rcanaaaaj- uhciciiot jtin Ultimate frnits of industry tux dailt juujurALii a u ; Ppmt. pakUafcaw. eWUr. hH Hwte B .w ft ym SUB toraU saaatBa. IMinnt wiintlMi(HtiNMtik TttXWSSJk.w M Miuu -Mtkar.Bl bwAUbb - Taaiwday M fUH Ai7MTXSUra KA.TC9 (BAU.T)-Ob iewAewadaw UM; KM fweaea himI laaarttoau s itHrtHwMH UlW aeed T "Mliiw eery nbMi Uaartlaa. MtlMtMMUTH 4k itllmMTlMMWDlttM,tttollll r wOl to imhW I Man Mr Bjm for tranaleet edvwxtlaeaaeat MM tB BdTUna BaCVMkT 4T9I Ummu win be eoOected ob.bU at tbe CWBUlNllOU OOBtalBlBC MWf Olltll saaaaa af mm Miwn are MkUeltod. No MSBUtMUOl BHl M eXBwfited M M B laahedthaA ewatetne wbtaettenabJ Mwu lie withhold ibo a me of the eatbor. or ttt WUl lUtl BIOTB IUBB OB MIIU4 ft A Ay forBMlMllnc tii.MTtOt 111 nony at Minor y apwiieetioa at una offle. ud ' too eomauiisdoi can obula tb bbib o Aviat vMralB tM en vine txisla THE JOURNAL. au a. aoaa. Ib. H4WPBH. SKW BKSNE. H. C. FEB. 14 (Ui4 t tt rot oe at N Bra bmob4-1bm BtBtkW. N 0 G0YER3OR HILL AND UIS WATtH TTORDS. David Bennet II ill, Governor of the State of New York, is being boomed" for the Presidential cou test of 1802. He is taking time by the forelock. His grip is a strong one, but it will require superhuman , endurance to hold it to tho decisive hour. The New York World sajs that "Governor Hill supplied in Lis ad mirable letter to the Tildeu metnori al meeting in this city on Saturday, to watchwords for Democrats in tha irrepressible conflict which will be continued as a result of the Re publican restoration. uTo win the contest," he wrote, ' onr weapons must be those which will enlighten the ignorant and release the credulous from their fears." "Agitate," was the motto and cry of O'Connell, the great Home linler of his day. Let ns add to this the watchward "Edu cate," and agitation and education now will give ns that reform of the tariff parbaps even before our re tarn to power for which we waged onr recent campaign. So from the nettle Defeat we shall have plucked the flower Victory." Agitation is the opposite of stagnation. Wherever there is stagnation there is death; wher ever there is agitation there is life. Tn'e "Democratic party is not dead. It cannot die ns long its vital principles are kept before the peo ple. Toe. essential difference between the Democratic and Republican parties ia as distinct as the differ ence between light and darkness. Thia is not manifested at all times It ia Often the case that the two great parties are in accord upon rrratteri of expediency affecting a'.ilce'all sections of tbs Union and all classes of men, and in this condition of affair it is properly satd that "there is no difference in patties." It is when the Constitution is at issue, and the powers of the general government are involved, that the two parties confront each other, and the clash and clamer of the Irrepressible conflict resound throughout the Union. The paramount issue of the times i n which we lire, i the tariff. The Democracy asserts that the Govern ment has no right to collect from the people more revenue than is necessary to defray the expenses of government economically adminis tere4Vau4 Republicans insist that "Government may collect by taxation whatever is necewary to "provide for the common defence aad promote the general welfare." J'JreTisocrats enforce a strict con airBcttonof the Constitution, and . iiiist'opon the most rigid economy it; .