3: l)A I A' OURNAL v. - VOL.-VH.-NO. 281. tfEW BERNE. N. C. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. r BUSINESS L001LS. I?ERTILIZER3 for Truck an and for Cotton Planter, at ' On. Allu ft Co. TAMES REDMOHD, WHOLESALE I LIQUOR DEALER, bM juat ra re i red a good aaaortaaaal ( Native Wlaaa ed Brand iee, and also eoaae of the (amoua California, Win. knew a aa the "Angelica." mad. from tha famoua and dalickma Angelica Orapa. Thia Orape ia only tnooeeefally enltiTatad In tha Souther part of California; it ia a very delicate grape and require cer tain condition of olimata to bring it to excellence, whioh oonditiooa are only met in that pared ia. of tha United States. Hia natiTe North Carolina Winea and Brand iea from tha vintagea of Qarratt & Co. and J. Wharton Oreen are of very superior quality and are err pure. f2 lm rpRUCKERS' Seed and Supplies 1 At Geo. Allen & Co IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND 1 HOLLAND GIN, just received aod for tale by James Redmond. I ) LOUGHS, Cultivator an I Harrow at very low price. Geo. Allen & Co. .1 U3f RECEIVE D-Anqthr lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY forsaleby James Redm.nd. 1)LEASE REMEMBER that I need I money a well aa the reat of man kind, and if you owe me please pay me. J. C. Warm. NE Thousand Roll Wall Piper at V v rery low prises. Geo. Allen A Co. )URE WINES AND LIQUORS for 1 Medicinal and other uses for sale by James Redmond. The President has signed the Nic tragus Canal bill. l)n Freycinct bus undertaker) the formation ol a French Cabinet. The Senate has concurred in the House bill making provision for the next census. TuK Flat Head Indians are get ling on their paint and sharpening their scalping knives. "General' Klink, chief of staff of King Mataafa, has returned from Samoa to Bin Francisco.'' The construction of oar navy goes on bravely, bnt not more bravely than it will be manned in war. Let aa be what we are, and speak what we think in nil things; keep oni selves loyal to troth and friend ship. Longfellow. "The Reed crowd is making a tight to break the "sacred White Elephant's King," and he is at serene as a young mole in a hornet's nest. "THE Senate, on Wednesday, agreed to the conference report on the admission of territories, and in the House it was adopted amid applause." "A GREAT slaughter in corsets" i the truthful language of an adver tiser. Let the gitla avoid them. There are other methods of squeez. ing equally as pleasant. It must make Gen. Harrison smile with sadness and sympathy to read that President Garnot is embarrassed in his attempts to obtain a Cabinet by differences among Republicans. The liquor dealers in New Jer sey appear to have come to the conclusion that they do own the Democratic party of that State This is a sensible conclusion for them and a fortunate one for the party. There is not much danger oi any farmer raising too much hay Glover and grass can be grown with much less expense than cotton, and if joa cannot And a ready market for youi hay ear convert it into beef, batter and horseflesh. Mon roe! Planter. '', 'The House Committee to. which was referred tbe bill introduced in the last ' Congress 'to punish deal log in fatures la agricultural pro ducts bare made a report, in which they say it is improper for Con i gress to pass the measure pro--; posed, and that it ia matter for - State legislation exclusively." Coe reel." A proper regard to State rights on the part of Congress and the Federal Government would be appreciated by the country. It has been a common opinion among men that if the tun changed its position, rod the world turned in the wrong direction, there would be a general smash, np of things terre8tial. But the sun has changed and the world has gone wrong, and till nature holds its sway and the Democracy Btands by. its colors. Mr. Chauncky M. Depew tells the combination ot monopolistic free booters and theoretical cranks who call themselves "American Tariff League,'' that "they have won a great but not decisive vic tory." The enemy be continues "are alert and audacious ; tbey have ibe devotion of propagandists and the tire of crusaders." This is after dmuer talk, but if it means that the fight against monopoly legislation will be made hotter until the government ceases to collect money not required for our own necessary expenses, it is literally ana exactly correct. LOCAL