1 tU DAU.T JOCKXAXfei a eta Mlua 'inc pa erased telly, linn Men da j at (f MMKMMHHM pat rMMk neknaksd er7 TtMde at tU jMkMay K; Ma hrMk eabasaemt aftWassisssaneW'fcsef 'liilMii MeaaJs parts aret. aad f MkmMMlMMNa MOwilttiimkl t trCnrMiuiiitt Um . Par ia ;.: iiwin MM be t erfvaae SegaiaT advar tfeawt&ur uiiimaa jsagaatly at me " eesrtafitusg wws of a dle- w Mi irers km snitaftes Ne HI M) IWHH fce Nt ae c the aether: or St sjll bui Bore uu m wIim e ft a Aaj M"'i reeling wM at aa eaooy MMMilMMIMI Obtain the Beats e MtMl by el Uli offle Bud i the grievaaes asieta THE JOURNAL. aV a. nn. .Ruru. 4MW, sjnr bums. n. c Jan. n ise si the Pert at BaMSOaS ! HMH, M 0 THE LIHISLATI BE. The General Assembly of Sorth Carolina is now io seaaioo. The erfeetioa of lion. A. Leazar to the speakership iu a deserved tribute to M aceompliahed geDtlemao,able parliamentarian and trne Demo crat. The Lejialatore and the State are to be congratulated, not oalj on the election of the speaker, bat opoa having competent and ebliftnf officials in all positions. It U said that the organization ot the Boose indicates the return of Hoe. M. W. Ransom to the United States Senate, and the creation oi Carolina. Taire are an unusually large Bomber of contests before the JgtsUtnre. We know nothing of the relative merits of contestants, ' let the contests ought to be settled at the ' earliest moment consistent Vitk the Interests of the State and the rights of individuals. Letexact Jsstice be done, without regard to party or section. Reposing confidence iu the wis lorn aad patriotism of the General .Aaaessbly, we cannot doubt that the present session will redound to the welfare of citizens and the honor of the State. FARMERS. There are nearly eight millions ef fanners in the country, and we believe they have only fifteen mem hen ?B the American Congress. laeafficleDt in numbers and utterly lielplees and powerless. rrogres site Farmer. This paragraph is from the organ of the Alliance, ft paper edited by a trne son of North Carolina whose talents aad energies are devoted to the advancement of the vocation which U at the foundation of all material prosperity, bat is it not jielaat to the farmers t Are the f Oeea farmers in the American Cpairesa ntteily helpless and pAwerleas f If so, they are not like far tiers who have preceded them in the -halls of national legislation. Jefferson, the great apostle of liberty, was a farmer. Calhoun vaasvlawrer. a statesman and a philosopher, bnt he prided himself attaint a farmer. - Mart fanners have brains enongh (a control the destinies of this nation. Let it not be supposed that the fifteen farmers iBOongress will be without influence and power; rather letns believe them capable of grappling with great qaestions of State, and impressing their renins upon the legislation of the country. i i a great mistake to suppose thai farmers only can represent Censers, or that only farmers are a teres ted in reforms beneficial to farmers. Where, in all the world, can be found a man who stands ' snore f ejolotely by farmers' rights tfctt Grover Cleveland f Who erer plead for them like iof. lathe Senate andMtflsin the HooseT We are glad that there tre fifteen farmers in Con . rreee. Ererj man of them may be chief o true and brave that Om hlaat poa his bogle horn were wV7 IN I -. worth a tkoasaad men. SZW BZ1JX. S05TH C110U.M STKXXTS A5D W1LXS. Mheni ax witHa tnecry limit abovitea cw4 l broid,tf-vel and we8 shaded etrtts, several wiles of which hare been maoadamlaed with shells and afford fine hard roads forpleaaare-driviug. The aidewajti -are generally good. East front etreeL' on the I banks of he Qse. and, Pollock fcireet. are tavonie pi ace a ior promeiudtts. ' -The' -beautiful grounds of the 2ew Berne Academy furnish a pleasaat resort for tennis and ball players. Owing to its nearness to the ocean and to the Gulf Stream, has a mild climate. The entire wiater frequently passes without snow, and sleets axe practically unknown, the thermometer seldom registering below the freezing point. The coldest day of the wiater ww .December 30th, when the record at snnrise showed 21 de grees, rising daring the day to 33 degrees. This was the only time ia December that the temperature fell below the treezing point, the cold spell lasting three days. Daring the eatire winter there were twenty-foar days that the thermometer registered less than 32 degrees, one-half the number be ing in January. CU.URCHKS. All the leading denominations hare large, comfortable charohes, with able and cultured pastors. Visitors are cordially welcomed in all places of public worship. SCHOOLS. 