E JJAILY OURNAL VOL. VET.-NO. 245. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY 12. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. Te -. BUSINESS LOCUJS. ALMANACS. Turner's North Car liiuk Almanac for th year 1889. Uao. lua ft 00. rpHE finest diaplay of Silk Handler i chiefs and gents Neck Wear, and QlOTM U decs? tf Bakkikqtok & Ba xtus. ONE Thousand RolU W.ll Paper at vary low price. Geo. ALLEN & Co. )LEASE REMEMBER that .1 need L . money a wall aa the reet of man kind, and if you owe ma please pay ma. J. C. Whitty. CORN SBELLER3, Grain Fane, Feed Cutter at Geo Allen A Co. TH PORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND 1 BOLL AND QIN. just received and for ear by Jams Redmond. ENGINE and Gin Repair. Beltiog, " Packing, etc. at ? Oto. Allkh A Co. TTJSft RECEIVED Another lot of J GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY (or aale by Jambs Redmond. IURE WINES AND LIQUORS for J- Medicinal and other ueea for tale by Jambs Redmond On last Tuesday Senator Shtr man introduced a bill intended to prevent fraud in future elections. A qas tank exploded in, Brook lyn Wednesday which abook the whole city, but no considerable damage is reported On Tuesday Democratic Sena tors made unsuccessful efforts to put bagging material on the free list. The Tiust triumphs as usual. JL...1, .. . 1 Tub Republicans of the Tennes see Legislature have united in in dorsiog Wm. Baxter for a place in Mr. Harrison's Cabinet. A deadly cyclone swept through Peuusylvaniii cities last Wednes day. It was" especially severo at IMtsbutg, throwing down buildings and destroying life. THEOourier-J mrnalsnyt: "When Mr. Vance got through with Mr. llawley the Connecticut Senator doubtless had about hs bitter ob jection to free speech as he has to d ee trade." t " ' -.- Minister Straus has obtained t be necessary authorization for the Bible Douse at Constantinople to print in Turkish 35,000 Bible tracts, consisting of the Psalms, Proverbs, four Qospels And Acts. Trouble is in prospect in the Isthmus of Panama. The Secre tary of the Navy has issued orders for the immediate preparation of three naval vessels for sea, for the protection of American interests in that quarter. 'John Wanamakee, the great boodler, is an immense philanthro pist. He employs women to work for him and pays them 25 cents each for fifteenhonrs' hard labor. John is frying the fat out of them with a vengeance.'' No( matter who firafj formulated the maxim that "public office is apublio trust." Its truth is the main thing. . And the men who act on Senator Ingalls' idea that 'pub- lio office ia a private map'; are sare to come to grief in the end. BUCK. oar editorial on West Vlrgiaiftwaa pot in type, we have learned by telegraph that Jadge Guthrie's , decision gives the Be publican candidate for Qoveinor a plurality. Thus, , fraad triumphs when we thought ft had been ran JgctodbguUed Bepnblicanln the4)emocrati t eamp remarfcj evetyfeVdaja tbattae Democrats wtfrteatea In-the laid election by : the tariff; iasue. Nothing of the ; sort, In twenty States , directly ' IntejeVud in, aad lafluenced by the r agitation, jtor tariff reform, 1 the . net ' PemocratfA gain was' ne arly 50'000 Wtlt the Tote of 18-P - Taking it for granted that the present .Legislature rill create a Railfoad Commission, wa take the . liberty of say ing that Captain S. B. Alexander is the man to be placed at is bead. There Is no position in which his great: abilities can be o morfrgerVice'Df the people than that of Railroad 'Commissioner, Let as have a Railroad Commission with Captain Alexander at- its head. Tax State Orange ot Virginia, composed of farmers, asks