i OURNAL tiJ JUAIL1 VOL. VII.-NO. 253. NEW BERNE. N. C, TUESDAY. JANUARY ii. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSQTESS LOCALS. HAVING MADS 1 LARGE purcha of Loritlard Banff which eaJla for quite . turn of moner, I am ompellad to aek all of my ouetomare, whca ae ooubu arc os dua, to com forward of one and eetll I aaenre th.m that I do Dttd the monay and they art causing iat gtat InconTr nirnc by delay In t: I nave reduced the pries of my fine flutter to 35 ceata per pound, it U extra i nio tod newly made. My parched Coffee are juat splendid Try a pound and be convinced 85, 30 and S5 ceate per pound. To any merchant in or out of the city I will Mil Lorillard Snuff by the ke at 40 cent per lb., lea 8 per cent off, for cuh. Vr respectfully. THE GROCER E. B HACK BURN jinlOtf. 1)URE WINLS AND LIQUORS (of Medicinal and other use (or sale J VLMANAC3 Turner North Caro 1 lina Almanac (or th Tear ISM), j Obo. Allkn Co. 1 ) LEASE REMEMBER that I need' 1 money a wall a the reat of man-1 kind, and If you owe me please pay me. J. C. WhiTYv. 0 NE Thousand Roll Wall Piper at , err low price. GBO. ALUtS A Co. I M PORTED FaF.NCH BRANDY AND 1 HOLLAND (JIN. j(Ut received and for sal by JiMES Redmond. LWQINE and Oin Repair, Belting, Packing, etc. at Qso. Allkn A Co. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for sale by JaMKS Rkdmond. pORN SHEI.LER9, Grain Fans, Feed Cutters at Gao. Aixkn & Co. The harmony problem vexes the spirit of the President elect. There are 3,000,000 more women in Great Britain than men There will be no tariff law en ai led by the present Congress. Total receipts ot cotton at all points aince September 1st. 4, l.tl 1 10 bales. It now looks as if the L'ouium hioner of Agriculture n to have a Cabinet portfolio. It is dishonoring to Emperor William that be is dismissing from the public service the most trusted friends of his father. Every one who wishes to see the most wonderful evidences of North Carolina's resources should attend the New Berne Fair. Prepabk for cold weather. The coldest wave of the season is pass ing over the Northwest. Forty two degrees below zero has been reached in Dakota. THEuiOBt beautiful women in the world will be at the New Berne Fair, and Henry Blonnt, ol the Wilson Mirror, will be here to do justice to their ebaims. Every North Carolinian who feels a pride in his State should visit too great East North Carolina Exposition which epens at New Berne on the 19th of February. AN esteemed contemporary says : 'Let Harrison make his own Cabinet." Agreed. It will afford him pleasure, and .the relinquish ment of the honor gives ns no re gret. .- - - logout friends in the country we say gel ready for the Fair. It will not be considered disconrteons to " other sections for you to take the premiums. The field, displays are open to the world. ' A. Charlotte correspondent of the New York World : gives the public to ' understand that Colonel Waddell will bolt fr:tn the Demo cratic part j because be has not been ma1 United- State Senator. Wrong, all ' wrong. Waddell, will continjie 'tine Ida conn trj nd that means true to the . Democratic " "IT is settled by the Supreme " Codrt of North Carolina that a description ot property in a deed is snfficieniwheiu.ia ", terms, . or by - - reasonable application arising from the facts stated: to respect to its eirca instances, -relations and . con nectiong. designates the property so that it can certainly be aeen or ascertained. v JEhis a description 'my tobacco crop ; to be grownthis ;year on my own land' U sufficient. Thkee cheers for the Alabama Patrons of Husbandry, who In a recent convention assembled broke ground, looking to bnilding a bag ging factory to. supply their de. mands for