Makes. You Hungry BMaatfaaanttar ajftt aaa Paine's?: 5 cry Compound tonic im appetiser. I'.ucl: m It acuoe, aa4 aUBj(aiav v. rnulnf taste guui..ltP i ' i .'d disorders. P&yaiclaas Mx tor H.M Dtoctibu. - iotv. nurUngtbB.Yt :tHiittff aajr a.l r - A. N fjy ffrlrrtatTS The Bergner & Engel BREWBWC CO.'S PHILADELPHIA IS UNQTJESTION AB LT THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt highly recommended TRITIVE qualities. The uifcb reputation en.ojeJ JUMP ANY is due to tbe fact that only the FINK ST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and toat the greater SKILL and CARE are exercised daring its manufacture. jy 4 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. tKifiU NORTH moiiKi GARBLE WORKS. 1EW BKRNK. . (; ulonuments Tombs. il tu H Cr and building worte ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE order will reoeire prompt attentlor nd latiffaotion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor 'r. BROAD Att OR AVER St. NtW BERTH, N. C il. fi. MiLuia it my aakhoViiad agett in t maSO-iTw GEORGE flLLEII & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Airrlcaltnral fmpiamentoi Plows, Barrows, Cultivator' , Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilisers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Mechanics Tool and Hardware, Iimv Brick, Cementr Plaster Hair, Paint, KalaominV Var nish, OH, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezer, Refrigerators, Oil Cook' Stores, Eureka Burglar Proof 8aBhLoekK Warranted to gia acurtt7 and tatUfaction. r ,lMtHl8 YEat LOW. ORO. ALLEN A CO. 1 " - XattftFor Bale. TW0TTBixffs( lk"'lJEN0iE COUMT six ml to sooth of Klna ton, on Booth Weet CrV."a,"i;T50 aere, wlth one hundred elebrCbniaho weU timbered. Well adapt ed fr growing eorn, eotMB, pees, ete. A pOTtJoabfbecUared land embraoes aileh tranelC tlto S 9S ( f timber lnd, M1r1r4i'M':'.!Mi59.i Prloa tS,C0 eaabor art eaeb irlth ap prored Mcnrttyior balane." ' ' -Vaaj t3 mT- r-sB5?'; ft $!$ jf-tAUWB .tiuaiiB? " r ; ': ' Tr" i V ' V ,1 Wart. OL," '. Or 10; all dwtf- f'f- jotJiUfALcrnoH,' . Haw' Berne, if. 0 leal setUteetiea la tba t j enrtof OonerrlMKa and I mt .JprescrlbSllead " rt? T.- sa eoiawJ ' i J. nm mi mm ': Sole jr DinjglstSL Acsnt, Nw Berne, , -. msySdwlr : 1 , V BITS, 4A MMiktM EtetAsmore aosr-akyt tkaa it tteaaniaaAcpi(L The aom Bust be Beasaeaed, U htood pvtfM. aver aad bowotwpilted. Paint's Celery Compound MesXblDC alas can, Prmmmmi , rtfWM, giierwtusl tta aT,syW-liirrs ae The Best Spring Medicine. "te the spring-at hsi I mninnfen. I would get up la the saorslne; wit go tired a teeUoc , ut ni so wen thai I could harm rw around, I bought a bottlo of HawOekrj Cora pound, and before I had Ulna H a week I tett very better. I enn cbeefuiiy leccounena It to ail ho need a building up tul sxrwurUiea lng medicine." Mrs. a A. Dow, Buniagua, vt LAGER BEER, and Laazer Hops, and for its TONIC and NU by the HKHGNKH & ENQKL 5 CIGARS FOR 8AIE AT COST, Haviun purchased a Urge stock of Cigars, and the demand for same being small. now oifer to the merchants iMUAR-S AT COST until my stock is reduced. Cash on dnlivery. The Ladies Must Come! The GrMlemen May Come I AND ''Everybody" Come I TO SEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Hou so Furnishing Goods ' AT BOTTOM TRICES. L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. O. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe LTaker, Pollock St.. Newborn, IT. C. Desires to snnonnee that his FALL STOCK OF MaTKUIAL has been received and ha la prepared to fill orders for FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES BaTlntiTwo superior skilled workmen.