4 Ji V t""'rs a MM Site. M M aad Fat la V Ha an. trni aiiwsia. iv - . I Sen aa IiwmmUwmm. A. Tut M avi A Aj,t UUtFMl . ....i. Taja a aonoaT kvTje.fcres laearweatiy iavued k try eae Sua at tbea t.,jMui i i, a.aSai "winitN. i ... nan yir,iAirc.tt"yr,,,r,'",,niMrlr'1' "' v:.i munnim misiuvmm uyer; ey -f tat axiti fwMiawrtniinyftwtin siuiisn l awmWiM ; MoW IomMm Csles lea tmwtyttt tee ef ef imh tloeittMKi ar nou.ia ux 1 " admitted b Oeeaaaim, m en ceaamtes: iutt,n4 est ef the hmnuw nttiit.'MaUui ScAvaMMi S FuXS naVl tag USwUi SAtA W Asf a te Werw 1 ernly y TBOt. KCKCHt BL a. PUihUhuUn, amsrtaaat fti a eV f. -Ua CO, Sst ad MI Caaal ll,kIM. 8o iCaawl ataaea, -Wftf-Mr 4nBl dues aut keep tacsaj A-wfttlh VOX M1IL EEICHirS PILLS C5 RECEIPT OF PRICE 23 COTS A BOX. Sale of Land. TATB OF WORTH TAROLIXA. Craves Ooaaty. Sopcrtor i Ourt atarxej F. Oardacr, et j llama GarUaar. tt L I Paa aat ta tb jatKataai ta ih aaov araeaadlns. I will M1 at fuotic Aaauoa at tba Ooorl Hooaa ta Navoern. on laaaaay tha Fourth 4ar atan.h. im, ai HTa aeMek. XM.. Uatolktog daaoribod taai.Tta: Part of lotaaowa lu plaa of Oily at Nawaara aa Lot Ilo tu, i iba north veal aacaat of Oaoraa and South front atraau, tm aurty aeeapbd by Starkay Uardnar, de aaaaaa, aaa Aaaertoad In Uta patttlon in aald araaaadlaga. Terma Caah JAalEi C. HARRJ80N OomiuiMloucr. Hawbara. f. C. Jan. 30. im. NOTICE. The aaderalfaed, Geo. H. WllU'ti.haaduly qualified aa Admlniatrator of iba eaiateof W. H. WUIatt. aad hereby Uvea notice that aa leqalree all naraona harlor clalroi t( tea null of the aald w. H. Wlllett to pereone haTtocclatmaacalnat w llatt lo pre- t than to the aald Geo. H. WUIetl. duly aathenUoated. tor payBent, on or before ike attk day of Decern tx r utRH. or elae trui will be pleaded In liar of rerovei y . Indebted to the male mini pay wliaont delaT. ar-. dittW G. H. WILLETT, Admlnl4tralor Atlantic & N.G. Railroad Go. Orrica On. FaciQHT Aiin Pam I'm New Bero.N.C. Keb. lal. 18W . Cheap Excursion Rates TO th a EAST CAROLINA ri.H, OY&TEK, OAITIK, IKDUSTRIAL ASSOO'N, At S(kW HERN, rSB. 19th, 20th, 21st & 2 2d. TVketalll be eold over th le Road on ibe mail train on Feb'y ldtti to Hat inclnalve aad ta return on HI Keb. 3uh Inclusive. Auatattoaa aaatof New Bern will sell ticket, aa ta aad Including 23d, and on the BPK OlaL TEAIN, Feb. IMlh, OlLh. 3Utand2&l, good to return to the 2d lnclnalve. by ta4 aeelal train, via: Ttokeia for tar round trip laeladlnv admlaalon to the ratr. By Mall Train. BUtlona Ky RpeMafTraln.' ale, fl.io Oolaati u r. Kalo. tl VI 3 ,10 2.10 ).N 1 SO l.tii l.ft .W .7 .' .& .7 .' LOO 1 1ft IX, t.35 Beat's. Ia Grange Falling Crrek. Klnaton. Oasvell. Dover, (lore Creek. Tnaoarora. (Mark's RlTerdala 1.40 l.i 1.:! l..'J l.-M l.i ,t a Croatan Ravetork. Newport. Wild wood. Atlantic, llorahead City. AW Schedule of Bpeclal Train for Info tat ttaa af tba public, and not for train men. tbM train will rnn by Telegraphic orders and will have no rlghti over regulai schedule train aniens so ordered by the Train I 'la pa teher. 