U'j Easy to Dvo jIIE JOUilNAi; f - pkofessional: 8TEAMEK8. . UifALJi JtiUSH tT. Makes Mum. 1 in!'Mf;, lieami aabtsa. eUulate ir V . .jJB Mnd f tihii , BOW by LTH-,rM. .W., ei.eV JUS. HC1 IJitimtm.rt. Baby.P straits. otBA i-i uhia inn 6rreBayaBai.ta!la,v - WtUS, HCrjAftJ. aortiAf toa, Vt, The Eergner &lngel PHILADELPHIA LAGER OEER, IS UJS QUESTION AB LY THE .'Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley" Halt and laazer Hops, and lugMy. recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. The ui.b reputation enjoyed by the BEKQNEE & ENGKL 50MPANY ia doe to the fact that only the FINEST AND BEST -MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and CARE are exercised during its manufacture. jy awtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. liinui mm cuowi UARDLE WORKS, MKW BKRIE.S.G. Monuments Tombs. i til lit QrvM UnilAtM works tFALIANiAEniCAN UAR2LE Orders wilt receive prompt atteatier van wtuiMiwa guaranteeo JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor W H80AD AKD ORAVtK 9U. ' BMW atRSt, It. I . r r (i, E.MXLur It ujr aathorIail aget t PlO fcurlVMI BlT. " ! Mi MtMutloa In th J,T- j irt o aosacTtiOM) Md ' fc UltI.IprMerlbltMi4 - V ' ' J nucx.ti.eo. . . ' -. urtl gold if DraalaU. ' J.'.V, Jobbah, Agent, New Berne. J : 5500 Reward!: W will p7 th ahnva rmrard for iit l iuuiiri.inm, vonsuf iioa or enacivancM w , cannot enra wlitv Ver table Utt fKui.whu tha Uirartioni ara itrlntljreom pliad vtth. lbay are roraly TMMabla, and lieTarmtitOKtTaaatUiactlon, Irra boxes ontatning W ancar nalnd pilia, f.io. . For , aale by ail drnggica. Beware ol eoanterfelta and Imitatlone. The ron1ne nianaraeturcd onl by Jo a NO. W tar A CO, W. Jdad laon BL, Chicago, 111. . . . . , Berne, N.O. tp24dwly . r D2ALTrJ3I5 . . . : ucncrai iiaraward fa mr m m a :i i s 'is a sa.H a aaa n v bb rio-wg, narrows, Cultlvaton, K.?' and Axes, ' "Wood's lowers' anl ; Reapers, - Elf ' r.i ITr-fnes, ' - Cottc i C I Presses, - rertilirf ru ,1 r - 1 1! - !r, Kainlt ...... --r- - ir-r:.7are, IJ -e, Url, t -t, Plaster t: ,( i,c:?'rut,.7 6i nir. ri - r-r;!cr6tors, Oil C'. : ' I' rria Har-lar Trocf. .J ' , -arrr.f Ito r: i', ; v "ti.o',7. . .,-1 A I, ' , i-";, CO. Cuperlor . -. !- r Strength; Fcctnsss, Deputy. GlmDllcItv. - , whwm mmjmrw KUUUi UUII BUT fW 1111 toeYwrmaie,aa4 to ana 'M tatotS duntout aun. a A the a4, and laJu MMnuJ An n..aV. tauA..! ... WCUX KJCMAMBSOMS C&VeVArrie, K Far GUdiar ar Bntutag Faacy Art, Vmt Ooid. lUver, Breast, Copper Only m CeaU. 5 1 9 CIGARS FOR SALE AT COST. Cigtn, nd the demand for mow beiag OIQARS AT OflST nnt.'l 1. i. '" vmo va aeiiyerr The Ladies Must Come ! The Gentlemen May Come ! "Everybody" Cornel TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea. Dinner and Toilet Sets VER BROUGHT TO THIS MARK tT. ALSO - A PULL LINE OF House Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. v L. H. CDTLERj w & m Middle Street,' NKW BKRNE. Ni OL JOHN IIcSORLEY, FASHIONABLE : Poot arid Shoo Hchcr, rollock St., Newbern, JfCii prepared to 1111 orderi for s T f IS BOOTS iKll SHnTK FWwaav orders sawn Amlh.' ,? -htH.??A ?on mn t8tlmonlals of the eharaeter of my work the subjoined from well known citizen taii it.! .7.. ; ITirrrwn biaie.at . .... w ...... " . .v t..n v r,gw iifl. n,i W . -. ...... . ........ ... f . . i .4 1)111 RPIm.. maL. i -.' ' Wl attaraaiMii.. Pw.' or ," """J" roaoemeiwe wurn win iwo years and Pf-sx years atid they are thTbeat I eye wore. s BenwetrallvL' ' "Signed" a ttxtuLv Bepairlng neatly and promptly done. " i .... - octal dw - AGENCY FOR A.yrn. r i."e SAVANNAH CIGAR inxlde and ant. of tha r-- L ' inei,,r, iw, for lai,oJT?.,I'0" to win is smoke and be happy: and oti r,a rotVn, qnailty of Citars yo want. Mii5 Mxl- rive UHEKOtm ery P"pniar brand, for ten cents, ete , eta Why not oome and try themt . ' . - " WM.L,PAI,VE, Is ' JWlast.,Awbera. 7,7 at u i V-iai lUa tt. 4m J. Has on t -. r,is-l is rort It; every' day bBu-.rie ruler eulji, charobr eete, beT Walllllt. tinmen a - .,., noiuiuun. Biattrewea,r-irs, loon.-,", sofas, eto., A" Ila 'ol,i8 a line of h !so-'. f f te i "- . ',. ... . pptivflTiX"mi""u.w.ur,n'ru eollpitinr patrooage 1 rnarantee; "toe Tares .Ups of tu aalfreile wkaih. Aad taecuatr ijag of KapUt )t pup Aad aer iaoe lh Argo ntd ia tie aattflle sea v , . : 7Z - ' oaea noble mta aai valiant haVe w'm in BQmnv . . . . . Aj the man ho weal wkfe PreMe to the eiaweof TrirxrfL : . . - F Stewart, BaiabrfcLjiw BpiirtDeo-t-r. how their udn tiag; out like roid ! Lawrenee, Porter, Trippe,Uc4oBoagh, aad a eoore u true ai bold; Ererf star ta aUight thai banner Ulli tha tlorr that tha vm But one common aailor'e a lory ia the splendor of (he ran. Reabesv Jaai'es was flret to follow whea Of the toft Tarsia, galley tod ia bat- w vv aua awora. Thea the pirate Captalaunote him, till Bie blood area rnnain fut And they grappled, aad the? straggled tad the fall kaaMa tfc ... Cloee behind them Beabea battled itb uuzen. im iirum. Till a ballet broke hie eword arm, and he drecnad tha nnlu MmAm Then a swinging Turkith labre clove bit ! mi ana wongni Hint low, Like a gallaat bark, dinnaited. at the mercy m tna roe. Little mere hnows the ooreair; high hie blade waa ralaarf tn ! When a riocer prise allured him where Deoator struggling lay. "Help!" the Turkish leader shouted, ana nu unity comrade sprang, And hie) ecinteter like lightning o'er the Yankee Captain twang. Reuben Jam e disabled, armleee. taw tha aahra fluk mm t.lk - " VPSU, Saw Deoatpr ahrink before it, beard the oiratato tannttnir r Saw, ia half the time I tell it. how a aauor nraTe ana true Still might ehow a bloody pirate what a dvinff man ran A n Qaiok he struggled, stumbling.il id ing u iuo vims arouna nu reet, Ae the Tark a moment waited to make vanirearjRa nnnm Swift the eabre fall, but swifter bent ' the sailor'e head below, And upon his fenceless forehead Reuben