I -t LjULT juCASALM ax eoianva pmt. pttfiabaA teUr, eio4 Meads? at t w ; J- lUHncu Mataa. DattTarad T&avKta.T JOCBJUU M wtui ar. M aUae4 eTary TVaraday at tl UVUTOIsa r BATES, (0XILT)-9m ImIimU; 1W; in htiMkwkti it ute BeaAof -BottB ' If eaati per tat liM. m4 I ata tar twp nhnant InnrUen f it iiiW'Jimiiiiii nia wiiuiiiiw ten IM win be laaarle taa A.U aodltloaa MtWtlllklNHIltiMMlHllM IVMM v Wiint eATertUemeat l be Mil to ednaae Baa-niar aavar I WW be eoUeeted praaneUy U liltlDX new of a die-j a aaal aum ara aotteltaA. Se ; t unetK mm Mb t m mum e.aa m j a 116 nufciber of bill reported to M "uor-r:infaT(jrvbf7 by committees- were L7r.lT.!! . V ,.."ocr wiMf m ptiuo t una eoo ud i mmwm warm n.Teee .xii. , THE JOURNAL. av avivii. XW BXXIfE. N. C. FEB. 30 im M tt tW 41 N B. i. " was adraaoed lrota 11 to 10:30 for CMiJSIOl-lDllSISTRATlON. loe onaiderat,oa ol tha fa.lroad la leaa than two weeks fhe pres-i commissioa biU. Mr. Oooke gae aat AdainiatraUoa will have passed aa his reason that ha had received awaj aad the llarrffcon Adtuinis- telegram Informing hira of the tratioa will have been inaugurated. eitreme of brlothe' V,d ln nT . i response to the same ha woald be We eannot anticipate with con- j coaipelled to leave at 12 o'dotk. fidence the political future of our, Tbe bdr was taken op and the beh) red country, but we trust that . clerk read the title. Aa-'atnend-tha same providence that has' mn w offered bj Mr. Fiauks directed us thus far will oontmue cntokTthe aalariea ia section 2, the coUiOiiabionera salarica from topreaideover ourdestinie. twenty five to twelve hundred dol Gen. Harrison caunot do better lars, the clerk's salary from twelve than to follow in tbe wake of his ' to eight huadxed dollars, predeeeasor.not becauw the( Mave I Wr-aWmoved aptponeasent . . of tbe bill until Wednesday neit at laad AdBin.strat.on haa been , l 0-dock . M,j lU qQe(ju Democratic, but because it has o0t mentioned in the campaign at rieen superior to party and accepted j all. "Since 1 left bom a I find much for it objeet the honor ol the' opposition to it. We should not ' .... i. . 1 1 i :.. n .t . i.. . i . aiilA. nri lh l,,nnin. nl lhlB U' "UrnfUIT ID8t mVOm) people. Leaving out fur the present such Mtioa Cf the new Administration aa aay be necessary to adjust tbe government to the changed situa tion, let ns consider some of the measures demanded for the Inrther aace of national and individual prtaperity. first in importance is a gu aran- teeof foil and complete justice to' avarj aeetion of tbe country, to the end tbat the people may have that j qojeMtad security essential to the pronefftjion of business affairs and tnanjoyment of domestic life. XTae tariff cannot be consigned toJJejLmbo of forgetfulness. The ratyahotiatjitem that now prevails cannot longer be tolerated, and aeoner or later, it must give place to the demands of tbe people. The-Cleveland Administration kea achieved honorable distinction lT,Vthe' Kavy Department, and pitrttrta of all parties must indulge UrjI pTeAaing hope that tbe Harrison ALminjatraUon will complete tbe g ,efl begun. The danger to be.apprefcended just here, is not ia talloqbishing the purpose c(. hayjgg an efficient navy, but in abandoning the wisediscretion thaf aarchaficterized the acts of Secre t Whitney, and plunging into a reckless expenditure of tbe public money ia the creation and equip nacht of a navy superior to the demands of the times, and at rarlance with the theory of our fonernment and the interests of a