" f . ' I r r i i i 'it Dnss.oeiC9at Any Color asmuna, reamers, r f FOR Tarns. Rags, itc ) ten cents eat a aeavaaW weva SAYB Maaay, aad hIm (stag, tee Us HtW, ky mac DIAMOND Di&S. Tea- warn 7. nails, eiuck j sas tokwa ia BUT aed FASTEST kaowa. Ask fit DIAMOND DYUudttktM snr. rorOUdiac M Brsaaiag 'ucf Articlca USX DIAMOND PAINTS. Qaa. SUvsr. tau Csprer. Bain Portraits. & portioueoi mubiu neoj p Minim ba, M1DM4 SB tM niaM MPCT Dy P" pnoio inn ml free 10 eiar os any Bab? ton wttala a rear, hm Motber u Qmh l f dhom : and at ones. Oits I Baby I Bam Mid age. Wttlt, IICMAKOSOI A CD., HRUHTWI, TT. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. 1 Lare rweiTed TWO MORE CAR L0A1S of Horses nd MuIm, which were selected bj me individually with grtat care. In making mj purchases I deal only with reliable men, and pi-t nothing but good and sound stock. Will take pleasure in showing ou through my Sialics and Yards. froad Street, -New Berne, N. C. augl'Tdwl INSET school, JLmEi a-riarLgro, 1ST. C For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. W Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. I I1ITIIH MIT) CJROLIIi UARBLE WORKS, SIKW BERNE. N.C. Blonuments Tombs. V i tail eta 1 Oraraaad Building works ITALIAK&AK1ERICAN MARBLE Orders will reoeire prompt sttentiof ad tatiaf action Kuaraateed JOE t. WILLIS, Proprietor Oor. BROAD AND CRAVEN 8U. JIXW BZRNX , i. C Q, . JltbiAB Is my tuthorlzed- gei t in ma80-dTw GEORGE ALLEU & GO - i1 DKALEBS IN : General Hardware Agricultural ' Implement t. Plewa; narroWa,1 Cultivator', (j :u kod. Aiei, Wood' ' Mowers and Bsapera, . 'Steam Enjrlnev ' Cotton Glut and Presses, rertUtawrs.tjand Plaster, Kamli Mechanics' Tools and Hardware, Mue, Brick, Cement. Plaster Hair. Paint,: Kalsomlne, Var nish, OIL Glass, Pnttx and If lr. v. Freesera, Refrtireratort . . OU Cook Stores, -Eureka 'Burglar Proof 8 ash Locks, warranted to aire security and satisfaction. PKICE3 VERT LOW. 1 O CO. ALLEN & CO. Cleariio. Abe System wKA (Bat aflat KUakH aaaelM Fataet Cea7 Oompouail. Itpurtaesta blood, cures CuuaiiBaUoa, irlrtfilitiHThr Trraasal kklneneffectuaUyetoamv tng the system of al waste Sad dead auttera Paine's Celery Compound eetuMaea nne kw tordc and streagtalaf qiuiuata, revtvliig the energies tad sptrita. " I ot bee troubled tor some years wttk a oemplk-atkm of difficulties. Alter trying Ta nous reiuediea, sad aol ttnjjng reUet I tried Paine's Otery Compound. Before taking on full bottle the long troublesome symptoms be gan to subside, and 1 can traly amy now, taat I feel Uke a new man. LuresUoa aaa Improved, and I nave gained ten pounds In weight sknee I have commenced t&kliig the Compound. " Hoskhtus STKxajfa, Ketch Tllle, Vt. Slue. Slxforesoo. At Dnurgtsca. Wkua Kicauuwo g Co., Burlington, v"i AGENCY FOR n -a El WHEN yon ran set a sore, alean. fln SAVANNAH CIGAR lbslde and out, of tha l very flnet HA VANNAH TOBACCO, two for a nickel, why don't yon go to P1LJIEK1 CIO AR STORE and get them. Vo not ba I humbugged by ebeap traahi gat .good I imoke and be nanny- and you can aet any I smoke and be happy; and you can get any quality of Cigars you want, tdttle Mexl- oans, one cent. FIVE OUICKOtrtTJ,- very piipular brand, for ten eeots, eto., .10 why not come and try them - WM.l. PALMER, Middle