstore. Drugeists, however, say tbat Dr. Bull' Baby Syrup sells better than at. y otbtr rem edy. It t always reliable. From Birmingham. Birmingham, Deo. 11. Ha we has made no confession, but (till protetta bis innocence. Governor Seay Lad an interview with many gentlemen thiB morning on the subject of the tragedy of Haturdsy aight. The (Jovernor afterwards bad an interview witn soeriff smith and said tbat he endorsed tbe sheriff and wae dad that Jefferson county bad a high Sheriff who, no matter bow pain ful bis duty, could upnoid tbe law aad protect the county jail. Tne events or today are brictly told. Tbe coroner's jury to investigate tba shooting met and adjourned till to-mor row In order to procure witnesses, Sheriff Smith was released on $39,000 bond and will take charge of bia office again at once. Beginning tonight the troops will be sent away, one oompany at a time, until an are gone. Martin Walker and Jeff. Brown, col ored, have been arrested as supposed aocomplioea in the Hawes murder, but the evidence aftainst tbem is only cir cumstantial. None' of the wounded have died today. Birmingham, Dec ember 19. The jury ia tbe Hawes murder case concluded the investigation today, and a verdict waa rendered that both the women and tba airl, Ella Ha we, came to their death at tbe hands of R. R Hawes, and that Fannie Bryant and Albert Patter son were accomplices. Two more warrants, charging Sheriff Smith with murder, were sworn out today, and be is again a prisoner in jail. LOOK Ol'T FOR TUEITI. The treat reputation my spectacles and eye-glasses have attained through outtba U. 8. has led. unscrupulous per sons t6 counterfeit tbem. ' There are none genuine unless tbe name of Hawkee is stamped on the frame, and I would reapectf nlly announce that I positively employ no pedilerr. , AJ ejB HOU u u jjuareatevu uj P. 8, Duffv, New Berne, N. C, olSdlm Terrible Accident. r fTantfl. Te:. nor.? li.-A -do elaitotCo Am t' rip It -r. Kn.jwille Tena.. ears: ILs Linum, aged 23. school teacher, and Mias Lewia, aged l&V Were run down dt tne incoming express train . on, .the., Western North Carol ma railroad rnear Alexanders, n, O.Vtlaat4avening-Tand. both' 'horribly mangleeM nney wareinieraiiy grouna topieoeet tbs) aeekieai occurred on treat la oa sharp: curvwaf the road. klA--'.-tafll ni-jiifli".i l -" MRU' .iryiarl 'l '"Mftf,r,ini mn wal known1 and 'BO,;popuUr' as to need no special mention.; All who have, used Electric Bitters m tbe same song of Braise. A oarer medicine doee not ex 1st and it to guaranteed to do all that is claimed.: Electric Bitten will cure all disease ol the liver aad kidneys, will remove pimples, boiler salt rheum and niKor aff (vtiona ftanRM bv imnrlra bloOcT. Will drive malaria from the system and - 1 , rreveni ae weii. as euro u maiaxiai fevers. For euro of headache,, const!' pation and indigestion, try Electrio Bit tert. . Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.. Price 50o. and 51.00 per bottle at R. N. Duffy drug ifore. GENERAL NOTICE. 50 Boxes Choice Cream Cheese. 200 Sacks of Shot, all Numbers, For Sale Cheap, by IT. Ulrieli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE N (' Agent for Hazard Powder Co. Sealed Proposals. North CtaoUM a, CaAVix Cochu nu 1,-k COUTY OOMMISSIO!, Mewbern, December li. l.v. Sealed Propoiali for furolktiiog 1'rovlaiom or Rations lo incCouoty Poorio.