If You AreiS&k Vk HMdufe hn, HamarUt, Tnp- flnMtltfw,lMttafi xgat, aiefiemBem,rtnaitmtjm,m M&hmb Psos oaoM, ase Faaatrt Outer Ctmyimi tt W eiirei taMektf tkM mm ti MVal or paysLoel wwU, anxiaty, apmrnm ajacla, the eflbet at which, fc to weaken lb mm syt teat, laealttBf hasea af thaea 'Iwrft'tia sWurra UMCAonvukHuacMt Kern Ttaie, ana the Paine's Celery Compound Jab. U Bora, tjaftafgeM, maia writes ) "Vaine's Cwery Cempoaod ca&atft to auwvaa a Starve Tamo. Ia avy M a, auW butti magma a uw snanga. y am 1 11 imtim entirety i i laiirnaaamn. wma tm we of Um tusaeca, heart ud nver, anal (a whole tea o Um iratana wet irauWfuiit saTtgoraiad. 1 tell mj Mends, tf sick u I aava baoa, hart ueaery LMmponao Will Cure You! by wnms, Kn-jniBKi 4 0a, Bunlagteaa, Vfc For the Aged.. Nemss. DeblL'tal The Bergper & Engel BREW8WC CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the fiue3t Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. The Lifcb reputation en,ojeil by the lil'.lU.NKk vl KNUKL XJMTANV is due to the fact that only the I'INKST AND HEST MATERIALS Are used aud that the greatest SK1IJ; and CAKE are exercised daring its manufacture. jy 4 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. nmu xorti maim GARBLE WORKS. Monuments Tombac ' i'l thi u tt nl Bntidina workji 1 1 ALIANi AMERICAN MARBLE Order will reoeiTe prompt attntior wod atiafaotion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor a BUOAD i4P OKAVkt tin. NSW BURNS. G. E. Millu it my authorized t in k wtM-if GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Afrricnltural Implement , Plowa, Barrows, Cultivator, tlees and Axes, Wood's ' Mowers and Reaper, Steam Engines, rtattnn Oina and Preaaes. Fertilisers. Land Plaater, Kainlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Pnttr and Hair. Freesers,KBefrlferators, Oil Cook Stoves,' Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VERT LOW. OttO, ALLEN A CO. JLanOor.Sale. TWA' TRACTS? '"UraOIB COUMT tlx ml Wi eontrr f Klntton, oil Booth Weat Creek.;fo X S iwrta. wjth One hundred cleared; balance well tlnbered. WU adapt, ed to groWna eon, eotton, peaa eta. A portion U the eltared land mbraee a rlcb branch. ,Jf,X Jv of-trther land, loctereatlahtrlUf r o ; .tract No. I Price $3,000. Mh.' n art, eak with ap proyed aMtrHtr for balance." . Apply to.-'r J -J JAMES WILLIAMS", . - r v Kinaton,.U., ' Ort tVOpaSALCFrlCE,- i214wUpki !'. " Wew Berne, . C I ffldasi1Mi.MlT- - I sat aaildasOdtt In ib . cute oroodorriusa and , (Jlrt.lpreerlbllnl4 . . feeltafslnraogmiirtndV hn It to an tofrcran. , a.J.ST0HEB,M.P vritaiywa. "ttt QbtaiMl 9i 01nalnaaas Ohio. ; i iasrar, FRics.si.eo. - tna aukl Botany Sroititta. ' aukl ' 3. JV. JoedaI, "Aiiat, New Bern, H.U, - mayiowir f rTo7t.j mated to cole Bar foods tban any otha dyes r Butde, and to giva nn tinUiaat mc durante eokiu. Ak far the i'luinofcu aad taiu no other A Dress Dyed i Coat Colored f j O I I FOR 10 vurweiii nciKwcu ) CENTS. ' A Child can use them ! UiwqulM tor aM Fancy and Art at drugtrttta and Merchants. I've bouk true wells. Richardson coH pto., Burlington, w. 5 y CIGARS FOR 8ALE AT COST. Ilavirjg purchased a large stock of Cigara, itrid tbe demand for tame being mall. 1 now offer to the merchants CI0AR8 AT COST until my stock it reduoed. Cash on delivery. The Ladies Must Come ! The Gentlemen May Come ! AND ' Everybody" Come ! TO SEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BKOUGIIT TO THIS MARKET. AI-SO A FULL LINE OF House Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM TRICES. L. l J. