lf! Sfft!!ti rSDICiugrO! WANT I Ok Maine's, Colory. Compound Purifies the Blood, , Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,( Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing Hh it defeub.atn, 1 irraa) Wie Ot raUjC lery tA 'fu of twe butuea aw MliUkMiiu, Asa Naml tutt aad spring aueiluue, I to ma kaow Ha m&m.' W. L. trBBSaUAB. Brigadier General V. X. O, burtui-toa, VV SLte. BUBa-IMa, AtDnggMa. ouMSia am r,i JLJJLC7 JLPUAllCl W JJlliCJL BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA IS UNaUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazar Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. The hi fch reputation enjOjed by the HKKGNKK & KNQEL DM PAN Y is due to the fact that oaJy the FINEST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL aod CAKE are exercised during its manafoctnre. jy4 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. Ktmi HflRTX CiiULIKl MARBLE WORKS, Monuments Tombs. iiiiliilfin m BaUdlnfwuraa I j 'LI'iAMERICAH MARBLE dora will receive prompt attonttor latiafaation guaranteed JoE! K. WILI.IB, Proprietor Oot HROAl) A? P OR A VA 3t. NSW BBRNX. K. t O. E. tfiLLKB (i mjr aatborised agect in t. maSO-drw GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEAXEBS CI General 'Hardware Ajrricnltnral t mplabit n t a. Plows, Darrowia fXdtireYtwi, Ham Jtn4 Axt, -Woodt Mcwwrt aindi Iteapen, Steam EnfrlaM,' ' Ootton Olni Md Ffee, Fertlllzerf.Land PlastrEatnlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Llrno, Brick, Cement, Plaatet Hair, Paint, Kalsomlhe, , Var nUh, Oil, Glass. Putty ad Hair." Freezers, Refrlirerators, OH Cook StoTes. Earckaa BurRlar Proof Sash Locks, warraatad to giro security and teflsfactioa. PRICES VERT LOW. .'i GF.O. ALLEir CO. Land For Sale. TWO TEACTS 1!T LENOIR COUNT! alrnitla aoatb ot Klnaton, on South Weat ureea. wo, i, w avw,wm mm iuimu cleared, balanoa wall timbered. Wall adapt ad growlnf aora, aottoa. peaa, eta. A portion of tha cleared land embraces a rich anea i FoV SS9 a of timber land, lot tore and aba Ilea ro .tnti so. 1 rio It.ON' aaab,- m rt eaab with ap- nrovad aaearlty for balaaaa. - ' ' ! AddIT to - ;:V:, if'-'t ' JAMI8 w-ILLIAM' pdwtf, .. ,...: EerBa.K.0 . ) mi,-, a 7""r 1 "' " ' . f.hrtQ Imgirtmmmtftf isal aattalaatloa la tba .bits. JreteaTbBaaad .JlVltileet.IpraaerlbattaBd rtmtf f ... it lik an anlhMta. m. tl 1. - ,l.J.TOirEB,J, OsatnuttLl " . Deeatar.lUr- raiciti.o. Ohio. . tnto Mwkl Sold bf Cfgii. j i. V.'.JOEDAwiianCNiW Berne, rt, u r. t j -r ,:.niayiowiy V UMiriH fwFaiMli&fcfr Computus, 7 iM aaruev lata aaJMa r laaaanl n aa IM ' mat powerful and at tbe lame time gentle nvuiatur. It la a splendid serve tunkl ; Uul since WJung X I Bate ant BM a aaw maa.' K X. Knob, Waiertowa, BaBuu, , Wcui RtcBiiDeoa t Oa Prorje. Burttoytoa. TV LAGER BEER, 5 CIGARS FOR JALE AT COST. HaviDg purchased a larfe atoek of Cigara, and the damand for eame being small. I now offer to the merobaata 010 ARS AT COST until mj atock la reduced. Oaab on delivery. The Ladie3 Must Oomel The Gentlemen May Come ! AND " Everybody" Oome I TO SEE TUE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER RKOOUHT TO TBI3 MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Hou e FurnishiDg Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. Ll7 CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. O. JOHN