4 -t "STILL LEAD ! THE J0UBI(AL.i IrrlrU taAPt?irtnrt B&ila I Kin. csrra. - rcttXsrta, Veaa4 boats, rla A., . at r. tiM a. a-.:... u . For Boaaiort ul sM-tKaat, at , l.ofl a. aw - - --, - -- f j. Bwuiirt Umun, eUtfy u t.iw a. For Qrutaboco, -Btrknul Taav 4 eaters, aaut at a. bv ; omcisocxs:o la Money Order and StfteWUt- Ur Deirtmrat,ma I a-aa. to 4 p..aa. Ia lUili&c Dvputmaat from s-av OSB.an. Office opes constantly bMB the Won sxoept whea aaaus are being dis tributed or sscU. CDMMEKCIAL; I am now prepared to offer better induce csits for the future than ever in the past JZf l stock is much larger and could not be tttdr selected. I Caj in Largo Quantities for CASH, direct from Importers, Jobbers and .Manufac turers, which enables me to sell cheaper. A trial will convince that 0. MAR is really the LEADER OF LOW FRIGES. It vwld be folly for me to attempt a Tall description of all my stock ists) oat elegant hue of DRESS GOODS ttal kaa eyer been brought to this market, Including all the SLiTEZST STYLES ! ATI the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods ! Eflks! Satins! Velvets! and Velveteens! AND MY LINE OF Ltl!:3, Hisses and Children's Cloaks! vail jon will have to come and see them, they are bejond description ttelarfeat, handsomest and BEST line in tb city. Also a handsome lot of Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. ty DON'T FAIL to see my line of Two American "boya made the acqtaintanoe of the Kiif of Den mark, thia sommer, under; very peculiar circumstances. They were sky-larking la the street of Copen hagen, and one boy tossed the other's hat Into a tree. While the victim was trying to dislodge it, there came along an old gentle man, with umbrella under hi arm aad his head buried in his book. Please, air," said the hatless boy, "will you get my hat!" The old, gentleman flibed around with hi umbrella for about fire minutes, and failing to Tlislodge the hat, al lowed the boy to mount hie ahoul ders, and with the umbrella? Anally captured the bat. As the boy dismounted and thanked the old gentleman,another gentleman eame along, who saluted and called the one with the umbrella, "Your Majesty." Being an American boy, our boy was not paralysed, but he thinks the King deserves his kingdom. In fact, the King of Denmark is a capital iellow. Be loves to mingle with the people in their amusements, and there is ne fol-de-rol of royalty aboot him Golden Days. Did you ever have a blinding sick headache end feel m if yon would jutt like to be "anywhere, anywhere out of the world?" Well, if yon will only take Lax ad or yon will be happy again, Settlement of a long dispute. Physi cians hare at last oonte to the conclu sion that the beet medicine for teeth ing children ia Dr. Ball's Bebr Byrup. t tt f I- i awfTw-s. -Kxw Tou, Jan. lft. Fatarw elqeed Cm. JaiotK.OChUc . .January, i J ti t Jaiy, IO N leOmsry, ?l ., :. Aaosa, 10 M Marc 6s'6sa. IJI $ AirkVui JO-W Oosstoer, " May,- , Ill Jitm. . Jane, , , . 