the Con gress to place a bounty of 53 per cent, on all exported agricultural products. Why not t If the maou. factarers are important to the coun try and must be coddled; why not coddle the products of the farmers tool The farmers have been robbed long enough for the enrich ment of a lew hundred thousand paupere d, purse-proud swell heads." Wilmington Star. LOCAL NEWS. A floe lot of ccuDtry bams in market yesterday Shad are coming in occasionally and buck are telling for $5 to $1 per pair. We are glad to learn that Mr. Enoch Line, who w as recently stricken with appopUiy. is able to be up. - - Saving Bank. Why cannot New Berne bave a Sav ing Bank uch a haa been organized in Raleigh, Oreenaboro. Ooldtboro and other placea. It would greatly benefit our citizen and afford a mean of in vesting their caving. What do our business men think of it? Preabytei i&n ( hurch. Rev. L. C. Va, D. D , leavee New Berne th is morning t" preach by invi tation at Chapel Hill tomorrow, and for several days. There will be aervicaa. however, in the Presbyterian church here on Hjbbaih morning at 11 o'clock. No second 6or viee will be bald, a the congregation will join at night in the I'oion worship at the Itaptitt church. Peraonaa. Mia Oannah Allen leave this morn inn tor Chapel Hill, on a visit to the family of Prof. Holme. W. B. I.inp, Esq , was in th city yteterday. He says that the public roads are cut up and in worse condition tban they have ben for a long time. Mr. O Marks and Ml Flora Marks left y ester lay for Richmond, called tere by sickness of Mra. Mark, who has been there for some time under treatment. Week of Prayer. Saturday, January 13. Nation. For peace and prosperity, both temporal and pf ritual; for civil ana religious liberty; for rulers, r tog isls tors and uda-es. and tor an laantnority; ror est law and their impartial enforce ment; for nation suffering injustice at th hand of other nations; - for th re moval of international and olati an tipathic and jealousies: lor parity in national Ufa. Psalm, 17; Roman. 18, 1 7: I. Peter, 2- 13 15. James, 5: 4; Col. 4: 1. Serv ice ton ight at the Baptist Church. Chicago Beef. '.The proprietors of Hotel Albert have made arrangement to serve thtlr gueets with floe Cflicago beef, which Is hipped by express in refrigerator. Good beef is the principal artioie of food. It I both palatable and whole some and rarely doe a person Ir Of It! mis item oagnt w intereei our aioca raiser. Will, they allow beef to be purchased a thousand miles distant and expressed here for leas than they ean market it. We know of no good reason why it should that be. Shipping News. The steamer Vesper of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday with n cargo of cotton and lumber. The Eagles of this line will arrive today. The steamer Tahoma sails this morn ing at 7 JO o'clock. The steamer Manteo of the O. D. line sailed for Norfolk yesterday With a Tall cargo of cotton and naval stores. . The Newberne will arrive tonight A number of oyster, produce and wood boats came ap to the ojftf Jsjit- day. ( i Report of Graded Bckeel Average aany attenaance, i. ou medal awarded to 6th grade for heat attendance. . , BOHOI SOU, ib grade -Mamie QaakilU Mianle Dowdee, Loniaa Sater. ' 5th crade-atie Mattbewsr Laara Suter, annie irenwKn, aiamie vow dam. Charlie Snhiealer . " -,r: .ST, 4ih rade Laura , Waiur, ..Bertha Tucker. Eulalie WUlio, WIHW BihWsieT, ( 8d arade Lara Peel Vj.j ' 2d grader-Katie Roberta, John Bate. May soar troubles only be little and may joa always have-Dr Botli Syrap handy," said an old baohelor.to a newly married couple. il i .Ur If any of the conditions of health are wanting