RHEUMATISM aateld BatMng. to the? am flr&sLt w care- aooatipa&eaca, Fain Celery ODKpouvl aae aar- "Hartaf tMWtrooUed wttk rwwimama at Uo ukm ana tut aa- Aae yean, I was now aaafeas cgs arenaa. ad was fJ -vriirJ to soy bed t.r men at a tuna. I aaed otiywa but Ue at Paaufa UMer Coav twad. and -us yr8seUT euro. I ease tump around, tad Mm lively at a buj." fimtim Bunka, SVf ada. ai.ee. Srjfcrta.es. Crcjjisu, MammoU leanmoftl.t paper tree. niiitnmn nvra Ohm Aumt o4 BnmhUr FMHU. MO MSI TO The Bergner & Engel B RE WIN PHILADELPH1 . - t .1 -r I !A IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada Wfist. Barlflv Malt, and T.na7Pr TTnns. and w highly recommended for its TONIC and NTJ TRITIVE qualities. Th Lifeh repatation en.oyeil by tin- lU'.IUiNKU & KNOEL X)MlAN Y ia tluei to th.- fact that only !ht FINKST AND RK8T MATERIALS .ire used and that th g re.it t SKILL aud CAR K .ire exercised during its manufacture. jy4dtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. S 8T3S!t ORTR C4R0UNI MARBLE WORKS. viw B Rir. r. i'tlonuments Tombs ii' i th l Ufa tal HaltaUnt wnrlc IT AL1AN& AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt atttnticr and latisfaotion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor 0 a BO AD AD O&AVlb Si. NBW BKRNX. N. t Q. E. atlLuu Is my authorized agoi t in maJKMv GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implement. Plows. Barrows, Cultivator', lives and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, 8team Engines, Cotton Q1QI end Presses, Fertilisers. Land Plaster. Kamlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, ; Brick, Cement, Plaster Hairs Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nish, OIL Glass. Putty and Hair. Freezers , Rcflnjrerators, Oil Cook Stores, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash, Locks, warranted to frive; i?curttj and satisfaction. UCJES YERT LOVT. -.l- JiiKO, ALLEN CO. :; -SntAor Sale. TwU'sS ,'iEHOia COTJMT sis mittrr torati of XUltDH. on Booth West 0rsaMHA,-S3Aers,-irtia onehnndred eiearsd slane well Umbered. Well adapt ed t' growing oorni ootton, peat, eto. A portldhorthSolsared land ambraees a rich trssChifSA' -.S-H UaA, : . ipitoresidahalles ro traptHo.1 price .0( pash; wip "wiu P prrad seenritr toe ba'laoos. . f - Acolyte . " " ' i '' Z ZZ' JAMS itUAU3, t ' 'jUfJilitAL crncE. 3 f 0 Masai vea tatvar- Iaal saUafactksl Ja toe , orrvtrf Oeaenaa aad Gloat. I prsserlbsHsaA r ' feci sale ianesmmsaaV: ''T'Y'Zu toalrsorftrs -: 1 teW- 4.j.awOTiE,1A - Tiv "'aaiil Sold br BrouUls. J. T. J TJ)A, Affltt, Wew fcerne, N.-fj, msysawiy I VO , SATS. V M M I I lillMni. ' m NEURALGIA -raws ueierv manM aae mti auaa ur the tu vwo yoaj. I tan eaJ fcuwd wn.aaouraim Utt kearw dunur atisr duukwbukafaxaira aaa, I aasw aw taam Beany lour Sou at la Ouaapoaad, asas ta tr trotm the eumutoaiiL I tmi n tmknl turoa." Caaa.H.LiwiaOaitiCalTdaltt.Ca. Palne's Celery Compound I aav been greatly affifcted vfca acuta iBramaim, aad court Cad ao niM aaai I ' S1 Oompuniii aiiar aauf , laaaataue ttoutaea." aaatmaimsima.aaCWntih.H.a Effects Lasting Cures 1!!LJLjlr' otaarena u marmkoa at oaaMtf tottan aeat to any actdraaa neaaant ta taka, iuet ot msiurtx but ujt aijrwuoa, aadaaura- u iwwm; launnauuK. waara taa uae ot suffering kiogr witn rbeoaiaaam at n inirfi UrtnomxM llauti Ftad art Bntlm. G CO.'S LAGER BEER, i J 3 CIGARS FOR SALE AT COST, Having purchased a large stock of Cigars, and the demand for same being small. I now otTer to the merchants aUARS AT COST until my stock is reduced. Cash on delivery. The Ladies Must Come I The Gentlemen May Come ! AND Everybody" Come! TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKE1. ALSO A FULL LINE OF House Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. LI. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW BKKNE. N. O JOHN McSOBLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and SHod Maker, Pollock St.- Newbern. N. C. Desires to snnonnee Ihathla PAI.T.aTork UP MATERIAL has been received and ha la prepared to nil orders for FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AID SHOES Bavliia two superior skilled workman all orders prom ptly til led. in eoiicmng patronage I guarantee "the best material, a a-ood fit. tha lktaat atta and darablllty." As one among man, teatlmnni!. nf fh character of my work the subjoined from a wen anowu ciusenteus lis own story: U!TBT BTATaa Nw Bmi. H. C.. OOXWS'KS UVnca. OoU 6th, 1888. XO. IfCSORLIT, Esq. UAK RIR Pleaae make ma a nii nf gaiters similar to those yon made me two yeara ago. i nave worn tbem two years and they ar cood vet. I hn. tm.r, shoes fifty-six years and they are the beat i ever wore. Respectfully. "signed" EG HILL. Repairing neatly and promptly done. oct23 Ow . AGENCY FOR WHEN yon ran eel anra.akna:ia 6AVAN8AH CIGAR tnslae and ot, et the ery floeat SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two for a nickel, why don't yo to to PA i.mcnta CIS4R STORK and get them. - Do net be bambogged by cheap trash; get lood smoke and be happy; and yon can ge.t any quality of cigars yon want. Little Meit- cans, one cent, rivse uttaKOuTw, vary piipular brand, for ten oenta, eta , s(o. why nQt some and try themt WM. L. Tiiumf,1': WW! II. aft Furniture!. joiin. suTEai;, Bm on band tnd It receiving every day hand torn parlor raitav chamber aeu, heavy walnut, bureaus, " rdroba, mattresses, chair., lounges, sofss, ete, etc t ::':--.r'--iZJs' .- Be also has s lid ot home-mee-f work of bedsteads, sofas,-tables, tiqresui, etc., which are seat sad sbsUniaL Prices Bight; Down . to iRock Bottom. ', . '' ' .. -.s--set d w ; Middle it',' ftew Borne. THE JOUKNAL. TEE B&0KI9 WOlfc A Ugtmi ei As Irlak Lake. thomas Bean asouaa. IDOBI the moat enrioua of Lh. Irt.h I lCid ar thoa waicb aooottM tor tha foroukuoaofUMloacfca, axUk, with "area iraiana as pioiaraaqaaij aouea. loca Uwl had its waters borrow! froaa one witca b? anoUe. aad llilf re- nra. la emer oaiad they were ex- caTatad ? Fkoa MaoCinbfaail. rulf arlr 'ka riM aiaoeool. Baits more coaimo. and mora poocal orlf t u in coiucqaaiiod of (h anddan oraiflow of a atale priag, throojh th aagUot or faull of a Bortai. To Ihii clatd La a a Inchiaom balonn. Thafoi lowing poem tallathalecand try a m tor of tha oriiritl af tha taka nna nf tk moat . laland. Il alao oonuina a moral that all w bo run mty raad. "V.m MM M IW thouaand jaan ago thar. Hood a caa- i nvuvi auu wu. With battraw tad barbacan, with moat ad lofty wail: A thouaand Taaaala dwalt without, a hundrad aarTed within, And o'ar tham raignad tha proud O'Ruaro, the lord of Inrhiquin. A atoikC-ihrow from tha cattle gtta a cavern's mouth waaaaeo, A bubbling fountain near it rose amid a patch of graao, O aid j wing to a placid pool that in tha unbaama' light Whu-b am ote at time tta crystal depth , (bona like a mirror bright. Twas told