10 M : JJensaW. -w Hew Est- sosukai stead, - Sales of f3 hales si U-wsel . - DOluaTfo kaWbtV - v Ecgs-lSalto. " Omm ig atpW Mgbi. -Saks tabula at Na&So, - - Fodder, tt.OOalJS as hundred Kioa tJe. - txaunjiiaas). Hsrd.trgC; 4Mv,.25. Iab l.lsl,B. QATrm, 41U7. In Milk. BaaawaJlTaMa, est- f. Ban o tout. Savta tet FaifH Po ?3.ar pooe. PrArors-PVmaa, 80. per bush.: yame, I9a30o.pt buaa. . Umoxs oOo. re taab. OBTOiaiia Urowa 40aia. pair; half growa, Wia23c. . . , atmai-ntasscoiudu mH0Lk West India, dull and u' u inai; inch S3 OCalM. . BmUding & laoh hearts. t t5;sap,tl.M aar at 8TATE4 B O. hhd. tlOalS tar M. , 1 TrasM Ct DTttt. 11 in. and over. S3 00 per at. ; piae SS.50a.60. i JUaa Pou Kew $15 09. 8uogubb HtT aalOe. C. B. 'a, Bt..ad L. 0.-gt9. rMUB I4.50a7.60. LaJU-&a. by the tier. Hails Basis 10's,$J 50. SceUB Oraanlated, So Oura ISaJSOo. Cbiess Hf. . 8 ALT 80s83o. per sack. MoLAsaxf akd Sranra lOaAao. PowDta 13.00. Shot Drop, gi.tO: buck, 11.78. Rron Dry , 618-. , xtb 4o. Caaoauia-Mc. Tallow- 4o. oei lb. ClE:hedaleirVTax; " soncE. , f Omen RnesTt c Daoa, Cavm Oo, t i bxwtMSM. Dee. IS.1SSS. JLB Karchaau, Traders, Iiqaor DesI art, iC sepsis of racriss, OoaBsaiassoa sterohaais. Aasuoassra. aad all others is Oatsa coaaty who are rqaind to kst tasir paroaases. raeslpts m saiss, aadet Schsdato BH ef the Baveaos Laws of Ksna Carolina, are hereby eiifled to lial tha same with the ander-ig-ned at his affies daris ths FIRST ttN DAYS IK JANUARY, iSrt. The said UaU mast eoataia all parchatee or rsosipta, aa taa csea may as. for sia aaoathe ending Dc. Slat, If S3, sad aaosU he swora to aad subscribed be. lasw the Begieter of Deeds. All persona f alliac to lit brue the lOch si Jaaaary. tS89, will be sut isct to a doahls au RstsU itqttor dealers will take notice hat they nut obtain permit from the Board of CosamiMioaers. at the meeting ia Jaaaary asst. for the ensuir g twelve months, before obtaining a 1 icente to evil liquors by the retail. ORLANDO HUBBS, 3 Register of Deeds. deo23 dwtd CraTen Co.. N. C. ( fQBEiT MAGAZINE. v r ex j i.iiii ."MiAjif M! Antic 6 N. C TIM If TABLE it'.ViT 1 vf No. Railroad 15 Deo. APPLICATION Will be made to the nxt Qeoeral Aembly ol North roltii to Inrorpnrate a Mntaal L'.fa lasuraure Do., wiia ueoeral Office at New Berne. 5. C. drew iXA Ufore purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the Cheapest to the best : All wool Three Ply, Brussels, all wool Ingrains Ifapier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats. Ruga, Etc., Etc. Shoes! Shoes! Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mei.s, Ladies, Misses and Children's of all descriptions in endless variety. Stndy the characters of each and sympathize with all their troubles, however small. BmeSles'a Armies 81 t. Taa Best Salts in the world for Outs, Braises, Sores, Uloera, Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or bo pay required. It is guaranteed to civs perfect satiaf actios, or money re funded. Pries sS seats per box. For sals by R. N. Dnffv. jaa 17 FOR MEN GNinSHiS wMkBM. naetntU lmi lack of Mranfitl, rwor or dvnlQpaMBt, cuoM by ladlaorctioa. un jfxsioAi. oOv. lunuA m. t. NOTICE. Tbe uailerklcned. Alonio R. HOltoa. has doly qnailfl'd xf color of tke eetateof Aleiaader