the body becomes more or less energated and needs bracing op. As a potent tonio for this purpose nothing equals Laxsdor. Pries 25 cent!. " - '1 - A TATAX ATT4VAY One Snail Oolored Boy Sla.be Another and Caanaw Death ta a Tew Hours. The loathful Slayer Arrested and Lodged in JaiL About twalve o'clock yeeUrday a Ury e crowd waa aeea gathering in front of Dr. N. H. Street office on Middle treat. Inaid the affise waa Joe Thoa. Harrinc, a eolered boy about fifteen years old, who had been engaged by E. S. Street, Esq., about the atables of the Henderson House, lying apoa a lounge naeonsciona, with an ugly gash on the left side of hi throat. HOW HI GOT THIU, Joe waa parried Into this office by a party of gentlemen w bo were on the opposite side of the street while he and Jeeee Duneton, another colored boy scarcely In his teens, were parleying, or ae oce of the gentlemen thought "sky Urking " At Jeane, the smaller of the two, flourished hi hand in the air a glittering blade waa discovered and after ha had delivered the blow he scampered off. Than it was that one of the gentlemen remarked, "he ha cut that boy." and immediately went to bim. While the gentlemen were examining the gash in hi throat Joe sank down and was car ried into the office unconscious. Dr. Street being absent, Dr. F. Duffy waa sent for and eoon rewied the boy. It wat fouad that the large sharp point ed pocket knife had aevered one of the main blood veasel and it wa bleeding internally. He wa placed in a dray and taken to hi home up town where be died in a few hour. Deputy Divld Barbam, who has charge of the jail, wa pesaing down the street and was near enough to call to the boys to quit fighting when the deadly b ow was given. He pursued Jesse ae he dashed off, arrested him, and, under a commitment from Juatice Watson, took him to jail. A post mortem examination of the body of Joe will be made this morning. Jeeee and Joe were two of the many boys about the city who have nothing to do but to engage in all the mischief that can be thought of, and this fatal affray is doubtless the output of Idle ness. aeklea'a Arnlea Bale. Thb Best Salvi In the world for Outs, Braises, Sores, Ulcer, Bait Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures pilea or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect auar action, or anoner re funded. Prion SS oent per hot. For ale by K. M. Uuffv, jan 17 Kinston Items. Mr. Will. Mawborne and bride re tnrned to Farmville last week. Mr. W. B. Whitfield haa moved hi groceries to the stand lately occupied by Mr. Travis Bkinner. Mr. Dal T. Wooten has moved to Kin ton, and will, with bis father, Mr. Jno r. wooten, carry on a track farm near here. It is very bsrd for an old Confederate veteran, a native of Virginia, to be taken for a Yankee and treated iirno miniously. Tet some Lenoir citizens bay been led to believe that oar friends Mi. Walter EdmonaV and Mr. Yaraoro are ef that stripe. They are both native of Virginia. They were both in the Confederate army daring the whole war. -And Mrs Edmond is a near rla tive of that grand old man Jefferson Davis. flwt eM'k)B fof m OB Monday with their new chairman, Mr B. W. Canady. No business of special importance, except a discussion of the poor house question. It could net be made clear that it would be better for Lenoir county to have all its paupers at one place, so the matter waa postponed for farther consideration. We think it best to pause before adopting a course that may result in failure. It ia very hard to determine such a question, but we hhve the utmost confidence in the wisdom of our county commissioners and know that they will act . for the : Some of our farmer frlsnds ia Lenoir are vary much In their own light when they refuse the privilege of hunting on their lands to those gentlemen who have com here to spend the winter. Th damage done to the game is very sliaht.w. Just as many birds will be found the next season rt.not more, for J it is a welt established faot that when biros are hunted much,- they become shy And are mors aareful in rearing their young, t But even if this were not true, il looks very Inconsistent to a stronger, to be Invited by the public press and by' individuahj to spend a winter with a people and then be for hidden to amuse taemeelveafn the only way left to them. I know that our fries 3k, when they think this matter ever, will reconsider thslr notion and allow these gentlemen to hunt upon taenia no s . -,v--:.-.- ztiij- , . , ... 1. i Ii 1 i m M t i . I ' IU jl J til me ('course, and I will enchant thine ear mlJx tales of astonishing cures of all sorts of suffering by Saltation uu., rrios oniy za eanta. t-.; t , n i An Indian bey wanted to ksDf him aeh after aeven echool ebla had kissed ttt.o Ha didn't, for he found thev had given him nolhlng more serious tastf eoio, wbicn be speedily cured witu Dr. BuU s Cough Byrup, and thsa lbirtie4 ths prattles on. : " FMriiil Storm Rkadlv., i'. Un y A cyclone passed over tb i- . . thi evening doic considerable dai.j and causing a heavy ioe of I tie Aink mill ia abich 250 girla are to, ployed, blew Jod juat before the bcur for qu.ttlnK ert , Everything is confusion About the same tiaae there was an eiploaioo and fire in the me neighbor hood, by which eight men wore burned to death. Prrraacia. i'a . Ja. v At r so y m. today, dunog a beafy storm of win i and rain, a new four story building on DUmondetret, fell with a era.h that wa heard for manv squares. The force of the falling buUdioir wae so great (hat 1 the rear walls of two other buildings weie crushed as if they had been made of paper, and their front w&lie fell upon tb pavement on Wood street, baryiog several people in tbe debris and mang ling some horribly. f these, two w ere a girl and boy, oce a man unknown all of these were taken iu a patrt l wagou to the llom't-peihic fjjepiial The catastrophe created intense ti Citement, and in a few minutes the streets surrounding the fallen building ware black with peoi-V Hundreds of willing hands, heedless of danger to themselves, went to work to extricxte th viotims of the ternble accident. I p to 4 p. m. 29 person bad ben taken from the ruins of the Diamood street building. Of theee fi tir were dead and severs I so badly injured that recorery ia almost impossible. A large number ar still buried under tbe d. bns. Mar tin Uillrr, j j si taken out f the barber shop, said there are foui more in tticre and then became unconscious Ptttsbi ru Jan D -I'p to l1 . lock tonight, fony three person had been taken from ihe ruins and th. r. im no doubt that others are still buried All were promptly carried nome . r to hos pitals, so an eiact statement nnnnt no be made, but the facts piii to be. eight were killed outright or died short y after removal, and thirty live others are iujured, a number of thorn fatal I v . without doubt. 8UNBVRY, Pa., Jan. 