Daily OURNAL VOL. VIL-NO. 259. NEW BERNE. N. C, TUESDAY. JANUARY 29. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. JL HE BUSINESS LOCALS. s T klsctbo EARLY BOSS fotatoes for Planting. C E. 3L0TCB. "RUCKER3'8ed ud Supplies At Oo. Aixxa Co. I) LOUGHS, Cultivators and Barrow t very low price. Ota AU-Ui t Co. ' f MPORTED FREHCQ BRASDY AND 1 UOLLASD CIS. just received and fur sale by Jahks Redmond. L7ERT1LIZE&S for Truckers and for V CoUoa Planters, at Qeo A Li.es & Co. n A VINO MADU A LARGE purchase of Lorillard 8ouff which oalla for qaite a on of money. 1 sea compelled to aak all of my customers, whoae ao eoant ar over dae, to coai. forward at once and settle- 1 aseare them that I do need the money and tbey are causing m yeeat inconvenience by delaying. I have reduced the price of my Fine Butter to 83 cenU per pound, it u eitra nioe and newly made. My parched Coffees are just splen i id Try a pound and b convinced 25, SO and 33 cent, per pound. To any merohant in or out of the city 1 will aell Lorillard SoutI by th. ke at 40 oenta per lb., lee I per cent off, for cash. Very respectfu ly. TBE OROCER E. B HACKBl'RN jinlS tf. I JURE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal iindotheru.ee for sale by James Redmokd. 1) LEASE KK. MEMBER that I need money aa well aa the reat of man kind, an J if you owe me please pay me. J. 0. W WTTY. NE Thousand Roll. W.ll Piper at very low prioee. Geo. Allen A Co. ,1 UST RKCEIVED Another lot of GARRKTT'8 COGNAC BRANDY fr sale by James Redmond. A cold wave is reported advano n in tbii direction. (.iKN. Mahone is spoken of as the neit Republican candidate for Oovernor of Virginia. The Wilmington Review has hoisted the name of Chailes M Stednian for Governor in 189'J. M. Qoblkt, French Minister ol Foreign Aflairs, has felt impelled to enquire of England why she has appropriated two of the Tonga islands. It is staled that ilou. John Nichols, member of Congress from the lUleigh district, bids fair to be made public printer under the Republican reqime at Washington. XhK fact that this government is tasedn manhood and not upon money is one which needs to be frequently hammered in npon the dull consciousness of onr would be plutocrats. "The Washington Tost ot the lCih contains a pen picture of Col. Oliver 0. Dockery, of this State, together with a stroDg recommen dation for an appointment in Mr. Harrison's Cabinet." A late copy of the Philadelphia Ledger says: Here we are nearing the middle of January, with brick layers and stone masons at work outdoors on . stout walls jost the same as if there was no such thing as winter. Minister Taelps is to leave London for home at the end of this month, it Is stated, and in the English snetropoUs -the fact -is ascribed to Salisbury's masterly inactivity: in relation to the vacancy male b Lord Sackville's recall. A JOINT caucus of Pennsylvania Republican Senators and Represen tatives has decided that the pro posed trohlbftion amendments to the Oonstitafion shall b passed at ,once, and that ! the (question shall be submitted to tha people at' a special election to be beld on Jane 16 next.":, f$t 1 . . The Darham Cotton Manufactur IngJoropany havfl jost declared a ' semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent, making; 12 per cent on their capital . stock daringthe past year. vSo it is , ail ove the - Soath. . Every Southern cotton factory under competent management is staking money. I 'TTJi MuRSXA'g death In poverty U another reminder of the world's -' cold forgetfnJness.V A ' beautifal voice that charmed millions In this country ' and Barope made her petted and much applauded woman. Its sodden Idas and ill health reduced Ler to poverty and no generous voice ever called her from it. Her daughter, crazed by hei mother's death and poverty, took her own life in despair TilK moral tone of the dominant element in the Republican party is indicated by the