THE JOUBNAL. COHZJEBCIAL, 'La L t JL T MAGAZINE. it . tTa. kava aaais arras gfratata wit afcertbj ve art esaUcd te offer BtwBiaja wita. TCZ DAILY AKD. WEEKLY JOURML Tity arw staadard works, wU bound ia elotk, pod prist, tad ktad- tfltdly mWH'uked. Regalar library Tt tvtrj tev sabscnber to either DAILY or WEEKLY JOCBNaX, aatifef im jear ia advaaoe, can aisle any selection from tat list they artfor. If tat book ii to be forwarded from office by as, 10a. extra will bo roqaired for mailing. Robinson Craaoe. Apyiaa Kigku Entertainments. Bwiaa Faailf Robinson. CkiUrei af Ibe Abbev. Dm QaixaU. Pllgriaa'l Progress. Last Dtya of Pompeii. Boatttaa Utlefa. TV adieu of Waraaw. Tit Iliatory of Saadford and Xlertoa. Aaderaoa'i Fairy Tales. Taai Brown's School Days at Uugby.i Jala Eyre. EastLysna. Tie Mysterious Island. Twenty Tboasand Leagues Under the 8oa. Tka Tour of the World in Eighty Data. OriBB'i Fairy Tale. Pan! aad Virginia. OalliYet's Travels. Cbild's History of Knglaod. JSeop's Fables. PaVa Tales. Jlaaa's Ckoice. ami LmekyToang Woman. Marry Men and other Tiles Fables, Baroa Manobansen. Ta SarYant Girl of the Perio.l. Fit Waoks in a Balloon. Wavailtj, Kto. Iraaboe, and Lord of the Isles. Bob Boy. and Bokeby. Cooper's Lut of the Mohicans. hooper' Wifiy Keilly and His Dear Cole en Bawn. Benjamin Franklin. Kit Canon. Orcasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Boeky Mountain Adventures. Geldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. The Fur Country. Wild Life in Oregon Chriatins. The Lever a Library. Longfellow's Voices of the Night. Whittier's Poetical Works. Bryant's Poetical Works. Poe's Complete Poetical Works Hypatia; or New Foes with an Old Face. Bales aad Exercises of Holy Living. The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. 'Grimm's Goblins. Veronica; or, The Light House Keeper. Tb Irish Gentleman. Evenings at Home, and Life in Ger maay. Knickerbocker's History of New York. The Sketch Book. Hugo's The Rhine. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting II est. The Use of Sunshine. Joha Halifax, Gentleman. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. Six Hundred Dollars a Yea. The Bock of Ages. Florida. The Cricket's Friends. Christmas Stories for Children. The Kettles Birth-Dav Partv. Grandfather's Pocket Book. Short Stories for Young Folks. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Ken tackY. DiekeaV Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens' Christmas Books and Tales. Israel Putnam. Cantaia John Smith, the Founder of Virginia, Every Day. A story for young ladies Benedict Arnold. Professor Conant. Conspiracy. A Cuban Romance. An Ajaertein in Iceland Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Kisgsley's Sermons. LacUe. A poem. Hoyle's Games. Good books improve the mind and afford valuable aid as educators. The publishing house we are dealing with do an immense business and give as tuck rates for theif books ss can not be obtained by others than publishers. WhUa these books are real handsome and worthy a place in any 1 ibrary, - oBOvotntr strong point should not be orerlookck, the print. The type is large, elear, and will not injure the eyes. A large supply will be kept on haad, bat should any selection not be in stock it will require only a short whiltotder it. Now is a good time to begin or enlarge yea a niee library. Remember that when books are to be sent by mail, 10c. extra will bs rtfjairei for pottage. -Address, U BOOM! a lu i