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. C. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoo Ll:icrf Pollock St Newborn m 6, l: Desires to announce that hla FALLSTOOK OF H ATKRI AL hat been reeelTed and he It prepared to fill orders for - FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES Having two ariDerlor skilled workmea. all orders promptly tilled. . , . in soueKina patronage I guarantee "the best material, a rood fit. tha lataat atvlaa and darablllty," As one among many testimonials of the character of my work the subjoined from a weu. muwn aiuztn tens lit own story: ( . rjHmn gtatis new Baamr, K. C Comm'M OJiricB. Oct 5th. im. ao.Mc8oxUT.Sao. IJXAK Rliu-Pleaw make me a nalr of gaiters similar to those yon mate me two yean ate,- i nave worn wem two yean and vamj an rooq yM4 i nave Dean shoes fifty-six years ami they are the best i ever wore. Kespeot rally, "Slltned" ID HILL. Repairing neatly and promptly done. eot23dw AGENCY FOR J. 4m 1? s wflES' 6u ran act a aura, cleaa. line RAVAN5AH CIBAR l&alda and niL of tha very flnett SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two for, a niccei , wny aoni yon go- to J A LnKRl CIOAR STOBB and get them. Do not tie. htunhdeffed' br clieaa tr&ah i iiataaml smoke aud be happyf and you can get any' quality -ra uigars ytnr want, utile tiezv-, Aana. on a asnt. VIVE llKtRtloTH nm1 pipular brand, for ten cents, etc, etc. Why, At Mm. .ml tn lk.ni. J . M wm. ju rAtiHSK, . .: Middle eNewbertr. ' 1 1 -j 1 J! 1 i 1 ' J . . I urnitureH Has on band and !a recei via jt every 4ay handsome parlor tultt chamaer aeu, heavy walnnt, bureautK,-wararobea, mattreetea, cbalra, lourjgei;ofai, etc., etC. ' ' .. i. . . ; -, a- s r He alio haa a tine of home-nwda work of bedHeada, aofaa, 4ablej bnrcabB eto. whlrih are neat sndeubstahtiaL-joi Prioelil'gnt Down to JRock Bottom. lefl dif ' Middle st-'. New Ltese. H THE JOURNAL. PEOPtl WILL TALK. Ym may get throngs, tke world but twill ft w; al0. If you lieteft, M all thai ia said M you go; You'U be werried ud fi acted aad fcapt ia a ttw. For madilaaoDia tongue will hat omtthlng to da. For ptopt will talk. It 70a arc caacroui and noble, thej '11 Teat oat their ipleen; You'll bear aoma loud aJnti that you r alfiahand maaaf 1( upright and boo eat, and fair at the day. They'll call you a rogue, in a tly eneak ' ing way, I For popW will talk. And then if yon show the leant boidneea i of heart. Or the leaet inclination to take your own part, They 11 oall you an upstart, conceited and Tain Bnt keep .trait ahead, don't elop to ex plain, For people will talk. i If you dreea in the fashion, don't hope to escape. For they criticise then in a different shape; You're "ahead of your means ." or "your tailor's unpaid," , But mind your own butinee, there naught to be made, For people will talk. Now the best way to do it to do at you please. For your mind, if you have one, will then be at ease ; Of course you will meet itb all sorts of abuse. Bat don X think to stop them, it" isn't any use. For people will talk. -N C. Teacher. Mght Watrb on "The Plalnv Puring a joDroey on the "Great Plaius," says a traveller who was a personal friend of Old Hickory Jackson's, 1 was