-1 J VOL. VII.-NO. 225. NEW BEIINE. N. C, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. . Busnmss locals. , LOST-A boy t pUld everoeei with large red silk handkerchief la one pocket. - Liberal reward will, be paid for ite return to - declS 11 Ja. W, Mooax. , TfilS 1$ MY CHRISTMAS ADVER-TI3EWEXT:-Minc kwt, Freeh Caadie,RaUiaa, Rata, Camels, Gel atine, Citroe, Flavoring Extracts, Er aporaied Apple, Pewdecad and Cut m Leaf Sufrar, 8 pices. Celery Seed, Mua . lard 8ed, Macaroni, Taplooa, Vary , Fa4 Btrtter, Picklee, Imported Bay Rum, Forest Flo war Cologne (suitable ' Christmas praaeata). Buckwheat, Fina v CiKaj,Powdar.Shol aadCapa, Parafine , Caodlee, Fiaaat Coff aaa grouad to order. .Choice Tees, Freeh Caoaed Oooda ia variety. . O. E. Blovuu OYSTERS, the heat th 'market af ford t at Joe L. WUlia'a, fifth atall oa ea aid a of market hoaee. decU St MRS. WOMBLE baajoat received another lot of flee Lyaa Haven J .'Ovater at the Middle street aaloo. , Families supplied on short aotlce. tf r-i LMANACS.-Turnar'a North Caro ls Uaa Almanaoe for tbe year 1389. (Jao. Allis&Co. SBWINO Machine repaired. Oaur anteed firat claaa work Johjt Ed wasps, Tren with 'a abop. Middle atraet. 8 fSNX Thouaand Roll Wall Paper at X yJ very low pricea. : fi f - GaX. AVUtm & Co. IJLEASB REMEMBER that I need aaooey aa wall aa tbe reet of man kind, and if you owe me pleaae pay maf V a i I ' x s k 1 J. CWHITTT. CORN SQELLERS, Grain Fan, Feed Cotter at Geo. Aixu 6 Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND QIN. juat received and " tor m1 by , Jams Redmond. VNQINE and Qin Repairs, BeHin. Packing, eto. at Gko. Alum & Co. TU3T RECEIVED-Another lot of J GARRETT'S COON AO BRANDY ' for eale by Jamm Rbpuond. TTKR PTJRE ICE. manufactured by U tbe Jarraan Ice Factory. Ijj29in URE WINES AND LIQUORS for l Med ioinal and other uaea for aale by Jains Redmond. We only aak one trial oa Old Virginia Cheroot. 5 for 10 cent. , o23 F. ULUCB. WholeMle A gent. It ia officially denied that the Pope will leave ltomft. A Republican paper says: 'Vest did not make tbe far fly irom lu galls after all." llow could he! There ia no far oa Ingalls. lie is a joskin v ' Ex Congressman YoosntEsof New Jersey, has been arrested on tbe charge or penary, lie is no kin to Dan Voorbees, the distin guished Senator from Indiana. 4 T!H .JJsorgia lonse of Eepre seotatives has appropriated 9500, 000 for the common schools of the State and the bfllwill go, through the Senate. This commits the State to an annnai appropriation . for public schools and is looked upon by the friends of the - common schools as a great victory. - Thk Senate's substitute for the - Mills bill la under discussion in the Senate. ; The Democrats of that body are doing their best to secure V'a reduction of the tariff, but their efforts are naavailing. " Foremost ' ampng the advocates of the people 'stands Senator eTance. The South , has no abler or more devoted cham pion than Zebulon B, Vance. j. THE Wilmington Messenger is '- always. ' genero&s. V It Leonid not be otbrw isej for H is tbe representa tion of. a noble and magnanimous people.' ? very North? .Carolinian .feels a just pride in 'Wilmington. Her prosperity Is the necessary re suit of the energy and enterprise . of her progressive people. . We take pleasure in transferring to , our colamns an editorial article from : the Messenger on the. Atlantic and North Caroliua Railroad. -. ' - The Postmaster General, having received the resignation of a eon siderable number of Presidential and fourth class postmasters, with reqnests that Republicans whom tlcy name and recommend be ap pointed to their places, says that no rc .'