- ibe jear twginnlng Jan. lit. IMS, and finding l'pc. list. m. will be rvMtved by the Board at mi office on or bator Ibe K im Monday Id January next. Bidder mnat elate ibe prior per day for each person furnlaned. and alia I : ie upon Uie baal heretofore Breecrlbed by ibe Board and on (lie In this office. By order of Ibe Hoard, dlJId (lllLANIK) HUB Br. Clerk. Horses h Auction ! WATSON A STREET, Auctioneers. ON C0N8IGNMENT. t Fifty Young Borses. Tbe undersigned will sell on Thursday, Dec. 20,1888 at public auction, for rash, a consign ment from the West of fifty voune. nbfoken Hones and Marcs Sale at TEN o'clock at our Stables on Middle street. TermaCASfl d!2dwtd M. HAFIN ft ( () ALUABLE CITY PROPERTY For JSeEtle. As agrnla for owners we offer for anle ou easy and aReommodatlni; terms the follow nft a pKcnofd improved llfal Katate In the iiy 01 we v iterno: o. I. WHAKr PROPERTY AT IMON POINT ; Includes the piece of land known THE 18I.ANU." and the wharf or roa.lw.v leading thereto from Vm, Kronl Ueet. Alan, water apace now being filled m The location I the beat In the city for all nvinn- nciuring purpoaee, while Hi larReat eiafi vimiin onr water have ample depth of waiex lor ioaUDg ana iinloaiilnK Hi Itif wharf. No, 2. TWO HOUREH ANI) I.Ol: UNION PCJINT, orcnp ed as owelllnKR. A I No. S. IIAKVK Y WHAItr I KOI KltTY Inoludlnr part of water front of U)t No 12, In the plan of the city. I'pon thepioperty la loeaied a oom mod lens hrlck warehonae he O. D. 8. 8. Ct. nae a portion of the irop erty. No. 1. THK IRON FRONT WAJ1KHOUHE ONoRAVaN hTRKtT. No. &. BRICK HTORE AND I'WKT.MNU ON UR4VN 8TRJtT oceopled hy It. o. K. Arao, A ruiideecrlptloe of this valunhle proper r, toaether with the beat lerma n non whirh the aame will be sold, will be furnished on ppllnatlou lo the nmlersigned at ihelr ofTlcc n no inn r roni sireei. WATSON A RTREKT. dec6dwtf ln and Heal Folate Agt. rlGotoF. S.DUFFY TJf f DRUGGIST, 4C9 AND BUY DRUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR GASH The beet iiaortment of Truura In the city. A lance, varied and (elect stock of Perfu mery and Fine toapa. A choice assortment of Fine ai.rt Cheap uigar. Beeda for Tracking and Garden rianting to arrive. Hat-Pinmet. Feather Kana. Mounted Klrrln Feather Work and Fancy Artlrlea made hy Miss A. W. Dxjrry. A I to, a handsome collection of Chilatmaa Ooeda and aundrle. all of which we offer at the VJtKi LiOWEST FR1CKS for CAH. decldwtf F. B. DUhFT. Thanksgiving Supplies AT JOHN DUNN'S. Fine Sugar Cured Hems, Fulton Market Corned Beef, 15c. lOo Fresh rig Fork and Smoted Beef Tongues, New Buckwheat, Maple Syrup and New Orleans liolawes, Philadelphia Butter, the best Butter on the market. Imported afaeatoni and Cream Cheese IM fjakee and Urackera fresh by every steamer. Attmore's Mince Meat, 10c, Leghorn Citron, 25o Layer Raisins, 15c London Layer Raisins, Loose Raisins, . lOo. to 15c Currants,, j . 