NEWS. Plenty of slush material yesterday. The mail train arrived an hour lata list night. On an after Tuesday, February 26th. tbe steamers Manteo and Newberne will ail at 0 a m. on Tuesdays and Fridays instead of noon as heretofore. In yesterday s issue in the article on the ladies dep irlment relating to the Fair, a picture of JelTerson was men tioned. Jt-lTertjon Livis wan what the writer intended to say. Wild Jim's shotting at the Fair grounds attracted much attention. His accurary with the rifle is marvelous. His sho.ning the ashes from a lighted cigar beiog smoked by another peraon showed more nerve on the part of both than isdom. The ladies of the committee an ar rangements will be at tbe Fair grounds today for the purpose of delivering ex hibit to the owners of the same. Per sons having articles on exhibition are requested to call aa early aa possible at the committee do nqt expect to remain any longer than is necessary, it being Saturday. Shipping News. Tbe steamer Manteo of the (. D. line sailed yesterdar at noon with larae freights and full passenger list. The Nawberneof the same line will sail this morning for Washington direct. The steamer Vesper of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday with a cargo of cotton, lumber and general freights Tha Annie will arrive today. Tha steamer Tahoma sails this morn ing at 7:30 o'clock. A Relic of the Revolution. Mr. A. D. Smith of Lenoir county, oametothe Exposition yesterday and brought with him a miniature trunk made by his grandfather while apria oner in the bands of tba British troops during tba war of tba Revolution. It is quite a curiosity, and we regret he did not bar it on exhibition daring the first days of the Fair. It was given to Mr. Smith by his grandfather fifty-fir) years ago. Personal. Mrs. A. J. Scarborough left for Balti more yesterday morning to prepare forr millinery badness. P. M. Pearsall, Esq., of Trentod called to tee us last night. He pro nounces the Fair a decided success. Governor Fowls and Senator Vance left yesterday morning, having enjoyed their stay, aa we trust, while with us. Governor Jarvis will leave us this morning. We sincerely hope these dis tinguished gentlemen will be with us again. W. S. Herbert, Esq, of tha Kiniton Free Press visited the Exposition yes terday. : Col. Tboa. B. Keogh of the Greens boro North State, visited the Exposition yesterday. He looks as happy as S lark in an oat patcbx v f Heavy Snow Storm la Colimbia. Columbia, Feb. 21. Snow began fall ing about 9:80 thia aaornina:, and has bean coming down heavily orer sinoe. It ia now two and a half inches deep on a level, and falling thick and fast. It is tha heaviest fall of snow withuvih recollection of our citizens, 'and was fair to last all night. A pralty picture, ia a bealthy looklafl and well cared for baby. By the dm of Dr. Ball's Baby Byrup yoa can keep tba health of your baby , in splendid condition. Price 25 costs a bottle. The "woman's friend" is what Laxa- dor may well bo termed, for every wo man that has onee need it will not be without rt. Price only 23 cents. ; rsfUH. a THE EXPOSITION. A Northeast Storm Prevents a Good Attendance. Closing Scenes. FOURTH DAY. tbe reporter reached When the was and ground yesterday morning be cornered by several gentlemen severely rebuked for not knowing bow to count a crowd. It was boldly claimed that there were at least seven thouaaad visitors oo Thursday inatead of five thousand aa re ported. Tbe gate keeper veiifles the statement that there were at least seven thousand. Well, we are glad to make the correction, Thursday was red letter day, Friday was the blue day. The snow storm that set to on Thursday evening changed to a cold northeast rain and continued all night, rerhape, though, it ia well that this was so be cause the lack of a large crowd yester day gave the judge an opportunity to examine tbe exhibit in detail and award the premiums. The Jocsnal is behind in giving de tail of exhibit because of the immense number of them and because of the crowded sute of the rooms the first three daye. If anything is overlooked, and not mentioned in these columns we beg the exhibitors to remember that it is a big job and newspaper re porters are like all other morula in many respects. In the Agricultural Department we overlooked line country hams by John Humphrey and some others, a hog trough of much merit