Daily . Journal VOL. VII.-NO. 261. NEW BERNE. N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. The V BUSINESS LOCALS. BUCKWHEAT, White Beans. En oreted Afplf, Dried Pchee, Prunes, ate. 0. E. 8 love. TUST RECEIVED Aaother tot of OARREIT'3 COGNAC BRANDY fr mI by Jambs Rkcmond. SELKCTID EARLY ROSE Potatoes for Planting-. C E 8lovu. TRUCKERS Seed nd Supplies At Geo Alles & Co 1)L0UQBS. Cultivators in J Harrows t ery low price. Geo. Allen 4 Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN. just received and for sale by James Redmond. lERTILIZERS for Truckers and for 1 Cotton Planter, at Geo Allen A Co. HAVING HADE A LARUE purcb.ee of Lorillard Sooff which call for quit a tun of money. I am e spelled to ask all of my customer, whose ao oounta are over du, to oooie forward at onct and tettle. I assure them that I do aed the money and tbey ar causing in getat inconvenience by delay ing. I hare reduoed the price of my Fine Butter to 85 cent per pound, it is extra niee and newly made. Uy parched Coffeea are just splendid Try a pound anl b con? laced -25. 30 and 85 oents per pound. To any merchant in or out cf the city I will sell Lorillard Snuff by the ke t 40 cent per lb . lea i per cent off, for cash. Very rrspectfuiy. THE OROCKR E. B HACKBURN. j.nlS if. 1URE W1SE.S AND LIQUORS for 1 Medicinal and nther use for sale tv Jams Redmond. 1 ) LEASE REMEMBER that I need I money as well as the rest of man kind, and if you owe me please pay me. J. C. Whitty. NE Thousand Rolls Wall Piper at very low prices. Geo Allkn A Co. W'lNTKR arrived yesterday lifter .i rougb passnge. The population of lYxas is est i mated at 2.500,000. Mrs. JosErn Caamheelain popular in England. 1H It is reportfd that because of Cabinet disagreements Bayard or Whitney will retire. The Samoan ufLrir grows more serious. If Germany continues to growl at as we shall call very londly for Boulanger. A Georgia college president wanting to testify to the moral excellence of a student said: "I tell you Bir, he don't know an ace from a spade." "Thire is now no doubt that Lord Sackvllle is to go as British Ambassador to Turkey. The Sul tan will like him, as he is a harem Hcarum diplomat." Boulanger's majority in the Department of the Sciene is 54,532. The French Ministry resigned, but President Cafnot refused to accept the resignations. It is now confidently asserted that Blaine ia to be Secretary of State, Allison Secretary o( the Treasury, Wanamaker Secretary of tho Nary, and Alger Secretary of War. Charles Price, of Boston, say t that twenty years ago a Harvard gradaate didn't know the difference .between a sloop, a cutter and a catboat, and now it is the only thing he does know. Do theatre! corrnpt T -Tbat de pends upon what ia oa the boards, and who is there to see it. No place is equally good or . bad to all per sons. Some, people draw i good from every thing, others find good in noinipg. i z The report comes from London that William Walter Phelps has written to a friend in that city to if core for him a large boose in Grosvenor Square.' The inference is that Mr. Phelps expects to be Ministerf England. ' '11B. Wanamakeb, has estab liahed prixn at Princeton College iqr the junior class to, be given to ine man wno passes tne oest exam hi.tioB on eirli1 fend ShflbpRTwafian - BagluL"s If W anamaker can bring himself to consider . his personal " needs he; may offst a prize for the beat essay ',jon. Poor "'JJichafd's proverb. JjJlonesty Is the best policy. ' ; : ' From all parts of the State eome gratifying prea notices of New Berne's approaching Fair. In be half of oar people we tender grate ful thanks. I he Exoosition will richly repay all who will attend it.' i rvKTUER testing ot" the Zaliuski gun confirms the belief that it is a practical