H. Mo I ion, deceaeed, and hereby tvee notice tbet be reqnirea all penooe having clalrfle aealnat the ea'ateof tbe eald Alexander H Holton, to praaeat tbea to the eald Alonso R. II lto , dJly autbeotlrated. lor payment on or neroreine ltt nay of Jan nary, 18UU, or else this aotlee will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Persons Indebted to the estate must pay wnnom of lay. ALONZO R. HOLTON, Kxeonlor. Ct AR A (Xaik, Attorneys. dc?Jw Kinston College, Spring Terra, 1889. BFX1IN9 MONDAY. DSO. list, 1881. CLOfSfl FIRST THCaSDAT, JUNK 1SH9. 8IXiSIlUCTOR. Lfingates AnelaatanS Modern; Pclence; Book-Keep! n(; Art; Embroidery and Beedle. work of all kinds; Music, Vocal ar.d tnstru men till. Pend for "nfaiogOes. RrbB'l) H. LKW1S. dcl9dlwli Principal. In Bfleoi 25 A kl.. Wednesday, 19th, im. OotNQ East. Sohxdul. Ooino West w No. 51. Ar. Lts. p m 8 8 4 17 4 49 6 18 2f3 4 20 4 54 6 49 r m OOIHO EaST. No.l. Mixed Ft. ft Paaa. Train. a m 18 10 13 37 18 45 1 00 110 Passenger Train Stations, i Ooldsboro I La Orange Kinston New Berne klorehead City Daily. SCHKDILK. No. 50. Ar. Lts. 11 28 am 10 40 10 48 10 09 10 14 S27 8 44 am C 88 Stations. Ooldsboro Beet's La Orange 128 188 Falling Creek 1 51 8 10 Kinston 8 30 8 85 Caswell 3 55 3 05 Dover 8 35 3 40 Core Creek 4 04 4 09 Tuscarora 4 21 4 31 Clark's 5 05 0 00 Newbern 6 40 0 51 Rirerdale 69 7 03 Croatan 9 28 9 83 7 27 7 58 Havelock 8 69 9 04 8 80 8 3S Newport 8 17 8 27 8 53 8 50 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 9 04 9 00 Atlantio 7 47 7 52 9 26 9 30 MoreheadCity 7 17 7 27 38 9 45 Atlantic Hotel 7 05 7 15 9 51 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Tuesday. Tbor day an Haturday 1 Monday, w edneaday and Friday. 13 82 13 42 10 83 13 00 9 41 9 46 J. B. OBABTSn. BASIL MANLY By calling at my store you will find verv many things that cannotite mentioned here cpace would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Two thousand yards 3-4 Cashmere at 10c. per yd. To thousand yds. double width Cashmere at 12Jc. per yd. worth 15c, Tb prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoes in tbe city for 1.25. Pant Cloth, lOe. up. Flae taported Halt Hose at 10c, worth 20c. Towel. 6c np. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good NotoTaper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. package. HOM and Half Hose, 5c. pair. Ladies' Collars, 5c. Ablf drive in Ladies' Kid Gloves. 4 bottom embroidered hack for only 60e worth $1.00. Ladle' Jerseys from GOc. np. Bad aad white Flannel from 15c. np. Corsets, 25c Men' Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c. each. Ladies and Gents' Undershirts, 25c. JOHN H. CEABTEEE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinist Hanafaotursrs and Dealers In tNGIIES AID K1CHUISTS' SUPPLIES Bmliasrs f Engines. Boilers, Saw Hills. Bdglaa; Cwt-srTVlasbiaea, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wiin promptness. Partlealar and Immediate attention given 10 repaua of ail Rinds. We will be glad to rlre plana and eatlmatea ror any aeaei lpuon 01 marnisery. We are the amnta for the sale of the Amer