--niiona had been or would be accepted, that are made for the pnrpo:9 cf I :mtalllng . tbe action cf the jn c:.:.in2 a3niaistrationby tb appoiotrucat cf Republicans, H a opinion bss been eipesed that n resfsnations will ts accepted - ' ' i re tenderel li r. f ; -s 13 1.3 t - : -. IT it understood that the publican Senator hare agreed to hold np" certain nomination sent to the Senate the Preai. dent at the pieieat aeiiion of Gontreaa until March 4th, where there will be vacancies In offices for President Harrison lo fill without the necessity of removing any one. t ia even said that the Repnhlfcan Senate -will adopt 'the policy of "hanging np'' all nominations now before the Senate or to be sent in by the President at this session of Congress. Richmond Whig. Some dajs ago one Selmera, United States Attorney at In dianapolie, resigned his office. Saspicion attaches to this action from the feet that the prosecutions for bribeiy in elections are pending in the court with which Selmers is more familiar tban anv one else. he -attorney was requested to witburaw his resignation, bat re fused to do so, and, it is said tbe resident and Attorney General are very much dissatisfied with his coarse and may dismiss him in stead of allowing him to resign. LOCAL NEWS. NSW At)VERTI3EMSNTS. National Bank Statement. v Jas. W. Mcoaa Orrcoil tost. Wm. H. OLirsaInauranei, eto Mrs. J. A. IIilX-D welling for aale. Howard & Jones -Christmas i com ing. Tbe iteamer Nellie B. Dey of Beau fort, it on Howard ' ways. E -Sheriff Gibba of Dyde county, is In the city. IIo reports floe porting on Mattamuskeet Like. The committee on railroad extension will remember to meet at the Board of Trade rooma tomorrow (Monday) even ing at 7 80 o'clock. A telegram from Mrs. 8. R. Strett, who is on a Tisit to Danville, Va., to Capt. 8treet, announces tbe death of bar sister, Mrs. J. R. Hatchings. While a party of young ladies and gentlemen were oat horseback riding yesterday evening one of the young ladies was thrown from the saddle but fortunately sustained no serious injury Pay Your Taxes. Sheriff Stimson requests us to say that the State and countr taxes are due and must be paid. He is leqttyed to tattle on tne tirst of January and must notes sarily collect in order to do so. Pay ap and save cost. No vouchers will be re ceived alter the first Of January, Steamer Xovementa. The Stoat of the Clyde line arrived from Baltimore yesterday with a large cargo of merchandise and left on return (rip last night with a cargo of cotton. The llaateo of the a Dt line sailed yesterday. . The Newborn of the same Una sails tomorrow morning. The Vesper of the E.C.. D, line sailed yesterday with a full cargo. Tha Eaglet of this line will arrive today and tail tomorrow afternoon. The Tahoma arrived yesterday with a lull cargo and tails this morning-. Will return Monday; evening and tail weanesaay morning. Church Services Today, Presbyterian Church Rev. L. C Vast, D.D., pastor. Divine service at 11 a.m. and 4.15'p m. to all these ser vice for the study of Qod'e Word tha publlo Ire cordially Invited. .r Cfarista Chorch-V,JW,;8hieUt, Mo tor., 84 Sunday, in Advent 8 a.m. Holy Communion; J 80 a m.' Sanday school at chapel ia 11 a, m. Moraine