LEAD! SfILL THE JOURNALr MA ." "mail closo' ? For Xortk. Wa4 Bntt. via A. A X.C.B.K.eijMa.aa. ... u for Basmfert Mi tite East, at For whj4,BwiftCrwek,Eydeee BaeeJort uuui, aur at W a. m. Tot Trsmtoeu PoUokmll as Kaye- rot Unuftttbors, Sayboro an 1 Tu demere. daily at ft. a. OITtdBBOCSS: la Momt Order and B(ittM4LM- tar Deprtaurt,fjQsa. I a-aa. to 4 p.. to, Ia Mailing Department from I a. m to la. so. OfAoe open ooaataaUy batrweaala sumriexoeptwaen mail arc being ais- tribatedoreeat. COMMERCIAL. " Krw Yoax. Dec. SLratam eloMd steady.' Sale .7iC bain. January, 4 July, IB M ' Fefcntarr, U Aoxaet, 1111 s Marca tM Sept. .U April, October, Hay, If or.- -r Jane, t W ! December. Hew Ben mart tjuiec 6alw ftf 9 WN UIIIKtll, - I am now prepared to offer better induce ment for the future than ever in the past Uj stock is much larger and could not he better selected. I Cnj in Large Quantities for GASH, direct from Importers, Jobbers and manufac turers, which enables me to sell cheaper. A trial will convince that 0. MAR LtS is!really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly for me to attempt a full description of all my stock Tea Boat elegant hoe ol DRESS GOODS that has ever been brought to this market, including all tbe 3LATBST STYLES ! All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods ! Bilks! Satins! Velvets! and Velveteens! AND MY LINE OF Lci!:s, Misses and Children's Cloaks! wel you will bave to come and see them, tbey fire beyond description the largest, handsomest and HF.ST Hdp in the city. Also a handsome iotol Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. ty DON'T FAIL to see my line of Beaafort Items. Christmas pawed off wry pleasantly. Tba weataar wat Am aad ipri&f Li a. Quite a aamber of steam aad sail yaebt era passing through, bound to Florida. Tbe schooner Carrie Hall Lister. Cept. B. T. Bowlaad, ia at the depot at More bead City. 8he brought a cargo of steel raid for the A. 6t N. C. R. R. A Urea aamber of torpaaUaa head from thia section, cam horn to tpaad Christmas. They ratara wall olad, aad all bring more or lata money to pead. There will ba qaita aa exodat early ia the new year for the turpentine section. We hear of many who will go. On Thursday the 28th alt. our board of ooanty commissioner met and after oaetlng over one haadrad ballots, aleoted Mr. JsmeeO. Davis Register of Deed. Mr. Davie will make a good officer, aad hie election by tbe board give general satisfaction. Oar merchant ere complaining of dull trade Wheo our flaherie fail at they lid thia fall, it baa a depressing effect upon trade. Oar ooanty re ceive a large income from the fleherie, and when they fail many of our people are in almost destitute circumstance The Verdict Caaalaaaas. VV. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippo. Iod., testifies: "I can recommend Electrio Bitter as tbe very beet remedy. Every bottle sold baa given relief in every case. Ooe man took six bottles and was cured of Rheumatiim of ten rears' stand ing." Abraham Bare, druggist, Hellville. Ohio, affirms: "The best sell ing medicine I have ever handled in my 20 j ears' experience is Electric fitters." Thousand of others bare added their testimony, so that tbe vtrdict is unani mous that Electric Bitter do cure all disease of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at K. N. Duffy drug store. Donarro subsist Egge lTo. 1 bxxo Oorroa-go. per lbs Oou t 6055o Fodder. $1.001.25 per haadrad. Sua TOaaaa. TwTOi-Hexd, $1.00; dty, 00, TAnwl.goal.so. Oats Hew, 4la47o, la balk. Buswax Halle, par la. Baa Oa foot, a.se la. IHasa IVax Ta 3a. ear poaad Hufs-Couatry.llaUc: lard Hie, Am is - Uattemoakaeta. Wo. bosh. Potat jgs Bohamaa, 80o. par bosh, yams, 40a50o. per bash. Ostoxs- 50c. per bush. Wool 1330c PxiXCTB 0580 oar boshsl. OsQCKUia Qrowa 44a45e. pair; half growa, 22i25e. MlAL-82i85c.bolUd. BHTHOLKa "Wet India, dull aad arm Inal; 0 inch $3 00a J 60. Bailding t inoh hearts. $.S5; saps. $1.60 par M. . Statis R O. hbd. $1011 pr M. Timbxb Cypress, 13 ia. and over, $5 00 per M.; pine $3.504.50. wwolbuu raioai. Mail Poke New $10.00. Bbocldib Miat OalOc. O. R.'a, F. B'. B.'saad L. 0.