1 - . - : " i " - i ' s c VOL. VII.-NO, 227. - NEW BERNfijN. C- WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. &NAL t BUSESTSS LOCALS. "1 f ONEY U loaa ob city real tiUtt. Lpplyto deelS-Sil P. B. PxLLHna. rpBIS IS MY CHRISTMAS ADVEK. 1 Tl&EMENT: Mmee Meat, Fresh . Caadies, Riio, Huts, Carraats, Uel atiBf, Ctiro. Flareting Extracts, ' Eraporate4 Apples. Pewd'sred aad Cat Lot Sugar, Spices, Celery Seed, Mb tard 8eed, Meearonl, Tapioca, Very Beat Batter, PkkJSk Imported Bay Item, For mi Flo war Oologns (suitable Christmas praaaatt), Backwseet, Fine . Cigar, Powdar.'Bbo and Caps. Parflae Candles, Flnaat Coffees ground to order. Choioe T, Freeh Qsnaed Oooda la enetj. ..' aB.6iom. MRS. WOMBLS assjast received another lot of flea Lynn Raven Oraters at the Mlddla attest aalon. Faalliee enpplied oa abort notice, it VLUAN1C& Tamer's North Caro lina Almanacs for the rear 1889. , , , Uao. ALUutctCo. SEW I MO Machines rapaired. Oaur anteed Aret elaaa work Jobm Ed it ASM, Trenwlta's (hop, Middle atraet. ONE Thousand Roll Wtl Paper at ary low prioaa. Geo. Allen & Co. PLEASE REMEMBER that I need money aa wall aa taa raat ef men- kind, and if you owe aMjtleaae pay ma. J. C.TrfWTTY. CORN dBELLERS, Grain Fane, Feed Cutters at , Gio. ALLZM & Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRA.NDY AND HOLLAND GIN. Joel raceiTad and for sale by . James Rzdmonb. ENGINE and Gin Repair, Baltic, Packing, eto. at Gbo. Alleb & Co. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for lale by Jama Rbbmond. USE PURE ICE, manufactured by the Jarmau Ioe Faotorr. j j 29tf 1URE "WINES AND UQUORS for L Medioinal andotheru.ee for aale b Jabxs Rxdmosd. We only a.k one trial on Old Virginia Cheroot. 5 for 10 oenta. oc28 F. UlJtlCH. Wholeaale Agent. Ex Governor Jarvis arrived in New York last Friday. Evert day it becomes more evi dent that very little will be done by the present Congress. Thk National Farmer's Alliance 3a session at Meridian, Miss., re elected CoL Folk first Tloe Fresi dent and Capt. S. B. Alexander the vice President for North Carolina. Senator Beck, of Kentucky, is coming South, .making it point to seek, those places the climate of which Will prove the moat beneficial 16him.t-New Berne would be proud te have bin u a guest. It iP reported at Washington that President Cleveland will ap point ,Gen. W, B.V Cox, f North Carolina, to a position on the Civil Service Commission made, vacant by the resignation of Mr. Oberly. fBiaB)BWBwaBMwaw - WB.once knew m good nan who when, cornered would always say, change V the situation . and you change your inind- Alittlo while ago Republicans- were Insisting on ' r he rigid enforcement of the civil j fietvice, lmf now Democrats see charms in it" they never saw be Everyone - who reads -a ' news , paper becomes 1 familiar wjth the bnsiness houses whose name ap 1 Veaf ,'In " it, , '' and - naturally the ' patronfxe them. ' Merchants who " advertise make, ,'many - friends ; through 'the? columns pf a news paper, as "their names become, as ; familiar as household words. , , : . Tnjs i writer was ' never able to -see any difference in the fighting qualities of the Confederate troops 1 of different States. . Fades' di vision, equal; to any in the army, ' Was composed oi a Georgia' brigade, " an Alabama btigade find two North Caiolina brigades. The Alabama brigade always felt secure whether flanked. by North Carolinians or North Carolinians and Georgians. Confederates' fongbt ai no other troops ever fon;tt. North Caro lina feels a just pride in ber brave soli, tat no soldier would take a - leaf frcn a cotsrade's garland. ;. ;t?Ti Star eaye: 'The .13 ccrc"tr of tho most l:r: ' ' jute conllnr-t fj":trlBjc Cc ... - ,t3r;.r; tl.a Acne Mann zzj cf tlis city, a wi destroyed by firn a abort time go, will boob b la the fleU a tin. letter dated the 9th lost., to e merchant of SaTatnabv tie