peaceful and commercial people. Tbe immigration laws need amendment Tbe time is past when the people of other nationali se are needed to subdue savage tribes and make tbe wilderness bloesom aa the rose. American valor and American labor is ade quate to this; and tbe day will never dawn when the aid of Europe will be aaked for the fulfillment of Americaa .destiny. But we would aokaave American porta closed apajtlt the meritorious of other dimes. Let the unfortunate brave eame Let exiled patriots come. Let) ear atea be thrown wide open $itinrjcns.nd daughters of honor alleIaber, bnt let them be barred - against Ebl criminals, and the vaga bond board whose presence fs a k!tt apon our civilization and a ajance to, oar free inititations. vtjrjr.c t iwr HEII' Vw.-jrnrHyOWa SooTraa Btbof bviMld uwara be wA tot children aaeUaif Itaoothetthe child, softens rvaM, aUaya all paiav earM wind ' CGe. ia tbe best reaedy for Jdiar oBj1 ZwtMtrfn eeott a bottla. I 'ii Kewa ul Cceerct WE UEJIkUL A&1T. SaTiTdAY. suits. . B The Seeatmvay-eallt tavordet ht LL Got Holt. M , prjf f pj et. L3 tf tu Amending charter ol the towa of Greenvule, J'ittountji te amend aab teo. ivttiQi ljo, Ob&t Ja relation to daiaani jitliTujiU makeeeetioBa 3110 and 1034 of the Code applicable to certain counties.'"-' Mr. rtyne introduced a bill to regulate local option laws in this Stat. Also oae to tecme j ast aad reasonable, rates oa railroad aad other tranapw lattoa crDaniea. Bm amending subsection 4. sectioa ha, aad one to amend ssb go,, 10 action TO 7, Of the Code, ' passed second reading. I h Hoareywt&pped t order 1 t If Vlcck,,Ttff nornibg Lour expired ..witbcttt anything cominf up of general Interest.. Ou aiotion of Air. Cooke the bour more to the people of North Caro una than all other measures (hat have been brought be fore this legis lature. We should consider it ma turely and not hastily," and ho therefore moved a further post ponement. Mr. .Mcl'ubb ns f.i orcd further postponement. ilr. Walser also favored passing the bill over until Wednesday; said the House was light and in justice to Mr. tjooke should be given a few more Mr. Cooke said: "1 do insist upon the consideration of this mat tcr now. No nndue haste has been exercised. This scheme was intro duced early in the session. U is ' trne the bill has only been printed a short time, bat the members are familiar with Us provisions. My responsibility lias caused me to give it more study than any other member of the Ilouse. Tbe com mittee has considered it well, but do not present it as ;t perfect bill, but from our best judgment and patient work present onr results. It is not the very best, probably, that could be made, bu it ia the result of our labdra and I would be glad to consider it at once." Mr. Hoke insisted npon immedi ate consideration. Said there was no desire to hasten the matter. The bill had been printed several days and ought to have been received and considered by the members. "I do hope the matter will be pro-1 ceeded with today. It is not at all certain when Mr. Oooke will return, and the House is about aa fnll aa it will likely be at any lime during tbe session." Tbe motion of Mr. Baird to make the bill a -special order for Wednes day next at 11 o'clock was pnt. The motion prevailed by a vote of 45 to 39. PASSED THIED HEADING. H. B. 192, relating to changing the Superior Oourtsof fitt county; II. B. 270, to cure the defective registration of deeds ; II. B. 300, to change the punishment of fornica tion and