(be administration o( public affairrj- Republicans give to that iniVromonfc a latitudinanan con struction and encourage the wild eat extravagance i a the expendi- tarMof- the Government. Nor is , tUtifjl ; EeputyUcan construction nermits the plundering of a majeV- ' tirM$&i&Wtot the benefit of ''favatedtfew It encourages onoljCtnd plutocracy not mo- nopoty.and plutocracy: founaea on a .lawrpriae. trat monopoly aad" plffocncy luseT a pea la hard eaMajof labor, wrunj from the howst son otJioiHlDy (he matted hand of arbHrarj power. Will the people ot these State tamely tnbqut (v ncl atrocity t They maj'tahfeW U It,1 if they lafcrM,iidertt!6 narcotic tn flnenc 0 igaoraace, 1 bat if the abject ia agitated, aad the people are educated to 'a proper apprecia fUqn of tU e&UBtioa, tfcey will rue ia themajeBtj ffremen, aad break their eh alas like Sam psoa bant the withe that boand him. - - tntiulObwiitr. THE UEKIBAL ASfiElBLT. 29TB DAY. 8ESATK. The Senate was called to order by Lt. Gov. Bolt, aad opened with prajer by Seaator Moore BILLS PASSED TttlKD READl.Nii. To aaooarace neobaaicai pro nciencj ia North Uaroliaa; to amead the law regulating the elec- tioa of trustees for tbeNorth Caro- 1 lin.i CnTWa ot Airiisnltnra and the 1 Mechanic Arts-, resolution ia re lation to raising a joint seleot com mittee on election of Board of ! Agriculture, to consist of two Sena tors and three Representatives. 1 bills tassed second beading, Abolishing the Shell Fish Com- mission and to pay the present commissioners; to amend section 2.566 of the code so as to require the rudiments of sericulture in the public schools of the State ; to make four and a half feet a lawful fence in certain counties ; to iocor 1 norate the town of James Citv in Craven county. A bill to promote the tflicieucy of the State Guard coming up on its third reading acted as a decla ration of war. General Stubbs had charge of this bill as chairman of the committtee on military affairs. The first skirmish was made by General Lnsk, on the side of those opposed to the bill, but he was met by nank movements under Colonels Payne and Means and repulsed. Col. Barber threw out his forces in support of General Stubbs and was met by opposing skirmish under command of;ColoneI Blair. The lines being drawn up for final action the commandant ordered a roll call and the battle was won by General Stubbs by 2? yeas, 14 nays. HOUSE. ' The House was opened with prayer by the Rev. John 8. Wat kins, D. D., ot the First Presby terian church. The following bills of a general nature were introduced: To com pel clerks of Soperior Courts to take bonds before the issue of a summons; to prohibit dredging for oysters in certain waters of this State; to make the principal of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institu tion more efficient (making the requirements as to qualifications more rigid); relating in the can cellation of mortgages, deeds, &c. ; to prevent the adulteration of crude tnrpeatine or spirits of turpentine bv mixing therewith petroleum on or other ingredients; amending section 2,834 of the code relating to birds; to provide an alternative method for working the public roads of the State. TASSEI) THIRD READING. II. E. Cl 4. authorizing the com missioner of Greene county to levy a special tax ; 8. B. 44, autho rizing justices of the peace to take bond upon continuance or criminal cases; S. B. 140, relating to .indi gent and other apprentices ; s. u. 274, to provide for the publication of summons, orders and notices (enables service of summons to be made on