T tTe save aale arraa(tateats with vaerebT we art enabled te offer v pressius with crow- ICE DAILY MID WEEKLY J0URI1AL Taej ar standard verks, wtU bound easaejj embellished. Kegular library sue, and most beautiful in design. Every subscriber to either the Daily or Weekly Jotjbnal, paying eee year ia advance, and twenty-five cents extra, will be entitled to their eketce from this list. A large assortment will be kept on hand whereAhsv eat be seen. Where we have to send them bj mail, 10c. additional will be required. " BoViaaoa Craaoe. I Arabia ITighU Entertainment. Bviss Faally Robinson. Children ef the Abbey. Dm Quixote. Pilgrim's Progress. Laat Dajs of Pompeii. Scottish Chiefs. Thaddeu of Warsaw. The History of Sandford sod Merton. Andersen's Fairy Tales. Tent Brown's School Days at Uugby.i J all Eyre. East Lynn. The Mjsterioaa Island. Twenty Thousand Leagues I'nder the Sea. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Qrlaua's Fairy Tales. Pml aad Virginia. Onllirer's Travels. Chill's History of Koglan.l. iofe Fables. Poe's Tales. Moan's Choice. A Lucky Yonng Woman. Many Men and other Tales and Fables. Daren jaanoaaucu. The Serous Girl of ln Period. Fit Weeks in a Balloon. . WaTerley, Etc. Iranhe,and Lord of the Isle. Bow Soy. and Rokeby. Cooper's Last ot the Mohicans. Willy Keilly and His Dar Colen Bawn. Beajamin Franklin. Kit Carson. Creasy' Fifteen Deoisive Patties. Rocky Mountain Adventures. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. The Far Country. Wild Lifs in Oregon Christine. The Lever's Library. Lowgfellow's Voices of the Night. Wkittier'i Poetical Works. Bryant's Poetical Works. Poe's Complete Poetical Works Hypatia; or New Foes with an Old Face. Boles and Exercises of Holy Living. The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. (Mma'i Goblins. Veronica: or, The Ligbt House Keeper. The Irish Gentleman. Evenings at Dome, and Life in Oer- en saw. Kakkerboeker's History of New York; The Sketiih Book. Hit e's The Rhine. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rest. The Use of Sunshine. John Dalifhx, Gentleman. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. Biz Hundred Dollars a Year. The Book of Ages. Florida. Tke Cricket's Friends. Christmas Stories for Children. TV. Kettles Birth-Day Party. rwajlfiuWa Pocket Book. Short Stories for Young Folks. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Ken tacky Dickens' Adventures of Oliver Twist, Dickens' Old Curiosity .Shop. Dickens' Christmas Books and Tales. ThuI Putnam. t.v. Smith, the Founder of jmywmm w w , Virginia, FiTety Day, A story for young ladies Benedict Arnold. Professor Conant. Conspiracy. A Cuban Romance. An A-aertcaa in Iceland. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. - Kiagsley'l Sermons. h Lmcjle. A poem. Hoyle'i Gtmes. ' - flo4 hooks improve the mind and ' aobUetmr house we are dealing with anchVtes for their books as can not While these hookl are real handsome - out other strong point should not larre. eletf. and will not injure the ' : head BJ etim not be 8tock ' wiH re1uire 0ttIJ ,hort while Wwicr it. Now is a good time to begin or enlarge you a nice librarr Bememher that when hooks er b required for postage lddress, I ' GET a lergj Publishing House at rates Popular Books u clubs or as a ia cloth, good print, and