PuMiakifig Houso at nUi Pop alar Book ia elaas u II I aise, and most baaatifal U deaiga. Tbe ttevised New Testament. Vxij Cruaoe. Adam Bede. She. A history of adreatare. King Solomon' Mine. Uarry LorTequer. Handy Andy. Pere Uoriot Tapper's Proverbial Philosophy. Cbaraaae'i Adrice to a ife and Hotter. Ramsay's Rjmlniseenees of Scottish Life aBd Character. Modern Women. Vol. I. Modem Womec. VoL II Emerson's Essays Famoas Boys, and IIow They Became Famous Men. Half Hour with the Poets. Ingoldsby Legends. The Practical Astronomer. Parlor Magio. Irish Humorous Poems. 1 Life of Washington. Famous Poema. The Christian Philosopher. ! Poetry of Lotc. Poetry of the Affections. Poetry of the Sentiments. Scottish II amorous Poems. The Sidereal Heavens. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Paradise Lost. Kebla's Christian Year. Poonlar Natural History. i oung Folks' Natural History. Celestial Scenery. Abbott's Stories for Children. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Wonders of Astronomy. Across Patagonia. Chinese Gordon. Tezar's Revenge. r rosea Pirate. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. Life in ram. Songs for the nouseholJ. I .alia Rookh. Jess. Homer's Iliad. Aytoun's Lays of the Sqpttish Cnva liers. Bishop Herbert's Works. Eminent English Liberals. Valhalla. The Myths of Norseland. Splendid Advantages of Being a Woman; and other Erratic Essays. Scott's Pirite, and Marmion. ijcott's Kenilworth, and Lady of the Lake. New Arabian Nights. The Cardinal Sin. Witch's Head. Saddle and Sabre. Charles Wesley's Poems Abbott's Ilarhe Stories. For chil dren. Penaltj of Fate. The Evil Genius. As in A Looking Glass Allan Qnartermaia. Dickens' Sketches by Boz. Dickens' Barnaby Rndge. Among the Trees. The Butterfly Hunters. Boys' and Girls' Book. Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ball- ston Human Nstur'. Self Help. War Tiger. Tiger Prince. Tribune Essays. Voices of Freedom. Bristling with Thorns. Gil Bias. Lady Andley's Secret. Molly Bawn. From the Earth to the Moon Direct, and a Journey Round It. Guy Manneriog, and Lay of the Last Minstfel. Lady of the Lake, and other Poems. FaTiious French Authors. NEW BERNE.N. C. IrriT&l izi Dtp it tart Eiilj - HAIL CLOSES. rotHon. vf aatand Doeta, via JL t V.C.S.K.Ml.iMa.aa.. fW&fort aad . Ua EM, at - Iti avaa. WaAiBctoa,SviftCmk.Br4'aa4 fUaaaJoct Umattoa, dail- it .-oo a. aa. Foe TrwaUoat, PoUukanUo and Maye rCX4aUyaf Ja,aa. - jfvi Uraanaboro, Barbara am) Yna- aeaeera, ut at a. av .. ornc75oras: 5 U Msmmt Ovaaraad BciaaredUt Bar DparBKat,tTO aja. to 4 bbb. Ia aUUiac fiaparuaamt troeaffa.aa' to a. am. . , . , -. OfiMvpaaaoaataairv batvreea thaee aooraexoep wives tmaila are Ming 4ia tribatadaraaak Siaraiar Properties aX the Flora Mae. Maltiplj 9 by lUalf, or by any other aiagl figure, and the two fiforea forming tba prod act will, ia each ease,tf added together, amount to 9. For example, 9 multiplied by 9 ia 81, and 8 aad 1 added together make 9 ao on with the other figurea. The fig area 12345678 9, added together make 43, and these two figure will, if added together, make 9. The amount of the several prod acta or multiple! of 9 (9, 18, 27, 56, 45, 64, 63, 72, 81), namely, 405, and the figures form ing either the dividend or the quo tient, added together, make 9. Multiply any row of figures either by 9, or by any one of the products' ot 9, multiplied by a single figure, as by 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 or 81, and the sum of