another j ear. Southern Cultivator. It is reported that Gen. Harrison has been presented new solutions of the Southern question. The real solution will be found in Gen. Uan ison's paying strict attention to national affairs and leaving local self government undisturbed. r "An ooiuitiuj run by electricity, t,e 0Iltv one , th , . fa j successful uips in London. It runs on any kind of street without the use of raih. Soon every buggy, hack, carriage, and all other ve hicles will be run by electricity. Heating cars by electricity ia also goon to be common with railroads." a. The dett iiinination to extend the Atlantic and North Carolina liaM road to Charlotte, or 6ome other town in the West, is shared by all the people along the proposed line.: Wise and judicious action on the part of the Legislature and the Governor will secure, beyond doubt, this highway, upon which the pros perity of North Carolina is largely dependent. THE terrible late of the German missionai ies and their wives on the coast of Hast Africa will have the effect of rendering Prince Bis marck's colonial policy more un popular than ever in Germany. The idea of refined European ladies and their husbands being publicly sold as slaves by their Arab cap tors, under the very guns of a German war cruiser, is almost be yond belief. Those of their com panions who were mardereil met a less dreadful fate. N. Y. World. LOCAL NEWS. A handsome picket fence is being constructed in front of Mr. E. B. Cos' residence. The disabled soldiers convention will be held in Rilsigh todJy. The delegate from Craven went forward yesterday. Some vtry handsome opera chairs were received over the n.. u. u. line yesterday, to be placed in the theatre. Stimson's mill cut three hundred and seventy three thousand feet of lum ber last week. That is chopping log up pretty fast. Wo have made arrangements to club some very good books with the Daily and Weekly Journal. See list pub lished in advertisement. There will be prayer meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at the house of Mrs. Annie Stanly, on Broad street, nnder the ana- pices of the Young Men1 Chrik,tjJ! As sociation Bishop J. Wr Hood, D.D., of the A. M. E. Z Church, will lecture at St. rPeter's church this evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Hi subject will be The 25lh rear since he left New Berne." The records in the court house date back one hundred and fifty years, .The Register of Deed is now using "took 100" for the registration of deedi'and conveyances and eyery number down to ene can be found in the vaults in a good (tate of preservation. Fair Kcttaurant. Mr. John Dunn is erecfflg a building on the Exposition ground to be need as a restaurant. It will ha arranged and kept in first class tyle; during the Fair. " ' ' " -. ! fn ' , - Balroad Ixtenaion Heating. We publish else here the call for a meeting of the friends of railroad ex tension and the committe.e sppoiateafb attend from this county. Every one ap pointed from thi8coupty,llaiaetly requested to nuet at the Board of Trade room next Friday fight. tUyf been suggested, and the taggettion ia a good one, that the committee charter a pecial car to take them to Raleigh and return. New Berne and Craven county has a great deal at stake In his move ment and should go about it with a de termination tomcoeed. ' AH our city father say, "nse Ba)va tion Oil, tbe greatest cure OD-Wtb. for pain." It ooata only 85c - m Since Mrs. Brown baa taken to using Dr. Bull' Cough Syran aha has laved an - Independent fortune la doctors' billa. "Yon can do the same.' v it, PexMsal. Walter F. Neal, Eq , of Laurinburg, ha beea m a viatt to hi father. Prof. Gee, W. KeeJ for a day or two. H leave thi morniog for