adultery (making tbe crime an Infamous one); H. B. 540. for better securing the recapture of escaped convicts and to protect tbe people, (thia bill keduires that the board of directors of the peniten tiary shall report to the Governor tbe names etc or -all. escaped con victs, and that' tbe Govern or shall offer a reward.!, ': . VAMB r laiilJ)A. Feom A.S Atlabta Dbumhxx. Mr. A. K. HAwfetS, aUaata, Oa.: Dear 8ir You flouhtleea remember me getting a rums of yon nearly three week ago. I had then given np all hope ef rer being able to read acaio. The feet three weeki.-fcoweVer, with (be ne ot yonr glaaaei my eyes have been woaderfatly SeMfited; and I have been enabled to do a crest deal of read ing, tbe first I had dons H two yean, and moreover I have great hope of their eatire reeovery ia a few year. I eannot too highly recommend your glaa to my iejidaXoanrevpeetfally, K. CaLLajvaV, With Moore, Marsh & Co. All eye fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. jl241m It &e.tril!a CfsrU at r.A Iajtwia. -A petiUca ku beea atit to J car eoaoraUe bod BAklng'that the statute auliag Bcr&e sound a 1ay fal feaoe be repealed, aad from U.a nisei or a:ien oaa wit as ei mad to be&evo tial atatsia vaa taa aoat fcideoaa lw bae4.a3l diaaeaaioa, ctifaboa aaoaf oar poo pi, im Ui orery other paat aeaa before jocr bodji ia butaj alloaat La eaatpariaaft M.UuitepAl of thii ohnaxtoaa lav. LtTtcr oa Bona aooid, mi Ina belajt feaoad bj Jta vaterrwfar a early two miles, aad being vail acquainted vita lta eiteation,it theeSectol thereoeatuvaaluax tie eoaid-a lawfal ence, vhatl say ta said vita the fu3 ksovla&e of the facts, and no. veil balanced man can deay the ,'aaaaa. j la (he feat plaoe . vaat ia Begat ooqnd Aad vaat relatlo dot ft bear to ear larmeraaloag lta shores, t, It, la a aheet of vater extendiag, from Moxehead City to CUrFinr,a diatancejof tweaj-fir .mUca iQ length, one - aad a half to three miles ia width, carrying from three to twenty feet of vater. It ia the medium of transporting our farm producta to market. Before it vaft made a law fal fenee by state te," it was so considered by custom, from time immemorial, ' and perhaps no action ever would hare 1 bees taken had it not been is the case of Dennla vs. Boyall. What was the result! A mistrial for the want of a atatata. Since then it has been made a lawful fence by statute, and no litigation baa oc curred since. What is tbe object of the present move to repeal! And what will be the result if re pea Id T It seems to me to allow stock to ingress and egress at will to destroy whatever they please. For instance most of the cattle and bores for milea aronnd are driven through my farmjaeross the sound be to tbe banks and m tribes to re turn at will, to destroy our crops. Is that right between man and beast, or between man and man ? Why this stock do not miod crossing this body of water no mere than an otter. In case of the repeal of the statute, and they come over and distroy our crops, where is onr re dress 1 When a man tells me that tbe statute ought to be repealed, it is as much as to say that he does not care whether my ebildren get bread or not so his old cow gets fat. Who are tbe signers to this petition T In answer I will say tbe most ef them live along Wbiteoak river and aronnd Newport, some 12 miles from tbe sound. For the sake of argument suppose when tbe owners of this stock cornea down to drive them on the banks we say you cannot drive yoar stock across my land, then what t Wby, they petition