St., Itawbern. The Ladies Must Gomel The Gentlemen May Come ! AND "Everybody" Coma! TO SEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BEODOHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OP Hon Ee Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. H. .CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. X. O. JOHN McSOBLEY, FASHIONABLE . Boot and Shoo Lkicr, Pollock St., Newbern, N. C Desires to announce that hie FALL 8TOC1; OF M ATEKI A Li has been rscelved and he la MMMrf ti fill mvira Cnr . "- ' -. 1 4 .1.38 F1SE CUSTOM-HIDE B00T& UB SHOES Bavin two snperlor sillied workmen, all orders promptly ni led. .-. in aoiieitina patronage i naaraDiee -we best material, e good fit. the a teat etylea As one among many tesumontaia or tae character or my wore tne subjoined rront a well known eUiaen tells Its own story: L'KITXD PTATES Ooiuus'bs OrncS. Jvo. alG.VlRI.B-r. Feo. NsW B WHS, H. OOV Sth, 1888. DiAit ain Plea make me a pair of gattere similar to those yoa made me twe years age. l nava worn mem iwo yean ana they aro good yet. I have been wearing ehoee flfty-al'x years and they are the beat l ever wore. , Rwipwouuiiy, - L "Bigned" : ". , H O HILL. , Bepairins neatly and promptly Sons. : .----.." oeW aw .r,..r :. DO IT NOW 5. a i III I TT W rwm nrm? tmto ai i J. 11 l i U VUXJL1JJ. 1 LI1D. J. VALUES HS&Y. Oaane, kmry rotas, and gnide into the wild Boas&Btio wool, vfceie spatiai N'atara 4kM A.nd lt .as there unolaap tke book of TisM, And re4 Me page Immortal sad Bab lime; How tbe Ted warrior la bk foreet laxrQ, As tmly great ud truly wlataad grand As Boassa Ciexs ia tbair eolamaed balls. And Grecian bardi hemmed ia by clatsio walls. Cerelees and happy, roamed bis native, sank. And lored the wilds where Nature gave him birth. Ere White man's foot had known tbe virgin noil, Wbioh now yeilds harvsU to his dally , toll Acrowalees monarch Nature's kingly Child, Heard great Usnitou speak in waters us; While oV the hills his echoing war cry 1 reag, And stilled the notes that Nature 'a war blers sane. Alas ! those haunts are gone, and fields instead But tell of blood the martyred ladian shed ! Columbia's soos. with guos of thunder grand, Spread death and woe tbroegboat his forest laa,d ! Thay pieicsd the chieftain's bert. his wigwam burned. His native woods to fertile Melds tbsr turned ! li, warrior. ...Ubim neatb the khI to And piled a wound above bis pulseless Then wandsrsd far to distant Western IMB1DS, Where yet the remnant of his tribe re mains, And there, in Idle melancholy roam Tbe barren clirTt, devoid of hope or home . Slow sinks the sun behind the pines that wave In solemn grandeur o'er that chieftain s grave; The murmuring brook within its pebbly bed Chants requiems sweet unto tbe valiant i 3! desi lbs How 'rs that in its silvery dew drops i love j Bloom fresh at morn to decorate that urave, I And every eve an Iodian maiden , tread Draws near sod linger, round that chieftain's heed. And every morn that humble grave is seen Bedecked with rlowr. and wrsaths of living green; No white man so inhuman as to spoil. As near the mound he keeps ia daily toil. For many a spring the birds again had come To sing sweet carols o'er that chief Uin's home And many a spring the rippling brook had