Prayer; 8 80 p m. ' Sunday-tchool .at church; 4 80 p.m. Evening Prayer, i All people will be welcomed to the teryioes or tbit eborcn. ushers at, Vh doortw Methodist Church-Sen ioee : at. li o'clock a.m. and 7.15 p.m.. conducted by Rtv. 1m W.: Crawford pastor,, ThS pews are free. TJshert are always in the vestibule to receive strangers. All persons are cordially invited to worship with tha congregation. "Young men't prajsrmeeting at fit ajnwt. Sdaday school at 8 p.m. i, K WHUi tapa? Baptltt Church Rev. H. ,W. Battle, pastor.' Preaching at 11 a.m., Christian Service; 7.13 p.m., Excellency of Tha Knowledge of Christ. Sundty-ecbool. Y. M. C. A. This afternoon. S o'clock there will, be a song service. "Come," led by EoncoeNonn. All men will receive a cordial welcome, v ,1 4f!fe ADVICK TO nOTHEBJ' t , Hps. Wrmow's Soerasg Pvptr should always be used for-children teething. It eoothw tha child,. tbe gums, a'.hys all pala; ear '-i cj'io, and is t- V--1 rem:1y I r ...r fc x a. Twenty-Sve cents a bU..e. . i , , i ... . . : ; , ) XXX ATTJLXTXO KOBTS C ABO- l LET A KAtLBO AD. Ta Xdlaor af tha 9Uti , Chronicle VkiU Yaw Sera and Oivaa Hi Views Aboul IX - r?' Tha aditos pt the Staia Chionicl write along article from New Berne oaeernlng the A. ft N. 0. B. Bafora noticing tha point made by th ChronJel we with to aature the people . oats id e of New Bern and Graven eouaty that th people bar feel a maca greater iatereat in tha manoy- net of the road than, ia who ahall taanage it. To be aura they deaire and demand that 'the Director and State proxy ba appointed from tha section of country Interested ia tha management and not from Baleiaa and Chatham county, plaoee that have but little or no interest ia it. The pointa which the Chronicle puts in pretty plain language are, that Gov ernor Scale' alight and implied dis trust of the people of this section In his ppointments on the A. ft H. C R have made hie administration extreme ly unpopular; that tbe people, along the line of the, road did not want Mr. Bryan mad President, and hi appointment was secured by Raleigh influence; that Mr. Bryan's ad m integration ha been very unpopular and the people will de mand of Governor Fowle to remove him. The policy of the Jocbnal has always been to aid and enooarag any admin ktration of tha road that appeared to be trying to build li ap and develop the reeourcet of this taction. Ia all it un sparing criticisms of Governor Scales' acts ia regard to thia property, tbe Journal' baa sought to avoid throwing a single stone In the way of Mr. Bryan's adminiatration. His appointment, as the Chronicle eaggesU, wa a surprise to the people along the line of the road , but they were willing to give him a fair trial. We do not believe be baa sought to make hie administration popu larj f he hae, he certainly failed in the attempt." But ought the President of a road to ma it for the purpose of making him' aelf popular, or ought he to run it for business and in tbe interest of the tookholdert? It would seem that if i man did bit duty faithfully, adminis tered tha affairs of a trait impoeed in him wisely and ia tha interest of the people whom he served, that a certain amount of popularity would aeoeeaarily follow. Whether personally popular or not, bis .adminiatration, if auoceaa ful, would, to say the least, be gratify ing tothoee intereated in tbe property So far from trying to make hia ad ministration popular, it haa seemed to ut at