the figures of the product, added together, will be diwiatble by 9. Multiply the 9 digit in the follow ing order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, by 9, or by any one of the products of 9 mentioned in the last sentence, and the prod acts will come out all in one figure, except the place of tens, which will be a 0, and that figure will be the one which, multiplied into 9, supplies the multiplier; that is, if you select 9 as the multiplier, the product will be (except the place of tens) all one; if yon select 13, all twos; It 27. all three; and ! so on. Omit the 8 in the multipli j cands, and the 0 will also vanish in tbe product, leaving it all ones, twos and threes, etc., as the. rase I may be. Tan Best Salvb in the world for Outs, Braiaea, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gite perfect satiaf actios, or money re funded. Prioo IS cants per box. For sale br R. N. Duffv. jan 17 Tennyson compares men to trees. Some men do look spruce, that's a fact. A cold of unusaal severity which 1 took last autumn developed into a diffi culty decidedly catarrhal in all its characteristics, threatening a return of my old cbronio malady, catarrh. One bottle of Ely 'a Cream Balm completely eradicated every symptom of that pain ful and prevailing disorder. E. E Warner. 163 Hudson' St., Rochester, N. Y. Catarrh. For twenty years I was a sufferer from catarrh of the head and throat. By a few applications of Ely's Cream Balm I received decided benefit waa oared by cne fcotile. Charlotte Parker, Wavarly, N. Y. HOLIDAY GOODS I The finest Chain, Picture Frames, Pictures, Ward robes, Book Caaet, Parlor Suits, Work Baskets, Hat Racks, &c, for Christmas, ewer brought to New Berne Market. In fact the best stock of Furniture ever of fered in New Berne, by J011II SUTER, d!5dw Middle Street. Cswats, aad Trade-Marks obtained, sad all Pat ent foulness eoadneted for sjeatssvi Fees. Ous omec ra oeaasiTC U.S. ruTtirr orriec nd we can secore patent la mm time than tooee remote froa Waehfaigtoa. Bend model, drawing or pboto., wtlh deaertp tlon. We adruw, If patentable or not, free of charge. Our Sm sot dae till patent ia (eared. A PaMPMirr. "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actaal clients la your State, coonty, or lowa, sent free. Address, c.A.sriow&co. or. rTcr Omet. WsaNiaavoa. D. 0. ..sCATAPnH tritAM tJALMf Cleanses the! Bfssal laaaavl . at .1 area, aubji Pain and Jb flamm a 1 1 o rlyfClilH I ' ' 'f -j. . -.a Heals tht Sareit Be stores the Senses j Taste Smell. and: !wre I Try the e -A A particle la applied into eaen nostril and mall, reglaverad. eta. -KLY .BEOTHsJrb, tnea e sots at urngtlsta; bT t, asms Bim,aiw 1 vim., . janwawl COTTS. Kw Toa,aii.t9- ruiares eiaaad steady, &JoC W.&Xd fealae.. . January, t M I Uul 1 10.11 rearuarj,1 1 tt Aax&et, .; kUrca, IT) Sept. t April,- t 114 October, i t Hajv - How. Jana,- lOMv Daaeaabar. -Ha Ban market ats4y. 8a)e t Mbaisatl.&0tot.40 . " pojuavie rn.jkM9.wt- ErsUtUa. i. ,it c . Sua Corro-5lV. ak. Coaw Reoeipte ligat. 8le ia blk at 60a33e. 1 rodder. Sl.00al.2S per handrad. Bioa eaa?0si ' ' Txzararara Hard, I1.M; virgin and yelUwiv.s 5 Ta-f l.OOal.M. ' OATw-Hew. 41a47c la balk. Baaavrax Hal8 pu la, Baxv-Oa foot, Sa. to 7a. Faaaa Po--7a8a.Dr kcwaA. Potatoes Bahamas, 80a. per bask.: yame, iOaSOo. per bush. OnioX8-50o. per bnsh. PaajiUTa- &i,7fl ear btuKaL. Chic ana O i own 40a3o. pair ; half growa,S3l5e - : - atAL-8Sia83cbolta4. M" Bbumilbs Waal ladla,iatraad aria laal; Uta IS OOaS M. - BuUDn laob kMita. tJ.t5; ear Stavis-R. O. hhd. SlOalX per at. Tuora-Cyeresa.MS .!.' and over, 13.00 par at. ; piaa fx a 60. wbolesau rama. Mass foai New $15 CO. Shoclsib Miat 910e. C. R.'s, F. B's. B.'aand L. C.