-9, 10. Flocb $4.50a7.50. Labs 9s. by the tieroe. M4IL8 BU10'a,$3.50. 8cqab Granulated, So Oorria 18a20o. Chksb 13,. Salt 80a85o. per sack. Molasses ard 9Tacre lOsAiw-. POWDEB $0 00. Shot Drop, $i.r.0 i.ack,$l.". HlUCS Dry, 8Sc. . ren 4e. KaauaaNB-Oio. Tallow 4o. oer lb before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the cheapest to tbe best : All wool Three Ply, Brussels, all wocl Ingrains etc., etc Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats. Rugs, Etc., Etc. Shoes ! Shoes ! Bach a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mens, Ladies, Misses and Children's of all descriptions in endless variety. "Auction!- To the Public! X I bjb eOBBalltd te settle aa tks Estate of H. Cohen, deeeaaei, a&4 as tie Weiasteii BaildLag kaa beta seld aat Bait be vacated by the 1st day of J an nary, 1889, we will commence Aaetiea Salsa of tie balance of JJer cbaadise sow in tbe Weinstcin Boildiaf, ea Msndiy, at 11 a.m and will aontinn until tie entire ttjck will be doted oat, stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Matting, Eats and Cap;, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises Aad a great many more article too aamereos to mention. Tbe Private Sales will continue daring tbe day at Auction Trictj. Tbe stock will be fixed ia lota to suit Merchants and other purchaser. Remember these goods will be sold to the highest bidder, and the public are the one to make the priors. The balance of Rol Estate, which consists of two nice dwellings in the City of New Berne, on Hancock St., and four nice Plantations in Craven county, and a big tract of Umber land in Pamlico and Beaafort counties, will be sold at private sale at low figure?, if applied for soon. Kemember that the aljoe real (s- Ttt Cucturf ft 1330. "jg A" -e-HS cjestiaa has oftaa bea VCT" sg asked, no what eoea fa . BUisaP raQntiaara anssaaaweiad taia e the fc f ' stataaaent that "It has been . ..' lairly won. act by adreP' tiaing sobeniea, but a the saoaUaaos which characterises it la every department." Ia thir aaaoaaceBMnta tor the eoming year the publishers state that it baa always beea heir desiia t aaaa X CmUrf the on ta dispsasabla penodioal of its da, so that whatever other publication might b deaira hle ia the family, fa tnium could not ba neglected by those who wish to keep abreast of the times ia all natters pertaiainf to culture. And the unprecedented clroula Uoe of the magaxine would seea t b the response of the public to this intention. With the Woreatbar number Tht t iw begins it thirtj-seveuth volume. Two great feat ures of the ci-iUi which are to euntioue thranrhoat the aw' vol- ame era already well 1 known to the public, the Lincoln history and the papers oa Siberia and th Exile Bystnin." The first of these, written by Messrs. Nlcolay and Hay, President Liaooia's pri vate seerstariea, contains the inside hkiorjef the dark day of the war, as een trom the Wtiiu House, THl SIBEitftN PArSRS, by Qoorge Kenuan, are attracting the at tention of the civilised world. The Chi cago Tribune says that "no other magazine articles printed In the English language just now touch upon a subject which so vitally interests all inoughtful people in Europe and America ami Asia." As is already