time that Mr. Bryan was seeking tha other commodity; ia other wordt trying to tee how unpopular he could make himself , not, however, that we are aware of, to th extent of damag ing the buaiaest of tha road but ia little thingt that on seeking popularity woald have turned to advantage. Now wa wish Governor Fowl to un derttand, that however unpopular Mr Bryan may" 'be, or however great th demand for hit removal, the movement set on foof here ia not for the purpose of securing positions for any particular persons, but for the pur pose of making tha A. ft N. C. R. a fac tor la developing thia aection of ooun try, of fostering trade and commerce and enabling nt to get into the interior of th Stat with our surplus products We never could understand why mora friendly traffic relatione ahould not exist between the A. ft N. C. and theBftD. Every bushel of corn or meal bought along to line of th latter road east of Greensboro ought to go from our eastern eonatlea and ought to b carried over th A. ft N. 07 R. We hat always charged tha B. ft D. with being hostile to such traffioand have several times given proof of it. Per haps a "popular" adminiatration of the A; ft N. a might eeoure better arrange ment: but ww are of th opinion that better way to secure it ia to kxtxsd tub A. ft . U TO UHARLOTTBV V All Miiaed It.- -x,-. Mr. George Aah, having cloeed hit buiinesa, haa opened th answer to. to th' Babul, and while many cam very near tha correct eolation not one was entirely right Forth benefit of those who tried so hard, th correct aolution i give, below 1 r . J ; , csass s xsw clothiko aura.' i ' A cert-'n drre of pride ia on person U appearaac it always to be com manded, and a well ., dressed g'fitlemaa and lady walking ids by side delights the eye of tb" holder.. Every day yoa will meet ia ! circle ooree oi nanasomeiy c i -T J who ow la grat maa- cr 1 :e errormnc to th under i' - !. Osr experience ia this branch cf trt d U a trarrtntte that all patrobt wiat; I . Forr!lnor fancy ware for all s" rs, and latest styles, call On YoBrtTrHry. . .. .. : , ..: .. : . i yc:r f'r for 01dVlrginia Cl.root. S for 13 m- i ; n : Y. Ule: rti, t .i Agent. list af Letter Remaining la tbe poatoffloe at New Berne. Craven county, N. C , Decem ber lftih, Moaning Chapmnn, John Dickson, JeoobDavia (2) P. Davis, & Estellaae, F. M. Godfrey, Lieut. Richard Hender son, C. L. Kia&skv, Mrs. S. A. Jonee, e o. R. R. Lane, Geore street, Frank Manahan, Eliza Neal, Hettie Parker, Loaiea Williams, Henry Ward. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertied,and give date of list. Tbe regulation now require that on cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. M. Manly. P M look oi r I OK Tllfc.U. The threat reputation my spectacles and eye-glaeee l.ve attained through out tbe r S Las lei unscrupulous per sona to oounurfrii ihrm Thue are none genuiue unlets the name of Hawses is etampe) on tho frame, and I would respectfully announce that 1 p08ititly employ i.u pt-il llerr All eyes titled and lit uarunteed ly F. 8. Daffy, New Berne. . C. o'.3Jlm Atlantic and orth (arolina Railroad Litcusiou. Tbe people of New liercc, Kiueton, Goldsboro and other points along tbe line of tbe Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad are manifesting a very decided purpose to secure the extension of that road to Charlotte through the mtenno late eountie of Johnston, Harnett, Moere, Montgomery, Stanley and Ca