hand- The Revised New Testament. Boy Crusoe. Adam Bede. She. A history of adrenture. King Solomon's Mines. ilarry Lorrequer. Ilandy Andy. Pere Goriot Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy. Chavasse's Advice to a Wife and Mother. Uamsay's Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. Modern Women. Vol. I. Modern Women. Vol. II. Emerson's Essays. Famous Boys, and How They Ben me Famous Men. Half Hour with the Poets. Ingoldsby Legends. The Practical Astronomer. Parlor Magic. Irish Humorous Poems. Life of Washington. Famous Poems. The Christian Philosopher. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Poetry of the Sentiments. Scottish Humorous Poems. The Sidereal Heavens. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Paradise Lost. Keble's Christian Year. ! Popular Natural History. Young Polks' Natural History. Celestial Scenery. Abbott's Stories frr Children, i Fox's Book of Martyrs. Wonders of Astronomy. Across Patagonia. Chinese Gordon. Texar's Revenge. 1 roien Pirate. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. Life in Paris. Songs for the Household. Lalla Rookh. li'SS. Homer's Iliad. Aytoun's Lays of the Scottish Cava liers. Bishop Herbert's Works. Eminent English Liberals. Val'jalla. The Myths of NorsoJand. Splendid Advantages of Being a Woman; and other Erratic Essays. Scott's Pirate, and Marmion. Scott's Kenil worth, and Lady of the Lake. New Arabian Nights. The Cardinal Sin. Witch's Head. Saddle and Sabre. Charles Wesley's Poems Abbott s liarlie Stories, l or chil dren. Penalty of Fate. The Evil Genius. As in a Looking Glass. Allan Quartermain. Dickens' Sketches by Box. Dickens' Barnaby Budge. Among the Trees. The Butterfly Hunters. Boys' and Girls' Book. Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Bsll- s ton Bum an Natur". Self Help. War Tiger. Tiger Prince. Tribune Essays. Voices of Freedom. Bristling with Thorns. Gil Bias. LadVAndley's Secret. Molly Bawa. From the Earth to the Moon Direct, and a Journey Round It. Guy Mannering, and Lay of the Last Minstrel. Lady of the Lake, and other Poems. Famous French Authors. afford valuable aid as educators. The do an immense business and girl ; u be obtained by others than pahlihers. and worthy a place in. any I ibrary, be overlookek, the print. The type is eyes. A large supply will he kept on are to be sent by mail, 10c. extra wil THE JOURNAL. lrriT&l mi Dipirturw Cilli HAIL CLOSZ&.' foe North. Wees sad Boats via A. N.aB.K.UIMi.nu, For Beaufort aad the test, - I MS.B. lWaahiBtom,8viftCeektBTdean4 Beaufort Coutiec, dairy at M a. na. ror TreatosL, PoUoksrille and stays- vlUe. daily et 130 a. se re Qfaatsbares Beybore an 1 Taa- demere, eauT tilt, na, OmCl BOTJSfi: In Moaey Order and Itocistered Ut ter Department, from la-aa, set p..m. Ia Mailing Department from I a. m' to la, na. Offloe open constantly between these hoars exoept waea mailearebeiaf ls tributjedoreeat. A Beautiful Character. Holiness is beauty. There is no beauty like that of a pare character. The grandest sight on this earth is not the march of the all conquering storm whose cloady battalions go rushing through the sounding heavens; the most beautiful thing, on earth is not the garden which opens, and sends torth from Its censors fragrance; it is not the statelineaa of the tree which you