1 JtlHi JUA1 LA JUL) KIN A L VOL. VII.-NO. 266. NEW BERNE, N. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY IS. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. ! a r BUSINESS LOCALS. TAMES BEDatOHD. WHOLESALE I LIQUOR DEALER, haa just re ceived food aeaorteaeai el Native Wiaee and Bread tee, end also some of the famous California WiM kaowa a the "Angelica," mada from the famous aod deliciou Angelica Orapa. Thia (Jrapa ia only sucoeaafully cultivated in the 8 tuthera part of California; it u a y-rj delicate grape aad requires car uia oueditioce of climate to bring it to vxcellenoe, which conditions are only we in that paradise of the Unitad States. Hi native North Carolina Wioea and Brand iee from the viotagea of Oarratt & Co. and J. Wharton Green ara of very superior quality and ara very pure. fe8 lm TRUCKERS 8ad and Supplie Al Ubo Allen Co IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND UlN, juat received and foOale bf James Rkdmond. 1)L0CQHS, CoJtivatort and Harrow at very low price. , a tO. A 1. 1. EN & CO. I FERTILIZERS for Trucker, and for Cotton Planters, at Qo Allkn & Co. Tl8f RECEIVED Anothar lot of I OARRETT 8 COGNAC BRANDY for sale by Jama Redmond n AVISO MADE A LARQE purchase of Lorillard Souff which calls for quite a sum of money. I am dispelled to ask all of mv oustomara, whose ac counts are over due, to corns forward at one? and settle 1 asurethem that I do need the money and they ara causing ma geat inconvenience by delaying. I have reduced the price of my fine Butter to 3j cents per pound, it is extra nioe and newly made. My parobed Coffees are just splendid. Try a pound and bi convinced 2 80 and S3 oenta per pound. To any merohant in or out of the city I will sell Lorillard Snuff by tha keg at 40 cents per lb., lefts 2 per cent off, for cash. Vary respectfuiy, THE GROCER E. B. HACKBURN. j inlO tf. CklkcTBO EA'RI.Y ROE Potitoea for 0 Planting. C. E. 8loer. 1 LIRE WINES AND LIQUORS for I Medicinal and other uses for sale by James Redmond 1)1. EASE REMEMBER that I need 1 money as well aa the rest of man k ind . and if you owe me please pay me. ' J.C. WllITTY. NE Thousand Rolls Wall Paper at ' " very low pricea. Gko. Ai.lkn A Co. DELAWARE has a surplus of more (ban 9400,000. The street car strike in New York Is weakening. THERE is growing anxiety in ministerial circles at the English capital in regard to Samoan affair". There was a fire in Buffalo, N. Y., Saturday that destroyed property to the amount of $3,000, 000.. The deadlock in the West Vir ginia Legislature contiones and do United States Senator can be elected. 1 It is now said that all of Liar riaoi's plans aro npset by Allsion's refasal to accept a place in his Cabinet; It has been decided at Indinapo lis that John C. New will now be assigned to the Treasury .Depart ment, vice AlUeon declined. A memorial asking the im mediate repeal of the tobacco tax adopted by the Tobacco Exchange of Elchmond, Va., has been pre seated to the House and referred to Ibe committee on appropriation?. The Commissioner has informed the Secaetary of the Interior that there will be a "deficiency In tbs amount necessary for the payment of pensions ? for the current fiscal year, over and above existing: ap- - propriationa of about 13,000,000. , Republican members of tlw tinted States Senate hold that "owing to peculiarities of the peo . pie of New Mexico the Territory is not et fitted for admission to the Union," The peculiarity to.whlch ' the Republicans especially object Is that the : New Mexicans bare al waya shown a tendency to vote the Democratic ticket, v. Last Tuesday two -Frenchmen ' became- excited in a Paris cafe, ex. ' changed cards and agreed to fight a'dael the next morning. The two -, adversaries were placed in front ol one another at a distance of thirty paces and pistols , handed them Then, without - any warning, the : man who bad been most violent