barrus. The fiftrtinn nt rountrv u ln r.niitoHAii to traverse h one that nepdn railroad! r i . facilities aa much as any section in the State; and there is none whom) resource ould respond more liberally i- (a- cililien for devsloptutnt. We, in this part of the State, are jeal ous of no section of rorih Carolina. We arc envious of none in their progress and improvement. Wilmington was tbe pioneer patron of internal improve ments in fiorth Carolina. She has Riven of her meane and loaned her moral sup port, and encouraged by her kindly sympathy about every work of internal improvement in North Carolina. Bh has looked on unmoved at many spac tacles of diversion of the fruits of her labors and achieved development, to other's benefits, and the transfer of her legitimate sources of wealth to the en richment of other localities. But tbe old Cape Fear City is no "pent upUlica." Tbe whole boundless res I m of tbe State ia tbe empire of her pride. She rejoices at improvement every' where.. She welcomes development anywhere that upbuilds the State. And m ber effort to reach out and extend ber linee of business communication Wilmington greets the Athens of North Carolina. Goldsboro ought to chetish the Atlan tic Road. It has been the source of ber prosperity. It is an institution of her progress, the associate of her advance ment, the promoter of her growth. Ex tended through the region of tfntapped wealth it is proposed to penetrate, the Atlantic line would bring more and greater wealth to our Inland neighbor. Let the work go forward. Develop the interior and idle resources of the State And here, when North Carolina shall have taken the position of Empire State of tbe South, as she surely must. there will b found her great outlet to th tea, th teat of her commercial power and prosperity. Speed the day. Wilmington Messenger. If we would hare powerful minds, wa must thick; if powerful muscle, wa must labor: if sound lungs we must take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 eta, For cute, bruises, sprains, burnt scalds', frostbites and chilblains nothing equate Salvation Oil. It annihilates pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. Ask for Old Virginia Cheroots 5jfcr 10 cents. Take no other. F. Uleich. Wholesale Agent PIED. Of croup, on Friday evening, Deo 14th. at B o'clock, Georgio Amanda, in fant daughter of Cora A. and Charles E. Helton, aged 10 month and o days. . Dwelling For Sale. Tb new residence ot Capt. Joaanh A. Bill on Cbaage street. Ha si nloe rooms and klteaea atiacneo. a. ioou cistaro, ana pamp In the kitchen. Apply to Hi- 1 I am reoeiy in g by every steamer 1 arge quantitiea of Xmaa goods which I am prepared to tell at Lowee prices than you have ever known before for this claw of goods. I give below a list of article already received: ; J Cut Glaas Bottle latest stylet in Pungent, AHar-roee Bottles, so. ' .Powder and Poll Boxes in Japanese. Oxidized Silver. lnd antldue styles. Card Cases. Cigar Casea sad Pocket Books la 'Alligator, Roaeia,' Sal and otner expensive laatnee. ,. -A gTeat assortment ot Fins Soap Perfumery, Sachet Powder, eto. 8pb- CIAt DBXVBS IS THBII AETIOLIS. , Handsomest Plush Work ever lm ported, includiagiMoalcures, Ladies it flmtil Tthit ttnnaPy,Hir anil goft Eoxer, no-t w- ' ' ' Fine Sponges, a variety Of Bath Tow el, Bath Brushes, Chiloren't Toilettes Fancy T wine ia various colors for deco ration work. Writing Tablets, Xmaa Carda and