throughout the household there, how at the noon of night. Three ladies from tha cavern came arrayed in robes of white; And dotting those they freely bathed, a. Lhnlia? h I haw ni.thirtar . ra.4 r-o robmg ih-m aaam. within the cat am diapp-arf J appear O'Kuaro resolvsd that sight to see. so at the midnight hour, Wben troubled g boats re visit earth sod imps of ill have power. Ha made his way to see what fate to glad his eye would bring. ADdthrhiu"tedT. nD"lt,Dt tf"Je pring And soon came forth the damsels fair. in samite mantles clad. And two of them were wreathed 10 smiles, and one of tbem was sad , , And all of tham were beautiful, but fairest of the three, , The Isdy of tbe pensive look -the youngest, too, -was she. But as they stood upon the brisk , their rob ss to lsy aside, ' The eldest cast a lopk around, snd O'Ruaro there she spied. Startled to see a mortal there, shrsnk back the sisters three. And, with alarm upon eash face, they turnea themselves to nee. The eldest and another flsd ; but ere the third could go, She felt O'Ruaro around her form his arms detaining throw, "In vain the struggle, lady fair'" the prince in rapture cried : "Be you a mortal maid or not, none slse shall be my bride." He bore her to hie oastle gste; in vain her piteous plea; The more her plaint, the more hsr tears, the more enamored he; And ere a week her smiles returned, and blushes followed smiles; For well the handsome prince was versed in wooers' winning wiles. Bat, sre they wedded, these her words: "One promise you must give, If you would beep me by your side contented wife to live: Swear you, so long as both survive, and you be mate to me, No guest within our castle home shall e'er invited be." He pledged to that his princely woid, aad then the two were wed; And happy lives for year on year tbe happy couple led ; And children twain, a boy and girl, to bless their union oame; And fairer grew, as seasons rolled, the prince's stately dame. But men are changeable and weak; they even tire of joy; O'Ruaro of fondneas wearied much, the sweets began to cloy ; And etralrg, with excuses fair, in wistful looka despite, In chase he apent th day abroad, in revelry the night. And at the- chase be overheard : "O'Ruaro baa prudent grown; A guest he is. but never hos." Cried he, in angry tone: "I pray yon,, aaliant gentlemen, this day be guests of mine. And when the tun to morrow oomss he'll find us o'er our wine." With ready shout they answered him, and turned their steeds ia haste; Then galloped fast and eagerly over the ; furiy waste, Paat the Donn Tbir and up the hill, and '' through the thick green vrood, Than down into the pleasant vale where lone the oastle stood. Stood at tha gate to await ber lord, tha lady of the land; She gated at them with troubled face, . hat children at her hand; And are O'Ruaro, dismounting fast, - could reach the place before. She sod her- children gained the pool, j - and tans, ana roes no more. Up surged the watere from tha spring, as though in pangs and throes; Upward and on ramoTMUee! Iheinzrv Wtere opoe; tli salro 4 (Ue vale lad-deep and gtefln .'tha waif ra of tW it wsd Ionia itirltnltt ltsVeptoa on ' i dW of tb yearyi s.3fsm Will that ;cattl't iviaj aJTa; aad :i turret ffsrappaar-i 'YliZYdhr? Witt soar tha horae-hoofs olfakla loud , : i ,Gs motnsrod oryi and than Tbs surging roar of vatera fierce; and j ; niniti. i,i(ih iKaith. awaaBBwawawawawawawawawa IThM to inS SilM, U..iL i.l.li ... (ts. Brulief Botaj, ;TJW -fiart RhMm." Fever Bores. Tattr rhanniul Qandt, Chilblains, Corps, and ail Bkin ErupUons, and positively4 ourea pllea A fill MV Mnntrl I. la miimkIuI ax give perfect Satisfaction, or money ra funded.' Price S 5. cents par box; For (ait by r,. fl. P3T. , jaa 17 Ms Pills I. H. A THEY, a uruuilueut drasartat f Hally tpH it . h..vt:"lir !