4 My Poor 1Vt "poet back." i kcU RipoaaiUe auakiad. If yoar 4og bite mm who finacipl the kidaeyt tttt tacit protest rekia(kBipatio. IWatlofcvtfcesa sye f tie ftoisoat whka an tktt ak4. Taca the tunerer at; tac "Not yet;- bat thsy ihj UooJ poriiWd, sad lac ceestipaa 1" tiJney trottUes, tad Paiact Celery Vilh i toaic, parifyiag, aad Ukatiot kidneys, aiakinc it almost intaHalJa ia uvya. If your hopes of cure aav aot pound ; it give perfect health to alf who complain of Sold it DaixxSm. Scnd fok k, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO , Proprietors, BURLIKQTON. VERMONT. The Bergjier & Engel BREU&G CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. . It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly commended TRITIVE qualities. The hikh reputation enjoyed X3MPANV is due to tbe f.tct that only ih KINKST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and CARE are exercised during ita manufacture. jy 4 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. umu mn cuoim MARBLE WORKS, inn Bl.RNK. ..:. Monuments TomDs-5 . i . I ci i I. ira 404 Hnudlnc tora I ' HIANfcAMERICAN MARBLE r.ra will receive prompt ettontior v.i I atiaf aotioo fuarantead It. WILLIS, Proprietor NSW BKBNK. A l (j. . MiLLn li my attthorlied agait Id - t aja804r GEORGE ALLEN & CO - DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implement!, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, Hes and Axes, Wood' Mowers and Reapers, Steam Enjrlnes, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilisers. Land Planer, Kainlt Mechanics Tools and llardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Platter Hair, Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nish, pil. Glass, Puttj and If air. . Preeaer Befrlireratori, Oil Cook Stores, "Eureka Burjrlai Proof Sash Loeks, warranted to trlre secnrlty and tatlsfkction. r-' PRICES VERT LOW . ;QFO ALJiEN A CO.' CblfQkutieaaaiTef ts. 1 itre of eoaorriuea aad lU)et, J prescribe Hand Y'I !"'" rcnn mt nd - Jo it t alt snBtnra. . . ,1. j.vrgTts,J, ' dmWKica.ti.tie.'4: , . n. LA. . J I' ' - . f iUI w r Cid:ror8ale; r , ' rl ' VaaCTSl' IS " LENOIR COUaTT : aht mtl 'aouUt' Of Kluston, on Booth West OraekV No.: 1. ere, Willi oneBBBdrea lered.bltte veil Umbered, Well af apt ad to growl ns corn, otrtton, pes, eta. 2 A portion of the alared land embraees rich brn h.' KOi U m ot tfaibsr. land, , - Hit ci eatds h 1 . n " tract Fo.L Hiice H,000. eah,: ft pa cash ; wit. an. proved security for baiane . -" : . ; ,;Appiy u --i'-vs".- ' V C'-i' JAMKS WHAlAM3,'-r , ,;' .:V.'-;:";s-V H : Klntoa,H.CH ' ' Or to v ; ," JOOttNAli cmcs, 7 ' J1 d wtf - KW Ksrne, Jf. 0 . , .y I -v CUaaattJ Baeli fc cot than us jire of the su8eiui of kicks it, do you bUree the Jog? On the ataat again: nrvou-rus, impure Used, aad to ilo t xtraonliuary acrk in ridding the resa.lt of tSrte mutter iclaiaed iatke hxk atbe; the kidneys are dle- uUes the ncivvs are strengthened. removed Tlit.se are the causes ..innouud removes I'ltni quickly. effeu, u alu -trtrtLciii il weak curing all diara uf live nrTvc. and kid been kaIucaI, l'T I Uitic a Celery Con ner ' i !.v:U." Vie ! K V I i . 1 M-t.R for its TONIC and NTJ ly the HKHGNKIi & KNGKL CIGARS FORJAIEAT COST, Having purchased a large stock of Cigara, and the demand for same being tniall. I now offer to the merchant CIGARS AT COST until my Hook ia reduced. Cash on deliyery The Ladies Must Come! The Gentlemen May Come ! AND Everybody" Come ! TO 8KE T1IK Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER P.KOUmiT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A FULL LISE OF Hou se Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM TRICES. L. e. CUTLER, 26 dc 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. C. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE ' Boot and Shoa Uclbr, Pollock St.. Newbern, K, ( Oetirea to annonnee Ibat bis FALL STOCK OF MATERIAL has been received and he Is prepared to flu orders for FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS II SHOES Having two inferior skilled workmen.all orders promptly filled. In soliciting patronar I guarantee "the best material, a good lit, th latest itylae and durability," .... As one among many testimonial of tbe character of my work the subjoined from a well known citizen tells Its own story: -UrrB 8tatm Nw Bniri, K. C OOXMIg'RS uvficb. Oct, Mx, 1888, HO, f 090BT.IT, ESO. Uiak Sir Pleate make ma a pair Of gaiters similar to those you made me two years ago. I hava worn them twv years and they am good yet. X hare beet wearing shoes fifty-six years and they are the best uurnim, neipecuniiy. "higned" K O HILT Repairing neatly and promptly done. oetSS dv ' AGENCY FOB " p WW 1. IVn jTST.. ' WHKlf VOQ ran set a rnira. lu an. tahpaii uusn irwiue ana out, of me err nnwB&yAnnAn lVBAav.lM for a nickel, why don't yon go to PALRIKR! CIOAR STORE and get them. Do aot be hnmbnned by ebeao trash : rtt a aoad smoke and be happy: and you eaa vet an quality w viRara yoa want, ume Mezi eans, one eent. F1VK CHKROUT8, yery pluiar urauu, un- wu miH, en , aio, wni at some man uy tgeaiT . , WK.L PALMBR, . ' Middle at.. Mewbera. f! JOSHi SUTER Eu on band snd (a recelyin every day baodeomo parlor suk, chamber aeta, heavy . walnut, bureaus, ' ; wardrobes, mattresaea, chairs,' lounge', sofas, ete.. tie. i ' , i-" I v. f'T..' Ba also baa a line of bome-mada work of badsutda,; sofas, table, baroaus, etc., wbicb are neat fnd eabataifial.' i Prloef R'ght Down to 'Rock Bottom.' t.r m : ; -; s8 d w '' Middle at, New Berae. 0r an. a If t-umiture THE JOTKNiL. G LAX OUk USD. SUJtEXl fiAMilMt. Ak iim, ioat QI&ator4ad I Oa wsjojaaooalUaal staad. Loagiag totaaane taM shall be kooie no aooreA Tbare suod my palace grand, ,Waere aew, eat aataer hand, Tbe fiery swords af serapka gaard tie door. There oace I roamed to call Dear hopes more beautiful Than street thoei.hu that mniicg monk a j reaiat : I Nothing too far or fair j Bat its mirage waa there, j Pictured opoa the t alley 1 rosy mist There each a wee day I heard Songs of a hroodiag bird, ' Telling of puree pleas urea yet to be There, ay the tinfting streaaaa. Faint forms of darting dreams Loitered aad lingered haad ia hand with me. Ab, dim, dear Faacy land ! Thy welkla, ralnbow-epaaBed, The aofieaed light of halcyon hours o 'er peel. Fading away, away, All the eapeaee ia gray As fadae tbe summer moon, too fair to list. A RARE OLD WEAVER. CLARA J. DtNTOM A busy old weaver ie Time at beet. Ceaselessly working at Life 'a behest. And, though his web maybe thin and fine And he fashions it slowly, line by line, He will cover well, whate'er your care, With his dingy veil your treasures rare. Busy old weaver, within hie den Covertly watching tbe children of men. Winding about with hia threads of gray The hopes and passions with which we play. King of weavers ia be, I ween, For, neyar a flaw in hia work is seen. Wonderful web I It absorbs our tears; Covers our woee and smothers our fears Tenderly falls on the quivering heart And wipes tbe poison from treachery dart. Strange old weaver, taking no rest. And we love him moet wljo know him beat. earning a Feather Duster in Place of tier Parasol. 