ttUt OAILT JUCJtXtLla U Hutl sf. yaajossvew fell. umK atnaeai- at T&S WJUKT JOCsUMJ It eaiama m USB; r iut HNHti ISSWrtiua). ASu MtMtfitemMMllMlUgMllMHMi MtarwUltomtt4iMliMlUM ass tor minm a4vrtiannt I a a4 ta irfUN RMtviar a4vr wlli M NllMttd rojs4ir t Um Cf tlMlUM SOBtaJaUH MWIOttJI- M earni utun are, oUotfa. So (MtMIMMlM Bill b IIMCM l BVk l4mal that MBlaiBi ebtMKM mimh UattlUlUllMMM KtMUUWN MM WUl But MON UM MS WMlUUI ft k i fMUac ta'K aav enoarv wm aninanoa cm oolaist ta uuna mint tNIMllai at tnia offloa aud wia waarau ta mitMi mh THJB JOURNAL. (m. a4ttM. llaBVtE, - astasaa Ni(r. V KW BXX2TE. N. C. FEB. 32. 1889. llHMM tk rtMl at H lu, If 0 MliinM slsss atattar. TKI SENATE XX D THE PRESIDENT. Time was when the American Seaate waa the most august bod; M earth. Then it was the re pre sen. tat! Ve of independent States aadtta glory oi the Union. Now it la the impregnable fortress of oaopoly and the strong tower of Rtttecraty. Once it afforded an area on which dignity and cour tesy wer most signally displayed. Nov itia the theatre for the exhi bitioa of malignant passions and the ,lHrp practice of designing polittoiaas, AtjfTlWe aie Senators of high itatwa, splendid ability and in aorpipUbU integrity. Among these are Vance and Ransom of North Carolina. Bat oar object this morning is to contrast the condact of the 8caato with that of the President aa Ulastrative of the spirit of Democracy and the spirit of Ue pnblicanism. Mr. Cleveland has been careful aot to embarrass the Harrison Ad ministration. No appointments hare been made but such as are esaeatial to the public welfare. In strong contrast with this honorable eoocsctsthe disreputable conduct of thij'penate in refusing to confirm aoaiiaatioBS to All vacancies occur riag In the regular coarse of the Gorernaient's business. The theory of the Republican Senators is that since Horember the offices belong to tefli jf that when vacancies oc eot business is not to be considered, ouVoily lneirown claims to patron age (iThis clearly establishes the faet "tat" the Democratic party is tie' pafty of .patriotism, and the Repobliean "party is the party of pUjeVi an4 spoil, irrespective of the public good or national honor. ae -jtiine has come when it is more honorable to a be defeated Democrat than a successful Repub lican. Hew and Observer. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 36TU DAY. SENATE. The Senate, Lt. Gov. Holt, pre siding! met at 10 a.m. The morning hour business being disposed of, the president an nounced that Messrs. Twitty and Stabbi were added to the commit tee on propositions angrievances. (JN FINISHED BUSINESS being S. B, 343, to establish a North Carolina training school, on its third reading, under the previ ouavqnestion. Mr. Blair moved to reconsider the vote by which the previous question was ordered. Adopted. Mr. Barber submitted an amend ment to strike ont section 1 of the bill, which abolishes the normal schools. , Lost on call of the roll ayet It, ooes 29.. Also to strike oat the word male so as to make thA training Rchool one for femaW only. HP THE SPECIAL OB DEB being 8. B. 563, establishing a rail road commission, which was set for 11 o'clock, was called. Mr. Kerr moTed to postpone the special or der until Tuesday next at 1 1 o'clock. .TJpoa call of the roll the special order was postponed ayes 29. noes 15.'- 'TnV unfinished business being reiamea on tne amenameai (co a. B. 343, establiflhing a traiBiag school for teachers) that the word male be stricken oat, makiog the tttk is ton as tor tort. ad t mm tor wry wtuMW ten imw MlMtteUHtMN training acaoelfor- females oalylsereralol our friesis while they ' t maca cucas&ioa took plica tad the aaeiMimeii eyoa a -t can 01 ine rou was jds-ajMi bom re. m.ivng ma.utey txperieaotd almost Bart-ers last amencme&.t providiBg that the ttainUg achook ahoald be located as aearlhe geographical centre of the Sute as poikibie, upon a call of the roll was lost ayes 12, aoee 2S. Mr. Caaipbea moved to reconsider the vote by weiea the amendment of Mr. Tur ner f Iredell that tha school shall not be located ia lay tova of more than 3,1)00 ifthabftaoV'. was adop ted yesterday. The' vots oa the motion to reconsider beiag a tie the president voted to reconsider. The question ' recurring upon the adoption of Mr. Turner's amend ment, apoa a call of the roll the amendment was lost ayes 30, noes 24. Mr. Blair moved to amend by strikiag'out seettoa 4 and inserting "the school shall be located at the University and its teachers shall be a part of the