8CHKDCIK. Lear Goldaboro " Beat's, - " La Grange, " Faluns Creek. ' Klnaton, ' Caswell. Dover, " OoreOeek. " Toacaeoia, Clarka, Ar've Raw Bern, Ketaralng, leave New Hern. mo a. M. H ) N IS W:tK) ' ' -a " '1.8ft - K.4A - 9 58 ' 111 1 lihil 1411 " 7:15P. M. Tola company will tranapoi rt articles for exhibit on pre-payment of freight to New and upon production of certificate from tba Secretary of the r air Association that such artlalea have not been eold, for freight charge will be refunded and artlclea returned free. Or upon production of cer ttaoate from tbe Secretary that such articles are Intended for exhibition, tbay will be Irene ported free from ahlpplng point, and returned free aa above provided for. Agealaof this Company will be Instructed aa to perlehable articles, etc , to nee their discretion la giving them free transporta tion without certificate from Secretary. Theaa privilege are not extended to article la leaded for advertising purpoae B. U DILL, Gen. Ft. a i'aaa. Agt. Tax Notice. All peraoBj owing Taxes for 1887 ind 1388, Schedule "B" Taxea, Retail Liquor License, and all other license required by th Revenue Law of North Cetfolina, are hereby notified to settle th game. Further indulgence cannot bt given, I will attend at my office frora 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. to receive the tame, from and after thi date. Jut-try 16, 1889. D. 8TIMSON, tl Sheriff Craven Co. CLTII IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. Da. C O. Wasrs Kaava aaa Baais Taatm airr, a guaranteed aperlfle for Hjate- rta, Diaslneaa. Convalslona. Fit, Nervon tjearalcla. aleadaebe, Ifarvou Prostration . eanaag wy the aa of alcohol or tobacco, Waaafnlnsaa, Mental Depreaalon, Softening . af the Brala reeulUng In lnaantty aad leading ta misery, decay aad death. Prematura Old Age, Baneaeeaa, Loss of power la either aaa. Involuntary Loeaa and Spermatorrboae ea sa ay ever-exenioa or the brain, self. alius or tyvwr-lndnlgence. Kaeh box con talaa ana asaath' treatment. tl.SO a box, or atx aottlee for taM, aent by mall prepaid on reeetptes'pnea. WK eVAKARTaUE SIX BOXKS Taeavaaay ease. With each order received by as wjr six boxea, aewrmpanled with t 0U, we wul aewd the porehassr oar written guar, aatee to refund tba aaeaey U the treatment aoae not effect a sure. Oaaraateet issuad only 'hy B. N DUFFT, druggist, sols ageat, Haw ru,IC.O. . apS4dwly i . i"r.,iTwJt'TMgin.j -vt : 1! Round Knob Hotel. XT. V. tPUAOVm, Praa'r. ROUIfD KWOB. N. C. Mutt Plcturetqae Soenery WtaMra North Caralina rOl.NTB Or lNlKKKST HXA.& BV In Old Fort, 8t. Bernard MoqoUIu Catavua h alu Distant & M llaa. 1 t Mod Cut.. gwannaaoa TuDoel .. Plnnnoie of the Ulna lUUe. rxauTon Toe tttTor, ftne trout Oehlag . Bndgea' Iron Spring Kally'i Iron Sarlnca. Vitehea afeaa.theOraTeef Prof. 7 1 ?tc ball the htf heat point eaat of the Hooey Moanuuna. nine aiilaa. Pure oool dry atmoaphere; dewe. Train etop at th door, aa fofa, i gbi a,.17 Open all tba year, by month or weak. Tarn raaaonable al3du 1 1 t . ' Mlantlc At N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 15. In Effect 6 35 A.M.. Wednesday lec. lfeh. 1888. OOIXO EA8T. 80HKDCt. OOLNU WEST. No. 51. Ar. Le. Passenger Trains. No. 50, Station. Ar. Lra. 1128 am 10 48 10 48 10 00 10 14 8 27 8 44 a at 6 38 p m 4 17 4 49 6 18 86 3 SO 4 20 4 54 6 4? am Ooldaboro La Orange Kiniton New Barn Uorehaad City Dally. Ooma East No. 1. Mixed Ft. 4 Paaa. Train, a m 12 10 12 37 12 45 1 00 1 10 1 28 1 88 1 51 2 10 SCHTCDrLE. Going Wrsr No. J t Mixed Ft. ft Paaa. Train. 