by Asa Moore and a lot of fine beeswax by D. N. Kilburn. MRRCUANTS' EXHIBITS. Oas room of the main building was set aside specially for merchaota to make their exhibits. In thl?F. Ulricb has a large, interesting and most appro priate display of fishing tackle, nets, twine, oars, anchors, rope, and in fact everything pertaining to ship chandlery and fishing. The arrangement of this display made it one of attraction and admiration. Alexander Miller had a full and handsomely arranged exhibit of family groceries, canned goods and crockery. He exhibited canned goods, old wines, etc., put up at home which deserve special mention. Tbey are equal to any ever exhibited from Nor thern packing hoase. He attribute his success in canning these to the pe culiar jar which ha uses for tbe pur pose. John Suter haa a fine display of furniture; Barrington 4 Baxter a nicely arranged exhibit of clothing and gents1 furnishing goods; W. B. Flanner of tbe Flanner ahoe store gave a fine exhibit of shoes, and quite an elaborate display of clothing, underwear, etc; W. H. Oliver has a fine display of insurance card, and W. T. mil show samples of job printing and rubber stamp of hi own manufacture. FISH AND OYSTERS. The fish and oyster department i full and one of tbe leading feature of the Fair. A gentleman of New York who usually visit the opening of the Fulton street fish market on the 1st of April, says that the display made by George N. Ives was as fine aa he ever saw. It is indeed an interesting display embrac ing eyery variety of fish, both fresh and salt, and so neatly arranged as to at Once attract attention. He had nine varieties of oysters, the finest grown in North Carolina water. H. H. Tooker alao exhibited in a highly creditable manner. He had the largest rock-fish exhibited, the largest sturgeon and we believe the greatest variety. He also had fine Piney Point oysters. Thiiroom waa entirely too small for tbe large dis plays made by Messrs. Ives and Tooker Their exhibit were attractive bat tbe space left for visitors to move around and inipeot was entirely too small. It is hoped that before the opening of the next Exposition. building will be erected for this department. F. Ulrioh alao had an excellent display of gun powder in this department. GAME. Toe game department had a great va rlety of birds and almost every specie Of gams to be7 found in our forest . The list Is so large 'that weoannoS under take to give it here. - " ,w KACBX&SHT HALL. The 8. H. Gray Manufacturing Co. had an exhibit ta the machinery hall that was tits wonder of a large umber visitors. Wood plates and diehes frert being made and the process was i revelation to those who had never be fore seen it. Thsir sxhibit of wood pnl ahpwing the various stages from the y press chip to tbt nice,' white sheets of palp, was also a most interest ing show So thousands of visitors. This enterprising firm added largely to the sueoees;. ; of the U, Exposition Whlttyet Gates . maks fine display of Fairbanks soales. They "bibtt W. " a cotUMi ed crusber. a Cue di-ply of Paaaata. agricultural iispJeoiects. aod tbe boiler Sam Fkascuco, February 21 Purer aadaagine that investhe machinery j Kelley, of tha steamer Collins, which . . .. . .. lI arrived laal nit hi froaa Panama, states of the hall. J U t rabiree A (Jo. make!.... . , . , .... that work on the canal It almost totally a very eaeriton us display of work j suspended. There an a few hundred froaa their ehopt among which is an men still employed, bat chiefly to keep eaaine. castings, too s. eto tleo Allen 4 Co. displayed agricultural iropU meat In this ball is t.'.e plant ( the Schuyler electric light, whuh fur niahed tbe brilliant hh:? for the rip. aition. On the grounds ait a f.ue ei bibit of buggies an j c in .ag- t y 0. T Randolph. Till ST"ik 1SJ ihllltS! Tbe exhibition ufsiook excel. ect orm-lbe severest in stvsral years - i i j ,r . prevailed tteadilr all day. followed r-v indeed. We can not go into particular T . '7 . k. i heavy rain and sleet tonight Trains as we expect to pubhaa the award of from upper Georgia and Carolina come premiums in full . Thtrx eie souie ofjia covered wub snow, and person on the tinetl hogs we hive ern Mr Jus A. bryan eihlbiu the Urt ct u Jersey red. Capl. J. S Lane c:uUitcd some tin pigs of Berkshire mi ! kV&nd I h im. and Dunn & Wiilett ai l J I. K' etu also make good exhibit Torre fit fine conn and l.orrr an I al'.'ut t o hundred txl.ib.iH f . w A l;e otter, mink, ivn mwi.:.m r , .i cit, skunk, an I a lar j;, u .u '.n't f othiT animals which can i .i.t a', ilaj m.ic be enumerat.