c0"- panjuyi: "We. are bow rapidly rebuilding, and about Jan. 1 expect to be ia operation again. It it a big field for Southern enterprise capital, and jute begging cannot now be made cheap enough to do os any harm." Thi Wilmington Star of Sunday has an excellent leader on "The bird Day at Gettysburg. It is a vindication of North Carolina troops. The editorial writer of the Journal was on the fltld. and was afterwards a member of the Boahl of Euquiry appointed! ty General Leo to pass on the eondoct of the Gettysburg campaign. Gen eral Lee did not see croper to publish the report of that Board, but we take tbe liberty of saying that Pettlgrew aBd his ken (Were fully vindicated. Longstreet and Stuart were criticised, but their general conduct was considered as descrying of applause.' After a week's patient inyeatigation not a single charge was preferred against any officer or soldier of the army of Northern Virginia. LOCAL NEWS. J,-i-a-,Ji NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. H. Fov To tazpayeea. R. H. Liwis-Kintton oollege. Barbinoton & Baxtch -Notice. A. & N. C. R. R. Chau;e of ackadale. The mail for Morehead City and the East closes now at 0 p. m. Regular meeting of the Brotherhood of St Andrew tonight at 7:30 o'olock. There will be a butlneea meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Frjday night at which all the membere and especially the committee should be present. The ateamer Kintton took np an en gine and boiler from J. C. Whitty yes terday to K. R White & Co. who will establish a shingle mill at Pitch Kittle on Neuse riser. . . r Quite a sprinkling c( Pamlico nitisens ia tbe city yesterday. We are pleased to note that the ateamer Tahomais working up a good passenger and f night trsfflo between this oitr and that county. The sidewalk at Meadows' oorner is in a bad condition and rmaln so, for soma time after avery taia.fj To pet around this mad and sluA MeSiahe are at times forced to go out in tbe street If a sufficient quantity of coal ashes could be used there we think it could almost be made equal to a con crete ptvement. t U V , Mm iwh-iii -ww The Grand Festival. Borne of the colored people of New Berne are endeavoring to get up a grand festival for the benefit pf the Fire De partment.' Tbe Department had noth ing to do with starting this thing and we know nothing of Its merits. .The Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder Company, oom posed of colored men, has reorgan Ized and , would doubtless appreciate donation of this sort from their colored friends.1 JiU' wOl' Steamer J&orenienta..' .. ; 0 '51 0 A The Tahoma arrived, laat night , and wiu sen at i mm i Dis norning. Ml If ...A . 1 I- " The Manteo of the 0. D. line arrived tali night and will salt today at It m. for Korfolk.";--. -fr"-- Tbe Vesper of the E. C.D. line arrived yesterday morning with cargo of gel' eral merchandise and .sailed in !th afternoon with cotton 'and lambtf The Bazaar Tonight:; The ladies of the Presbyterian, church have their Christmas Festival in Stanly Hall tonight, and tffer a list of attrac tion for the pleasure and comfott of all that Is bnosaally large BeeWee evry thing in the way of dellcaclee and sub ttaatials to gratify and tatitfy the appe tite, a series of amusements has been arranged that will add very materially to tha enjoyment of the evening." The little ones will have SiataCiaut, ehfatt ney and all, With t nice line of present. The event of the evfehlnrwlll be an auction sale of young ladies.' Xach lady will be enveloped ia a covering of soma light material, real Ing one '.a oonnterpait of. the other in tbe number to be told, and tbe highest tidier takes the goods. A good time is in store for everybody. - The writer has hai' tie pleaeareof teboldlnK a lina at fancy work contributed by the ladles wb!.H is to be sold, and it is simply wonder f at in Bfsorlment and beautiful io, de sign. .Those who do not go wul mjes treat.". ' Vr:' '". -'t--r - .. Aek your dealer for Cli VI CberooM. 