known, copies of The Century entering Rusaia have these articles torn out by the customs official on the frontier. ncaisolS r--TKe Century will publish the most im portant art feature that has yet found place in its pages, it is ue result of four years' work ( f Mr. Timothy Cole, the l ailing magazine engraver of the world, in the galleries of Ku rope, engraving from Uie ongina'.s tho greatest picture by itio old master ' A series of papers on Ire land, Its customs, land scapes, etc , will appear, and inpre are to be illustrated articles on Bible scenes, treating especially the subjects of the Inter national 8unday-3chool Losaons. George W. Cable will write " Strange, True Stories of Louisiana." There will be novelettes and short stories by leading writers, occa sional articles on v:ir subjects (supplement al to the famous "War Papers" by General 3 rant and others, which Lavo been appear la In The Century), etc., etc. - --MawV t TV Century costs four dollars a year, and It is published by The Century Co , of New York, who will send a copy of tho full pres netua to any ono on reauest. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEAIIS. LOW $20 By calling at my store you will find very nany things that cannot tbe mentioned here space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. The Marnttade or the Earth. According to a recent authority, the circumference of tbe globe la twenty flvo thousand and twenty miles. It ia not as jasy to compre hend so stupendous a circle aa it is to put down its extent in figures It become more palpable, perhaps, by comparison, such as this: a rail way train travelling incessantly night and day, at the rate of twenry-five miles an hour, would require sis weeks to go around it. The cubical bulk of tbe earth is two hundred and sixty thousand millions of cubic miles. If the ma terials which form tbe globe were bnilt up in the form of a colamn, having a pedestal of the magnitude ot England and Wales, the height of tbe column wonld be nearly four and a naif millions of miles. A tunnel through the earth, from England to New Zealand, would be nearly eight thousand miles long. Baeklsa's Aralaa naive Thi Best Balti In the world for Outs, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptiona, and positively' cure piles or ao pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, men so oents par box. f or sale by B. N. Duffv. jan 17 Two thnnaanrl varda 3-4 Cashmere at 10c. i er yd. Tw thousand yds. double width Cashmere at 12c. per yd. worth 15c. . -t . , m a i Ol Ci- Tu prettiest and best Laaies' isuuon onoes in me cuy ior n.-o. Fsvnts Cloth, lOo. np. Flae imported Hall Hose at 10c, worth 20c. Towels, 5c np. Turkish. Bath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5.r. package. Hom and Half Hose, 5c. pair. Tolas' Cnllara. 5c. a v, Ariva in Tiarlies' Kid Gloves. 4 bottom embroidered hack for only 600m worth $1.00. Ladies' Jerseys from 60c. up. Bed and white Flannel from 15c. up. Corsets, 25c Mea'n'Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c each. Ladies and Gents' Undershirts, 25c. To the Wholesale Trade. I am now-prepared to offerbetter inducements to Wholesale Bnyert than erer before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete I bur in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH Which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities than Northern Houses. Come and. see me. I can save you Money. l. Agency forClark's O. N. T. 8pool Cotton, ttLO Allow me to thank you kindly, one and all, for yonr liberal patronage ia tha past, and to ask for a continuance of the same, assuring you that LOW PBI0ES SHALL ALWAYS LEAD. I am, very truly