ican Haw. Also for O. A A. Barcamla's cele brated Indeetrnetlble Mies Valrea, We gtTe aatlafaotorrgnarantea for all work dona dt os lys daaw wiy To the Wholesale Trade l am now-prepared to offer.better inducements to Wholesale Bayers f has erer before. My stock is mncbJarger, more varied and complete. I burin laree Quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities than Northern Cottteav (joae anLsee me. I can save you Money. EPJAgency foraark's O. N. T. Spool. Cotton. attnw ne to thank tou kindly, one ana ' iw Jom iiuwnnjanwu la th past, and to ask for a continuance it the sameewurfaig yon that LOW Jritlviua on&uu nunaio uua. , , I am. very truly yours, Dissolution. The Qrra of TH03. GATES' & CO have this dsv dissolved by mutual con' sent, having closed oat their entire stock of goods will discontinue th grocery business. All persons indebted to said firm araJursbv requested to make immediate payment to Jbcm O&tea, who will collect all accounts and piy all liabilities of the lata firm THO 8. GATES, H. BARHUM. Mr. K.H. Joins having bought oat oar entire stock of goons, we ebserf a! ly refer all our customers and friends to him for goods ia his line, knowing that all who trust their business to his cars will receive prompt aad osrefui attention and will find Mr. Jones to be a most courteous, affable and correct gentleman. Tho. Gatds, janS lw. E. H. Baxktjm 11 Cstaata, ant Trads-Marks oVtalaed, and all Ht ent baslness eoodnotei Itr MeetsaTC Fete. Our Ornci is Oeeesrrt U.S. MTtarrOeriec snd we can seeare aateat In Mas time uaa those remote from Wsahbictoa. Head model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or sot, free of charge. Our lee not doe till patent la seemed. A rMHLrT, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients Is yonr State, oeoitj, er town, tent tree. Addrest, C.A.SNOW&CO. 6ie. aftwr mer, WasMiHaTON, D. C. X Train W oonneeu with Wilmington a Wei don Train bt'nnd North, leaving Gouisboro 11:60 a. m add with Richmond A o nrUle Train West, leSTlng Ooldsboro 3 2li p.jn, Trala il eoaneeu with Richmond' iht111 TralB.aniTinc at Oold.bero 8:10 p.n and with Wilmington and Wei Ion Train from the normal s:tsn.m. Train, 1 eonnecta with Wllmlngt-in and Weldos Thronea Freight Train, leavlna wimooro i p. u , na wun Richmond nan vine inrnngn rieignt irsin, leavlas Ooldsboro at 8.10 P ll. SJi S. L. Dill, lupartntendert. HSanestiQB sea efta I aaked, wV- T Casevrw owe its jret istfcajr njcvjtisr-4M oace aare4 ttos by the atatesviint toat "it bees fairlT won, rt by adver- tiTm scheme, but by ths emesJlence which aaracterUea it la every department." Is ibd sanounosEieBU for ths coming year ths ssWahere etata that it has alwajabeen tear desire U laaie rie lad try t' one la dispensable pentxi.. cf it claaa, ao that Whaterar other pc j;.cti. to miut bo deairs bis la the family, 'i 'W ' Ts iiuld n9 be ssftocted by tho&o wUs vrUli to tcp abreast Of tits tiaiea In ali matters jortainuig to oulturs. And the unprscedented ciroabv tioa of tbo magazine xv.kl eeem to be the response rf the publu- to iliU intention. With ths Hwr-r eumwr m i iumti begins lu thiry-.'cvonth volume. Two fro:.; uros ; of Uie ii.agii.ar which are conuH' throughout ths new vc : y ante srs already vvta vY knows ts ths pablte, U Usoola history snd, ti" papers on Siberia" 'twt , the Exile BTsfm." 