6 15 pm Stations. Ooldaboro Beats La Orange Failing Creek Kinaton 5 33 B 03 5 40 5 18 4 35 3 42 2 85 3 10 1 80 1 00 4 06 2 55 2 80 1 58 1 24 13 54 2 30 9 85 Caswell 2 55 3 05 Dover 3 35 8 40 Core Creek 4 04 4 00 Tuaoarora 4 21 4 31 Clark 12 32 12 41 5 05 0 80 Newbern 10 83 13 00 6 46 6 51 Rirerdale 9 41 9 46 1 59 7 03 Croatan 9 28 9 81 7 27 7 58 Havelock 8 59 9 04 8 80 8 89 Newport 8 17 8 27 8 52 '8 56 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 9 04 9 06 Atlantic 7 47 7 53 9 26 9 36 MoreheadCity 717 7 27 9 38 9 45 AUantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 9 51 p m Morebead Depot am 7 00 Tndav. Tnnr damn Hatnrday. t Monday, edneaday and Friday. Train 50 connects with Wllmlntnon a Wei don Train boind North, leaving Goldaboro ii:au a. m and wun menmond a D avuie Train Weat, leaving Goldaboro 11:65 a,.m, Train tl connect with Richmond A Danvffl Treia, arrivtag at Ooldsbero 3:10 B-aud with wiimiBg-wn ana w(3on its la bom the Iforth at 1:14 p.m. Train 2 eonaeet with Wilmington end Weldon Throngs Freight Train, leaving Goldaboro at 9M p. -a. and with Richmond i Daavllla Through Freight Train, leaving Goldaboro at 8.10 P. M. 8. L. Dill, n Darin ao d ac t. Drunkenness Or tha Uqior Habit, PMitively Carta n uaiiitTtiiii la. mnr aanti urititia eaabira la a eat ot eaffee ar tea, aria at. notes l toed, without the knowledge of u per. aoa taking It; It Is absolutely harm) em aad will even a permanent ana speeay cure, Whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or a alcohol! Treefcrr Btvf. ran.. WOUARANTEE eowptet ear la avarylasuae. 48 nag Wool FREE, AddTeaslaoonlldenea, Vila FKIf a, (0, 1 U (amU. ClaelaaaB. 0. " 50IICE. To foreclose a inortfare flven to me by L. K. RtaaalLoa 82 d day of 8ept. 1883, aad recorded on Keoorda of Cra ven County in Book 87, page 855, 1 will all on Twenty-third day of February, 1889, Twelve o'clock, at Fort Barnwell, the tract of land mentioned in gaid mortgage, at Public Auotien to the highest bidder, for Caah. A full description can be had of said tract of land by reference to the Records. This Jan. K)th, 1889. J. W. LANE, Mortgagee. SUE Of VilUlBLE EE1L ESTATE. I will SelL tor eaati, at (he Court Honae la Beaufort, on Headar.Marek 18th. 1S89. being the firat day of ta Spring Term of uartaret superior court, nv nunorea acres of land (la four several tract) situated oa the aorta side of Bocae Bound, on both eldee ot the Atlantic horta Carolina Railroad, and about three sailee weat of Morehead City. The Interest of the Caroitn City Com pany in on nunorea and tnirty-uve acres, between high water mark and tbe channel of Bogne Bound, and In front af the ebave described land. Also, about seven hundred town Jou.a designated la the plaa of Oero- . 