-d w.ietn. : Mr W 11. Whiteburst ext. I r.n !.e lirr As many i f tht?o l.oc t.i b. rt peated in i ub g ii.e (ifn. uia awards we n : m t n ih.-ni n. detail. The Judgrs w.-rc I ;n tin. ugh -il 'he day in niahin ihe uwai.l.'t un.l i. 1 a v if tbe weather pt-rcuits tin' vaiiu.f articles will bein to t tikea a nv The rouods and binl.lniKH I . kid grand and beautiful Ut niht I t e superior merit of the S. hu v ler e i-teni , or at least of the lights it h m ;u en rn j this ocean. n h Hltesltd l y huHdn''! who had the pleasure of ae. ni ih ir . The Director-, an. I other fro n lo Id an informal nwoticg in the editors'. i room and opened some of ih.- Ik.c mens of oy.teis. and bI it i (jhu-m! conversation on the r-n.'- .' t is t e second annual Kipomtio-i , hi. a .i seemed to lie gratified . h us su.-ce.s, i the President at 1! p m ' I .-i r . the' Ei position i-he.l henna Her led I s 'i-ii.iI.t. ClUBI.KSTi'V. W. rl . 1. ti 'J'. Two ballott were taken tod n , and on the second ballot Dorr and ll irr came ov.-r to Kenna and elected l.im I y a strictly party vote of 40 There whs great ap plause when Kenna ai declared elect ed. Negro Itai iher ( aplut ul .it n k burg. Nxw ORl-HAS1;, Fob.'Jl A ickshurg special saysi Yesterday afternoon VVes- try Thomas, colored, attempted to criminally assault two white ladies at a point barely outside the. city limits, but was preventod by another negro named Jake Littleton, w ho shot and enptured Thomas and to 1 I him until the arrival of officers from the iity The negro Thomas was lini in wait for no one in particular it seems The first one his accosted escaped by Meet ness of foot; the next to come along he caught. She fought and screamed , and this brought Littleton to her help. Thomas showed fight, when Little ton shot him, the ball tlittening itself against Thomas' skull, and knock ing him down. Littleton then tied him and handed him over to the officers. A determination to lynch Thomas is openly avowed, and the officers have him in hiding. Neuralgia, rheumatism, erysipelas. sore throat, toothache, and all other pains and aches are promptly cured by j Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents. Coughing Clara Comely, charming Clarissa Clendenning. carelessly catch ing oold; creeping chills came; Clara coughed continually; cruel croupy congh tbat would havn killed her had she not used Dr. Hull's Couh Syrup, costing 25 cents. (jicorgc M. Oain Pardoned Washington, Feb. 21. The President has granted an application for pardon in the case of George H. liain. Jr , con victed in Virginia of violations of the national banking laws and sentenced March, 1885, to five years in Albany penitentiary. He indorsed the applica tion a follows: Qranted. I am not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that a pardon should be granted in this case; but as the con victa health is not good, and ai his mental condition is such that long im prisonment will prore very dangerous to a sound mind, I follow the recom atndation of tbe Judge, District Attor ney and Attorney Oeneral, in favor of mercy " fame is florida. From an Atlajs'ta Drummer. Mb. A. K. Hawkes, Atlanta, Oa. : iJDear 8ir You doubtless remember me getting a glees of yon nearly three week ago. I had then given up all hopes of ever being able to read avain. The last three weeks, however, with the ass of your glasses my eyes have been wonderfully benefited, and I have been enabled to do a great deal of read ing, the first I had done in two years, and moreover I have great bopee of their entire recovery in a few years. I cannot too hishlv recommend Tour glass W toyTfriends. Yours respectfully, K. (J. UALLAWAY, ' With Moore, Mann & Co. All fltiwt n4 fit truarantad bv IF. B DuffyS New Berne. N.Ot jl3Jlm mKniaerr is oraer. me Jamaica laborer are leaving tbe Isthmus u great numbers. Although Ate thousand men are ide no trouble it anticipated At Culebra the Columbian government has a force of about one hundred svl diers An English and a Fienoh man of war lie at Panama I A Blindiag aw Merui ia iuguU AiwsTt, Feb. 21 A blinding uo them report very cold weather and heavy snow stormt. Tbe . blizzard 1. almost unprecedented for this piri of the country h (OMI SPTHH IMt IllUll Kra.t the f 1 .!,: M- . H M -i Newark, Aril ue VN u v $ .'Svas it l.uiiifs. in . t. it . V ..Al lirOtJiHtQv'l1 llif Ri, -union e h. ii) uk ; i (( lUsvDvery f.ir ( -dmi hi f In t hi r I Untile. ol Kb . work on Li. v far ui I : . 