'J At ." :ld this evening a rain and wind storm came up suddenly and blew mn mo of the stacks of the Sunbury nuil nulla The mill is situated between the Reading A Pennsylvania Railroad, on the outskirts of the city. The lirai is a puddling mill having six furnaces. Sim. k No ' was thrown over on the roof, diopping with it stack No. 3. They rrii-lied through the slate roof, conipleUly ilem li.ihing the pud llmg department of the ruill Thirty lire men were employed in this department, and half of them were buried in the debris. The lire alarm was sounded, and b n hundreds sur rounde the mills The men were car ried out, half naked, i nd men aro at work yet, as it is supposed several others are ia the ruinv Two men were taken out dead. Nine are seriously injured, and four are missing, supposed to be dead in the ruins of the null. Reading, 1'a., Jan. 9 The storm was a cyclone, and its track waa only about two hundred feet wide. Ihe explosion referred to in the former dispatch oc curred in tbe car shops of the Reading Railroad Company. In tbe paint shop were nine passenger cars ready to go out, their gaa tanks being all charged. The building, of brick, was demolished, car. were over turned, some of .!.' gas cham bers explode4 and the gaa took Are. Other gas chambers also exploded as the oars burned, and all that the storm left wss burned. Thirty men were caught in the ruins. Fur of these were burned to death. ltjo remainder crawled out, some of them badly hurt. Ths silk mill, when struck by the storm cloud, crumbled as though built of a child's toy building blocks. Up to the present writing the extent of human injury there is not known, but it is ap palling to contemplate. A great many other buildings were demolished in whole or in part, and bother casualties are reported to human life, but the disaster at the silk mill dwarfs everything else at present. RlADlso, Pa, Jan. 9 Up to 11 o'clock tonight fourteen bodies have been taksn from tbe ruins of the silk mill, eleven girl and four men, and only the surface of tbe debris bag been scratched. The silk mill is now a pile of disintegrated bricks and mortar, timber and machinery twenty feet high. Two hundred and fifty people were em ployed in tbe mill, but eighty girls had ended their work and gone home about 4 o'clock, so that 170 people were in the building when it was destroyed. Of these between 75 and 100 got out them selves or were helped out with t ifling injuries. This leave from 00 to 73, of whom a large proportion have ion their lives. Tbe Grand Lodge of Masons. Tbe Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina was again in eeion yesterday and last night. The qneetion of removal of the Grand LLodge of Masons from Rileigh to Ox ford hat tog been made a special order for 10 o'clock yesterday morning, was taken vp and alter a fair d iscussien the tote was taken by lodges, wnico result ed in the resolution to remote to Oxford leing lost, ; fl. for remorsi- and 840 sgainst, and the Qrand Lodge will eon flnae to hold its annual oomsatnioa Bons la IhU'Clty' i At the rsgrolsi1 communication last bight the following officers, were elect edrSamde n. Bmiih, ff OVfestOB, urann master; u. a. uuager, oi &aoe vUle, Deputy Grand Uastar, John W. Cotten. of Tarboro, Senior Grand War den; F. U. MojS, cf WllsoD. Junior Grand Warden; D, W.tBain.of Raleigh, Grand "Ueoretary; W. E Anderson, of Raleigh, Grand Treasajrar.. ;:.Jf: ' i Thos. &. Kenan, D. U. M.v was re elected direcsor of lb Oxford Orphan Asvlum for a term at fireyesrs : iTbe report of tbe committee recom mending the ppolntmnt by thS Grand Muter of eight District Deputy Graad Masters wss sdopted WVeics ad 06- se A AID TO THE atVCClTIVlC Bat; Rorai, La., Jan. t 1&. To Mr A K Hawkei -Dear Sir I desire to teatify to th great uriority . , . . of ' "ur Crystalled Un Th.y cood bice icreat tniiiao-y i.h io(.nm md ! "--iuior.. to i'" ui.re it sn aDy I h,v,. , ,rr ( ic 1 o ,. ., v,.., liovlrcor of Louieiaca A:i M fitted and ht guaranteed 1 y burly Ne- Rrne. N (.' jl Jdlm Notice. A, at'.un will be made to '.he et!it AnairnDly of Morvn Oirul'lia of ; fur thtrler ftr a Ka t'uj Uv',11 O",ut.or lot C'Dnr.ulte. jn 1 '. l.tu 'KTil CAHOUNA CrmveoCouDly 1. aimlii,. I i' W bitty s. lav is Bro n-r Nin-e of p umiuona an.1 W arra i I M:a -i uivut. io r iav anU ieo. L'a :.