sit under through the long summer's day; those are not the most beauti ful things on earth that art carved out of atones; the beauty of the soul lies in its secret chambers; and the rich, deep, just, holy and loving natures these are the things of this world. There is nothing so beautiful at Christ in man. Beecher. He who boasts of being perfect is erfect in folly. S. After using Ely's Cream Balm two mooths I was surprised and delighted to find that the right nostril , whioh was closed up entirely for over twenty years, was open snd free as the other, i and oan use it now as I could not do for I many years. I feel very thankful. R I II. Cressenehsm. 275 18th St , Brook lyn. From the Pastor of the Olivet Bspt st Church, Philadelphia, Pa : I was so much troubled with catarrh it seriously effected my voice. One bottle of Ely s I Cream Balm did the work. My voice , is fully restored. B. F. Leipsner. A lofty ideal is essential to the I highest liviDg. He who would make progress for himself or would help others upward, mast have clearly beiore his mind the ideal of the best conceivable attainment. EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and I 'Sinful sicknsas to robust health marks sn epoch in the life of an individual. Bnch a remarkable event is treasuted In the mem ory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. 80 many feel they owe their reatoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any dis ease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely flna relief by use ot Electric Bitters. Sold st 50c. and $1 at R. N. Dn fry's Wholesale and Retail Drag Store. Wholesale price, $8 per dozen. A handful of common sense worth a bushel of learning. is ADTICB TO BOTH IU Mks. Wihbxow's Sootbimo 8thup should always be used for ohildren teething. ' It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the beet remedy for dier hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oftire of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, Niwbebni, N. C, Feb. 2, 1889. On and after February 5th, 1889, to nolude February 16th, 1889, the Old Dominion Steamship Company will sell at their General Offloe, S35 West street, foot of Beach street, New York City, round trip tickets, good thirty dsys, from New York to Newberne and re- Hub, for SIB (meals and room included from New York to Norfolk and return; meals extra (SOj. each) from Norfolk to Nswberne and return). At the request I of the purchaser, at the time of pur chase, the ticket agent will extend the ticket thirty dsjs longer, or any part thereof. Parties leaving New xork Saturday, 8 P.M. February 16th, 1889, ill connect with Steamer Men too Captain T. M. Bouthgate. leaving Not folk, Monday, February low, ana wm reach Nswberne Tuesday A. at --tb openinc day of tho Fair. The steamer Manteowui oa Tuesday sail ror wean- ingtoo, N. CM to bring over visitors to the Fair. The steamer Newberne, Cepc W. T. Pritchett. will sail from Norfolk for Nswberne direct, Friday, February 23d, arrivue cere Saturday A.M., thence to Waahinwton, K. C, to return' the Wsehiacton visitors. The regular schedule of the steamer llanteo and Newberne, as advertised ia another column, will not be interfered with: Tbe regular sailing days for Norfolk will be Tuesdays and Fridays. . B. KOBKSTS, Agt. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LM. Tho iteamer TAHOMAV AbandsemslyeenstrneUd frelgM and pes- senger boat, bavtog oean piaeea nia route. M preparaa to rroaer sopenar serviea tr. mnA from all nolnta on lower Nenaa Rlvae aal Pan 1 loo eoantv. and Mew Berne.: for the present tbe following- schedule wttlfte VHwinrw Berne everr Wedneassy and Batnrdsy at SIX A.M. for Bayboro, etevptng at Clubroots, Adants ana Mmims .usees, VaBdeanarsaAal atonewaJL .-. --'- tavaa Kavboro avSrr Monday and Thurs day at BIX A. af.v stopping at Btenewall. Venders ere, BmlUiS, Adams aad Clabfoois Creeks, arriving at Kew aerae Monday and Kzesllent pease ngsr accommodation, em- Frets ht receipted lor sal received dally by scestcaD. IJne, and every uuormanon dI H. ABBOTT. Ast,-yandesetei C. H. FOWLS e, -BtonewsJU, FOWLEB OOWKLU Afeota. By bero, . (BBOROB A. HP8BY, levl dwtf general Mens ger. comiEiTGiAir v . tvrfn. . Nrw Yoar. Feks i.-Fatatwe closed steady. Salorof 6S,iO aalee. February, " Anxaat, Marc.., 181 fief. . ApriL . Hi Ootoeec. May, , ,. . MM .Nov.. June, ; 19. M . Deeembe July, 10.11 January, New Bern market euedy. S.8J II Sales of S3 oales at e l-a to 1 - '" 4 dojuestio nantsLar Egge-llalSo. Saao OoTToalraAr. nee la. Oobji EeoalpU licit. Bake ia balk atK052o, - . . Fodder. tl.0Oal.S5 per hnadred Sim JI?0 Tvanartnm Hard. tl tO, virgin anA yellow itv. ft 0. Tan 4M.00al.b0. Oats New, 4ta4?o. in bulk. Bauwax l?al3o, per lb. Bur Ob foot. to. to Te. Tuxan Foam Ta8o. per pomnd. PorAToas Behaaaae, 80& per bush yams, tda&Oo. per anah. ' Oniois-BOo. per bash. Paimm 55a70 per baskel. Caiuaasis Oiuen 4Qa43e. pair; half grown, 8ta25c. ataix- 60a. unbolted. BtatiWB. a hhd. SlOall per M TiKBta Cyprtes, is ia. and over, 95,00 per 11.; pins $3 50a4 80. SanoLis West India, dull aad ar laal; loch 3 00aS0. Building I- lah hearts. i,85;aape.1.50 per at. wHOLasALa rairmm. Haas Poax-Nsw $15.00. BHOCLDia MtiT OalOo. a K.V F. B's. B.'sandL. 0.-9 FLOOB-fi.30a7.60. LaedOb. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's.ta 60. Scoab Oranulated, Pe OoiTtt I820o. Chkesb IS . Salt 80a86o. per sack. ktOLABSKS AKD 8TUOI Ma46o. PowDin $3.00. SaoT Drop, $1 '0 hork. $1.75. Hides Dry , 648-. rmi 4 KnaoMNB-Oic Tallow- to. rr Ih HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. De. K. f West's NlftVB XD USA IS TssaTmckt, a guaranteed sperlfle for liste ria, DUstness. Convulsions. Kits. Nerroui Nenralfla. headache. Nervous Prostration eused by the use of aloohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Boftenlnf of the Brain resulting In Insanity and leading to mlsarv, decay and death. Prematura Old Age, Harrenness, Loss of power la either sex. Involuntary I.osst and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuss or over Indnliceuce. Eaeh box eon- talna one month's treatment. 11.00 a box, or six bottles for S&.