THE JOURNAL. COMMERCIAL. as rv H j L y y J r j L a ft t'lM t4 MlMH,MMlMNhillitlttl.l lS NM, mattt Sew U f -e heart at areata. C u ImM. e, e- el IKWM Mi II I..I1IMM. .1 !( mt - .. '. ---- S.aU.ewAteiceeit. "Wcrta arainesabooL- tux sTc::ca;D?ii!EED t:ESTa:tiso?:EEED ma; fr MT IM aSICI .nwawe. tw wmw tw aseacaJar iatarn(IM- teipiea; anngnaj oen w eera n- Ik. A heJtLTa) Ux tmnsrj by thcvawfin, ta tU c ill -e,a- M Ikvi WuttLS. Wfl Awawt with tncA fins. riiiml ami WO. eBCIlA MeUtj Mrrm l"" F- ALUlA WILL IaIL EEECH1TS PILLS OH RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CERTS A BOX. 1 f-w aV uJ ife - -W AtUntle & N. C. Railroad ' TIME TABLE N: 15, A.M.. WtdDndij, Dec. 1U. 1888. OoaaEu. BCHBDCU. Ooisa West. Ma. SU Pattenoer Tratn. No. 50. Ar. L. Statiooa. Ar. Lva. Jot &0 Ooidboro 1128 am! 1? IN La Oranc 10 4 10 48 4 4 4 54 Kiotton 10 OS 10 14 18 143 Naw Berne 3 27 8 44 IN m Morahaad City am 6 3 Dailr. OooralUsT. Schidulk CKuno West. No.l. No. 8 t MUed Ft. ft Mixed Ft. ft fasa. Train. Stations. Pass. Train, a mil 10 Uoldsboro 6 15 p m 11 87 II 45 Beet's 5 33 5 40 1 00 1 10 La Grange 5 03 5 13 1 98 1 S3 Falling Creek 4 06 4 35 1 51 S 10 Kinston 2 55 3 42 ISO 185 Caswell 2 30 2 35 I U S 03 Dover 1 58 2 10 1 13 40 Core Creek 1 24 1 30 4 04 4 09 Tusoarore 12 54 1 00 411 4 81 Clark's 12 32 12 42 8 0S tOO Newbera 10 32 12 00 44 51 Riverdale 9 41 9 46 T0S Croetan 9 28 9 33 717 7 58 Usvelock 8 59 9 04 8 30 8i Newport 17 8 27 8 51 8 56 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 04 9 06 Atlantic 7 47 7 52 126 8 86 Moreheed City 7 17 7 27 88 9 43 Allaotio Hotel 7 05 7 15 81 P m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Tysidev. Thar dv n naturday tWitbday, wednaeday and CrIJay. Traim Meoaneeu with Wilmington a Wei 4m Trala annd North, leaving uo daboro US a. aa ad with Richmond A 1) nvlli Trata Waat, leaving Uoldaboro 1 1 , a. m . TraAsai aoaaasU with Richmond a ImbtIIU Trala, arrlvtag at OoWUbcro .H: 10 p.m., and with WUaalBgtow and Wslton Train from Iba Itortk at S:l4p.a. Trala t eonoeeta with Wilmington and Wetdoa Througa Freight Train, leaving Ooaasboro at p."B., and with hlrhmond A Danville Through Freight 1'ralu. leaving Ooldsboroat H.H) P M. S. L. Dill, per intern d en t . DEMORE8T8 f THE BE8l Of all the 'Magazines. CTONTAININQ ttaries, Peemt ted oth.r Literary Mia aambiems Artntic. Seientiflc nH HtetsasH matters. jUtlsSrst 1 Original Areel Fngrav JNialeiirwwreJ, Oil Pitturr mid Jllte Wdtmtm, fMciH7 it the Model Mgl of America. UNPARALLELED OFFER I lack .Tc of ttllnfet'l Montlily MaMlne Cospen Order, entitling the holrf.r tt Ike wleettoa ef tny pattern UlnMrmted In the Mktna separtmut la that onoilxr, in oy mt tie eliet manunKtnrrd. Saaterlben or Pnnhuen onitlnj tee C'eapea with a two-reni nenip ror Bsstage, win reeeivi nv reiurn aiUlewMM pattern, or rne die sa4 lied tbey may leleet, teen the Magailna aasta rates the ordei Tela CapanlleleS PATTERNS 13 xCj n tn eta. earhi. dur iax a '"tt rtjr the rear.of the kin4 and Ire cpalrefl. Is a coosidtniioo Worth Oyer Three Dollitrt, OT BMflf doable 1h trtual coat nl the llanune. which li of ItaHr, witi. it bad 7 wrlUltvrit feature and attract oin ChMpest Haaviine in America. OVLY TWO DOLLARS ft fMrarUaf ttlTf foil oltc. cut iaitrrr, r.f i I lif mrlf tiltilatC irrrrth nearly dout'ie tbf uhc"iv k.i cat tvent nthi fnr th en rr ont numrwr with Pattmi Cwwfxrfi mmi ftm will cvruirily suWrilf I v.. Iioiiars ft a fatvr aawl fet ten times it taIup kmbftlm, Publisher, E. 1 4th St., NewYor'A ftol4 Vr all Newedeaiers and Pcmtrnjaateri. IRICAH MQAZ1NE lfanjinistratej. 