-all orders promptly rilled. In eollclUDg patrocace I s;aarantee "the best material, a good lit, the latest styles and durability," ' Aa one among many testimonials of tbe character of my work tbe subjoined from a weU known ouiiefrtella Itaown story: Prrw Stats Nrw Bbh!k, n. O., OoKMig'aa orrca. Oct. 6th, 1888. no., Esq. Deah fURPleae make me a pair of gaiters similar to those yon made me two years ago. I have worn them I wo years and they am food yet. I have been wearlna; ahoee fifty-six years and they are the beat I erer wore. Kespeetrally, "Signed" JC Q HIIX. . Repairing neatly and promptly done. octal dw AGENCY, FOR WHEN yon fan get a pure-, eleaa, fine SAVANNAH CIOAR Inside and entTof the very nnet SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two for a nickel, wbr don't you go to PALllIEa'S CIOAR STORB and get them. Uo not be humbugged by cheap trash; get a toed smoke and be happy; and yott eaa get any quality of Cigars yon want. Little Mexi cans, one eent. FIVE CHlROuTH, very popular brand, for leu,oenU, ete , ete. Why not oome and try tbtmf WM. L. PALMER, ' Middle U Newborn. it JOHN SUTR; Bu on band and U reeeiTlnf rrery imf handtom parlor aaits, chamber aeta, heavy waloot, bureau, .wardrobes, mattresse, Chairr lounge, aofu.eio., etc n -7.' - :.:..-. ' H also ha a lln of home-mad work of bedsteads. ofi, table, bareati, eto.4 which sra neat and rabttantial. Prices Jtlffht Down" to !Rock Bottom. Aietdw Middle f,. New Born Furniture THE JOURNAL". tu snou qruriQx. I will rid tha mild Pacific la aMMat it CMriflo, Ami will aaaka say sell ib treat and oaiy urror oc ins sees; I U1 aaaae you aUiy treaties, No autuar aov txm flees ia. For I'm tha Oiaaemtto that wUl do jnat MI pll tQBM SCLL. Ho! Hal You blooming Q arm an. So jam. thiak you will d tannin Tha complexion of tha aotion that aach ooa of ai bdU take; Qo aa and do 7 oar pi ess re, In acoordanoa with that maarara. But ara ye raka tha ooeea take a good look at your raka racLi I AM. By thunder ! Mr. Teuton, It teema to mo you're ahootin ' Uo, that ialand in a meaner I would hint was slightly braeh; And though IV got ao nary, I can tall you, air, by ravy, I ha? got what gate a navy, that t to My. the oMh. Washington Critic. U . . J . . . V. a 1 1 , B.vuu.r.. Now, boys, you mast take npoa yoarswlres the entire responsibility ot getting to school in season. I will tee that yonr breakfaat is ready on time; bat I shall not find yoar books or hats for yoa, or remind yoa that it is time to start. If yoa go through college, it will take yoa seven years; three for preparation, and four for the college coarse. I will provide clothing, books, all ex penses, bat you mast see to it every day that you are punctual in attend ance. I cannot assame that burden in addition to all tbe rest." Thus spoke a mother to her two sons, who were just starting on their preparatory studies for a college coarse. She had double reason lor thus throwing npon them the bur den of responsibility for punctual attendance upon theii school studies. It waa necessary that they, being fatherless, should early learn to spur themselves to daty, to noia themselves to account for their successes and failure; and she had already assumed all the burdens she could bear. From that hour so never reminded them in a sin gle instance that they were likely to be late. She did with great care go over the monthly reports their teachers sent hone, and show her gratification when their standing was high. She kept advised of their daily progress, overlooking their studies in the evening, sym patbizing with their enthusiasm. and helping In the solution of their duties; but all tbe responsibilty of tneir progress she made them feel rested upon themselves. By the striking of the clock in their room they knew when it was time to get op, wnen it was time to go to bed, when the honr of breakfast arrived. If they carelessly laid down their hats and coats out of place, she did not interest herself in the least in trying to find them. It was unnec essary even to remark: "If yoa had hung them in place, you could have easily put yoar hand on them:" for 4thejhiid beard from earliest in- lanojv'A piace lor every thinir, and everything initg place.