'I bad a carious experience not long ago," says the superintendent of one of the departments of an op-town dry goods establishment. "A fashionable dressed lady came in early, and in the coarse of her bargaining pat her parasol on the counter near a large leather duster which one of the clerks had been using. After making some purchases the lady caught op tbe feather duster instead of her parasol, and went out hurriedly. As soon as I discovered the mistake I sent a boy after her with the parasol, bat he did not overtake her vuntH the bat) made oalWjw ;lraey4 i "la bet, she rioariafcea . tt&L daster along the stxeeL tlooiiaWV k about as sbe went loco another store, and pat it down on the coun ter, still under tbe imptessiQn that ft was her parasoL When her purchase in the second store were made, she turned to pick ap her parasol, and eeinr the dos ter,.Mke4 .'for. her parasol. Tbe clerk Mprained that she had not brought any parasol in, hut had come in carrying that duster. She was supremely indignant at such an, intimation, and was delivering the) ydung man a sharp lecture 0Q the gubjeot, when in came our boy with her parasol and an explana tion. She wu so overcome that she had to be sent borne in a car riage." Fat Spartan. ; The ancient Spartaas paid . as much attention to. the fearing of men, as the eattie ' breeders in modern England do to the breeding of cattle. They charge of the firm ness and looseness of men's flesh,' and regulated the degree of fatness to ; which, it was lawful, In a free state, foe any citizen to extend his bQ(Ty,t ;Thosa,;Who dared to grow too! soft or "too fat for military exercise and the service of Sparta weraaoonrtlv whiDDsd. Ia One oar- ticular instance, that of Nauclis,tLe son of Tolybius, the offender was brought before, the Ephori and a meetins 011. the virnoia people- or Sparta,-at -which his onlawfqlfat- nesa waa paouaj exposeo, ana ne was thfeatened, with perpetual ban- ishttenci n iie aia aot bring bis body- 'Within - the regular Spartan oorApffst-rand give up lis culpable modotjivmj which wa .declared to ht wotthv of ao Ionian than ef a sn; of &icetf;Smon.-Excbange. - ' ' -' '. " ' ar mm m ' .Vi" v ; i i As the old1 man.:Trows more and mortaBdettng, if he" will "grow more- earefor U J wilirgoj fat to cooSMrbalahce pai ihflnnUy; :j".alH KfOWIWG . " . Mr. W. H. UorejK mefohewt. Lake CltT. Fla.. wMUkeawttnasfltars cold aOefidftd with atdistreaeinzeoogh and funniof nt -eoneujrrption. in its JLra auga-He-tried mauy so-cailed popa lar cough jemediea and. ateadily grew woraevM Was reduced i in, Sesb. bad du flaulty in breathing and Was unable to Discovery for Coaromption and fouad (m mediate relief, aad after asinff about a half dozen bottlea found himself well and. has had no return af the diaeaae. Mo other remedy can show so grand 1 record of cures as Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, guaranteed to Co just what ia claimed, for lu Trial bottle free at R. N, Daffy 'a drug itere 1 1 DysseBsia is uie oane t tfca ateeiat 1 sNtsa tea v Uaat. It Ufa tee atca Un4 mkm leaelif aljuta a4 itlaa, taaa utt'sPlls hava keeaaaa. a raaaaaa. Tkey rt speedily aad gewtly the dlaeetti atviaia- Ikta ad vlgr I a 1 Uaso fead. grlftiBg ar sain. Bold Everywhere. OrUce, 4 Murray St., New York. Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Your ORDERS TO US. I W have in etock a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, j C S. Parsons & Sons Boots i and Shoes, J Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, Also Shoe ilireoi fruiu the Iloeton factories. We are selling all uraJee KI.(UB from the Mills ia Michisn verv low. We aleo job Irfrill ir 1 ai: 1 Ca.l ,t Ai SnutT. ROBERTS BROS., 9utt fVon it.. Sm Berne.. . C Brick ! Brick ! Brick ! 50,000 IF o x SeStlo HY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL (COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 AND GRAIN DEALERS, Makkkt 1 " k NKW I5K1CM'. N. I Conaign u your (roiui 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER has a fink stck'k or Watches, Clocks. Jcwelr, SOLID 8ILVER AND PLATED WARE SPKiTAI I.KS. I keep a larKt-r Block of Snoi tarlee than any other store in North Carolina I take particular painn to tit tlicni to the eyee of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe I can dc aa good work as any vrad hmnkpr in the 8Ute. COMF. AM) SEE ME. SAM K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. M2 dwtf HEALTH IS WEALTH1 READ CAREFULLY. Da. E. C. Wbkt'h Nkkvic add Krain TaBATHKirr, a gnaranterd uperlflo for Hisle rla, Dlulnese. (Jonvulslons. Flu. Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Nervous 1'roalratlon eaused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Hofientng of the Brain resulting In Inaanlty anil leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss oT power In either sex. Involuntary Loesi s and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of Uie brain, self- bnss.or arer-tiulal genre. - Kaeh box oon taJtuoUamooth's treatment, ti 00 iox, or six betUea for ti.oa. sent by ranil prepaid on hreealytofprtoe, o . WTK aCARANTEB SIX BOXES To eure any Case. With each order received oy us 'or six ooxes, accompanied vim 5 w, wawQleend tbe purchaser our written guar- Sntee ta refnml tbe nione If tue ttealiuent oee not effect a core. Orrarantees iaaufld nnlv hv R. N DT7FTY, druggist, sole agent, New Berne. H. C, ap24dwly R. SAWYER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR MIDDLE STREET, Two doors south ITalin'i 1,1 very Stables, novl dtf NEW liEUNE. N.JO. The World -Stands Aghast - AT'af r JUOW PRICES, And wonders. How ia it that I can aell bo muoh lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satUfled for the cash, and WORK (vB SHALL PROFITS. - My Motto ia: FAIR DEALINQ. Coma and bay from me, and yon will never regret it. a.--. K. JONES, Nevriine, N. 0.'' , Ll.vlr i uiiaiT I PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK DKNT1HT, niwiui. a. c ItiiJ Brou rl-lmm . P. H. PELLETIER, A TTOUSEY AT LAW Craven St., two doers South of Journal office. iji praruoe in the Counties ol Oriou. Ctr Usroi, Jonaa, Onslow and Paaaoeo. - United Hlates Conn at Inv Berne, aad -aprenw Court 0 the eiata. Itui dU OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front street tout doors weet of Craven. Me roan 11 e law and i - i, c u . t-. a lea. r imler Uugbl uud auiJ Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 am. to 4 p. i . W,l! give prompt attention to all ma . rs prriaia ing to Justices' oourte. dirf dtf HUMPHREYS' LIST or PHINCir. L N08. .t .' ' 5 t a a is Vorill. Worm tfjwejr. a Cone 4 'r In w l oltr, or Tthiuf u( IhtmU IMarrlta. ut I htrdrwo or Aduli l)f aeMtry , liripini Hiiitma i , i.t ( bulr Morbus. omiLaotj I ouejttej, Outtl, Eronckiua) furaicia, TootUeuU. racer hs Mnditrhr Sick HaMiJarhe Vvxi . HOMEOPATHIC M Ov.pPa'a. biiriiua M.imacb I I iuiiiireaar or Painful frrluda I 2 VV hlla, tuo ProfuM Parlotla I 3 rou ii, Oouih Dimcnlt Hratl . . I 1 Rheum, Erj.ipalaa, Krupiiuaa. I ft Hheumatlam. Raenmatic Pais. I ft Fever and Acue. Chill, alalaiia 17 I'llea. Rlindur Bla,lin . Ik I'.i.i-rh InHiiM.a I ,,M in lil. Itad iH Whooptns roilfll, Kileal l out!, '4lulicral iTrbliUv.l'byauai V) aa.au. .a a'lhlanev Dlaraar 1ierooa Dokllllv -KHI rlnary Wrakneaa. Wai4jn HJ SPECIFICS. il l.y lrury.l I'riwnl i,,Ml.aitl on rr.