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. t VI OVARArlTBB SIX BOXBS To oars any ease. With each order received Dy us 'or six oozes, aeoompaniaa wiu sew, we will send the purchaser our wrlttea guar antee to refund the money If the tieatment doea not effect a oure. Guarantees issued only mk.II DUFFY, druggist, sole agent. New Berne. N. C. ap24 dwly mmmvssss fatllaf 1. ItTfWIHH weakness, unnatural lesaea, lack of Stnwna, Tiaor er cevelonment, cauaed by tnalaorvuoa. ea. ata. VnltabU Sua mm lmalt4rrm. axon jtaoioax oa. vvrtXLO, m. T. ate. rtwuoAM aoae Mm y win mfj ItesabesWen la seus of ceSas sr tea, ar la Sr I Ictat si foes, without the know led re of ths oer-1 i taking It; It Is absolutely harmless and will I effect a permanent and speatly cars, whsther thepatlentli a moderate drinker or an aloobnlle wreek. rr MEVER faita, WsGUARANTEE iiets tors m every lastaaes. as pan boos Addreaa In eonSdenee. SPECIFIC CO, 1 81 Uses 1 1. Claebaun. 0. 1 Atlantic &NOTalfoadOo. ovrioa Oaw. FaaiOHf Ann PAes. Dtt., Hew Bern, . U ran. isv, isb. Cheap Excursion Rates TO THU EAST CAROLINA FI8H, OY&TER, OAWF, AHD INDUSTRIAL ASSOCW, At NEW BERN, FEB. 10th. 20th. 2 lit 6l 22d. i Tleaeu ill De sow over mis noaa on me mall train on Feb'y 18th to list inclusive -aood to return nntll Feb. 24th inclusive. Allststlonseastof New Bern wlllselltlcketsl te aad including zio, ana on tne Br - is - w rstn a ttT 17a.aa. rAtb SWIaaa . rafd1 good te retarn to tbe 13d inelnalvs. by said speetel train, via: TJckets fortaerouni tnoiuomg samission to ne air. Br Mall Tram. Matlont By Bps Mai Train. Bate, S1.40 Ooidsboro, II to 1 sw 3.10 1.81 ISO 146 1,26 .96 VS .86 ' .78 . 100 1 15 IS Best's. 1.40 Lai Grange, 1 Falling Creek, L85 Kinston, Caswell. Dover, ... i Oore Creek, Tnscarerav"' Clark's , Riverdale. Croatan, - . Havelock. . Kewport. Wlldwood," ALlaatl. MoreneadClty, j- Schedule of Bpeelal Train for Info ; tionefthepnbllc, and not for train men, LW tl Drunkenness Or ths Liqsor Habit, Positively Cmi it awiiimini it. lAinr Mini witirn. -,u tl7.w'ttjSMStam 9 A.M.to 4 P.M. to receive the t!5,.."ntot " ord"Td IrlB areir,BWfs SCHIDCEP. Xars Goldebero !i- 1 'SrflSA.K " ests, - . rra l aOranee. . 8:45 - - Falilne Creek, ; , SK " Kinston, . ... . i ,ft ' Caswell. ' ' t.a'.n Dover. - . core Creek.', ' , .'! " .ToeMStrota. .1 y .3 2CJ dijfeW - - Clark. . . .. ,,..a... ' 1 17 i" ir'Va HswBere, ' 10:40 Betnrnlna, leave Hsw Bern, i '.. ! .-70IF. M. This Company will trsjaapari srtietoa for exblblt on vre-naymeat ef freigba te Hsw Bern, and upon prmj notion oi oeninosie from tbe Secretary of the Fair Assoc latlfln thax ancn art lei es have not been sold, for freight charges vlllberefunded.and articles retnrntd free.' Or npon production of cer tificate from tbe geeratary that in eh articles ar intended for exhibition, they will be transported free rrom snipping point, ana ea i tin iiinnt eartlflcata from Beuretarr, These pri vlleees are not attended to articles ss tVpertshabie artlcieiy ete., to nae their Wne wall, atseventf-ave cents each for and Bern sts., is prepsred to clean, d v eiaeretlon in aiving them free traiaporta-1 f our Ot less: for Bve Or more, flty cents and ronnif all VlnH. r rin.t.i v , I!:::li!Kn:b IIol2lfi U ST. BV. STKACrB. rre-p'r. EOTJND KNOB, N. a iloet Pietaresqao Bccnery WesUrn North Carol! a rovm or iaTEEEST naab by : OUrortM. ..Dtaiaut i Ullea. . ' 1 . S - - - 1 " M D4 CUI. S 5 " T - " 1 " 3iicbaU PtBaoei ai tae baa kiJ PoCkio To , " To KiTr, to woat atui( . Brldaa' lroa 8prtu Kmlit lroa " ' lloiU't tWk. la ilw at Prof. tkve BicbMt paint Mat of lb Hoc y atUMUi, in mite. Para eaol try atmosphere; do fus, light Siwt. Tralositopatthadoor. apl7 jOpea all the year. Tsrnn re-aouable by month or week. alSdwtj Atlantic &. N. C. Railroad TIME TABUS No. 15, la KAeot I 23 A.M.. Wednesday, Dec. 19th, m. Oouio East SdHXDCLB. Ooino West. Mo. 51. Passenger Train. NO. 50. Ar. Lve. 1128 am 10 46 10 48 10 08 10 14 8 27 8 44 am 6 38 Ar. Lve. Buttons pna 4 17 4 40 18 20 8 X) Qoldeboro La Grange Kinston New Berne Morefihad City Daily. 