corporations). B. 214, for the relief of sheriffs, tax-collectors and their legal representatives. Ab Excellent Betart. An only child, a little boy of six years, feeling dull in the house, and naturally anxions for the compan ionship of children of his own age, one day said to hi mother : t "Oh, mamma, do let me go out into the street arid play. There are thousands and' thousand of boys there to have games with do please let me go, mamma ' His mother rebuked him, -Baying that there could not, possibly be thousands Of boy in that small village, and that it was verywnmg to use such exaggerated expressions. Tha nrchln'Efavelf actlfnad U "But. mamma, j I ,h card you tell Aunt Mary the otnet day that my new boots were miles too large for me!" :'? -U i ai.tf--- r rf-.LTXT I havb had catarrh for twenty yean, and used all kinds of remedies without relier. Mr. Smith, druggiak-of Little Falls, recommended Ely wGrsatn Bala. Tha effect of the first application was magical, tt allayed thi inflammation, and tha next morning my head was as clear as a ben. One bottle has done me to muda good that Laid convinced its use will effect a permanena cur. It is aoothingt pleaaint, .nad : euy to, apjly, and strongly argea Its nee by all suffer-en.M-Oeo. Terry, Llttl Fall, N. Y. ? Taat'BlaKaMl ETarytilnf . "Sardiaeala oiire oLPseil raadJj as dialled Eat- pcrt berriai eoUcaaeea u. "Oceaa trout" and "Alula Back- eitT are eonaiderad fax as parlor to the eommoa meahadea froa whien tbw sorter. "Pickle whlteflah' an mach bom satisfactory the laajcinatioattkaa tha tweaklebJ which represent thea U thJBi kL K3o4 ateaka" aoaad prorai iaf area vhaa eat from the Mft-e woiSlah. "Keiiebee ealmoa" -are alwaja ia deseed whether frost Maine pr ia tha nia of radflak and ateelhead froa Oraimr W ia, therefore, with utUe tarprJaff t we hear just at tale tuaearfthe ealebratad raataoraUor i Wa-1 iattoa vita "tooa halibnt'' froa Nortolk as tha chief -attract! tTaaaAmad aad idealised from tat kvoaaly and hiahJe wlatoi flatfih whifih haa approached anr ahoraa, not to thrill pieorws, bwt te depoait its egga paaoarnJir. ' s We are raalnded of a etaxun-. stance in a noted coffee horn ia Melbourne a few year a-whfcb created a great deal of xoitaaant The proprietor in trod need a flak of sarpaasiag sweetaeaaa aaddalioacf 0f naTOr under the aaae or "Street William" Ilia Datrooa UHW eagerly deroared "Sweet WURamn and the fish had a tremendous run i WM .nHr ini iwi nfirl free lrom AU weBt iwlB. iDgij ior time. Inquiries failed to reveal the name of th new favorite until one lacklea day somebody saw a barrelfnl of young sharks go into the establishment, to be translated into "Sweet William." Then tb volume of business suddenly shrunk and the air was black with threat of suits for damage by enraged customers, And so what's in a namel Forest and Stream. famb 11 florida. Fro ah Atlanta Dbimkeb. Mr. A. K. Hawkxs, Atlanta, Ob.: Dear Sir Yoa donbtleM r-memW me getting a Ibm of 70a Marly three weeki ago. I bad thea given up all hope of aver beiag able to road aaia The lilt three weeka, however, with tha ate of your glaeeee my eyea have been wonderfully benefited, and I have been enabled to do a great deal of read ing, the Aral I had daaa in two year, and 'moreover I have great hopee of their entire reoovary ia a few year. I cannot too highly recommend your glase to my friend. Yenra respectfully, E. O. Callaway. With Moore. Manh & Co. All eyea fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Daffy. New