3 lb, for 25c Prunes. " 8 lbr. for 25e California Grapes, 15c Maiaca Ore pes, very One. 20c. Cranberries, . Tomatoes, Cora and Pie Peaches, 10c 104, 20c, 20c, 15o sweet Mixed ftckiee, London Layer Figs, rinaiates, Jamaiea and .Florida ' Orange In br avery steamer. ,tA Constantly-cm hand . , ; A fine stock oT Apples, .. Bananas, Lemons, Mixed Kuta and Ccmfectionarlea. u In fact toy etock will l . . please the naeat fastidious r . ana wy jpnoew arw.5). . - i . m no24 dwlm JOHN DTJNN. Boarders Wanted; rot! ft (O OEKTLfcMKa aa Ubl boar4erw. Appiy ai i neoino of . Jf ARL Hr. V1TE91 delU' ' Jxt doot NW Bern Jot' rhau For Sale, . A HALF-BLOOD JERSEY BULL CALF. Price f.5 0C. Apply to ESOCU WAL.s A uRtU, nW dwtf Ne r.ttat' N. C. Auction ! To the Public ! As 1 am eon.t , .cd to aeUieiup the Eitate of II. (h?n, deeeaseoT, 1 will commence A I ITION SALES on the 27ru Jay' NOVEMBER, in orW ti i-li.se o:t tbe Entire Sto. k of Mor"lian Jise now in the Weinstr;u Hit! d?, coiit5De of Dry Goods, Clothin Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Matting, Hats.and Cap?, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises And a groat many mere articles too numerous to mention. Tin- Auction Sale will continue from Tuesday tiiirht, "JT lb inst., be ginning at 7 o'clock, p.m., and lasting till 10 p.m., an 1 auction sale will be every nij.rlit following unt il stock i clcaro.l out. Tlie l'riviit' Sales will continue luring tlio day at Auction Price.. '1'ho stock will le fixed ia lota to suit Merchants anil other purchasers. On Friday, locomlicr lltli, I will commence selling at Auction a lot of tine Wheeler W ilson Sewing Ma chines. .No. s. improved new natent Hcmcmbcr tlicso foods will be sold , , , to the highest I'lddiT. and the nnblio fho cue to make he jirfccs. do Friday. Dee I 4ih, at llo'olock n., 1 will sell .it, Public Auction to c highest liiddi r, iu the Weinstcin ISuildinp, the entire Kcal Estate tuiitod in Cravm, Pamlico and Beaufort counties, consisting of Farms, Wood Lands and Dwellings and (Storehouses. Amonu .wbvoh in the city of New Dcrne is. the. Wein stcin liuildine, a three atorv firenroof uilding, situated on the corner of 'ollook and Middle street. Six nice two story dwelliTigs,- also n the city of New llcrne, situated on Pollock and Hancock street, all in perfect order and well rented. Also, four nice farms situated in Craven county, all under cultivation. And one big tract of land Bituated in Pamlico and lieaufortcounties.well timbered and consisting of about twelve thousand acrci. Kcmembcr that the above real es tate must be sol to close the estate. All the Ileal Estate will be aold with a good title, and a warrantee ced. The full description and terms will be given on the day of sale. ' r or further information inquire of Wm. Cohen at Weinstein Building. COME ONE '. COME ALL ! WM. COHEN, Executor. THAHKSGIVING PRO GLALTATf Oil ! Owiug to the SCAKfjitY o Money and PKESENT 1IAED TIMES we offer the followine-Low rices on Thanksgivine Supplies at 61 & 63 Broad atreet: Citron, 23 eta. . Layer Kaisins, 15al8 eta. Off Stalk Raisins, 12Jnl5 cleV' Cnrrante, 3 lbs. for 25 ets. v."ej Prunes, 3 lbs. for 25 cU. , Mince Meat, 10 cts. Ib. Malaga Grapes, 15 cts. Id. Evaporated Apples, 10 cts. Dried Peaches, 15 cts. i " Cranberries, 10 ets. qt. 8 lbi.J?ie Peachee, 10 ctav., 3 lbs. Stand. Peaches, 15 eta.. 3 lbs. Stand. Tomatoes, 1'OeU. Sweet Mixed Rckle, 20 cts. qt ' We bave a full lineef niitak- glTing and Chrttma Goods at: very low price l4Wgwantca all goodj M Tepreeented.be8t quality, y yjuiana see ns. uoodJ OelitWed al71nt Two doors lioutfc ifahVe'CfveVy Eutler, . novl dff , ' "'NEW BEIUeA, C.