McSpRLEY, FA&HIO&ABLE Boot and Sbpo tinker, Pollock St.. Newborn; Tr, Pealrea to annonoee mat TALL BTOCI OF MATERIAL baa Uad and Data prepared to All ordera far FIE CUSTOM-HUB BOOTS AID SHOES Barlna Iwa tnMrlot aklUad warkmaa. a)f Kordera promptiF ttilat. , - ' - ,.t . L in aoiieuina patronafe l narantea "tba beat material, a rood IL. tha t&tMt. atviM and dnrablllty." , . . , Aa tone tmoni Inmay tesflmafifala nf tha eharaeur of mv work tba aabJolaadtCroma wall Known citizen telle ltaown atoryi , UHITIB 8TATM NW BtUXjclT. tf.. . Commis'ks orrici. Oot. SibilKS, - JlTO. UCSOKLKT, E80,. . 1 AJT usam hib rieaaa make ma a nal of falteraalmilar to thoee roa mad aaatww yotra ago. i naye worn turn two raara and, tber ara COOd vet. I Jiava haaif m.Hii. ahoea flfty-alx yean and tbey ana tbabaatl i arer wore. Keapeotro Blgned" Repairing neatly and promptly done, t Hi..., r. IL AGENCY 'FOR1 ' WHEN rrra ran eat a antrn tl.u':W. SAVANNAH CIGAR Inside ajirtnnt. of la Terr flneat SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two lot a ntoKei, wny aon't yon go t PA IMEavS Clean STORK and get them. 1X not be bnmbnned by cheap traah: cat a aood amoka and be happy; and yoa eaar get any quaii. in uiian juu wnt. jLaiue aezi eana, one eent. FIVE CHKHOuTS. very poDoiar braad, tor ten oenta. eta .etc ' Wh not come and try them? . , , 5 Til iK5 ' M.. Li. rAXMEIV f - Middle at., Nebera, I n ii biisi.m t aaaa aiiaaai Baa o band and ii rectUfrijr Werj 17 hand'aoma ptrlor auita, chamber aeta, saay -ainot, careaai, wardrobaa, mbttretaea, chairs, lovogea," Bft adwtoi, Ha also baa a line of home-mads work of bedateada, aofaa, tablea, - tmraaua, etc., which are neat. and inbatantial. - -Prteei Kigali Down to ock uoiiom. - seS dw . Middle if, N w Boras. Furniture THE JOURNAL. MOW a worn sawsv (Win a waraaa Bar bone would daoo- 1 8a atoaa Bot at obataclaw. small or froat; f tM fBBBiawt light Uat Bar atforu faiTof t la hM BBw perform wkh I uf on a woard, jWiU fear laaa oa a UA, aaa ta plank oa a chair. Baa poiaaa Bar aaw wish laowlac sir; alala swraral vivas at taa paaolUd Una. aditeS wiia a waia Ua ravam of VTteabMoaaaDrtaaai, act bands dow taa work. 14 wan fa tiraber wfta a jatkeiy jerk; Battsjaaikaw? tat lina, and bar knea alias asast?. Bat aba koapa fb bar work till tba board SBliUiBtWw. Shef aaa damacad tba ebair, aba baa raJaad tbaaaw. I Her baok ia still aoainf , bar hands, too. suw raw, An4 iba flada, w baa to fit bow tba plaak abakriaa, rt falla aa laob abort of tba raqatsita Cbroaiola-Talagrapb. YtaUUtlBf ear Haatea. An old writer says: "When ien Ured in booses of reeds, they had constitations of oak; when they lire in houses of oak, they hare consti tations of reeds." Evidently the troth inculcated is that the better the air and more bountiful its supply, the healthier is the inmate of a house, be it pal ace or cottage. Too often the very, wealth ef a house builder militates against his splendid mansion be coming that ideal home of comfort that it should be, and the i urn ate of some wretched, leaky little hovel, I petcbed on a rocky hillside, will bare every advantage over such a 1 one as regards vigor of body and , elasticity of spirits. Science tells us that there is a I needed respiration for the walls of oar houses, and that, fortunately for us, whether conscions of it or not, tbe materials of which our