It Makes You Hungry "I ears ase Paine CWery CwaaSxiat aaa it i " - . a Iuavsjsrat- fcel.jtta a Mf iMSMMes dim. ' - Paine'cT Celery Compound I a wHane toaie tad RXQWt '.neaaaat to ike ttaie, quick la la aouue, u4 wiaont aay injurious effect, K ftves that, tuynl heaJU aha auLkea eornatt tan frudTnteane dvspefau and kladrM duurdwv Svymtctajii ..t'nU! it $L( au mr 6.ih. rtWMes. Wills IiBamjmoii aoi, talUBftoa, TL The Bersrner & Engel BREWING OO.'S PHILADELPHIA IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. The bifcb reputation en,ojed by the HKKGNKK & ENGKL IOMPANY m doe to the fact that only ihe FINEST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and OARE are exercised daring its manufacture. jy dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. IT. C. sum 10RT1 CAlOLni MARBLE WORKS. UK BEBNE. M.C. Monuments Tombs. ! 'l tin It irt. Dd HoUdln works raiAN4 AMERICAN MARBLE ir ders will receive prompt attentior ud atiafaotlon fuarantead jok K. WILLIS, Proprietor Or. BROAD AND OBAVBti HU. NMW 8KRNX. n. C Q. E. if mj authorised aget t In K i ma&O-drw GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN j General Hardware Agricultural 1m pltmenti, Plows, Harrows, Oaltirator, Hoes and Axes, Wood'i Mower and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilisers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware; Lime, Brick,. Cement Plaster Hair. Paint, Kalsomlne, Var : nisb.. OIL Glass, Putty and Hair. fr risers, Befrijrerators, Oili ytjook, Stores, Eureka Burglar Proof ash Locks, warranted to vls'seearity and satisfaction. PICES yfijtTLPW.- -sOKOr ALLEN-& CO. iwapitiCTft ucsont cddmt Unlis aoota rf inton,oa Bonth Watt 'fyiitftfy&X'pt , with oiidhabdrwd A ta mar!ns"abmr antUHhn maata. A IITTT, FTrr, - wona(thaolr laml ambraoe a rich , ,rnca. fioi u zbo aa tr umncr, iana, Slfrfow K.QQ0 ,aalJ sf:Jut eaatt wllh ap- SHrt,wlrti KJaaton,H.a, "a, C hMilVaa aalrar-' iat-sadsraciler-ta the - naln n m nWa Mvak aul , I SlMk larakecUMHaBd DMwfaV. 111. . old ar Drefflfta. .. ' ' J. VJoedJLI, Arnt, Ssw Berns. R.C.,-.-: f.i ' may 3d w If Striae aatdicin ateens men mom-m taaa ft did tea years ao. Tb winters iaaeii aa M. TIM nervea mast as bowa rag-alaied. Fi&e-a Celery Casaagaad aacrftefaM esstfay-ntM al Uks at nothing-else caa. harM ryeaaa JtiiiiiiiiniiwjdwarMaa- wMrwalac y aW Maaittoaw-s at at The Best Spring Medicine. "to the spring-af 1887 1 a au na tevm. I wild get Hp nt the nxanlag wtm aa on a toeting, and waa so weak thai I could hardly cat annual. lbaoabeua(PaliwOcaflrfcB BOBl,aiMltetunIaadtaB a nu l a rarj oiura newer, l can cuortullT i it lo il who need a banding una 'and a aanMjUM- ing meaiLiao." Mis. a a. Cow, Burlington, vt. LAGER BEER, the finest Pale Canada 5! ? ? ? CIGARS F0RMLE AT COST. Havinn purchased a large stock of Cigars, and the demand for same being small. I now offer to the merchant OIQARS AT COST until my stock I reauoea. u&sb on delivery. 3Ft- 3XT. TDixfty The Ladle3 Must Come! The Gentlemen May Come I AND "Everybody" Come ! TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BBOTJGHT TO TH18 MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Hou se FurnishiEg Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. C. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Bool and Shoo Llakcr, Pollock St.i ffewtern, N.C Uettrss to annoTinca thathta rAIitt! OF MaTKkIal hasaecn received i it la prepared to fill order for . ., -H J . FISE CUST0MrMiEBO0?5AHi SHOES Skjtit two'snperlor sklllea VKmel. all orden nromM.1- BilmI U . . . U 2 In aoUeltlng patronage I iroaratite "th beat tnaterlai, a food fit, the la atVla and durability." . , , . i t.I. 7 Ail tAUAV aVITIAnaT aafjkw tafltiiiMrt. tifc ttr Mtr.diu. eharaotar of my work!b sahjoiaed from a well known elUMtaUattaown itory. - Dkah RiR-Pleaie make me a pair of gaiters similar to those yon aaade me two years ago. I have worn them two years and they ar anod vt. f h.v. hu. shoes flfty-s)x year and they are the best bidi urc. neapaeuoiiy. 'Blgned" J5 O HILL Repairing neatly and promptly done, i octasdw,... . AGENCY FOR ill WHEW yon fan ret a nnra. -Mh! ' 'til SAVANNAH CIOAR Inside and tmt. Of tba Tery flneat SAVANNAH I0BACCO. twd lor a nickel, why dontyongo to PALBIEa'S CIGAR STORB and get them. IM not ba hnmbogged br ebeap traeb; gst a good smoke and be happy; and yon eaa get any quality of Olgar yon want. Little JfetL, eaas, on cent. .rlVK CHEROOTS, rery pjpuiar prmuy, iut mh oeata, ih, ace, w ay not eome and try themf t - '(, i i : . W .'! FALMBR,' - :s- UtddiaatHMewbana, Furniture! X I.d ; it- . 1 1 ii xj-t ci ej na 1 -;,': aanasom pa nor atuta,: coaaMr awta - maMiesBca ,co sua iUUDgts , ati,ee aw etc ' . . e'ifi4iiia ; Ha alto bag. line 6f hotBmade' work Of bedteaiJs, gofai,''tble, boreajn, etc., which are seat andaHbaUniiai. ( i Prices JtlgLt Down ;;rto Jltock Bottom, ;,;e-!?y4.fta- . h -W -j. : se6 dw Middle st Kew Berns. ' -wX THE JOURNAL. C0U?LIT8 T JOBS SASJrCST aUCAJ. JLSSSCUI. Each liM of hi a, fLash; ch Ukoufhi of auaaattf; Flaanm: diTima h Jot and Yeas ar I BALZAC. He ttuHj at will aAoag the souls of a an, An4 huo wosaea1! heart ha dippad hi m, The fl ear, old, crabbed, iaieraatlng fal low! tisaa go on, oar heart to him will mallow. AsttXU 1 1 via. Climb ap ! olimb up t and let the mon grel cry I The star's hehiad that rainbow in ih sky 1 HOLES 8. Nob greater erer lived-since Shake spear draw Othello, Besalet, Lear and the Jew. k. l. mmssoii. Let Dickens be. h did not raw to fall . Yoo'U live on Treaiurt J$land-it at all. BCLWUt, No poet you; although your gifu were high. And artificial aa a woman ' li. BBOWNINQ. A star fell to the earth on glorious morn. And glorious Browning, poet-king was born. TRACY EOBINBON. You're worth a score of men far bettsr known But Fame like Death, is bound to hare it own. .j can lngklow and jobs paynk Oh, stars of the East. I wonder whether You're not the pare two that sang to g ether. UZKTTE WOODWCBTH BEESB. As pur your soul and song a flring snow, You what? You this you omhg cameo 1 THE LITERARY 1'i.Kl. He ronnds a prosy sonnet in a yeai . And hi imall life is rounded with a neer. A BAD ACTOB. intended not for any land or age An actor off, but never on the stage. A BAD WRITER. When I would give that's in my head a rest, I read this Ood know what '-and at hi beat. SELF PITY. That man i poor intellectual pelf. w no piue not hi neighbor, but himself. THE M7HIR. I tarn truer rhyme than Keats did with oia pen. THB CYNIC. But there wer no rhyming dictionaries men. , . Tcno. Music brsaks mv soul in two. And lata the light of heaven throng b! TO A DEAD FBIK5D. She spoke my name in anger ! It it well, Sha