2 JNO. D. DAVIS, Baeelvsr Carolina City Company. Beaufort, a. C Feb. 11, 18. . Iaw4w . L ' - - - . - . F0RMENC,1T.2HS weahnesa unaetnral k, leek ef streneta. '. view er esoseMkete. re'vaM ml muttfrm. BJLJJa MZSIOAJ. OO. lUFfAIA M. T. P'ermananfly located ooeorner of Broad and fiara sta.,1 prepared to clean, dye and repair all kinds of Clothing at Low Prices. A tpftcialty is made ia cleaning Ladies' Dresses. Benefaction; guaran teed. ; ang2ldtf JvtVt PV.tfV VTwr at THE JOURNAL. IrriTil tad Ditirur Xiili MAIL CLOSZau" " For Worth, We aad talk, via A. at Iter Beaufort . Ad tea Ease, at " 1:00 a. av t -t - i - Par WeAiagtov8wtft Creek, Eydeaad BMKfort UWBtiM, daily M M a. 8n - For Trwatoat, PollokaviUe t4 Maye- Villa, AUy UlJQk.BV For QrftAttbor, Bay bora a 1 Yaa Samara. dailv at a. m. omclTiQUBa; la Moaey Oraar and Retes Let ter Dapartmaat, (roam I a-aa. ta 4 a..aa. la stalling Dapartmaat f reea I a. a t a. aa. umo opaa oosutaauy t hoars except w hea mails are being Je- tribatadoraami. TO MT TAL1ST1IE. Your low is a beeatiful backaakag beam. A sweat, a hopeless, a chaageasts drees. An ache rtmeeabarei in silaaoa aad heard At a soft thrl.llng now of a tropical bird A cadaaos of moaie so inAnitaly mild, It makoth sny heart ia del in a at beat wild. Bat alas, it is also a shadow so dark, It has thrown oa the thoals full many a bark. Tis a breath, or a whisper so piaslngly low. That it die ers back it redacted the flow; Thy love is a charaa of only a day. So frail and Under, it soon fades away; A rars, a bright, a fair blooming newer, From bud to decay, it last but aa hour. It rob svsry heart of it beauty and mirth, While inspiring the thought aad ua- hallifwing earth. Thy love is a charmed enchanting fold, But thy heart, or its center is frotsa and cold; But combine ibe cheerful life-giying glow Of love' lighted furnace, and despair' frigid snow , , Be merciful, remove the cold freezing pail. Which vr toy spirit and heart mutt I enthrall, ; For the sweeteet, tbe tad Jest all earth can afford , , Is a blow, or a wound from Dancupid's I sword. N. E. SCAEBOROUUII. 'The Latest latelllgene." Mao, in all ages, has been anxious for tbe latest news. So also have his wife and daughters In fact, tbe thirst for news is thonght by some philosophers to be a stronger instinct in the female than in the male of tbe bomtfti specie whence gossip. Leaving this matter an open question, we mar fairly aaaame on the authority of history, sacred and profane, that the collection and dissemination of reports of current events has always been a favorite employment of mankind. The Assyrians and tbe Egyptians gazetted their victories and con quests (discomfitures and defeats were concealed in. their days aa in onrs) in hieroglyphs and base-reliefs executed in marble. Tbe bulletins of Bardanapalas and of the Pharaohs were inscribed on obelisks, tablets and tombs, and from these, it may be pre sumed, the reading public of the East, three thousand years ago, gathered such information as roy alty vouchsafed to them of the desolating wars waged in the in terest of tyrannous chiefs and rulers at the expense of the people. The news of that era most have been rather stale, however, since it takes somewhat longer to con, struct columns of stone than to build the columns apon which we moderns rely for the "latest intel ligence." The specimens of the ancient "pictorials" disinterred and de ciphered by Ghampolion, Gllddon aad Layard, show conclusively