Jt's Easy t(Dyo THE i JOURNAL. V PROFESSIONAL. 8TEAMEM1?. I I t an --v :i.....--j toa. oM5;S im:lu. 8USM it. Malta, r.vm , i.a .y MaeMty- Mad ky lri ,aSa. was, wci. Bah' -3tVn! frMio tower i..... ,. . wtiStST Give BaDy. Bamr ui .. WiUS, IICHARO.i k . .. .. . MtaflBsVt The Beigner & Engel breSwc cos PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UHaSTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended TRITIVE qualities. The Hfcta reputation enioved 50MPANY is doe to the fact that MATERIALS are used and that are exercised daring its manufacture. 4 wi Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. mm iortb cuoliki Garble works. am BtBSK. .t Monuments Tombs. Viii l 1 1. ir ta t HuUdlni wur.a IT LlANiAllERlCAN MARBLE rdara will raoaiva prompt attnntior il .Atiafaotion guarantee1 JOE S. WILI.I8, Proprietor Oor. BROAD ASD OBAVIA Hi: IfKW BtRSS, V G. t. UiUMm to iy authorised k" t in r .. w cj'... iraSO-rw QEORCE ALLBI & CO . .. . ..pwma General Hardware Ajrricultttral I mpieutnti. Plowa, Harrows, Cultlyator. llaea and. Axes, Wood's Mowers nd Reapers, . 8team Knirines, Cotton QIbs and Presses, Fertilisers. Lsvnd Piaster, Kainit Iteobaaie Tools and Hardware, Ume,', Hrfoav Cement, Plaster usir, faint, juusomine, var nish, Oil, Glass, 1utty and Hair. ' 1 rreesent, Refrljcerators, Oil Cook. Stores, Eureka BarRlar Proof Sash Xksj.karranted to irire security and satisfaction. : PRICES VERT LOW. ,QT.O.- ALLEN ,ACO. 11 n tf BU O hailaatfa- a! tatUffetion 1 the 1 T1 I DiTS.1 ante ai uoaenaceo ana aiHft. IbneetibHaa vrtZZZ 1aaiaW.towaja.' A jv7r&Beealw',lll. CM '1 J TurcRtgiao, 1 Solder; stagKiata r.r .;,-- li c-.-- - -" Vina9dwl 'lfO ; TRACTS IS LUIOIR-'COTJATT 't mile aontb of Kljuton, on South Waat mIl No. 1. 13 aaraa.wltu onahnndrad eleared, b tlanee well Umbered, Wen adapt ed te growing corn, cotton, peat, ate. : A portion of. the .leered land embraota a rich braptn. ; Ko. t, M: ,' M Umber land, ViAntM..nJft fia lllaa A ' ' fvaAi Rtt t Wee M.0U9 eah, rtr arv eaah - with ap- proTaa ateunty rar Lataaee, tAppirt 'i,vi'"-.i'i-' . .iAlf E8 WILLIAM, . ..- v Klnaton, K.C,. jot&RAii crnca, , R.w Reraa, 5. 0. Or t' n21dirtf 1 i I Superior .. 't I c- . Fastness, a. AMD SimDlleltv. wtoe mm foo&tbaaUeta) aad a. mtmm V i .. . , daxable iuw Am kx Um I ninaa. .ml iTj a outer, jecatora; hcukhu. irau MicjtmsoM 4 ca. roa, rt F( CUdiag ec Bnuuf fancy ArttckM, UtTE DIAMOND PAINTS Qole, Sdr, Broora, Coppar. Only a Cuu for its TONIC and NTT by the HEUGNKK & KNflRI. only the FINEST AND BEST the Rreatt SKILL and CAUE 5 51 CIGARS FOR JAIE AT COST. Haing purchated a large .took of Cigar., and the demand for same being mall. I now offer to the merchant. CIGARS AT COST until my .took i. reduced. Ca.h on delivery. The Ladies Must Come ! The Gentlemen May Come I AND f "Everybody" Come I TO SEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MABKE1. ALSO A FULL LISE OF Hou se Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PfilCES. L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. & JOHN MCSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shootkkcr, Pollock St.. Newborii; Mfj. Dealre. to innonnM lht ht ritT.aTnni OF M ATE KI A L bM been received and he i. prepared to All order, far FIKE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AID SIDES HaWlUaTtVA arnttorHn mh avmm .11 order, prom ptly tu led. to unoiung patronate I guarantee Mtka beet materiar, a good fit, tna lateat itytea and darabillty." , WWUJ RDHIUVUI.I. V. MI. character of my work the Mbjoined from a well known eWsen tell, luowa .vary: UFrran statm nw Bnn. s. a. OOKMU'BS VJTJCX. OCt Uk, tf&. no. ucBosurr. Eaa. i - gaiter, alnrllar to thoaa yoa made ue two rra ago. I hare work Uem two rear, and UM mm mttnA vat r k. aboea flfty-.iz year, and tbey are the beat .Bigned" .- f -arft erTtft Ke pairing neatly and promptly don. 4 wu9 aw agency ron, WHEW Von ran rat tunw.'anJ &.VANNAH CIOAR Inalaa aaatanl. if very flnet 8AVANS AH. TOBACCO. t tor aBlcBl,rhy don't yoago to PALMI VS bambaued b oheae tiaeh t a : .mrf mofteand be happy and yon aaS set any quality of Clean yoa waat. l.iuia fcr,L bana, one eent. ' YIYK CHh.ROTB, try pupaiar brand, for teayeemai erj et" ' . j at some and try themt . J Kiddle atn MewbirnV iff 1 1 Has on band And la Whivliis mi hajdeome parlor suits,' chamber sets, heavy srarogt, bureau., -ward rooee, niattresaea, chairs, loTJDgW ftofss, eto., ato...'"4-"" He also bu a line of noae-made work of bedsteads,- sofsv Ublee, bareaos," sto.t which ars neat ahd tubsUMisL Prices It srht Down to' I tort Bottom.; . ?V t 'C--'';,tt r---seJdw "'" Middle s,, Nev erns. Wna U1BEAM AJD L avoneeav, mMlw laada. dj vwwwvi OUT WW era SAC toil Of Oaf WV tuico that u,. M; j awaao. . i - 8uaawaBaB nawl 1 - ahai tHa Who dlaeaff silver aad goklea plate, WUa Irvartefl bid tear chairs. W Ut m riChMlm kood r tockt. S kaBok WMvbUaoM to 4 raw; .w Yt carry taf ky that anlocka Mom tnaBTM tkaaOtuTr m , Wa www m vatraua aattaa &n, wa inm ia atary boMly way ; Bat, oa, wkat IibImu hMtrw ttuoa About SuabaaM1! to wa aa4 my waod iray. No harp, bo daloimer, no ftuitar Braakt into alDCiog at Suabaam'k .in.ara Without thair muaie; tkora ia non Ia th0OQCrt hill wkara tk t.ri. pjipUant billow. .wi. aad OarllaM.. ..i . . , OarllTaaaro a. paalm. our foraheai. Tha ulm. r .v.. , . . ika eaima of tba haaru of parfact; Jane. When wo walk together (we do not ride we are boo aoor), It ie very rare We are bowed anto from the other rid. Of the street bat aot for this do we car. We are not lonely; we paea along, Run beam and I sad yoa oaanot aee ( We can) what tall aad beautiful throng Of angel, we hart for company. When cloudy weather obeenrea our ekiee. And eeme day. darken with drop, of rain. We have but to look in each other's ree. And all i. balmy and bright again. A h I ours ia the alchemy that traa.mutaa The dreg to elixir, the drone to geld, And o we life oa Beaperian fruit. Sunbeam and I and never grow old . 