many . other things - too numerout to raentioar n; "Hi I am also telling Qgara below coat ana have a few hundred left. To have good health melicine is nsossaary ooeaaioaally. Aa a family medicine we can recommend Laxador, the great regulator, aad ad viae all to have a package aoaatantly on band for cess of necessity. Wa request all mothers to atop using laudanum for their babies, aad uee Dr. Ball Baby Syrup, a aafe medietas. It contains nothing injurious. William HTOHverT INSUEANCE AGENT AND ADJUSTER, Newbern, N. G. Connecticut Mutual, Life Continental, of New York .-Etna, of Hartford , Fire, libernia, of New Urleanx Travelers, of riartford , 1 F te K,ie. fe an 1 Acci dent, Fidelity and Casualty, of New Voik Marine Insurance Oo. , of London American Stetm New York. Boiler Ins Co . of RF.rORT OF THE IOMHTION OV TH i. National Bank of New Berne, Al 'New nerne in the State of North irohna, at the close or oueimwti. Docember 13, IW. KKSOl'RCF-N Ioaus iitid itir-coiints 81."1 i4 !0 Jverdraftn, secured and un aecured .... y,u.V!6 LT. S. Boni Ui ure i in u lation, .... j'i iHMViti ! Other sUK'ks. bunds an. I m.irt gages .... r.o.nw., Due from approved resorye agents .... i.ur.27 Due from other NatKtuiU Banks ir.7-'tV:,,3 Due from St.tto Hanks and bankers H.SC 46 Real OKtato, furiutuic, and tixturcs - lfl oil) .'.' Current ei peases and Uxpa paid ... ,t.:;;tl U7 l 'hocks and other cash it'in-i 7"s!.l6 Hills of other Banks ri.O'JO.OO Fractional paper cur rein-v. nickels, and cents 2."i7 90 Specie .... .VB77.00 Iegal tender notes 41 408 imi Redemption fund with I.'. H lreasurer ( per cent of n rulation) - . 11.'.'. .no Total - - -sS'.'uf, I.1AHII.IT1 KS apital stock paid in S100,0H).(H) Surplus fund 70. 0(H). 00 Undivided profits 15.332.93 National Bank uotes out sUnding - - 2J.tOO.00 Individual le)oeits subject to check .... 1 19.9H0.41 Time certificates of deposit - 49,089.05 Cashier's checks outstanding 596.33 Due to other National Banks 3,422.39 Due to State Hanks and bankers .... 1,912.20 ToUl, . . . 8382,883.36 STATE OF NORTH, CAROLINA, ) County op Craven, I I, O. II. Roberts, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (J. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed beforo me this 15th day of December, 1888. J. R, B. Carraway, M. V. Correct Attest: jno. i1uohe8, 1 Geo. Allen, ! ... . L. H. Cdtlkr, 1 U"- Tnoa. Daniels, j CHRISTMAS GOODS ! The finest Chain, Picture Frames, Picture, Ward robes, Book Cases, Parlor Salts, Work Baskets, Hat Racks, &c, for Christmas, crer brought to New Berne Market. In fact the best stock of Furniture ever of fered in New Berne, by JOHN SUTER, dljdw Middle Street. GENERAL NOTICE. 50 Boxes Choice dream Cheese. 200 Sacks of Shot, all , lTumbers, For Sale Cheap,, by WHOLESALE GEOCEE, 'S5!,;, NEW iSEBHt B.C. , Agent for H&zard Powder Co. For Sale or Rent, A desirable Farm whb ' Dwelling House on same, on north pHe rf Trent road.aboa: three aad a half raikt west of New Berne, known a the R. B. biack ledge place. Sa-d fiTin crmuina 6 acres, more er leas, iui e.bout CO acre cleared and fi: fcr, "ivttKp Afpi? to JAb. C It VKitl-iN Adm'r of J t ti i,utT Jrc J, Nr .. .