overtaken by night by an unexpected aud eaily snow storm, and by a high feyer, all at once, at a place on the Santa Fe road, which was then unoccu pied by inhabitants for many a mile. I bad only a single companion, who did his utmost to hasten the horse attached to our wagon, to protect me lrom the storm, and to keep op my hopes and courage. Bat we had not gone mach further before he stopped the horse by the side of a large tree, and made several ineffectual attempts to find the road, whioli we mast hare left some time before, and now could Dot distinguish, as tbe snow covered the entire surface or the ground with one uniform sheet of white. My comrade began wrapping me in all tbe remaintng clothes and skins he conld find, so I might not perish; bat his labor of kindness was brought to an end, by the rearing and snorting of the horse, which seemed prodigiously alarmed. On looking around we saw a dark object rapidly approaching over the white plain. "Climb the tree, quick !'' cried my comrade. "Up, or yon are lost!" And seizing me by the shoulder, ho hurried me from the vehicle to the foot of the tree, up which he assisted me to climb, and then speedily followed. The horse, meanwhile, had at tempted to flee, bnt the '-dark ob ject,'' which was nothing less than a hnge grizzly bear, knocked the poor ariTmal down with one blow of bis paw, and then proceeded to de vour him, in tbe most ravenous manner. The. monster's horrible munchings and growings struck terror and sickness to my very sonl. I never heard anything so terrible and marrow-freezing be fore or since. After he had gorged himself upon tbe flesh of our poor horse he came and crouched under the tree, as if waiting for us to come down and serve him as a des sert. There the horrid brute lay through the long hours of the night, while we sat shivering in the tree. .Early in the morning a large party of traders were seen ap proaching, and the bear becoming aware of their proximity, arose and fated at them a moment, and then ran off at a Bpeed which soon took Wm beyond the reach of harm. We then hastily descended, and received such attention as the new comers conld bestowj bat !t was many a month before-1 ecovered from the evil effects of that dismal Bighfewateb ob the plains. teat' Arnlea Saiwe.' , XHi ,Bbst Balv . In the world for Outi, ,Bnifee I Sores, ' Ulcerg, Bait Hheam, fef lorea. Tetter. Chapped BaadafGhubiaiasrCorna,aiid all Skin Eruptipns, and positively en res piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to grve perfect satisfaction, or money re-. Zundedr '-Price IS oenU per box.. For fttlebf 1L IT. Duff. jnn 17 Cleanses the ifl'l tihl KVB, p.ajrj I-A'ly ETA efaln and in ..-oAlk flaranjatlon.KmUR; 4 If. ;e'.ve ov tht I utf etonsevthc .- Senses 1 tftra m.. . . .a.v 1 K I L H M 1 fll .t ' Sr, "J. Try the Care. I 4K--LUy lw I r :? m m m , m m hire. .4 AparttclenitVpIlod into eacn noatni and latgreeahla. Trine $0 cents at Drntrit- by mall,reitrlj0 t.-. KLY BKOIHKR8, it Warren Street, Dew tork, : Janlfidwly Tutt's Piiis thMH ri:Hlr to at kttn then 11. r tla liter J is aalu. Html TIi; ftEMEDY muil ' ti.rvt f I , . i flow of bit els r' ttia . Sold Office, 4 m I .ill LiKr Pills art ! . u. aiin alrcv i v. .... u . inv wi i'VwLi re. Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Yrir ORDERS TO USL We have in stock a Full Line of QROCEBIES & PROVISIONS c 5. Parsons & Sons B00U and Shoes. Penitentiary Boots &5hoes, Also Shoee direct from ibe ioeton faotoriee. We are selling ali grades 1 I.OL'R from tbe Mills 10 Miri.sn very low. We aleo job l.ori!!ar i an i Oai! A Ax Snuff. ROBERTS BROS-, 9uut Front t .eu Herne.S. V Brick ! Brick ! Brick ! 50,000 JF o x Sale BV W. P. BURRUS & CO., OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, m:w iikiim:, n. ( 9rtT iViisiun us yn'ir m.lui f rai M (1 a I f 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER II VS A FINE BTiK'K OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry 80LID SILVER AND PLATtD WARE- SPF.CT4CI.KS. I keep a larger slock of Spectacles than any other Btorp in North Carolina I take particular pfinn to lit tlietn to the eyes of parties needing ll.rm. Having worked stoa.lily at th bench for over thirty years, I believe I oan dc as good work at any watchmaker in th( State. COMF AND SFE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Ilaptiat Church. fal2 dwtf II U M 111 KKYS SOMEOPATHIC VETEEIITARY SPECinC3 For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. I 5001' U.F. BOOK on Treat ment of Anlmnla nod Chart Ment Free. rcHESFeTeri. Conellon,, Innamtnutlnn. A. A.-Splnal IVIenlngltln. Milk Fpvrr. B. B. Strains. I.ameneaai Khrumnilam. C. C. Distemper, Nniinl Dltirhargci. V. D. Bote or 4rub. Worrnn. E. E.-Couiks, Heaves, Pneamonln. F. F. Colic or (Jrlpes, Bellyache. U. u. Mlscarriaae, lleinorrhHsp.. I. 1 rlnnrv nnrf Hldnpv Ilia.. nana J. hm ernpiive lilneanpK. If . K. Diseases of Dlsealloo. Eropilve DlaeanpH Mangp stable Cane, with Rrwlflc". olflc, Mauunl. w ltob llazel oil ana Meilloator, sr.oo i FTlee, 81ngle BotUofovorSOdoseBX . .60 Hold by Drusrglnt-i or Seat Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 109 Fulton St., N. Y. inuMrnnEYS' HOMEOPATHIC f ff specific uaa In HIS fiQ MH. ThA nnlf amVaaiaT,nl Mmarl tnr Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Proatration, from over work or other cantes. Bl par rial, or S vial, and large tial nowdar, for $&. Sold BT Dbooirth, or sent pontpaid on receipt of prioa. auvkrtja' Uedlda. Co., 1U9 raltea HL, K. X, All of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, New pern. N. C. r7 sawyer, FASHIONABLE TAILOR MIDDLE HTftEEr, Two doors gontli Hahn's Livery StableB, novl dtf NEW BERNE. N.JO. lie Wcria Stands Aghas1 j AT MY LOW PRICES, A'd wonders, How is it that I can tell SO much lower than anv one else? k'-i'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK fDR SMALL PROFITS. e: My HlOCtO is: J A1H LLiSAUJMU. Cotne and bur from me, and you will rnerer regret It. . , K. R. JONES, New Berne, K. 0. PROFESSIONAL. DK. J. D. CLAKK mwiui. i. c. OaW ia Crataa iirMk katwaaa ro-jit P. H. PELLETIEE, A T T O 11 N E Y AT LAW. Craven St., two door Sou of Journal oriioe. w ... pnu-Uoa :n tba Ouuotle of Craven. 0 wret. Jocai, Unaiow and Pamitco. I oiled atates Court at Nw Brn, and Sureie Oaan of tbe Slaw. febl a if OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mereanti.e Law auj v u ve au'.u bh-v .a. le 1 imber lougni aj J Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancoci i drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. I Open from V a.m. to 4 p. t. Will give prompt attention to all ma ; rs pertain ing to Justices' courts d2i dtf HUMPHREYS' i ist or principal not. crues ru.i I Krer, Comteetmn Innunmitions i oruia, W,rm Yvr Vt oiiu Ounc .2 3 1 r inn Colic, or I u.t.hmi ot In 'aote i 4 fttarriiea ul ('hadren or Aduitu A lrywenlry, tripinc Itinone ('one holera M orbuo. V niiLj.iti .