sped, In limpid coolness o'er its rooky bed; And many a spring hsd water lilies laved, And in its .pray their shining petals waved; For many a spring tbe sighing foreet trees Hed voiced the moans of every passing breeze; And many a spring the widowed Indian maid Fresh flowsrs upon her bero'e breast had Isid, Till one bright mora Columbia's daughter ehoee Too near to treed and pluck a climbing roee, And from tbst hour tbe mound has nsver been Strewn fresh with flow 're and wreathe of living green! No more was heard tha Indian maiden's treed At twilight hour around her esored deed; No mora the pinee their waving beads careened From side to side with every ohangtag wind. Tha yellow grain ia bending 'aeeih the breeze. Where erst haa stood these giant forest trees; And widened field strstch out upon tha view Whsrs sighing pines and oaks msjeetio crew. Tbe birds no more can coral from the trees Their aotes of praise upon the evening breese; The brook, forgetful of the dirge it sang. lias sunk in earth, from whose free breast it sorana : The fragrant flow'rt, no mora tbs maiden a nride. Robbed of its spray, havs hung their needs ana a led In grisf's mate image Nature moarns her brave. Aad weeps ia silence o'er that chief- tain's gravel Columbians sons usurped tbe Indian land, And mighty cities roe at their com mand; Their habitations stead boob her hills. tier sieaTwg nyers tara taetr pond -rows anuir Their raUwsys link tha North, Sooth cast ana West. Olid o'er her plains and ptoagh her moentaui era: Their matchless craft ia atery clime are known. Ball all th seas and eompa ts every gone ; Tha fiery lightnings, Mined at Iheir command. Flash out their deeds In ererr distant v ' land: Their wsving flags ia every cfina an- inriea Proclaim their grandsur to a gasing world; - . . -. . All aatfoos marrsl at the nrogTea (rand Of art and ecieno ia Col am bis 'a land. And very tongn :a4.wrarjr- heart To slag her praise and worship at hex ; shrmsi ;--., t; j--....;--;::, ;..ii.J The lareest exrraD.es of :aarried life are frefiuenllj caused tj the little nes. v I fa I tt laud 'iu, brr u "d bad Lakck V ... N.'w so h- .. ' rotMUtl Uea. t.i vu ... tins statemra W eil 'ur ' 1j and AJ'in : ..J Tai irr uki b ttic un tut I.. ul of itau - i i 1 L Lut Bl dbE lo P.Imk .-a'tii, ItJu lli.. Mo . Im . braver &. A: A Noted Divine Says: ! w4las Tull I tier I'lll- for Dyspepala. V, s,siix h anl I ivattveaesa. Ub , ln l, t Ui hwa affile led. ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I sier had an ihlnc i do me so mot-It gw4t. I reeeuiniiiciiU iln-iii to all a the fceet mewlrtno I fil-nnit '' ke. r . K. (S(.llli. en t ,.rk SOLD EV EE Y WHERE. Office, 41 Murrat !.. V orlk. Brick I Brick ! Brick I 50,000 n y P( BURRUS I GO., GENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND OFAIN DEALERS, MiHKKT I), icr KW IlKUNK. N . t W Consicn m your produce m . . J a tf Mules ajid Horses. NORTH t'AKoi.lN A sTi K Mr K S. STKKK 1' Iiah iii-t re,-, ived from Western N. ('. un ih.r lit uf l:n Mules and Horses. taf Come and e tin m j The World Stands Aghast AT MF LOW ritlt'EH, And wonders. How ia it that I can sell so much lower than any one pIbcV I'll tell you: 1 have determinpd to be easily satinfloil for the cnsii, and WORK POR SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR UFA LI NO. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it K. R. JONES, New r.erne, N. 0. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handiomily eonitnietf ii freight and pas senger boat, having Own placed on this route, la prepared to render mipertor service to and from all points ou lower Neusn Klver and Pamlloo count v. and New Heme. For the present the following sohe.lule wnl 1'-' In operation: Leaves New Rernw every Wednes lay and Setarday atHIX A. M. for liu, bom, stopping at ClabinoU, Adam. an. I Hrullhs Creeks, Vendemere and Htonewsll. Leaves Bayboro every Monday and Thurs day at BIX A. M., .loppliiR at Kunnewall, Vandemere, Bmllhs, Adam, and ( lulifoms Creeks, arilvlng at New Berne Monday and Thar, lay evenings. Kioellent passenger sccqmrnodalion, am ple freight aelliues. Krelght reeelpted tor an I received dally by BgeatlCO. D, I.lne, and eviry Information given. D. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, ('. H FOWIiKH, ' Sionewsll. KOWLER A IMWKLl,, AgenM KAVboro. GEORGE A. Ill SSKY, novtdwtf General Manager. Sale of Land. STATE OF NORTH PAROLI.VA, I Superlrr Craven County. Lourt. Btaxkey K. Gardner, el als. vs. Norma Gardner, et al. Noil-e. Puisuant to the Judgment in the above name proceeding!,, I will sell at Public Auction at the Court House In Newbern, on Monday tbe Fourth day or March. 1K8U, at ttleven o'clock, A.M., the following described lend, vim Part of lot known In' plm of City of Newbern as Lot No 610, at the northwest corner of George and Bout ft Front streets, formerly oceopled by KtarkeyGardner.de eeaaed, and described In the pet.tlon In said proceedings. .Terms Cash JAMEi C. HAHRISON, Commissioner. Kewbern.X. C, Jan. 30, 18'), Round Knob Hotel, tV. D. SPBACTE, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB. N. 0. Most Picturesque Scenery in Western North Carolina, poisrra or istkkest sear by:; (MS Fort,.. .distant 6 Miles. Bt, Bernard Mountain Cetstwaa 'aiia...... MudC I Out.. Swaaaanoa Tunnel Plaaaele ef tae Blue Kldge... Potato Top Toe River, One trout ashing -Bridges' Iron Springs BCeUy'e I roe Bprlngs. Vltobeil's PeaB, tns Grave of Prof. Mitchell tae highest polnteaat of tbe Hoeky Moontalna, nine miles. Pare eool dry atmosphere; no fogs; light Sews. Train, stop at the door. , apl7 Open all the yesr." Terms reasonable bf sooatta or week. ; ; al8 dwtj Tutt'sPi S! PROFESSIONAL. IDR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, rbwbku. a. e. i Mm w UniM iimv stwaaa Polloc and Broaa. BaTSldAwi P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. u! praotloe In lbs Counties of Craven. Cvr- Lra,us S luiue i.r haitiiuore. t'C KfJ teret, Jones. Utiskew and Pamlico. i. A , sa'IL b.i A. at elX 1'. M. i niwwi rau loan ai sew tserne, anj Supreme Uourt of tbe Sate. febl Jit OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Boons South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mercantile lit (Uitt i :.w)H! . : g 1 laiticr uus'.u 1 Robert Hancock, Jr., 1 TRIAL JUSTICE. J Office in rear of Hancock dru store. next door to Hotel Albert. I Open from 9 a m. to 4 p. i . Will give prompt attention to all ma iiriain 1 tng to Justices' courts ii'.hf HI M IMIKl. VS' :::.i:Y::i::r::s For Horses, Catte. Sheep, Dogs, Hes. FY- tr . sou i" At. t: tKMiiv iu 1 1 . t- uieui ol A limn I . u i, a t burl !Mnt 1' tes rViern I tititf.l mil.. IfiMiiiinnHiui.i t . - I ii a i VI en l us II is. l lIU tun. II. II. SI rainn, l.a meuetti.. It hr u iiih i i .im . . t . Dl.lrinprr. s.ul I)l. hui., . Ii. II. lim. nr t.rubn. W iirm. V.. K. t ub., llraves, Pneuinautn. 