-re. N C." Sealed Proposals. - IN KHIJIIV. rrc, Uri embtT fS, 18.. , i"f ri.iu-i.:cg trovilor vuiy pooi tor lb year la i. 1MM. mm. ea4nt !..! , ,i i tha Bird at I fill' LI 1,1 l ttr Hi " UH AtODday In )ni ary ii.' I r Juv ftr a I ' u HJU T ! lb H,alvl .li ! I'y onltr ut J i :t J ! . Uica; taiili prlw - i i..niNhed ax.J i,naii . i. iiar prvwrtiu ij , : a Li. o Oilier. II., iri. Horses At Auction ! WAlM'N SiKl.KT, AlCTlONKKl -. ON CONSIGNMENT. Fifty Youug- Horses. Tlir ui ,lerijtH.l w ,:i on Thursday, Dec. 20,1888 at public auction, for ca, a consign ment from the Went of lit'ty young, unbroken Horses and Marts. Sale at TF.N o'clock at our Stables on Middle street Tunis CASH dl2dwtd M. HAilN C For Sale, li l I-' Hi in h j: Dili. CM. I 00. I Ni 1 . I f '.a A oitT 11, i' Perno, C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOX" SeSVlQ. An m j. I h fur u , 1 1. i rusy am) locun in ,.Ih iu(j tl rtit ilLitt iinj.ro1. . i n y ul Nf v Ht i ii N i I. WllUKK IT: l' il N I . InrUnlt-a in.. "1 HK IKI.AMi, KI U It'a.llni; Iht-rPIn fruiti A tn. w at.e i spHi't' n- .w til . I" a r fMcN 1 'I. latin know n i.s I. HI I UI lokil M I il si KrOTlt Hit - ot iik lined In. li,,. lurHMoii la I I t in ki i ii l hr tat i nr. ni: nnri.oKt-it. w l.u I v for all maim Hit iargnat 'i an i n 1 1 . i) l m.r un:us iH. b v amp.e depth ut I liuiiilint; ul II... WBIrr I. f In, i,! ; j . w liai t AI i .1. .i1' . ' ' 1 1 ' l -in ,i wclltnira. Nil, i 1 1 A K I- WIIAKK I'Koi'EJlT liirhiiltnit pnii ,.f urn,. i i,., , i ( N,, ,' In IheplRiii.r II... illy I ,, tha properly In looai e,l ii , ..nun. m i,tick warehmisf 1 1 " s- ' -i ' n of Ilia i. ri.i. eriy. No I. I1IK IKON I IfiM' Vt AltkHol'SJ. ON oil r N m m T-J No. . HHU K Ml iKK AM) 1 1 W Kl.l.I l i ON ( i:A 1 N M IthKI ti-ciii.eU b U u h A lull ilps. 1 1 1 i inn tf Una vaiuaMe proper ty, logoilier win, i In- l.rst tcrmanron wh'.rti the aanif will I,., solil. t,o lurnlahed on applicniioii in ii,,. umleisigi ecl atlbstr offlee ' i r nni sin ft WATSON A- STREET. 1 'f : ,i mill Keil hJiUieAgta. Go to F. S. DUFFY rmraoisT, AMU BtV MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. The ho.t swiortmf ut of Tiuoea In ibe-citv. A lanre. varied and Klcct iiork i.f irf' mery and Fine Hosps. A choice BHaortiiU'iit of Fine and (Jlican CI (tars. 1 Seed, for Trnc king and c anion Plantlnc to arrive. Hat-J'luraos, Keather f'.ins. Mounted Blrria, Keatlier Work and Fan, y Arttciea made tiv Miss a. W. Ill i fi . Alto, a handsome (olleilnn of rhti.imo. Oooda and iundrles, all of wblrh wanffur at the VEUY LOW KST 1R1CES for CASH. unci own i , s. liL'f g. Thanksgiving Supplies For Sale AT JOHN DUNN'S. FiDe Sugar Cured Ham, Fulton Market Corned lk f. 15c. 10c. rresh Yin Pork and Smoked Beef Tongaea, New Buckwheat, Maple Hvrup and New Orleans Jtlolasaee, Philadelphia Butter, the best Butter on the market. Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese . " ituu rat sere irom by every steamer. Attmore'a Mince Meat, lOc. Leghorn Citron, 2."v." Layer Raiains. 15c London Layer. Raiaiiif, jqc. Looee uaisine, ion. an, is II S,, : (If, ,, c4 IS DRUGS & Currants, 3 Iba. foi 25c. ?M-. 31bisM5r. t California Orapes , ' fc MalagaGrapeef9ryiBe, 1 20c.: Cranberriee, , -r- t n r , jq, Tomateej, Omni JPPfaoheav i 10c.' Fine Dates, ' '!rw 'lSo. - Jamaloa attTlbHd I X Orange ia by f rrteainth M v ConatanUf a krand r -.t -A fine Block ot Apple t, Bananas, Lemftbs, Mixed " M Nata and Confetftlonartee. . J Iafaettny etock will V: pteaae the moat fastidiona tcr and my prieee ara f tvl Ht ' ? BOCK BOXTOJI4 ' no24 d wlm r,,. . , ; JOH flCS&; ? Boarders wmb&gl' FOtTK (t) GKNTLKM?I aa table board e r, aapiyattaeoffloeef " -.'. Nxl doTTjNew Berne 3 01 bs a i . , ? .' .1.1 vr1.'