re Li ih tar Allocs csaxirt m UAILT JOCX5AL ii eU eotama asst. eaauakea Uy. IWH Moade el tsafrrtJJIferUaaauaA. JfeUvwtaA as at tj WQWitinMllwiiimxi tfc - niWIU.T JOCBXAUe, eaiau esssr.l nillaS sTary Taarafey at SUM AbYSSTHlSQ BATO (DAU.T)-0 t 0447 ti W; M. aabamisat hied Of "BUllMI 1 M MtU ar tsr Srat, aad t Mats for Wry aeMwt twirOew. - MiwnNuuniM M n ef jjemags m Paetae. as to now iseUawme tawartaafrw AlleadlUon avUMwlUseJawalaeaiar ttB fUMM IniiHil aavwrUeaasaal MHik MM U edveaea IUcvim adTsr . UMMIU WU1 M Oilsclsd promptly et th e4 mu - On Itc sontalnlas; wfa'ts- 1 wel Miwi m wlldtil Be MM bibb bs iiNeM to he Nl annate oWmOwuU Bareona UN UttMdt U Mm ef tfc eathor. c Be will nor lata oa eoiuma n h esaa taaUaa actrls 4 el aay saoa.? iianiiHwm BOUiilntuaMt a aataos ay apaUaaUoa at taia offlo aud BwVtaa w Batata ta Knaveae xau -THE JOURNAL. a. wvn. UXW BXKKE. N. C. FEB. 84 1889. fat 4 a Pmi bu n !. no TBI SITUATION. The East Carolina Game, Fisb aadaOyster Exposition is now orer, and what of the situation T Other oolamns of the Jotjbnal girt-details of the Exposition it tell, vhUe we take a wider domain look ai the State, and consider the rerelatlons oi the week that aal jut closed. The late Exposition presented oeoQlar demonstration or the re sources of East Carolina, and gave ooneiasiTe proof of the adaptabili ty ef this locality to the production of all kinds of farm and garden products, its superior excellence as a tracking section, its incompar - able facilities for stock raising, and 4t4, ifcanitlets forest of timber anitable to the manufacture of foraiture, the making of carriages ait wsgons, and all kinds of wood ea wares. It was shown too, that this is the native place of the Scup pernong, and that it is here that it thrives best and produces its luscious frnit in greatest profusion. The Scnppernong wine on sxhi bitioa at the Fair was ol the highest excellence. Tbe honey exhibited bj Mr. Boll cannot be excelled in pnritj and richness. Bat this was a Game, Fish and Oyster Exposition, and these furn ished tbe chief attraction of the occasion. AU kinds of game from the .sparrow to the wild turkey, iron the squirrel to the deer, and aHy "hundred varieties of fish gate to visitors a revelation of East Carolina's resources never dreamed of before. Besides the thousands of visitors, a Bajority of the members of our legislature were present and saw for themselves what they could scarcely have believed without the testimony of their senses. Now, we hare something to ask of the Legislature, and that is the creation of a railroad commission that will equalize freights and abolish hurtful discriminations. Of what value to the State are all the.treSTH"M of the East if there ( ft Chinese wall at Qoldsboro that cannot be passed! Do members of the -Legislature know tharail toad corporations have placed an embargo on tbe products of tbe East! What do grave Senators and wide awake Representatives think of a railroad system which ; enables a man to ship oranges from Florida to New Berne via Augusta, Wilmington, Qoldsboro, Norfolk and New York cheaper than it can be dene from Florida to New Berne Via" Wilmington, Geldsboro and tbe Atlantic end North Carolina Bail toad t Will they believe the state ment of a leading hardware merchant that cooking stoves can I Wwnt' from South Pittsburg to . New .Berne via Qoldsboro, Norfolk and Elizabeth City for less than m1 A Ka aVhm1 It f Via nnrm vAa stopped 'at Goldshoro and sent from that point to New Berne over the ' Atlantic and North Carolina Bsilroad T ' ' This never-before- jar 4-of condition of affairs is not because Qf the exorbitant rates of thr ift .. Eallroad, but of railroad combinations that ought net to he allowed to exist. ' We tree! the friends of progrei s, hastieo and fait play In the teila- Utnr wUJ pat a tad to this iaiqnitau -prtctlc, and sea to it tat aB Bfctioaa ifoitX Caioliaa art aniettered by giant corpora tion! aa4 soulless monopolies. THI KIIUOaJ) COUUMOX. Tbe State Chronicle is making a gallant fight for the railroad com mission bin.