'u "DU w m peaoe, Ana ioe our fallow, and en Bnn.- And our hearu are glad at the large increase, Of plenteous under the tun And the day. go by with their thought ful tread, And the ahadow. lengthen toward, the Weet. But the wane of our young year, bring, no dread To barm. our harvest, of quiet ret. at r ak mint a. a . 1 t Sunbeam', hair will be itreaked with B"y, And Time will furrow my darling', brow: But never can Time's hand take away The tender halo that el So we dwell in wonderful onnlanr-a With nothlne- to hurt na aor nnhraM And my life tremble, with reverence Ana nanoeam a spirit is not afraid. A Olsowsrsge? Lawyer. Ther was an sssaalt and battprv case before a conntr instira not many miles from Detroit, the other day, and the plaintiff earns to the city and engaged an attorney of hit acquaintance to renresant him. Tba lawyer told him ho had a tiraigat case ana couldn't help bat wis it, and on the day or the suit he got a horse and baggy and drove oat. Thtee or four miles from his objective point he was stopped by a .armor, who asked: "lie yon that Detroit lawyer T" "Yes." "WftlLlet ma riva rnn a hint. The defendant is jack . and he's rather a bad man. Whan yon come to sum np be leetle carnal WBas yon say' : The lawyer had gone another mile when he was accosted by a man who sat by the roadside wait ing lor mm : "Be yoa that Detroit lawyer !'' Yes." "Well, be a leetle earsfnl what yon say abooWaci -v in court. Jack has a bad war of settla' even A raile" from thiTfown h a m At two men, one of whom asked. 'Bo Too that lawyer fmm n. troitf - ... . I ;H0UV' tO appear aain Jack . I janMattt " i A Ga, I'-pOMf" Yes. ul hen be keerfol what voa sat about him. He's alius loaded for b'ar." Ile drOTe on to tha offica of the jttstlee, and 4 constable welcomed ttponrnnn Wteh, Into Jack fcatbrtarAla.a T. tit l.al a, . dviarivodiyoa'd better hire a lAa. a - a . ah. i d as w wff loaf xoaoK to iietroi t andi joau jpo borne oa . the ars. Don:gtTemd"Jiaway, and' don't toglectairadtkB?' fWla rlhb.ifosace .came la he pre the tttorney; eVionlUl igreet- AT$e?4i tm- U flVer joa'd settef stay Tfgbt hers' la hd office $atil a ooastable ess snrtrggle yon ftttO the Woddsl . I ttonft waat noth. log to happen j .rWhen caAeJiBd hje De troitwwj-f wrenaeaocrewd by ad dIiglU client to leaW etery - thi D tf to his honor, and k ih hnnnr discharged the prisoner with the raeeas nice $ cue ot temporary InsaaltTi-arnt-, tnaT:rnat ha JITZT J1" ".Vf i.t:-Tmirv i r&t4t&i "c ,a f " r?J?J?.?5f:?-' T'f fifj w - - - - v - . , j vaktMi, a mu, tb fame, allats ail rs'V aiut ool3, and is the beat ratnedy for Miar h. Twentj-flTS ef f,U bottls. .lS j IMMiwUntrtiii, rfaL. th juTi.rti inno irmiriwc -.Mil HkUIVinbi hmlMW dUrrfreta tkfr vtrtaMa in waaaaij IW.MIMJ la la LreaaaaJ afcaay that piaik. LiMUlif (ar Sold Everywhere. w Office, 44 Murray St.