renewed probabil ity that John Vanamakr is to be given a place in HretudeDt Harri son's Cabinet. Col. Holloway, a prominent Republican of Indian apolis, ajeakin of the contingency, says ' There is no reason why he shouldn't appoint htm. Practical politic-, elected lien. Harrison, and he will do well to recognize them." Dk A rncis H avoood, the well known laborer in the cause of negro education, demand justice (or the Southern States in the- public lm prensipn ot what they are doing foi uegro eo iooIs. He says that since 1870 Wiinia has spent 4,000,000, Georgia .V0,000, and Alabama 3,500,000 for negro schools and teachers The South claims to be doing all she can for her colored youth, and must do so as a simple principle of sell preservation and progress. LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERT IS EM A TS C E Slover Seed potatoes. W. B Planner -Dry goods, etc J. P. 1 aylor -Cassard html, etc Niue delegates left yesterday for Ral eigh in il.e interei-t of tlie railroad meeting YtaurJuy was a clear and beautiful day. but after night it clouded up and showed appearance of falling; weather. The steamer tfewberne brought in upon her deck )esterday a beautiful little iraft to te driven by naph tha. It ih for government service at Beaufort hui bur. The irgular mreung of the general uianagkr's of ibeLndiet' Department at the Fair will bp beld thla (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Maaly. The committee on Art and Curious is ri quested to join them. The entertainment at ye theatre to night will he well worth seeing. The press generally, speaks in very high praise of MUs Nahar as an elOctttlonist and dramxtio reader. Reserved seats can be secured at Bell's jtwelry store The roads in the country are reported to be in very bad condition even consid ering the recent heavy rain-fail. Good roads and good streets and sidewalks are among Uo firt things that a county and city government fhculd look to. The buoy light at Pamlico Point is out and the fact occasions great annoy ance and no little danger to vessels ply ing in that vicinity. We trust our Nor folk exchanges will note this, in order that the atu ntion of the proper author ities may te called to it. The ladies or Pine Grove, iooes county, expect to have a festival the evening of February 14th, for the bene fit of tha church and hope to have a targe attendance, aa Ihey are very anxious to have the church nicely re paired Ufore the next Association which is to be there in October. Now, gentlemen help them and the work will soon be accomplished. They extend thanks to the, steamer Howard for S5 sent for the tame. t "J Elsewhere appears a communication signed "Delegate," one of a committee appointed by the Board of Trad of New Betas to attend a railroad meeting to be held In Raleigh today It seams that au arrangement had been mads by which it was agreed that if fifteen would go the Atlantiq & N. C. Road ould furnish "found, trip tickets at $4 80. V . Thirteen were, at the depot ready to pay forflf teen tickets, and we ses no reason why they ware not per Bitted to do so , iy We Appreciate. The State Chronicle, ever ready' to speak a good word for this jseetfoea; speaks as foJlofsin.rega.rd toout Ja.lrj "February 19th, ZOtfc a 1st and i are - j l.i ji : ail. . . .wr. k.' ins uiwniur nmuiQK wb - ncunu run. Oyster, Game and Industrial ExpOHttoa at New-Berne.. It will be au affair well worth attending. The: Chronicle will refer to this' exposition again and tell of the attractions to ee-off If some enterprising ifellow would now corner the market on Dr. Bali's Couah 8y rue he, oould .make his for tune. Beware of frauds." ?: "For i am declined into the, vale of Yan ." she said a little sadly, but n deed I don't much mind it lines I can get Salvation Oil for S3 cents,....