modern houses are made admit of the passage of air in a greater or less degree. Brick, stone, wood, and mortar, solid as tbey look to as, are easily pierced by that vola tile fluid which we call air. Such is the elasticity of air that, fortunately lor us, a slight force only is needed to pot and keep it in motion. The difference of 20 Fahrenheit in temperature be twsen outdoor air and indoor air will cause tbe passage of about eight cubic feet of air each hour through every sqnare yard of wall surface made of brick. A plastered wall also admits of the free passage of air, and actually serves as an efficient filter by arresting the pro gress of dost or any of those par tides often injurious with which the atmqsphere is laden. IJeat is the great motor for ventilation, whether natural or ar tificial, ana the great problem in winter is to introduce a sufficient quantity of pure warmed air to make one s room comfortable with out attendant draughts that shall imperil the health of their occu pants. Open fireplaces, whether the fuel consumed in them be wood or coal, are among the very best Ventilators that we have, and yet tbe question of expense ia bringing them more and more into disuse. Bat there is no need to be discouraged on that score, because the eyes of all practi cal people are being opened to the importance of combining tha twin forces of heat and ventilation in snek manner aa shall tend, in the future, to prolong life aa well as reader it more comfortable and en joyable. N. Y. fashion Bazar. Peterson for March is a most varied and -attractive number. There fr beantifor. iteet en graving, besides the fldhble fashion plate and numerous excellent ;wood illustrations. The opening article, "Tbe Three Victorias," is capitally written-, and gtrer capitaT portraits of the three royal ladies. ' The new serial. "A Modern Petrachio," promises to be a atory of great intereev ana me snort stones are among the best to be found in the month'TOaga?toes. There, as any namberof 'pretty needle work de sins, and the bonieheM depart ment'- displays its usual exeelehee. j-Peter8qn's Magazine, Philadel- nia. . ;: r!;:' rfhoald always, ba oaed for ehildran taathiaffi taoottwsha child, fofteni tha fnmi; allays all pain," cores wind oolio, and is tha beat remedy for 'diar hcMu Tweoty-aira easts a bottla. i anem ami w-a innnii Clea files, tbe 2aaU.iraasB es, Aflay Paia antt'in fUaronfttlon, 'Mm BsNVf it r siiywiiftht A, rrtea BrrpllM 1atontihtkl bii 'n J frloa w aot at la-npvtf inail, re iered,ee etsx ELY ml o s Warren btnat, Kew York. anl6dwly t f MKmc cared aM of aukBant Ls. roiaoa after I had been treated la iam witb .H eilM rasaniini of atvrro.'y and Poiii ji But mut turvil tne Blood Touoa. but rWii--vl im tuck MM t&tiacd bv thf i.iik,! GEO BO V ELL. JtU S4 Avuio, N Y Scrofula Jerd ip-i oa mv iiniet w:iin: uj unp as a iK-rk tt e puvr i,t m. !,-r 8 tPti .n aud Uie rro.: oudcrfu a.iu .a trm prompt Swirr 9 Vsi!F'- . eatm ! a 'rtxiaOw reaiaOT. ana W l&e o Tr ',f wtiK'i jrraaD'Ctlv cures ftcrufsk. bioui. ;i ,.i i oLiunwit Bkxxi Pooii. ,.L b, K ana vkm Dueaees. Biaiied ':, 1U irr s.-t- Thlapopulur ix.ai-td cicr faila I. cf(taall . ...