-SiaO. rLoua-f4.S0a7.9X Labs 9o. by the tieroe. tiAOa-Basi! 10's.tXM. BtTOAB Oranulatad. 8o OoiTlB 18a20o. CBtaaw-W. 8aa,t 0aS4o. par sack. atOLASaxa a STBura Mn4oo POWBBB-j.0e. taot-rDrow, tt.aO; back, tl.75. Hnca Dry. Ba8o. ; rnN 4 . CaaoaxxB-eic Tallow 4o. par lb. HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. PR. E. C. WiST'a.NnBva Haaia TaBAtmHT, a guaranteed spaftflo for Hi sta rts IHaalaesa. Oonvalalona, Kit. Bervooa Neuralgia, beadiohe, Hervooa FroairaUon toad by the uta af atoobol or tobaore, Wakeralneaa. Mental Dapreaalon. Boftaotnc of tbe Brain resulting tn Insanity and leading to misery, deeay and death, Pramatura Old Ase. barrenaras. Loss of po war la eitliar sex, I nTolaatary Lnasi s an aauaad b avarkaxertlon c ndSvei irmatorrhona gf the brala.aalA abuse or over-lndalgeuoa. Kash box ooa talna one month' treatment. Si. OS a bax, or alx bottles lor Mat by asali prepaid on reoetpt of pr.oe. wb: QtrAliJtNTKK six boxm TaanraaaTaaaa. 'With each OMer received br us 'or six bests, accompanied wUh 4t SoH we will send tba pnrouaaar oar wntcea gear ante to reraadtbaaMmoy If tbetieatment does not effteta onran v Qdarantees lasqed onlv by K. .H DUFFY,' druj- tolOrtentv; Ww Berna.N. C. ' 'SpadiVlf Sale of Valuable City Prop erty, ;. BUte of Nrrh CaTohna-prarsh Cbnnty. Mry Maud lhafrlt and others To the Oourf , : . . .0 , . ' Superior Court-P.t, to sell land for par tftlon. ' " Pnranaat to the luSatnent' In the above ramad proaeadlng, I will sell, Pablle Anotlon' at the OoortHoueeln ttw born, on MOMDAI. lha BOCRlH day of fEBBUAUf. A-C-)S. 4nat valnaMadianaa ana mi, on raioca street, eauea ine Haw var Prooerty. latalr oaennied br Mr. Jaa. . Robinson, being the castarn balf af tba lot known and dlslibgulabed Id the plan of said OHvof Newnera as Let NsmberTwo Ban- dred and Flye ()81, 'wlta ktl tba Improve-. menu ta saia lot ai iano. This 26U1 day of December U8g. JAMKi O. HAHRIftON, decVlw OaatmlaBlaner. Pecan Trees and Geese. A fine lot of Pecan Trees for sal, aad will be delivered to freight . lines ai Stonewall, at seventy-five oentaeach for four or lass; for Ivaormora, flty cents each. Also, ob pair of White China Ueese.priceSS.OO. Address, . J. 8. "LANE, ja8dwlm Stonewall. N. C. BejBllfBlljlIlBStnte!. 25.,t3 iTur; m SKOTBWTBK AlfERtOlB If IQlETirB EM iHlitmi to bsUmwI teewi aiaaa, e4 bUtatare ea art r. Vh. klhM eteed.ra. ms AaMTtefta vrHm an its ftm wtth a re, mu aa Brt .tor, eeearHrttva the f armma pnbbsu of taa aeried, uistinetiveiy Represantatlu of . American Jheugli) ftqd forraaa It le aekaewMged T tb. prrm aad aaaWe ts be Vaa aeeS Baaalr aad eatartatalasT as SBa klaja ataes aeiauea. -iTTZ TTTrZ. I M Pb RTA tljfm'&SESs Ileaaaraaed PaeailM Lies. ad Beaatal la. la Caeh t TaJaabl r I I I Usw if tsda BgMS Is Baeaiaaaa. i tar snarMa m -.1 Proadway, RaW YaWsti At ia s5lnPrII :'BIIHIMS .WWIIL.V . BEGINS fctOSDAY, f)t4 lstl. k' . closes nua f thtjbsdax. jvxx is. At- . sixmgTaTjcTOEa. , Laaguaget Anelentaa Modern; retence; Book-Keeping; Art; Embroidery and Heedl work of all ktnas? Mosle, Vceal and Instru soaiitaL -' Bend fur Oatalognes. RICH'J B. LKVIS, .i Frlnelrai.T J, . , ll'-AaTwtATnllr, atgaawf ' '"ajaBaagi kAaaiaaarcra and Wholaaala Dealers ia Furniture, llattresses, - CUIXESEtct Etc. VanaTowbaneana