-, lu tl.t. The Sale Ot Ttltt s PiiiS eXCeed . - ,. . uivae vi a,i l '.ii-... a luuiuuicu. Tbey are p t. ii dtH(4ttBi- Hal iaek. . j.n, m iau. all pr- , ... SULUl. aWHIKRL. Olce, 44 Marra; Street, Sew York - Don't FaU To Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Your OREERS TO US. We has in suxk a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons &. Sons Boots and Shoes, Penitentiary Boots &. Shoes, AIo Sboee diiect froai ihe Boston faotories. We are selling all Kra,ies FLOUR from tbe Mills iti Mu-' usn very low. We also job I.orill.irJ ani tiail A Ax Snuff. R0BEUI3 BROS., SoutK Vin -t Kerne. A. V Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 JPoir Sale BY W. P. 3URRU5 8 CO., GENERAL C0MIS3I0N MERCHANTS, AND (KCAIN DEALERS, MaUKKT I ( K . m:w iskuni:. n . : aT Consign us your pnitu-o m il i f 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER II IS A FINK ST'irK Of I VV aiCUCS, WX1I5. J EWeir, 80LID SILVER AND PLATfcD WARE- SPE(TA( 1.KS. I keep n larncr stock of Sportarles than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pninn to lit thom to the eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at tho bench for over thirty years, I believe I can df as good work as any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SRE MR. SAM K EATON, MiilJle street. Opposite Raptis! C i:- h M2 dwtf FASHIONABLE TAILOR Ml DM.!; : i i:i I r, Two door south llnlnm Livery Mables, novl dtf Ni;V 1JELWE. N. C. The World Stands Agnast AT MY LOW I'HItJES, And wonders. How is it that I can sell so much lower than anv one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Coma' and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. B.;JONES, ftew Burne. JT. 0. THE leaotlfylly Illustrated, 25 cis.,$3 aYear. I ' i m acepav-Tnn amfbi"a5 maoazuti atna tnlanaoa aatioaal tnpioa aad asanaa, aa4 Ra ntaratar. and art aia I th. hiabaat atandard. Vaaana ianiui vritma rill na patva with a wMa WtfiatV Of Int. Mtillff 'llk tntlM A trl uImL. Bra, aarial and hort it .rir, daacriptin aaomnrta at vfamaaaeoimtrTiiian aad woman Kplof u tka foraoat problama of the pariod, and. la ahertk Wis ataf aiisa ia Distinctively Representative of it ,7-i American Thought and Pro-rata. RtsAekafevMae' hf tha frm and rnWIo ta b. the 222 E??Lr satertaitalaa of the kvasa. aaaaa BMathilea, . . H 'i va . . " ' .' I "PORT A NT. J5T Illaaavatad aVvaatawi tlat, aad eaeetal Ia. ti&u StZ'ZlZ'" JT t"M vaa Tahaabla I ! - : .-. I JMmiu Aa mwmi .ii! I . " " v S?l t f raw ii TT MlERICAN MGAZINE s j? Brotowsy, RtwTerka) PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK Wbkjui. i. c. P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doort South of Journal office. Wi.: prartlcc n tb Con i. Ilea of i'ro ij trri, Juaea. uutiow aDd Pamlico I'oited Blatoa Xun at bern u Suureme Court ot Uie nuaio OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KvM8 South Froct street four Jovre west cf Craven. Mroau'...e Law at J t" :i.a:. lea. 1 l jkr . L)U( tit nil J i ,d Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. OlMoe in rear of Rancoci Jru.