yours, . ilVJ AlFuKS. i t man Uf V ARM, J $28 D'ii is? i .rv h FIFTEEN DAYS1 TRIAL fi TOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE TOU PAT ONE CENT. High-Ana Michin. hu avIaattlBS; wee41u lMhreadlas; shaistia, a BalMleas txf llshtraaalns. hu the flaest sat afattaek. aw, te Telvet-ltBed caae. Don't My Cent. ot S6o, but (end for cSfcular. R ememMr, ve ruarante our machine equal to any high priced aaachmc oe the aurket. Addreae , Tha C. A. WOOD CX, - 17 H. 1U au, riUla4elkla, Pa. Josh Billings says: "The best medisin I kno for the rumatiz is to thank the Lord it ain't the gout." THE ONLY PERFECT BIHEDT For habitual oonitipation, dyspepsia, and kindred ills la the famous Califor nia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Fig. It strengthens as well as cleanses the tyitem, it is easily taken, and perfectly harmless. R. N. Duffy, atant, New Berne, N.C. dc!8 dw4w J. H. CBABTRE8. BASIL MAKLT. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Deal en la mm m mmm supplies Ball4ers f Bactae. Baflers, Saw H11U. Edin; ck Cat-off naehiaes, Wear prnared to do Caatlngaof all kind wiw prompue. Partlralar and Immediate attention siren to repair or all Una. W will tot glad to prlve plan and eatlmate ror any aeaoi lpuon or maomnery . W are the agents for the sal of the Amer- lean Saw. Alo for O. eV A. Bargamln' eele- b rated indectrneubl Mtea Valves, We give eatlafactorr cuaraate for all work done dv n. ya aw wiy VALUABLE CIH PROPERTY A agent for owners we offer for sal on easy and accommodating term the follow ing described Improved Real Estate In the City of Ne- Berne: No. 1. WHARF PROPERTY AT XTSIOV POINT ; Include th plee of land knowa at "THE ILAND," ace th wharf or roadway leading thereto from East Front atreet. Also, water apaee now being filled In. The location Is the best in th eltr for all mann faotarinc DurDoeM. while th laraeat oiaft vialttng our waters have ample depth of water ior toaaing ana nnioaaing at u wharf. No. 2. TWO HOT78E8 AND LOTS Al UNION POINT, oeenn'ed a owelllnim. No. t. HARVEY WHARF PROPERTY, Including part of water front of Lot No. 12, In th plan of th elty. Upon th property I located a eommodlon brick wanhon. The 0. D. S. 8. U. as a portloa of tha prop- "n 4. THK IRON FRONT WAREHOUS ON nRAVAN HTREET. No. & BRICK 8T0RE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN (STREET occupied by K.O.E. Lodge. A fall description of this aloabl proper ty, togeiner wun ine on leraaaapoa wnica tn samewlU b sold, alii aa raralabadoa application to the undersigned at their office ttibouin i ron u-e. r WATSON STREET, dec d wtf Ins aad Baal Eitata Agts. TO AD VEETIBEES. A list of ICOO nrwptper divided la STATES AND SKCTIONS will be seat i application FR.K at. To these who want their advertising te pay, w eaa offer no better median for thor ough and effective work tbaa th various seeuon Of our aaaee nemi ia. .Eg. ?. HOWKLL k CO., Newspaper Advertlalng Bureau, notU dwlm l Spree stmt. New York, F0RMEN0NLY.ASKv5iS wwiiw. iukoti ineeie, uu ec fenagta vlvor er aevelopaaeot, paoaed ky lndborettoav xoeeeea, ate. PeJaoMe Oak eraf (Mil) rm. XBXB MXDIOAX. oo. butfaio, v. t. NOTICE. The undenlgned. Alonso R. Hollo n duly qnaHfled aa executor of the Mtateef Alexander H. Ho4ton, deceased, and hereby give notice that he require all parsons having claim egalnat th estate of the said Alexander H. Holton, to present tbm to th said Alonso R. Holton, duly authenticated, for navment on or before th let da uary, 1890, or elie thli notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Person Indebted to the estat most pay wiinoni oeiav. ALONZO R. HOLTON, Exeentor. CtARK A Clakk, Attorneys. d23 Iw 11 ,GotoF,S.DUFFY r