are aMaactaTiB avwr to? banibws Cauiht Balsa, bedr i K aoAx. Tau aad enraaM. whica ai Baat aa4 aWLaaUaL v Faotary, aaraar ml Boat, Float aad East riant atraata. . OlBa and Sabxreama, a aad U Mnltt ' axmr axaxi. j. a T. J. TURNFR & CO., da- PaOfglETORS. A Valuable Residence FOR SALE CHEAP. A braa near Dwelling Hotuo, con taining tlx comfortable rooms. nd k it cban and dining room attached- Lo catad on Cbanga street. Bear East Front Apply to WATSON ot 8TREET. L dM In. A Real Eat. Agents KEWEERNE ANQIPAMLICQ USE. The Steamer TaHOMA, A bardiamaly eODatrocKd fraight andpaa. anar beat, bartac aw a ptatwd oa tfeia louia, ts aiaparcd u raodr u parlor aarr1a to aad from ail pot alt oa lawvr Neoaa Kiver nd fans I loo county, and Nw B'na. For tba prtcfat taa lollowlm acaouula will ba In oaarai lam ' Xaavaa Maw Darna arary WadntidaT and FaiAiMay at SIX A. Si fcr bajboro, slopping aa Cwaisau. Adams and era lib CrceAa, Vaadamaraaod ioowU. LaaTca ay boro (vary Moud&y u. Tliort ay at MX A. St., lopping t bioikwhII. Vandmra, Bmlibt, Ailanit mi c'lubfoo's Creeks, an I v log at Naw kern Monday and Tbara lay araaloga .xeeUeat paawagar aeoommodatloa, am ple fretgBl aallrtwa Frelgat racelptad lor sa I iwoelved tlally by BlkwC. D. I.Id. and evr mforuiailou given. . 0. H. ABBOTT, Agent. Yandemrre, O. H rOWI.K". - 8loi.ew.ll FOWLFK XWF.LL, Agenu. lU.vboro. VBOBUB A. llimtlY. aavtdwtf Ueaersl Miuner. Round Knob Hotel. W. D. BPnAGt'R, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB, N. C Moat I'loturfsnue heenery in Western North Carolina POINTS OF 1M KlilSI N LA H flV Old Fort iMHAut ; Milea " . i s 5 H " I HI. Beraard Mountain Catawba Falls Mud Cut awannanoa Tunnel Plnnaole ol the Ulue Kldg e. PotaloTon ... Toe Rive', floe trout uduIlk Bridges' Iron Hprlngs Rellv's Iron Wnrlniti 14 Mitchell's Peak, the Grave of Prof. Mitchell tba highest polnteast of the Hocky Mono tains, nine miles. Pore cool dry atmosphere: no fom llsht dews. Trains etop at the door. ap!7 Open all the year. Tarma reasonable by month or week alSdwtJ , 1 . BB tSaMJBT VV Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TlMM TABLE Ao. 15. ta f5feot 25 A.M., Wednesday, Dec. 10th, 1888. OOINOEaST. SOBEDCLC. OOINO WEST. No. 51. Paasengt Train No. 50. Ar. Lve Ar. Lve Stations. p m 80 4 17 4 20 4 49 4 54 018 43 I 26 in Ooldsboro La Orange Kinaton New Berne Morehead City Daily. 1 1 zs am 10 40 10 48 10 09 10 14 8 27 8 44 a in 0 88 Going East. No.l. Mixed Ft, & Pass. Train, a m 13 10 13 87 13 45 100 1 10 SCHEDtLR Ooino West No. 3.t Mixed Ft. & Stationa. Pass. Train. Ooldsboro Best's La Orange Falling Creek Kinaton Caswell Dover Core Creak Tnsoarora Clark's Newbern Biverdale Croatan Bavelook Newport Wild wood Atlantio Morehead City Atlantio Hotel o 10 p m 5 83 5 40 5 03 5 13 4 06 4 85 2 558 42 3 80 2 85 188 151 2 80 3 65 885 4 04 4 31 5 05 16 48 6 188 910 385 305 8 40 109 4 81 600 8 61 1 58 3 10 134 180 13 54 1 00 13 83 1343 10 83 13 00 9 41 9 46 708 9 38 8 59 817 8 00 7 47 9 83 7 87 7 58 8 80 8 83 8 53 8 60 9 04 9 06 9 36 9 80 9 88 9 45 961 DBS 9 04 8 37 8 05 7 53 7 27 717 705 a m 715 Morehead Depot 7 00 Tuesday, Thnr day an - riatnrday. fMonday, ednaaday and T rklay . ' Train Meonneeta with WUmlncton A Wei Con Train, bnnd North, leaving Uoldsborc 11 AO a. aa add with Richmond A V nvllls Train wast, leaTing uoldaboro ii W p.jn, -Train 61 eonaeeta with Btchnoaa UaTlIl TTaia, arrtTtng at uoidsbero s: lu .n., and wltt Wilmington and WsHon Train from th RorUa at 8:15 p.m. iTraln I eonnecta with Wllmlcttnn sncl Weldoa TbfOtiga Freight Trsln. leaving eoldaboroatUWp.tiand with Mchmond d Danville Tbrongb Freight Train, leaving uukiiuuiu ft, o.lvr, ja. ( . S. L. Oill, 1ui.lax.iii. t. FOR MEN 0XLT.Aj - M 'f- nsutwuauii UUIBJ nana n . n r i... . r - - uerwuuaottsav twrot drwAoOTrjt, oauamlbr lndiax:rUo4l w- riaewtawsai ww avarc wemU) jrm Or tit Llqaor Habit, Positively Cured irannttnttii uutuur eouti istcine.