ui r -jn ' t ni. njwmm" J i'iii'n i.i : jss 1 ' wt-.n . - r ., s ... t VOL. VII.-NO. 224. , jsdliNEW BERNEC.. SATUK DAY. DECEMBER 15. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. t r - BUSINESS LOCALS. i phis is my Christmas adyee- ' ' I TISE KENT. Mince Meat, Fresh Candies, Rauiaa, Nou, Current, Uei . alia, Citroe, Flavoring xtrec, ' Evaporated Apple, Powdered tad Cut Loaf Sugar, Bpicee, Celery 8ed, Mu terd Seed, Macaroni, Taptooa, Very V Best Bauer, Pickles, I a ported Bey Bum, For Flower Cologne suitable Christmas present). Back wheel. Fin . Cigars, Powder. Shot end Cepe. Per fine Candles. Fiaett Coffees round to order. . Choi Teas, Freeh Canned Good ia -variety.. - O. K. Blotix, OY8TERS, the beet the market af fords at Jo L. Willi', fifth eUU oa east tide of market house, deeltft Vim' WOMBUC haa just received 111 eaother lot of floLyaa Haven O rater at th Middle tret saloon. . Families aapplled oa short aoUo. tf LMANAC3 -Turner' North Caro V. hat Almanac for th fear 18f. 3no. Alls & Co. SEWING Machine repaired. Genr aateed Ant elaa work Jobs Ed warm, Trea wita's ahop, Mlddl tret. ONE Thousand Roll Wall Pjprr at very low price. Qn. Aixem Jk Co. I) LEASE REMEMBER that I aeed . money a wall a th rt of snan r klad, aad if yon ow m pie pay m. J. 0. Warm. GOBN 8HELLER3, Grain Fa, Feed Catter at Geo, ALU & Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND 1 HOLLAND GIN. Jo received and ' for al by Jambs Rkdmohd. ENGINE and Gin Repair, BwltisR, Packing, etc. at Geo. alls ft Co. JU8T RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for al by Jmes Rkdmomd. USE PURE ICE. manufactured by th Jar man Io Faotory . f jj SdU PURE WINKS AND LIQUORS for Medicinal and other ue for sals by James Ridmond. W only aak on trial on Old Virginia Cheroot. 0 for 10 cent. ocW F. ULRICA. Wholeeal Agent. ' Hon. M. C. Butler of South Carolina, succeeds himself as U: S. Senator. It is said that the new Spanish Ministry is composed of weak and pbaoqre men, and cannot last be yond next apring. A iyw poatofflce, called Malmo, haa been established at the place heretofore known aa Register, in Richmond county, N. 0. The Czar.threatens to break o2 his friendship with Emperor Wil Hank add la deeply offended against the German gorernmeut. A. few days ago we reported that the new rfrer and harbor bill appropriates , I19.000.00C!. We should hive said $ll,8CC,m - Russell Harrison, son of the President-elect, Is very modest man and dislikes to see his name in print, lis is said to be ft young man of ability and character. Another - heayy ; drop in ' the ;', Panama Canal shares at Paris. y There U no farther hope of averting . disaster. Absolute failure is im- tniaeht. The government and the - 'bis ' flnaocial' establish men t ar e afraid to assist Jesseps. 1 j : 1 : m UN yesterday the World com menoed to print the enormons batch "of letters which it ' has received - from all parts of the State of. New Yoifi " froiqa the', Democrats who voted against Cleveland and who give their reasons for so doing; -r -' . - A b;ll passed the State Senate pf Booth ; Carolina' last Tuesday - making it a misdemeanor . punish able by dismissal from that body, for any member of Legfslature to accept-a free pass from any rail road. ' Ibis Is to prevent endue - railroad influence. A basquet was given in London last Topsd ay t. celebrate the" pom "pletion of. the . Encyelopoedia pritanlca. The Duke cf Cambridge . avd maDy other tlisticgaished per- e -s were present. Adam Black C ':r el that the : work owed its io?rca?el circulation to 4mericap r. : t r - These, is to occasion lor the ' C'rcozngttti cf tie Democratio -.rfy. 