before a jaatlce for a right of way across anyway, statute re pealed, here they goand no one responsible. There is not a year but what more or less of this stock comes into our fields during crop season. Tbe dredging of the sound will soon be finished, then there will be from six to eight feet of water through the cuts that will not stop nor detain them for one mo ment. Most ot these people who sign petitions do not care any thia g about them sign because they are asked to. Ii. W. Uumphbbt. Goose Creek, Jan. 16, '89. klaa'a Armua Siv. , Tbb Best Balvb ia the world for Outt, Braiaaa, Bores, Ulr, Bait Rheum, Fever Bona, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Cons, and all Bkin Ervptions, and positively' eures , piles or no pay required. It is (naranUtd to give pernet efthfeefioa, or money re fanded. Prkw SO omtta per box. Par sale bv B. N. Doffr. Oar stock of Plows comprises the Avery Steel (one or two horse), Atlas, Boss, Dixie, Daisy, Champion, Clipper, Granger, Watt, Climax, Gem and Stonewall, and aho the ordinary Tarn Plows, such as the Nos. A C, 10, 11, 35, 40, 45, 48, 60, 55 and 60. Castings of every description, be-. sides a fall and complete line of everything for the Farm. We respectfully solicit the Whole sale Trade as veil as the Betail. and we are prepared to offer rpecial in dictments to Merchants. Send for our Price List VIIITTY & GATES. BaHillfll Bflpplieaaspeeiaity. A Valuable BesidencQ FOR.. SAJCK , CI1A. ; , A bran new. Dwelling Home, eon tainiag six comfortable rooms, aad kiV caen aad dining room a turned;- Lo eated on Change street, bear East Front. Anolr to - J t-s ;'p"f nnHiu t! ,. WATBON At STBES&'a d20 Ina. ft BemLErt. Ageats; 3 SAITL T. BKIDnOIlB, ' t VHioleaalo CommlisIo5 FISH; DALEiiv 14 144 BEKKSAB STRXXTT, i FtTLTOS MaBtKB&f-ilJ M few sm icaa"W-"Voiuxu PLOWS U70 .. 1 1 lila At 14 Centi Per. Foxuid.- - ii tmM AirrlcM UftetoeWh tM UttveV Call aad sea sotjwvaaib vA i j k. J? 5 TAYLOR. Ln f r. - :lUdtf.'4rKTaWni. If. c kk T&i UKLBvWr OF ".Bull The ,'Jjvitlsr" tvttT eooylnce tj one (Lai Bars ia toei the'LargMt, M imV Virisd, and Uoupieta una Of L(iaDw1t "com. fine. Jewelry, ' S4T-Wre Fncy Lam pa, Burmeee, Qoli aud SAter Bead Caaee In the Bute. It will b io buyer iMasreat to ae oar good hefoiw pferftaaaiag . - VALUABLE, CITY PROPERTY I Am agvaU ta owners aCer fa ami oa aay aitd acoonpmolaUB urnta lb follow -tatdaanibaa tnprorad Raai Eatata la Ui Cll ot Maw -Marm: t Ko. 1. HAkr PROPERTT AT CS10 POINT ; taatadaa tba ptcaa af laa kaewa a. "TU K 1bLA U " ar the wharf ot ruadwi Iaa4ia thara fraai 1U( Ktont ( t AJa, walaraaaea saw btac Sltaa Tbf location It lb twat In the cur tot all mana (aat aria parpoara. walla tike laiwaat riaXI vlalUna our water liava ampla depth ot watar lor loedtt t ami unloading at tba NkS TWr He rars ajd lots ai DUOK ruiNT. araop 4 awolllBft Ho? A HAHVfcY' W 11 A KF i"tlul RTT, I aat aA In part of water front ot Lol ho. IX in the piaa of tba eltr. l'a laa pioparvy fa laaated a eommodlon b-lck warahouap. Tba o. 1. S. S. Oo. oaa a portiaa af iha piup- erty. No. i. THKIRON fR05r WAREHODSE ON uKAVaM KTBKfcT, Wo. A BRICK MTOBI AND DWE1.LIKO ON UBAVSM MTRJCET Oocnplad bjr R.O. E. Lodge. A fnlldcacrlptlor of thia valuable proper it. toaathar with lha beat tar ma anon which tbe tame will be aold. alii ba farolahadnn application la tbe endaralgcad at their effloa nsoum rroni men. WATHOIT STREET, dec dwtf In aod Haai EaUta Ata. I. H. CRABTin. BASIL MANLY. JOHN ECEAB1HEE & CO ENGINEERS , Founders