$ ? t'wUejhs. Ookl, BrtJOchitis 2 1 WHi-,U-hp Sick Hratt.rliK n f. j HOMEOPATHIC euraltfta, lootbactie 1 acftoiin , J. Hradnehea. Sck HeadarhP r- . ' Il.pepala. bilmua Muiuiacb t.uiiprpa.pd or Painful Periods lillpa, uo Profu.a Period. I roup (Vu:h. Ill rjlcu 1 1 HrH.tti.ns . wall Hlipuin. rTry.ipeliiK 1 r.ijM ,oti. HhPlllliatt.nl. ktieiHii.Ot' 1'ain. Ifi.t and AaiiP, 1 h'l' M&:ai.& is Ml Ml l Ilea, llunt or lliiHliiit Catarrh. Intlueti'a. i M,1 m th H-iad ,.M, WhoiiptllS Couah Violent 1 .iikUh ..0 lilrnpral lleblllly ,Phyn, Weakupaa ,M Kidnrv Olaraap Ml rrona lipbllltv I OO I rlnarv VVeakneaa. W.ttinii Hd .10 Olaeaapa nf the llparl. l'Hvito. n I ll SPECIFICS. Sin.l liy 1 IniKB i.tJ. or Mint pONfp.nl ,n rn. ei;.( of ntiie -til iiu.tis ..unit. in. i . lull r ultun SI. V K. All of the above medicines are for (tale at the drum aloreH of V. S l)utTv and R Kerry, Middle street, Ne Iterne, N. C. PROCLAMATION ! Owinir to the SCARCITY o Money and I'liKSKN P 11AKH TlMl'.S we i.tTcr the following l.ow Prices on Thaiikdiviiif; Siipploi at 61 V 63 Broad street : Citron, L'."i cts. Layer Kaisins, lTialSotM. Off Stalk Kaisiim, l'Jalo ft. Currants, ,! lbs. for 'J.i cts. i'rnnes, li lbs. for LT) rt.-j. Mince Meat, 10 cts. lb. Malaga drapes, l,j cts. lb. Evaporated Apples, 10 cts. 1 )ned I'eaches, 15 cts. ( 'ranberriea, 10 cts. tjt. ' Iba. Tie I'eaches, 10 cts. ! lbs. Stand. I'eaches, ITicLs. f lbs. Stand. Tomatoes, 10 cts. Sweet Mixed Tickles, 'JO cts. ijt.; W e liivo a full line of Thanks giving and Christmas Goods at very low prices. We guarantee all goods as represented, best quality. Call and sec us. Goods delivered nrl ALEX. MILLER. $500 Reward! Wo will pay the abcve reward for any case of liver complaint, dyapppsla, Blok lieadAchp. Indigestion, constipation or coetlvenpnH we cannot cure with Weat'a Vegetable l.lver PlIiH.when tlie illrecLlona are Hti lcl ly com piled with. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Large boifs containing 30 sugar coated pi 1 la. 2.V. Kor sale liy all druggist. Keware of counterfeits anl Itnltallons. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN O. WKHT W., Mi2 W. Mad ison St., Chicago, III. Sold by R. N DUFFY, druggist, New Berne, N. C. ap24dwly TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into STATKS AND RUCTIONS will be sent on application FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for tnor ongh and effective work than the various section, of our Select Local List. GEO P. HOWELL & CO Newspaper Advertising Burean. J il8 dwlm 10 Bprnce street. New York. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. LOW ABM, $20 HIGH ABM, $28 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL IR TOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE TOU PIT ONE CENT. High-Arm Machine hat seir-aettlBa; Beedle, aelf-th rend ina; ahnttle, Is lale are' liftht-raBninfr. hatthe eawMtwraittaeba senta, in a velvet-linew eaae. Don't ay agents f ;j or foo, hut and ht Circular. " Kenembcr. wa guarantea our machine equal to, aaV aiah-piioed saschiatoa the market. Addrtaa t ' . ttp Tbe G. A. WOOD CO, p?T XTJ.WttJPWlhtdelpUlPa, FP l Cloth i Gold Binding I Jft 1 1 U rH i J, tararknc, I IT 1 BilLID UffcB. latV mmmmmSfl P kAArn p "" 1'"0 J w M 1 8TKAM EliS. The H, C. Fieighl Lbs LM1-U l.KKLY TK1PS Ml aa tt Baltimore and New Berne n . . t.. 1 : - r M t h.rte ior buiia-irr I I fc.S l.M. aiiUDAl ..! fU f m i-r i tfi.,iu Liip liuui li.iitt,,.r rum, airac-t- V !,ti tl.. ,u .