'Its defeat lz cot teen so - 1 as to riYa Li f-tmy ia ::-3 cT ecc":;' - ' -"j a r t'. 3 c: second place, the. Republican Tic lory hu not been w flediifeju U warrant an re8iTe policy, or J .rery marked dcpartajrJrom the policy of the prcetntadminie. I ration. ST. O. Picayune. Ws hope the first bill paaaed by the next LegialafutaH be' that for which there seeoa to be the greatest demand such a change in the election law of our State aa shall require more intelligence to vote. North Carolina can well copy after her sister State South Carolina and allow only one to enter the voting quarters at once and cast his ballot in plainly labelled boxes without instructions from any one- Lanrinburg Ex change. .4 LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. Jabm Air -Lost. John Sutkr -Christmas good. Jas. 0. HaRRiso For sale or rent. O. E. SLOviB-Chriatmai advert m't. Mr. F, Jarman of Richland, whil returning hom yeeterday loet from hi cart a box of dry good. J. T. Hall & Bro. hare at their (bop on Sooth Front (treat a whale gun, stnt up from Beaufort for repair. It ia a whale of a gun. Capt. Dickaon of the steamer Kinaton brought down a blue heron on hi laat trip from up the Neuie, measuring six feet from tip to tip, and it waa exhibit ed from the flag pole of the eteamer Trent yesterday at the foot of Craven street. Yeeterday aa the Grit genuine m inter day this season. Ioe was plentiful on th edges of th rirers and in th shade the groond remained frozen all through the day. notwithstanding it being colder than usual, th atmosphere was dry and bracing and enjoyable. Our readers are requested to watch the columns of the Journal for Christ- ma "ads." Those who advertise their holiday goods show a disposition to want to sell, and there ia no bettor plac to go to buy a thing tbaa to on who haa it and is anxious to sell. Personal. Mr. H. Sperling and Mrs, Sperling of Baltimore are in the city on a winter iait to tbsir old home. Sol. C. Weill, Esq . of Wilmington was in the city yesterday, j . yr Steamer Movement. The Mtnteo of the O. D. Una arrived laat night and will sail this morning. Th Veaper of the E. CD. line arrived yesterday and will sail this afternoon at 4 o'clock' Beautiful Woik, ; In addition to bis drug store, Mr. F, S. Duffy has opened on of the glass front atorte connected with Hotel Al bert foe the display of work in taxi dermy, executed by Miaa Alfo Duffy. 111th birds and'aaimaLf ar true to" nature, tastefully mounted and beauti ful to look upon. I A CloaeJ Out. , rn. Mr". Geo. Ash, dealer In dry goods, olothiog, feo., has cloaed ont his entire stock to llssera. W.D. Barrington & J. J. Baxtef of this oity. Mr Ash haa been in business in Kew Berne a num ber of years and made many friend's aad acquaintances': who BJ him aut oess Jo any buslneea he may. see fit to mbark. The pnrchuert Ifessrs. JBaf rington & Baxter, at a both yooa'gmen of energy and. considerable mercantile experience who are deserving all the success they may acbJeveo ".-. t 1 Important RsalEatat Purchas. Mr. O. Marks purchased on yesterday the large three-story brick hullding on the corner of Pollock and Middle streets known as the Weinsteiu building,, will somewhat remodel it for th pur pose of maliog it the largest wholeeal and retail dry good eatebliahment in Eastern Carolina. When good business men like Mr. Marks invest, (a such property It Is a iur igo that thirds are ertgntenug up. -u Nw Bern ought to do an extensiv wholesale busmeea, and indeed doe but with the cheat) water" fre'. hta be tween this and Northern' cltiea a large dealer can compete with ew York an Baltlmor merchanU.' ix . : - T There seems to be ah dvfnd all along the line in Sew Berne huaialsa and enterprise. c 'Age cannot wither it nor custom state its ir finite "variety t Flh hardly -heir to sn ache ortKiOwhk cannot be cure by usicgr f alrstma Oil U is pair fully oooji?ti tj C tarbci in r " - -r.e congUr.,; Lin you k. 1 I :M'sCou;h tjr.:p is ca'y Z New Bern ImproTiig. ' - 1 We km raoantly mt vuitors wh kid aotbaam to NwBrn within th laat twoor thryar and they aaatsltat togly, without the asking, declare that New Bern ia on th vp-grada. Aad to it ia, aad wQ provo a soon a we can obtain favorabl ommaicaUDn with th Interior of th State.--,' Everything thai w ship west of Goldstar) ha to pay a tax which is aa unjust aa aver waa th Ump act of Parliament which yntually led to the Independence ol th colonies. In fact. th tariff oa grain and th product of oar milla, t simply prohibitory. It aeema to hav been th atudled effort of railway monopolise whoa acta appear to b winked at by thoa ia authority to discourage ahipmenta into th inUrior from this point and thus destroy the grain trad of our oity. Yet, notwithetandiag th blows of our enemies, the old town is improving in many reepecta, and with th extension of the A. & N. C. R to Charlott or some other point in the interior, (if Charlotte dont want It, then let us go to Concord in Cabarrus county) New Berne will be on a real boom, aad every other town along th line of the road will feel the impetus which aaid extec- sion is bound to give. Our manufaoturlnc. industries are in- alined forward ; they ar adding greater faeilitt for work and only want a fair ohanc of communication with the iu terior of the But to put them on the road to ultimate auooeaa on a grand seal. 1 -1- Board of Trad Meeting. An interesting meeting of the Boird of Trad waa held last night at which th question of extending the A. & N. R. was discussed at length. There is no opposition to extension, but the question ' under discussion was how to formulate a plan. An im portant letter from the Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte on th subject waa read, and the plan of operations waa left with th committe of Sfteen appointed at last meeting. This com mittee will meet at the Board of Trade rooms next Monday evening at 7:30 dock. ' Our Dead in Hollywood. Laat night" mail brought a contribu tion of S3. 00 rrom S. H. Loftin, Esq. to the fund for plaelnc granite blocks at th head of ,the North Carolina soldiers bnried la Hollywood Cemetery, Rich mond, va. Will not others of our cltl- tens add a mite to this fund, and do it wow ? Here are the contributiona thus far: Mra. Joba Hughe .81.00 . 1.00 " M. II. Nash.- " O.W. MoLean...,. George Allen " M. Da W. Stevenson .. 1.00 .. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Journal. : Maj. Graham Daves 5.00 Mia Ajmi If. glover 1.00 mi. v a. uuiuuoa ...... t.wu S. H. Loftin. Kinaton 6.00 W , H, T, 1 AA Special Premium. w. F. Ronntre, Esq., will offer u pecial premiums at our next Fair dona tions from John P. Squire & Co.. of Boston and Robe & Bro. of New York. The, are large and extemlve packers of lard and meats and they have an excellent representative in this oity in Tth person at kfr, Rountrse. Special premiums for- the Fair ought to be announced at once. TH )NLT PERFECT BIBIDT For habitual constipation, dyspepsia, ana kiorer tua la the lamoua Uauror nla liquid fruit remedy. Sirup of Fin It atrenrthena aa well aa cleanse the system, it is easily taken, and perfectly harmieaa. R. N. Duffy, agent, New Berne, N. C. decia dw4w Hew Berne Graded School. The following ia a report of the New Berne Graded School for the month ending December 7th, 1588 ; " Average daily attendance 179. Medal for beat attendance awarded to OingradS. -1 - - BoKonaotL. 