aud trustworthy as well as terrible weapon of war. At 1,000 yards range and less its accuracy is eotabhshed. The gov meut rtquiremeuts, it is thought, have been uiore than met by the tests. The w ilmington Messenger says: ' In view ot the fact that fully three fuurtht of the patrons of our weekly Transcript Messenger are the good people of that portion of Eastern North Carolina of which Goldsboeo is the center, and realii ing that on h count of its remote ness the paper mut gradually lose manj i'l its i lil fi itnds and patronr leomite r. not been able to tbi itselt and its leaders jntice in i the. w,y ot riens grthering, we have decided to publish iho weekly edition simultaneously in two edi tions" oue from Wilm ngton the other tiom Goldsboro. THE Woild says: "Mayor Stew art, of Texas, liai come to New York to secure aid lor the niuinteu anee of his Home for M.uned Con federates. The men who lost their limbs in (l.e war against tho I'nion have no benign govern tneut to call upou. According to malevolent Col. She pard they do not deserve to live ; tint nevertheless these wounded ( -on lederates are as loyal today as their brothers who were more fortunate and their helpless ness appeals to exery tender heart. Major Stewart obtained several thousand dollars in Mob ton for his poor crip ples. Members of the G. A. It. were most active in his behalf. It will be strange indeed if the metro polis does not respond liberally to his efforts in behalf of a most pathetic charity." LOCAL NEWS. NE1V ADVERTISEMENTS. F. Ulrk-h Cheroots. C E. Slover Buck wheat, etc, Clark & lark Rooms for rent. An extra freight train has been run over the A. & N. G. R. every day ibis week. Mr. J. V. S ewatt is making Another enlargement to his stables which will almost double their capacity. He says be is goioft to have bielivery in the very best of order for the Fair. It is hoped that the rioe mill burned last week may be rebuilt, as it was a needed industry and one that furnished a demand for one of the cereals which affords our agrioultur! about as good profit as any other. Craven strset was enlivened yesterday with the "Heave 0?' of a number of hands moving ti;e engine of the dredg ing machine, used on the river improve ment under General Ransom's super vision, from the dock tothe shop of H. Crabtree & Co., where it goes for repairs after a continuous service of ten years or more. By a private letter to a gentleman in this city we are informed that it is the purpose of Capt. Natt. Atkinson, of Ajhtville, to be present at oar approaoh ing Fair. He Ts one of the largest real state dealers' In the . Sooth and baa done much to boom Ashevllle and western North Carolina Renerally and we shall be highly gratified to have him take a. look at Eastern North Carolina and see what It Ie. Shipping Nws. ' Th steamer Vesper of the E. C. D line sailed yestorda'y with a cargo of cotton and lumber. Tbe Eaglet of this line will arrive today. ' iY Schooner J. R. P. Moore, Capt. Gas kill, arrived yesterday, light. From Charlotte, e-- - In reference to our Fair the Charlotte Chronicle writi: v We return thanks for an Invitation to attend New Berne' 1 Abnnat Fair which come off Febroary 19ib J 20th. Slst and 224. .: The holding ot Fairs in th winter ia a new idea but it proved tach a success last y ear In that city that an annual exposition hat been organised under much greater proportion than formerly. ; They are advertising it most thoroughly, and teem determined to make it an event to be remembered." The Raleigh Meeting. The delegates of th Board of Trade returned from Rajeigh last night, whither thy had ben in attendance of the neetiag in th interest of extend' iai th A. & N. C R. to Charlotte. Delegate from Charlotte and several counties