1 be graded and nign schools oc cupy two large brick buildiDga on a tbree acre campus in the centre of the city. These, together with several private schools and music teachers, afford good opportunities for education. Visitors can have every facility for continuing the education of their children. BANKS. The National Bank of New Berne, and the pnvalebank of Green, Foy & Co., transact Ihe, financial affairs o the community, and they afford every needed con venience for the custody and safe transmission of funds. MARKETS. Tor fish, oysters, game and vege tables, the markets of New Berne have long enjoyed a reputation, and few places are better sapplied with milk, poaltry and eggs. This is the largest fish market on the Southern coast. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. The facilities for visiting the sur rounding country are ample. Sev eral well-appointed livery stables offer every convenience for riding or driving. Daily trains to More- head and to Goldsboro pass through a country abounding in game, and reach at Morebead the finest fisn ing locality on the Atlantic coast. Kiver steamers make almost daily trips np and down the Neu9e and Tient rivers, affording oppor tunities for sportsmen to visit many places. Sate sail boats are always ready. THE NATIONAL CEMETERY Is handsomely laid out with numer ous drives and walks. This is the resting place of the Union soldiers who fell in Eastern Carolina. It Is a beautiful spot, carefully kept by the United States Government, and is reached by a pleasant drive of about ODe mile. The Cemetery road, when macadamized, will be one ot the attractions of the city. CEDAR GROYE CEMETERY Is remarkable for the shell-rock wall which surrounds it. This wall is built of a species.ol coarse coquina, and, so far as known, it is the only wall of the kind in existence. TOINTS OF INTEREST. There are many novelties to inter, est the visitors the wood pulp and wood plate factory, cotton seed oil mill, the cotton gins, turpentine distilleries, 'steam saw mills, oyster cannery, fertilizer factory, rice mill, the cotton exchange, remains of the old Colonial I'alace.the Nation al Cemetery, the steamers of the Old Dominion, Clyde and Eastern Carolina Dispatch lines, the annual exhibit of the Carolina Fish, Oys ter, Game and Industrial Associa tion, and the large track farms ad joining the city, covering over one thousand acres. . Farmen. Adam was a farmer while yet In Paradise, and after his fall he was commanded to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Job, the honest, upright and obedient, was a farmer, and bis stern endurance has passed into proverbs. Socrates was a farmer, and yet wedded to his calling the glory of his immortal philosophy ; 1 dndBaatas ral et farmer1, and the nobleltKomanjof them aH .Bor'il hr4 farm r nd Mnses fotHd hlffl atHlie, lorw ; ana filled -Washinfton ' was a farmer, and retired,' from .the ; highest ear'ily station' to, enjoy the, qucur rural life ht Mount Vernon, and present to the worldaipectxcleof humin fTeaeea. . Te these names maj be added a host ef others who sou rU peace and; repose la the euluTation of 1 their t mother earth; the cntbosi attio Lafayette, the stead&at IHek- eri&g, the scholastic Jefferson, the fiery Randolph, all found a paradise of consolation from Ufe'a esfesrfad troubles 1 the green andTanfiuit lawns that aorrouaded their. steada.elected. SkevBlaf. Shop-keeping is a eclenoe. - The more 70a go shopping, the more It will etrik you. Heaven knows that all shop keepers scientific or otherwise, need bare Job's patience wiia tne nordes of "foolish nrgine" who torture them with their vacil lating sillinessi but if ther coald only bottle up their Indignation, it pays, there's no mistake, .about that. "Meet 'em always with a smile," gentlemen, as the Guides to Married women" exhort the lat ter to do their husbands; yea though the crockery has gone to smash, and the cook hah absoosded and the chambermaid go! married. ana aammy ana Tommy and Mary and the twins are down with the measles, and "the minister1 has come to dinner, have that "smite' on hand, though the heavens should fall! .t ! Sach discipline may be hard for you, gentlemen, I know; aid it may end in making yon eeeoapliah hypocrites for life; still "smile, gentlemen, "smile!" THEIR BVSMCJS BOOXIKQ. Probably