1. F. i alio or rlpe, Hrllia. hr. I. . arrlu.r. Ilennirrhny, . II . II . I rlunry and Klilui v lli .1. , I. I. K.rupiive Dtur.iii". luu. . .I K. iilaia.es of Dlgeniluu. Mi'lili- ase, with ST-i-iti. V..T1. lh I, llai. 1 1 'II an.l Mi.ll. i,i. r (IJ (10 I'i I, r, -:iiiiIh B.tiliM"' r ',! ,-t . i.o Sold by 1 rn en lai h nr fvnt I'ri pnld on Herrlpl ill I'l l. Humphreys' Med. Co , 109 Fulton St.. N Y. InUirPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC No GO la uso 30 jnars The oti't aucr-ftsnfMl rpme-lv f r Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, at. I l'ti"l rn(i' n Irum . vr wm, or oflir isnsst j f 1 per t .ai nr S vial ai.'H ist p-u.ltr t r f S s. i 1 1 ,. J tHi pill- 1 " or Am! - -t r.st L 1 ..i- .... .1 ,f 1 pi i. f - " ueup.Ii in a Bedicla t o. , 1 "'J r t n us , V 1. ! All df our Veterinary rrppftralmtiH N.W.onr. Hroatl an i Miillc Pirt t-L". New born .N.C $500 Reward! f ,.T' i .ii pi it i ii 1 , I y ( p4l, mfk I if Hi! ii i tn', j M. t;r is ' !. 'fl , C.msl 1 p;it rli (ir r(iKll i'l,fKS U t n ip it I'liii' wiih W r'M t i'i;-' t tt i' t 1 ' fr I . uh ii i it- trr'i'ii"iL r r hi t lr M i - ini - 1 t-il i h. 1 . ar pur. tt;i-lMii ntil if fl III U t " 1 V i' Ktst iH(A ' l 1 ' ii . I 1 1 l .. . S H . iitii'ii nn snar cvittfl pl.'t. ; ., Im Hi..' I ' h 1 1 Initio in Id. he will i' ( i'i -ll M.'l ft 11 n I mi tHi.fiiH. I'h ttnnin in h u u h ' u ' ft mi; y liv .1" II N 1. l-MAi'ii, Mail iHoii st . rii i.ikji, in. SoM hv U. N nrFFY.iiruKtfiflt, Nw Home. N . t '. ai24 d w 1 y TO ADVERTISERS. A Hut of K'OO newspapers dlvUleil Inm STATKS AND HMTIUN8 will lie i nt mi appllratliin-FRKK. To those who want their Rilvert'sltiK to pay, we can offer no better medium ftn limr iiuifti aDil effectlTe work than t lie ai ioim seol Ion. of our Select Local l.Ut (iRO P. HOWELL Si CO . Newspaper Advertising Bureau, i n!8 itslm 10 SDrnce .treat. New York THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT Or ORDER. If you deslrotopurchflsoasewing machine ask our nsront at your plnco for terms on.l nricca If von cannot find our agent, write direct to nearest address toyou below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE GlOTMS ' chic30 - 28 UNION SQUARE,N.i:- CAlUS. I ILL. in n wTft Ai TEX. ' et looi-..mo. -..li.'ifa suNrmcisco.oi. PHiLADELPHIrVSIUGER WARRANTED 5 TEARS. HIOH ABM, FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL H TOUR OWR ROUSE BEFORE TOU PIT ORE CUT. tiirn-nrai aacnm nas sram-swisiaiai i alr.tai road! war ahstUle. h Miaeleae an-" llght-raanlBg, has the Saieat setaf attaeb sneaita, la velTCt-llned eae. Doa't pay - i t a i i T, . ws goarantee oor aacbioe etraal to say aigh-frkaa aactuos oa tas saarca. aoona - .. Tbe G. A, WOOD CO, WS.rf 17 V. JOU St rktiaSelpaia, t L7 IT V ABM, I V $20 jj ($28 BHEAMXU4., The II. C. Freight Lino , aXiCEASTS 5E3PZSS, TAI2 !f?H3 i . On and anerfrtober 15. 