480 4 64 43 f m Oowa East. No.l. Mixed Ft. Pass. Train, a m 18 10 18 37 18 45 100 1 10 1 28 I Si BCHKDULK Going Wist No. 2.t Mixed Ft. & Paee. Train. Stations. Uoldsboro Beets La Grange Falling Creek ti 15 6 33 5 03 p m 5 40 5 13 4 35 3 42 2 35 2 10 1 30 1 00 406 2 55 2 80 1 58 1 24 13 54 1 61 8 10 Kinston 8 30 35 Caswell 8 65 3 05 Dover 8 35 3 40 Core Oreek 4 04 4 09 Tuscarora 4 21 4 31 Clark b 12 32 13 42 10 83 13 00 9 41 9 46 5 05 fl 00 Newbern 6 46 6 51 Riverdale 69 7 0a Croatan 7 27 7 58 lUvelock 8 30 8 ii Newport 8 53 8 56 Wild wood 9 04 9 06 Atlantic 9 26 9 36 Morehead City 9 38 9 45 Atlantic Uotel 9 51 p m Morehead Depot raelY, Thur dftv u hatunlay t Monday, edneday and frldiy. Train 60 connects with Wilmington A wei- don Train bnnd North, leaving Uoldsboro 11:50 a. m., aiid with Richmond A Jj nvllie Train West, leaving Ooidsboro 1 1 : " a. ra , Trala el eoaocts with Kichmond A Uinvlllt Trala, arriving at Ooldibcro S:lll pm , and with Wilmington and Wei Ion Iraln from the North at 3 1Sp.m Train 2 connects with WllTQlngtin and Wtldoo Througn Freight Train, leaving Ooidsboro at :.1U p. and with hlrhmond A Danville inrounn rieignt train, leaving Uoldsboro at n.lii r M S. L. Dill, HH e t.o H n t. Sale of Land. STATE OF NORTH PAROLINA, 1 8 iperlrr Graven Uonnty. lourt. Btsrkey F. Gardner, et ala. vs. NilPe. Norma Oardcer, et il. I Pursuant to the Judgment in the shove named proceedings, 1 wlll.aell at Public Anetloa at tbe Oonrt Bonss In Newbern, on Monday the Fonrtb day or Mrh. 18MI, at Itleven o'cock, A.M., tbe following described land, Tlx: Part of lot known in pl.n ofCiiy of Newbern as Lot No. 610, at tbe north esi corner or George and Booth Front streets, formerly occupied by 8tarkeyUardner.de- ceaaed, snd descrlned In ths pet tlon In laid proceedings. Terms uasn JAb1 U. I1A SBIHUfl, Commissioner. Nebern, N. C. Jsn. 80, 1849. NOTICE. To foreclose a mortpsge given to me by L K. BusselUon 22 J day of Sept. 1888, and recorded on Records of Cra ven County in Book 87, pige 8S5, 1 will sell on Twenty-third day of February, 1889, Twelve o'clock, at Fort Barnwell, the tract of land mentioned in ssid mortgage, at Publio Auction to tbe kM,&?b. h&d of 8.,d tract of land by reference to tbe Beoorde. This Jaa. 10th, 1889. 2d i J. W. LANE, Mortgagee. ASkas a sb as ii mm m si m w m kiltAM BALM rivitiN Cleanses the Nasal rasstv tres. A liars 5a Pain and In- i uuxuiu utiuu, i ss . i . the I-Q m I OOrCB, le st O T the i a A n ft fl H mi tsiie ana p Smell. usX. llAY-JEEVER Try the Cars. A nartiola la annllad into asm nnatrtl an1 la agreeable. Price 60 esnts st Drngtrtst; by rasll, roistered. 60 cU." ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Btreet. Hew York. JanlSdwlr Tax Holice. ' 'sons Owing Taxes for 1887 and All persons Owing Taxes for 1887 and 1888, -Schedule ; B' Taxest Retail Liquor Licenses, and all other licenses reqnlred by the Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby noti fled to settle the same.. Further indulgence cannot as I be given, I will attend at my office Sams, from snd after this date. January lfl, 188&. . , -' : " D. SnMSON, tt - ' Sheriff Craven T3o: , City Tax Noticed On and after March 1, 1889, 1 shall proceed at once to levy on all property. both real estate, personal, household and kitchen furniture, of all parties I WB0 ; 1 taxes ho have failed to settle tbeir city bilas fulcheb. i s . , - - 5 H City Tax Collector. ' DWew Berne. Jan. 89. 1889. , lw Pe6an Trees' and Kaffer Uorn ?.-A, fine lot of Pecan Trees for sale, and each. Also, a quantity ct Kaffer Corn. Addrees. , J. 8. LANE. 9 28 9 33 & 8 17 8 27 rJSN 8 00 8 05 7 47 J52 M&jJA 7 17 7 27 VrvJ 7 05 7 15 'VStff am 7 00 V ' Ft I . . , ... . . i . r- viuiuiiii at ajuw . GKEiT MAOAzijiE.; i r"v' PTha Century, for 1830 t qucstioa aas eften bee t!id, "to wUat doea T Vrj mre iu (freat circa. li- kiaf' TcC3uitCto oct-e t-swered ttia by the tti.'ujcia tbat "it has beea feilT teoa, not by adver- ti.mj (chemes, but tr U.0 cxoUlence which ekaraoterkea 8 is every d pnmet. Ia ihalr aaaouneeiBenu for the 00m in f year tho pubJisbera state that it has always beea helr desire te EaSe The ( ed r ths oce k dlspeasable periodioal cf its class, so that whatever other publication migbt be desira ble la the family, T)c tentuy could not be uegiected by those who tush to keep abreast ot the times in all matters pertaining to culture. And the unprecedented circula tion ot the saagun would seem te be the response of the public to this intenUoav 1 With the November numbs The Caassrs begins Its thjrty-aeveuta Volume. Two gnoat feat urea ot the magaziun Which are to continue throughout the aevr vol ume axe. already veu known to the public, the Ltnoola history and Una papers oa M8iberta and the Exile Syetnnul - Tbe first of these, written by Messrs. Nioolay and Hay, President Lincoln's pri vate secretaries, conUuis the inside history of tho dark days ot the war, as seen from the White House. y- r " TBI SIBEKUS tkTtza, by Goorge Kennan, aro attracting the at tention of tho civilized world. The Chi cago Tntmnt says that "no other mogaxlne. articles printed in the English language Just now touch upon a subject which so vitally interests all thoughtful people in Europe and America and Asia." As Is already known. Copies of The Century entering Russia have these articles torn out by the customs officials en the frontier. k Dtmiso 1889 "" - Thi Century will publish the most lm- portant art fe-itiire that has yet found 1-l.u e iu its pages. It is' the n suit of four years' work of Mr. Timothy Cole, the leading magazine engraver of lho world, in the galleriea of Til rope, engraving from the originals the greatest pictures by the old master A r, , w . ,1 . f imi nn r-m rn T mi ll it Otui-o ua luaso wae w- land, its I scapes, etc , will appear, and there are to be illustrated artnlca on Bible scenes, treating especially tho subjects of the Inter national Sunday -School Lessons. Goorge W. Cablo will write " 8trango, True Stories )f Louisiana." - There will be novelettes and short stories by leading writers, occa sional articles on war subjects (supplement' al to the famous "War I'sjrs" by General U rant and pttiers, which have been appear. ln in The Cen.un), etc., etc. ,4fcsBjSjt I The Century costs four dollars a year, and It Is published by The Century Co., of New York, who