Raleigh. Hob. F. M. Simmon returned to Washington City yesterday. Special Premium. B. Ftanner'i shoe store t rier on pair of good brogan for tbe best ex hibit of N. C ham at th Fair. We believe thi important prod uot of the farm ha been overlooked ia the regu lar premium list, therefore we hope others of our merchant will offer special premium for N. C. ham. Crabtree A Co. offer five dollars in cash for the best bundle of fifty saved shingle. Shipping Nws. The steamer Stout of the Clyde line arrived from Baltimore on Saturdar night with a cargo of general merchan dise and sailed yesterday afternoon on return trip with cotton, naval stores, Ac. Tbe steamer Nawberneof the (7. D. line will sail for Norfolk today at 12 o'clock The Manteo of tbe aame line will arrive tonight Tbe steamer Eaglet, of tbe E. C. D. line arrived Sunday with a full cargo of general merchandise. The Veeper of tbis lin tailed yesterday wiih a full cargo of cotton and merchandise. Tbe Eaglet will sail tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The steam tug Nettie arrived from Norfolk yetUrday evening with the si earn dredga Nannie and two scows in low. Tbe dredge and scows are for the government work on Trent river. Thanks We tbank the Wilmington Star for the following notice of our approaching Fair The last New Berne Weekly Joi knal has a full page advertisement of the "Second Grand Annual Exposition of Eastern North Carolina game, fish, oys ter and Industrial" products. This im port mt Fair is to be held on four dsys, beginning on the 19. h of February next. Tbe first Fair was tentative and a fine sucoess. We are glad to learn that the second fair promises to be bet ter still. Tbe North Carolina waters oan furnish much tbat is delicate and delicious, and in striking variety. Oov. Fowl will oped the Exposition. Low excursion rate will induce a great many to attend. We hop the fisher men and farmer of thi section will send in their heat specimen. Good board oan be obtained at low rate. The Star's very beet wishes attend tbis enterprise, and if within our power, we will be delighted to be one of the vis itors. Herman War Vessels Insult Americans. San Fbancisoo, January 19 The steamer Alamedo arrived here this morning from Samoa. A correspond ent writing from Apia, Samoa, under date or January 8, starting out with the declaration that tbe most serious state of affair exist in Samoa. give particular of tbe affair of December 13th, previously reported as to the main fact by tele graph. The correspondent summarize hi view follows: On the night of December IB some sailor from the Car man men-of-war Adler, Olsa and Eber attacked Mataafa'i sold ier,under direc tion of the German conral and Capt. Fritz, senior German officer in the port. As the result of the encounter 24 German sailors were killed and wounded. Since then German ship have burned American houses and flags, torn down United State flag, Mixed some Amen can oitirensin I hi neutral water of Apia harbor, and taken them prisoners on board of German men-of-war. A boat' crew from a German vessel, in command of an officer, have shot at the captain and lieutenant of an Eoglish man-of-war. ADVICB TO HOTHEHt' r Mas. Winblow's Sooth in o- Strop should always be need for ohildren teething. It soothe the child, (often the gum, allay all pain, cures wind colio, and i the beet remedy for .diar hcea. Tweoty-nve oenta a bottle. Jadge Tamer Ellis a Premieeit Cltliea Cbicaoo, Jan. 19. A dispatch from Eaoxvllle, Tenn., aay: Near Cumberland Gap, on Thursday, Judge may Turner shot and killed Gal vin Watson, a well known oitisen of Bill county, Ky. Tbe fight originated in a lew rait, in which three nieces of Turner and Watson J were invloved They charged that Watson had swin died them, and Turner took up the flgbt. He met Watson and fired on him without a word.