-.. Is Thar to be ao Lumber Exhibit P We have not heard yet whether there is to be an exhibit ol lumber and wood at oar Fair. The lumber beiinee ia one of ear moat important Industries and it ihould not be overlooked. There ire premium of SIS 00 offered on the beat aed largeat display of d reset d lumber and we are ia hope, that tome of oar eew mill men will find time to have thie department repreeented. The exhibit last year waa a good one and attracted oonaiderable attention. Nearly every Variety of wood that North Carolina produce is in cloee proximity w ith New Berne and to set them ao a to tbow to advantage would cost but little. Will aot some one see that thin Important in tereet is not overlooked? 6hipping News The steamer Vesper of the L' C. D. line arrived Sunday with full cargo of general merchandise. The Eaglet of this line sailed yesterday with full car go. The Vesper will sail at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Newberne of the O. D. Line sails today at 13 o'clock for Norfolk. The Manteo of this line will arrive tonight. The schooner Chae. P. Sinnickson is at the railroad wharf unloading kainit for the Oil Company at Ooldsboro A Heavy Invoice. The large wholesale house of 11. B. Duffy received yesterday in bulk a ship ment of shoes to the value of upwards of 88.000. By bard work and close ap plication to business Mr. Duffy hs built up an immense business. Ilia trsde hss been reaching out until it has penetrated even farther than the ad j lining counties. Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. Editor Jocriul: I hate seen inn reoent issue of some paper that the town of Wilson is more noted for its dis tinguished men than any other town in our Slate. The writer surely knows nothing of old New Berne so notd for its dis linguUhed men. It was the birth place and home of the great Judge William Oaston. Also of the eminent John Stanly, and of his sou Edward 8 anly. Also of Louis I). Henry and of Rev. Dr Fraoois Ha wis, the dis tinguished divine who for years was the greatest pulpit orator in the city of Naw York ; alto his brother Rev. Cieero Hawks who for many years was Bishop of Missouri. The Hon. John H. Bryan who for many years lived in Raleigh. Also his brother Jam ee W. Bryan known as the finest orator of the New Berne bar. With these was Judge M. E. Manly, an eminent jurist. Later, Hon. (J. C. Clark, Judge Oreeo. enry R Bryan, Clement Manly M DeW Btevenston, and many other talented gentlemen of the New Berne bar of today. With these are her doctors who are the equals if not the superiors, or any In the state. Last though not by any means least, is John 8. Long, the orator, of whom it has been said, by oue fully capable ol jiid tag, that his reputation as an ornt.ru national No city or town in North Carolina can show snob a record, an.) the list might be much lengthened. It may be proper to say that this writer does not wish in the least degree to undervalue the distinguished gentle men of Wilson, or make any "invidious comparison," but is simply impelled by an earnest desire to do justice to his native place, a city long known as the Athens of our great Stale. Yours, to.. Octooenaiuin New Berne, Jan. 27. 1899. k. tt N. C. Railroad. Editor Journal: Insiea of being in Raleigh, at this moment. as I expected, this morning I am in New Berne, and permit me to give the reason: The A. At. O.K. a. Co. advertised f fifteen delegates or more would at tend the railroad convention in Raleigh on the 29th inst. , tickets for the trip there and return would be sold for $4.60. This morning there happened to be, but' thirteen delegates at the depot, who attempted to buy fifteen tickets. agreeably to the published rates. This President Bryan would not allow. Therefore, three or four of our promi nent citizens and myself declined to further follow the direction of the Tom Tit President" and thus are now at home. If the incompetency of this President could be manifested to tbe public rough the State I have no doubt, ith any