(.p.i.js , . N...H..4 . I V,U !y r - - ' JtL.e, i LI : i . . i,.,: u. i.a. au.i .. K.iLla North Ma 1. c W - . t , . l.n.l.iiiort! N t .01, . V,. .1 . . sou u. . 1 ae. Pler. liaxf m.iAj ai.j Maiurday,. .ti.:l!lvl. - 1 1 . au.i is r, guar f ti.. Nt. AVOID K h K i. . Of' BILK A IN IIH' HV N. t. LIK.. " :: -Ml Afcieni, EASTERN CAROLINA miCH The F ast Freight L'.ne HI v. 8 f - New llr Holiala . ii, arollu. 11 I Hot folk. Il I'll ll.ilr In.. H,y, i k . Uo.l.a, -tt Kliiil rih III,. ! AMI KM EAGLET aud VESPER . nr actipdu e 1 ..... M.J.MIA , vi. Mi . M"M'Y. l l . 1 I , ' ... . in he a s..u . li u H. N ' . " K li U. an J a ' !. i. d : uea Im . ;n nty,! n 1 . ,i .in oall III i via hjia.p, , .. K , I pi .-. ' W. A lla.ui. .. A Hull. . It. h 'illtpril K h. v M ii.prn 1 tana- w k.ng an,' ,.i in t an by any II ki !ia . a of (oli In! TraHic Agent .M a i . ! . i. i- triKM Agent, "'KM Arnl. N Y. I r.' .! AkpuI N i H.'i'.N Aent, Nw'Piiip. I .' ,V.!f...l, ILU1., ,K K. tui i t'N aa . 1 1 v. i ell 1,,-r .:!!. w Ml I i 'ie . . h .1 N i i M U , ! i- k i: . , I. I" Si I ! i r w a i II H I ; I' I i II. M . . M U u x I OLD QOMfNION Steams iip Company. Si:.MI-U i.Iliil.Y KINK. n.n ill, I i, a , ii Slpamahlp Coir I'-nr'a Old an. I F.vorll. Water Hoiu., ,la Allirmarla and I li. .a r a li (anal. Full luifolli. Iln I ( I n, nre, Npw l,,,u ilrlihla. II, .,,. I'roi l.l.ucf , aad U anliliio ()n ii, , And all points, North, Kant and tt'wt Uti .m.l aH pr W ,Y ii U i f u r Lo e r Steamer MANTEO, Ca.pt. Sonthgate, Steamer NLWBEfiAE. Cai. Pritchptt. .li! ,. IIpi i,. in N..rf " i . for New MdMMVH IiinK.lt; , . ,HP COIHICCUOU o r- .1 !!,,. M. A i k. 1 PMi.n. hiu all other .Ni l,, B,m i r,.,,, (1Vtrs 1 KU , I f r , 11,. V 1. A LbbuL' an.l 1- l( I I .. 1 -Willi I.... ,-m,. .1 H. I ii . f..r K lainiiiiKs on Li, Kelurnlii, w for.MiHn.i.Kitiren. II l-i.ai's an.iPwi.' 1'A .-MU 1 AM.' ! M . , , IliaKlngcu. iiPillon willi i,;h II. - ...... tor .New Norn, Ii. . v:: n'e'T. for hammore, t ly.ie l.itie km r,.A"STr. lelphla. M M.i. Co, B,,,;B u...... and 1'rovldence Our untiritiK Pflorta to p ease ourpatrons. nd our ali,,,t perlect s.-iwee lorttipnaal mii mu y ears, la ttip ,t . ,,UronA.. - cnem in the f u i u re. folk Va g(,OU" CRr r l'' H' 8' ' Nor" Passengers will flnn a go,d table, comrort anie rooms, and every courtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the olilcers. .K II. KdHhliTH, Agent. Mcssrh. CirLI'Kri'KR A irK.NKK. Agents, irfnit,'va. 11' HT A N V i It I ), n e-fresMcnt. .N'ew Tork City. TUE NEUSE I TRENT RIVER Stcamboai Company. Win run the folio ing oohedala on and aflai Januarj iHt, 1X7. Steamer Trent 'lll leave every Monday ana Thursday Adams L!eebks and all Intermediate points, returning same day. tium, a , . Stetmer Kinaton. Will IctTH MRU Ur.. k. rr, . ' lays and Fridays a 12 o'chxk" lL!T ft. will leave.nstonon fcoi?eS3 rnursdays: Touching at all lnMrma4Jnte Undlnga on Neuse KiVer. . - J. J. W80SWATetIlewafa4 6? W. E. WARD, AtaataiTfa-4,v; ' , m' u. dmith, jouy Old yield.- -i. B. BAkks, Qnaker Bridge,-', ' . " T lnon. . ti r