uaiuva receivea me 010 w : So was eared our brare Deeatur ; to the wuuiva aauor aieo ; 84 the love that mores the lowly lifts - the great te fame and pride. Yet we grudge him not hie honots, for whom lore like thie had birth, For God new ranks Hie eailors by the teg later w earin I rTaihlBStOa'S TYMtmant afa IWhU. owed 'Washington no thonsand iwunuo. YTniio wasniDgton was President Of thTTlliririnhafaa An a of bis agents brought an action for tha BAAnaw A. a . .u,uivucj, juugnreot wnj ooiamea, and execution was issued against uuujr oi ane-qeienaant, who was taken to fail. TTatiari loaded estate, tat this of property yvuvi, wBoium Virginia unless g.tflO-diMretioaof the owner. iwa?y naa. a large family, and for tha aafrn Vvr tt.A .1.11 J- ' . , ., vuuutcu proierrea mg in jau to seiung bis land. A friend hintarl tn himfhaf w . . - - iw uuwuaw iiiuu- Wy Waghington knew nothing of tun uiovocumg, ana aavisea nun to end tho President a petition, with autieuioni oi tne cironmstftnoes. He did ma. and thA n.Tt nut Philadelphia, After tu arriral lef f0SlPl?1!?,t 'eleittw, together with full .discharge ibd rt maud to" that : ne-ant tnt .h4i , a acted. Poor Bon2y.anBe quentlj restored to his family, i PrtTidenetw'. imlied npon ' the Ubors of the grateful family, and in a fewVAar Hnrn4nt-t qnisfteipieiiroreljnUingi to pay the money with interest to the tmlrfgrttan - Wg8hiDgton re- ttlindf iJm Otriat: J rhn. .K ... Wadr4ietorgwd,tbB to avoid theepieaaaxginipfflrtnnitjr' of the graterni; Virginian, who wonld not be denied, h AAAntii th howefer, to dlrid4 it .moo g BooCTfrehadren, wbieh?he hnme- 1-J fr't1" -r-'nt : Maekfett's AtmiaA ' Tn RrM Rim f .v.- ii1 ... raiaee,- "rkmTlobravriEhut Rhenay, J-eBetwttof, w .auv . wufiu lui ouuu, vnauaoeuMaad all Skin .wtHOBff pn;poaiirtorwj ores puee or no pay required. It is guaranteed to fire berfecl eatisf action, or money e funded.1' Prfbe 25 eenta- rww hrc. - re sale bw-R.lTTtiffVi-i r.';57c-v4an 17 w JKi'fJ?S9BtfJW edewie,to ppllcatlon-FKlnil. . 1 ,Y V. f a taoaa who wans weir adverflelni to eot-h and eflecttve work than the Tenons , , 6EO. F. KOWSU At CO), ' CitvOrdinaaiee: s VfraifvAa hai' trtniwtii lia.aw Uav V" ' '. . t aw vunpi Disawrtf m AIDfJrlOsl BM aontetl od npioiyritNt ft un of maeadamliiilrig a road Way (Von tbe Hewbera A a n V..7''K . sit. I A A I. Mir in i, ins? aao t . . . Cypres a.,wt mt'.alld Zt.- Ann wnnut t bemraes Heo-wary !nd Tfj.entlo ei.eciiatlrg tbe oonsu-actloa ... . .jwiw.y.' .OR. ina should be dedicated to the. amid tbe t. . nu mi uia nurpoaa aiur.f. . , N;. , 1 . x croac, ii ordained, tbat the - . w u.rw iiiv aaia " " t li,lraee.ta Drimti itn.t .i it. ..... ;in .1 . iuiIm. U . ! . . . nr . .riinoinftsaneatoTrentilyeroa U,e ..... i s..aofi.ldcli.y,' de-i - I t i t s'd iha HnlM at.tf f r aud DUDcsse of lb. 1 r. e . 1 - 1 I '!'". 