-c Dyspepsia, Cjcu nation. Sic Headache, B.i.'jjsness Aal all tii-f.t" .iiixinj from i Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. :m api nit i ijtiirTvaifiiunucji,; lutnailun. SOLD EVERY -VMElvZ nlinti r i Brick S Brick! Brick I 50,000 ox" Sale! BY 7. P. QURHUS.g CO., OENTKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND G-AIN DEALER?. Makkkt I. i m:v iiciim. t'ii8ian u tir ; m. d if Mules and Horses. NORTH CAROLINA STo K Mr E. S. STltEK V ha. ju-t rc,-eivn,i from Western N. C another lot lino Mule and lloraec. f Come and ee tln in j i-- The World .Stands Aghast AT MY LOW PUICEH, And wondera, How in it that I can sell ao much lower tlmn anv one else'.' I'll tell you 1 r v-v . aaily aatinflc.l fr thn FOB SMALL VV, I T-' My Motto ih : I- i It ) Come e'4.i l uy '. never r ;i- ' ! I'dTniini'il to be :.-h, -.:id WORK . :.i.;ii. c 1 -j ou will JONLS, l,-.nt. N. (J. NEW BERNE A?M PAMLICO Ml The Steamer TAIIOMA, A handsom (ly corslr .ct, il frplfiht and pas. aenger boat, having lv( n p i . .-1 ou this ronte. al prepared lorpudt-r mifxrlor service to and from all points on lmvtr Nense Klver and Pamllco-poant y, and New Herne. For tha preeent the following sohedale will b? in operation: LeaTee New Rerno every Wednesday arid Batnrday at SIX A. M lor Bayboro. stopping at Ctnbfoota, Adams ami Hmlliis Crceka, VandemeTeand Stonewall. Leave Hayboro every Monday an i Thara Say at SIX A. M., stopping at Htonewall, Vandemere, Bmltha, Adama and Cluhfooia Creek, arriving at New Kerne Monday and Thora lay evening . . KaeeUent paaaenger accommodation, am- pierreini aemtiea. Frelgttt raoelpted tor an J received daily by gent J. 0. L. fane, and every information given, p. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, C. H FOWLEH. Stonewall. FOWLEB A COWKI I , A?ent Bayboro. GEORGE A. HU8SET. novldwtf ueneral Manager. 'THE BejollfDlljlllDstraled. 25cts.,$3iYur. tTB bcvvc-thk American maoaidtb EM BTafarenaa t ratinnat v r.ic and aoenea, aad kaaratara and art ara rf th hlchsat ataaMlarA, aoa American wntra fill us p.frea with a wide VMf et tni Mfine !k.-t'h of tr.ral and advana , satial aad abort tt .riet, defcHpii-ra socemts f vr fataoaa comtrf mea .nd women, brief aaaays aw tea fofaauial problems cf tbo t oriod, and. in saott, taiaaaagaaiaela DiatinctiTaly Representative of , "' American Thought and Progma. Itai aeknowUdead by tha pr , and rablio to be ttta aaawa a.patar and entertnlalBa of tha klaw BiaM JaaaaataJla. iMD'hDTAMT im ntawtratM Ii-caalum J.la, ud Bpeetal Jlalaaea, will aa eat mm. receipt aT 1 aaai aa f p.r ia anaaiaaea. ft le aad aaat aaUa "I I aiaaerlai aalalva larrllarr, UI M t rt traatfway, Haw YarlU Notice. , ia r-J t Go to thft Oaatoa Hoaaa Barbor Shop for aaaaavahaTeand a good hair ent. , haalHa 1ft a ml Anfccinar QfW; . rroprrowr. V A: O. BtfShlSi MQAZINE PKOrESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK ia Orevaa and Broad. araaa, aaawaaa 1-aUaca P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOHSEY AT LAW, Oravaa St, two door Soutb of Joaraal offioa. Will praeUea In tha Ooaatlea of OraTem. Uar- terat, Jueiaa, Ooaiov aaa tulim. CnlVMk btauaa Ooun at Naw Baraa, and SuienaCanof BiaBiata. feal dif OWEN H. QUION, TJORNEY AT LAW. Room Soatb Front street, four doort eat of Oravan. Meroantlie Law and Con veyanriDg le T tobti loatui aud ao d Robert Hancock, Jr.. TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock t drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. Ooen from 9 a.m. to 4 o.m. Will iv I prompt attention