took to his heels and fled into the bashes, leaving his enemy and the seoonds in a state of bewilderment It is supposed he is running still. The Danville Register says: General Boulanger, who is stirring France, 13 well remembered in Richmond, having figured there as the commissioner from the French government to atteDd the York town centennial ceremonies in the autamn of 1S1. At the Fiench ball at the old Allan mansion the Edgar Allan Poe house General HouUnger, in bis showy uniform, was cousiiK rod t be most stylish and graceful of the half dozen other fort-1 ii dignitaries present. The News and Observer says : The Home seated a Radical Thurs day aud secured in his place two Democrats jesterday. Contested election honors seem to be there fore reasonably easy, By the way, the Hail c.il p.utv has its Repre sentative Tomi,!e to thank as much as an) body or any number of bodies else, from all accounts, for the de feat of contestant Green. His speech in the case was most un patriotic in its effort to array one class of citizens against another the farmers against the lawyers, as if both classes were not essential to the welfare of the body politic and ot each other. It is said to have changed votes, without doubt, from Green's Htle to Baucom's. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E K. Il Hop Red "C" oil agency. ( hah S Lim.i is-tf.r Rice for sale. 8 W A K V. Svui.i.wooD -Seed potatoes ami i ali. It was real faring like yesterday. The reevtit cold soap has been a little biting on young truck. The Register, published at Troy, Pa., has a favorable notice of our Fair. Regular meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andiew at 7 30 o'clock thia even ing. The residence on the southwest cor ner of Pollock and Metcalf streets 11 beipg remoJled. Carpenter have commenced work On the mammoth Weicstein building re cently purchased by O. Marks. Ex tensive changes are to be made. Kile sailing; was the sport of the day with the small boys yesterday. There were eight high up at one time au risible from the foot of Craven street. The M. E. Church Working; Society ill meet tonight at the residence of Thos. Daniels. A special feature of the meeting will be a literary enter tainment. At the signal station yesterday tha cold wave flig was flying;, indicating a sudden change. The advices received were that there would be a fall of 20 degrees within twelve hours, and one of the most marked changes this winter. Shipping News. Schooner Lizzie S, Janus, Capt. Q o. Howard, is at tha railroad depot un loading guano. Schooner J. A. Dixon is in port with a cargo of ealt consigned to E. K. Bishop. The steamer Eaglet of thE.jC D. line will sail at four o'clock this after noon. Evening- Sociable. Tha ladles of the Presbyterian Work lnf Sooiety wilt give one of their oharming aociablet this evening at tha realdence of Mr. George Allen oa John ton street. It affords a fine opportun ity forspending a delightful Vim; and also for helping tha lad lea In their good work. The public art cordially invittd to attend. ' "r'' Personal. Major Hughes left for Wilmington yesterday on a basinew trip. ' s Col. John D. Whitfoid made arip to Qoldaboro yaaterday. .- " John W. Mills, Esq , of Richland ia in tbe city. . W. H. Sawyer, Esq., of bayboro, to in the citv. r J. W. Waters, Eaq., te1iun1frtmT Pamlico yesterday and iaya that tbt people down there are much interested in the approaching Fair' ".' ' - . - tm tl Il1fll- if.ii t?r-iUi. : Latador to the result of year ef ob aervation and experience. HM bow recommended ' by leading, physician for coativeneta and indigestion. Rahr l klna-" aU tha world oter. At ita rale should be as quiet aa possi ble, fail not to provide It with ur. tiulll Baby Syrup for ail the allmenta inci dent to ita condition. It ii a eafe rem' edy. , y ', A Hug KH of Ccat. A pile of paper several laches in tbickaeaa was thrown oa tha tab! a