DRUGGIST, AID BUT Tbsltest ssBortmentaf Trusses la rhe etty. A large, varied ana seiset a iocs ot rna mar. mmA PlnA RnaTfeft. ;. A eholes assortment oTFln aad Cheap vngare. Heeds for Tracking and Garden Planting, tn a.rti va. Hat-Plume, Feather-Fan, Mounted Birds, Feather Work and Fancy Article mad by Miss A.W. Dflrrr. - . Aleo. a handaome collection of Chrlrtma Good and inndrle, all of which we offer at th VERY LOWEST PRICES for OAH. deel dwtf -., nrt a , W. A U FT. A Valuable Besidence r FOR SALE CHEAP.' . A bran new. Dwell Inn; House, con' taining tlx comfortabla rooms, and kit cfaen and dining room attached. Lo cated oa Change street, near East From!. Apply to -: - c8J j Ipg; & Beal Eat. Affenti. the eelato. Ute mast be ioI to c locf All the Heal Kst ate will be told with a good title, and a warrantee deed. Tie full desoripti n and terms will be given ou the day of sale. for further mforniatiou lLuuire of Win. (Job en at WeiiStcin ISuildins. COME ONE! COME AU ! Wit COHEN, Kxeeutor. M. U JJ"w w V f rVtlantic & N. C. Railroad TIMS TAHLJC 15 lo It fleet 6 25 AM.. Wednesday, Dec. 19th, me Going Eabt. Sohkdule. Ooinq West. No. 51. Puisenger Train. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve, pn 8 80 Ooldaboro 4 17 4 30 La Orange 4 40 4 M Kiosion 6 18 6 4 New Hume 9 26 p m Morehead City ' Daily. CUEPVLP. lN JS d I I 112 am 10 4ii 10 48 10 CO 10 14 tt 27 8 44 in 6 88 Ooino East. No. Mixed Ft. ft Pas. Train. a m 12 10 13 87 18 45 1 00 1 10 0 Stations. (Jolduboro Beat' La Orange 1 28 1 83 Falling Creek 1 51 3 10 Kinston 2 80 185 Caswell 3 65 8 05 Dover 8 35 8 40 Core Creek 4 04 4 09 Tucarora 4 21 4 31 Clark's 5 05 6 60 Newbern 8 46 6 51 Riverdale 60 7 03 Croetan 7 27 7 58 Havelock 8 80 8 83 Newport 8 53 8 56 Wild wood 9 04 9 06 Atlantio 9 26 9 86 Morehead City 9 88 9 45 Atlantio Hotal 9 51 pn Morehead Depot a m Tndar, Thnr dav an Haturday, t Monday, Wednesday and Friday. in (i West No. a t Mixed Ft. ft I'ase . Train. A 15 p m 5 33 5 40 5 03 5 13 4 00 4 35 2 55 3 42 2 30 2 85 1 58 2 10 1 24 1 80 13 54 1 00 12 83 13 42 10 82 12 00 9 41 9 46 9 28 8 59 8 17 8 00 7 47 717 7 05 9 33 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 52 7 27 715 7 00 Train 60 connect with WUmlnctoa a w el- don Train brnnd North, leaving Ooldaboro 11:60 a. m., aul with Richmond A D nvUle Train Weal, leaving Ooldaboro 8 2)p,jn, Tram si eoaaeeu whb aucnmon a Danvine Trala,rriviag at Ooldaboro 8:10 pjn., and with Wilmington and Wei Ion Train from th Horthat 8:Mp.m. Train I eonneet with Wilmington and Weldoa Throngs Freight Train, leaving Ooldaboro at auto p.-n, and with ttlchmon'd A Dan villa Through Freight Train, leaving Ooldaboro at 8.10 P. M. S. L. Dill, "JtiMtlatendent. CavoatK, and Trade-Marka obtained, and all Pat- rot busmen condoned ror MootT Free OurfOrncc ia OroiTf U.S. Ptcnt Orrict and we ran erenre patent in leea time than ib remtne from waninffton. 8nd model, drawing or photo., with dewrlp- tlon. We adrias, If patentable or not, free or charge. Onr fee not due till patent le secured. A paitPHLtT, "How to Obtain Patonta," with names of artnal client In your State, county, or town, lent rree. Aaareea, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. tTIPIT OrriCE. WHINOTOH. O. C. EDUCATE! EDUCATE I What Batter Can Be Done For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY AUKOICA, N. J. R. T. DONNEB, . . Pkincipau Miss E. O. Lanqston, . Assistant. The Fall Semlon will open Bpt.'2, 1887, and clme Feb. 8. 