- 1 he .lefendaDta atx.vc u:i e.l take tn.tu a tuat a aoaiiuona In ttie u io , -etiM iie.l m I ion waa lasucd agaiiiat : 1 !.'f.".i,U:i', m me Kin day of January A l iw uy w i. hnoson fta Jai!U-e of Ibe ? ace o i raven cuiuuty, nrtli l arollua, lor Itie aiiaj of Mu I y four iHI sn-l'Hi S!i-li l.oliara due at:,l iMaitiiit! by atHX)iinl blob aa Id luiutiioiig ia reiuruahle Ix-fore aKl Jaailee at lilt utth-e at ew Berne lu aald ixunty and Id mi. lownaMp on the 21'lb day of February. A u at li o ciixa. at l lieaald detendauta will also Uki'iul:c tli i n warrant of alUtcbmanl waa laiunl i.y aai 1 I oat loe on I ne 'th day of lanuat . l sn nif tinat Ibe property of aald dereudaoi. wtn'b warrant la returnable before Ibe. to J uaiK'e at I tie time nd place above uanie.l 'or the return of tlu eumuiioia. when nd wbere the defendanta are required to ap-ar and annwer or demur U Hie conipiani i oi Ibe rehef deoianded 111 be granted 1 b'a Hie Mb day of January. AH Im- 1 O BnlNfiN I ! I' H If i I i i IK. All y for I'laloPrT 6 N.'Kl II l ARlll INA i i raveu louul y i nil rmiii r Tliomaa (lata a Haviallr.i A w h e. N I '.'.'( Sum in one ar d w airui. i .r v m . ii ment, Po I 1' lavU an1 lieo. 'iis IIm- deVndania atxve nanied ... imh. in -I h-e I bat SDiii moua lu the hki .' . n i , i . arttoowuH lamed aicalnal Hind d.i tan'K on thr sin , ay of January. A 1 .-v h o br'naiiii aa .lustu-e f Ilia t'eao.' of t'rn u I'oiinty Nortli Carolina, fur iheauni ofKu: i . an ih i: IJ-MI liollnra due aald p.alnn :! hy a.'.-ounta. wnlrh .aid aumiuoua In retui n able before aald Juatlre. at lila orTVe i v. Iteruelnaaid rountyunl lu nib low i'p. on lh 2": h day or t ebruarj Alt nv :.. o lock, M I lie Kaid (lefendanla will .ia takei,i. lhal a w. riant of attachinenl waa it, lie 1 l, aald Justice on iheMh day of Jantiarr. A 1 lso. axalnal toe property of aald defen.Uni. wicb warranl la relurnable liefore tbe an d liiath at Ibe tluie and plana above nainrd f r ihe reiurn of ilic sunimons, when and wheie tbe defendant are required to uppnar find answer or demui to the coinp ii.m i the relief ileinanded will be aranied. 1 liln ibe "in dy of January. A II. lsJ W. 11 IIHINslA. I I' 1' II I'mtTiFR All y for Oauicn i ., Mules ajid Horses. NORTH CAROLINA HTM K Mr E. S. HTRKKT hn jnai in eiired from Western N. C. an l he r I t f ti n r MuIps and Horsed. JT Come and see thtm. j ,m A Valuable Residence FOR SALE CHEAP. A bran new Dwelling House eon taining fix comfortable rooms, and kit chen and dining room attached Lo cated on Change street, near Est Front. Apply to WATSON A STREET. d20 las. & Real Est. Agents. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners w offer for fnle on eny and arcornmodatlnR frmi the loiiow Ing il escribed Improved Keal tatate in ihr CI l y of Ne Bern: No. 1. WI1A.KK PROPERTY AT L'NION P(H NT : Includes the pleee of land kjiown ar "THE ISLAND." aro the wharf or roadwa leading thereto from East Front tiei Also, water apace now being Oiled In The location la the best In the city for all manti factoring purposes, wfitla lha larcest nnfi visiting onr waters have ample depth o: water for loading and unloading at Ihe wharf. No, 2. TWO HOUSES AND l,OTS AT UNION POINT, ocenp ed an dwellings. No. S. HARVKY WHARF FROHKRTV Including part of water front of It No. 12, in mepiauoi me city, upon the property Is looaied a commodious brick warehouse. The O. D. 8. 