be fora tha oounty eocnmiaeioaere oa also day morning which proved to be some what of a curiosity, and, to tha taxpay ers of thia county, is a vary interesting document. It was tha bill of cost made out by tha clerk of tha Superior Court in curred by tha county ia holding the fall term of tha Superior Court. There war oa hundred aad thirty -six in dictments out of which there war but twenty convictions sad submissions. Tha coat ia these was between eight and nine hundred dollars Tha county ia asked to pay the cost of indicting about one hundred and sixteen persona, not one of whom is oonvicted. Is there a county in tha State that can show such a record? Will the county pay for the wholesale indicting of people who can not be eon vie ted? Here ia a statement of oaa of thaae bills of cost aa presented. Joham Al britton waa indicted for not Hating poll tai ; at fall term a nof proa waa entered , and the following bill of ooet is present ed for the county to pay. being only half fees Capiases Si 50 Continuance .30 Docketing indictment . Al Filing papers . 33 Indictment 30 Judgment .50 Presentment 05 Recording copy sbeet ... 05 Subpoena 15 Seal (out of ceunly) 13 Postage (actual) .04 Preparing bill of cost .25 Sheriff .80 4 04 Joham a poll tax could not have been over 82.00, yet the oounty ia asked to pay $4 04 to find out that he is not sub ject to a poll tax, or that ha had listed. or to find that he bad skipped the county and could not be found. At any rate the not pros was entered sod the county is now called upon to re spond with 84 04 instead of getting 83 00. Now we believe in every man being made to pay hla taxee, even to indict ing him if he will not pay without, but why indict a hundred men unless it is known that they are guilty and can be convicted. The Death of Mr. Charles H. Flanner. By a telegram yesterday to Mr. Wm. B. Flanner the aad intelligence of the death of hia uncle, Charles H. Flanner, was received. Mr. Flanner waa, we believe, a native of thia city but removed with his par ents in childhood to our sister city of Wilmington from whence he entered the army at the beginning of tha late war and served to the termination of hostilities. After the war be returned to Wilmington and mad his home there for some years; but subsequently went to California and reaided in San Francisco where hia death occurred. Tha deceaaed aervad with some of our people of thia city who wore the grey to whom hia memory is freah. and will be cheriahad for hia nobla bearing and genial disposition during tha time that tried men's souls. H has a large ciicl of relatives here who will mourn his death and bava the sympathy of the community In their bereavement. County Commiaaionara' Proceedings The board convened Monday, Feb. 4, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Preaent: Commia aionara J. A. Meadows, Wm. Clave, E. W. Small wood and Daniel 1 Jine. E. W. Small wood waa elected chair man pro tem., the chairman being ab sent. Ordered, That valuation of personal property charged to Allen Dixon, No 1 townahip, for the year 1888 b re duced from f 123 to $83 on account of Ord erd Thai tht bill of coat da the clerk of superior ooart and other offloeri and Stat witneaaea b raferrad to Ja. A. BryM with power to axamln tha aam and report to th board at their next matting, "jtnd the board recom mended J C- Harrison to assist as elerk. ... .; - . Ordered, that tha doubl tax charged againatW. K.8tyron, Ho. 8 township, for the year' 1888 be' remitted upon the payment of a ringlet ; - OrdtredTThat teott paymant of tbe propel! tax the) iaerift gnat 'lienae to retail liquor to Tingle and Cherry, and alao to Bimon" H. Johnaon, at their ree- peqtiv place of businaaa la Hew Berne. Ordered, That the valuation of the lot lilted by Minerva Jonti, No. 8 town ahip, for year 1888 be rded from $f ,000 to- f 100 oa account of error. Ordered, That doable tax