that the art of 'bunkum" was not un known to tbe heathen chroniclers of that remote period. Even King Hezekiah, though not a pagan, had a sententious, trot to say bombastic, way of celebrating himself in his sculptured bulletins. The ancient Athenians, it seems, were inveterate newsmongers, for St. Panl says: They spent their time in nothing else, bat jPithet to tell or hear tome newnhltajrV' I It was because the apostle breugbt "strange tidings" that they invited him to address them from 'Man' fflll." Ktirxrii, '.! Thit is what you aught to have, in fact; you must have it, to Tally enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it dally and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are apeat annually by our people ia the hops that they may attain this boon. And yet It may be had by all. Ws guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direw-1 nans ana the use pergutea in, wiu bring you' good digestion and oust the demon pvwpepaia and install instead Eapepay. wareoommend Electric Bitters far Dra pe pais and all diseases of Urerrttaaiah4 and Sidneys. Bold at 50c. and f I pet hot-l tie ay H. . Duffy, vVholeaa Dratzm. per'docea. . - - - '-.t " H Ererj little frog ia great irFJiI own boe. - , -ia W M fH aswekiawa araiaa aalraJ'2 TBal Best Balv la th pocll for Oats; Braisss, Bores, TJloert, Salt Rheum, Faver Borea, Tsttsr, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, aad all Skia Eruptions, aad poaitrTly oar as piles ar bo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faoUoa, or aaoasy funded Price M aanty aareVob Tor aale by B. If . Duffy. .' , ? -.-j- ia07 . . . Iaertl4 BUad Bow Baaa swae tiaxa j w trees from aoreu, acaea, aaiaa aad erapaj ve tendeacaa ara due as tebarnv ed blood potaoa. Bad blood pans from parent to child, aad it taaraiora is tae duty af anabead aad wife as keep tbeii blood pure. This ta eaeUy acoatapUahed by Usual y aae U B. B. El. OMtaaia Blood Balm). Bead to Blood a0at Co., Atlanta, for book. 9t mA eawviaeiag frooL ' ii j Jasaas BUI. Atlaat. OaVv. rta: fMy twassaaa were afflicted with blood aoisaa. whioS) docaors said was baradi ary. Tbay both aroka aut ta tores aad araptioa which B. EL B. protr;Uy aa Sfosiad aad aallreured eorIfcy., Mra. 8, M. Willisana, 8a4y. Tsxaa, writea; , tMy tkrm aw sffiisatad caU drea, who laheritad LaaA ajoasoa, aaa isapravad Maidly afta aaaafB.fi.B. ItitaOadaaad." i- J. R, Wilaaa, Glea AJaiaa Saaakta, N a. Feb. U. 13o3, wufao'Aoaa aad Mood aslana faeaed saa ta aaaw atl lag aatputatad, aad aa ah aiusn there caauaalvgaaieer, which grew swery ay aatrl doctor ivs aoa is to die. I oaly wglfwad 1J0 pouada whan I aawaa toaake B. B. B.,aad II iacreaaed say weight to pounds and tads gonad aad well. I aever kaaw what good baalta was batora." M Serap ef raper Save Her 14 re. It was aat aa SMlaarv arrep or wrap piaf papar, but 1t saved her Ufa 6he was ia thi hail stage af eetnempUoa, told by ahyaieiana that aha waa laeagaMa aad eould lire only a short tiat: ah weighed lest than seventy pounds. On a piece af wwpptag -papar ths read or UT. jung-i New btasaeety, sad got a aaurple bottle: it helped her. she bought a: targe battle. It helped bet more, bought