( atore neil door to Hotel Albert. Open from W a m. to 4 p . Wil.uc prompt attantioo to all ma rn i-nam mg to Juatiovs court Ji;.' .nf HUMPHREYS' i ist or peiscipal nos. FeTera. ronctinn. lnllmiTiili.in l urma, H ,rtu t vr f .ir lui rine i Ollc. nr l'lltiiii .f li Lull lllarrhaa. "I Uudreu r Ajn.i, I'vsenlcry. linpiau Bhuhi. i I hulera Murau. Y.ni.iM I duaiia. Ould. BroncbiliH IS leuralcia. looiba.ii ri.-.-tc! llrnilarhra. iok llea.lnrtii HOMEOPATHIC ltpeii. hiiKtiis Mnms'-h i i ts J . 'i .AO .. ,M M .o .Ml I OO .Ml I Oil 1 1 wiipprrue or ralnrul frrttxl it i I 4 I A Whites. to Mrof'nte (Vrindn ( roup roneh itficull Breath, Hall Rheum, trysnttlaa hrniiimit R hetnuattam. Uhtiuaii r',n lb Kevvr snd Ague, h i- Mtiini Hies, hun.l or I'.',)h1, i i'alarrh. Inriufn . i .l m th Kh4 I 1 I tt W huiptnc i uush. V mem t . im 1 1 it General ItetttlHy.rhytKa. N -a.tii KIrlnev IMaeaae ervoua ebttUv ll 1 11 I U.I 3 lllM'a.i'.nl the Henri, I'.iimIjii SPEC. FICS. . n .1 I J I II 'lf III, ill ut I'.'M l-A A .li i .-. ij.i ,,f ilm - hi ai'iiluia amu ii iu hdiqii.. si. h. All of the above medicine are f' r nle at the drug stored of K S Dutfv and K lierry, liddle street. New Derne. N C. Holiday PROCLAMATION ! OniV to tho SCARCITY o Money and -I'lIKSI'M' IIAIil" TIMLS we niTer tlio following Low Prices on Thanksgiving Siipf.lns at 61 A. 63 Broad street: Citron, !!." eta. Layer Kiisins, I ."ia 1 S ct,n. Off S alk Raisins, r.'sl.'i , Curra. t9, .'5 lbs. for ct. 1'ruQon, ,i lbs. for L'S rt.u. M incc Meat, 10 eta. lb. Malaga Grapes, 15 eta. lb. Evaporated Apples, U) rt.i. Dried Peaches, 15 eta. ( 'ranberries, 10 cts. j t :i lbs. I'ic Peaches, 10 cts. .! lbs. Htand. Peaches, 15rts. .i lbs. 8tsnd. Tomatoes, 10 cts. Sweet Mixed Pickles, I'O cts. jt. N'o have a full line of Thanks giving and Christmas Goods at very low prices. We guarantee all goods as represented, best quality. Call and see us. Goods delivered free. ALEX. MILLER. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any oaae of liver complaint, dyapepsia, alrk headarhn imliKPHLlon. constipation or costivrnem we cannot cure with West's Vegetable I.lver Pills, when the directions are sttletly com plied AMIh. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to give aatlBfactlon. Large bong coatalnlng 80 sugar coated pills, ibc. Kur sale by all druggmta. Beware of connterfeiu an i Imitations. The genuine manuiacturo4 only by JOHN (). WKSTA CO., ml W. Mad leon Ht., Uhloago, ill. Sold by R. N DUFFY, druggist, New Berne. N. C. sp24dwly TO ADVERTISERS. A Hat of VWi newappera divided Into VTATt!; ANIi HhCTlON'U will be sent on uppllcation PR Eat. I'd th08 ,who want their advert'alng to pay. we can offer no better medium for tiinr ough and etfective work than the various section of our Selret Local I 1 at. GKO P HOWELL CO. Newspaper Advertising Buresn. J US dwlm 10 Spruce sireet. New York. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 TEARS. LOW 1 ' HIGH ABM, f V ABM, $20 f 1 1 Cloth & Coid B,nd n ' I f f I BlILhD Rfc. I El. I I $28 tl FIFTEEN DAYS'TRIAL n toub own koosz KrontTmimeKEcniT. HigH-Araa tfachhM haa eelf-aettlnjr sieelle. aeir-threadlwa; aliwttle, is ! Iea an liCht.r6aalac,aMtrflwetsearattaeha saaarta, ia a velvet-ltaeil caa. Don't pay agents $ sj or SSo, nut tena fcr rliralar. IleaMaaMr. we caaiantc. ear atacaia. eqoai to any bighrkad Sucbia. ea Ik. aaarkcU Addreaa . Ot A. woon CO 'a;5?