no one thing hM oauted imcb a general revival of trad at R. N Daffy' droit store aa their giving Sway to their customers of to manr free trial bottle of Dr. KlngV New Diaoorery for uonaumpuoa. Tbeif trade ia staaply enormoue in tbis very valuable article from the fact that it alwaya ourte and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all hroat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yon can test it before baying by getting a trial bottls free, large sise fl. Every bottle warranted. For sale, wholesale and retail, at R. N. Duffy's drug store. A recent census of the illiterate people in the various countries of the world places the three Sclavic States ot Boamania, Servia and Ilussia, at the head ot thelist, with about 80 per cent of the popula tion unable to read and write. Ot the Latin races. Spain heads the list with 63 per cent., followed by Italy with 48 per cent., France and Belgium having about 15 per sent. The illiterates in Hungary number 43 per cent., in Austria 39, and in Ireland 21. In England we find 13 per cent, Holland 10 per cant., United States (white population) 8 per cent., and Scotland 7 per cent, unable to road and write. In the whole German Empire it is 1 per cent.: in Sweden, Denmark, Ba varia, Badec, . and Wuitenberg, there is practically no one who cannot read and write. BBACK VP. Yon ar feeling depressed .your ap petite is poor, yon are bothered with headache, you are fidgety, nervous, aud generally ont ot aorta, and .want to brace up. Brace np, bat not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basil tery cheap, bad whiskey, and which ettmnlate yon for an hoar, and then leave you In worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vital ity, and gife Tenowed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electrio Bitten and only fifty cents a bottle at B. N. Duffy's drag tore. To the Citizens of Craven Co. The Tax List for 1888 is -no win my hands for collection. Please come for ward and settle the same immediately and thus save cost and trouble. D. PUMSOH, Sheriff. New Berne, Nov. 10, 1888, tf COOTECTICUT Mutual Lifo ins. Co. Of Hartford, Conn. OBGAtZED 1846. Cash Assets $55,128,568.55 Death Claims paid in Newbern, W. C, $92,500.00. !; Has during the (3 years since lis organisation paid to its Policy Holders and their Beneficiaries the enormous snm ot . ; $128,777.130.82. . L s3 A Company whose record U Un. parallsled. -y ' W1I. H. OUsTEE; ; Newbetn, K. G. AGENT. For Sale, A HALF-BLOOD JEBSEY BULL CALF. Price tl5.M. ' Apply to ENO0H;JWADSWOBTH, . niSdwtf " New Berne, N. C. I Boardsri Wanted,! FOUB (I) QBHTLElfKA SS Uble boarders, Apely at theoffioeof ... - rvj; ; ieiV eMdeoyJHewBerneff ofra? For Sale, :r ; 0X5, THOUSASD ACRES USD even mSea VeT city, nertk ske Kens. BitVcJlti3tis.V Also steckiaach. Good te fcganbej Buftat Bfilat!. eUt ew creek and river. I. J. CLARI. ulth fi xst A"ftr.wmiKitt or - it mil eaMaeiey on'thai wa nave U stock the 'Largest, Most Yliriei, aad Oosnplet Line of Diamonds, Watches, Ftasv Jewelry,' Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold aad Silver Bead Cases la the State. ! It will be 6 buyers interest to see ear so s heiere parchuing: This is the Top 6T the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All ethers, similar are imitation. kThis exact Label is on each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as rood. BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist Upon the Exact Label and Top. HI SALE tHKTWNClE. NASI SMLT IT GEO. k, MACBETH L CD.. Piasbargli, Pt. Look OutJFor Fraud Rad TfcvU. aad Vate Accordingly, Th election e lines off next Tudiy, and we hope it will result to the satisfac tion of every citizen and to the best inter ests of the country. In the meantime we wish to infirm to public that, having been burned out, we are still in business, and may be fouad at Treawith's Blacksmith's Shop, where he will be glad to see our patrons and take their orders. Immediate steps will be taken to rebuild in brick, at the old stand, on Craven street, when we will be in better, condition than ever. We have with us Mr. Jambs Manweix, who is well known in this community for his skill in woikmanship. Send In orders. We are ready for busi ness. .EDWARDS & CLARK, Roller Makers snd Macunists. bov3 nwly Stoves are in Demand All the time, and the' place' to buy mem is at P. L!. DRfltlEY'S. We have a fall line of Cooking aad Heatiag Stoves, and will be sold on reasonable terms. We make a specialty of the New Far' mer Girl Cook Stoves and other brands. Also a oomplete Una of Hardware. 