aaether aad grew better fast, continued its see aad la now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds, ror fuller particular send stamp to W. H Col, druggist, Fort Smith Trial bottles of this waadarfal Siaearery free at ft. N. Daily, Wholesale Draggtat. For sal wholesal at 8 per doaen. Beware of tbe first cross wotd in tbe morning. The C a teat. Little Thlatge. "Cuts!" ha echoed. ' Wall, I doat know as the ad jectivo would have oo ourred to me ia just that oonneotioa. Bot if you mean that they do their work thoroughly, yet make no fui and, ia abort, are everything that a pill ought to bo, and nothing that it ought not. tbes I agree that Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are about tba cutest little taiags going! COMMEKC1AL. COVTVIt, New Yoax, Fb. l8 Futures, seooad call, suady at deoiiaa. Bales of 8,660 bales. February, 9 79 August, 10.14 March 9.77 Sept. 9.74 April, v8s October, 914 May, 9 Nov. June, 10 01 Deooaaber. July. 10.08 January, 9.68 New Berne market steady. Bales of 41 bales at 8 1 9 to V 7 16. DOBlsTJTIO Eggs lOtllo. Saab Corrow J laSio. nar lb. COM Bearcahnd ia demand. Sales of small cargo at 51c. in bulk. rodder, St.fjOal.2o per hundred Rioi 5570. TTWaurTncaHard, $1.20; virgin and yellow dh. t.80. TAB l-00al.u0. Oats New, 41a47o. ia sacks. Baxawix 17al8o. dot lb. BaTaT-Oa foot, Sc. to 7o. HAat8--OouTry, lOallo. Labd Couatry, lOallo. Fana Potuc 0a8a.nar pound Potatoks Bahamas, SOo. per bush. yams, 40a50o. per bash. Omoi8-?1.25 per bbl. PsUXTJTS 5i70 par kuahaL OaiCKaira (Jrowa 40a55o. pair; half grown, 22ia29c. sisal coo. unbolted. STAVUt-R. O. ahd. 11012 ter VL TMBEa-Oy rareas, IS la. and over, 15.00 par hL; pfaa$30a4.oO. . , Baixcruaw Weat India, dull had ar laal; inch' S3 00a! 60. , Building tnoh heart, tl W;saps,ti.o9 per M. . wnoLBSAta fttraat. Mksa t?oll Haw li.O0. BBWtJUJtaMtATfaTOo. . O- B. . BV By aad U CWtaC. ,,lOtri-o.85a7.50. , XAJtD-8, 6. by ih Uerce, NATL-BislO,,150. 8uaAaOraBtttated So OorTaa 18a20oi " Halt 80aS5o. pwwaok. 'u MxLiayjsa Ajrp8rTrra--j0t rowPFB , f..,.' iHOT-Drop, tl.oO; buok,L75. Hia-)ry,aa8o.5 greaa 4a. sTaararoraWta. TAUATw&naglb. i m in'. ;. 1 Of e Gill Twine, 2,0$$ jiLTia -fi-'ivj ivc! i t xtfi'ff e Seine Twinb for Dpring ir.iu t I'Msm For sala clie(,it , Vvmv law &fi? WHOLESALE GROCER, &ZET, .ftfw'te-.u: I vafuabls1 rdtv srepetty on-TTT rtd,, Queen- aad o 'e ttreets; and-n. Bouth .Froat and ew Front street aad also of oar tsi: cfitiy -jTOpart vai ' d.ffjara-"' ba i pcatppntjf . i init.,-atti'ofuati. C (wblohVuadW sth fast.) has ."DAY the IStb in arouse. Fb""! 'particulars a- 1 deacrfrtioa fa the f J vtr;'; -neat at V court house. - - i A ifi w TimiuwiuMiitfv'niiw nui oompUte and grist mill, will be soM4 the same time. vi : , wed m , c arm fVe kars tie arrasstments with wkereby ws are enabled ta offer pre Btivm with Mmm THE DAILY AHD WEEKLY, JOUIUiAL Tkey ar) staidard works, well bound id cloth, good print, and hand somely em.kelluikd. Begalar library Every aitoriber ta wither tha DAILY or WlMLt JoUElTAL, paving aaa year ut auraaae, aad tweaty-ava ekoice from this list. A largt astortment will be kYpt on kanif kefwHey ta W teen. Tkere wt ktva to aeni thnn ly mall,' ipc. alfitieiUl will be required. Bobiasoa Crusoe. Arabian Night Entertainment. Swiaa Family Bobinaon. Ckildraa of the Abbey. Dett Qaixste. PUgriia's Progreaa. Last Daya of Pompeii. Bcottith (Jhiefa. Tkaddeus of Warsaw. Tka Jliatory of Sandford and Merton Andaraem'a iairy Tales. Tom Brown's School Dajs at Kugby Jane Eyre. East Lynne. The Mjaterious Island. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Tour of the World In Eighty Daja. Grimm'e Fairy Tsle. Paul and Virginia. Gulliver's Travels. Child' a History of KoglanJ. iEaop'i Fables. Poe'a Talea. Mona'a Choice. A Luekv Young Woman. Merry Men and other islet ana Fablee. Baron Munchausen. The Servant Girl of the Period. Five Weeka in a Balloon. Waverley, Eto. Irunhoe, and Lord of the Isles. Bob Boy, and Bokeby. Oooner'a Last of tbe Mohicans. Willy Keilly and Hit Dear Coleen Sawn. Benjamin Franklin. Kit Carson. Creaay's Fifteen Decisive Battles, Boeky Mountain Adventures. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. The Far Country. Wild Life in Oregon Christine. The Lover's Library. Longfellow't Voieea of the Night. Whittier'a Poetical Workt. Bryant'a Poetical Workt. Poe's Complete Poetical Works Hypatia; or New Foes with an Old Face. Bnlea and Exercises of Holy LiviDg. The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. Grimm's Goblins. Veronica; or, The Light House Keeper. Tbe Iruh Gentleman. Evenings at Home, and Life in Ger many. Knickerbocker'! History of New York The Sketch Book. Hig'i The Rhine. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rett. Ths Use of Sunshine. John HaKfax, Gentleman. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Praotice, -Six Hundred Dollars a Year. Tbe Bock tt Ages. . Florida. ui Tbe Cricket's Frjeha.? , Christmas Stories for Children. The Kettles Blrth-Dij Party. Grandfather's Packet Book. Short Stories for Young Folks. Daniel Boons, ths Pioneer of Ken ' tody;'.' DlekenV Adventures of Oliver Twist. Siekens' Old Cariosity Shop. fckensT Christmas Books and Talea. rsrael Patnam. Oaptain John Smith, the Founder of fir gink. Every Day4 A atory for young ladies. Benedict Arnold. Professor Oonant Ckmrpiracy, - A Cuban Romance. An Aoitricaa in Iceland. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Kingaiey's Seraons. Lmoil- Apoem. Heyla's Games. l ? .' ft i l .1. J J books improve we uimu auu nublishunr house we are dealing with such rates for their hooks ai can not L While these hooks are real bandsome Hit -- 1 V ,1.A-ifclfcM, a attf ' .tiAtU 'At t. vaa www suwij yu" wivuj large, Clear, ana wui no injure uie eyes. a. Jarge, Supply .Will be kept oa " "hand, butaboald any selection not be in stock' it w31 require only a'ahort While to order it,. Now is a goodtime tofcegia ot enlarge yoa "a" tice iibfaVieinber that wnen boon Wwqnlrett fof postege;.J - 'f Ms Tl: tjrfi;i- -jpr'-M in. in- a larg. Pbliakjng Houae at rata Popular: Booxs ,4a elab or as a tiie, and most beautiful ia design. eenkt eytra," will T entitled ta their Tke Eevited New Testamenf. Boy Crusoe. ' AdamBedev Shs. ; A history of adveatura. King Solomon h Mines. II any Lorrequer. litndy Andy. Ptre Uoriot. 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