charged agalaat Angnata Oaktmith oa Jot at the eoQthtaet eorner of Pollock aad But Front etreeta ia New Berne for the year 1888 be remitted epoa payment ef tin; gle UavVi, r v Ordered, That M. T. Row be released from tax on ISO tore of lead ia No. township, iLr . t-t, Mary Rowe f r The board c( l.hiui.j..i ",r at 18 o'clock i. t.t? peace 1 1, r a Uifi ' , f i he The joint mwrucrf hiu a.'j-uired the commissioner oiel agun il J p m I Don eianiinaLijn and reu.iMt . f the sheriff it wisorJered that tbe i.me (or settlement of the county laien for lS by the sheriff bentt-nJel unt. lbs Ut Monday in April next The following id utsiantii!y the re port submutsi t ;-h"r.:I Stm.sv u to the board, which was approved Sheriff's collection of ui8 to Feb. 4. it . f j j 63 Im commiMiuoof 3 mi cent. 1 406 it Paid State and cuuutv treaa JJ113 34 Bat. in band due sinking ( d ) 4 620 3 1 Ordered, That the valuation of 49 acre of land hsie l I v t'arne V'.iC, No " township, f t . rt-iuced from S 1 ,250 to t-"o , i, s.-o.-uut f error Ordered. That thenumN r a, res of land listed to Mar township for acres to J awe valued at 1 i. ; of srrur Ordered. lot listed to J am - - -. ..1 No 3 .1 from V tto- s.inie b unt ( ihe in n :- 11 10 N.ik N ship, for ! $i00 on c Orderet) I'M 1 ("d 11 l i ', ! nut f i r r r That l he a . ,i ii . Iiated by Isaac Welti, in I i o 8 township, for I'-'N t r. di If HO to ?10O on account . f .rr Hoard ad ,irr:ed to 1 ) a i Kinston Items Mr A Mitchell left n iiur U , n snoihsr trip for the purchase ( horses snd mules Ihis timo he p.uri to l'tn oessee It would I e a a. "d thtu,; d r the young people of Kom,.n ,( u.c wii.ld organis a ,!.-hnit .In' I wn the older ones miht -tif.'w I v :!n decus sions. Mr. H V W.-oi. ii , f Tn-nt. ti, ai in town 1- rid a j I ist . on a i-it to t of hu daughters Mis-.es 11 r ncp and ('orinno who me (minis ..' Kmston College. Mr. II. (' II men ha n.owd to the oorner near the tasne.l inoaumenu. and gives notice in 1 1 . o adveitisins columns of the J i i;,u, why he is there and what tie is doin. The residence of J. it l Wood, near Falling Creek , was partially destroyed by fire on Sunday night. Fire supposed to have originated from a spark. Iam ags covered by insurance. Judge Shipp telegraphed from Wil mington, on Monday, that he was un able to ho d court for a day or two, on acoount of an attack of rheumatism. He gives orders to adjourn court from dsy to day till bis arrival. One of our UTr aho had not bandied a r.lh' -mio-. it ... I u m unpleas antness, boat i no ol cur crAck marks men at a t a t; t .. il.os aco. He shot without speMi) Our nils tesm is Kitir r .d fir a much whenever the ofor:ur.i:j ( IT. m. A very lfirfe ami. tint if mail matter comes to this pott liLo, and it is handled in a most skillful and dexter ous msnner. The remuneration should be considerably augmented, as now a large amount of heat y work is required of a small force. Mr. Ben Webb, formerly f Kmiton, now of Birmingham. Ala , has applied for a patent for a machine to utilize the force of running water. Mr (ieo. Webb here. hia brother, has a model of it. Ha tried it in tbe river last Saturday and it works wonderfully and sctms to do whatever is claimed for it. Mr. Isaac Oettinger, of New York, pent a short time last week in Kinston, visiting relatives. He was formerly a resident of Raleigh, nod is n gentleman ' of unusually pleasant and agreeable manners. While here he gave a vivid and amusing account of the great enow blizzard in New Yotk last March. There was much disappointment upon tbe failure of Judge Shipp to be present to open court. There is business enough oo tbe criminal and civil dockets now for a two weeks' term. Judges get tick aa well as other mortals, but why don't tha General Assembly provide for luoh failures which ar liable to occur at any time, and save the people much coat and delay in the trial of cases. Mr. T. E. Cox, of