6th Grade Minnie Dowdee.' Mamie Gaakill, Iaey Styron; Henry MetU Louisa Suter. Lather Taylor. ntb tiradeKatie Mathews. Mamie Dowaee.' Annie wowiy. . n v 4th Grade-Bertha Kafer, James Deiamar, - v-'".- I-.. ... . - 134 fOrsdeLora-Peel. Loia Taylor, D wight Sty rooi Beasi HcJ ton. Willie usee, : .- , - - 1 M ECTBiaBrtTBiiia, This remedy ia hecomiag so Wei known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who hare nsed Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and It la guaranteed to do au that la claimed. Eleotrio Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by impur blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent aa well as cure malarial fevers. For c?r of headache, const!- pa,tiqn " i Ir : -"ion try Electric Blt- ters. - - -e unguaranteed, or monj refunel, I rie- QOo. and 81.00 rr r bottie at 2.. La-y 1 drag store. - - ' ...... , . A . Ask far C 1 V; ' t Cherootf Voj U cents. iati r..? t ;. F, UtEtCH, ( hoiet tie Agent. THE STATE GS1XUI. issembledin kitton in iU SliteeUi Aanual Session. W ax indebted to Mr. U. T. J. Lud wig. Secretary of ih SiieOrage, for th following report of the proceedUiga. FIRST DAY MORJTtXQ The N. C. State Grange, P. of H., aa moi bled in 16th annual evasion in th Knights of Honor hall, Kinetoa, on the 3d Tuesday, th Uth of Deeember. at 11 o'clock a. m,, there being present the following officers: W.R. Williams, W. M.; N. T. Ridley. 0erseer; W. P. Pow ell, Treasurer; H. T. J. Ludwi Secre tary. The following were appointed officers pro tem: Joba C. Wooten, Lec turer. Fraiik Oaskios, Steward; S. H. Bright, Aet. Steward , U. A. Edwards, Chaplain ; ".has Kennedy, Oate Keeper, Mis. M. B. Pitt, Pomona; Miss Nora Pitt, Flora: Mite Kate Little, Ceres Mrs. J. K Thigpeu, 1. A Steward The Uraoge was called to order by the Worthy Master and opened in form in the 4th degree, to ascertain the num ber present, after which the Grange was closed io foiru and opened in the 5th degree. A quoruti bemg present, the Granito was called ofl fioui the 5th degree and declared at hbor from the 4th degree, and rea.ly for the transac tion of such business as may come be fore it. The following coiutuiUio im creden tials was appointed J. T. tion. C. L. Rountreeand Jap M. Wooten. Moved by W. U. Lowell, that any member present from a Urange not represented by a duly appointed dele gate Shall be received ax the representa tive Of said Urange. The nv-.tioD pre vailed. On motion, reading of the minutes of last annual meeting was dipnen1 with. On motion of J. A. Davis the order of buainees of last annual meet 1112 was adopted as the government of this meet ing until otherwise ordered. Conferring the fkh decree on those applying for it was made the special order of business for tomorrow nt3 p.m. The reports of olficers (the Master 's address excepted) was made the special order for this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The bearing of the Master's address was made the special order for tomor row at 9 30 a m. On motion the Orange took a recess till this afternoou at 3 o clock. riBST DAY AFTERNOON SESSION. The Grange was called to c rder at 3 'clock and declared in due form ready for business. The following committee on order of business was announced : S. 11. Koun tree, H. A. Edwards and W. W. Ar nold. The time for hearing the reports of officers, as annouooed at the morning session, having arrived, the Secretary read his report, which was somewhat lengthy and shows the general condi tlon of the order