5 for 10 rnts. 1 m .1". Ulucii, Wholesale Ag? TW Qortnof Is Satisfied. ' i The Raws and Observe giree Ger. Soaiee1 fpiaka of- tie ecaditiBB and BaaaceaeBt o tbe A. & N. C & Tbe Goveraor ,appre to be tboranakly amtiaflad. and ie proni of tbe eoaditioa and maaageoiaBi ,0f Oe road. No eaa wOl uke.JeffV with tbe OoTeraot aa to tbB oooiiuoa of tbe road Boc as to bis btia aatiaaed wbb all tbe affairs cou acted with it. Bat here ie aa item that will abowtbe Gevwraer "wkat'e tbe natter with Hannah:" Mr. F. Ulrioh, one of our leading wboleeale merchants, received three barrels of olay pipes from a aaaaafao tarer at SUem a few days ago, the freight en which was rorx pollabs and ISIvxntt six cssts.' We venture the aetertion that the eame elaaa of goods woald bare been delivered at any railroad itation in North Carolina from New York, Baltimore or Philadel phia for one-third tbe money. It is juat iucb railroading as tola that is destroying the corn trade of this city and crashing tbe life out of oar flab abd oyster and every other industry that is attempted in Eaatera Carolina. The Governor may lay tbe itlantio road bad with adamant, with steel cross ties and silver raila and vestibule cars lined with gold, bat unless he can do some thing with.. It that win work a change hi these high banded abuses, the people whose business la bark and destroyed oannot be saikfled. Joe Fowle, r Uoodsy nightV mail brought utro Jplee Of the Boston Globe containing accounts of the sharp practice of one Joe Fowle, colored, who wa formerly the elave of Governor Fowle' father of Washington, N. C. Joe sptnt a few years bt New Barns and is remembered here aa one of the ahrewdeat negroes that ever walked the street of this town. Among other sharp practice be lednosepthb raod to believe be wa conjurer." " Joe left here several year ago and now tarn up ia a polio eowrt in Boston for sharp practice whereby he has chiseled tbe shrewd Yankees' out of several thousand dollars. We will givs aa extract from the ovidenoe tomorrow ia order to (how bow be did it. Personal D. 8. Car re way, Esq., of the Mossy CreelVfTsnn.,) Visitor, oalied to see u yesterday. . John Stewart has returned from the West with flae lot of bones aad mute.' Ha selected specially for this section, and be generally know what hsbdolntv - aw. skini ana inmiiv oi new jeisev arrived per steamer Newberne yester day morning anal wiB remain during tbe winter leaeoa. Jone Coon ty Items. The1 Trenlon 1 Alliance meet at Trenton December the 22d. A fall meeting Is qeslred. . The farmers report more cotton made Uq Jones .this year than last year, but not aa much corn. We learn, that the festival at Piney Grove on Friday evening last was a fall success. Cash taken, sixty dollars.-4 They have raised in addition '-to that 'amount $140 which we are informed will be used to paint and plaster: the church house at Piney Grove. The Board of Education of our county have by a nnanlmous vote decided to have & teachers' institute about the 'middle of July next We know , tills wjil be good , news to our teachers, as every one that we heard, express atT'opipion said thaf .the Ipstitote; ; last year had been a great benefit to them, .; r Would it not be a good fdea for onr land owners to post their land to keep off suspicious, persona who ara continually - travellings over then! with their guns and, fiahirjg tackle ;We wotUdi., KketoseS the expcii.Tscnt tried as ws are inclined to believe that Jajrould cause less indictraeats in""oar'. conrj or the larcen t of cattle ttnd pies. Besides it might cause our jail to be empty occasionally. v' J ;w r "A ?1' " Oit Trenton citizens are pre paring to hare aXhristmas tree on the'eves!r-"f tba24th efi Decern bcr. I ts- i requested to state thattl?? tt the eo"ntry ate rwtict 1 to ti ing their childrc . . t::3 lain tc led! . . :".t eft1 3 cbi d; :a cf tha U.ieatc-iSani'jj scboot at: u I'l ' provided large tz-cagh t6' iw tut aw a . ub a. . CI .