faculty of that institu tion." Upon a ealHof the roll this amendment was lost, ayes 7, noes 33. Another amendment to strike out "5,000" and insert "1,000," upon a call of the roll was also lost, avea 10. nays 29. On the third reading of the original bill, upon a call of the roll, it passed, ajes 28, noes 11. Those voting for the bill were Messrs. Abbott, Ay cock, Ben nett, Brock, Cam jbell, Copeland, Kmrv. Falkner, Kerr, Leeper, Le Grand, Linebark, Little, Long, Lucas, Means, Ivane, Reid, Rice Shaw, Thoman, Twitty, Wariers and White Those who voted against the lull were Messrs. Barber. Bla i , Briggs, Farthing, King, Lusk, Moore, Rob in so n, Sills, Smith and Turner, oi Iredell. Not voting: Messrs. Bailey. Banks, Browu, Green, Crawford, Hampton, llolton, Hughes, l'ou. Toms, jCurner, of Catawba, and WilliaWW, of Cumberland. HOUSE. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock by the Speaker. A resolution was introduced that the legislnture adjourn on March 11th, 18S9. Placed upon the cal endar. The unfinished business of Mon day was called up, the considera tion of B. 700, to provide an alternative method of working the pablic roads of the State. The bill allows each county to keep up its roads by taxation, giving to the ronnty commissioners and magis trates the power to levy a special tax for this purpose. The bill cre ated considerable discussion pro and con. Upon a c;ill of the yeas and nays the bill passed its second reading by a vote of 72 to 24. TASSED THIRD HEADINGS. II. B. 543, relating to working convicts on the C. F. & Y. V. 11. li. (This bill returns the $101,000 worth of bonds in the hands of the State Treasurer which were placed as security for the completion of the road. The State furnished con victs for the prosecution of the work- The policy now being not to furnish convicts, the act is to bring about a settlement. The company agrees to the repeal of laws as signing convicts -and the State re turns the securities of the com pany) ', 11. B. 140, to prohibit non residents from dredging oysters in the waters of the State ; H. B. 816, for the relief of A. C. Hill, Lenoir county ; II. B. 815, amending the pilot law of Hatteras In lot ; II. B. 800, authorizing commissioners of Hyde comity to levy a special tax ; H. B. 843, concerning county pris oners (prohibiting the convict garb being worn unless guilty of certain crimes. Salt at a Medicine. We are very apt to seek some far-fetched cure for our bodily ail ments, and to overlook the simpler remedies, quite as effective it may be, which are to be found even in the humblest household. Common salt is one of the spe cifics for various diseases, which many lose the benefit of because they are not aware of its value. For sore or inflamed eyes, wash them in a weak solution of salt and warmj water. This is also use ful to remove the inflammation caased by extraneous substances in the eve. For sore tlfroat and a hacking cough, take one salt-spoonful of salt, two teaspoonfnls of vinegar, to half a goblet of cold water (iced water preferable); sip this frequently and relief will be felt at once. This same preparation will remove nausea, and settle the weakest stomach. It is also bene ficial in attacks of colic . Nothing is mora useful in sick ness than a small flannel bag filled with salt. For toothache, colic, or any disease requiring warm appli cations, it is invaluable, as it retains its heat a long time; aad it is greatly to be preferred to hot, wet emollients, which soon get cold and uncomfortable. The bag asd all can be put oa a tia pan aad warmed intne orenf bat lt is bet ter to rip a small bole la the bag, and empty the salt out into the pan to heat. A After it is hot it can be put back with : a large spoon, and the bole sewed up in a moment. ' We have recommended this to .were refferlnf teren pais, aad ws tare taa t&e AUiTifUoii or snow- immediate nuef from it We knew it prescribed years ago for a ease of severe colic The eectwas magical j and ever since the salt bag has held aa honored pWteeitat oar domestic pharmacy, z " Ll 4 1 mixture oX ice and aalt.. ia proportion of one to one-half, ap-1 plied to the head frequently gives lastaat reuel from aoate headache. It should be tied ta tv email lines doth, like a pad, and held as aear as possible to the seat or the paia. -.. , i A teaspooaiaief salt, dissolved la water, aad Uksa every hour or two, beginning si or eight hours before a chill, will oftea prevent it, In intermittent, or what is known as "chilla aad ferer." I once succeeded with