25 cts.,$3 lYsir. ire aOaeat-TBlt AMEKIOa! MAOAZm lias peeeeeeaee te astloeal topiea and aeenaa. sad Ka Mtaiatait esd art are ef the highest etendard. yaaiiai AsMrieaa writere All iu pages with a wide eeeeej el iateraatiag akeuhea of travel sod advent wee, aerial had abort atoriee. descriptive aecoanta of aew (aaaaeja eowatrynee and women, brief eeaaya oa the iwssauet probleaa of the period, sod. ia abort. aawMagaaiaelt Distinctively Representative of r American Thought and Progress. ttkeakaanrteAfed by the nreea and pabllo to be the aeMiie,r suae emUrtalalnf ef ah high. IMPO fti it I ini JITANT.S rVwnatana I.let. us aweMlaU m Jew ar v aiswM trraaatwama acaak losew, will wa eeiat a recalw aC lSeV, f USe miejr la aaantlwnad. hi a aid awavvatla weiBBwei aw SMiaat swajeer1alaaa eavee Saw eaal Iva tarn aery, aawaews. ;- czi imxoiir zaqazot oa, ,rt9 strwatfway, Hew York trki) Big O ha gl vea BalreT sal satltfactloa In the core ot Oonorrhrea and Gleet. I presetibaltaad feel sate in recemmind Ing it to all tuflertn. 1. J.ST05Ea,I.D Deester, III. FRICE, $1.00. Bold by Dragila ts. iiissntsitisiat ' f. V.!J0aDA, Agent, New Berne, Jf. a may9dwlT at, Lee. WMI tM Sua. Ptarw4 Seen. a Tht fan. BOSS KILL SliS J"V.r' J I" wife t VTMIU, the botptm- steals a, oft biases OT aocfctv. end M the beat nn It. Balaata, UmmUk EaarUtaal. CO, M4M1 CaMl St, WW Sol n n a n 4 CIGARS FORJJAIE AT COST. Having purchased a large stock of Cigars, and the demand for same being small. 1 sow offer to the merchants CIGARS AT COST until my stock is reduoed. Cash on delivery. HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. PR. K. C. west's Naavs Ann Braih TgiATMiNT. aguarantead ipeolflc for Urt rla. DLaaiaeaa. Oonvulalona. KH. Nervoui Neuralgia. Headache, Nervont rYoairatloo rtused ty the ue of alcohol or tobacco, Wakafnloeea, Mantat DepreatlOD, 8oflenln( of lb Brain resulUns Ininaanlly and laadlns to misery, decay and death, Tremalure Old Age, Barrenneaa, boas of purer Id either ai. Involuntary Loaaisand Spermatorrbwa oaaaed by over-exertion of the brain, self abate or over Indulgence. Kaob box con tain! one month's treatment, f i.OO a box, or tlx bottle or 15.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXE8 To cure any case. With raoh order received by us 'or tlx boxea. accompanied with 6 Uu. we will send the purchaser our written guar, anlre lo refund Hie money If tus l e iliaeol does not effect a cure. Guarantee insued only by K N DUFFY, drugRist, sole agent. New Berne. N. C. sp24 dwly NOTICE. To f jrpclose a mortpSKe given lo me by I. K. Russell, on 22J day of Hept. 1883, sod recorded on I'ecords of Cra ven County in Book 87, page 335, I will sell on Twenty-third day of February, 1889, Twelve o'clock, at Fort Barnwell, the tract of land mentioned n said mortgage, at Public Auction to the highest bidder, for Cbsh. A full description can be had of said tract of land by reference to the Records. This Jan. 10th, 1889. 