-1' 'A lime for eYery tiling, and everything in iU time," As the result of this coarse on the mother's part, the two boys, thougk walking two miles to school in all weathers, were rarely, if ever, late; and when they entered college, to which tbey went dally by the train, they were uniformly and easily on time. Punctuality had become a habit, and they needed no outside prodding in keeping their engagements. This sense of responsibility gradually enlarged until it embraced an increasingly wide area, and when they reached full manhood they were entirely accustomed to bearing its burdens manfully. Daring all this time, of coarse, the school gave the law to the family life. Every arrangement was made for the easy performance of school duties. Bach diversions as would suggest or demand late hours at night were avoided. The evening meal was served at such an hour aa would give time for study after it was over; or an early hour for retiring was insisted on, that an hour for study before break fast might be secured without robbing the time for sleep. The Central Methodist LADIES la delicate health, and who suffer from babirttal constipation,' will find the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrnp of Fig, more easily taken and mor beneficial in erTeot than any other remedy. It act promptly yet gently on th bowala, kidneys, liver and stom ach, and doe not sicken or debilitate. E. N. Duffy, agent. New Bern, N. 0. jan8dw4w There are three kinds of men The "wills," the "won'ts," and the "canto.? the former effects every thing, the others-oppose everything, sad the latter fail in everything. . .-. - 1 1 . BtstaaUaat' AfMea BalTa. TBI BEST SALT. Inth watM for Outs, Bruieesy Sorwsr1 TJloers, Salt Kheam, Fevee 8ore' Totteri Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and ail Bkin Eruptions, and post tiTly trre pile or no pay reqaired. It guanntMd to gtt perfect tatw action, or, money re funded. Price 85 cents pet box.'- For saw fry li. W. Duffy. ' JaBk-H lifts Pills TewreestiTeieaetbc wcllrmt aaasst SBaa a part all i. ' be leer neeet, It ueexat muu Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties, Ikw aaaUUila 1st us talmi drgrw. and Speedily Restore ie b exswcU ; - nainti porlataJtle Sold everywhere. Don'fFail To Call Oa ROBERTS BROS., OB SEITOYc':r ORDERS TO US. We have in stock a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Bcota j and Shoes, I Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, Aleo Shoe, dire t 1 faotoriee. from ihe iioaton We are selling all groJee FLOUR from tbe Mills in Miobian very low. We aleo job l-oriilard and Uil A Ax Snuff. ROBERTS BR03., Soutt. Front f. w Heme .V. C Brick ! Brick I Brick ! 50,000 -tvox Wale BY W. P. BURRUS & CO,, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market IKhk. NKW IfKUNi:. N. (V Consign. u your produce. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER rTAfl A FINE RTVi'K OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. sPKiT.ti i.i:s. L I ..... 1 ai'pp a iiirx'r siocu nt cuclos than any other store in N.irlh t'rolina I take particular p.tins to lit thi ui to the eyes of parties needing thorn. Having worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe I can dc as good Work as any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. fal2 dwtf The World Stands Aghast AT MF LOW TRICKS. And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than Bay one rise' I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Oome and buy from roe, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, - New Berne, N. 0. MGAZINE Beautifully lllostraied. 