- i fi.' B u eoOee ar tea, ar hi ar. tielet el laed. wltboat the knowledge of the per sna Uidnf It: It Is Sbeolntelv harmlMe and will effect a pernaaeBt aad speedy enre, whether the patient Is a moderate diinkeror an aleoholle wrett. rr Ntvea failb. We GUARANTEE a eompleta enre In evei j instance, js page I aenmplel mh I book mciftc c, i st iacs , c eiiwisata a ' CotothaOaston Bonsa Barber Shop lor aa saay anava and a good Hair cut. . Bhavlng 10 eta.; bair catting 80s. . . P0. W. H. BHEPARD, ' . n- ei,-tn,s ,( i ' .-, Proprietor. TC. . f . ICOO fiSsiuestian fca eftea been w i. in., ww f . eve its great eirco. UulP" TUOBniamXMe cat answered tkia by tba atatetBeat that "it baa been fairty woo, a by advess Mslag statin w, but ty Um eioellocca WhiA eharaeteriaea it ra every department" lb taaor anaoaaoenicnu for the coming year tba pablwaers state taat tt bes always been eir ieaira to make W OcMt'-ry the oca hv sUsBettsabla penudMal f i-e dasa, aa that wbataver atber publication mlhtWdeaira bie la tba family, fa tw'o'i oouid aot be neglected By tboee who frisk to keep abreast Ot the times In U aialters pertaiainf to ev&are, And the uaprocedated otreala tioa ot tha magazine would seem to be Uta reaponaa of tbe public to this mtentioa. Wit the November uumbir T4 Cmtwy begiaa its thirty-auvcatb volume. Two (rout feat ures of the mi"uuii which are to ounlh.LiO titroughvut tbe pew vol ume are already woil known to the publ.o, t'je IiaootB btstary and tao papers on " Siberia and tbe ExUe Bystcm." The first of the, writuen by Xeaars. Nkulay and Bay, Preaident Lincoln's pri vate secretaries, eontaias the inside history of the dark days of tha war, tia aaea front tba . Wa e. Souse, iis"- , mm s rwa sTBEBiiv fa rats, by Ocorgt! Eeunan. are attracting the at .teulion of tba aviuwJ world. Tbe Chi cago TVtfMme says that "no other magazine articles printed ia Uic English language just jnow trmch i pon a subjwt which sa vitally Interest uii v Oiunt rui people in Europe and America aiul Asia." As Is already known. Copies of TU Century entertng Rusaia have ihose articles torn out by the customs glacials an the frontier. untiso 19 . TnS Century will publish the most lm- irtant art feature that has yet found place In Its patres. It Is tba result of tour yean' work of Mr. Timothy Colo, tbe loading mag&xine engraver of i ho world, In the gallerieu of Kurope, engraving from the onjruia.s tha greatest yh ian s t'v the old masters) A : ics of papers on Ire- laaj, it customs, land scapes, etc , wal uppciir, auJ there ara to be illustrated articles oa Bible scenes, treating especially the subjects of tbe Inter national Bunday-Hchool Lessons. George W. Cable will write " Strange, True Stories it Louisiana." There will be novelettes and short stories by leading writers, occa sional articles on war subjects (supplement al to the famous "War 1'uj-ers" by General Drant and oldcrs, which havo been appear lug In The Century), etc., etc. tuaJBeBAgtfBjf' S The Century costs four dollars a year, and, it is published by The Century Co., of New