f f X e CAN DYgOi faros. Rags, etc ) rzn cents aaal la assay etber nn (ATI How;, aad rang look kM XCW, by M DIAMOND DYES. TWNkauT.iktiiKk:i Mm lb BS"V aad PA3TST kaewa. Aak far DIAMOND DY&S m4 teas KMf. For OiWiaf a Breastag Faaey Aitktea DU DIAMOND PAINTS. Qsi. Silver, Iiwm, Cr. Oaly s CeaSa. ;Dab? Portraits. AfordbUxtfbMctlftilUbr pie tun waa hat, prints en la wt paper ay patroi paaao pcoeeaa, wot to auka at eay M; Ml wKtdn Meat. Every Hchr wants won Merer.. ; Hi at oooa. ttive baby s aaa.. and age. VOLS, lieHABBJfll a CI, vauaaroa. rr. AU 1 aUv. !u J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livcrj Stable. I have reflehedTWO MORE CAR LOADS of Horses and Mules, which were selected by me individually with great care. In making mj purchases I deal only with reliable men, and pet nothing but good and sound stock. Will rake pleasure in sbowinp ton through my Stables and Yards. .u,lr,road Street, -'New Berne, N. C. KINSET SCHOOL, La C3r27tng:e, jXT. O. For Oirls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. St Writ for Catalogue to 4 JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. mmx ioiti cuoim MARBLE WORKS, KW BERNE. S.C. Slonuments. Tombs. a t l tin H Urate aod Bnlldlacworka ITALIAN&AUERICAK MARBLE Order will raoeira prompt aUentiOv tad satisfaction guaranteed JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor . Oor. BROAD AND CBAVtN 8U. SEW BKMXX, N. C Q E. iiiLUn It my authorised aget t In - t80-Jfw .V. GEOnGE ALLEII S GO I ! ,r DEALEBS IS General Hardware Atriultrml ! ImpKuentf. PlwV Harrow!, Cultlyter, Ufin& Axe. U;. Wood's Mowen,ftHd .Beapera, .H SteamEnjrtneg,. ; OottOA Olng andVresMf, FertUlMrf. Land Plaster, Eainlt : Mechanics Toole and Hardware, lime Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Patnt,' Kalsomlne, Var , nlab, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. . Free sera, , Refrigerators. ; Oil Cook Stores, Eureka Bnrglar Proof Bash Locks, warranted to iclre security and satisfaction, . PRICES VERY LOTT.V T GEO. ALLEN fi CO. ,rihe System- 1 ViC-ta Kara ceaary OOBponaaV RpurttVaMM Blood, cures OtawctpeUDa. sad regulate Um Iw aai rulirri ririirrnnltT rlnina tuf taeaysraa of all vmm aad dead mauera Paine's Celery Compound omMaea troe aerre tanjo and streagtamg tnslitus, rMnaa La uecstea and apuua . I haw been trouhieal lor aome years wlta a eomplloaauo ul difficult. After trying- n rtou remedies, and aot finding relief , I tried raise' oewry uunpotno. before taking on tutt buttle (be too troublesome Symplon be- ru to subside aad I caa araly say aoar, that I km on a new man. uipnauaa naa improved, and 1 have gained tea pounda in weight mux I nave ooataieaced taklM the Compound. " HaMESTCS 8TtaaMS. PetohvlUe, W till. SUfcaTtaSS. At Pruggista. Wbua lucaaaMoa a Co.. BuriLn-taa. vt. 1 WHEN yon ran tii a pre, e)an, tin I SAVANNAH CI (MR lBSld and bat, of the very flnett SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two tor I a nickel, why don't yon o to PALMBSVS i CIGAR ITORB and get them. 1JO not be I bam bagged by cheap traan ; gat a good moke and be happy; aad, yoa aaa vet any qnallty of Cigars yon want. Little Mexl , oan. one eent. FIVK CHCROvTS, ery popular brand, far ten cent, elOwjeio .Why not come mid try tbemf t l. Middle atifrbern. The Ladies Must Come J The Gentlemen May Come ! AND "Everybody" Gome I TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea- i Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BBOUGHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OP House Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. H. CUTLEJRj 26 & 28 Middle Street, -i NEW BERNE. O. ' ' JOHN McSOELEY, FASHIONABLE ' m' - . IMS --'0 T Boot ana onoo Pollock St.. Newbera, N:G ' Desires to announce that hi fALLSTOCa OF MATERIAL baa been reeeiTed and he la prepared to nil orders for , niECHSTOM-IUIE boots in w Bainelwo sapeTlorsklUedworkmoa.au orders promptly ailed. . .. la aoilclUng patronage 1 guarantee Ue beet material, a good flt, the awtect .Styles and durability," .. . .,1 . u. .i . A on among many teetluonlaJe of the eharaeter of my work the eebjolned froaa a well known eitlzen tells it owa story: rjFmn states New Brams, K. 0- Comxis'bs ornca. , oeu atb, 188. Jvo. Mcsormt, Esq, ; ' ' . Daaa Ria Pleaae make me a pair of gaiters similar to those yoa made me two years ago I have Worn them two years aad they are goa ifet.--! have been weertn; shoe flfty-slx years and they are the best I erer wore. - - Bet peetfnlly, ., .-x Bigned- 19 prLU ' Ee pairing neatly and promptly done. . . - oetadw. . -''.r -IT WOW v r THE JOURNAL. E9XZ1ALIU. glFtfnlly Baerlbo4 is Prances Hi anna Bi Hera was lorare. lovely face with raJiaaca UpoeaV who tender rbeek the rotee .blew. Her ripe and luscious lip beeweet with dew, Where raby portal, eapid eat, and where la milky eaeea, shoo pearl beyond eofltpere. Her bonay earle had filched the sunny hae 0( amber -tinted grain which ripening jrew Beneath her faithful "DTy'," aart'ing ear. The acaie miet on old Bald Mountain' peak Mirrored iteelf her laughing ye within. While oa the elt of her ruddy cheek ad oa the eoftnese of her rouaded chia. The dimple timidly played hide and seek, And nature's balm caressed the satin kin, -Ed. A. Oldham. a Lost Headier aft Berorrrrd. From Mr. Albert Fleming's ar ticle id the Tebraary Centnry, on the reriral by him of ''iland Spin ning and Weaving in Westmore land," we quote as follow: "First ot all, to answer the question, Does it pajt which is the average Eng lishman's first question. I want my project to lm, as all honest m hemes ought to be, eelfsopport ing; so I am glad to be able to reply that it does paj, even m the haul and fast commercial sense. I bad beon mindful of a maxim of Mr. Ilorells, ia one of his books, 'Before yon learn to do a thing' pray be sore people want it.' 1 And people do want the Langdale linen, for without advertising or publicity I have orders from all parts of England for many hun dreds of yards. And it pays too in a coin, current in another king dom than this; pays a hundred told in the glad, uncounted treasure of brightened homes and hearths made happy with sweet and honest labor. 1 reap, too, all to myself, a little harvest of pleasant sights and sounds. It gladdens me ereatlv to pass a cottage door and to hear from within the soft mnrmur of the wheel. Once, too, on a wild No vember day, I saw a trange weird vision of the Fates, not Narcissus crowned, but here alive before me aa three Westmoreland women. Little did the three spinsters think as they drew and cut the tangled thread from the distaff that they were setting forth in homely fash ion under the crags of Loughrigg