-conn t Ifr... 1 ci V 'irpl; --srtcc-.: a r 8.. . . "- yc i ; tiar c-.uuea - ao lMitle'ta aad let them ' - :rc3 with-ear little 're occasion. E 81u ' r-- "-ct themotherlcs V -y,t-o nstfce . 1 ; : - .-.;s ample 1 iJcitLlatree for their charitable benefit , Come old, come your.g, come all, aad let us have a re.U Christmas, happy, pleasant time. The poiJo ot i Mir eoanty we believa to mau would be gUd to ste 1. il. himD'.oe taade next 'resident cf the A. A. N. C. li., as they believe tlut he is tho man that can by his .energy and push inspire new life id to the road. Mr. Sim mons has never bea a failure in any position that Lis friends' have called npoa bim to peiiarm. We ddsire him for President of this road and thou lt the road be ex tended as ad oedted by theJouE Nal, aud with hm manaerement a new era would U n upin Kastem North tiro!ui ' Mr. Simmons ig conversative in Lo!itics, the very mau to eliineii-iti.' pol.tics from this roa.l. Al. pait. have con- fljeuce id him anl would unite in elpiug tOj cany all tutt plans to a uccesalul lerui.ii.iUoii. We cou aider Mr. Simuious the very m.m to make this road mt what it ought to be a real North Carolina road, and with the extension the E;tst and West would lo united and the dream of our r.i lr,j,l lathers oold be consutnati d. The Saturday morning's m ail was opened at Trenton when seve ral of the snbserilKTs of the J.n ii NAL aljusted their Hpe( t.iclia to peruse it, when "hello," med one : If Nunn diilri t forget to change tlio data of the lrKNU.'' Dow so !"' sas one; "whv.heie it is Friday, December 1 I'll." "I'll be confound," says another, "if the editor, mailing clerk and nil ain't on a bu9f, for I read this paper yesterday." About this tune I com menoed examining mine, and aire enough it was Friday's issue for Saturday's, containing ''OM.Joen nek," the very Hame 1 bad read the dav before. Your subscribers here request mo to enquire the cause. W as your clerk on a bust, or had the cold weather frozen over yoor types t Onr regular mailing clerk had just returned from a trip to the West indies. The schooner had a rough nassago both going nd coming, and he was consider ably shaken up. Ed Kinston Items. Mis Dora McDaniel has returned from her Northern tour. Mr. Tate occupied the pulpit of the U. E, Church on Sunday night. Mr. sod Mrs. Ysrboro of Millboro. V.. are spending some tune with Mr. and Mr. Walter Esmond. The family of Mr. J. It. Farwell of Jacksonville, Fla., who have spent the ennamerhere. returned to their home on Saturday last. Several of our mo?t promising toudu men are getting ready to move to Wash ington Territory, to enter Into business early in the new year. Mr. Walter Haidina, formarlv of Kinston and well krown here, has re moved from Tennessee back to his na tive State, and is now liviDg in Salis bury. Mr. A. Mitchell returned from Bris tol,' Tenn , on Saturday night with thirty-six mules and thirteen horse, which he wm cell to those wanting good stock. Bev. Mr. litres and wife, of DeLand, Fla., who have been spending the sum mer and fall in New Jersey, are on a vieit to their brother, Bev. A. JwQire, pastor of the Baptist Church here. They will remain till after tne holidays. Mrs, Thomas Faulkner and two chil dren arrived last Thursday, to spend the holiday with parent and relatives here. Mr. Faalkner ha recently re ceived the. appointment a telegraph operator at Columbia, S. C. Be ha been at Charleston, a. c., since tne epring..,,5iI.fy . Beaufort Items. Fish are scarce, both fresh and salt. Monday was a dreary day. Rain, rain. rain. The wind blew a gale and but few boats ventured out. BThe body of Capt. W. J. Roberts of tbe schooner Eunity R. Dyer was re covered and coried on the 13th hut. Dr. James L. Hannev has been quite sick again.' 