-vipl of - Ill a I'll tikis' a aim I vk III. 1VV lulloal. S.. piu. All i f tho above nil i o i n en f'r ili at tho dnnsliircH of V. S Iuffy and U. Berry, Middle htreot. New Hertie, N. ( '. PROCLAMATION ! Ortinj; t.i iiit sevKcrrv o M.mcy and l'KKSKNT II AIII TIM I S wo nfft-r tho following Low Prices on Thanksgiving Supplier at 61 cV 63 Droad street : ( 'ltron, - cts. Layer Raisins, 1 a 1 S cL. Off Stalk Kaisins, l J.UI.'i i 'h. I'tirrarjts, ,i lbs. for -.' ct.i. Prunes. 'I His. for rt.i. Mince Meat, 10 cts. Ik Malaga drapes, 15 cts. Ik l'.vaporated Apples, 10 cts. 1 rieii Teaches, 15 cts. ( 'ranlierries, 10 cLs. it Ids. Pic Peaches, 10 vlg. ' llis. Htand. Peachos, loets. .! lbs. Stand. Tomatoes, 10 cts. Sweet Mixed Pickles, 20 cts. W e hav a full line of Thanks giving and Christmas Goods at very low prices. VV'e guarantee all goods as represented, best quality. Call and see us. Goods delivered free. ALEX. MILLER. n 1 T I m $500 Reward! W will pay the above reward for any rase of Mvpr complaint, dyt pepala, alrk heailarhe, In.liKPBtlon, coimtlpatlon or costlveneRs we cannot cure with Weill Vegetable l.lver Pills, when the directions sr smelly com piled ltli. They are purely vegetal. p. and never fall to Elve satisfaction. l arge boxes containing SO sugar coated pills. J.'ic. Kor sale uy all druggista. neware ot counierieiif an 1 Imllatlona. The genuine manufacture only by JOHN O. WKHTA CO.. 8! VV. Mad Ison Ht., ( hlcago, in. Sold by K. N DUFFY, druRist, New Berne, N. U. ap24dwly TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 10O1 newspapers divided Into STATES ANI SUCTIONS will be sent on application FREE. To thosa who want their sdvert'slng to pay, we can offer no better medium for mor ougti and effective work than the various sections of our Beleet Loral List. tiKO P. HOWELL it CO., Newspaper Advertising; Bureau. notlS dwlm 18 Spruce street. New York. PHiLADELPHIA'SltlGER VTAJHjLANTED WTEARSr low K.i ' s jno: $20' FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL n roim tm house icfdre nu pit ome ceit. a, ..a. a n..i. a.- m i j niKn-Arai aaaennaa os awiiawvaaiaisr awair. aair.thraadlaia; skattl. Is aelaeleiaa an lISJatlaralBlBlIlS;, USUrt ! SI astfaCa. SKveatta, fa a elvet-llBiewl suss Don't pj aga-uia a53 ov pn mi. acn lur mninr, acuacuiuaa we guarantee oaw BaaehaM eqoat ta aay kilb-arKed aaLaeatlMatrltct, -atddraa , ' L-f.-, u a Thf Aa WOOD tpW$7 X n ff. 19 Ullli PhllafleljlUsH PW II Cloth i Cold Binding I jr f 1 aiiu i mi. I fS28 8TEAHEK&. The If.C. If no i-: izrrns, :aii xyrzz er a r--itL. : rt tu:. ! Ml W I I Kl mil's Baltini'. md "tw Etine - t M 1 I aail. 4a- afew f- ( ana u aa; ..oieaarw aa -k Jtr'ii . wefce,t-hii. mmhw Noriii ua .--Arva. a . I : iM U.v i Aly V. : t IJif :eii ni nip iron. : . lo v knit, ,.'pp.t. i m (rr bo.: M. , "'i : . I'll aa at! !- . .ui-rr -.vUJl, V, ctpuUi, Inoiili, - . , Tier. Wl-.ll auiv v i.. larf j .ii aud tarda a u-i I n.,. , li..iaj-fc,aoar il.1 s i '.lav, ' ' t s a.' t. . c u ai, ' ri, n ..m : 1 ' I l f t'. .1) I ,ri V. Atotti IIIU II, l,. ,,. BILK A1N Mill" I I . i . I INK. EASTERN CAROLINA liSPAlCh Ihr l ast I'ni lit I Ui' I I N. If , II ! 