to be better than at last annual meeting the initiations and other accessions being greater this year than last. The general condition of the order is encouraging. The Treasurer read his report and showed that the finances are in good condition there being more money on band than at any one time since 1883. Both the foregoing reports were re ceived and r''.rT -1 f t' n commute on finance. The Genera: I ' ; v !" -lou.then submitted bis report, which, on motion vu referred to the committee on Good of the Order. The committee on Order of Business submitted their report, recommending that the order of businessjulopted last year be the order for the government of this annual meeting. The report was adopted. The election of officers was made the rpecisl order for tomorrow at 11 a.m. ur. 11. d. ntt, Eiias (J. Blount and U. E. Kennedy were appointed committee on linanoe. Bro. J. A. Davis invited discussion of those principles upon which the success of our order depends. He gave very strong reasons why the Grange should succeed. The following committee on co-opera Hon was appointed : J. A. Davis, Geo. Turner and J. M. Wooten. Bro. J. I. Eaton then addressed the Grange on the subject of Grange work. He was followed by Bro. J. M. Me borne, Who delivered a very interesting address on the same subject; introduc ing especially th subject of education and co-operation. On motion a recess was takee till 7 0 clock this evening. - FIRST DAY EVENING 8E8SION. The Grange was called to. order by the Worthy Master, opened in form in th 4th degree and declared ready for the transaction of business, i 9 The Secretary read the proceedings of the informal meeting ot the State urange held at Mfc'tloilyi liaaton ooun ty, Aug. 15, 1888. The proceedings contained the action of that meeting, endorsing a resolution of Temperance Hall Urange, condemning the cotton bagging trust, and calling upon farmers to use a substitute for mte bagging. On motion the proceedings of the Mt. Holly meeting were made a part of the proceedings cf una meeting and ordered to be Inserted in the -minute of this an nual session of the State Grange. Bro. J, A? Davis made' a few remarks On the subject of having committee on legislation appointed ty this State Bom by Bra..Foweil that a commit tee of three on Legislation b appointed to look arter matters ot legislation per taining to the interest! ot farmers, dur ing th forthcoming meeting of the leg islature, Pendinifr; the consideration of the motion, addressee were delivered by Bro. J. Mv How borne. Worthy Ma ter Williams and- others.- The motion was unanimously adopted. On motion of Bro. Mawboraei the Worthy Msster waa added to said; committee as cbair- . On motion of Bro' Powell a standing committee on legislation was appointed for this annual meeting? J. C. Wooten, j. 11. Newborns and 4. A. Uavio; Era. Davis introduced, the followinj 'hick nanimoualy, Keeatved, That this State Grange now asmbld ia Kinstoa, hereby instruct the committe oa legtalatioa appointed to look after th interests of oommittee 00 legislation appointed to took after the interests of farmer daring the forthcoming session of the State Legis lature to aeemoralix that body ia us asxt General Assembly, demanding of thi Speaker of the House and of Ue Senate in the appointment of the con -mittee on Agriculture that none but farmer be placed on said committee thoa whose leading interest is farming ani are actually engaged in agriculture, and that legislative committee ask the co-operatioa of members of the Furm era Alliance in said dttuand. and that we respectfully ask thjt the lion. V k Williams be made chairman