along the propoeed line of ex unsioa met tham and gave the subject a thorough discussion, and finally ap pointed a committee to draw np a char ter for a new road from Charlotte to Goldsboro, with provisos that reciprocal pro rating must be maintained with the A. AN. C, and that the stockholders and directors of th two companies can consolidate the two road upon such terms as they may agree. It is to pro vide also that in the tvsot the two are consolidated; the A & N. C. U must prorata with the N. C. at the expire tion of the present lease on the latter road so long a it will make the pro rating reciprocal. If tbe new road can be constructed under tbe terms of the chatter tone applied for, it will perhaps give New Bern and th Eastern section, and Charlotte, the relief they ar seeking But we must confess we have but little eonfliture in th plans proposed for rauin the funds to construct it. Extknsio.n of the A A N C R ha- not b"u "'"n UP et- nd "ot h uuin iub iienerai Assembly el :noni Csrolina hai heard and considered tbe reasons for it extension aud pncd upon them. The meeting wa a goo on and mad the friends of extension stronger in the faith and a bill would have been prepared aud presented that would, bad it becoms a law, have secured the line to Charlotte beyond a doubt, but for the lespect the meeting bad for one of the large private stockholders who would not give his consent. The delegation called to see the Gov ernor and received assurances of bis presenoe at Ihe Fair. New Berne ouRhl to give him arojal rcceptiou snd be libve it will. Tbe business men of Charlotte mean business when they no about a thing and they are getting about this direct line to New Berne in earnest. They are doing it from the standpoint of nscea sity as well as enterprise, just a' New Berne is doing. The Schoonsr Lena Wrecked. The schooner Lena, Capt. Murphy, from Fail field to New Bern witn a cargo of corn oonsigned to W. P. Bur rus. was foundered Sunday night on Point of Marshes forty miles below the mouth of Nsuse river. The Captain arrived yesterday on the cutter Stevens and will return with necessary assistance to raise her. The Trucking Interest is Bound to Grow. Often have ws spoken of trucking as one of our most important interests and of th magnitude which it is steadily but surely assuming. Everything favors sdhsring to the movsment. The lightness of th soil and the mild snd evei tempsred atmosphere of tbe East all along the coast is naturally adapted to the early and quick growth of vegetables. Rapid and safe trans portation for mark st has been much improved within the last year or two, and the demand for vegetables and fruits delivered in good condition is greatly increasing. , The Argonaut, published at Nashville, N. 0., speaks on this subject as follows: We came across a few davs airo. a Trade issue of the Wilmington Messen ger, issued last June, which, had we then been editing the Argonaut, w would have taken great pleasure in sneaking of in complimentary terms. weoopyrrom it an article on a truck farm near Wilmington, and nee it as an occasion to say that Eastern North Carolina famishes in the most perfect degree every condition favorable to truok r arming, ai various point on the lina f the Wilmington and Wldon Eailroad the business la oarried on quit largely. - But tbe eoatt line of counties f orniah tbe very ben tracking lands in thiaorany other State. At Elfaibeth City,. New Bern, and possibly soms other points, the business b now carried on to a considerable extent. The con struction of a railroad fnm New Bern to Wilmington, referred to in another article, would open p a country which would become the trackers' paradU. Tbe. proximity of th gulf stream to (his part of the coast of North Carolina gives