thought of me I rise to heaven irom nan i TO CBUA THAXTKR. Sweet, womanly, gentle yet strong, with the wind and wave and Uod in bar tong ! E. R. BILL "AlfDBEW HEDBHOCH." A white soul flaw to heaven when you died. Sweat poet, solemn-voiced and diamond yea. 14 Wetther.Rnl!. Never lean with the back upon anything that Is cold. Never begin journey until the breakfast has been eaten. Never take warm drinks and then immediately go oat into the cold. Keep the back, especially be tween the shoulder-blades, well cov ered; also the chest well protected. in steeping m a cold room establish a habit of breathing throng h the nose, and never with the month open. Never eo to bed with cold or damp feet. Never omit regular bath in for unless the skin is in active condi tion the cold will close the pores and favor congestion and other dis eases. After exercise of anv kind, never tide in an open carriage or near the window of a car for a moment; it is dangerous to health en even life. ; When hoarse, eralA little as possible until the hoafwtneesis rt mVArSMl tVflM.- ml am vri4AlM Mpttfmanently lostoridiffionlties of ,ui torpai pe; prodocefl, : ' i Jierei- warm -the baek -br the fife.' .DdTnevef nntinrw, .MnLsf ti baek etpfjffWr' thA'iM after ir tat tecume; oornJortably' warm. de pthertw. Is fleblirutiAii?. ! ' When coin b from warm atmn phere into a cooler one keejy tbfj monm tjioseai so mat the air may be warmed la. Its passage tbroogh the nose ere it reacheihe langs. Never stand atillifrCbld Vfather, epecially-,fter having taken a iliht degree of -exaraiae. and: aU- iwajs iroid Undingonloewr.snow, ur woere toe person is ejzpo&ea M pojwnaawnoift. ..ib Ki - M " ' i Onttf BrahMi; .'iStom,- .- Cloart. - BaUt Bhannv Ter. Boreai TetSari tepMd Hand, Cbiiblainj, Ooratx and All bkia Ernp tiona j n d positively' our pBes ...rrwH,n www ymmmi or no payrquirsd. It is gTiarmnteed j five part eat (Atisf action, or Boner r. lunawa. mo) o oents per ooz. ror alabvB.N.Duffr. r .: jajg n Tutt! Te ewrei Uveal tktejikwd tela aa ate B ifcaa a r( mt . I.t, hp aaeait. Is aaetel etta Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties, Taa alHa ihn qaailun la uaAaeais argnK, a4 Speedily Restore itkkemeiaiifJri.til MrlstalUa aauM. mm . ii M rca-wlarttj. Sold Everywhere. Brick ! Brick ! Brick ! 50,000 OX" Sale W. P. BURRUS & CO., 0ENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AJJD 03AIN DEALERS, ktAitEET Lh.-B, NEW Ill'.KN L, .N. C J" Oonann us your ri.:u-f Mules and Horses. NOKTil tWKoI.lN . k Mr K S .1 KY I from Western N l MuIph and 1! :. - iT Come ,!:! I, i I l rrfiMVed i .( lice The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW rUICKH. And wonders. How h it ttmt I ran soil so much lower than anv one else'' I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cnah, ami WORK FOB SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DF.ALINO Come and buy from mo. and ) ou w ill never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Home, N. (J. NEW BERNE ANDJAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAIIOMA, A ilv conntnirtril frelsht Ami nu. senger boat, bavtng ten piai-el n llim route. IS prepared to renilrr miperlor nervlre to and from all poi nl on lowr .NeiiHe ltl er and 1'anQlloo coontv. aini N. w Berne, for the present the follow im I.o.lule will tin In operation: Leaves wew hpi h.' every ednfuday and HatunKy at SI X A. M. r , r hay born, stopping at Clnbfoots, Ailmns nn I HiiiIM.h Creeks, Vanderaere ami si ,,ne wn 1 1. Leaves Kaylxiroi'i, ry M ,n.!v nn.l Tlinrs day hi SIX A v s - - ; t i; h! loni'wall. Vandemere. Sn.i' i, .. . , .ml ( lubfoo'B (Greeks. enU n,i mi ... :. Momluv and Thurs lay eveniux Kxeellent pas.ei.. r ; nuunliitloo. am ple freight aoiiiiuN. Frelgnt receln'ed wr i.n ' rswirp.l .Uliy by agent K). C JJ. I.lne. i. ...I . ..ry mfurinatlon given. I). H. ABBOTT. Ae.".t, Vamlemere, C. H FOWI.KH. Stonewall. FOWLKR A I'HWFI I,, Amenta lUvboro. UKOROK A. Ill SKY. novldwlf ueneral Manager. Baaatlfally Illasfrated. 25 c?s.,$3 aYear. IT WCOPK.-TTIR AMERICAN MAOAZm gls sralarvao U r&tional topics and aoanao, an4 litantar as art ara of id. hiahast atandard. Fawwva Aaariean wrltra till tt. pajrM with a wife varlatr af lnl.rtin il-.i., of trtv.l and adrant ara, aarlal aad abort Bt,ris, rio.cripttra aooonata aff War fanona cotnitrimeQ .nj womru. brief eaaafa OA Sba favamoat problama of tbe prriod. and, in abort, aai atagaawa ta Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. Ivlsaatnewtada'ad tha prtM and pnhllo to ba tha aaawS aapalar and antertBtnlng of the alh alaue awathilca. IMPORTANT. L Bhawajas Prcntana l.l.t, and Special la. wwewatwate la Caah or Talnabla Pnaloau SV5?J mmn w'" be "'nt reeelea c 1MU tkt Swar la aaentlonad. wV SapeaIHa aad waergatle werwaa m mm iaai aun.rnplloaa. Write a far azelaalve territory, - , i f : f Ob 748 Broadway. Now YorkO r9 L Catetta, a4 Trade-Marks btataed,(al an Pat., ant amine ermdartsd tat MooraaTC Fits. Oue Omet te Owaowera i.. PaTiirr Orricc an w eaa aeenie Detent ialeaa tune thao ttioaa rsmots from Wachmgtoa. -: Seaa BMdei, drawing or pboto wit leacrlp Hon. ' "We advise, If patentable or not, free of charge. Out tie wrt in till patent 1a aeotrred. v A WauMirr. "How to Obtain Patntita." with J names of artsal clients in your State, county, or c.A.sriow&co. f' ri swrtsrT rrtte. Wshiotoi, 0. . s?-i, 'Notice; V efln lA f kjft nfftt TTrVtaatA PaVrlatP RltAn vv w iu, jrmavjm uvum UUf r OUV( for an wf shavs and a good hair cut, w ayv ttvf wwavai wvhw avrcaa wwa muv rUtawina-10 aim. t hair enttinw 20a. ; y. . Paor. W. H. flIIEPAED, -( : . Proprietor. IKERICM MQAZINE PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, aiwikki a c trwt. (MMt r ..o J aaea a C7ta And Brutel P. H. PEHETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doors South of Journal uflicb. Hi areetiwa 1b the Oonauwi of Orttn. (ervt. Joa Onalow and Pvml co I oiKa tiaw Coarl at w berv aj pre am Court of in tll. ft. ci: OWEN H. GUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms South From oirsrt fut doors weet of Craven. Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTIC E. OtUce in rear of Hancoo J rug store, oekt door to Hotel Albert. Cin from a ui. to 4 p Will give prompt attention lo all ma : r .eru:c iDij to Justices' oourts JJJ .lif III M Plllt ES For Horses, C itt e, Sheep. Dog, hogs. Poultry. 300 l' A.K BOOK on Tr,.i ur.l l AiilmaU nil I hari i ni t'rrr. rfs- Frier, i ontetllnn., I n H n ti, ii a 1 1 . n . .Tiraianiiia. .-iiih rii,i H. H. Strain. l,iuBri. lihruuitti iin. 1 . 1 . iMsiempfr, mmm fU har.r. Y - E.