Berne, N. a jl2llm PLOWS ! Oar utock of Plows comprise tha Avery Steel (one or two horse), Atlas, Boas, Dixie, Pi j, Champion, Clipper, Granger, ' Watt, Climax, Gem and Stonewall, and also the ordinary Turn Plows, suoh as the No. A C, 10, 11, 35, 40, 45, 4S, 50, 55 and CO. Castings of every description, be sides a fall and complete lino of everything for the Farm. We re-rpectfally solicit the Whole sale Trade as well as the Retail, and we are prepared to offer special in ducements to Merchants. Send for our Price List VI1ITTY & GATES. tW Saw Mill Supplies a specialty. Whoa It Hay Concern. 1 -t AN0THEB LOT Of TH08S CASSARD HAUS, '4 ; .i At 14 Cents Per Pound Lard, Buckwheat, Pickles Etc At Pricea to aaioaiab tha native. Call and tae foe youtaalf, i . . , , J. r.' TAYLOB. FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, jn23 dwtf NEW feEMJE, "oti c A Valuable Eesidence FOR SALE CHEAP. A bran naw Dwelling Bouse, oon taininr aiz comfortable roouii. and kit chen and diniac room attachad.j Lo cated oa Chaage street, near East Front. Apply to - WATSON 4 STREET, d20 In, ft Real Eat. Agent SAII'L T. SKIDHOEE, - ' Wholesale, Coirimisjpn' FISH. DEAJiER.; i4 it mmauM wrnMxrKv rt.TOM W1BKIT. " For BaleV" a nALr,BLO0D JERSEY BULL CALF. Price $15.60 ' i'in: Applyjto . n23 dwtf ' ' Kw Bern N Of 5. ji c iai: ; i . l3t TEI gS-UFITSHVDfT 07 Will ooaviacw y thai we hava ia lock the Larrwat, Moat Taxied, Bad OlailU Urn of rOiaskU K4kAH m3S?arBtrrBMaTilIS2f UiU , U wUi.WbD7n Btana U m dm coa bafoea aaKinrtaa I Bia Fear Top Lamp t-iumfttv. Ml othmteilirare lmftttibiL lsouoswu cart iTopCUmncy. A dealer may say and think he hU ethert as rood. SUV HB RA5 wat , Fu St twtTwwtt. Mmi ski t t , GEO. L mtEETH V CO., PiKstni, Pa, VALUABLE CITY PROPEBTY At (genu tut owner we offer for sal aa eeay aad aaoomaaodaUBf taring tae tnllow lng d earrtbed lmprovad Real Kaiata 4a la CUrof Natr Mara; No. 1. WBAHt PROPERTT AT CNIOS P Ts'T : InHodat tha pttea or land known at 1HK leLAM) " ar tba wharf or raadwajr leading thereto rrnoi iitl Front tt eat A mo. water aaaoa ' daw klnf SI tad In Tar location Is tba txat lu tne eity tor all BiauB falurlng rmpoaea whtla ih largest -iafl vlaltlnu our water have ample dapta ot water wharf. ater lor luadiDf and unioaaing at the No. 2 TWO HOlBta AMI Wla Al I'lvlOS fOlNT. o!Dp'ed a oaelltnga. No. A ilAHVAT WillKf fBOfERTT Including part of water front of Lot ho. JS. hi th planar laa i ij. upon lnawiparw la looaAed a aommodloa brisk waaenooae Tha 0. D A. 8. Vo. naa a portion or tha prop So'; 4. THE IROtt FRONT WAR HOUSE oa uiaven hthxat. No, 6. BRICK KlvHK AtU. DH mtMHU tf CRAVE5 BTRKXT occrlpled by 1C 67 1. Lodaa, A full deacrlptloi of tola valoabla propar- t. tnaaihar with the beat termi oaoa akkt rot toe aamawlU be aold, wlti ba faralahad no application to the undersigned at tbelrofflae ntsouva ftodi atrm. WATHON A BTBKET. dac dwtf Ina and Baal gaUt Agai j. h. caABTaaa. BASIL KaiTLT. JOHN H. CEABTEEE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers aad Dealers la JBraUMere mt Kaflavaa. oilara. law K1U. Edgtax St Ctat-vdY Maakvlaaa, Waara prepared tbda Oaatlti of an thidj wltn promptnaat. Particular and tmmadiaU attention alvea to rapai hwmi ainoa. Wa will bdalad to aiT plana and eatlmete lor any deaoi lpuon or maoniuery. Wa are tha aganu for tha aale of tha Amer- loan Haw. A lao for Q. A A. Karcamln'e Gla bra ted Indeatroeame kuoa Valvea. We five aaUaftvotorr gnarantaa frr ail work dona trv tia. ito aza w wi y Look OutFpr Fiaud Read Tbls. and Vote Accordingly, The election comas off next Tuesday, and we hope It will result to tha aatiafaa- tion of every citizen and to the best lnter- eats of the country. 