1 i 'T f'os t:ttbe toe same frae and y to the use and tor of full force on and - r"e,w r r,ir t l.f. l -"l-f s t BpaoLaa CuaiF, Auaua. ia : xm ot quLinm wumwb aad baua Jt a a? aaa mam a lukamt (ZTJi prl txda ream oui. AaaiW uuw nu Jul tasooM ,fflH-ted ta tka imnSull Bira BU, Ma.. Jar a mm uuia, iMLemiUaiMai On traawMnt a er-fil aawaar7iStI inameMleUeir afUar taLAtn. i2"l I my prawut aoBdltina t'' " uran tbat chart Tai"i Jtixur M. Bum, al Muiut v?0"fS 4- T SS. WS-laa Swift SMaUla tkobt U woald b tkrowtoaawamSJ, "J a thorough on .ij a. a akiM cored m, ua I dUeardaadl UoalBlyi,,peclflo. W.V. BainaatTJ Hoaaa, La. I know Mr. W. F BrldM .i WUI wj thai hi, luienmt U (wrectf Juaxra BaiLroa. brugslat, riT'!" 2 "'.1'1 " ' Skin Dlieam mallwl A Proclamnfimi ! Dr. I. Gay Lewis. Fnlton. Ark., aaya: 7 ! had Ullloua feer; Tnlfa PI I la war an hiu-hl v r... . ANTI-BILIOUS aaaallelna ever need aerlbe tbem." 1 aln aj a pre. Cure All Bilious Diseases. Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., OR SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We hare in stock a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, C S. Parsons & Sons Boots and S1o(,'-,. Penitentiary iioou Slioes, Also RhrMM Ai ...u in, uuawn factories. We are sellinir all rmno from the Mills in Michigan yery low. We also job Lorillard and Oail & Ax Snuff. ROBERTS BROS., S&utfcfWmfe.Mie Berne JV. 0. Oriek ! Brick ! Brick ! 50,000 or Sale BT w. p. Bunnus & co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock, SEW BERNE, N. O. sJ3T Consign us your produce. maTftdwtf The Toy the Child Likes Best IB I MC ANCHOR" ANCHOR BealStana. Three Colors. A 0:1 WVTtll nn of til Af en. For 11.79, or $2.00 a good ATrag box. DewrlptlTe CAtmlorm sent pott-free en application to ::EV;AdrRichtcr & Co., IO BWOAPWAY, NCWVORK. VUtor or Ths.Wcria StwindalfAgliast : at ur low fjbiqi: And wonders, How is it that It can eeU so much lower than any one else? a h ten yout I have determined to be t- y'iflrd for the caah. and WORK 0... lALLtEOFITS. ' -T . I"r 2 tto is: FA12 DEALDT0. : i Cve bur from ma. and hh til . 1 WU W AAA rmr rrct it. . Swan la.. WVfuu tad ttoTSSLi'SSi? OTM. M 1 UdurtiL hn. Hi. . wew sau 19SJH1 trw aV eua th.t I ----- ........ nnirgig inaairine are happier efrert. Arter a nrar- elalm them tbe heat Toil's Pills a. ,mm flsawaawa, at m aw a - .a-t aa av s r a - I A W HKWnSJta. c - a Uraaaa awavt. aeivaaa rojto and Broad. art.iaai Jas. W. Waters, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Peneione and Patent Right a specialty of New Berne JournaT - OU remOTU til limM nxt Hnnr kuwk f EW BERNE. N. C P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craren St., two doors South of Journal Office. Win prartloa la tbe Coo at lea of Uraven. iv teret, Juaaa, Onalow and Pamlico. Unltari Muim iVuipt . t K u Soprama Court of tba 8ia la. It bl d u OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROOMS Sooth Front sired, four door. west of Craven. Mercantile Law aud I'uuvejaoriDg pena . T lmber lonht and aolJ. Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of llancifl .Imu next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. tn l r. n Will prompt attention to all matters pertain ing to J ustices ' courts. d29 dtf HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. A 'fl f lb TAtATMl DR. E. C. Wkht'b Ntava add Hram TaaAtMEitT. a xnarantaed sparine for Mute ria. Ulaalneiia. Oonvnlalona. F1W. Nervoua Neuralgia. Hoadache. Nurvoua Pnwirallon C.Med by the uae of aleobol or tnbaoro Wakefninesa. Mental Depreaalon. Hofienlns oflhe Brain reaultlng Inlnaanlty an. I lea.ili.u to mltery, decay and death, l'remalare ()i,l Age, Harrenorat, Lnaa of power in either .".iuiiirjr KMiitDii MpermatorrhiBa ratuHea ov nv.ri.rt a. .r fi.A i. . - abusa or n vn r I nri n I uai.. vmav i... talnt one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or mi outline lor ,i.uu. sent by mall prepai.l on npi vt pi ivw. WE GUARANTEE 81 X ROIta To core any case, with rach order received by ns 'or six boxes, accompanied with to ou. We Will send the mmv.!. ...... i... . .. . ... . i . ... I nuiKiu k ur anlee to refund the moner If tbe tiealment uui rurci a cure. Quaranteea UannH nniv K r m DUFFY, druggist, sole agent. New oerne. . vj, D24 dwly IIUMPIIRKYS' EOlfEOPATHIC YITEIimAaT SFECIHCS For Hortet, Cattle, Sheep, DOKS, Hort, Poultry. 000 PAGE BOO K aa Treat. eat af Animals aad Chart Seat Free. mrn.lln. Fever. eaatailam. f I fPKRSaw grte.V'rfe.ry-.'-ca.:"- V K'mln'H'!,t itaaee a ae- Dlaamaea if JHaeatfoa. Witch BiSl 0U aad Medic tor, 07.00 Price. Slnti Bottle (OTrMdoM.A . .60 Said ky Dractlatai ar Seat Preaaldea Becelet af Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., IPS Fulton St., N. T. If ll'SbxtOPATEIO f la aw at nan. The aatr tuecawful itmedr tor Not OSiiSty, Vita! Weakness, sod Prottratlon, from' orer work or other com pi per isl, or rial, and l.r n.l powder, for St. BOLD BT OtlMlin. or unt pnntpAid on receipt of pne Mupkr.Ii' IUda. 1V lalm It, . L All of OUT VetArinarw Prn...i; can be had of J. V. Jordan, Dnjggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newbern, N. C. Cotton Marine Insurance. We are authorized by tbe Boston Marine Insurance Company to effect Marine and Fire Insurance on Cotton, under rulings of the National Board of Marine Underwriters. ROBERTS & HENDERSON, Agents Boston Marine Ins. Co. Newbern, N. C, Sept 14, 1888. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER OAS A PIKZ STOCK OP IWatches, Clocks Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- , ; SPAtCTACUta. 1 ktVm SaV aM- arrMlsi .af CA a a . "av "VV4I VI ILTteWfjtlUlssa " " " VtHl VaUVUUB I taVatt DeVtlMlArIri a Aft ka.M aA ar ' 1"" ww av ataawgaaa W !! eyes of parties needing them. , Haviag worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe loan dc --Kuua wurs as any watchmaker In the OlieAwVe CO HZ AND SEE ME. Vt I02S f,8AM.K EATON, Opposite Baptist Churth. f13 dwtf Sf:2mgr (lorard. Independent Etoanhoat Line. ... -s rawr. . . ..... On and after Honda tha loth ia. Sept, the steamer Howard, will rua the following schedule: For Trenton eterr Monday anrl p,i. 