our town, ia an in ventive gebins. He baa patentod a machine for crimping cartridges, which possesses manifold advantages over any that are now in use. He haa another one an improvementon a jack screw- hereby a little power exerts very great fore. Ha baa a modest little shop near Mr. N. U. Myers, where he can do moat anything with floe machinery, tor. Clem Bailey U another patentee of combination baby carriage and cradle, and other ingenious devices. And Mr. Qeorge Webb poetesses large eapaoitie in tbe same line. He haa invented -many laboreaviag devlco for bis own nse in his various kinds or wor r. A bold attempt to assassinate Wiley Lowery, a prominent colored man of Kinston, waa made on the court house square on Monday night. A large crowd was on the square witnessing the Indian ehow, Lowery being in the crowdw A colored minister named Jen nings moved up behind Lowery and innictea - several blows with . a long bladed pocket knife, stabbing him in-the back, seek and bead. ,Jenniogs attempted to escape, bat was arrested Lowery condition ia ef I titioeL Jan alngs was before Mayor Hill on Tuesday and upon the evidence of Dr. Toll that Lowery a recovery was doubtful. be waa recommitted to Jail to await I developments. : it will be remembered rg given ic by ' that Jenninas had a suit against Low -! ery, which was tried at laat term of the court, for alleged seduction of his wifa and lost the suit. Failing to obtain re Jrsss for hia supposed wroogs.be re sorted to the knife. Jones County Items Tbe wet winter has niaie uur i ut . roads very bad Meney appear to be scarce and air tfmers are spending it carefully Mr t: M Koecus at home and pears much improied in health. ap We hate but three inmates al our oouDi v poor house two white and one colored. Tbe common school veacher are the ones who handle th ready money in 1 our county. Mr. 1 . F. Nobles, of Jones oum v . is . ths county bumness axU for Jones i Ceunty Alliance The timber men hai- Ueu highly favored wuh plenty of at. r i his season for itoauog timber. The commissioners of our county i-i the future will pay cash All orden will be signed with tt 1 ink hv the chairman which denotes rash on (rs eolation to the Treasurer. Wh learn that Miss Minnie Wiu. i snd Mr J W. Taylor, at t'olioksv i! le township, were united in marriage on VVednsduy Ust, J K White orticiatni( Happiness and good luck attend them through life S are having line wesiher to ut k r iiiuers report that their farming oper ations are very much behind - rery hi tie plo w ing dooe as the ground has k . pi so w( l that they could not plow. We mini ssy our people here ii; p.-ir to take very little inUrst in the I tir Many of thsm say that they Inn, nolhinir worth fending, that the (ire mium list came out too late for them to save anything to carry. We notice that the merchants have ordered the supply of seed Irish ola toes, hut wo have not heard of any ol our farmers planting any aa yet We supoosu tney remember last winter s. loss in planting too early. We see hut little fencing done us rt Farmers have been utilizing all the time that they could work shrubbing tnmming and clearing ti. Id ditches and fences of briers and bushes so that w hen the weather opens they can push their p OK S The Hustle The concealment and rsre of the bustle are ever a louroo of anxiety to women. Hoston Oourier. We dare say ; but tbsy might avoid it by leaving the bustle off. The worst trouble about the bustle, however , is when it gsis on oneside and the wearer does not know it. The effect is some times truly shocking. N. Y. Sun. It does very often get on one side ami otherwise very comically and unpleas antly obtrude itself upon those who walk behind, though the poor woman who wears it does not know how her bustle doth despitefully use and make a spectacle of bar. Sometimes it sways from side to side as she walks, and effectually destroys the