- The courier, who ar rived In thiaeity last night, aavt that a mob! of twenty men, friend' and1 rela tions or wataon, had been organised witn tne inteutton ox hunting down Turner ana kUucgTiim. t "tv - i'l AH AID TO TH BXBCtTTITE. BaT3 Eouax, La Jan. S8, 1888. To 'Mrl Ju :tL Hawkee-Dear Sir: I aeeirl te testify to the great superiority of yourCryataliied Lenie., They com bine great oruuancy with aoftneas and -pleuantness to the eye, more than aay I jIutta.aTtff foaa4.V 7 . f Ooveraor of Loulglaaa. r u eyee fitted and fit gdaranteed by F. 8, Duffy, New Berna, N.C jtSllm v DALt. Ti morning r rilhan: Its quiet jourLcy i-kg breun When mamma, lu i;.e ctnMrt i, , : Come dine wuhio ihe h.i A tender love. wivhtD eih !it -,ft It cherished bv ean ue s irt la pleisant verse it.- or sol,; Lear mt ihe Jar tii i'Tg l'j jr I, :i l- Tis noon . the !. -ve . I t ai y o. i u With roses of tbe rarest dao lias bloomed attain, id j eacb dear . r..li Leaves foot prints on tbe dicing tilrs Of vur Jer home 'Tis evening . the buy day With heart and brain, has sped ha si The lamp of love, is .jui. kiv lit. Y ithio the litfhi ,'ur children sit. In vur 1t ar home 1.M ; as. F.Ueosiun of the A N t K fmm boMboro to ( lurlollr. Ntvv Fkknk, N. t , Jo 10. :rj. Pursuant to a i jli L the committee ppointed by the H,mr 1 if TruJe ot New Berne, to vrre!oo J i th th eo pie of the counties along the iine of .he Atlantic A' N. C. Railroad and thoie of other counties intereBteJ m theexten ion of said road into the interior of the State, a meeting was held at the rooms of said board in New Heme on the 'Jih nst., at which, after a full iliscunon of the ubjct i a jiUii for the extension f said road fcoui lioltlsNiro to t'har lotte, submitted by t'ul W ill, am John son of the latter city, as h lo; t .l and the following rmolmi on vi-etl, to wit 'Resolve,!, That the chairman i f this meeting is rtquested to issue a i all to the friends of the extension of tho At antic & N. C. Railroad, to meet in Rtt ifh on Tueedav, January '."Jth. l'J. and that the private stockholder of said road be riqueeted to meet at the s.iiue time and place ari l co operate with them." Ia compliance with the above renulu tion, there will bo a meeting for the purposes therein named at the arbom Uouse in tbe citv of 1; ileigh. on Tiics day, January 2i)th, at 1.' o'clock. 51 The extension of thin road being of great importance t y, ur county, it is hoped that you will r 1 the matter to the immediate attention of vour people and that they n ill a p out delegates to represent their interentH at meeting JaMKS A HiiVan. i hairman. K. RoiunsoN . fl S Ni'.NN, hecs. ( oininllteo on lv.iilro.nl 1 tcnsion. In comphanco with n resolution passed by tho Convention hel l at the Board of Trade rooms, in thi- city, Jan uary 9th, for the purpose of considering he practicability of extending the A. & N. C. Rtilroad beyond tKddshoro, the following gentlemen are appointed delegates to attend a meeting to be held n the tarboro House in the city of Raleigh on the 29ih of the present month of January at 12 o'clock m. to devise a plan for said extension that shall best subserve the interest of all concerned and to ask the co-operation of the Uov ernor and Legislature in carrying out the same. S.ll. Uray, (leu. A I len. Ja.i. Redmond, 8.W. Small wood. J.J. Wolfendcn, Robt. Ransom, H. S. Nunn, J. J. Tolson, E. II. Meadows, W. ISray, J I.. Rhem, N. Tiadale, Alex. Millr, K M. Pavie, Matt. Manly, F. M. Simmons, Jonathan Havens. John Hughes, Washington Bryan, John D. Whitford.II. R Hryan, Daniel Stlmson, M. Ilahn. H II. Dully, Ulrich, William