- ( oaaka, Heaiea, Poeamanla. I . r . Call,' ar l.rtae.. Belli a, ae. ( (. Mlai-arrtaee. Ileatarrhaar.. II. II. Irtaarv a ad aVIdaer Plaraa. a. I. I. Eraailve ltlaeaaea. Miir. I K. Diaeaasa af Dlgeaiiaa. Mable Caae. with eperlfli-a. Ui' mil Uurl Oil and Mclkaa.r S ? on I'r I. c, single B(ileuver raj dv - .1.0 llld by Drngglaiai or Nrnl Prepaid en Receipt of I'rl. ,-. Humphreyt' Mas. Co.. 10 fullon Si., N Y. nTjurnnE YS' EOHEOPATHIC 28 SPECIFIC No. la iin ii run Th on It mirfjwtVil rnitf f, r Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, .nil Pro.l.ratinn. Irom overwork or other l Hr vial, or I Tlal. ami laran it.l onwil.i 'I P H T UBr.t.JIH 1 nr irnl o.l i..m1 "i r.. . l ' . prtta Munpkr iuhu., lov rut, at , ;l 1. All of our Veterinary Preparations an he had of J. V. Jokhan. llruggist, N W. cor. liroad and Middle streets, Now lern. N. C. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for anv caae if .u or I'limplalnt. dyapepala. sick headache in. I imi Mn. conal kpallon or e,tl venew u e .'unii.'l cure wllh Weat'a gelar:e l.licr I'llla when lh dlreetlona are alrlcl I y -,m -plied with. They are purely egol ahle. ar.d never rail to telve aatlafart ton. Lare. Imx,s -ontHining .m augar coated pltla. 2.v hr sale hy all ilrtiKglaU. lie ware of counter f, ll an1 Imitation. The eenutne mannrcii,ro only ly JHHN WKNTAlX).. HrW W Ma.i 'son HI , t'hlcago, III. Hold by K. N DUFFY, druggist, New Berne, N. C. apSldwly TO ADVERTISERS. A Hat of I00) newspapers divided inio STATKS ANI HMTlu.N'M will bea.M n appllrallon-PREB. To thoao who want their advert'sliiK to pay, we can offer no better medium for thor ough and effeetle work than Ihe aricus aeollons of our Belert Local Ll.t UEO P. nOWKU Ai o Newspaper Advertlalng llur, nil Jail8dwlm lOSnruce street. New York mm THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If yru deslro to rTircbaJoasewIni machine risk ourneent at your place for terms and prices. 1 F you cannot find oor agent, w rite direct to ncarent addreea to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE 6.0fMM cwcao - 28 UNION 6QUAHL.NX- Bellas. ILL. iti imti Aa TEX. 5T LOur.M?. al i wiiia'i i s SASntAHatca.OL PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED S YEARS. LOWjft f---.rLb!J5a' HIGH ABM, t ABM, $20 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL 01 TOUR OWI HOUSE IEF0RE TOU PIT ONE CUT. High-Ana Machraa Kas aelfUaetttaa; needle, aeir-tk read In; ahsttttea is lalleaa aa llghtranalB-, ha the Biaeet aeaafattawis. sneaita, la a Veivet-Iiatew csnae,- Don't pay agents 155 or goo, aw anra tat circular. KeraeniDer, wa wuintee oar SMtUs canal M any bieh-pricea SaacEia on tba warktt. ' Addrtas ' ' r Tba C A. WOOD CtX, rJ n IT. l9tM t, rfcljiKlelyMaH f. I mm TEAMEUf. 71,3 B Cl FreishlUnB - J . t law, una lLBwti r-Uie Lr.c u SLMI-W LLK.LV TEIFS Baltimore ard New, Beraa "" : i -r rW frrce. WED. ae.3L.r, All i.liaY. at s. iJ aj. Uav nx Nw Rrrar :or n ore 1 1 Ka. Tti.. -. i. . ..t,.;, f-KtiT T.t ui of Sew twrue I. f ..Utt,e i:..'Ul , Dauge. nj on 'a'r u i uieairwe- 1tH.AU.:. I 1:, nfci , , nl. 'r.4.L. h.c a.. I. ... i,..uu NortU- trr. " 1 N Kl 1 F :i.or. V i.o k. V. " .if l'.cr -no-, i. I. I . 