others, that hie re election would be impracticable. Now let the press publish the facts as they exist, whether they - strike down a Governor or a rail road President. i Are we ever to sit quiet and allow others to take us into humble keeping? Instead of encouraging tbe delegates te attend a convention for the interest of our ' people and the extension of the road of whioh he is the ohisf executive officer, we have here annoying obstruo- Uo a thrown is the way, either from iedifferenoe to our welfare or personal Pique or incompetency. . r , r Mr. Editor tun oa the .lent and let ua knew. whether Got.' Scales' state- meat in his seaeage. respecting the ex cellent management pf this road bow is true or false. - Dbltqati Ke Berne, Jan. 23, 1889. 0 (its mother's! for the well baby in day time. About 700 laps of tbe Deo room noor at night for the happy y) ratner unites na nas a bottle of Dr Bull's, Baby Byrue to esse the little suf ferer.ft'-iv . Jsi .. ... . : A constipated habit of the bod v and all of its pernicious effects are quickly removed, ey laxmot, the great rsgu lstor. ; Price only 85 oents. Kinston Items. Some ot oi r i ing of ialiL,( .. excursion next We were v cr , Woodley, of 1 r. was on a tU n ; ir teachers tre talk- leather European ,nrr J lO ILttl l.r C. IV l(-k He l-it Tie h 14 man y 1 ftiends here Mud Kate Ui!o ay 'f !'tn ro . Came down jo the Ttsnrtday m niiil 10 lake charge of ir.- Art nrrnieni of Kineton CoUrc. The river 13 riaiog, and the chad frog is piping Li cheery note mlhelow lands It stems that winter has abro gated hi claims in favor of spring. A walk into our drug nJ seed (tores gues you a lUvor of spring time. Truekeis aro getting ready for an eai ly campaign, and if the Mgns of the times do not fail, we shall have n early spring hi d in) with frost and i.-e Eight i risuLiorj escaped from the county jiil hare on Wednesday night. They took advantage of the noise and confusion attending the frae. open air eihibiiion of tho lulian to prueup some of the iron bars which formed the ceiling of their ce.i 1 'ne poor fellow was left behind , tj U-,.,nan his fata on account of his fat 11.- was loo large to go through the liberty lu.ie They were waiting in prison l. be hired out in order to vsurk out Ihtir sememes Steel cells, then, can t e broken out of it seems Hut there mini have br-en some outside aid KarlliqiLike in ( o!ur.id. DkNvkk. Jan. L'j 1 nf. irmati. n jjsi received from Uoult. t olorudo, sutea that a portion of tho Siate hun been treated to-a genuine eirth.j iHke Th shock commenced on the afternoon of the 15th int . and at 7 oYl.i, k there were vilent ones w l ich ro. ted stria' I buildings, detached Ure nias-es of rocks from the mountains, and great y frightened the people and animals cattle were especially terrified, and ran frantically back and forth. Thunder preceded the shocks, tut time was no rain. A peculiar phenomenon w is ..I serve.) at Hot Springs. Below the government bridge the productive of great kuhIihs of water and gas. fully three tunes a much water as gB wasthrown out. ar d accompanying it was a mrs- sulphurous stench that made the people sick and the birds to drop to the ground When the convulsions ceased the water ro ceded, and there was a sou ni like the rushing of a great river The course of the shocks was from soi,th to north They Washed Hi in Willi ( oal Tar FALL Rivek Jan 'J4 ' Sim ' Sher man we a boarder w uh (lark King who lived with his wife on the King road, near Bins Eour (' rr.ers Tiverton R I The Klieini.ois of Sherman t Mrs King excited the neighbors, and twenty of them went to the King house supplied with coal tar. They invited 8hermau. who had been previously notified to leave town, to come out As soon na he did so he was seized by the mob. and his head, face anil hands cov red with tar H whs then lol.i to run and not to stop till he dropped Undei an impetus froni the rrowd he started and Jamn to the Niagara rnin. house in this .