to ail ma'.c rs pertain- intojoioooru "dif HUMPHREYS' LIST or raisam not. crui nii k I s 4 A 6 7 reTers, CooeMtloa. Ioflminni.ltoa. .25 Vlorau. Worm Worm Oolio .1 5 ( rln t'ollr, or TmUim l luluiu J llrrhe, of Childr. or AJulu i llPBtry. Gnpiac Hihou. ( oiu- .i I aolera Horbwa. v omiiaic .25 4'oaeha. OuU, broBcbitl. . .i& euralgta, TooUmcIia Faot-acb. nradarnee. aioa naaiiM-tia. .rtn .? HOMEOPATHIC ! Oyapepaja. biimaa Mtomacb -2.) II (irprra.4 or Palaful Period. H II W hilea. too Prohwa P.riod. l IS ( roup. Couth, DlAonlt Breathing . It "all flheeoa, EryaifMla. bruii.tia.. .1 I a Rheumetlam. Bbeuaittic P.m. -iy lb Peter and Afue, Chill. Malaria AO IT Piles. Blind or Blawlma .() I a Catarrh. lnfluar.a. (Old in ih. H.ad AO 1 Hkooptnl i'ont h. Violant ( oiiiha .AO l i ftaneralneMmv.PhT.icalWeakDea. .AO Jflklanry Dlaeaae .AO li rrroua lrbl llv I OO KHl'riaarv weaaaea. W.ttini Bad AO JflOlaeaara aT Ihe Hrari. Paipiutmn I OO SPECIF I CT, Sold t) Itrusi.la, or Mat tHMtpaid ,n reoaipt of prion -Hiariiaata'BltJMUafclu. la I.M ak a. I. All of the above medicine are for ale at the drug stores of F. S. Uutf y and R Berry, Middle street, New Berne. N. C. $500 Reward! Wo will pay the above reward for any caa cf iver I'limplalnt, dyapepala, alrk halft-he UidiKestiiin. constipation or onattveneaa we -iinntit cure with West a VeKrtlil Liver I'llis wlien Hie directions are at i let I y com piled aMtti. They are pore I y vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Large, boxes ontainlng lit) sugar ooated pllla. 2V tor sale by all dnigf1ata. Heware of couiilerfeiti an 1 Imitations. The genuine manufacture, only by JOHN (1. WKHT4 IH)., Mi W Mad laoti HI., Chicago, 111. Hold by R. N DUFFY, druggist, New Berne, N. C. ap24dwly TO ADVERTISERS. . A list of 1000 new p. pent divided Inio flTATKH AND SfcCTlONH will be sent on appl Icat Ion CRBB. lo tht,se who want their advert'alng to pay. we can offer no better medium for tnor intfh and effective work than theariotia serilont of our Meleet Loral List. i.KO P.KUWILLarO Newspaper Advertising bureau. janlXdwIm 10 SDrnoe alreet. New York THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT. Or ORDXR. If youdcsJrotopuTChawaatrwlngnitvjhme, ask our afrent at your Blace for terms and pricen. It yon tanntre unq uur ajmit, wuw Sirect to merest addrea to you below named. .taffiKiamira . ... a oo aim as ffMlinr aJV ft A I I 1C 1 chicsgo - 28 union SQUARLNX - DALLAS, TClf. I LL. ATLANTA, GA.. st toyivtw. iiracco-ei.. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WAIULAJJTED5YEAIIS. low r 1 . mos ABM, : r V AEM, $20 I) .9518 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL nrOUROWl ROUS HHlRt TOO PIT OaECOT. BifcArsl afKMac BM elMwtSiag' smj1I, MUl.thaaaaltaUi aBsUtaV is BialsHlliBB mW lirwBBiwa.sastiaBtmBarBauaaisa aeatav, ia welTwHw4 sjbbb. Doa't pay W riunate oot aweaiaa eoaai a aaw kighfkai Taa C. n.marnaweiBiB,ra. r L7 El STxTESin' BOCS f sV 111 Cloth & Cold Binding If 9 I BllLID mil. L-1- I - OnaJ ar.r ( out i Urf.i I BBC Will SEMl-WElLY TSIPS Baltimore and NeE'rne Laarlag Ba Unort for Ncw ,e tL). Ntel'l t, BATI'KIV Y, a; Vl f. , Leaviu Sea- Heme for Bt,u:ux. V r j Tkj ia Uia niy ii tT line clrt or sw Berne lor h-Ulaio, . m luot ea.a,. "aYj toK.- til" UlP u:r. lr,ew beroe, uiviua -u . ko.iuLi. ,1U. Ba-ting men for ho.u, li.