will send a copy of tho full proev aoitus to any one on reauest. DEMOREST'S -p THE BE8I Of all the Magazines. CONTAINING Slori... Poemi tnd olhsr LiUrtrv sHraetions, eembiaiag Artislie, Seisatiflg sac HosMheld aattera, tlluttrafrd uUh Ortainnl Ateel Eitffrnv ingi, Photogravure, Oil PMuftm and fine Wondrmf, mnkinf) U th Model JfafasifM of Amerlem. UN PARALLELED OFFER I Earh copy of "Detnorest't Monthly Majvlne" TOnUlns A Coupon Order, cntitllw the holdw le the Mltctlon of any pattern tllulrll In lh fuhloa depsrtmant la tbat vmoa, In say ftf lh sItss rnftniifaWtirpd Pubwrlbera or P'rchrS tendiTif the ( oupon wttn iwo-cenx urarap for poMaKf, will receive d return mall ftcompiet ptwiem, or iqq and Vlnd thy may !ect,from the Magazine ConUln!nn the order This Unparalleled Offer clTins to rabscrlberi PATTERNS (valuta at from St 12 tit. to W . nek), aur thevesr,ottiiekiii and tslrea, ti a cotulderettos Worth Over Three Dollars, or nearly 'doable ths sctaal SMt el tho Magazine. Irhlch It or ttaeir, wltb IU many brllUaat fatue sail aolld atu t tract kK, the Cheapest Magazine in America. ONLY TWO DOLLARS per Tear, Intladlni twelve fall lz, ml pattern, of il l ana kludi wleetes, worth nearly, double tbe iubaorlptla price. Send twentv rMm tnr In. enrrent virmte wflft Pari pre Coupon and you will certainly rabKribe Two Dollars Ui a year and get tea tiiaea ka value. W. Jsnnlsgs Demerett, Puk'liaer,15 1 1 4 th St., NewYer Sold by all Newadaalen and Poetoutaters. r. a NOTICE. The nnderslgned, Geo. H. W llleti.Yss dnty ' qnallflsdaa Administrator of IBS estate ot W. H.Wlllett, and beresy gives notice that be requires all persons bavins elatus against! me estate or tee said w. a. winen to pre. sent them to tbe said Seo. H. Wliiemftniy' anthenticated, for payment, on or before tks 28th day of lecemtx r mi. or else this ' notice win be pleaded in oar oi reovsiy I rersons inaeotea vo tee estate must ray without delav. v av-fj j . , jtl d:9.6w G. H. WULEJT, AiTmlnlmstct. ., PjHIWW r""Z . r . ti the oldest and most aepnlar eclenttse ssd Biechanlcal paper pubHehed and has tbe larteet clrcnlatioa of any paper of Its data ha tbe world. Fully lllnotrated. Best class of Wood Knerav. Ints. PnbllaheeV 'weaklr. Send for sped meat 5"P.;p.r1!e f Tar. Foar months' trial, SL. I , ARCHITECTS & BUILDER M FdlllAn ef finlanfifln Smurlnaa al j m m v. vviviiun. nwvi iwmH. a7 A eia.l eini.... swa.1i mi.!.. Miiwal' ' HthOKraphle plates of country and etty reiadeanr ee. or publio bnlldlnn. Mnmerona ensravhus . : and roil IMam and peorScatlonf for ths nee of, ' RQcb as contemplate Hdlna-. PileaSUOai rice M0 a ye, fCBI.MBSSS. I ., wnaaeop7, shi vwinr pttihi is iinai atnea nsrwai ansaaiai stisesj eiKQ patent. HPnn Tor Hsmn boost. LiTtwA. DODtleslaOsI RtriCtJ r tMnfitleUBsA. .1 M-rvrw muL-xuava UW at, fllliniKWS SBMSU W lrl : ie i TRADE MARKS. ' k - In earn yotrr ank is sot regiitered In the !- nt UfflM. aoDlr til Mnirv A i r. mhh. . . hamedtste protection. Bend for Handbook.- : , CO FT RIGHTS for booVt, eharts. saaps, i . etc qotckly proonred. Address x V MCKM 4t CO., rarest Bollclteva. - ' j - CaxtBA Orwcsi ja Bboadwat, It, T. J JobiilliaL:: Prices. Almecialtw ia mari ri..,,- tw,. n.i..-. 'cIT.-r,::.!.- "T"",u ' a- is NEW BERNE, N, C. intended ror su-verusina; pur ' 8, I Slhh, Oen, Ft. A Fats.. Agt.