-it .. in a m-i. lf present able by the r" x- :v I .. 1 of the aCiioii of Ho Ti it .1 i ii !J. has not been buCK t . !'i i i AretheJnV i lU Boomed ; OLLMBUS (J i J. in 24 1'oere is a rumor current a moot; warehoimemeu that an imporiani 0'al has rieen eon summated by t ie Standard Oil Com pany by whuli the who's jute ba.ging industry of thrt eoiit. ti y n i be alfect ed. It is stated that stockholders of the Standard Oil Company have purchased the patent process for making pinf straw bagging that t Ley will establish factories all over 'h ountry wherever they have oil nuiU. m. I thai their big ging will enable tb i.i ti Lre-ilr diwn the jute mi!lH Slxlein Missionaries for liciengc. London. Junuary 28 The British for eign office has received a dispatch from Z irjzibar stating that the Arabs er gaged in the slaughter of Missionary Brooks and his sixteen followers sent word that the deed was committed in revenge for England's anti-slave trade policy, and that missiorary work in central Africa was to be exterminated. Tilt Verdict I nsnlmoui. W. ). Suit, DrnpgiHt, Bippna, Ind., tes tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters aa the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles and waa cuied of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abra ham Hare, druggist, Bellvil e, Ohio, af firms: "The bet selling wedicine I ever handled in my 20 years' experience is tUectr c Bitters. 1 honsands of ot' era have added their testimony, bo that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitten do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidi.eye or blood. Unly a half dollar a bottle at R. N. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug Store. Large size sb.00 p-r (1 zen whole sale. Anniversary of Gen. Gordon's Death London. January 26.- Today is the third anniversary of the death ot Qeo. Oordon, and -his statue on Trafalgar Square is covered with flowers and with wreaths in memory of the brave soldier. I BAVX been a sufferer from catarrh for the paat eight years Having tried a number of remedies advertised as "sure cures1' without obtaining any re lief, I had resolved never to take any other patent medicines, when a friend advised me to try Ely 's Cream Balm. I did SO with treat reluctance, but can now testify with pleasure that after using it for six weeks I believe myself cured. It is a most agreeable remedy ah invaluable Balm. Joseph Stewart, 024 Grand Av., Brooklyn. A Weaaaa's Dtevry. I Another wenderfal discovery has tK-n aed that too by a lady ia thla ouuoiy fastened its olalchee apon her and I for seven years aha stood its sever eat trsiK 1 but li er vital organs were aDdermicrd ua i death seemed immioeBt For three ni.-Dit? kiie cougnea lnotimantiy and tfm .: d -i . eb boQttbl of us a bol le ( I" ! KtDjr's New llcoery foi" e'oiisiju; u.i I and as ?o much rr.i.vrJ on ii.il.. ' -l Jos thai she s ept a:! n'gtt and vi-r b'Ule haj brtn Uiiracuious.1 v cured li Ciuie is Mrs Luther Luu T hus roir W (. Htmrick i (.o of SLe.by. N i iirt a trial bottle at K N Puffy 3 w!..4e j sa and rta:l drug store Lolrsalr $? 1" per duzn Democrallt- Eeeutire (. oiniuiltee. Tbe members of the county I'emo crane Executive Committee of Craven county are requested to meet al the court house on Monday the 4ih day of February al 3 p m. for tbe purpose of recommending appointments for m . ;:s trates to the Oeoeral Assembly 8. R. Strket. t arn 0 J Havk.ns Sec y. Whom It May Concern. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE GASSARD HAMS. At 11 Cents Per Pound. Lard, Buckwheat, Pickles, Etc., At l'i ice to astonish the natives 1 II and see for y oursalf . J. F. TAYLOR. HMT OF MIDDLE STRr FT. jin23dwtf NEW BF.RNK. N C NOTICE In i.ereli, K!vtTi thai ppll.'AlUm will I. 111 title in Itu iMt3rHl AhrDiiy u 1 tiannf t ' ' Mar tei ol New heiiir , ; Life Insurance. A fair test of the coet of Life Insu ranee in tha Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co , Policy No 135 590, amount if J 500. age 28 years. Issued August 4, 1 H7 5 Annual premium, 1'ayment. Dividend. Amount. I si year $VT 5m M 811 33 42 2i 3 1" 12 40 41 1M 4ili ' 12 40 41 li Vh " 12 97 40 61 ih " 13 30 40 2H 7ih " 14 n2 3s 76 Sih " 15 02 3H 56 h 16 1(1 37 4S 'Oih ' 18 15 37 43 llih ' 16 r5 3(173 12 h " 17 07 36 51 iSih " 17 80 36 I4ih ' 17 57 36 I'l S1912S S5.VI H4 A paid 14 2 (it) 4 32 -!55rt r4 r. 1 ,1 r , e . o r 1 llOO per a.-.ouin I a-ll VS.lje ot .1 -1,111 al IJ.IW Issued It 11 rh ill .1 I ,(. W. 1 ..Mi- d 1. .b..ui495 00 The p. ,1.1 11 . v 1. f a similar poll f . uld be t825.0O. N ehlimale Tlies hijures r. al guaranteed and nii.l.' a p .rl of t...- I' .1 lr-j. WILLI M II O'.IVER, Agent Conn. Mutual Ins. Co. N e w be r n , N.C. Received of William II Oliver airer.t of the Connecticut Mutual Life luu ranee Company of Hariford. Conn Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollar in full payment of Policy No 135 ,"i90 in the life of my late husband. Mr Alex. H Holton. I am indebted to Mr. Oliver for his kind attention to this, and to the Com pany for their promptness in paying the amount. Newbern. N C. Signed, SATtAll IIoi.ton. For 30 Days Only! HEATING SHOVES FOR LESS THAN COST FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. No is Hi - tune to I to reduce our sluck. This is 1, , Come and see me. I ubllg. P. M. DRANEY. JaliZ4 dJVtt For Sale, A HALF BLOOD JERSEY BULL CALF. Price $15.00. Apply to ENO0H .WADSWORTH, n23dwtf New Berne. N. C. Pecan Treesand Geese. A Ann lot of Pecan Trees for tale, and will be delivered to freight lines at Stone wall, at seventy- five cents eaoh for fonr or less; for five or more, Sty cents each Also, me pair of White China Geese, price iV 00. Address, J. 8. LAKE, jefldwlm Stonewall, N.C. E.H.&J.fi. MEADOWS Truck tS Go? j-, rs:tor$ v.. S'i t : 1 It ICS. 3i u l'o:i. ok . 1 im : i NEW BERNE. N. C. JUU To:;8 600 T-ns ph.it.' 250 To.u i ll 3S- Fxtra 1 1 1 : 1000 nam: r i cti-d Stovi 1000 Bush M,.a Early TV.;;. 300 Bush iv. roved Extra r.s! Troof Early R 12000 Bus1- ' Oats. Radish, hr : . Sm:ill Sroi'.s ur.d ' ( ("i Ii U . I and pl 11 olhr " G c.'doa or Field, it LOW FIGURES. 200 BARRELS Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES. From State of Maine" For Sale' Very Low.' ririeli, VVIKH.I Al. (!I(( K'FR, I. Hi. F C Mules and aorses. v I 1 I j 1 ' cu li A 1 1 N cc ( O. PLOWS! ) i- t..rk Averj Sio, ' 'iiipris. s the '" horsed, . L .tnpion, Climax, I al o the -'i'K .is the 4o, IS, :,o. ) T. Or t i t-in si. I : r-1 1 n .i r v '1 N' s. A ii. 1 '),") and (i(). ( 'asl in'-i . 1 I , t:on, be liue ol Ma-"s n I'll 1 1 ever dir. I I ! Wo r. -j..,- :,i v sale Ti.i i.- as w ;l we are fiKpureii duccnieutK to More Scdi for our I r 1 .:.. :t 'U VYl.olc-- d" Ue;,v. snd " 1 tt. t 'ren .1 jn lai.t.s. ;o List. WKITTY 6 GATES. itrr Saw M, T'fob - ."-pccialt.y. NOTICE. -lo-c a ni.irii t.. r ., " i"!1: i-oe a rioir . ..-. .... . by 1S83 K issel I . oil (. " t u 10 ujo I dav of ,Se1.f 'nd rtcorded on . eo irds nf Pr. veil County in H,,k 7. iig.. 355 win sell oil Twenty third day of February, mi T-rt ""do -k. at Fort Barnwell the tract of l.m-l nin,Mnr,.i -.1 luoiinage. hi I'ublic Auction highest bidder, for t:ash. to the A full description can be had of said iraoi, 01 una by reft r-rence to' tbe liecorde. This Jan. 26 10th. ' " ' J W LANK Mortgaged ""vw 't'ij.i All persons owing Taxt fdrlSSTan'j'l " 1888. Schedule -Er Taxes?" ft&tf1 Liquor Licenses, and all Othei'eniee' , required by the Revenue Lswi oflHorti ' Carolina, are hereby hotfioJ!to gehle uv oca 111 17. be given from 9 II1TIA frnm arnV JT. t tuw uaio.,, January 18, 18f9, v ' I f,V.!,;:. .' Mv ' '1 . Sheriff .Craven ( runner xnntommm iimthr I wfll attend at IbVoCu A.U. to iV.ki i rr-. tl . K

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