'is:sai:?s aid ssjpsss; Tin kcttt rteume ttiair rauiar Mr-wErKLt tkips ; Baltimore and New Berno VHubATA VW ' e""- WID- ' -v i . . Tale ta tb am, biKEcsWra.t-rf' I u-ctlB(j tbaa for bo.ioo. jV. , T, ' and e.t Mi ; , 'rl , .... puinuby h,t, . t -W' '.''' arc en n. H r I MS n l i vt M.CAI.i; hall in. ore. Nurioit, Va. 1 rti . 1 u, pjer h.""' ''luwdajtaSatSrdsie i'Dlih i.lartlayaj i Mr ' nai unlays. p - , r t u Ma v AVOID BBKAKtCKOK BILK AM iip i t n. c . iaar s If i.KAT, AKabl t.w Beiua.. c EASTERN CAROLINA ClSpilCH The f ast Freight l. i HI IM Phlladaluhla. ,w Vafk.Boat.., ... kiiuduh City. pr.c. THE 8TKAMER3 EAGLET and VESPER AUantlo ,N. c. K. K. . , ------ witu 1 I1C Noifnik Southern It. n. jew ,, BI1, N " :"" ; quick tra vru,u::,'' u"Br,OJr thles foi btehn'r?, ""J':'., fL:"a "ty.at Wrucl ml ... .... Carouua 1 ''I'lUcii .' ! v ,11 iVliiJi. . ler" North Kiver " 1 ler . ."in UHl'luiura hv im,. K.- I'resldent Ht. Htatl. . Wll. aaalU), K. Kaieaaa low A 11.1 t rn . . other line 't,uiseri n by any VKHA,I:n.''''lt"''A(teht.N UKU- "KM'KRHON. Agent. Newberne, N. O. OLB D0F.1INI0N Steamship Company. TKI-WEKK1.X LINE. The Old Dominion , r Py's Old and Parorlu H.ier nte. via Albem.rl. and ( het.pe.h. Canal. FOB "rfoia. nei.lllor., Ncw lorh p delphla. Bo.ton. Pro . 1,1, jti Md VVa.lilneton 4 My. And all points, North, East and West Steamer MiNTEO, dpt. Sonthgate, A.VU Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt Pritti XLlZZTu K -n'e. and KK1 UA VS maxlnV clnal KBDA Ye with the Hin,.- .f .c'ose- oonneeilou NESUa Y8 tndWuA?" M., (nooni, m.t,' JaHVt, with the o U k" .."""nwioul for New Tn. a- u Q w. s ships for Baltimore. Clyde "l in. tH; steainer. delphla, m. i x Ob fth?! 'or Pblla. and TproVldenoer ' ttie tor -ton thirteen y rtlsif "Ii0 ?' Pt offeran .i.TT' bet tnaranteewe can them in the'fdtarT W"1 W WU1 d0 ,OT folk.dvr.1J KO0U CM O. D. a, 8. 00.. Ror. abeToom3:,1 ttB" eorr,Ub,e' OBlfort- on win t.'AKra's aiu,u- .... Agenu, NorfoikTya f. H" 8TANF0BD, Vice-President. New Tor City. THB NEtJSE & TRENT RIVER cii ft! Steamboat tompinj. tiat,'7OWlB 8o" ian aru. 8teamer Trent" mrirSn ??4.' nd 'Thhrtdsv dais twks Tand i ii f ror and . returning stms dav lnUrmeal Points, 4 4 . " t f-- sre m tawwrT m itostt-''UaatoB.',''1' Will lA.rA '.. . ' '- Int. will le-re CICX. M. Return. . UndlntVon n211 intermediate a -- Atjavwra, , f-j . iarfflrwtTateweeiB. ; w. r. BTAWT.'iniutoa. . w Jr JrARD' Ant at Trenton, ; M, 0. Bmwr, Joiiy oid Field. ' 2 . J. B. BAMts, Qhakar Brldjra, '' hTw :,MrHTX5,0'lafsnafe - '"' ZJlVZ', '? 1 "-- .tcich. day at eight o'clock, returning Tuesday and Salted ?."" ' " '.-- J. j. l.'..'.:tTw.i, i:i-jr. J. J. L. rgWAT. Are -1 ai: r-eAi 5 1 T BndTVllt.VeT- I ttacnredrt . - . 4 out p.in. ) . woe t-w K. R. J0:.TE3, ' ? ""3tt :wi .