of the ag ricultural committee in the Senate. The Worthy Master announced the following standing committee, in aUi lion to those appointed heretofore 1 Agriculture 8. U. Roudree Jas Wall and Nathan Purser. Fertilizers H. L. Legg-.t. y f 1 as siter and R C. Strickland Transportation J. W. Kobmsou, W II. Powell 8nd W. B. Nuua. Good of the Order J. M Mewborne Allen Johnson and H. C Kdnards. Education J. T. Eaten, W S H.rd and J. C. Wooten. Constitution and By-Laws J 1 Wooten, F. M. liaskinsand C. I., toun tree. Organ N. T. Hidley, P. VI lieale aod W. H. Powell. Dormant Granges -I). M Beal. Thec pelus Stancill and Ivy Parker. Uacess till tomorrow morning at M o'clock. 8EOOSD DAY MOKMU SESSloS. The State Grange was opened in due form for the transaction cf business. The minutes of yssterday s proceedings were read and approved. Master s address was then heard that being thespeoial work set apart for this hour. The address was well formed nd, in faet, was oue of the best the present Master has ever delivered. We suppose it will be published. It ought to be read in every farmer's borne. The d dress was referred to a special com ittee of three, consisting of J. A. Davis, J. M. Mewborne and W. 11. owell. The special work set apart for 1 1 a. 111 being the election of officers, snd the hour having arrived, the Urange pro ceeded to hold the election, lb follow ng being duly elected to serve tho next wo years : Master, W. R. Williams, r,i -lected Observer, N. T. Ridley, reelected. Lecturer. 8. II. Rountree, Sr. ; Steward, L. Hountiee; Assistant rtward, II I-asfliter, Chaplain, Rev. Wm II Orant. reelected, Treasurer, W. II. Powell, re-elected; Secretary II. T. Ludwig, reelected; (late Keeper, M. Haakins; Pomona, Miss Alpha F. Haskins: Flora, Miss Nora O. Pitt, Ceres, Miss Annie Henderson. I. A. Steward, Miss (). A. Gilliam. W. H. Powell sod N. T. Ridley were elected mnmbersof ths Executfvt'om m ittee. Resolutions of respect to the memory of Bro. Joseph E. Porter, who died uring the year, were introduced and adopted by a rising yote. On motion the rule was suspended snd a reoess taken till 3 p. m Kinaton Free Preas. Doctors are to guard human life and bring relief to the sick. So does Dr. Bull a Baby Syrup; it contains nothing injurious and is aiwaya reliable. All persona denring a family medi cine upon which they can rely, choose Laxador, which promptly relieves and ourea diseases or the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Price only 35 cents. Lost, From my cart, last night about dusk, four miles frem New Bern, on the Trent road. box of Dry Goods with the name of O. Marks on the box. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of same at Marks' store. F. JARMAN, It Richlands, N. C. CHRISTMAS GOODS ! The finest Chairs, Picture Frames, Pictures, Ward robes, Book Cases, Parlor Suits, Work Baskets, Hat Racks, &c, for Christmas, ever brought to New Berne Market. In fact the best stock of Furniture ever of fered in New Berne, by J011II SUTER, dtSdtr ' - : Middle Street. GENERAL NOTICE. n , 50 Boxes Choice Cream Cheese. 200 Sacks2 of . Shot, all jHumhers. : , " 1 f - f. For Sale Cheap, by, ; WHOLE3A1J3 GEOCEE, J BjlDDLS STEEXT, V Agent for Hliird Powder Co. resolution adopted: OT Sale OT Relit, A desirable Farm uU lieelling House on same, on uixiu w of Treat road, about three aad 1 Ud nile west of New Berne, kcowii . i.i-R. B. Blaclledge place. Ni u 1 SW acres, more cr ler acres cleared and t. .' 1 , 1 cowaies aeout 60 AfP'y to A J ai 1 J ( 1 1 1 a: .utl , Jc d ' .1 Sealed Proposals. ' r - a 1 im Coo r. 1 l v MI,SlOSIS, Nfi-e:c. lVrcmber IV, !!. it I'r n ) 1 - 1 K U.I s 'My l'oiio.' lb . -.. iJ i,y iq, k,rd at 1 ' 1 it Monday In 1 m. t tlals i lit, .rio 1 :4 1 .