26 J. W. LANE, Mortgagee. sale of valbible real estate. I will tell, for cash, at the Court House In Heaufort. on Monday, Marrli 18th, 1KNU, being the first day of the Spring Term of Carteret Hupnr I or Court, five hundred acres of land iln four several tracts) tltu.ted on the north side of Bogue Bound, on both sides oi the Atlantic & Nort i Carolina Railroad, and about three miles west of Morehead City. The lnterett of the Carolina City Com pany In one hundred and thirty -five acrea. oelween high water mark and the channel of Hogae Bound, and In front of the above described land. Also, about teven liundrfd town lota, at designated in the plan of Oaro llna City. JNO.-D. DAVIS, llecelver Carolina City Company. Heanrort, in. c., fsd. 11, iwa. laww Tax Notice. All persons owing Taxes for 1887 and 1888, Schedule "B" Taxes, Retail Liquor Licenses, and all other licenses required by the Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to settle the same. Further indulgence cannot U given. I will attend at my office from 0 A.M. to 4 P.M. to receive the same, from and after this date. January 16, 1889. D. STIMSON, tf Sheriff Craven Co. Valuable Land for Sale. Punuant to a Judgment of the Superior Court of Jones concur, the onderslgned will sell at Public Auction, at the Court Honse la Trenton, on Monday, the Twenty-fifth dav of March, A.O. 188S. at Twelve o'clock., midday, the following described lands, vlr; A certain tract of land sltnated In uld Jones county, about one mile from Trenton, on the road leading from Trenton to Pol loktvllle, and adjoining the lands called "the commons" and the mill tract, being the tame land bequeathed ta James Mc Dan lei by his father James McDanlel In theTlh artl. eie of his will, except the mills and mill seal ant the commons tract of land. Al-o the mills and mill seat, situated on Crookefl Bun, In the Immediate vicinity of the Town of Trenton, and known is the Mc Danlel Mills The above la very valuable property. Kor any further Information inquire of the Un dersigned. Terms Cash. O. H. GTJIOW, M. DW. STEVENSON, Feb. 10,1889. 30d Commissioners. Land For Sale. TWO TRACTS IN tiEROIB COUMI Ix mllet south of Kinston, on South. West Creek. No. 1, 850 acres, with one hundred cleared, balance well timbered. Well adapt ed to growing corn, cotton, 'peat, etc A portion a the cleared land embraces a rich aneh. JSo, a, .25 es of Umber land, lor tote Sid aba lies ro tract No. 1 rloe e-1,000 cash, or prt cash with ap iroved seenrtty for balance. Apply to JAMES WILLIAMS, : Kinston, N. C, Or to JO0K5AL CTFICE, i wtt New Heme, N. C " Notice. Oo to the Gaston House Btrber Shop for an easy shave and a gooi hair out. Shaving lOcts.; hair cutting Oo. Pof. W. H. BHEPARD, Proprietor. arrival in d Tiavt art e t- Valla KAIL rwltorik.WMtfts4 Souk. A. Ft Bauton 44, Us East, at I00.av for w aavhingtna, Swift Creek. Hyde ami Beaufort Couun, daily at IM a. For TroBttav roUoksrill and Mayw vtUe, daily at T3 a. at. For Graaaabotm, Bayborv a 1 Taa dew, dailv at I a. so. omcTeouisa: la Moavay Ordtw aad Rogfetarod Lai tar DspartMst, trom 9 to 4 aa. la Uailisf DopamaaM tnm t a. bV o t a. am.' Offleo opea eoaataatly bwoaathaM aonaxoptwhaa nailaaraaainc J tribatad or aeni. Fatitace. We are more and more inclined to think that the philosopher who claim that patience ia the aam of all the Tlrtuea. axe right. "Let patience have her perfect work," saith