'We r glad to state that he1out gain and attending to his pa tients, ... Orsters are acarce in this market. terv few choice one! are brouaht here. Good oysters would bring a good price just before Chriatmka , ine ouunAL. is appreciated in ueau fort, and sine the suspension of our rbounty paper will doubtless increase its subscription Ut wi- f There art fifteen applicants for tha position of Register or Deeds,' made va cant by the death of Rev. John Rnmley . The chronic office seekers are just bow engaged in button-holing tha county commissioners.- We have bo idea who will get the place:. The eommissionere Were to make tha appointment Monday the-nmt, but Owing to the stormy weather they oould not get here. Mr. Joseph Plgottef fetrait townehfp seems to baverths lnswe tract, r. We are satisfied thai ' 'our1" eomtnusionars will makw w a fool x appointment. Thr shoaid ieiecv a cbod Democrat. so 1 one fully qualified , for tha positioa of Register Ibe board -will not same a flopdoodie, that we are. sure of Ask for Old Virginia Cheroots, 6for 19 oents. Tekf no otner. tf..' , - t F, TJuactf, 'yvholesale Agent. Holies ! Etvlai parehaaad lb. block of DKY goods, rLOTaiiu, Boors. SHOES RATS, Al.ofHr. GEO. ASH, at GREAT BETXTCriOil, w bs to Inform oar frin! Uifct w wUl aaatisM Ut btwinret At the Same Stand, Middle St. Next to L. H Cutler Hardware Btore. wbr wUl t u ft iam nd Mil thana Good Lower Than the Lowest ! In carving tb public w guarantee aatia (Mtlon. loodi 11 rep eecr.ieJ (r mor.ey re funded. Quick Sales and Small Profits hall b our Maltu Mr. Aab win reajniu wm i.a for isb' i; Maaa. and will abow bia (nnd that Uioual tbe buiineee baa enabled baodt. it win alii! be tbe bAHUAIN Huf sK mat be rmatij la UDtirlog euery made it. Wtte thle aanouncement we make our hum bieal bow to the traulug pullic and tic are a liberal ibare of their patronage Very rtepec-ifuily. W. D. BIHIincIl) , J'IJ-I J. J. Bit rKH. TotHe.Taxpayerscf Jones Cc. iou are hereby notified I sat U.e law re ,u:rea me to advertiae all la. d tor kale Ibai the laiea remain unpaid tor Uie prevuma iear, (o be told the fltal Motdav In IVb ruary I .hall follow glr.ctiy tbe lan.o pay your laie at ouce wblle you haj tbe money to apare audaae -.at and trouble H. 0 . dcclDdlau I j Hberlff Jonra Co Kinston College, Sprinjr Term, 1881. HK.1NS MONUAY. HBO. Slat. IW ( L0.SK8 KlRRrTHI'KHUAT. JI'NK Iw Hi iNSThLCruilt. IjiDguagea Anclentanl Modern. H.-lruce. Hoofc Keeping Art Kmliroldery anil '. Needle work of all kinda; Muah . ocal nn'l Inshn mental. Hebd 'or utnloKuea K 1 1 11 11 II. 1.K.W 1--. del:' ,Hll 1'rlntipfti Dwelling For Sale. The new realdenee o! ("apt. Joaepli A Hi;l on t'liange atreet. Haiaix nice rooms and kitchen attached. A rix,l clatern, anj b pump In the kitchen Apply lo delHdlw Mk.h. JOHKI'H A. 1111 I. Auction! To the Public ! As I am compelled to fettle up the Estate of 11. Oohen, deoeascJ, and as the Weinstein Building has been sold and must be vacated by the 1st day of JaDuary, 18S!, we will oommencc Auction Hales of the balsnco of Mer ohandiso now in the Weinstein Kuilding, on Monday, at 11 a.m., and will continue until the entire stock will be closed out, stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothm, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Matting, Hats and Cap?, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises And a great manj more articles too numerous to mention. The Private Sales will continue during the day at Auction Prices. The stock will be fixed ia lots to suit Merchants and other purchasers. Kemember these goods will be sold to the highest bidder, and the public are the ones to make the prices. The balance of Real Estate, which consists of two nice dwellings in the Uity of