- Nw York. . , Don't fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., OTTI r. AT) nrT p rr ttp W hT ia etock a Full Line of , 0R0CEEIES i PRO VISIONS. C. 8. Parrt. A So U. an CVinA. p6nlUnUarY TJ0og & chrtfls i ' ' Alao Shoe. dir-, from ,h !WM faotoriea. Wa are aellm n n nrs from the Mill in M Wealeo job InliarJ anj Gail & Ai Snuff ROBERTS BROS.. Suutl rront . New fleme.A. 0 Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 o r Sale BY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL n .., tUJamiasiun Mr ' HANTS , ' AND 011AIN DEALERS, JI.KKKT IK'lR m:w ii ekn i'. n i W (in.ign ua your pruJuc? ia v i d if 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A FLNE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID 8ILVER AND PLATED WARE- PKCTA I.EH. I keep a larger etock of Spectacles than any other etoro in North Carolina I take particular pain, to tit tbera to the eye. of partiee needing them. Having worked ateadily at the bench for over thirty year.. I believa I nan Hr aa good work a. any watchmaker in th state. come and see me. sam k. Eaton. Mivldle etrect. Opposite Baptist CLmch. fs!2 dwtf HEALTH IS WEALTH I READ CAREFULLY. Dr. K. C. Wbi'i Nititva a,d Bra in TaaAlHCNT, a guaranteed ,peciac for mate ria, Dlulneta. ConvaUtona, K1U, Neroo Neuralgia. Headache. Nervon, Prostration eanaed by the nee of alcobol or tobacco. of Ue Brain reinlling In InaaDlty ami leadlna to mlaarv. rlaeav .nit itMih iPAra. , , Age, Barrenoeea, Loa of poaer In either oa, i.,mnai; uiaai a ana MpermatorrhoBa eanaed by over-exertion of Uie brain, aelf abnae or over-tneaigeuce. Eaoh box oon talna one month'a trH.tm.nt. ti m - k... alz oottlee for $5.00, aent by mall prepald'on WI OrAAANTEE SIX BOXES To ears any eaae. With each order received b a. oralz boxea, accompanied with $5 0, ar. wu. aauu mo purcnaaer onr written gnar- BU 10 refund the oionej If th, treatment doe. not effect a cure. uuarantees issued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, sole agent, New Berne. N. C. ap34dwly H. SAWYER, FASHI01TABLE TAILOR MIDDLE STREET, Two doors south TJa.hn's Livery Stable-, novl dtf NEW T.ERNE. N.JC. The World Stands Aghast l;AT..Mt LOW PBICEtJ,' A&d wonder., Bow is it tnat J can sell so mvefer rower than any one elee? 1 I'll tell jonr 1 have determined to bo easilr-jatiaQed for the cash, and W0EK FOB SMALL PROFITS. ' 'Urlfotto ia: F A 1 R DK A T.rwn " ' 'Come aad buy from me, and j ou will nerer regret it. -i K. B. J0NE8,'; 1 .v ew Kerne, JT. a 1 .-. . SIWIIU, P. H. PEILETIEE, ATTOHXEV AT LAW Oren Si., two door South of Journal office. "' t,r'"Uoe ; u i'ouun of i-reu. cr- j leret Joata uniui and HubIMo uanea bum lour it ki Horn, ai-d Tttipreme Ooart of tLa 81 us. im dU 0 WEK hToUION, " nI T T n n v n i' . . ... n I 1 u n .1 b I I V Booms -Sou ta Fron rwi. fur door. Ten. Mercantile Uv idJ TvUiVi js:., Bp,-!. ! t,aW TTn, t TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in roar of nancock . drug ' .tore. oe it aoor to Hotel Albert. I t Ooen from 9 . m to n I w,:... prompt att.ntion to all mi ; t pritaio- in tnJntw. HUMPHREYS' For Hone, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, hogs, Poultry. 