8. Ji uae a portion of tbe prop erty. No. 4. THK IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON UKAVfcN HTREi-T. No. 5. BRICK WTO R E AND DWKI.LINO ON OR AVEN HTREET occupied by R. O. K. Lodge. A full description of thin Tsitini.le proper ty, together with ihe beat terms upon which tne same will be sold, will be furnished nn application to tbe undersigned at their offlc icUonth Front street. WATSON 4 STREET. dec .lwtf Ini and Real Estate Agls. Pecan Trees and Geese. A fine lot of Pecan Trees for sale, and will be delivered to freight lines st Stonewall, asserenty-five oents each for four or lees; for fire or more, fltr cents each. Also, one pair of White China ueeee, price 5J 00. Address, J. S. LAKE. jaSdwIm 8tonewall. N. C ltdttr. oo. setraiA a, r. ,1 Or Uit U;uar I f Lurid M itnrn'ii it, aiiit Kiiti inzrM. - ItesasefiTM luitvil aS ae tea, la s. Be lei s fs4, wltho lha knewkwlreof the nr. son taking Ul It Is absolatel r barmieM and will effect a peraaaeet and tdy enre, whether tbepatlestiaaaaoderatadrinlieroran a"- 'i0 wre . rr wrvra) rH . " SliUAHAN 1 EE a cnrelaSTei t lnuce. 43 L4.eLI Fpv , drl.,(!, - ttiU4$rfcv.-iCW,U. .nCi.C n' .10. E. H. 8 J.S. MEADOWS Truck & Cotion Faclors hoi ii' "1 1 hci;-. Meadowi' Special Gueos. Factory on Kt 1 1 : bet e. n 1'olU . k a id South Front s'reeta, ofrl -e 1.: i mi Point. NEW BERNE, N. C. IF"! i: F 600 Tons Kaiu.it, 500 Tons HitTh GratjV Phi.', pint?, 250 Tons Cotton Seed Meal, 1000 Barrels Potatoes-Sc- lfcted Sod, 1000 Bush. M,.idowV I xtra Early Peas'1, 300 Bush Improved Extm Early Uour.ti Be,ng,' 12000 Bu-0) K.-d K :st TVoof Oafs Radish, Ef., t. a.. a ;,n olh, r small S.-ods t..r (,.r.dfn Fi.-Ul, it LOW FIGURES. or itt. i HOLIDAY GOODS! T he liii. ,t C'ln l p. Picture Framrs, JM, tur. m, Ward robes, I'.nuk Caars. Parlor jSuiU, V i U n.iskrts, Hat i Racks. o( .. ,.r Christmas, ever hioui.'lil to Now Dome , Market. Iti ut t ihe best stoci; ol i n r n i ' ui o over of fered in New Hernc. hy JOHN SUTER, I I '"I Middle Street. THE NEW BERNE Furniture Company, Manufacture! i an ! U tio.esale Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses, CHAIRS, Ftc ., Etc. Wi Im h n,,l .1 ;i: every .'il i h ilvN-nn- ( I, i s:enil. ufus. IhIjI.m ml i: neat ami s., i.-t m ; ' Ka.'t-iry, .. From iiK'r'i ' SI..1 .... . ii h in.i.ir t r t $ r. S-nis r. . p wt'rh Hit M l.lle Mill l.l.i.M . . . i . T. J TURNt II CO., ,1 I K' i.'KI h IOKM. J. II. L'K RTREI. HAblL MJLT. JOHN H. CKABTREE k CO ENGINEERS, Fouadera ancT Machinists Manufacturers and Dr&lers in NGIKES AKB MlCHISISTi SUPPLIES Bwllders of Engines Rollers. Saw MIUs. Edging A nt-off MurhlBef. Weare prepared todo Caii:ii? r,f n t. with promptness, Particular and Immediate ntiniion vtvan . torepal soffll klmia We Will hj(rlndtOe!vcilfinaan1 DatlM.A. forany desciIptiuD of machloery. We are the aeenfa for the .a la nrik. a . lean Saw. Alhoforil. A. Harfcamln'e oel brated lndestructthlo Mica Valvea. We glveMt'.nfactorygaararjtoefrrall wotk don by na lylHdwwi :general passenger omci7 Atlantic & North Carolina R. r. Ca, New Bern, N. C, Jan. 2. 1886. REDUCED RATES TO RALEIGH iq. int. liNAUUl KA1ION. To AaKXTS: ' You will sell tickets to the abo?efrcm your stotion to Goldeboro and mom u on January 15th, I6ih and l7thtoc4, ', to eturn -anti! January 21st. mcinaiea J '1 MOKbead Utj ..--..,54XO .t wuawoodc.....V..7.r:. 8.70 " Newportj5ukA.-.faAiUi,a;.; uroatan .. an Wild wood 4 RiTerd8le.l;.,3a..;a( New Berne...,-.....- 1 1 Tuscarors..t.t.t..;. ' . ' J so Core Creel -Ji33.Xi?.l?; t.io Caswell r h.-.L 1 KiBstonXij. L::. i ... . Falling Creek LU range ., BcsU ..... .il'. , UM"IronC!ad- " 8 L.T 'i i ....... G,

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