8ash, Doors tod Blinds. -1 ' - Cart and Wagon Material, Harness. Paints, Oils, GIsveto. Come and aee 4ne and be convinced thai I will sell you good good, for little moneys i i "' ' '. : oc2S d wtf P. M. DRANET. Independent Steamboat line, On and after Monday the 10th day oi Sept., the steamer Howard will ran the following schedule: . . , For Trenton erery Monday - and Fri day at eight O'clock, returning Tuesday and Saturday '' ' ' ' ,'. ' 1 . " ; 3 LASirrmMajnagrt. J. 3, DmoawAt. Agent at KeW Berne.: , i ' rm. f - ' ij jtwuu 3 i. 1. Mi ea J5ZVIH OUT O? ORDth, If ypaSflshretojmi Sskearentaiy nrkwii. Jf Ftweam urchsse a sewteg macbine, your oi Isoe ro V"rTBSr)J cannot find our st, wr.ie nwic:i50ciGra::E&c;::x!';:s I nr iiirnTWiSBi 1 i M . w m : iff-1 - gj BVi Crorcixisro, INT. O. For Girls and Young ladies. Spring'Session of 1883. Opens January IGth. Wrato (or Catalogue to JOSEPH K1NSEY, Principal. ew HOLIDAYS ! Do not speud your moucy foolishly, but buy something uaeful for your Husband, Brother or l'tau. Shirts, Trunks, Underwear, Valises, Hosiery, Rubber Coats for Men Collars and Cuffs, Gloves, Neckwear, ; Silk and Linen Fand- kerchiefs, Umbrellas, HOWARD J, W. STEWART, Sale ami Livery Stable. Just received, the finest-lot of Youn Mules andl Horses ever brought to Eastern North Carolina. oad Street, "New Berne, iN. C. aug27dwtf new;berne ampamlico line. The Steamer TAIIOMA, A handwm 'It eoastnreUd freight and ptg sencer boat, navtng bnan placed on ttali route, la prepared to rndr anpertor service to aad from ail polnta on lower Nausa Kl ver and Pamlico county, and Nw Berne, far the present the followlns scneuule will be in operation: Imtm ffew Berne erery Wednesday and Baturdar at SIX A. M. for Bajboro, stopping as Clubfoot, Adams and ttmllhs Creeka, Yandsmereand Stonewsil. ' LeaTse Hay born every Monday ani Thurs day at BIX A. si., stopptns at etoaewall, Vandesaerau Smiths, Adams and Clubtoo's Orseaa, SkrtiTlng at Hew Kerne Monday and Ttanrs lay eTenlnca, Kzoellant pssoger accommodation, am ple freight acuities. Freigat receipted ior an l received dally by agent Jfi.O.D. JJne, and every Information given. O.D. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandeniere, C H. roWUEH. . " Btonewall. FOWLEB OOWKtL, A genu. Bayboio. eKORGB A. HVSUBT, itovidwtf - - General Maneger. ;;Ilc"na Knsbillptel. SPBACrK. Prep'r. BOUND KNOB, N. C. Bfoet Pletnresque Reentry Ill 15 'Wettern iforth Carolina .' JVIBTS OF JHIJCJtEST NXAR T : Old) WW,,... , J)ltant 6 MUes. Beraani MoUQtaln " 1 B4.1 Catawba ,. , . . S ., , , , l; ewanDanoaTuDBelrf..MM.. t r- Pinnacle of the Blue aides. . S 4 ftoTo..i..,..,.....M " 1 1 uive nne troot ujuiiiig . " s " Brtdgee Iron BprtDga. 1 ' Rally's Iron prlngi....; t " u h Mltebpll's Peak, the Grave of Prof. Mitchell . 4 She hlSMat point eagt f the RocXy . Stopnmns,nlAemUa. r, , Pare eeol dry atmosphere; no fogs; llgtil dswa. Trains stop al the door. apl7 Open all the year. ' Terms reasonable by moots or week. : f ' a!8 dwti ff&ston-House Barber Shop. Frof.-W. H. Shepard la how runifng four chairs and has secured the services of Harper ef Qoldaboro, a skilled barber. - -' -i '- t v .2 Good ebAye, lOrcenU; bair enUIng 20 cents v SCHOOL, and Boys. Initial Scarf Pins, Cuffs and Collars, Buttons, Boys' Plaid Ties, Etc., Etc., .Etc. & JONES. Sale of Valuable City Prop erty. , State of Kcnh Carollna-,CraTen County. Mary Maud Cbsdvlck and others-To the Court. . Snpertor Courtr-P.t. to sell land fbr par tition. - Pursuant to the Judgment In .the attovs ramed proceeding, I win sail, for Cath.at uuc sioito. m ion uonri uoqm us Mr bern. on MONDAY. tfa KODRlfl dyk of FKBHUABy, AD. 1881, that valabls uuonse and Lot, on Pollock street, sailed the Saw. yer Property, lately occupied by .Mr. Jo J. Robinson, being the eastern hair of the Jot known and dlstlagulsned lit the plan efaatd Cltvof Newbern as Los-Number Two Hun dred and me (&), lt iA iris lmptove menta In said lot of land, , t Thla28mdayof Beeeraber im. ' . . , . JAMES O. HABUISOrT, decSlw " v. Commlaaloner. leaa!lii!ljll!iistatd..2Scs;43iYf3 iawkii rn.T tut m vita tnm roraiBWit protiMu ef U twxxL aad. ia .imtT - Amerlcan.Thoucht and Pnmu. . . S'isr. sisnej BtweMsU Bas 'JE&ssssr. -w UdUlf. terrUary, . r -, .! . . . I ..i f ' Si ISZ AZ2SICAH 23AZIS3 CO, -v 749 Broadway, New Yerlri

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