besuty of what may bfl otherwise an exquisite figure Norfolk Landmark. ' A better article it is impossible to get, sir; I have tried them all and un hesitatingly pronounce Dr. BnU's Cough Syrup superior to any." (Exc.) The old story : Trivial symptoms were neglected until rheumatism be came established, whereas all the suf fering could have been prevented by the prompt use of Salvation Oil. 25c. Just Received: Direct from Houlton. Maine, TWO nUNDRED BBLS. GENUINE EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES, RUST PROOF and SPRING SEED OATS. S. W. E. W. 8MALLWOOD. fe5 dw2w 25 Bbls. Rice For Sale. Having bought Jrom the Ellis Ric Mill all of that broken Rice, know as ths S. grads, I taks pleasure in offering the eame to tha trade. 6 lw CHAS. S. HOLLISTER. THE RtD T OIL MANUFACTURING GO. Having established a depot at thia point for convenience of our many customers, will keep oonstantly on hand Kerosene and their popular brands of Red "C" and White "C'Oils. Lxrge stock hav ing arrived, are now prepared to fill all orders promptly at their wv house. foot Craven street. E K BISHuI', Vnent. Feb 5, KH9. 0 dlw Go to F. S. DUFFY DRUGGIST, AND BTJY DRUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASE. The beat sssortmrnt of Truer in ihe cltv. A perfect lit guaranteed. A fall aatortment of Freah and Warranted Garden Seeds. A large, varied and (elect stock or Perfu mery and Ftns Bosps. A choice assortment of Fine and Cheap Clears. - 1'roprletors of Doffr's Tonic Mixture, PotTy's Antl-Bllloas tills, old and reliable Family Medicines. Hat-PlarDM, Feather-Fans, Mounted Birds, Feather Work and Fancy Articles made by Miss A. W. Duffy. All of which we offer at the VEST LOW EST PRICKS for A8H. dectdwtr F. 8. DUFFY, Rooms To Let Farniaval or Uofainiehel, with or without burd. Fine locality. . . . . , Apply'aH JOOTRAL officav ftdJwtt lalBipIai w New Goods I New Saintle? z - A Lint .I i u ui uits from f t at in ihe : All A lK Mate (or the nuct i ASK1LI fr5 d 1 w ! t Pocket BooL and, toob the o nt-r R J (. HfcKB a: store aod descril.. c - : : v As., t ... pioperiy. lliDjj on Jen s 5 Agency Co-coti:-:t Mut Life Insurance Co. lx8ri!i urxMi real t-,.jte, ! rgt lien i'.st of real esiato owned - s44.Bt4 ( 4 790.1 lt.fi oet " ' and --io, k 'J i u l 78 : y :so soever i . ." i9 j j" '4.1 4'J-i SS t ''. !' ' 'lil'. '.to 49s! US j 1' "' 420 35 ?o '! IV Elf. t.. il lus. Co. i ash in I i n i 1'rei: i n. t'-s ai.J t. i.; Sur !i. ! 111- Mill III I li Ai. 1 n . I 1 ' l i W . At-. -. - i n Life Size Portraits. life 1 1 1 r in nd , f M I I i r I'rayon . small picture iniide fr.'in ,r hy Ml A I i: t-F S -ii HfH ppl :.( : ri-i-i .Iohn-oii fd.'J dwly SAM L T. SKIDM0RE. Wliol,-s;i (V.nmipsion i 'isn ir..u-:u. ' ' -' .V III l:i I K h H y y r 1-1 I. TON 'I t II K KT. NEW rOIlli. Mules and Horses. A 1 INI' I I in iRSKS hlM j'.i'i dwif M Ii II CO. GREEN, F0Y & CO., D ) a (lencral Hanking busir.eu. Nr ItWkiNu llorsr, '" '"' :r i l . f oiirth d(,r b Albert, lw Hotel i-i i , ni.itM:. . . I AW FASHIONABLE TAILOR m ii'i'. r. m i;i i r, ' s "''' 1 I '-I- - I. ivory 'ablje, !,t M.'-v i;ki:.nk. n, For Sale, i i.f m.ooii jeui:y lull 1'ricei 6 !." o i. Apply to .I'.N" 'II W. 'iSWuRTIt, Klt I, rno.'N. C. A CAI Notice To The Trade. 10,000 More Of Those Celebrated Old Virginia Cheroots Received Today. IT. XJlx-ioIi, WIIOLEHALi; GROCEK, MiniH E STREET, NEW RERSE 'J. 0. For 30 Days Only! HEATING STOVES FOR LESS THAN COST FOR TBE NEXT THIRTY DATS. Now is the time to buy. . We must reduce our stock. his i, no hu rubor. Come and see me. j P. M. DRANEY. jan24dwU m - t- A Valuable Resident FOR 8 ALE CHEAP-'jf A bran new Dwelling flonsai 'eoif talning six comfortable rooms, and kit ehan and dinlnff room attached. 5 Lr " eated on Change street, bear East Front. Apply to ' - ' " c ' WAT30N & STRTT, i :. W .'i;,:. Him, R:al F A- -

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