25 cts.,$3 aYsar. IT COPB.-TnF, AMERICAS MAOAZIHl glVM pnfrllo to rational topic tndtenM, and It literature and ait ra ,i th. blahast standard. Vamons American wntf-rs fill h pages with a wiSe variety of inte e.tins; sk.ttho. of trtvel and advent sre,eenaland hort .t .ries, descriptive aeooontaof onrfaniont comitriir.fin mhI women, brief sssaji oa tan foremost probltms of tbe period, and in abort, this stas-aiino is Distinctively Representative of ' 1 American Thought and Progress. aitiotaowl.dgod by the prrM and pnbllc to be tba ass ponilir d catertalnlaa of the imm amtkilce. " IWJRTANT.fe: rreaalaai I.let, M petel la. ta Oauh mw Vatiuki Cl-k . will nmw rcealys r U U tkio afr Is asmttoned. tf esismIMe a eenrotU peieeisx "See Se MllelS sateetiptlBa, WrUa a swea taw easeifMtve torrltory" a 749 Broadway, Nw Yorki littles and Horses. NOSTa CAROLINA STOCK. ft ' .- i 'TMr K-B. STREET has just received from Western N. 0. another lot of fine ttnle and Horses. : - v . ffiRERICANi PROFESSIONAL. DR. T Y a -w" j. u. ulaka UVIUI, t. 1a citn ureal, l m mi ruiux and Br jl. n.i P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doore South of Journal office. 'm praciie in tbe OoasUtM of Cnva wr?t. Joae Onlo and Pamlico I' tilted hint lurv at New Bern ar.,1 upreaie Cuuri of Ihe huie. k bidif OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW BiVH3-8outh Front west of Craven. streft. '. jur doors Me-.-i .a 1 ' law anJ iV !aoter lougt.t jtnj si. ,J Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTIC E. Otliee in rear of Hancoc i est door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p. prompt attention to all ma . ing to Justices' oourte dru store. Will ,rifo rs pi i :iq iij dtf HUMPH KEYS' For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 I'At.E HOOK on Tr.-.i. men! of Aulmnleand t hnrt Wi-nl Krr-. i rks- Kr.ers, ronaesllons, Inflaniiimiloii t A. loal Nrnlna-llla, Illllk Frirr n. n. Ik I. F.. 1 . K. I-. I.. II. II. I. I. J. It. "ui ll, .Iralne, l.aaif ae... Kacuinuit.ii IMeiroaprr, Itaaal Illerharst-s. note or rrub. U rnie. or lerttvea, Bfllva be. iswarriSsce. Hfiiiorrhaiif. I rinarv mnA Kldnev Dt-ftt . Krupitve iMirisf. MttDue. Ii)as. ! Dlirs)iluu. ('ir. wtth Si-iftos. i!..:'' nrh Usifl otl autl M.-li. ut.r, 5 7. 00 I'rl.r, Mnle Bottle (over 50 JoieBl, - .00 Hold f Drnggiaiai or Hem Prepaid 00 Receipt of Pi t .-. Humphreys' Mod. Co., 109 Fulton St., N Y. HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC No .60 la uh 3U teara The on'v nefAsrafnl rrmcl dr Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, i i lOKiiaiiiiii in'iu nri worn or Ot iter rsuai-a ration frirr, over work or otln?r "r 'si, "r ft vial ami larif fill --w.1r i i it i Iu imii - i m ..r ifnl 1 1. a ( 1 (i i h V -lluanprtreye' aWUci 1 1. ( IUU I tuiuat Hi-, ! All f(Mir Veterinary Preparatint hltlofj. V. JoKPAN, 1 ' n ) iTst ih t . N. V, cor. Hroa.i an.l Mhl.lle strtM-u, Now hern, N. C. $500 Reward ! W 'II pay the fttxive rxoranl fur anv rnie I U it riMiiplalnt. ilyipepsla, alck lien. In. li inlitf'Ntlnii, colmMpHUoii or Ciiat ; viTienH we annul run" with Weal a t n r l l.un mis wli. ii n, ,1 ilireoilona r i,!rlrt,v n,m l ileil llh. 1 hi'y arti purely eiji-l n:'. anil never fan lo ivo aaUsrartlnn. l.aif inlalnlnK Sii siit:ar eoaleil pllia. : . !-r sale l, all ilrui!j;lNia. lie ware u( cnui.lii tiu an I liiilljitloiia. The uennlne inanii 'h, I n r,-c inly liy JilllN ('. W H..MI A CO., h W Ma,l laiiii HI., I'hl.'aK,), III. Sold by U. N DUFFY, druKRist, New Berne, N. 0. ap24 dwlv TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1100 newapipers dlvi.le.l Inln SI'ATKS ANI HttfTIONH will lie ami on appllralliin-KREIC. To thnsi who want their Rilverl'elng to pay, we ran offer nu hetler mi-iluiin f"i limr iiiuh anil effective work lliiin Hie various deoi nine of our Selert Lore I 1. 