flew lierne, on Hancock st., and four nice Plantations in Craven county, and a big tract of timber land in Pamlico and Beaufort counties, will be sold at private sale at low figures, 11 applied for soon. Kemember that the above real es tate must be "sol to closo the estate. All the Seal Estate will be sold with a good title, and a warrantee deed. , The full description and terms will be given on the day of sale. or turner uuormatioa inquire ot win uonea. at weiasteuf Building. COME ONE ! ; COME ALL 'Executor. . For Sale, A HALF-BLOOD JERSEY BULL CALF. Price $15.00. Apply to , , , ESOCH JVADSWOBTH, b88 dwtf il Waw Berne, K. C. SAWYER; FASHIOIIABLE . .. TAILOR a . MIDDLE 8TEIET, . V- Two doors 'sonth.Halai Ltnrj Stables, ; aetl dtr X'h .NEW BEESE j 3 5 5 ' -M Attention ! I am receiving by evi -amtUtg quantitiee of Xmaa good wfucsi I sat prepared to e!l at Low mnx(hn you hire ever knou teite tot tbia class of ROOds. I jin, iri ,l,et0 arti.'lt already receiv;J. i'ut Ulasa Bottle, U.ci ,n Pungeota, Attir-rosd I'.oniea. I'owiler and Tutf bjx-a iu Japasiese, On i1ZeJ Silver, auJ an:i.; .t- btjlas. t'ard Cases CiKiir L'ista aai docket B.k8 in Alligator, Kassi .J mnd otber expense e leather. A uret adonment of Hoe Soap. 1'erfutuery, iUcbt p0rfrr etCT Svk CI U. I BU : - IN TIUt; AKTlCUfci. lUnJaotuest 1' -h Worsj e'rr im tortt.il. incluln, , V.Dlctires, "Lftds an,i lients' T. ,:rt I - xr a, Collar and LulT Boxes . w , . . J l ine hpona-t. . inetv cf Tow els, Haih liruts. i hiUren'u Toilette, rancy Twice m m uunooij 4 faedocu raliot. work. V,:.inK Ti! ;-n, ma8 1 arJrt nal i:iry oilier things too nutuen tu 1,1 iticnii. n. 1 am also nellirR Cars beW c.wi an.1 have a few hundred left. CHRISTMAS GOODS 1 The finest Chair?, Picture Frames, Pictures, rard robfs, Dook Cases. Parlor Suits, Work Baskets, Hat Racks, &c, for Christmas, ever brought to Klw Dcmc Market. Iu Cm.I the beat stock of Furniture ever of fered in ew Beruc. by JOHN SUTER, 111 Middle Street. Horses AJ Suction ! WATSON x siUj' : Au-nuN O.N CONSUiNMEiNT, Fifty Yomig- Horses. The utiJeraiKce.l Will sell on Thursday, Dec. 20,1888 at public auction, for rali, a consffn ment from tho Wet of fiftT Tr-,L unbroken lli.rROB 1 xt.r. oflofk at onr Stables on uldle street. Terms CASH dl2dM 11. UAUJi&CO. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Sale. As apul far owners 1 n.,.. r... ...... f.ftl!.'.::1!l:r?n.im"""" -... ,he ,; T, I CI I . " rl ' I V t II t.t-'. I l-Blnl, 1 . ily or Ne Kerne: la Uio .lo. I. WIIAKK PHnPi-PTv- . . POIM THK. iHi an, " .,. ,pr." ' "ownaa Inohwlf..!.,., .. . ea-lliiK therein fr., -..U"J ' "r-ru,y 1" HDll Ilia . f . AIo waurapaeo now .4"2 m led tkI in huoq IR u,e UP8, ln tne - f,,r ail main vlaitLm our Walera I e , rfenth No. 2. TWO llf.l iti .x ,. . . . jooludingpart of water frtof lit No iV .", ,"1 "f ' I'f. -.Pon tliator,; "i- 1. I UK I HON lltor u,- a 1; l rnnrro on cJka v f n 'm pX" tT1' AN1 WEULWO u.-m tKAVl.M hlKfcKI' oretirle.l h. It r. w A fulliliseriMlfir nf thi .i.-.t.-.. jr. logell.erwitl, .1,0 br VrwotfwK tbe same wm , aol.L .1,, bT?,?h? PP iraiioii to the u n.lei al izt. i ,,.,H:i D Mf III I ll P T .... f . . . . . " decSdwtf . W ATHON A 8TREKT. 'ns and u-ai EsUie Astj. Go to F. 8; DUFFY UGGIST.il AND Buy MEI1ICINES CHEAP F&G1SL- The beat assortnir nt of Tniiret In lheitv- A large, varied anil f!, , t h-i.v m mery and Fine Hoaps. """" Clgara10'08 as8ortmplU r antl Cheap to arrive lTUC,n "arrlbn Planting, Hat-Plumes. Keathrr.Pana fnt,!ktaSiCj,i'i d Fancy ArlioJ m4 ty AISO. ft handeiomo r-nl )nr. A nk-i.i. -;i'i",.A",M1 imuts for CA. . lt - . -a- w a - x- a . DUfl GENERAL HOTIGE; 50 Boxes Choice Creaiif Cheese. 2oo sacks; tfimiiM lfumbersr:!tt Tot Bite' m0i WHOLESALE GROCER; '; 1 ' MlDLS STEE J ' ' Agent for,HazardPoT7d-: ' U Boarders 7c 13 DRUGS & irOUR (1) GENTLKME.V as u Apply.at Uolioeof ' :ltf r.-Kextaitte i;.