-idei.e CMI and t Making , ...X Zn. ' ' tor all puiut. u. lu.r .... . Brne. ' " RLl i t a 1 r 1., .u r" v .!r .. r. a ui i, at on v Alt! I' at" t mh h, su'ii S",to :..iajre.ataiJa ' ,, M "li I,.- Jat aiurjaja.Jj taa cmpanit. u'uI"'" AtOll) HKKAK tbl. Oh ui IK IN Mill- III N. , . , 11 " 1. A r : . EASTERN UaROHN L The f at fn I 1. 1 a II e n , y , , I'ulnl. i).t I'ML.I, ,,,,, . , t fc 1 1 Imk.Uii I. I l., EAGLE 1 and VESPEi; i ti. , '. 11 IB ,r i, 1 I t I ' A 1 . , "i r, .A..:-.-L . , , l I K.i I 'A W i 1 iieao . ho. . llan l :r ,t . , H . .New ,,rl . --tie I y n ua . . k u . 'BKUlar j.,, . ,.n,. 4 uick irun v,.,i ia No Ira, iBl, , , r , , ! aruich (Hiiiu i re,K : o iliriuijjn in : . iMret'l an i....i ,, , 'laroilna lit,,.,,! r roui New k , v North klver. Kroui ri,i.a,lr ,i K. K . m.,-a KroiU tlHl'l'IKOM ( . K,. I'l rNlilen 1N , from Nortoik li , h'rtuu rtoMion. t . ,i,. porutiiiin to. haua aa low and tn atber line V Iren i. ..', ,.n re.,, trlp pei we, k m ..i., J N ' H W 1 r i: i; , , UKii m I i ! , , I' ,t li i . H H l m K t ,. I' ,t N I v i . H i '. Ml 1 . . ... . , .... M K H i , n I 1 111 febjtl ,lw f K in at t- I..U1 i,u oai, 'i .'"1 . l-.a , I. f.ei . A I 1 1, I. . Her- i . , , r a . I Al y i. I I . k NUN let.l. w i- i, ,. , OLU OOMINION Steamship Company. si;au-, , r ki. i rh OI,l Kon.1,,1,: , , on pan a". C.l I . i e ,, .,. v, ,,,, iioot.. ,.a : . .. ... i I , f,i.t i m . , K 1' Norfolk. 11. I ,e , j , rfrlplila, llo.ton. I'loilrtrnr. and l.liiKt...i i ll y. And ail ,'on.u, Nt rth, h.t Rr,. vu,,t Un ajid after 1 i isim v ia vi .,, , anm furuier iiolice. lua Steamer MiNIEO, dpt. Seagate, AND Steamer MEWBEfiJiE. Ca.pt Pritchctt. Ill sail from Smlm. d fo- Nfi.. ind KRii.Avs. u7 y- Wl Ith Hie Hte,i,er. o uj N J . ." B. Co.. for Kit,-.,.,, i ..,. " ':.K , ' on will , Mil il Hi fiTiiei land ng. on uie Neuae ana i rem Klv, r, Keturnlng, will au r,tn Kv ., tor NORKI.I.K direct, f; KM . k v . i t , wr.i.v r. m , ,. , , r., oecuon wun tue o. u. c ,, . ,s lor New York, B. B I oo'-. . ' jeiphia, m.'m.i. to..;hlp.'"or,r,;,: and Providence v nn. . .,7","" efTrT" ' I onr Patrons, and onr i mui i rti . ' ' . . T M do for Jiem In tnefntnre. (oXVa" "00a Caf f H' 8' r yaT' FaHAn a-era vim fl.n . ...... " " " "u-s'iiiu iaoie, c niiorl- able rooma an,i ol-,.. . , ,in. - ui ' . wui ifl,y a.na evieQ. tlon wilt be paid them oy the officers. K R. ROP.fr RTR it.r,. alBBSIM. l. L LPKPI Kl'. A i I KN UK. aki-uu, Norfo.k, Va. w. n- h r a n KOKii, Ire- Prus iieni. New Yark C'.ty. THE NEUSE I TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company, Will run tha. rVkiinwiis sak.,. B i aAagj UVUOULUI f BJfl gUTall January l8t,leW. i awiai Steamer Trent "V?.. A 111 leave every Mondav am rv.n. DOrn n at r . . VT r. . , - "v.wva i.ji rMuiuia aau AdaroaOeeeks and a'l i,,i..,o.. ...TT" returning sauie day. ateamer Kiniton. Will leave New Berne for Rinsum on TbB rJV'j" " "u nonoaya ana rkuraday: Toucning at ail lr.leraaa4i.aai Landing, on Neoae Haver. J. J. DIBOBWAT at Sewaara. 1 W. r. Btabxt, artmrv. - D. 8. Babbtjb. Mlolnmiia. :v W. K. WARD, Agent at Trenton ; M. O. Bxitr, Jolly Old Fial. - j.: i. B. Baku, Qnakar Brldgsv JMWkiriEtQrar)U)0 " aBMaj atnatoa. N .CI ? ft n kMtrw 'jontpala. Book of ea., . ttenlars sent FREE.: B. aLWOOLLKT, MIA aaaaaaa f . " VI, loi.r, I , M.1JL AUaAtav, Ua. Vffioe H WBltebaU fe. mn B f aaaaaaaaai