1 i.o first of thees, written Ly Messrs. Biaota and Car, President LfconaVf, vale secretaries, exta:iw the lnsido history cf tho dark days of tho vrar, . seen trom tho VLi;e House. byOoorge Cennaa, are attraotlng the at- teotlon of tt (ttilhed Tvorld. The Chi cago Tnnne says that "no other magaaine artloles printed in the English language just now toudi upon a subject which so vitally interests ail thoughtful people in Europe and. America and Asia." As is already known, copies of TU Century entering Ruaais hava these articles torn out by the customs officials en the frontier. MJTtlSO 138 . will publish tbe moat lm feuture that ha yet found pia.-e in its pagee. It la the result of four years' work i f Mr. Timothy Cole, the ictu'iuff magazine engraver of i Lie world, ia the galleries of Europe, engraving from Uia ci'iguisla the greatest pictures by ilia old masters; A scries of papers on Ire land, its customs, land scapes, etc., will appear, ana there are vo be illustrated articles on Bible scenes, treating especially tho subjects Of tho Inter national Buml.iy-School Lessons. George W. Cable will write " Strange, True Stories it Louisiana." There will be novelettes and short storlea by leading writers, occa sional articles on war subjects (supplement al to the famous "War Papr"Iy General 3 rant and others, which have been appear. ln in TKt Century), etc., eto. etaaasjaJT. I Tht Century costs four dollars a year, and it is published by The Century Co., of Hew Vork, who will send a copy ol tho run pros-' osctus to any cno on request Uoi.nq West No. 8 t Mixed Ft. & Pae Tram. CCTlun, 615 P m portantart 5 33 5 40 5 03 5 13 ; 2 80 2 35 PSrA 158 8 10 'M 1 24 1 80 iVgfaW D EMOREST'O THE BE8 Of all tho Magazines. I rrONTAININQ 8tri.. Po.mt and ekerLilknry ailractifMM. combiaina Arti.tie. Seleetila ana' ESTABLISHED 18S2. CURES OR NO PAY. Hoai.kold mitltrs. ft with Original Afeel JTjr. thtograwml OH itrr mm sreeolewls. making it the Kerf! Jfafasine Amtrita. U N PARALLELED OFFER I Eirh tavf ef "Dmnottat'. Vontkly Mantlst' mutalni A Coisan Order, entttllnf ta boldtr t th .election of nf pattern lllurtrated 11 tb. fmahlon department In that numoer, n my of the lire, mtnototared. 8ub.eiibcri or Pnrcnaeen .enainf the Coapoa with s two-cent stamp for Mitvct, win wcftv. T retwrs mui t complete puiern, oi in 111. ana una iney mmj elect, from uwxm. I is cnli nui IB9N" Wni parifr the BLOOO eankat the tlViSJ aoTllDNlVS Tni Jt nmms ths KBALI B aaeTlO. er louia. Ii7wi..n ef. AaiMHte), iBetaaMloaXaakaC emuv aee lira, riaitns a solaUlr varadi Be, ae a, elaa aa4 aereas nemrm mm foree. Kaliwrnsunauaa and anvelkM Bra rowar. I A III PR llartetfirtrmwiirjadlapa, UMIIIawO "MASTKAS IBOM TOM 10 a mf:vTf - OlTtaaelMT, haalthr smDlaxiaa. larttf. DvaetarpanwMnt-swt OaistftiwD Bas ore rtwiiv aitet, r'"5..a Oere CotUpxton.LiTr Complaint and law araaw isrwm Mia , lantr. I Hoi Tlmal i&iiad MMini of two ooaaa In aoataca. THE OR. HASTES MEDICINE COm tT.lOUi8,s1. X Th&OrlMnafV.lnS. 4 C. F. Simmona, ti Leois, Praft JUESEBAL PASSENGER OITICE; Atlantic & North CabolihaR. B. Co. New Bern, N. a, Jan. t, 1889. REDUCED BATES TO E A LEIGH TO TBE INAUGURATION. . To Agists: Ton will sell tickets to tits above from your station to Goldebor aad return on Jaaaary 15th, 18th aad 17th, food to return until Jaaaary 81st, taoisalve, is: . ' Morehead City....... .-.$4.00 Wildwood-.. 8 70 New port . . $.70 ... S00 ...800 ...JH ... 3 40 .. a. io .. 1.75 ... 1.60 ... 1.80 L00 ,.70 .SO rae A. i sr Kegvlator.Xaf i brZetliaiatA tared Havelock Croataa. .; Rirerdale... ' New Berne.. Tascarora Cora Creek Dorer - CM W6ll swssswtwa sseSweee Kinston..-- Fallinc Creek LftOnBawMMssw vsestrs Beats mi.i s.wSwes ' M. A. 8, L M. Aail for ft vsarS ired Iirmoasf tony Biuovewsaa. Drermeiiiicit HBADAcnLosT Ra. T. B. Raama. Puml. V I Charch , Adaan, Taoo writes! "I t a sttotua hare sees eaas baS Tour Genuine M. A. gim. aeLwiedleaae.. I have metiaies hse ts strbatHats -itetua-s etna" ror year Medi dae, hot it aoa't ssswar tki nrnose." . 1 1 : Dt. I. K. fitswak ftittV Ts. kMWia. autBBhta. Taan. nw ! reeeiyed a i)ae kao-a of nMrf.iw Medtcfiia. as4 bare seed half of tt. It works like a caana I wans ss ecMr lArmr Kmiater and ctr. , tauuy as saore f Zolia I Iflal Iks mis Saw AMia fl t eU fa She BVaQtZB. Srery ' Ai2QTP.,f: . un n jm etn pi ft "a ,( j'' i fao. (f. r - t.oy. Smd We ahsotntaly ftawentae ess packate of EIXTtK to erjrs any can of MALARIA, CHILLS snd rEVKat, IatemlttanL Bemitteot and Billon. 'llONEY REFUNDED. rxtxoa i.oo. OATSSVILtB. N. C. Inlv SI. 1888. TBBCBLOSBCO. Grentlemen1 have been havlnt chills for snens urea m years, aia nsre tries several ramacuas dqi io bo avail, aoooi mrw montha aso I was prstalled npon to try Oelors 1 naed one nrokace of that never - ralllncremtdr for chills and today I feel no eympioms ot uair remrn, jonrs respeot- rouy, wiL.ua nurijctv. Wbitb MAB8H. Ho.. Ann l.lfSS. Tbb Obxobb Co. mis i dbts naa ratner s nara time to in troduce Celore, as the people here thought anas ttoinina; wonia stop ine emus nui quin ine. But stnee they have tried Celore they say It not only slope tbe chills bat makes a I complete onre. It Is well started now, how ever, ana ss i am out oi gooas, pieaae snip immss lately. lours ira j. J. La. HtWinMUn. Tor Sail STerywhere. yre pared only by THE CELORE COM PANT, , SSa-a4 ST. BBOAD STREET. InlyMwSm PHILADELPHIA, PA, :eot, from the Mailr contatnlna tbe ordar. Thli Unrralleled Offer (Irlni to KilMArlber. 12 w PATTERNS (Ttlned at from N r cti. to N eti. each), dur Ina the yar,of the kind and al ctalrea, U a coaatdmtloa Worth Orer Three Dollart, or nearlr double taa actual eo.t ol the M amine, which U of Itatlt wKh lt awn hrUUaat faataret aad MlM atUariloav Cheapest Ksgptsine la Atnerlea. ONLY TWO DOLLARS per year, Incmdiu twelve rail (Its, rat pattern., of al V ana naa. auseiea. wonn aeariy boosm ids snsompiib pric Bend twenty ceati for tbe current nkw wllk Palfen Connos and yos win certainly rabecrtbe Tws Dolhtn fu a year and get ten Umo iu valoa. V. lennlngi Demsreit, riiWlihr,lS E 1 4th St., NewYor Bold Mr all KcwseaaterajM ronauaten. -NOTIUE. The undersigned. Geo. H. WlDott.hssdalT qualified as Administrator of tho estate of w. M. wuiett, ana nereoy jives notice mat A$sti Wanted. be reqnirea all persona having elSlmeetsiaet oi tceaaia w.u. wuieit so pre senttliem ts the eald Geo, H. Wlllett, Only "ST eh? .. 