the tremendous myth of life and death preached centuries igo under the olive groves of Greece." A Cheerful Spirit, Ghssrfolness and a festival spirit fill tne soul run of harmony; it composes music for churches and hearts; it makes and . publishes glorifications of God; it produces thankfulness aod serves the end of charity; and when the oil of glad ness runs over, it makes bright and tall emissions of light and holy fires, reaching np to a clond, and making joy round about: and. therelore, since it is so innocent, ana may do bo pions and foil of holy" advantage, . whatsoever can innocently minister to this holy joy does set forward the work: of re ligion aad charity. AnrlMflaeM, charity .-itself,- which is the' vertical topttilt-ftSttgm; is nothing else dos anion of joys concentrated in the heart, and reflected from all the mngles of our life and Inter coarse. It is rejoicing in (rod, a gladness in oar neighbor's good, a pleasure in doing good, a rejoicing with him: and without love we cannot have any joy at all. UCwSrjaxPTtOISCl'BlBLEl Bead" 'the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., Bays: "We down With Abscess of Lohgs, and friend aad physl eians prodoanoed me an Incurable Con snmptiTe. Began taking Dr. King's New DleeoTerT- for Consumption, am now on mj third bottle, and able to oversee the Work oa say farm, - It .i h nnest medl eineevermadevi; .j, : -' Jetee ttldidewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for CDnsnniBtion 1 would have died of LungTrouplea. Wae. given np by doc aortinfiowia beat of health Try it. Sample bottles free at R. N. Daffy Wholeeal and Retail Drag Store, New Betae, N. C. 18 pet dozen, wholesale. l7j Wilklns,was Maoervery ixcited when yoa told him he was ajjest!"; MHe'must hyve been. He paid me the mosey he owed me.'' , , r) , VAU in VIRIDAr. , 1 LcslBOW. A!C Atlasta toBakUpt. ', mf.li'K. HawHs, tlanUTJM bear Sir You doubtless 'remember tae felting a alas of jra nearly-three JrS&kl agpt I had then gWeifW all bpe U eef being hbls to reed aaain. Thcutaat threw weeks, however.'wlth the pse of. yonr glassea my eyes have beenw&oderfnlly benefited, and nate been enabled to do a great deal of read ing, the first I had dona la two yean, andjmoreover Ihava "great hopes of their entlra recovery In a few years.1! oafioot. too highly ; reootanvead yont glaa to nry friends. Ywrrepectfnlry, ' ;.a.'ii' '. 'K.O. CALLAWAT, . C ' "wvi With Moore. Marsh A Co. i All eyes fitted and flt guaranteed by F. 8, Daffy, New Bens, N. a jlSdlm ci i.U.ifg:r( vmm tat tl.t-e wetsksdiU jiua. .i ta tX-WEi-i cftu auud dot-tor but w'hct auv jet-cud Uriw-lit rte iriotl a, a. uia w ttie v.aie oot UlLt (ted taken v ' M v . pietdj cuixti Now sMaej .1 ' fid titan y n-.d I) eWaC t rotMlft at&illl i. .. t , . . lot datv lO OkCLc uu tmwuL , abE, HiL-a ft.!. koL fls8sd for ?.v u Bloud u.d Vr. -ai4 Atnc l Sufl rvr muim frvt.. Tai Si in bPssciF, . OrmerS AL.au. 0,1 A Noted Divine 6s: for Dyaptetwia. k ki.nucn i.u.1 CowUaoaieem. otta which I butlvoL haa.f fllcled. ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I erhedaajtb.iut( to.lv ueaomurh Ve4. I WMminniii II-em ut all as tfce beat naeoltclne tn tiMtnrc." Be. V. It. v.ii:i, eW t ui k SOLD EVEHTtVhEHs. Office, 44 Murr. . . Brick! Brick 1 Brick ! 