- The railroads are making a combined effort to defeat the measure, and it remains to he seen if they, with the aid of Bepmb. licans, control enough rotes in the Senate to defeat the measure. The railroad attorneys and many others are industrious in their efforts to kill the measarc in the Senate. Even the president of a college has entered tie fight in behalf of the roads. The Chronicle gives him some good advice on the subject Some one writes from Charlotte to the News and Observer that be has traveled a great deal ever tbe State and has never heard sufficient com plaints from the people to establish the commission. Be travels cheaper than he formerly did and.he thinks this all sufficient. He lives in Charlotte, or writes from Charlotte, (he seems to have been living in all North Carolina for the last twenty years), jet he il ignorant of the lact that the manufacturers in the city that he writes from are prohibited from selling their goods and wares in this section of the State. Ue is ignorant of the fact that there is an embargo on all Eastern products that go beyond Golds boro, and on traffic west of Qolds boro with this section of the State. The writer (X) says he has no inter est in a railroad commission, that it will not affect him at all. Then why should he take sides with the railroads against the people wbo have an interest in it and whom it does affect f Terhaps tbe newspapers are to blame for X's ignorance of some facts. The Journal has for ser- eral years given line upon line, cited facts innumerable to show that the railroad combinations bare decreed mat mere snail oe no traffic between the Eastern, Middle and Western portions of this State mere are over one hundred news papers ia the State and if they would give the facts as tbe JouB nal nas irom time to time, even "X" would have been fully in formed as to the necessity of a rail road commission. It may be that .the Journal is cranky and foolish 'to think that people in Middle and Western North Carolina ought to be allowed to buy sweet potatoes, corn, fish, clams and oysters of the East and that the people of the East ought to be allowed to buy flour, frnit and manufactured articles from them; but, still we think so, and if those who justifythe railroads in prevent ing such interchange of traffic will show us why it ought to be done, perhaps we will surrender to the railroads and say too that no com mission is needed. Bw and Observer. THE GENERAL 1SSEXBLT. 38TH DAY. SENATE. No session this body having ad jonraed frem Wednesday nutil to morrow in order to attend the Oys ter, Fisb and Game Fair at New Berne. The only person seen by the re porter in the chamber during . tbe day tbs Senator Kerr, who'was heard to say in slow, sad, solemn, musical tones : "I feel like one wbo'trtada alont, Some legislative hall deserted, Tbe Senators fled, the ptffet gone, And all bat me departed." HOUSE. The House was opened at 10 o'clock, Speaker Leazar in tbe chair, with prayer by tbe Ker. W. M.Clark of this city Only thirty members were pres ent at the opening, which-: fact caused the assemblage to ? look more like a committee .meeting than a session of the House - Several unimportant petitions were presented. On motion of Mr. Doughton, the calendar was placed In the hands of the Speaker for today and this allowed the Speaker to bring up such puis not requiring a two-thirds rote as he thought proper. PASSED THIRD EXADIKG. S. B. 132, relating to working convicts on the public roads (county prisoners to work the same); H. B. 791. amending section 956 of the Code, relating to Supreme Court (three justices to bold court daring the absence ef cue crrAcre); 8. B-f 333, regulating appeals to tie St- preme Court (aimpUying the ma chiaery of earrriac t d areaUV 8. u. 37. to Bravest certain kino el Yieiona coatraea (prevenunx futures being sold); S. B. 4S6. re lating to prisoners U the tows of Salem (any and all persons confined Ibr Boa-paymeat f costs toTOZK the public roads); & B. 633, to pro vide convicts for Ue Polk County Railroad Company (uring them oat at lido per annum per capita la squad ot not less tnea IW; ujd. 680, to prohibit obtaining advances oa provisions, ete sold nader false pretences : u. B. 833 incorporating Auburn Hale and Female Academy and tbe Farmers' Alliance of Wake county H. B. 900, to punish school oommiuMBiea loranaxug laise re turns; U. B. 920. to pre vest gam bling at agricultural fairs i U. B. 1001, relating to church property, (amending laws J.8S5, relating to mortgaging and selling the same). Besides the above a great many bills of a private and local Bate re passed third reading. The joint resolution of lastrno- tlon to Congress relative to the manufacture and sale' of spurious goods and