Foy, W. P. Burma, T. A. Green, Clem. Manly, John Suter, Woe. Dunn.E.R.Harkriurn. John Dunn , O. H. Guion, V. li. l'ellelier, Rnoch Wadsworth, George Bishop, H. R Street, J. A. Richardson, () Iltibbs, J. A. Ernul, Wm. Cleve, S. W. Latham, Macon Bryan, Daniel Lane, C. F. Slover, E. W. Smallwood, T. 11. Mallison, C. C. Clark. (. I,. Ilardison, W. F. Rountree, W. M. Watson, (). F. M. Dail, John C. Whitty, S. If. Waters, John McSorley, B. Swert. W. B. Plan ner, Albert Patterson. L. II. Cutler, Thos. Daniels. C. T. Wats n, J. W. Moore, G. N. Ives, Dr. (leo. Hlover, G. H. Roberts. C. S Bryan. K. R Jones, W. E Soelliogs, Julius Congdon, A. L. Way. O. Marks.l Cha. 8. Hollister, E. K. Bishop. H. W. Steinhelper, N. S. Richardson, Hill Humprey, J. F. Tay lor, Jas, F. Clark, A. R. Dennison. A. S. Seymour, D.T. Carraway, Cbas. Reizen- stein, E. F,. Harper, U L.Roberts, C.A. Battle, Jas. W. Waters. A meeting will be hel l at tbe Board of Trade room on Friday, evening, Jan. 25th, at 8 o'clock at which tho above named gentlemen and all others friend ly to extension are requested to be prea eat. James A. Bryan, Ch'mn. MERIT WHS. We dea're to say to our citlz'ns that for years we have been selling I'r King's INew Discovery for Consumption, Dr King's New Life PiUs, Bucklen's Arnica Halve and Electric Bitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell as well, or that .have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For tale by R. N. Daffy, whole sale and retail druggist. Democratic Executive Committee. Tbe members of the county Demo cratic Executive Committee of Crayen county are requested to meet at the oourt bouse on Monday Che 4th day of February at 3 p. m , for the purpose of recommending appointment for magis trate to the General Assembly. v 8. R. Street, Chm'n. J. HAVgsa.Seo'y. Dyspepsia is otfr national disease re quiring a national remedy. This cure ia- f An n A lit, T..v.iln. Iha "ffnM.nll household epociflo for this troublesome malady. Price only 25c. a package. If babies could talk, they would often express their thanks to their nuraes for relieving them ot suffering, by the use oi ur. Bull s Baby Byrap. Ftaal Keport. lo the Foreman of the New Berne and Atlantic Fire Companiee, No. 1. A nice lutie sum was realised from tbe festival and friends of the festival made in behalf of the fire department o' New Berne. This sum will be turned , 'rr to you today Hosooal thaoks to friends who asemied us Rewcifuly . Isa. H Smith. Genoral Manager A Aftt lt!TnlU Is one which la guaranteed to bnug ou satisfactory reMilts ir in ce of failure a j return of purchase price On .this safe p. an you can Duy rroiu our overtimed I'ruggist a bcttle of Ir. King s New Dts covery tor consumption It is guaranteed to br.Dg relief In evtry caae, hen uaevi for any ajeetton of Throat. I ungs or t'tieat. such aa Consomption, lnrJammatWn of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, V htwping ' t'ough. I'roup. etc etc It la pleasaui ' and agreeable to Ugte perfectly safe, and ! can alavs be depended uimo Tr'al !-ot i ties free at R N luffy s, wholesale au retail druggist an'.'.1 ly MARH1KD At Harlovse, N. C . thi 4 a Rev. I' W Cassey t tliciating . Francis Moore of New Berne Malvina Cully of Harlowe. iv . the Mr A to Mis rriendswill be received at therts dence of the groom until 10 p m Dl til). In the city of New Berne on Sunday morning, January 20th, Mary Kleanor. infant daughter of Tbos. J and Lillie K Crwder passed away into tne haven of rest ' Surfer little children to come I unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven " Mules and Horses. A FINE I.nT of MI'LES and II )RS-s have ml arrived at jl'' dtf M. 11AHN 1' t i i. At the Theatre. MISS F.DNORA NAIIAR will appear at the New