1 1 . Ptoo's Curs tor Con-' sumption is also ths best Congli Medicine." "- If yon havs a Congb. Without disease of the Lnnga, a few doses are ali yon need. But If yon ne- i - gleet this easy means of , safety, the alight Cough ? 'may Moome a serious -artatter, and several bot wea win ne required. J ' H jrsrtll'huitrt fc W ft ' Best. Jfaslsst to Pas, and Cheapest. I 1 r T authenllcated, for, psymant, on or before taeznin eay oi ueoemBr uw, or eiao inia notice will be pleaded In bar Of rscoret fi t Persons Indebted to toe estate mnat psy wlthoaldalay.;i i , ' d.9 6w i. H. "WltiEIT, AdmloUUator. 'A "H UtJtarosa tm niiuonmai . . T ejeijaiiog inaisa ,,03 af alMfllS i !'. tawppY -peitioojd Xtvoinb '-ota adita 'Moon tot SJ.H3ISA.10a ;( i Ttooftptrtn jor ptieg TioTpeioid nnponrarf einsojd pn 03 SNapi ot idd 'aamo v 'I'd 'DPI paisirisM tou s aiaiu jnoi esea U - "OMvwtAi - anwM r ' . " - leriaspnooe irit. eoowpnoit -voxjofl BOtKrpvVH joj puag -viuniwq fm -ion V imveof Joj saonDi(ll r nn jeio opvm sue pas esuauadie Araw i.l aeetn'ewtalL-ll VLaLU I 'W.Hlll IHfll , 1nt. ant sou A . jo aaa ori joj aaormoiowi pint n.i .,,. ptra - ainJTAvuuw snoj(an,y -uaiiim n. ,im jo see trap am ilta pov iJiunoo josanid oiidi))ni(ii -;paaotoe sareteoe enss) qex mxiu raaJ y S'ireoiJaarf ounoaios i DI)IP3 f f , H3aiina 7 fiioiiiHD'd v Beat, Xastast to Dae, sod Cbeapeet. - . A ,. t ea , , u Sold by dreaists or sent by matt, too, B.T. UaielUne, Warren, Pa. , u r. IA Vshest the woTlcTrortow a . prtees. A ttiiMS and aniroa, boldins 3 par of t!nb 1.1 Strongly Bound Photo. 1 t A H I lev. S hato8 rpi Altarm,!1 baiidaoDM .and Bonnd Phto Alfcam, tS x lOv prfco., Stroni rank IrhM. aut e.iiea andTariffoa. bold Inet ana 0rd p'-tars. tnt for Bcnti, retail price, Si m. a ludl laaa I haUeranli Albana. BUI'S tmtvmmH palow4 Hcie., fold PKtrneioB iIm hnlriins SS naiwe of t'ablnpt and Card wctlirwa nt lorSl.t.l, retail, for .S3.2S. vtof thSanovoaBO riari ptti.ct ' 'aMefe We!"tlll I 'Sntpnnq atvtdmeinon nod 1 U1 ..tiinom jno 4 loads JOJ pmo -7rsaea mi4tqaj tSai , If rH' lantoom jaoa -jva v gf wfd -AO" ASiXag boom jo wT wq. twunnitt (lnj . TlJ0-9iri U etio tt jo jdmf fav jo aonein.-uo SM&i( aql q pan peavfiend jeded nuvq.-ieai j pas ounusp JiqndoJ tsuui pas wapio bmi I TV i John Williams;:,:: Permanently located" on corne? of Broad and Cent sts., la prepared to clean, dye and repair all kinds of Clothing at Low Prices. A specialty is made ia cleaning Ladies' Dresses,- Satisfaction (martin. Use "Iron Clsds'" 8- L. Dux, , -v..,: - O.F.A. ' " J aUpoetpaA tor alcosta, - flrrtltMkinXlnciWrtl. llacinstl. Okas. a saji wa.aVI j d. '' : - :sug?ldtf

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