300 P A.E BOO K Trral. mrmt ef A alma 1. and Chert Prnt Vrre. t- r"r. CoBmilau, InSaniiaaiiua. A A.-lnal TlralMllka, milk Fevrr. I B. B.-Clraiaa, Unf.Wi Hkvaaail.ai. ( C.-Dlaiemeer. Naaal IMaraargr.. t. I). Bol ar Graka, Waraia. ; E. E. Caagka, HritM, Ptmgla. j F. P. -Call.- ar Grlaea, Bollrerka. J. -Mlacarrtace. Htaarrha,... II. II. I riaarT aaS KUacr Dlaeaara. I I. ri,tlf, ntaraiM, Mini,. J. K. DiacaaeaafDIgeallon. Mablc Taaa, with eprrtflos. Mac it, h dail OU and Mtl.-.t.r 00 1,0 Prlfc, single Buttle (otn 30 Hold hr Drafflaiai ar Mrul Preaald Berelal f Price. Humphrey!' aed. Ce.. I W Fulton Si.. N Y. ntJ2F!ZIlS7S' HOMEOPATHIC f f SPECIFIC No fjQ ew jwwiai. i in uniy ajiiwwetiii iriuwuy lur Nanrous Debility, Vital Weakness, ind Proatratjon, frooi owejr work or other rsoaai l pr ial, or ft rials ftd largo rial powdnr for $5, Sou) Br lRl oul"T, or Mot wattai1 on rxipt of pncw.Uusaparwje' MirdUtaa 1U laJtoa St., , All of our VetrlDftrT PrDftration cao be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newborn. N. C. Holiday PROCLAMATION Owing to tho ar.MinTY 0 Money and l'UKNKNT HAKD TIMKS we offer the following I,ow Prices on Thanksgiving Supplies at 61 &. 63 Broad street : Citron, li. cts. Layer Kaisins, loalS ct. Off Stalk Raisins, rjal,") ct.i Currants, .'! lbs. for ct. Prunes, 'i lbs. for L'.S ct". Mince Meat, 1(1 cts. lb. Malaga drapes, l." cts. lb. Evaporated Applos, 10 cts. Dried Peaches, 15 cts. 'ranberrics, ll) cts. (t ' lbs. Pie Teaches, 10 cu. lbs. Stand. lVachts, l.ri (,-. ! lbs. Stand. Tomatoes, 10 cts. Sweet Mixed Pickles, ''() cts. .it. We have a full line of Thanks giving and Christmas Goods at very low prices. Wo guarantee all goods as represented, best quality. tall and see us. Uoods delivered free. nlTlm MLilSA. UllLLKK. $500 Reward! We will nev the above reward for anv eaa. of liver complaint, dyapepgla, ,lck headache. Indication, constipation or ooetlveneas we wtaiuub uuie wilii whi, v egetBDie itver Pills, when the direction, are atilctly com piled Uh. They are pnrely vegetable, and never fAll in criVA ..tl.f.Hinn Urra Ks,a oontalnlng iW iuar coated pill,. 2.'o. Kor aie uy an arnggmta. Beware 01 connierrelU an I lmltAt lona. Th. VAnnln. nt.nnr,i.Ni only by Jt)HN C. WENT A UO., 82 W. Mad iaun nt., unicago, ill. Bold by R. N. DUFFY, druiririat. New Berne, N. C. c24 dwly TO ADVERTISERS. A hat. nf IN VI ..wimiu,. AltrtAA i.t. STATKFt ANI BKCT10NS will be aent on application FREE. To tboat who want their advert'atng to pay, we can offer no better medium for mor onffh and aflaetlva Ark ih.n th. ira.. eotlonaof onrBeleet l.oral Llat. UKO P. HOWELL oV CO , Newipaper Advertlalng Bnrean. not 18 d w 1 m 10 Bornee atreet. New York. PlllLADELPIIIASINGER WAIlRAITTXD5YIitILS. TOVT FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL 9 !H 01 NOUSt KFORE T0U MT OK CUT. HirS-Ana llachin ha eeltaMtttaHr Bteeelie, aalr-thri4laa