50,000 For Sale W. P. BURRU3 Gi)., OE.N-RAT. C0MMIS3I0?! MERCHANTS, AND OliAIN DEALERS, MiKiKT DTK SEW IW'KNK. N ( l" I'onsign ue your rr-mc m- J a if Mules and Horses. NORTH CAROLIN A STo K Mr K S STUFF. r ha- jut rr.-nved from Western N. C. an. l!. r !..t , f tine Mules and llor.es oome ana see tiu-ni f The World Stands Aghast AT Mr LOW IMtlCEB, And wonders, Row la it that I can sell eo much lower thun any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOE SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DKAMNO. X3otne and buy from me, and you will never regret it. II. It. JONES, New Borne, N. 0. NEW BERNE MTOPAMLICO LWE. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handiom ily (onstnirlpil freight and pas senger boat, having tvvn placed on this route, la prepared to render superior service to and from all points on lower Nense Kiver and Pamlico county, nn, .New Heme. Kor the present the following schedule will h in operation: LeaTes New Heme every Wednesday and Saturday atHIX A. M. for Haydoro. stopping at ClnbfooU, Adams and Bid i Ids Creeks, Vandsmereand Stonewall. Leaves Hayboro every Mouday and Thars dAf at SIX . M., stopping at. Htonewall, Vandemere, Braltns, Adams and Clubfoo's Creeks, anlvlDK at New Heme Monday and Tbara lay evenings. JCxoellent passenger accommodation, am ple freight aolllties. Frelgbt receipted tor an i received dally by agent K C. D. I.lne, and every lnf.rmatlon given. . D. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, O. H FOW1.KH. Hvonewall KOWLEK A ruiVKLI, Agenta Bay boro. OKOROE A. HCSSET. novt dwtf Ueneral Manager. Sale of Land. STATE OF NORjn A H' iI.tf.'A . I Rnperifr Craven County. j (.ourt. Starkey F. Gardner, et als. i vs. J Kotl-e. Norma Gardner, etal. I Pursuant lo the Judgment In the above named proceedings, 1 will aell at Public Aoctton at the Oourt House In Neweern. on Monday the Fourth day of March. 188. at Kevin O'clock, A.M., the following deaorlbed land; viz: Part-of lot known In plm of City or Newbern as Lot No 610, at the northwest eorawr of George and South Front streets, formerly occupied fcy Htarkey Uardner.de oeaaed, and described In ths petition In tald proceedlogs. Terra Cash JAME3 C. HAREUSON, . . Uommlisloner. ptawperB.N.C, Jan. 30, 1!9. Round Knob Hotel, . V. D. SPB AGTTE, Prop'r. BOUND KNOB. N. a Most Picturesque Scenery In "vYe stern North Carolina. I TOfirrB OF INTtBKST N1AR BY: pld.rortHwa... . ' . .distant 5 Wiles. - ' 1 " 5 St. Eeraaed MoanlMn..... 1 S 6 " 7 - , e fiwaaaja Van n el Pinnacle of the Brae kldce. Potato Top .... To i Blver, fine troatSsblBg Bridrerlrwi gprlaagaui s. jmjict iron spring... 'A VltobeU'i Peak, the Grave of Prof. Mttchll i aX aionaaaf m, trine mller7 dews.' trains stop at Ua door. apl7 Open all the year. Term reasonable by month or week. - al8 d wtj Tiitt's Pills PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK wbbm. . c. Oaka i Orm.M sweot, eetweea Follock and BroaJ. ar-MAl P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOKNEY AT LAW Craven St., two door South of Journal offioe. Will pneUoe lata Oeantlea of Cravea.. tej-- terel, Jones. Onaw aad Pamiwo. I' n lied biale Court at Aev 1m ma, and Suprejua Ooart of the State. feel d U OWEN H. OUION. ATTORNEY AT LAW.fr1" Boons-South Front street, four doors wee ot i raven. SAtoai.i: le La w anU . i; v a : 1 lea. 1 imtwr l.ugtit and . ! Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. in rear of Hancoci Jrug store, next door to Howl Albert. Open from 9 am. lo 4 p. - . Wi.: Kivo prorupt attention to all ma . r 3 pt itnin ing to Justices' oourte d2.i ltf it v IIII.vs For Horses, Cattle, Sheer. Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 600 I'Ai.E BOOK ou Tn ui. meal of Auimal. . ..I t ban fcm t r, e. .Brs t-'p,.r. I onae.llon.. I n ft 1 1 . . .... ilnal Mfallllll.. lllk tr.rr B. B. Mr.i.fc I.an.eaeai. K beuuia i i.m. 1 . i . ULteuiper, aal Dlachu . I. r. -ttoia r Grabs, Vt iimi. V.. 1L. t uugba, lleaea, Pueuiimnlii. I K. (oh. r l.rlieN, BelliR.br. I. I. Miscarriage, llemorrhns,... H. II. i-lnary and Kldoev Iki.t'u.r.. I. I. Krupllve PlMea(.e., aug-. .1 . K. Dlai-aaea of Utseslluu. Mnlile I a.e. "lib Mim-ltl.-s. Sl.mw. it. h lUirl Ml ami Moll, at. Pr I. r . Mnide lttle lover W tt .e. K .? CO ... Pold by DrusuUl.t or Si-m Prepaid OQ lie. 4-lpl ol 1'rl.v. Hiiirphrevs' Med. Co., 109 Fulton Si . N Y. HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC No 60 la UM JLl Ttastrti Tht) onlv ancrtaiawfiil rrintt.lv f , r Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, n. rri.nl ration, tmm ov.r work or ot h.r cu.. f. :r i.a! or Avi..An.1.iK.vi.l p. .w ,l.r t.s ... i l l. V Mil . ... irs r Kent i.i . Mt n r-.ii.t of pn.e - ltual.rr,,' H4kiMlt., IU tullua L , 1. All of our Veterinary Preparations an he hail of J V. JniiPAX. llniKist, N. W cor Hroai an.! Midlle plrfcts. N.'vih. rn. N. C. $500 Reward ! . i v t hr alM.ve rfltvHM f(r ah v a ii i ul . .! pt;m!ii, a:-k lien !n. Ii ;i I tlfH! 1 .-'.liH! (.Hl.l!l ,ir fl.Hl U rt.ra.ia Wrl i 'tt " with VIp1 t't'i-i at V I vor : . t 1 r'. uotis ar ht ilrl ly i 'm -- i h 1 (it- v are purr ,y e- ' ftblc, h t il .'UT lt! ;:v' Rgllhlftt'tlMl;. 1 H ' Imln .in n'.nt! i.' (Ulnar roi.'.l h. ; l or ' nil .IrMKniN'ii. Hp wan- m r. ,uii U't f. y ID 1 Slit i 1 H I 'n'.H ritfl li.'rililnP MiftMiiHi'urp4 onlv hv h HI S ( '. vv Ys I A t U., h2 W Mal tKin Ht , ('hl.-rtiCo. Ml Sol i hy l. N DUFFY, (JriiKtsiat, New Kerne. N. C. ap24 ti wly TO ADVERTISERS. A list of IM) newspapers divided Inio fl'ATKS AND SK'TIONH will be sent on application-FREB. To those who want their edvert'slng to pay. we can offer no better medium tor tuor nigh and effective work than the various aeoUontofonr Select Local List. .KO P. ROWBL.L k CO . Newspaper Advertising Burean nlS dwlm 10 Snrnoe street. New York ll.i'O'l 35SW THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. I f you desiro to purchase a sewing machine ask our nircnt at your plnce for terms and prices. I f you cannot find our afffttit, write d Iroct to nearest address to you below named 1 NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE ROfMCMS tKicaso - 28 UNION SQUARE. N.Y.- DLL.S, It-L. ATI BN-ra na TEX. ST LO'J.MO. b ' l . l.r3l..lf.rA.i PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED S YEARS. LOW ABM, HIGH $28 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL a tour own house srroRE mo pit nut erst. 111 K !V Jal I 1 I V ARM, $20 m Ilirfi-Ann Machine lua seltVsettlBsr sjcsjella. aelr-tkreadlna- akattle. Is awlswleaa aa7 ll;ha.raBtsiaT.BaitheasajtaatvrMtaWSa aaeata. La a velvesllayajl Doat pay ageats at 6o, but send far circular. Keawabtr, we narantet ear aaacaiae equal aay ajgprtesd atacluai oa lbs marfat. Addrsas, . v - The C A. WOOD COn'W-f' IT JT. let St rhnadelphla, ra. 7 ITha f. c. fuijil Una atisciArr? aid ss??i2saii y?n j. On and aiu-r ( utMsr la, Uss, Una line wtll rcauojjt iheu rf gaiar SEMl-VYKEKLX JKIPS.do. UltUI Baltimore and New .Eerne Leaving B. tenure tor New Bre WED tai A 1 , oa 1 L Kl' . at t. r M. Leavinis .See- Brn fur balua ui iLES- i oAll b.VA; at M. I M Tbls w Ida on!) M KRCT ftua uul ,1 .Sw bru to HfcUnwif uiiOut cutoct n.a yu ' b-"."ip'"e v ..n. "" tvK L.glit m , Vt ' :iL..rr ' t . V a. . rU A. . .Hill. : a i- a t.j..o. iia.., iice. Pier i t ,.:ral w!ia.-( 4 ... uo. tt. I. "mnastuiJi)i, li r k , .. t-a. . W iu-t..:aysABatuiua! iu,.a.cip' i.. .vn.nduys, ,-aijr.- Ja . rv. . .. ' - :n I i-riic, '-.turajaa Iksoi.gti . u 41.. i.,aud HR k..a;. i.tcru ... a. a .li.. , "er utf.lt... ..I tllllll HIlKIKIl.l mi r in . ' K 111 1 h . LI, h: EASiEHi, The r O'-hliLii. DiSi , 1 , UBBttl e. t r-i l . Bolt, n " ' lt7. N. ( 1 EAGLET and VESPEK " ' -ar sctir.-.i . "" .V"N I l rt'H, a i ''I" "U M. , , i t U. t ri'llult ,ti, ii,, 1 i k Houutem K Sortulii h. K.. aii.i K'tlable a, ..I ' r lacllJtles I.. ' r'th Ultv a v 'ii :wluo Shi. ,. I I r . v , .. . t . . i . . , Ml-. i 1 : . ao m uh. i I .1. 1 . ,N i K . .S. 1 ,., , J'; Hit- l'i nun. .iku.. ''.agsu' u, PI I- ii . u , Norm hater. riom i, .:,!, ,,,, t , ar It. K.. Ha.a -,l ui. Al mm UHj ' I'ui t r. l,j I Ii,. I'realdei, . , o. A ihUi ri'iMl of,,K. Kroni liitoiton t ttontherri 11 . i HA- Miner, k k 1 1 1 . ,n -w j K I.UL'k '.A .. . ill I., r , . :,- , I.- I- : . i IN . ' -t ' a:, tj ... j ' .lii Ai;'-.i, Aheul. .N . II I I ft . , '1 ' I refill Ajjoin .m M K r. feiii' ,t 111 M'Kll.u.i.N, Agem, Newl.ori.e. N. 1 1. OLD DOMINION tS.eamsmp Company. Si:.Ml-V!:i iii.Y LLNI3. rilH l.l ISomliilo., Kteannhlp Con l -y s Old an, I Katorlt. U ,ter I )Ula, ,1. Albm,r, ,od tirsapraltc I anal. FVU Xorlulk. Ilalllmor., Kew tori,, , Llphla, Co.lou. Pro.lil.i.o., and Wa.lil,,oon i Ami all prima, Nt r::i, Luhi anl v'bt Steamer MiNlLj, Capt. Soathgate. oteimef Wt'iLhi, CapL Pntchett, Will sail ,.., ?.,., Ken.r. VU VMJ.'.lut,OI1 M. ,s,,at with toe Hieaint-r. u.8. ' eooi, -.I'V'-.-ati.iLn (or UKH.K direct II i.n.v Hf.tt.K lAYrtatlvtf.?Arf l fo u uea.,,,! ,IU, ,e .: ';""' 'n.aa.ngooi,. tor .New o,t i, 1 ,. lH slilpa lor haitlmore, ( i ' ' 'tmiui. lelpDIa, M A V 'ie -Oip, (or andl-rovidei.ee ' b '"I ,u' Loatou them ,n tnaure wl" a" ' foik;" 80,Hl' Citr -)r U- . C... or- Uou will oep.cj u,,m oy tilto(.e; il-w,Q- i- II. KOIIKKTH, AiinU MasHno. itHtJ IM' icu.NtJt, AlieuLS. .Ntirf, 17. W. H 8TANK0RI). ' " ice-t leai.ient. New Tori City. THE NEUSS L TEENT RIV?B 8teamboat Company. HTIIIri n lh.;.,!.n o., . ".uwuia ouuaaaia on aoe aflai January 1st. VeJ. w' Steamer Trent Alii leave every M n.i.r ftnd Thuradav Adams ueetkB and all InterineoiatoTrolnta returning same day. wane. points, Steamer Klnston. Will Issi,. Va-r. ..a u i.ew nerne 01 KluatoDon Tksjasja,. days and Friday, at 12 o-ctoS. M? .Sra! ln. will leave Klnatn .! . r . . r'0n n " raS . 0 I-, J. J. DI808WAT atHewhereV W. F. Btajtlt, AtlDStOV. ;wl t! D. B. BAaaoB. rouokanue. " r W. K. WARD, Agent at .0 M. O. Smith, Jolly ow j-i, . J. B. Bakes, QoaJtat Brldr. efctdA-w , KJnsaou. fl,? i-' fORFflEHONLT, Aqtuck. Mrmcemr r . V or f t ; . view or 4zrz'irrr .'

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