-uiatiee. aad snail iti'n .fl.. . ' 1 ' i I Jaiu.ar, ne' I in h. -anf a i ' v " t .1 f r t : 1 1 Horsss At Auction ! U.TS"N A MKKKT. ArtTTOSKIK- ON CONSIGNMENT. Fifty Young Horses. '!'!' .J. I d w , oti. oa Thursday, Dec. 20,1888 at public auction, for cash, a consign ment from tho Wtn .f tifiy jour.g, unbroken Moreoeand Mans fcaleat TEN o'clock at our Stables on Middle street Term-CASH dl2 dwtd M M :IN ,t CO For Sale, nri 1. CAl I 1',. : vU-i.vUUJ'll, w Heme, N. C. dlf VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY For JSfxlo. d t-11 1 a for im 1 ci ii fitly ami a v 1111 nn .Ut :,a ! i n ! '1 il iin r 'i . . u 1 11 v of Nt- Km ii - 1 r an' .1' rmi(,. N.i I. WIIMtK IKuillvlv Al' L Mi i.N IM 11 nt inciii,t the r'r.. 0' ud known m l 1 1 1-. irt 1 .A I ', aim 1 in, ti ..hi I or rua.lwn , leadliiK thfrin from Kast Iront tifii A in !K apa. n.i-v I-., ik ntied In. Tin--.K-nt-.on la c i,a' in Hip ,-uv for all manu larlurm iut.o. iiiu Ui.i lariiexl Plan IhlllDL' water I on I II 1' w a 1 ' a 111 pl" depth of .'iu fading H. ..111'!! wharf. No. '. Hl'ii II. 1' MS ami LOTS A I I ' N 1 N !'( 1 1 n I . o. eii. ni ii ,1 well liiga .No. ! IIAIIVK WltAKF I'ttUHEim liidiirlliig pan ,,f untcr lionlof IM No U, In Ihe i,Hii of Hie r II v ( On tbptopll lalocaii.t a f.iiiini.lioii brlrk warehoiiM I h u. H H. s. ( - ueo a roitloo of Uje nrm. erly. v ' No I. I UK IIION 1 HUNT W AKEHOUSi: ON I H t S HI RKK I . No. . MRU K mJiikK ANI) DWELLINii ON t HAS h.N mTKKKT occui led liy It. V. K. Ixil8i-. A full ilesn i.(in of Una valuahle projwr !y. logr-iiier with i!ie Ik at terms upon whlrli tbi-sanie will l. aoi.i.viu be furnlabed 011 apph. n iloiiiniiin nnileraigiied al ihelr orni-.- 11 S. ii 11 Ki on I hi 1 1 el . WATSON . STHECT. le. 'ni If l:n and Real Lslate Agts. Go to F. S. DUFFY 131 u;g GIST, AND IU Y DEUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. The best sasorlnif nt ot Tiiiuca In Hie city. A lame, varied and select stock ot 1'erfu mery and Fine Hoaps. A choice assortment of Fine nnd Chean Cigars. ' Heeds (or 1 rues, ng and Cardcn Planting, to arrive. Hat-Plnmf". Feather Fan". M'.nnted BtMa. Feather Work and l ai.cy Articles made liv Miss A. W. Di-kky. Also, a handsome collection of I'hrl.lmi. floods and sundries, all 01 which weeffer at the VKKY LOWEST I'KR'l- S for CAH. aeci awti F. S. Hi:i- FY. Thanksgiving Supplies AT .IOIIN DUNN'S. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, 15c. Fulton Market Corned Beef, 10c. Freeh Pig Pork and Smoked Deef Tongues, New Buckwheat, Maple Syrup and New Orleans Molasses, Philadelphia Butter, the best Butter on the market. Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese, Ai. Cakes and Crackers fresh by erery steamer. Attmore's Mince Meat, ic. Leghorn Citron,' Layer Raisins. London Layer Riiein, Loose Raisins, Currants, - 25c. l5o. ! 20c. 10c. to 15c. 3 lbs, for 25c. 8 Ibe . for 25c, Prune. California J rapes. i 18c. 20c. 10c. 10c. ,20c. 20c. 915o. uaiaga Urapes. rerr lino. Cranberries, Tomatoes. Corn and Pie Peaoles,' sweet aiixea ricties, , , London Layer Figs, line Dates, -!.wi i$u Jamaica aod Florida . Oranges ia by every steamer. 5 Constantly on ban4 ' !' A fins stock of Apple, ;i Bananas, Lemons, Mixed ' Kut and Confeotionarie.'- 1 la faet my stock wiU m f please the most f sstidious ' ani sry prieee are 4 T - i : v EOCK BOTTOM, f '. y 084 tfwlm .: JOHN DfjKN- Boarders Wanted,- tXft t) GStrrttitEH as caili aoinlew. Apply at tbe offlceo , ,, i , . ' ' ' " Xa.8, V VATT.RH,' V - 4e4tf . : Kextdoorew Bertie Jqurhal, yfc,, -V.