ahattla, a elalewa as llaka.ralBlBB-,aaatBaBeetaatraUrk. aamatas bi a weiTe.llal eaaia. Doa't pay aecat, $s$ o SSa, but team tot drtalar. Rararmbar, w rBUaatea a., acabM raat M any It sripai taataiMgntbaaarawUcAddna, . i ' K tAI ABM, IT yjgija rPMelaala,a,Y Ef: it.;, uc wUi Baltimore ,acd 'tw rtme ' ' Vk EC Lmg b:t.iu,re '.. . i - Nw fcarn,..,.l... t ii, ' apuir . n I tj"' and V , t Mi, . Mr . i on. M.i. 1 l.arvea. f w x " h r 1 1" r. au.J0. B...toD, in entral wharf at Kvav. i. IV(iai,'!,,,.,ii,a.. ... N.w dajiy. . . : iaji .luRig '?T'U "- , the kmb pan i ' 'Bf ' m" ' ' 1 BuKihlff,,,, bilaV" Mill IA J. . LlNK.3(t! " '.liV. Atni sv i.,ua,, , EASTERN CAROLiNA C SPa'Ch TIh I ut Frcisht L'.ne 1w II r Phil. y, i,Ik-BM(t,i ia aihiaheih City. ,c. , Tli fc: M'KAMEKb I EAGLET and VESPER T tot, line ,,m . I lime, irnvmg s,.w i,rrne , 11 K.HHAK KUtWt nr arlieiUi , 'r H-iita.-m oitv ,ua reluu,'. '. v!' I lim ai u .11 i n , ,, , . " Allal.ll.- 4 r t. ,, 'i. tie I'rnn. 1 iv. iv. a ii eK'ar ii hi ' P"iur laeuitms i.n l'l'-!l (' I.! r,, " tlir,.ui, :,, l,.B,,n I e ' ... lnO uu i I '' r'', n . , .. . kr..,,, ... . 1 lu.lowa l I',.-, l'!.:-.W j . , ,. .U ' -I- ' ' hk':" ,.M'"';' l'i I . A . A lt i. . A l.u.U Ii Kmai Norfolk. ., No. u "i -v biiih , , t"r t an by at j "- ' l t.u.l Kates a, ,dw t , other line ' " V lien i.O.'KN ., ,r lt 4 ir'i8 H. , , h u . JNo H U . r it n . i , i Mi t r w a , H H ' . . . r .v i. II I . It I l , H K It 1 I'rafT. A; nil 1 " nlc AI a l age. 1 'n I re it,' .1.14. ,'' A.e, t N , I . I.t N reti. '" v Anon!, N-wb . ne. N. ( OLD OOMiNION Steamship Company. Si:MI-Vi.LKLV LINK. rh Old nonunion Ste.m.hlp , .. V-y; Old and F.,orl,e u., "Ola. .la A ISetnarle and '. p.. k f .ii.l '-'rllk. ll,UI.,., , d.lphla. Bc.oi.. I'ru, , and VVa.liiii(Un , lly And all points, North, East and W.-et ontliiuriufrni.iioe.iue Ainsth.ls-- Steimer MANTEO, Capt. Soatigiti, AMI Steamer NEW3ERNE. Capt. Prilcliett, L "al ir"'"::r - - New and KKlliAix ,.""" 1A wllh tue Mtr;ir .., "i""0'"" Returning, will ,an rr,)nj " LJ7"' KAYS at 1 VY m A km ,7, I, " 'nd ' uecuon wan tUe u u s (or New York II h p ,, '. '1 for Baltimore i j J v j V, i'-" f-taau..-.-lelpma m a'm , . ' Sn,l' forfbi.ii. aXrovide,?' ' ' ' khl" ' ZaTDttBZl, r:"?e "?rpatro... thirteen lineal ' tD pH' them in IbeCZV "" " wUl rt0 ",: fo'C-a'1" K0Ud8 rr' "f " u- s- a. .,. on w, beif.,? aUBu ,K. 11. HOB E KTB, Agta t . afa.H. iTLPKITKIt A TI RNKK. A' !. irfoik, va. . It- HTANKi ..HI). V'ii---l-raaioent. .vw York City. THE KEUSE & TRENT RIVER ?. Steamboat Company. Steamer Trent Will leave every M imUt ... . ' returning me day -'te pou,., teamer EtnstoB. 94 J rVou-VS-" l-au.llng.nn Neu Kive?. aiate J. J. IBOaWATat.wUr. w. r. 8TAMLT, aQnatoa, BAnua,roUektvtUe. W. E. WARD.AeentatTrea on.- (J. SMITH, Jolly OW Flair), I. B. bakm, Qoakar Brldfe. 1 a ln,ton. ,7r . . i!iimhv.H,i). ItaeureStibn-awlth Sr?." "eut FREE. r m ea r, m sv a

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