1st UKO P. RUWK1.L t 4 O .Newapaper Advertlalnu Kiuean. I nil Jwlm lOSnruce atreet. New Vnrs THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you dcsirotopurchasonscwlrifr machine Oak ournsrent at your place for terms and prices. 1 1 you cannot find our ".(rent, write direct to nearest address to you helow namext NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE aORAMSS. - 28 UNION SQUARE,!- DALLAS, ' ATI A NT A OA TEX. 5T tp-ivMo.yrgly, PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 TEARS. LOW It-- -- HIGH ABM, f ' .. ABM, $20 ($28 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL IM TOUR OWH HOUSE BEFORE TOU HI ORE KIT. High-Ana Machine has eltaettisia; aeedle, aelr-tbreadlaa shattle, b taeleea an llht-raaalns;,batthefliieatavetrattaek aaenta, la velvet-line! ease. Don't pay agents $ 55 or S60, but send for circular. KcrtKmber. we guarantee our machine equal to any blgh-pricea SMcbinc oa tha market. Address -c- Ta c a. woM cor&SSz X it 9, iota, t., Mnadeinwa, ra. i'A . - !" STEAJHtt8 i r " " " The H. C'Fieighl Lins' - -''i;. . , .vc una unwlU -.c -.tir iru.r J-LMI-W l.KKLV TKirS "tn 11.1 Baltimore and Xc iew Berna S'W I". "Lf WtJ b.x :: .re. ITE. f M. ' T itne oui ! Nw Ml uij ou 'more r..j..e air-- N H..t , i-vu- JrL.e 1 Oi.a- : - . a Virtu , i ' .ni,. . ol .Nr i ) Mil !.. s e 1 - r ; ,- : . - A : l n . a 'aJi.iucrt n i i li ip lroui h Be rut f . ts Unjore eh.,. s 0 .iai urdaya. e'.ai s .v alur('ay v. .. vi nee- : !.i. miujiih. " ' vei' .nil rn.puar : "':.. 1 ,.tnt a nl Olli HHI th t. Mill- t I t . " BILK ' LI h.. I AS EASTERN CAIM- U SPA! CH n : roll u 1 more, ii.elea, . I. ri, ii. Kit ii,k.i 1 1 l Illy. EAGLET and VESPER ' eehediue Mi'MiA 1 ' I lv I , A I Mi .M i 1.1 A 1 1 ,U t lie "liiheiu K l K . 'ie anil Im : 1 (1i , n vain ii, a -Male . v . A l: V li.i.l. 14. 1 n It K. ' I'.Bi.a. e.lmiai.,1 : iy ill J nf fOl.l iK I iwt . ,)l !l.T 1. I ' 1 AeLi :-:-i Ai;ei.l, -iei.t, N. v. ,1 Agent. N fel,., s"-v' Agent, I'-vheroB. N. ). OLD OOilllNIOH Steamship Company. J.J. " '"'V "" re..,..1p ,. " "" e urlle H nler Home. 11, A llllljiri. i lif.i,rke anal. u,l lo.folh, IUIII,,.,,,,, joiU , 'I.I'U. llu.Ion.,i,;t Hd al, !,,, , () md all i-mnta, North, Kwt md Wuat i.fn nm! autli I, , "i III-.' : w.i r n.ili, Steamer AHNi'EO. Scatlgati, AM) Steamer Ummi CapL Fnt4tt, A' 111 n liern an, I w V... for ,ew Mu.NDAl.s tonnecilon " -N- 1. K 'ii, and an otber 1 I rent Rivers. Klli.v I . -I H. I .1 . I., 1 k I. Mi liillii( on ln K luiiilnv. 1. 1, for i iKr 1 11. k ,, 1. 1 : h - 1 HA 1 n l u 1 I. lierlluli wiln I,, A and KK1- iii . aiasing ooi,. 1 eii 1 1 .a ' .'s eteamer v"ips fori'bliaa l lor bciou lor .New ,,f lor ha.tin.or ,. 1 lelpina, M lV auu I'ruv idence Our nuiiniig e rla ii and our rieaao onr patrona Uili leen 3euls. 1 .,,"'' illerau ..ii,,,MR, , lixwl erlert ior mm mti.t arante We cau e m do lor ,'ioiu IU me lutiiie Ui ilp.r ai, i.,,,..,M folk. Va ' a- "- " -d ZZZ'XZZX lu,u- K H. HmiKRTH, Agent Maaaaa. , L l.rtm.i' TI HVKR. .ii'-..iK, .irioia.'va. H- HTANKdKi). ,, ,.. . ,Pn, iNbw Vork ntyr THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company, Sicamcr Trent A III leave every Jf. r.-Iy and Thursday I'uiuiua; ai nix or; , , i . 1 nii.rineiiiate retnta returning same day. rwnia, Steamer Klnston. Will leave New Kerne for Kington on t. lays and Fridays at 12 o'clock m LT. ins. will leave Kluaton on MondayS a?d onJeve " i. J. WsoswATai BTswbera. W. T. BTAjrtr. Klastoa. , D. 8. BAaatrs.roUoksvllls. K. WARD, Agent at Tren'oa , V. O. 8ITH. JoUy Old F.alaL . B. Bakxs, Qnater Bildje. sfcM. Klnston. isf Ki r? ed Wlilakev; Ban. .ei;Hreaaiaoinswltli mi t. im in Tlw.v 3 tfoulara scot F3EE. I staaBr. CS lit HXIiS 4 sW- Corjie and see them. ". js8 Auaaia, uZT 0aeeWSsJ -1 .1 - H-y.j.

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