York, who will send a copy of the full proev BBotus to any one on reaucst. DEMOREST'8 -p THE BE8I Of all the Magazines. rfONTAININQ Storl.., Poami and olkar Lilaran sHrsetions. eombinina Artcatic. Sciantidt and Hosaekeld aiatttrs. Vlultratfd with Original Steel F.ngrar. ing9 Photogravure, Oil I'lrtureB and fine tFoodeutt, tnnkinti it the Model Magaxino of America. UNPARALLELED OFFER I Each copy Of nDnire8t'8 Monthly Mftnrlnc" contalna A Coupon OtyIof, entitling tha holder t itit Election of any pau?m niuavnuefl m id ftttm iuu.traiei in tba ys. i that a .W iml. 4Tv ehMMi awndlng V VV woyvnt .tamp lV fa j rtturn v rn, of the V fubion atopftrtnaewt In that of th iltea BanorAfrtitTrd. RabseriMri or PurchMtn tha Coapon with a tn for Doat&gre. tll ncelv mail t complete pattern. iza in KIM inev ielcct,from tbe Uanzloo ielcct,mm tbe Manx fioBtalnltiic the order Thia Unparalleled V 12 nDftmiifiea A. 1 Offpr (flTing to fVv rlberi V ttV V PATTERNS (Tilued at from M 12 xJ eta. to 90 eta. each), dur ing the year.of the kind and :e c paired, taa conslderailoo CO- .i Worth Over Three Dollars, riirlr doubla the actual cent ol the Magaziue, which U of ftaelf, with lia man; brlluaot featurea and eolld attraction. the Cheapest Mavgasine in America. ONLY TWO DOLLARS per rear. Inelndlns twflre full alu, .at pttern. of .1 1 anlllndi Mlectao, worth sewiy double tbe ulerl,tt,.k price. &en4twrit7 aentt for taa aurrant numWr with Pattani Oonpoa and jon wlH atnatnrf rabKrlb Two bollan fu a yttt and fet Un tlmaa Ua Talu. V. Jennings Deswrstt, Publither.tS E. 1 4 th St, NewYw'a Sold br all Kewadealara aad roatmaateri. NOTICE. The undersigned, Gso. P. Wlllott, list duly qualified as Administrator of the estate of W, H. Wtllett, and hereby gives noilee that ba rtqnlres all persons having claims sgainst the estate of tbe said W. H. Wlllett to pre. sent them to the said Geo. H. Wlllett, dnly antbentlcated, for- payment, on or before tke 28th day of December. W, or else this notice will be plesded In bsr of re ovei y. Persons Indebted to. tn estate asuat rsy without delay. d w a.H. MIIlilLAfmltiktisttr. 10 T ill! Is the oldeffi snd inoat pnpnlar selentlfle end mechanical paeer publlabed sad has the lanreati rcalt.lon ef any paper of Its claaa In the world, rnlly Ulnatrated. . Beet class of Wood num. Ine-a. - Jhibllahed weekly. Seed for aped men ARCHITECTS &BUILDEBQ H Edition f Scientific American. O A (rreat (raceea. Xseh lame contains eolored lithographic plates of oonntry and elty reatdea ees or pabllo bulletin ra. Naaaerens enaTBTlags and fnll plaiM ajid -epeolSeatiotis for" the ase of i anch aa contemplate bonding, Prlee SU0 a year.' tacts. a opy. . JtUNN A CO, Pnnan-- . rTrtni in n ssts MJTSI ai tu appir- jau; Co, who woJkS a elm tx ears' xperlenee and have made orer , OS aPDllcattoDS for Jkaiertaan and Vnr. elm aetenta. Send fnr Ttajidhnok. Coir. pondeoce auktly eonMeotlai. ' In nue yonr mart lj not recliterad In the V-at. ent OMce, apply to Mcnif k Co- and proeara unmedlau protection. Band tot Handbook. ' COPYRIGHTS for hooks, charts, naps, Stc quickly procured. Address WUKN & CO.. Fateat Bellcltera. GsarasAL Ornca: ttt BnoiDwar, H. T. PmMm.Ml1. Imb.J J a , PC x ak VBa, W XV OA and Barn sta.. la rtMnau a . . and rapalr all kinds of Clothinir at how V Prices. A specialty ts made la cleaning i Ladies' Dresses. Satisfaction: nana ,alllvft1 ' ... . . suj ciaw y 1 r. . - 1 (HI - 1 -- ..... ' H It 0 rrf

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