the inspired writer. "Perfect work" ia not claimed for any other virtue, I The braraat and most dear heart ed are also the most patient ; they know how to "bide their time'' simply another form of expression for patience. Where two men generals, diplomatists, or lawyers are equals in everything bat pa tience, the one who nas the most of that sovereign quality will triumph; and the same is true of government and nations. "Let patience have ber perfect work." Id order to be a incoesaful teach er ot boys, it is necessary to be their friend. It is necessary not only to take an interest in seeing that their lessons are properly rt- cited, but to be sure alto that they understand what they are doing and take an interest in it; make them feel that it is their business now, and that their future success in lite depends on their doing their work well ia the present. R038 like a friend, not an overseer. A LUXURY AND NECESSITY For rich and poor who wieb to enjoy good health, and who do not wish to resort lo bitter, nauseous liver medi cines and cathartic, is the concen trated California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. R. N. Duffy, agent. New Berne, N.C. feb8 dw4w He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured nis owd. e - - They Are Legion. Sarsapariilas and other advertised blood medicines are numerous, but the only one possessed of such superior cur ative properties as to warrant its manu facturers in sailing it, as they are doing, through druggists, undar a positive guarantee, is Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medi cal Discovery. If it don't benefit or cure you get the money back which yon pay for it. It ia recommended to cure all chronio liver, blood and lung dis eases, as biliousness, skin and scalp dis eases, scrofulous sores and swellings, salt-rhenm, tetter, erysipelas and even scrofula of the lungs (or consumption), if taken in time. Some fools are left alive to write on the monuments of those who are buried. ADVICE TO at OTHERS' MBS. WOtSLOWa SooTHQta Syeup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oollo, and is the best remedy for diar hcaa. Twenty-five oenta a bottle. Spring Session OP Vance Male and Female ACADEMY. Opened January 28, 1889. The patronage of the public is res pectfully solicited. Terme for young ladies not exceed ing $70 00 per session of Ave months, including Vocal and Instrumental Music, full course in Book-keeping and Commercial Law, and Penman ship. Many pupils get through for (80.00. Fall corps of competent teachers. For farther information address W. R. SKINNER, PRINCIPAL. Polloksville, N. C. GREEN, F0Y & CO., Do a Gsneral Banking business. Ntw BAimxa House, Middle Street, fourth door below Hotel Albert, feldwly nw BXSHB. If. c DR. DUNLOP'S ' CASCAEA C01IP0U1TD. A new and highly Important Medical Discovery, wonderfully curative la all cases ef Constipatioa, Bilious Dlsorden, etc., etc. A Splendid Blood Cleanser. ' ' Prompt in Action, Certain la Effect, Prop. W. H. BHEPARD, Agt., feblldtf Qastoa Honse Barber Shop. cor: w. Maw Bam auxket ataady. Bakaef twoaalaaatlk t DOJlEeTio Egg lftallx Scad D?ttoji ilifl pat ia. Ooxs-ficarae and la dasaaavi. of small cargo at 81a. ia walk. - .Fodder. 