1.. '-' v:. Hi, ; ra'.sjuar. -" ' ii-. at .i ll HHK.AKtl.l IH' BILK AN Mill' tit V t . LINK. f 1 1 UA i . Ann! N' ii. ..e. .N , EASTERN CAROLINA L'VMCh The F af t i . i; H L 'ut N . m li ei I'ul 1)1 I'hlla K.c ' .roll., .liuora. . II o. la a, I . . - -ii - I M1.1LM EAGLE f and VESPER ii .ar schedule om r , MllMiAl l i.ti.l s,i 1 I U, A Y 1 ' : i ti.i i. on Mli .4 y '-1 i am! I- rl I 'A 1 " I.I-. ! ,1. I 1 tit Ulr fo k -looiriarn K ... .it,,. k K.. an.l t o a r. liable and : . laclllllea tin 'in l .ty.a; - ' I... 'tHl OU CttIB I.' i i'1-ed la Kaai , , a . iii;.,. ' 1 K , 1'iei 1 . A Ha.l ... ''i.n w:i. .tin.. k. t ''iK - u' hern K ,i " i . t Miner. 1 it'is -i i w : n. n, i ... ... . :...: i rt . ,i i , .l.e 1 , 11 .III .... , . i' A I f , t N l:a..a " I" "igi. I'll' .-. a. t ai" I'.,.) ri.o.j .Norn, l,.w CI II. .:l,l K It . I .,. Hi,.'; U. fl.M.l.-,,. ! i . . m .s 1 1 rf-. , k I., e M p. (1 ."li I . K It. luiiee aa ow a .ol l .t h. r line V. hft can'. ,. I r 1 (. pel W or h . . , . ) N i h : I , . I II It I. . ' , V l I . 1 1 I I 1- A l i II II I il ' I- I .. r II. ii i , . - - .1 K i. .11. .,11 Ir, t u l, Hi,y i ' ' 1 a c !i cl -. ,) , , ' 1 -: : t i." Ai i.i ' i Kill.- aKe. I ll h..'U I- re., it A,:hi,i, ' I-1' A, em. N Y ' ' I- ri ':. ! Agent ili.M'h HHtiN, Agent. Newberne, N. ('. .1 w OLD 00HIHI0H Steamship Company. Si:.Mi- W I KKI.V LINK. The Old lloinlnlon .Slemtiahlp o. ai,y a t)l,l and Kaiorlla Water lloule. ila Albeirarle and I b. eapraka I id.I. Norfolk, llaltln,,,,., . , w Vork. i dtlplila. Uo.lon, rroli,Cr anil aalilncion Illy, And all points, North, East and West On and after II I'.HI'AY. I A ' A C Y nil. l-.o until further xio'ice. tu Steamer MlNTEO, Capt. Sonligate, A.NL Steamer HEWBELNE, Capt PritiM, Will sail from Norfolk. a. for New Kerne. Yin o. i ... ..... ... : and KRI DAKS, ruaan.g close connecuoi. wllh the Hi,'u,er ot tho ., & .tor hinatin 1 iei,K,n, and alf other .. .... ..e,.s,, Btni irent Klvera. Keturiilm;. w:ii a.n i, k u for MiKriil.K direct. II r.MAY6i and KKI- lo.i . w r... .. .v . ,.,, ,,, making con. necllon wiui me o. i, , to 'a ahli.a or New Yo,k H o for Baltimore, Clyde 'l.l.i'n Shl'rs forfiiliaa lelphla. a, A M. T, Co.. .h'tp.for 'JoTtou and I rovldence Our nntlrtug efforts to ,-Hae onrpatrons, and our aimoat pei,,-v lv.ce lortnepaal thirteen yeaia. iau t,., n,Hrai,tee we can oner aw iiippnr aa u. ,. we will do lor them In the fuime. rolk Va'''''18 " '' -..Nor- 1'aasenoipra w! I : r. i , o ........ . . . . abie roiima.aod every c-u: leay and alien- " i"... mrm oy ineonicera. K B. HUfiKiiTH. Aant MlfWEg Cl l.J'l.l l i H Tl KNtK, A i.t. , Mirrolk. Vs. W. H- HTANK iKI'. V ne l r lei.i York City. YUR NEUSE & TREKT RIVER Steatntoat CoKpany. Will run the fo'Lja .. ianuarj let. .5:. . .r.Jn.. nn and aftai Sleararr Trent Will leave every Monday and Thursday morning at Mix ocloek for Hmitna aui Adams Ceeeks and ail iniarmediate point returning unm day. r ' 8tfc&ciei ialxasioa. Will iBftTH kfirna fn, 1 . . ... . days and Fridays at 12 o'clock. M.-KeUTu-TPA-Vm? Klntton on Mondajs and iirsdays: Tononlng at all intermediate - . a.. , or. J. DIS08WAY at K.tMib, w. r. btaitlt. Klnator. 0. 8. Baaans, PoUoksviiia W. E. WARD, Agent at Tranto. ; M. C. BatTH, Jolly old F e.'a " ; J. B. BAitgg, Quaker B:ld;e. mm, a 1 U 011 E-' f lw f. KlnstoD. & -ytr -f . g.E rn lV.MiiwyBat. raj-g Itscaiedsthoaiewrta o-'Pa'U. JHJOSOT psf SSllnillinnirBta j si a aa iiiiiiiii i B. M.WOOU.RT. M.D.' ' Atiautu, Ua. OQwe KM VVtutehaU - j? a J

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