it a climat nnequaWd forth purpose,' and this, added to a warm, triable soil, easily cultivated, gives It a peculiar adaptability to tbe cultivation of, vegetable and fruits for Ut large mariets. uive mi country good fa cilities for transportation, and ia a few years it would become the finest track in andfroit growing section on tbe continent. r Land would beoooa ex ceedingly valuable, and the locality re ferred to would becom on of th moet popuiou ana richest In tbi or any other Stat.:; r PmaaL:j! 71, Messrs. C. El Foy and Junius Steven sou af Lenoir, ar in tb city. iXr. R. B. Berry, who is traveling for insurance, armed last night. A Railr.i.d rrvin Wilmington to New It'-rue. n.m at . :hv I bit The texruof) -ii t..-ieea New Lsrue and VYi.ui.ljiuu fuiincoJ iu the counties i f L!itu. Jjlp render. Onslow and .Ne IliL. ttr, i ue of l tin moat fertile in Sub (.'aroiina Tnere are thousands u( icm of e snip lauJs easily drained, which me equal tu frr lillty to ttie lands ot me N. There ar also Urge bwdiej of syleud.d t. inter lands, tn which me uuJ of itic has scarcely been beard And yet for the want of fsciuies for iratel and transportation these aisgciti out lands are undeveloped, rparseiv populated and alnioel unknown. Who mil road IraversinK them fruui Wilmington to New Berne this part cf the Siale would become the garden spot of North Caro lina. Tbe lands owned by the Mat could be put on the market, go into private hands and become taxable properly This paper is carefully noting the progress cf events and taking a deep interest in every enterprise, any where in the etaio. lending to develop its resources. We commend with great pleasure the enterprising spirit of lb West, which H puhin it railroads Over almost impalpable mountains, and penetrating us rich an.l fertile vliei but we are especially concerned in the growth sod jip rilv of Kastern L'aro lina We are eoirt io see so luft en lerprHe in the et lire is lernuiry which . if pr i . i : v : r .-I i; e I prov ed . w . i n he l.i a .- . f .; ! , .ill entire we i ri nu.l fit Hi i Slate on . ne mi N or ;li i mi .1,1 i ll e mains i. I n i ill ..!f I : and aim. at u n k ri a ii I- sion not my ituMu 1 1 v. l i - . - ai wanting in enterprise 1 1. -it 1 1. ir . u i Zens have nl lint snap hi. I pu-K nt. es sary to business mii' ' tVn. la tail road thri'uli this terru. ry anl kv' the people ien.lv access to market. -nd 11 would soou fill IIP ni:h iMipnlati ui and the increase in the pr..d',ictn nf tiel.l and forest would asionn-h th-- sleep old money batts of lle tm cm -. We hel leve V il in iri(t"ii win .u ' I t .e tl h i metropoll.s of the Mtatc. nli.l a icut mi- ' portinn and expjrtinj; c iv an 1 nin i ai. 1 be if her people :l-ii.ihI toiheicc. sion. but when e ( -e lier all.. iv Ui I . territory, which, if o;enc I up w n.l.l pour rich intniie in l.'-r lap remain without rfciiroil f-n-.l.ti - i. ueakenx our faith ,.pw licrne h Hplmdi ilv . . Mlc.l. and ought to I e a placi' o( I., h tunea iik present p ipulati m an I I ninr hut she al a a seemed l.iihin!. I:i: liming been the hirthplace of the real f.itherx of North Carolina j.irippru lence in ulory enough Witn a railroad direct to Wilmingloii liivim; hi r a. cts o deep water, a.ldel in the (hipping facilities she no his cho would move off with a jump like a train of cars after passing the apex of abrade l,et the business men and capitalists of the cities waks up. and pu-n to n aurcessful conclusion this important eniernnse We are proud of the grand old Slats and desire to see every sclionof the State keeping step with the march of progress. Since writing tl.e ii n a rulroail from W 1 1 m i n ti Ui lo New heri.e we sue. the followii.i; sender w h., . Hi i .i Wi Me ' If l ho vt r al ; I lie Coat l.ino piM.pi.