91-00aLM ast arasL -Ricat -iSeTOo. . , . . Tvaraaruav Bar si, B1J0; virgia aad yellow dtv, 81.80. ' , t TABll.OOal.M. Oatsp-I(w. 41a47a la savaaa. Bxxswax 17al3fcfla.. . Baar Oa f ooi, &a. to 7a. HAK3 Coantry, lOalls. Iard Couatry, lOallo. - raasa Poax- a8o.Bw eomad. PoTATOxa Bahamas. 80x par boah.: yams, 40a50o. per buaa. OsioX3-l 2S par bbi lEaXCTa 55a70 aar laaaal. OaUOXBiitV-4irawa 40aU. pair; half grown, SSIaSSc . . Mxl-COo. nobolteei. States-R O. hhd. SlOall far M. TiMBOt Cyprtsa. IS ia. aA4 over, 15.00 per 1L; pine Sa.&0ai.M. SHUaUES Weetladia,dallaa4 arm laal; 6 Inch tJUXkl.M. Baildlagl- laoJs haana. tS.U;aapa,1.80 war M. WBOLUAXa rmmsav Itfxss Poax-Nsw tH.00. SHOTJLDXa Mxat SalOo. O. R. "a, T. B .. B.'iaad L, a- g,9. FliOCX S.J5a7.50. Laxd 8io, by the tiaree. Nails Basis 10 .,t.8C StJwab Oranalated , 8o Ooirx--18v30a Chiksx lSj. Sajlt 0a86o. par sack. Mo man axd fliatirs- KW4oo. Powpxa 13.00. Brot Drop, tl.BO; tvaok, 11.78. HnE Dry, taSo. ; grwaa 4 . Kaaoaaxa 8ie. Tallow aa. per Ik. K. SAWYER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR MIDDLE STREET, Two doors south Ilahns Livery Stables novl dtf NEW BERNE. N. C. Or the Llsser Habit, Positively Csrsd II aia-isrsruMi is. uiitr SSLKS eftiirie. H ess be ihaja hi s saw ef eeaae s taa, er la ar ticles tf (sea. without the kaewkadga of the per son taking It; It Is absolutely banal eat and will effect a permaaeDt and speedy ears, whether tbepatleaHs a moderate drinker or an aleobolle wreck, it MCVCR rails, w GUARANTEE a complete cars la every Instance, as page book FREE. Address In confidence, 10LDEN SPECIf rC CO.. I S6 Sacs . C ClnchutitL 0. a great Tho ( ' Using bcImmi.i ., ! i: characters n , ' r their annojuci: . ... . . the pubJ'shors at..i I . "heir desire l j mukf 1 ri. dispensable per tl'. al -whatever ottter I'.il.lU ai ble in the family, 7"' neglected by these u-li - . i " li. year i). cn i o in tllftt I" ,I";IH- . 1. 1 1 be p fbniist -r to k ot the times iu ail i;i ioii r;r"-,iuing to culture. And the uaprerrV.oiiW drrnla tion of tho magozino ivovild """ !j bo the response of the publioto lii With the NovniK im begins its thir'. r n volume. Tv.o i ' urea of tho m i". ' which are to oo i . throughout the nc--ume are r.!n;i''j ' known to the j. ;'. Lincoln history n -! papers on " biborta .-. . the Exile Byst u.. ' cn. ' dam first of these, v. -uu Messrs. Nicolay a., I Pfwsideal Iitnooi i h vate aecretario the) inside huton dark days of V.ic -. seen trom tho House. . . , :? tTO sinnntiX Tinas, by George Kennan, u. o attracting the at tention ot the civilised world. Tho Chi cago Tribune says l. t "no other tnagaxine articles printed la tbc English language Just now touch upon a subject which so vitally is te rests all thoaghtful people in Europe and America and Asia." As is already known, copies of Centum entering Russia have these articles toraout by the customs pfBctala sn the frontier. YTh Century will fublibh thd most lav fefv-e that has yet found I -I in Its pages. It ia the rr !t of four yean' work oi Jlf. Tfmothy Cole,. the portaaS art leading magazine es graver of the world In the gaUeriev of Europe, engraving from the originals the greatest pictures by the old matter; A series of papers Oa .Ire land, 1ta customs, land scapes, etc-, will appear, and there are to be illustrated article cn Bible scenes; treatiorespecially the sut,Ku cf tin Inter national