- 17 V. Utk Stn Philadclpbta, ft ? . The II. C. Fietghf Una 12:72 t ZL-f TAX3 TSI I KMl- 1.1. KLY tftTV ft B.J 'Baltimorf and Nc l.d. L & r V , w Berns : v e at ' if i l ts - I V f M 1 I , aaugf an i N . loia, rvtii- .!rL, r r tii.a- -1 ol ' r K - ! - VWI.1 - t - .VI 4i r. r, ...'a. harf , n. : - -a uj ewtnrda) a atar,1a - !. .. A I rlunr. k I l III. I,. 4 K I. I, II Mill- I N. l . HI Lit AN II K cASTtH.N CAHUliNa USaICH i ii i' r a l I f I II ! A . , I'll I I. I I ft II I . . h I" Il 1 1 1 1 ' (, I.I. If M I ' t I fr I i I f 1 1 I I tl r v 1 1 1. Haoif. I II V Mr EAGLET and VESPER 1 W1!),!! f J. OI'll l i V ItOA li.MAl i i : i a n i.i.iUfrii k 'v. K mi.. i li.il.it i'l..li , i . : -1 II t IT y a i u liei . . A il., I . ' .t lia.l. i. 1 1 th K K. . II i.. Th I rni,a . w KuglH n . a mi ; au tiy ai. - 1 ' I lilt IUL I i 1 rn.i, Akeni . i. ai'. i '.,.. i gant, : ' k .l.n.l, .N . i ' . Aenl il - N At,nl, N VI III' I Uf .N I ' r in. i. I ...,!. M..u, I,,. , . ' I- II . ,. I f t Mil .N. I 1. .. B 1 . . ' I ";.. : I 'I. H, lal ,. i . . . ... jK K. Iw4i,-a 4.. , , W H ; t ' l.. r , i,e lllll . i N I M v I lit. Mi r u .1 K i, retLH' 1, OLD UOMimUH Steamswip Company. . I . M I - ti i , 1 t. V l.i t rl 11 " Hi'1 Mi r.iu.1,1,1 I ,. p ill ,i ii,i h r vv aler .nil., i ia .lllif..,.rl. .ml I lia.n'.Lr , .,... P '!! titroiu. ii.iiiiiiui,, srv, j uru , ilrlilila. U(. I,i. ',, ,,, . lid as h I ii ton l II'. And n.i puin'., .Nnrili, ICam and Wist in au.i an. i i . i - ,.A , , , , 1. 1 M1 ls , iiiui, i ur tut r ii. .1 .. e, Steamer MAIN i Lli, Upt. ScathgiU, . 1 1 1 UeAxer HLWiiLiirit, CapL fntchett, ! i .i . lot New o Mo.NDAYrt 1 .1.-. , 1 1.1 1 J . ' , . aV.tU It. . K.l.m. alt. I i,t,n iili iu" UJi ,N ;iwr v 'i ,k I'A i . 1 A r i, i ..et Lion vA i lu a, u .! liHii.illl.lr' I , , i, COIIIICUOU i ii.. . a. i. n.. i l. ii in , a li all ultiei' Him 1 1 1 n I Hi v, r. rnu. aianiNK I I r ..-ii n.i aim f tvl .. ' i.iii.ii i. mailing ooti . " . o. to.', aaiipe t ' ' eteariier-i- i" ' i. . I'M lor i'tillaa leipliia. , am. i, Cv. e...ls lu4 jiiou I1U l iul KluuCH uur uiii.riug etloria lo .as our patrons, .nil out ,ii,,,aL peri.ct i v ii lub paat -no teen j ,-aiB. 1. Ul, i,,, i,Hrai.iee i cau llei m. .n.j.j.rt, ,,, w H(J au j -UKIU iU II, r o.ti.ie uiuer an guiMia cuint u u. .1. . oo. or .oia. V a 1'aaaengerawi.i (Um h tarie, comfort- ao.e uaju... auo Bui) i-uurli-a; and atven- UUU Will l)B p,,l ,0 lllt. ,.illcer.. .1. r.. iKiKt.itl'h, Agent MlnSBS. CL l.l'Kl 1'Kl A. TI'll' KIt, A.i liU. .Nur lulk. VS. . 11 HTANK'iKii. :i . i rt'sMeni. .New ork t'ltv. TUia NEUSE & TRENT R1VEB Steamboai Compauj. Will mn the following Hr.Dar- on ao4 aflsi Jan nar, lal, 17. Steamtr Trent VIII leave every Monday an 1 Tburaday i.orning at six o'clock for 8m. tha uni Adams Ceetks aud all initroieulate polnta, returning aarue day. Stesmer Klnston. Will leave New num. im i. . nn i nu daya and Fridays at 12 o'clock, M he'urn- uia, win ibbyb aineion on Monnays ana Thursdays.' I'mihinu .t ait u,.. ...diat. Landlnga on Neuse Kiver. J. J. D1808WATallwlern. W. r. BTajTLr, Klnitor. D. 8. BABRTjs, FoUoksnUe. W. at WAEU,AentaiTren on; . H. Satrjfat, foily old Fieldf., J. B. Bajtz-, Quaker Bildfe, JalWHH'K ien'lManacs .hTllal W Blaaian tt . , .... - - V liai a liacurefiitooniewltBi timilim anna Pure. . J "aaBae Ia..u,llil.f,I.ai.lA Aliwuta, tua. oaoet. WbllenaU.B-, RM.WOOTiI.EY.ll.I,