18(41. this line wlU resume metr regnlar SUM I-WEEKLY TBIPS jo. Baltimore and New Berne LeiVtuu Ba tiiure lor Ntw ftiat W'aM t3l'Al.B.llLKHAl,t blX 1'. at. l n . . , , ,, H , , ,,.., .., liriio (, hil,a...f, ..ao.jC cnancr ud on r r rt-turn li f t- :m hit :' i T.rt ciiic Jireo ew bf ror, : pi..: tiLia- Uit?U Kif hvs f: a. h'.r .it..i..i a Nci wj.h, con- !PL V. I" tAllSV- i lis .Norta rt u:,fCtion, t .New A.ru tit , a.' i tuort. n. Va. : . .lit, l'ltr 1 ".'.ra. wharf. r : f . U 1. ttuJ tsalunUyt, ' a I . " i 8 A Saluiu a Moi,Ua (Ji v oOL.ru ia S. - r ' I 1 i a ( g UHI - ' ii M ....'. a t)f .New 1 . . (k . : ,i . w i. tu:e j 1 . ...t-;., ' t . : k , )- . i, la . Wolli Hlll.lh lit I'.t lK ( Mill" lit .i. UM. EASfthh OR.iL. r:.. ; . th . a , l.a liQlorf . H la . It Oil t a , iii ( ii) V I'lilU.il. , l.i. AGLhi and VESPER . ir nMi,ilu:r : W ' I l I II l.i A M"N I 1 1 . il. 1 VI. . ' .. . I ii I Ii? u: iin u K . K. K . aiul : lilting wild ; ii.Li, tot 'iSwin Cltv hi i. i ..I. iii.i i.i 1 .a hn'ei i i. r...i . . . . : . i . .in K. I I- lull, Hun , I" '' l.a.. A. ..t I r.-:5ul Agi.l, i I . .: A yen t. ,N V . ; " Ag.xi n ll K Mil KMIIN, Agent. .Newberne. N. n. felii :Steamsr,ip Company. ni-:mi-vi-:.ki,y line. Til- 'lil Iloinlliloll Ktrs.nslilu flin ! ' Old and Ka.orlte Water l.uule, .ta Altieiuarle and i It t ,a iea U e t anal. NoitolU, Ha 1 1 1 more, rv lurk. 1 llrlilila. Uoiton. I'l ll . Ill e lice, and Washington (II). And all points, Nnrth, Etst and Wu.-t iin uuii ariei I : I .n 1 ' . auLu I u rin i i not u e. I'AHY tli,iv! Steamer M.N1E0, dpt. oonthgate, AN 1) Steamer KLWBEKJiE, Capt Pntchett. Will sail III. in Nl,i:n;k a., for New Mi . In V . I nd ntll.As. niHk'..K i'ii .He ,,,. -'..;. Willi lilH rtlt'Ulli, r l.i ii, . A . t. H. to.. lor Kiiisi.'ii 1 .ciilun, aiiu all oihur iidiugs on inn ,niMi uii'i 1 1. m ;iver Kiuiuiiik, win Km, tn,n. m- ., k n v i. or Miltrui.K oirn i, 11 r..-i.1 aiui'hhl-' " r.l. t 41.. , i, ....ii im.,,,, n. or .New :k. t , tu . ,uauje.- lor baUii;,ore, i,.j .n,e t-nin. forciia. lelplna, i a M. i . Co h. ii. ft.r K0.1.... aiiu i'rovidxi.ce :.. Our uuiinngenoits to 1 .ease onr Datrbus. and our aim ii i'ii n i i union tot me ph.i lllllPHl vi..,. I . .. . ""I j .. , ,,..nl K ii n ran it-ewe ihu iner all Hill'in'rn hi Ui nm w. a. II rin iliBiu lu In, !utu: foikdVaa" B 1 ' U D' H' B' Co- aor' Hacseneers will flnd :i uikh! ti-.i. ,, bie ronum. auu evun iniirnuv tlou will be paid tiieni ny iiic i,mctr. K ll. HdIILKTb, Agtct. issas. ( CLl'tl lU A H K.SKR, ASi'tiis, Norfolk, Vr, . H- HTANFOKK, i rm. ii rit. New To.-k Cllyi TUE NEUSE l teli;t riveb 8taamboat Company, Wlllrun the rollowins Behedals on and aftei Jancary ut, 17. Sieamer Trent Ill leave every Monday and TUuraday i:oru,ug at mi o'clork for bnutna and Adams Ceenks and all lDtrmedlftfxs rnlma returning same day. Steamer Einstoa. Will leave New Herns (or Rinbtm r.n 1n!1.1''rld5;, 1 o'clock, 44 ,? Keturn- vrJ'.' j '"owb on Monoaya and Thursdays: Toucnlng at ail lniermcaiate Landings on Ne use Klver. J. J. DISOUWAT at NaUawtr.. W. r. Btajclt, Klnttot. -fr " D. 8. BaRBTJB, FelloksviUs). ,4 Yf W. E. WARD, Areatavrrey M. a 8mith, JoUy Olff aTleM;" J. B. Baku, Quaker Btldjav t JMWHTTK.Gen'l Manage eetaa Slnston. N .i - FOR MEN ONLY. AH mas -- ' W" "3I0AI. CO, BTOl-ALO. ST. T. '