and Machinists alanufacturer and Dealer In mill ill MACEIMSTS' SCFPUES BrwIlSara af KaglBaa. Bellara, Saw Mill. BdgiaR Cwt-afT M athlaaa, Waara praparad to do Oaatlnga of all kind Wltn pram pu eat, Part tan lar aad latmadlata attention Iran to repai of. all ainda. We will bj (lad Uutre plane and efttntatee ror anr aeast ipuon or machinery. Wa are the avot for the aala of tba A mar loan Haw. AlaotorO. A A. Harsamln'i eala bratad Indeitroctlble Mica valve, . i W rlva Mtlafhctory ennranta for all week donabTM. lysomwwir Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat line. On and after Monday the 10th day ol Sept., the ateamer Howard wilt ran the following achedale: -For Trenton every Monday and Frl day at eight o'clock, returning Taetday and Saturday. . v.-e J. J. LASITTEK, Maaagr. . J. DrsoswAi, Aew4 ktKevr Berne. I8G2. EATOII IC:3 THE JEVELEH ? sua a na aiockco' WatcHas,' ClbcK 3mlx?, SOLID 8IXVEB 1 Am) p$yrA& . ; SPECTACLKBV b, - -, I keep a larger stock ot Bpectaolss t&aa any other store in north garouna I take parties lar p to to fit them to the eyes of parties Beedjngern. X j . I3vmgWcrtedtodnyat thiT)ench tor over thirty, years X believe I eaa do as good work aa any watchmaker in the state. , , , oomi ait mi ilE. -!";'' 1 i 8AM. , EATOII , ' ... wi t .'Middle stiaahi Oppoalte Baptist Chnrclu. ; .felt dwtf intArvi dalm 'STLY' Cleanses ,tb.e Nasal, l'assa Fats' and in i nAfarautlbn, UOLS)1tlK t 1 ' . .. iki.. 8wt;0ss&e s to res. tbe Sen ses 'eJ Taste ar4 . ApartKde 1 ppHd mtoeaen woatrit aS Ukeraaabla; Tl-lce 50 feeoU at DrnciMv hw HaiLwaiatetaa.dS eU AMLT Bfivi aanZ .Tat. u irrtu i k u i . 41 yiAAX ,t AAAA4I11J3 Permihently l6oateddn lotnef bi Byroad aad -Bern Bti.tw prepared to clesn,' iy atvpairnil kinde Of CWh'cg at Lew Prteea. Assesttlty htaide iairean.'cg iiesiffwjee, Maracf.-,n; rtsrta. taa4!iTiaTit,t.!'-i. auifcldif r Kj ilnd l ife mzni 'an 3e company, 11 -U ' !i OF HARTFORD, CONN. " ; l7rn;VATS0;i;Gens Agent, Hen Bern, 110.; ,8IXTT MILLIONS IB SlfKASC G . - Bimr FUITD HOW QYEB ,5O,t)0fXv" ' " Five year members receiving aearly JiSTTtPEB CKS r. fa dlvideada, from earning! ef tks SAFETT. FU J ' Unpartislled SticeeM ! ; SecrttiJT' Fuityl v,i:conomy ! '" r Active aorieitors ' wasted ;iV try Coaaty U . J'grth Oaroliaa, Address u above. . . , v febl8iwlm AT Fl.ANNER'S You will flnl NOBBT and STYLISH SUITS it. S.V K3 aod CUTAWAYS Ilie STOCK aod QE.NT- INI OCOl PI.' Tao iIih.is N A l us T-rrrrr m I a-- iti; 1 I Ute Bergner & Engel lwiwc co.'a PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, i-.u'j i.a i 'j f i IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE finest Beer Extant : It" is brewed from the finest Pale Canada tresi Barley Malt and laazer Hopsf and Uglily , lecomniended for itsONIC ,and HIT fitTirWE qualities. ifiiifi;, -'reptitaUon enjo;ed by the BEEGHfilt & ENQL JOMPANY is doe to the fact that only the FIKEST'AND "BESlT MATEEjAlls are nsed and that the greatefit sklJ' anU 0ARB are exercised dating its manufacture. jy4 dwtf i 1 - Agent and Bottler, FOR THE:.Wg3(T i. - b. fciC li;fiLr,il We; trill sell the balance of 'our Stock1 of s,3 H(Oj 11 arff at lCost; We ,tii r'f3 .'A: and lniiuiiv cf S'lOES iV. MU i, COK rE i ih uf ll.itfl RT Ha wish to make room for a a v'v.ir . j J5 U.e.rfJyl f.tj. prfJ.til'AiJk.i ; f.:5wit ll eoas'f ww. li'-;.vt H-.'?.rl:S?' . 'S ' - '-- . ' ". ' : . -' ' ' ... ' " ' '. .. 'J.-. '. ' ' "- ' -''. - . ' ' - . v" - -T . 4- X

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