- i . the Coast r a.l f n i. Jacksonville No.- Hem ton to the A I bem.t .'e f the Allan pr in .ter ol luiinu'-n via :i I VVahmK tin 1 an1 the people of (old-bor .i iriheir road into Onslow, should all develop into a -coin plished success. Kit-rn orlh i arolma would bo well siipi-iied w uli needed railroad facilities Th sernoos of country would devlop mil instead of one enterprise cuntl.oung iih or damaging another ell -. . u t I naturally help each each other, in thai they would all togetheriti"iult i prosperity bene ficial alike to thfin'lrp ti i t ho 'cveral sections of thfl S.ato piieira!' I. With all in the field, nacli (.nc rpr.- h worth double itself alone. It sllnc in Future. RALKKIH. N (; . Jan 2 lJ -The bill of Senator Williams, of Put. in re gard to futures, is attracting a great deal of attention. It was laid on tbe members' desks today with a favorable report from tre Committer on Agrirtul ture. Tne text of the bill is as follows : A Bill to be Entitled An Act to Prevent th Buying and Selling of "Futures " The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: SECTION 1. That the bu5ing and sell ing of options, and contracts for the future sale or delivery of any cotton. corn, wheat, oats. rye. jnral or lard shall be unlawful, ucl-ss tho price for which said articles, or any of them, are to be delivered shall be paid to the sel ler by the purchaser at tbe tim of the consummation of the said contract 8c. 3 That every debt (in whatever form, bond, note, or account) made or contracted in tbe sale for future dsliv ery of the products or articles mentioned in Motion on hereof, and every debt, note, bond, or account arising out of any such contract or trade, shall be Utterly void and non collectible by the laws of this State. Sec 3 That all sales, or agreements. or contracts wcerebt one peron sc- quires a right to buy . or a right not to buy, at or before a certain d .v at a csr tain prioe. any of the pr .ducP men tioned in section cup of thi act rhhb unlawful and void, and all debt" con tracted in sncn transaction oi ariainii direotlv therefrom, shall be void and non collectible. Sec 4. This act rball be in force from and after firt da of M) , 18c 9 ADTICB TO HOT 11 EKS lias. Wis blow '8 aoorHino Stbctp should always be used for children teething. It soothes tb child, softens th gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the beet remedy for Jdiar hce. ' Twenty-five cents a bottle. Democratic Eieeatiit Comatlttee. Tbe members of th county Demo cratic Executive Committee of Craven I oouniy are requested to meet at the court bouse on Monday the 4th day of February at 3 p m . for the purpose of recommend inn appointments for magis- trates to tbe General Assembly S. R. T&KlT.Chai n j u.xxNs secy 1 Have been a sufferer from catarrh ! for the past eight Tears llayieg tried I a number of remedies advertised as "Mire cures" without obtaining any re lief. I had resolved never to take ny other patent medicieee, when a friend advised me to try Ely 'a Cream Balm I did so with ureal reluctance, but can now testify with pleasure that after usics; it for six weeks I believe myself cured It is a moet agreeable remedy an invaluable Balm Joseph Stewart. 624 Grand At . Brooklyn. Rooms For Rent. Two well furnished, comfortable rooms, in an sligibls part . f the to u can be rented low ou sp; '. caiu t. t ihe uodersigced jan31 S; i I. U K , 1 H K Notice To The Trace. 10.000 More Of Those Celebrated Old Virginia Cheroots Received Today. WIKM.KS M.i; liKlM'Ki: M I I'l'I.K I ItKKT. NKW ! t F ! : N I . N To -AJL1 r'hom It May Concern. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE CASSARD HAMS. At 11 Cents Per round. Lard, Buckwheat, Pickles, Etc., At Prices to astonish the nativs .11 atnl nee for yourself. J. F. TAYLOR. FOOT OF MIDDLE STR K f. jin23dtf NE V BERNE N C For 30 Days Only ! HEATING Sr0VES FOR LESS THAN COST FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAVS. Now is th time to t.uy We niusl reiiuce our stock This is no humbug. Come and see me. P. M. DRANEY. jn24 dwtf Life Insurance. A fair test of the cost of Life Insu ranee in tbe Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co . Policy No 135 590. amount SJ 500. age 2S pars. Issued August 4. 175. Annual premium. 53.58. Payment. 1st year. 2d " 31 " 4th " 5ih " 6th " 7th " 8ih " 9th " 10th 1 llth ' 12th " 18th " 14th " Dividend. 811 33 12 40 11 40 12 97 13 30 ' 14 82 15 02 16 10 16 15 16 85 17 07 17 80 17 57 Amount. S-'3 51 42 2 41 IS 41 IS 40 fil 40 28 3S 76 3S 56 37 4S 37 43 86 73 3.51 86 28 rs oi $19,1.28 :.&4 AmouBt paid in 14 years r,n S2 500 hub 82. 8556 84 being at rate or 84 per Si. 000 per annum The cash value of a eituilar policy now issued if it should lapse would be about $495 00. Tbe paid Do value of a similar pohev would be $825.00. N.i estimate These fluures are all guaranteed and mndw a pm of tbe PjI ic. WILLI M H O' IVER, Aitem onn Mutual Ios. Cc N wherq. N C Received of William H Olivtr. aent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insu rance Corjjpi'.nv of Hartford Conn. Two Thousand Five Hundred Do'lars in fall payment of Poiic No 185 590 io the life or my late husband, Mr. Alex. H Bolton I a u indebted to Mr. Oliver for his kind attention to this, and to the Com pasr for their promptness in paying the amount. Newbern. N C. Signed, 8ahaH Holtos. For Sale, A lot of DAklAOED IU 'K --.,1 IUCE FLOTK in lots ! - :ir m I i'nce I ,uiub!p L r , i , ' , " , 1 " J 'tock ; 0 alt :j1-" Kl L MLL City Tax Notice. nJ (;''r ! ' 3. I shall i icic 10 , property. both so j h tax-- rm! et:e. pi ( S'O fulie 1 ! ti lusehold psrtie Uieir city . UUl. "o..i ctor. lw ,S I : For nut m i . Sale, V lil'LL t'.u y 1 1 U A I i ! N I . no E.H.&J.A. HESBOWS JrUC( J bSi.on Factors M VX'A 0 ip.nos. c II Pl.,1 . t:t I I I I.' NLW BERNE, N. C. 000 500 Tut:s A OllS l'.t .;. ..U.- I'hos- C'i '. Sot d Meal, F i:.tcea-8e- s , . I M -.::) -i,' Fxtra phat" 2"0 Ton- 1000 B ::r. . 1-ct tl Br. :-,!:. Kaily Buh 1000 .ir,t', Imr.ru't 300 il Txtra '.t Proof 12000 Bush 0.i' Kadieh it Sm : S- . i li oilier fu or L0 V'7 r r I ,1 V n r ii Mules and Horses. A I I !-; 1. t. iRsFS J"- jK. dif II A UN .V CO. Pecan Treea ai.ii K.jfier Corn A (ine 1 ,t r,f I',.c.i;, will ho drliwred t. Stonewall, at -i n m . four or less . f. ,r tj v.. , 1 s. f,)r sale, and ' riiii lines at I. e ct-i.u each for r more, titv cents each Also, a A di1 r, jiS dwlm i'J-in: iry . t K .Her Corn. J S LA. ME. St mewall. N. C. PLOWS! Our Pt ick of Y, -,v, r.'imprinr-8 t!ie Avery StocI (one or two horse), Atlas, Uoss. I)ix,c, I)i3J, Chtmpion, Clipper, Crmcr, Wart,, Climax, Gem and St..ti, ar..J al.0 the ordinary Turn I'lixs, ruch as the N s. A fi, 10, li. Ki, 4. 48, 50, 55 and (in. Casting of (v.-rj description, be Mdes a fult and complete line of even thing for the Farm. We respectfully solicit the Whole sale Trade as well as tho Retail, and we are pn pared to offer frrcial in ducement), to MerthaiiN. Send for our Pn-e List. WHITTY GATES. IW Saw Mill .Suj,pi!pi a specialty. VII p r- riH iK T.xes for 1887 sad'-' 1SS8. Sc-H-duie, --U" Txes. - Retail. Liquor Linen-n., and ail other licenses required by th- R venue Lin-g cf Jorth" Carolina, are h-r-by BitiQdd"tb'feettI tbe s..n. Further indulgence cinmt be given I wnl anend at toyefflco from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. to racetro thf same, from and after this date.', . January 16, 1889. ' fc ' D. STIM30N, tf Sheriff Craven Ca ' ;V "

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