1 i clue r rt uot.le le(.e M..lolrlt lr-tt; lucurt t ;t k i fc , v am n I, o rf" i ! ' I i ! it uot two l r I r h , i - r v tor i .ii.-ouupi ion I w. I -f l.'.itij; 1'routofS Was givto i r- ui uow id t-p-t ot t eal ! r-nni ',e lioti es fire jt H N l.oles!e Slot Keliill I'nif.' St Hernr N (' per ,lou, hoi 1 r . I ' . Lost, At the Kair (rounds Vrdnrsda - u i. ing . a tiro w a Setter 1 og with a letber collar on his neck A reward i.l t e pn 1 I v addressing the A e n t i ( i'.i ''id I 'om in ion Steams h Ip t 'ni y v For Sale, D A MAIIH) lilt K t'iesn u " ot nts per bushel I i; Mr- f.-h : d.' It KI I Is ( Oft I HI I Aak Your Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Neds. .1 A tlK8 MKtNM et SnOK . ii.i and Winn. It nt hit.- i.Vin(r, m.i lit nl litis .- ItliUKIMl IN," In. i - m ih, ttr! Mm.- t Jl w..l aalistV thfl ni -f ra.iHlu.iK J AMKs MEANS ot MfOK. I- AMolutetv Itl.t I v O . ol us prl.-- to !l iiv. iv i n Uip mftrk. t In liii h tliiritl.il r y s conalilen-d h f n, merf .nt wnl anrM-ar r ttui .Hrtvf SL". J HE E u, J. 1MF.AVS A ( O., Ilosion. Full lines of Iho nbovc .lines lor nalr hf Howard & Jones. Edwards & Clark, MACHINISTS, Craven St., near South Front, NEW BERNt, N. C. If you are in need of any work in our line, give us a trial, and we nil en loavor to give satiafactiou. Oood work ami prompt fulfillment of contract is our aim. Call and see us. Life Size Portraits. Life Size Portraits, in 0,1 or Crayon, made from any kind of small picture by MifS AURORA MACE. I4T Satisfaction guaranteed. Apply at her residence, Johnson street. fet2 dwlyTT Dissolution. The co partnership heretofore exist ing under the firm name of WATSON & STREET, Insurance Agents, was dis solved by mutual consent, Jan. 3 let, 1889. The business of FIRE INSUR ANCE will be continued by Mr S R ' tfiftt, who succeeds tho late firm W. M. WA 1.x N, S. R. STREET. Ia retiring from the firm of Watoon & Street, and the business of Fire In surance, I deaire to attest my apprecia tion of the liberal patronage of the in suring publio which haa been extended to the firm during tbe past ten years, aod to bespeak for the new manage ment s continuance of the same. By the terms of the dissolution I be come Sole Oeneral Agent for North Carolina of The Hartford Life and An nuity Insurance Company, with head quarters in the same building lately occupied by the firm . fel5 W. M. WATSON. Mules and Horses. A FINE LOT of MULES and HORSES have just arrived, at jlgd'Ttf M. HAflN CO. AND CLOCKS! Hewbern Furniture Go. .UOfc .'i.e ti.. Ml.'. Pic ..J el a c e-au st fts tn T. J TI KM it CO., Got. F. S. DUFFY 1 ) (JOIST, DRDGS k lUi''Mi C HEAP TOR CASH. ! H r.t. . r - luatl f t tn i S lllH-V M - Furniture!! JOHN SUTER 1 1 in i n Ih ti 1 sn I han.Uoii.e tii r llt'H? 1 - , ' el.- He i.'-o . f t , !-!,.-, .- .. r . - mk' im et y .1 iy i.ts. i (..imber s ts, - u wrJii-tifS, - f U, etc., ' - io' uiddd work - i i : i m, bu reaus, t .in I substantial. i in-, . u to ;iu k ' Iterne. 11 lt..t t mi I William il. Oliver, INSURANCE AGENT AMI .iVclj ustcr, M. i t (' 'i.t in. .Km, f lUi Hit..-!:., .. ' Trav.-:t.--.. f .I. iit Kiii ei it .in ! M r mo 1 n - ii r A nif r i ;iri v N. orL I 1 , 1 irt. i(- an 1 A. c. 1 i v . ! .Dii'loii, Co., of "Notice To Chewers." RECEIVED: A Full Line of LORILLARDS PLUG TOBACCO A i IT. IJIrieli, wiioi.i;s.i.r. c.iioci;!.', MM iI.K I'UKKT. N (' For 30 Days Only! HEATING STOVES FOR LESS THAN COST FOR THE NF.r THIRTY DAYS. Now is lh( tin.p to buy. We must reduce our stock. Tliu ii do humbug' Como and see rap. P. M. DRANEY. jn24 dwtf Look To Your Interest! Farmers. Country Merchants and the Trade generally are invited to call sad examine our etock of m Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. We always keep in ttxk the ce!e brated 8tate Prison and Parsons Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted. We have a large supply of F.orida Cheroots and Proclamation Cigsra These goods are bought by direct from the Factory. jmmi S" SnufI at Manufacturer's PiesW -(sT No trouble to show Roods ROBERTS BE03 South Front si., tteu BemtJir Q - - v-i - .hiae.i o . T . I S W 1 ti. . '-,- i. X s