1lll(, I'll 1 , 1 1. 1, 1, a,.,, oih.Bualaai, o h I. .at, rili III, V. 1!;! i I XMl.'W EAGLET and VESPER M 1 I K .St- . I I ! ! i n ,.n -et a r art:,., u It.-r h . i . - , vi m a - V i ai.u i . I i A V; v : ... i v . ' ... . ... Itiv "v. k ..- . ,-.u K. ' N ' I. li . H I i ., i.-liHtn ana ' i ' -al n Cltv a l II I- ! 1 l..r I . III--. V I I ... K, VI. a. . i i"-1 v.a Kiai'f i HP. vv . A i....u. .. A BaJU . K r ii It K. s vi niii H l i h i a N vi M'K ai.o - : t an by an 1 - . o : . -j ,,f j,n i I--' T'-.- AsfLt VU: h i. K l: h r -m I . , 'in, e II. I I. -. .'. , . I- i "II. . - r ( , a I- loin I, ,, I , l 'ii,, : ,, .,, , , I IK 11. tva .iu w mi, otlji-r ..i.i. W l,pi, ..... t .. f r Ij.a (,i m , , K , IN. i. H W . ' -t' II I. . , I i l.' ' MM r w a i II H. I i I 1 k I . ., r. .V N. h i. it i lit . . - m K K : !. I i. 'si,: AKent, ' vi-i.t N V ' i t l. ! A g.-ut N ..uie, N . O. fi't..v .1 , OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. si:.ni-vi;uKLV i,im:. Til.' (Mil lloiiilnlo-i Meai,,l,l,, (olr .a, (11,1 ami Kaiurlte alrr Itinla. .la tli.rniarli n,l t iif..if.l,f I .n.l. I'. U urfolk, Hnllliiimc, (. l.,ik Ir Iph la, U, ii l on. Pr n . I, I r n r , anil VVaslilnion ( Hy. And all points, North, East and Wuet n and after It ( s I' A V . i ' i. y m:, k-i qui rurti.er tmlire. ! ne Steoer MANTEO, Cipt. Semite, AN 1) Steamer MEWBERNE. bV,t. Fntchtlt, 1 1 i N - it k , . , for ,w w ' l. ' " Mli.MtA M HtTI, v . i nil 1-KlliAls nia ; 1. 1; in.e connection llll tl.d M.. ' N. 1. H. 1 lemon. nrt all other rt. H. ( ii.. Mr K iiihd, l av in 1 1 1 1 1; B on n.e isu and I rent Klvera. Kelllrnlng, ulll h rr..m HKK.NK 'i ..wivr.M.iMlire, l. II I - I A V S and K Kl - A Y.I Ht 1 f.l.' K M r . , . .,, . .a iect on wnn ti.e 11 i, j'..- tor New ,,rk, H. t. r. co.'s atnatnar. r halilmoie riv.i,. i i.,a u d i, le ulna, m A V i i . ,i i... a,... : ., , . - "'i 1 1 a "'i oiaiuu and I rovldeuce Oar nntlrlnu efTnric t. ,. . ,nd our a moat, ntrfi ri k..rLi..a , . tiirleen yearg. la tiie i.hl unHmnte we can Iffer ai 1 hi nni.ru a. I., in i. i ... . . . J ' '- ' . a .ill UL I Or Uhem In the future. Order all ir, Hula ,urA,r n t, u u folk. Va I'aasengers will 0ml good table, comfort .bie rooms, ami pven ix.nriu... u.,. tlon will be pnlil Ilia-in t,y UieoCicen. 1-: l:. KuHKKTS. Agent. HlfiRKB. Cl'l.l'Kri'f.ll A 1 I RXKR, Aij'-iiU, .,.i r Vs. n- 8TSKiKI. l. .- t i. -i w r.;l ( Uy. THM SljfEUSE I TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company. Will rnn the followlu H-tl Inla nn ml ana. January 1st, ise". Steamer Trent (Till leave every M...-,.lay and 1 hnrsday ruorn i ii!4 at Hix o'clock fur Sm.iln and Adams iei-ks utiil all uitarrueuiate inlnta return lug same day. ;.. i f tetmer Kinston. Will leftTA Sfm fr.F L'm.ln. nM 1' . a fa ' II tl WU ltl- a UVjaj- oayi and Fridai at laiorirxk m. hetarn In t. will iovr k tii.i..,, ThuradRys: Touching at all lutertntdiate Landlnga on Neuse Kiver. J. J. DIHOSWAY at Sewbern. W. r. BTAjriT, Kinston. D. 8. Bauuv, roUoksvllla. W. K. WARD, Agent at Treaton.' af. o. Smith, Jolly old rield. J. B. Bakti, Qnakar Bridge. 4M WH'TB. Oea'l Maaace 5(nwTi. w ' ekTd I ttscnradathomewuii I Oat rata. Book of rmtv. ticiiltirasent FUF.IS. A M.WfVII J.IT7 M Ta. aVlilMlUa, Uia. JjOca fc wbiteUail e B 11 aaaaSaaaaaaaBBaanau a?

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