this sim pie remedy la aa obstinate case, where quinine, arsenic, and all the ordi , nary means failed. Selected. laharit4 U Fvlaaa. How many people hara are whose dbtreaa from sore, acbea, pain and eruptive tendencies are dne to inherit ed blood poiaon. Bad blood paseea from parent to cnlld, aad It therefor ia the duty of huabaad aad wife to keep thefr blood pure. This ia aeaily accomplished br a timely nt of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of moat couvincirg proof. Jainee Bill. Atlanta, Oa., write: "My two eont were afflicted with blojd j poison, wbioh doctor said was heredi tary. They both broke out in eoree and , eruption which B. B. B. promptly con trolled and finally cured completely. Mr. S. II. William, Sandy. Texan, write: "My three poor afflicted chil dren, who inherited blood poIon, have improved rapidly after a uie of B. B B. It i a Godaend. " J. B. Wilaon. Qlen Alpine Station, N. 0., Feb. 13, 1889, write: "Bone aad blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and oa the stump thera cam a Urge uloer. which grew worae every day until doctor cave me up to die. I only weighed 130 pound when I began to take B. B. B., and 12 bottle inorexaed my weight to 180 pounds and Made me aouad and well. I never knew what good health was before " The Deadly Cigarette. Daring a discussion in the Ameri can Association, Professor W. S. Dudley described some experiments which he bad made on the injnri Ous effects of cigarette smoking. He showed that they were principally dne to the manner of smoking and not to the impurities, as is cur rently supposed. In smoking cigarettes, to get the desired effect the smoke is inhaled, that is to say, it is breathed into the lungs ; whereas, in smoking pipes and cigars, the smoke is simply drawn into the month and then expelled. In experiments on small animals, in which tbey were caused to breathe air containing cigarette smoke, it was found that, after a mouse had smoked one and a fourth cigarette, life was extinct. Examination of blood showed that thad died from the effects of the carbon monoxide which was eon tained in the smoke, and not from the nicotine and other volatile pro ducts of the tobacco and paper. ELECTRIC BITTERS, Tin remedy i becoming so well known and so popular aa to need no special men tion. All who have used Electrio Bitten ing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is gnataa teed to do all that Is elaimefl- Electric Bitters will cure all disease of the Lifer and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Bheum and other affections caused by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as ue ap Malarial fever. Fox cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitter. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 11.00 per bottle at B. N. Duffy' Drug Store. Wholesale price, $8 per dozen. PLOWS! Oar stock of Flows comprises the Avery Steel (one or two horse), Atlas, Boss, Dixie, Daisy, Champion, Clipper, Granger, Watt, Climax, Gem and Stonewall, and alio the ordinary Tarn Plows, saoh as the Nos. A 6, 10, 11, 35, 40, 45, 48, 50, 55 and 60. Castings of every description, be sides a fall and complete line of everything, for the Farm. We respectfallY solioit rhe Whole sale Trade as well as the Retail, and we are prepared to offer special in ducements to Merchants. Send for our Price List. W11ITTY & GATES. 3 Saw Mill Supplies a specialty. A Valuable Eesidence FOR SALE CHEAP. A braa now Dwelling: Bonse, con taining six comfortable rooms, aad cheu sad dining; room attached. Lo cated on Change street, near East Front. Apply to ' .-iw-4a-.i----WATSON 6 8TEEET, d20 Ins. & Real Kst Agents. S AITL T, ; SKLDIIOEE. i- Wholesale- Comndnifm ' FISH .'DEALER, , FCWOIf II1BKIT) ; febism NnwironK. 6 jt VM fh3lI.Iay?0c2C3rn. AN0THEB L0T0f THOSE ninninn nirin , linoollilLI . I i 11 . . J. v AtljLCcati-Pix-PaMd,- i .,.iPickletc.. At Price to aUsplH th Batirea. Call aad Nt for yosrfalf. FOQT OF. JUP W-E STREET, jn28 Itl NEW BERNE. K. a A OUNCE IS TUB ESTABLISHMENT OF " Dell The im$" Will convince any one that we tava in stock the Largest, " Ifoet Varied, and Complete Line of Diamonds, Witches, Fine Jewelry, Silver-War, .Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Bead Cat) e in the State. lt will be to buyers interest to see our goods before purchasing. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Aa agfiila for ownars we offer tor aale on eaay and adeomuioclaUiig Mrmt the lollow 1u described Improved Real Eaiats la the Ct ot iern": Ni. 1. WIURK PROPERTY AT UNION PulNT ; Includes theptrM or land krowa at , "THE lal.AM)." ard ilie wharf or loVlwaj leading thereto from Ka,t front tteet Also, water spo nw bting tilled tn. The location Is the best In the city for all mano factoring purpose. whiU iha largest oiafl vlaltlug our waters have ample depth of water fur loading and unloading at the wharf. NO. 2. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS AT UNIWN POINT, oroup'ed aa dwellings. No. 3. HARV&Y WHARF FBofJERTY, Including part or water front of Lot No. 12, tn tbapianof lbs cuy. Upon lhapiopart ta located a commodious brick warehoua. 1 ha U. 1). H. a. Co. use a portion of the prop erty. No. 4. THK IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON uKAVtiN KTKKKT. No. 5. RRICK HTOKB AND DWELLING ON Cli A YEN BTRXKT occupied by R, O. K. lrfdge. A full deeorlptlon of tbt valuable proper ly, together with vhs best terms upon which the same will be t-oul, 11. be furnished nn application to the underelgned at ihelr office i ui-ioum rrom sweet WATBON A STREET, -0 ,iu-!r Jns and Real Batata AgtS. J n. CRABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN E. CEA3TREE & CO Foaaders ai.d Machinists Unnufactureni had Dealers In GaGiSE. 1KB MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES It ulMers ot fCnglne. Rollers, Saw Mills, Edging &Cnt-ofr machines, We are prepared t6do Castings of all kind win promptness. Particular and ton mediate attention flvaa to repal of all kind. We will bo Rlad to rlye plana and estimates ior any oeaoi lpuon m macniueTy. Ws are the agents for tbe sale of the Amsr- lean Baww Also for (1, 4 A. argamtn s bra ted Indestructible Mloa Valvea, We give satisfactory tnaran tee fnrall wori oonai ay us. uxiaww wit Steamer Howard, It Independent . Steamboat Line. On and after Monday the 10th da Ol Sept., the steamer Howard will ran th fnllowino' achednla: For Trenton every Monday add Fri day at eight o'clock, returning Tuesday and Saturday., . f J. J. LASITTEB, Manager. , J. Disoswat. Agent at New,Bnie. I0G2. EfiTOII I3B3i TI1E JEWELER Matt) HAS A IWB'BTOci OF Watches, Clocks, Jewell, SOLlDBtLVEa . AND PLATED WABE. . I keep a largervstockr f 8rsotaeteB titan any other store In North CaroUna' I take particular pains to fit them to the eyes of parties neeamg tnem. . Baring worked steadily at the bentk for over thirty years, I believe I oaq do as good work as any, watchmaker in tibe OOM1 AHDEBin5.,''i SAM. K. EATOHt Middle street Opposite Baptist Church. p!2 dwtf :CATAnni UtttAM DALFilf Cleanses, tbe' Nasal l'assa ) pes, ah ays Pain and in- .v4ttiVl. 01 e. fiamtHatlonlCyFTOi l?'' Sores, Be-j ?ta! ,y V A ... .. I S r rises '61 Taste ind SmelL ; y"tavcwri" Is sgreeabls. - Price 60 cenU at Dm ret star by mail, registered, 0 eti. ELY , BROTHERS, & vanicia n avniies nn aarn nnatrii an. itihwphwp,w hits' favmouwiy Permsosntly located oa eorner of Broad ahd. Bern ts is prepared to clean, dye ana repair u amus oi wioiniDK u 1XW tMeesv A specialty is made tn cleaning tmA UsV DreK i Hut. in fart inn Minn. teed. aug 2ldtf iOcriiorCi Life linsurance Company, -'-"i- r07 HARTFORD. CONN- x ? vyop 0. Assets r j -500,000. SIXTY MILLIONS ISSUKAKCE IN ?OE08: ? " SAFETY FUND NOW OVER $650,000.' Fire year members' reoeWing nearly FIFTY PER CEXT. in dividends, from earnings of the SAFETY FUND. "V. tJ , , Unpartlelled Success! Security! Equity! Iconomy! AetiY solicitors wanted in every County in North Carolina. Address as abore. febl,Q dwlm AT PLANNER'S You will liud NOCLY and STYLISn SUIT--j. S-UK8 and CUTAW , i Hi" STOC1, hiui CENTS U.iiH INti (JOOl' i COJ I'LKIE. Two doors North of Hotel A I HJHT. Irs?' . a WrT . il an . ....... ... ... Hie Bergner & Engel BREWING -CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGEfl OEER. IS UNftUESTIONAB LY THE Finest Bees- Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barfey Malt and Laazer Hops, and MWy,! recommended for its TONIC and W liltlViE qualities. - The hlgb repatation enjojed by tho BERGNEB & ENQKL WMPAirir is dne to the fact that only the FINEST AND BEST MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and OAEE are exercised daring ita manufacture. jyadwtf Agent and Bottler, N"ew Berne.; IT. . C. for the mm twill sell the balance of our Stock 7,of CMing at Cost. We ur Spring and Summer Stock r ) and Annuity f s OES' ws;-jr irTV- '.."" "Km jo". huO wish Jo maroomjloi; t.;.I,,; 5 .-:--!' .i I ta ',1' ay t "i i iTj y I II II ia"" it' J -Jv-' TijJa 5)1 1 iS Hfel mm M

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