merchandise passed Its third reacting. Bow maav people there ere whoee dietrcee from eores, aobre, peine end eruptive tendencies ere dae to inherit ed blood poieen. Bed blood peatM (rem pareet to child, and it therefore ia the del? ef httebead end wife to keep thttr blood pore. Tbie u eeefjy eooootpliehed br a timely nee of B. B. B. (Bouaio Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of meet oonTincieg proof. , 1 Jamee Uill, AUenU, Ue., writes "My two eons were afflicted with blood poieen, which doctors eeid was heredi tary. They both broke oat la eores end eruptions which B. B. B. promptly ooa trolled and anally eared completely." tfra. S. M. .Williams, Bendy. Texas, writes: "My three poor sfflioted chil dren, who Inherited blood poiaoa, have improved rapidly after a nee of B- B. B. It is e Godsend' J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, N. 0., Feb. 13, 1889, write: "Bone end blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on the etamp there came a large nicer, which grew woree erery day until doctore tare me' up to die. I only weighed 190 pounde when I began to take B. B. B., and IS bottle increased my weight to 180 poundi and made me sound and well. I never knew whet good health wai before. " "Yes," said the editor, as he pnt his muoilage brush in the inE bot tle and tried to paste on a clipping with his stub pen, "je, the great fanlt of newspaper contributors is carelessness. Indeed," be contin ued, as he dropped tbe copy be had been writing into tbe waste basket, and marked Editorial" across the corner of a poem entitled an "Ode to Death," "contributors are terri bly carelesa, Ton would be ,tdr- prisea." saia: ne, as ne dipped a column of fashion Items and labeled them "Farm Notes," to see the slip shod writing that comes Into this editorial sanctum. Misspelled, un punctuated, written on both sides of tbe sheet, illegible, ungrammati cal stuff. Contributors are terribly careless. Tbey are" joat then he office boy came, in that dlctprlal uu aubuuiawu uiauucf uq wm, au demanded more copy, and the edi tor handed him tbe love-letter te had just written his girl, and as he had forgotten what be had been talking about, went on with his work. .. VAJU IB rLOBIDA. FHOaf AH AtLABTl PBUIUUK. Ub. A. T. Ha whs, AtUata, Oa.: Deer Sir You doubtlea remember me e-ettine aalaaa of . Tea nearly three weeks ago.. I had then given up all hopes of ever being able to read again The last three weeks, however, with the ue of yoar glasses my eyes have been wonderfully benefited, and I have been enabled to do a great deal of read ing, tbe fint I baa done in two years, and moreover I have great hopes -Of their entire recovery in few years. I cannot too highly recommend your glass to my friends. Yours respectfully, J. O. CALLAWAY, With Moore. Marsh ft Co. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by F. & Duffy, New Berne, N. 0. jttdlm Oar stock of Plows comprises tbe Avery Bteel (one or two howe Atlas, Boss, Dixie, Dstsj, Champion, uiipper, uranger, w att, uiimaz, Gem and ' Stonewall, and alqo the ordinary Torn Plows, stkoh as the Noe. A 6, 10, 11, 35, 40, 45, 48, 50, 65 aid CO. . - Castings of every description, be sides a fall and eottplew line of Terysaioc xotsbb earn.. . . , ppw wvuw ip iu1 aueeraenie w jneroaaaie. - - t Rain) n An "Priam Tiiaf."" ': - Saw Mill Supplies iipecJal. A . Valutlble f Residence FOR BALE CHEAP., i A bran new Dwelling Boaer,oon tainirjg sis comfortable rooms, and kit chen and dining room attached, Lo cated oa Chasge street, near East Front. AVpplyto Watson street," la, dt Seal Est. Agents. ,420 71 CsiJ::::ra. JLX0THX3 LOT Of THOSX At 14 Cents Per Pound. - '4k ifi' AJ ti ill Lard Buckiziititt' at Prieee to actoaith the aatlvee. Call and ee fo yoorsetf ;--m , ; w ' : J: P. TAYIOR. FOOT JDF iCDDLJE 8TBIIT, jaats drtf z.tTttw pnariv . c. Cleanses ithe i ir i. Kesal 1 r as. Allay r teiiti ei Taste anie Smell. i i ori-iur r Try aft. Omn. IVlfKMW Baft A partial ICapalM lata aam anelrll and to ilrtMUk 1T1 U tun at Prowtu: a aiaiL nmfiatad. eta. ELY BROTHKRS, warrap rnrt. lamaawiy A GLANCE IX. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF tl Bell The Jeweler " Will convioce y os that we have la ftock the Largest, Most Varied, tnd Complete Line ot Diamond, Wttchee, Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmeee, Gold aod Silver Bead Canes in the State. It will be to buyer interest to eee our .good before purchasing. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY A agent tat owner we offer for sal on aay aaa aceo up moaning urns tb follow -tag described Improved Heal Estate in th City of Nr Bern.: No. 1. WHAHK PROPERTT AT USIOH PulNT ; Includes the piece o( land known at "THE ISLAND." eve tbe wbarf or roadway leading thereto from East Front etteei Alto, Water saaee now being filled In. The looatlon 1 lbs beat In tbe ettT for all mana faeturlna- poraoacs. wbtle the leneet naft visiting onr waters bavs ample depth of water for loading snd unloading at the wbarf. No. a Two HntrsES and lots ai UNION roiNT, oocop-ed ssuwelllnss. NO. A HARVttY W HA HP PROPERTT. Including part of water irontof Lot No. 12, Isloeaied a commodious b1ck warehonaa. 1 be O. D. 8. a. Oo. use a portion of the prop- "no. 4. THE IRON FRONr WAREB008E in tnspianoi vna eur. ivon toe aconeru DNUHUVIK HTKEIT, No. &. BR1UKMTORK AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN bTREET occupied by R. O. E. Lodge. A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the beat terms open which the same will be sold, a Hi be furnished na application te the nderalgned at ihelr omo i njsouin (root ueet. WATSON A BTREET. . dec dwU In, and Real Eaute Agie. it OBABTBXB. BASIL KAKLT JOHN E. CEABTEEE & CO . ENGINEERS, . Founders and MacblnlatB , Manufacturer and Deaiers ia EIBHES AID M 1GEDIISTS' SUPPLES Batlder ef Kagtnae. Boller' Saw femis. Edging A Cat-off Haefetaes, 1 ... " We are 'prepared to do Casting of all aufl wita aeomp insas, . - ParUealar and Immediate attention Urea toranadj-aofaUklnda. ..... W will be t lsd to (Its pUn and estUaate ior any owaoi ipuon oi macniner. , . ' W ere the agent1 for the gal a&Viaaak leaaBaw. Also for . A A. Bargaaaln'd ete brated Indestructible Jdloa ValTee. We glTs satUfaotnry guarantee ttfr all wort done by na. - Jyadaewwir Stc:mcr llcr;ard, Independent Steamboat Line On and after Monday the 10th day ol Sept, the steamer Howard will rttB the following echednlo: For Trenton every Monday ' and Fri day atlgfct o'clock,' returning Tues lay aadSatarday ' : i J. 3. LASITTEB, Manager, s . 7. DmoswAT, Aeat at Few Bern CHTfiri I TIlE'JEUELEil i, bas a ram stock or, 3 f . v. nT.TH KIT.'Wtt evi-J- G AI9D ELATED WASE i v -.a j r )iii3-'i 1 uke particular paiaa to At then to the ere or parties needing them..., Ha ring worted ttealffy at tbi ibencb for orer thirty years, J .bellere I ass do as good work u hay Watchmaker la the ''coirtirfj'MRf-0 .uJHi . t!v-'- n A tt: 'It.' W 1 1W,f upWBuq xjavvss vauxco., ti awn , .,1- ;!.! VUA1J If AaAAiU&iiJ W1 PeTtnaaetitlf located oh corner 6! f ica and Bern ste., Is prepared to c! -i, dye sad repair all kinds of Clctbt-'Z at Low Prices. A specialty is made in cleaning Ladiee' Dresses. Satisfaction, (maraa - teed. -:i .:?: sngSldtf Pain and la I HA tersi the ri2ii , - I ' U1X1 M am i 1 - -.1 .Ba. You will finj NOBBY an'dVSTY- LI8H SUITS' 8 in SACKS and CUTAWAYS. His stock of Shots and Gents' Furnishing Ocoda is 2ornpl-ete. Two door Nottii of Hotel Albiht. Hartford Life , ... ,. .... insurance 4 OF HARTFORD, CONN. 7. M. VATSOIl, Gen . Assets - - SIXTY MILLIONS INSUKANCK IN EOECE. SAFETY FUND NOW OVER $650,000. Fire year members 'receiving nearly FIFTY TER CENT, in dm.lend. from earnings of the SAFETY1 FUND. Unparalellad Success! Security! Equity! Economy! tW Active solicitors wanted in every County In North Carolina. Address as shove. feblf dwlm v w4n3ffl The Beirier lngel V d Mlll'l IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Bter Extant. It is brewed torn the finest Pale .Canada Welt Barley Malt and iIzerHtfiamd nighiy recommended for its TONIC and HIT TEITIVE Qualities. , " ; , Xhe .. Wk-u- reputation enjoyed by tho BEEONER & ENOL WMPANY is dae to the fact that only. the JTNJEST ' ASDr JBEST MAjTESIALS are. nsed. and - that the greatest SKILL and OABE are exercised daring its manufacture. Agent 'and Bottler. NewBemelr. I e will sell the balance ;of; tour Stock of Cost. "We wish itomake xoom for UV )l! v " ... -. . . - ' . . Ji. Otff Spring; and iSummef Stock.1 A '' -f r I h l I -. ; ' V J 1 si V and Annuity - , , , , . V Agent, lien Berne, II. C. - - il.500.000. ' N"Ja MsavdsUlanBaiM LrluE! UtEII, u3yatri ;.(t!Tri.)it ? 2"! n .a 1 1- i,ni..wlfc. iirtniai m urn ii ii hi ' . - i n 1 V' v 4m T4 t.ft. . . . f 4 -lit -t Htm .' fA)i i-1-f O 4 -"3 a B Company