1888 Hprlng Beaalon will open Feb. 8, 1888, and close June 13, 1883. Board and tnltlon moderate. Pa pi la are charged from time of entrance to end of aeaalon. No deduction except In ease of protracted lllne. For farther Information apply to B. T. BOKWBR. - Principe I NEW BERNE ANDPAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handtom ly eonctrnctcd freight andpa senger boat, naving been placed on tbl rente, i prepared to render inperlor aervlee to and from all point on lower Nense Htver and Famlieo coonty, and New Berne. For the present the following schednle will ba in operation: Leave New Berne every Wedneaday and Saturday at SIX A. M. for Bajboro, (topping at Clubfoot, Adam and Hmilh Creeke, Vandemereand Stonewall. Leave H ay boro every Monday an1 Thurs day at BIX A. M., stopping st Stonewall, Vanderaer. Smith, Adam and Clubfoot Creeks, snivlng at New Hern Monday and Thurs lay evening. Kzeellent paaaenger accommodation, am ple freight aetillie. Freight receipted lor an I received dally by sgeatJ,0.D. line, and every information given. iD, B. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, -O. H. FOWLS". " Stonewall. FOWLER OO WELL. Agent. Bayboro. OEOROB A. HVasKT, Bovl dwtf General Manager, John Williams Permanently locaud oneorner of Broad aad Ban its., it prepared to clean, dye and repair all kinds of Clothing at Low Prices. A specialty la made in cleaning Lad lea" Dresses. ; Batuitction gnaran teed. angaidtf The undersigned. Geo. H. Wlllett.ns daly qualified ae Admlniatrator of tha eatateof W. H. Wlllett.and hereby give notice that ne require ail person having claims against th asiat of tbe said W. B. Wlllett to pre sent then) to the said Oeo. H. Wlllett, daly anthenticated, for payment, on or befpr tk 8th day of December, 1889, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. - Person Indebted to tae estate must pay witaont oeiar. d. tw O, H. WIUiETT, AdmlnUtrator Round Knob Hotel W. D. IPRA6CB, Prop'r. EOUNfl KNOB. N. G. Moat Icturegqae Scenery in Western North Carolina. I'OINTS QF INTKREST NAB BY: Old Fnrt ..'...J: ... Distant 5 Mllea St. Bernard Mouutain ... " i Catawba Falla 5 Mud Cut,. " SwannaneaTnnnel Pinnacle of the Blue Ridge. " 5 Potato Top ....... " 7 u Toe River, fine tront nahlDg .. Bridgea' Iron Springs,.... 1 Kelly' Iron flprlngi . " tfltoheU'Peak,taaraveof Prof. Mitchell the highest point eaat of the Rocky AfOantems, nine miles. Pnre ceor dry attnosphere; no fogi; light dewa. Train atop at the door. apl7 Open all tha yeaVr. farms reaaouaUe by month or weeny " a!8 d wt? City OrdinancoT 'WBAa,The United Stale of America ha donated and appiopriated a inn of money to be expended In conatrnoticg and macadamising a roadway from th Newbern Rational Cemetery to to eil y of Me wbern: Ann WHiKAA,Th proposed rontoof aald roadway will paover and through Oeorc street, beginning at it Intersection with Cy press street in the said elty. r v Asn whssbas It becomes necessary and xptdlantln affeetnatlng the construction of th said macadamized roadway, tbat th asm should be dedicated to th said th Dnlted States for the purpose aforesaid. Now, THiBsroaa, Be it ordained, that in said (ieorge street in. the said oityof New. bern. beginning at a point where th aald Qeorge street Intersects Cypress street at It north tin, running thence to Trent ilveroa the suth std ofaald city, . a Be and the same hereby 1 donated and dedicated to tbe said the United States of America for the ns and pnrpesas of tba afo eaatd roadway, t lt . - Provides, That at all time ib said the United Btste shall iteep tbe same free and opto a a Pan lie Highway to the ass and for the benefit of the pnblie. - - This ordinance shaU be of full fores on and after its ratification. . ... , Ratified this S7th day of November, 1888, - .,- - B. H. M EADQ W8, Mayor SI LA 9 rCtCHKR. Clerk. -p. vna80aT

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