Berne Theatre on TV F.S DAY EVEN I. NO, JAN 2itn. in the, Chariot Race, in Ben Hur, and The Curse Scene in Leah the Forsaken . in j costume. Other pieces, pathetic and humorous, will be performed. Jjtd i 200 BARRELS Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES. From State of Maine, For Sale! Very Low. IT. TJlrieli, WHOLKSALK GKOCKi:, VI 1 1 I r K STREET. NEW I1ERNE K C PLOWS ! Our stock of Plows comprises the Avery Steel (one or two horse , Atlas, Iloss, Dixie, Daisy, Champion, Clipper, Granger, Watt, Climax, Gem and Stonewall, and alio tho ordinary Turn Plows, such as the Nog. A fi, 10, 11, .'!;, 40, 4S, 4S, Ml, 55 and 00. Castings of every description, be sides a full and complete line of everything for the Farm. We respectfully solicit 'he Whole sale Trade as well as the Retail, and we are prepared to offer sprcial in ducement to Merchants. Send for our Prioe List. WHITTY & GATES. Saw Mill Supplies a specialty. William H. Oliver, INSURANCE AGENT, ZND ADJUSTER. Connecticut Mutual of Hartford, Life. Continental of Hew York Fire. vEtna of Hartford, Fire. Hibernia of New Orleans. Fire. Travelers of Hartford, Life and Acci dent. Fidelity and Casualty of New York. Plate Glass and Plate Glass Mirrors. American Steam Boilar Ins. Co. of New York. Marine of London. The' combined assets of tbe companies repreMioted by me aggregate the enor mous sum of $100,000,000. Newtwra, N, C. V E.H. SJ.fi. MEADOWS Truck & Cotton Factors M A N t K A rt KltK r Meadows' Sp. cial Gumos. Factor v h Art 1 Tit I etween TolL r f o-it itrets oi ri Point, NEW BERNE, N. C. u; i' VI tiOU Tons Kainit, 500 Tor.s Kih Grade Phos ph.ite, 250 Tons' Cotton Set d Meal, 1000 B.uiiIb Potatoes-Selected Seed, 1000 Blisll Iea!ju -.' Extra Early Pease, 300 Bush Improved Fxtra Early Round Bears 12000 Bush . Oat? Radish, LV, t, Small Seeds 1 R'.:ct Proof ivd all other ; u a l'j en .or LOW FIGURES. i. i Tax Notice. Ai 1" "i Taxos f.ir 1Sn7 an t L Tax s, Retail I n:i ulher licenafs mi- I i s of North r' ' y ii tnicd to settle ' '.!! Cdniu)t il i.t t.-i.-I at niy oflice 1 I ' M tor,! five the f:-r Him ,lat. o vo r i ,T Craren Co h. .Ii I oin I rt'ijinri I I ih.- I i 'arolinn. : Ihe Krtinp l.i r : rV .j.. from I AM l . same, f r. rn hi, I . .1 a n i i r y ! '. J t f HOLIDAY GOODS! The finest Chairs, Picture frames. Pictures, Ward robes, Hook Cases, Parlor Suits, Work Baskets, Hat Racks, r5,c, for Chriatma-, ever brought to New Berne Market. Iu fact the best stock of Furniture over of fered in New Berne, by JOHN SUTER, ,il:"llv Middle Street. THE NEW BERNE Furniture Company, anufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses, CHAIRS, Etc , Etc. W.-ha-.c.n I,,, i, R,i ftr nmnufarinrlr everyday han.lsomp, ciiralifr Suln. hh. steals. Hofas. TaMm an,l llMrr-an,. whirl) are nfKi an,i suimtautial. Fa, -lory, corner of Front ilrppia. tun 'imi.l ja:r jr on l, l-i M and Eaat I -l Mildlpf liKKNK, .V I'. TURNER ic CO., I'ilOPKIETOR. T. J Go to F. S. DUFFY DIIL'CJCtIST, A .'. D B I V DRUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR GASH. The best ssortinpnt of Trnp In ihe cltr Alarve v-Hrle.laml select stock of rerfB mery and Fine f-oaps. A choice assortncont of nt, rn. Cigars. uueP tobaer3r(ive,r TrarslnaniJ tardea Plantlnf, Ht-Pnmp, Kfttlier Fans Mountd Rlta. Ai?0'5ndl,ome''0"w"lon "f CtirHtmaa ' ? Goods and sundries, all of which 11 YjtJ?1 . the VKKY LOWKMf PK?C"fo?cT" - r. a. ia) t ft. : IS , A Valuable Resideiice; r tm - BALE CHEAPtej, A. bran new DwTIntir Wm taming six coafforUWe rooms. Hod kit ' chen and dining room attached., Lo cated on Chang street, near East Front. ' Apply to - ;-,-4--ri --, WAtSON & STESET, d30 .-; y. Ini.& Real r-t.

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