1 In the meantime we wun to lnromiaa public that, having bean burned out, 'we ate still in buslnem, and may be found at Treawtth'e Blacksmith's 8hop,'whT he will be glad to saw outrvatran aad take their order, r!, ,-c.x tw .'! Immediate stem win be taken to rebuild la brick, at the old stand, on Craven street, whan we will be In better condition than Wa have with a Ma. amis SUrwiu. who ia well known in this commuaity far Ma avni hi wtiTTknantUrj". ' ' 8aadia ordara. ,w are ready for bun est, . ; , , . . I .a . - ' ; .. EDWARDS CLARK, Boiler. Makers and MarJUnkU. Mv8nwly " - '3'" " ' ' ' ' i'l'l l-UA tf' fee' " Independent Steiinldil'LIn On and after Monday jiha 10t day "ol Sept.. the steamer JBo war 4 win nut ih tmt 1;;; i';:r Tot Trenton aVerr, Monday and Trt "7 an j'. -pybrnriir, AtaSewtjroa, I8G2..EAT0I1-I000. jokvO 'A,iiOT;oir':t- I." 1 i .iiwt- wMACtit.1,i' A-fn; Mikwp a latgar jtaK of r!w3tla than any other store in norta uamtpa I take particulai pain to fit thafti to th a good work as any watchruaker In ti IIta'.a.SaM a.1-awialOWtr t i-lW4 LAJtV K. T S.rOv . Opposite Hapiiat t3knrch,: ; fla dwtfr 1 Ait i J LI aji eignt o'cjooa, wtinawaw aBatnrdiy. , . t'.,j Mat bterhlrrV rear. I beOeV 1 6aa 8c I rtspectfally annonrice to the Vli that my represeatall is aaw ia the Korthera Markets, sylaetbg a Cqmplxts Stix-k u OF GUEBAL MSSCQANDISK My gtrllNQ 6 TOOK is td be fall aad up to all the Latest Style. To make room for the new, my present stock will ho pat dowa to the Very Loweet Figures. W. I". I LANNKl:. KINSET La GrJretxx US s rr ' " For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. (2" Write for Catalogue to JOSEPB K1N8EY, Principal J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. I have receiyed TWO MORE finch were selected by me individually wjth crat case. In making my Jrorclutgeg I deal only with reliable spnnd stock. Will take pleasure in Yards. Toad Street, 3"ew Berne, N. C. ! aoffrMwtf .11 t-a -9i cl ei" We will sell the balance a'quXiv'Slii'of ... ... . . ' Clotiiiic: at Cost. We our:' Spring and Summer Stock. ;j f r 5r i iv. k tta.io t'jHOTIOE.' jTrM'bdert1(d, Awsm A, Ballon haa daly qnallflfd aa exeootor of the ealate of Alaadaeder H. Bolton, -weceaaer, and hereby glva Botw'tbat ha reqntree alt peraoas IiBViiif clalml acalnat tba enate of tha eald 4lxa4erH bolton, to preaent them to the aid, Alonro B. tilo-, doly antbentlcated. iu par on or oeiora ina at en or before the let day of Jan- or elaa thil aoUoe WlU Pleaded aanTJ' IS bar 01 roovry, . .... . . ,. . T,rft tniabwdHe theJ ewtat mutt fay WUhoatdelan . f ' ' -- '- : ALO5Z0 B. HOLTON, Executor, OLABX CLARK, Attorneja. defflSw SCHOOL, 1ST. C. CAH LOADS of liorses and Mules, men, and get nothing hat good and showing you through my Stables and tHH'.-t -it. a awjoawa mi L J!!aJtllttlt(ii ;.l ia-fb.i'i J.;i wish to make room for ff-ofiOiiiow t!UA'i- i l, 4 , i t r iTmit i jjnod 6si i .Aaaembly cf North arol'naof iwtfor a charter rot Railroad from Oot-iboro to i OUarlpMe. . . . , .f nanUdaOd. ";., t aiij. vi ' - . ...... '? 'lift wSTO?"1 '-'' t trUi WV. f-sH :ail ;&JX01lQ-f4iktw:t nmde to -th oDri Amnb to ebftvn, Ina fata IWh..Su .1 L-. . J IV, r aiuaw an ar w iiUBrMr ui now nnrii w n hi

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