Sunday-School L'escni. C rga W. Cable wlU writ " Btrs, te,TTne 8:68 3f Louisiana. There t?i.r be novcttos and short stories by lef e g- writer, orva- sional articles on war tt' (si'ppWnjfoV'i at to the famous "War p.. - rs" by General 3rantand others, w' .li ! '.Vfl boOtt pearl' ted 1 1 9m fVeuvA e4 ' rf. e. . , ... r CSrunr costs ftf-v- dJirsayear, sad it to published by re l . ..; jfy Co.; of Jtew rort,whewataci(- " cf iho full proa- rork.1 etns to say one o.. ill mm. drnMe Iti-t boiw 'Piatf mr ukam iitea eeftugaw. .iiTLEciiaswmir?. ! Caa be sold Is every faaifly. wfvei morelieht than throe orUieerr latent Seeeeel tMrey-eWe fwatie for eei ! leiaBW taste eeaatvtM we aaBiaetnr a tart hee Soismhold artklee. Seed tut frs. F08Hlaacsuwa,fUvSeML Drunkenness I ) 0a ft tV kara made arraagemeata with wkersky we are enabled to offer premiaa with THE DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURIIAL. . r Tkey are standard works, well bouad ,ta avleth good piaty and hand somely embellished. Regular library alia, and moat beaatifal in design. Every subscriber to either the DAILY or WsiKLY JOUBNAL, paying oae year in advance, and twenty-fire c. nU eitra, will be entitled to their ehoioe from this list. A large assortment will be kept on hand where tkey can be seen: Where we have to send tbem ly mail, 10c. additional will Ce required. Robinson Cratoe. Arabiaa Nighti Entertainment. Swiss Family Robinson. Children of the Abbey. Don Quixote. Klgrint's Progress. Last Days of rompen. Scottish Chiefs. Thtddens of Warsaw. The History of Sandford and Merton, Anderaea'i Fairy Tales. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby Jane Eyre. East Lynne. The MTiterious Island. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Grimm's Fairy Tale. Paul and V lrgima. Gulliver's Trxvels. Child's History of England. Avaop's Fables. Poe's Tales. Mona's Choice. A Lucky Young Woman. Merry Men and other Tales and Fables. Baron Munchausen The Servant Girl of the Period. Five Weeks in a Halloon. Waverley, Etc. Ivanhoe, and Iord of the Isles. Rob Koy. and Itokeby. Cooper's Last ot the Mohicans. Willy Kelity ana ti is wear i tiieen Bawn. Benjamin Franklin. Kit Canon. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Roeky Mountain Adventures. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. The Fur Country. Wild Life in Oregon Christine. The Lover's Library. Longfellow's Voices of the Night. Whittier's Poetioal Works. Bryant's Poetical Works. Poe's Complete Poetical Works Hypatia; or New Foes with an Old Face. Rules and Exercises of Holy Living The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. Grimm's Goblins. Veronica; or, The Light Keeper. Tbe Irish Gentleman. Evenings at Home, and Life House Ger many. Knickerbocker's History of New York The Sketch Book. Hugo's The Rhine. Baxter's Saint's Evexlasting Rest. The Use of Sunshine. John Halifax, Gentleman. Adventures of sn Attorney in Search of Practice. Biz Hundred Dollars a Year. The Book of Ages. Florida. The Cricket's Friends. Christmas Stories for Children. The Kettles Birth-Day Party. Grandfather's Pocket Book. Short Stories for Yonng Folks. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Ken . tacky. Dickens' Adventures of Oliver Twist Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens' Christmas Books and Tales. Israel Putnam. Captain John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. Every Day, A story for yonng ladies. Benedict Arnold. Professor GonanL Conspiracy. A Cubsn Romance. An American in Iceland. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Kingsley'i Sermons. ' LncUe. A poem. Hoyle's Games. Good books improve the mind and afford valuable- fcid s eduWwyijip publishing house we are dealing with do an immense business and give us such rates for their hooks as esn not be obtained by others than publishers, hile these hooks are ml hsndsome and worthy a place in any ibmy. on other strong point should not be overlookek, the print4 he typ ii large, elear, and will not injure the eyes. A large supply will bet kept on band, but should any selection not be in stock it will require bnly a ahbr. while to order it. Now Is a good time to begin ofAwjoTi ic9 llbrarv. Remember that when books are to be- sent Irr 'mail. 1IW ntra :iv - be re'duired for postage. Address, . .V Q BOOKS! a Urgi Puhllakiag Uoaa at rates Popmlar Books ia elabs or as a TLo Uc vised New Testament. Boy Crusoe. . Adam Bede. She. A history of adventure. King Solomon, Mines. Harry LorTeqner. Handy Andy. Pere Goriot Topper's Proverbisl Philosophy. Chavaase's Advice to a Wife and Mother. Rtmfay's Rjminiscences of ScottUh Life and Character. Modern Women. Vol. I. Modern Women. Vol. II. Emerson's Essays. famous Boys, sad Hew They Became Fsmous Men. Half Hour with the Poets. Ingoidsby Legends I he Practical Astronomer. Parlor Msgio. Irish Humorous Poems. Life of Washington. Famous Poems. The Christian Philosopher. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Poetry of the Sentiment. Scottish Humorous Poems. The Sidereal Heavens. ; Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Paradise Lost. Keble'p Christian Year. Popular Natural History. Young Folks' Natural llittory. Celestial Scenery. Abbott's Stories' f.r Children. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Wonders of Astronomy. Across Fstagonia. Chinese Gordon. Texar's Revenge. Froien Pirate. Tennyson's Complete Pot-tit al Works. Life in Puis. Songs for the Household. Lalla Rookh. Jess. Homer's Iliad. Aytoun's I jays of the HcOttihh (lva liers. Bishop Herbert's Works. . Eminent English Liberals. I VaPialla. The Myths of Norseland. i Splendid Advantages of Being a Woman; and other Erratic Essays. 1 Scott's Pirtte, and M arm ion. Scott's Kenilworth, and Lady of the Lake. New Arabian Nights. - The Cardinal Sin. Witch's Head. Saddle and riabre. Charles Wesley's Poems. Abbott's liar lie Stories. For chil dren. Penalty of Fate. The Evil Genius. As in a Looking Glass. Allan Qnartermain. Dickens' Sketches by Boi. Dickens' Barnaby Rudge. Among the Trees, The Butterfly Hunters. Boys' and Girls' Book. Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ball ston Hainan Natur'. Self Help. War Tiger. Tiger Prince. Tribune Essays. Voices of Freedom, Bristling with Thorns. Gil BliJ. Lady Andley's Secret. Molly Bawn. From tlfe Earth to tho Moon Direct, and a Journey Round It. Guy Mannering, snd Lay of the Last Minstrel. Lsdjr of the-Lake, and other Poems. Famous French Authors. -. '? -" -' -.'-v ! rv- t. t w "a f rtr. t 'jSei j NEW BEI.NE,'NCs t. S: i t'i i 't.l.i J err- i tv-l . ' v & lW.;i, t I--