AfJY CUE VCAT1 DY . jiiQoon, r to were, rrjR rams, flaw, ttc I ten cents eas kt mrmkm wevs SAVE MMtf, ead sVwgs kwk kki MtW, by DIAMOND DiU. Tke Mk I wr, eimpia, eusek ; tsan W BUT serf AnT3T kasava. Aik he DIAMOND DYM aad m r OUdiac e Braaatef Fancy Articles USt DIAMOND PAINTS. Oaie, sW, aw.Cajer. Osdya Ba!?v Portraits. kM from hav muled w toe plate peP Sawn JP" ewv a V J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liverj Stable. SaalJa!! I have roceWed TWO MORE CAR LOADS of Horses and Mule, which were selected by me individually with great care. In making my purchases I deal only with reliable men, and get nothing but good and ound stock. take pleasure in showing j ou through my Stables and Yards. road Street, -New Berne, N. C. au(Z7dwtT For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. Write (or Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. I1IT1I1 RIIT1 C.10ll?i UARBLE WORKS, MKW BEBKE. N.C. raonuments. TomDs- a. tt il nn H arave aad BoUdlng worth ITALIAN&AUERICAN MARBLE Orders will reoelTe prompt attntioe mnd satisfaction ruaranteexl JOB K. WILLIS, Proprietor lior. BR0AQ ASD GRAVEN Sis. NEW BSBSM, . 0 U. K. is my aathorized aget t la . asw-ayw litih'l.-.lll r CEOHCE ALLEN & CO 1 . w1i DEALERS IN General Hardware AirrtcilturtJ tIm piemen t i. "i'':THesi kM Aiei.;:;'' ' wAii v . it " avn A ft An Ara. T - i WW aw aw - waw ww asw i w Vi:.. t . . . Steam EnftiaMti y. Cotton Olnf and Presses, . . " rertlllaors. Land Plaster, Kainlt f tecnaalcs Teole and Hardware, Ume, aarivav, wuitoit- ie. - llair, PalnV Kalsomlne,, V ar ' " nlsh. OIL Glass, Putty and Hair. x rrasisra. Befriarerators. Oil Cook Btotes, Enreka Burglar Proof Bash Lotks, warranted to rIto tsearlty and satlsfkctlon. r O ZO, ALLEN & CO. Cleanse th6 System K WUk that nkaw Mahafta OrswpwieA It purines U Mood, eons CousttpatlBe, I and regulates the aver ea UdneyeJlecCally catena. taf the system U treats aad deed aaattera. Palne's Celery Compound oaauhtaes tme - fcelr sod atreaftblag quail ma. rentUaj. tne anarjisa, and apulla. I save beea troubled for some yean tU t compucauoe of dtmcuiuea Alter trying va rious reawilMa, aa4 auc Boding roust I tried Fame's Ottery Compound Before taking one full bout (be king Uuubkaum symptoms ba ns to tunuae. ana i caa tniir aaj now, mat I awl like a new man. LMgeetion baa imi and 1 have rained tea la wetgnt since 1 bare outmuenmi taking tne compound. Uun9tm M-uasa, Feicemie, tv Hue. 8lx tor svttu AlDnrgisca, Wbm KwaaanaiM Co., Burung-tao. VV 8CM00L, Eg t AGENCY FOR WW win WHEN yon ran E a pure, clean, Una islrle andont.oftha BAVANNAU CIGAR Inside and oat, very flnet BAVANNAU TOBAOCOwo for a nlekel, why don't yon go to p LIHKRit CIGAR STORE and get them. Do net Be hombatned by eheap trash: cat a aood smoke and be happy; aad yon. eaa fat any quality or Cigars yon want. Little afexl oana, one cent. FIVE CHEROOTS, Tery popular brand, for leu cents, elq., eto Why not come and try theal, i'THJiUji' 'M ' Middle k.Newbern. The Ladies Must Ctome 1 The Gentlemeif May Coiriij ! AND "Everybody" Oome ! TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BB0TJGHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO . A FULL LINE OF . , Hou se Furnishing Qoods , AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. H. GUTTER, 26 & 28 Middle Stoeet, NEW BEBSEHtt Of" JOHN 'McSORUaV ,;nFAICNAfLE-8:yH n aaI , Ami Qiinft r1- UWUI UIIM WIIWW I.Stai4WII rouocJk oi.i ewoeru, a. v eslres to annonnea that his f ALttTdti f MaTEKIaL has been received and he repared to fill orders far S , U m t 4 F13E CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS ill im Having two aoperlor skilled workmen, all orders promptly Oiled. "'' ' ng satronare I guarantee "the best material, a good t, tbe latest styles and durability As one among many testimonials of' the character of my work the subjoined from a well known ctusenteua its own story: -Unrrn 8tatm . Hnw Bnnjrn, W. C, Ookxib'bs omen. ' ,r . Oek Sth, 1S8S. Jo. ucsoRurr. Ksa. ' - Dcau Ria I'leae make me a pair of gaiteit similar to those yon made ma two yfiaraago l nave worn mem two years ana ioerMtre goed yet. i hare been wearing shoes nrtr-stx years and they are the best 14 ever wore. re. -.i , jteapecuuiiy, -Signed" ' . . OEILU Jtepalrlnt neatly and promptly done. - . oct23 dw . 4 DO IT WOW ar imcmw THE JOURNAL. TBI rosD nmriL heaxt. JKKII BAkTUrrT DAVIS. Dee kwa 'neat the eoeoai of eoaaa UMMM44 by Mass sa at or una. At peece irons the atom and carh motion, ThAl nn ov its billows of ariae. Thar are secrete thai dm shall not fathom, Theexe jewels unknown to earth ' mut: i As deep, as tn, aad as precious U the voice of the fond . lalUful haarV THIT 8005 GROW OLD. C. P. CBAICQ. ( They toon trow old who grop (or gold la mans where ail la bought and sold Who lit a (or self, and on some shelf la daxksaad Tanlta heard ap their pelf. Cankered aad erusted o'er with moid; For them their joulfc itealf is old. Stored Saaiklne. Son wriUr baa firea at this thought. In the seasoned firewood pot away for winter one, Is stored our sunshine for the dark days that are coming. When sombre clouds hide the sunlight of heaven from as, and the cold winds sweep a landscape that is drear and naked, it is to oar firesides we tarn for warmth and light. Dunn? the glorious Summer time we should not forget the dark days that are coming, nor neglect to provide for 08, ''itored sunshine," in dry and seasoned firewood. When our lives sre bright and prosperous, let us sometimes think of the dark days that mast come, and in. the storehouse ot memory treasure some of the sunshine that now surrounds, to cheer the days that are without its warmth. Thoughts o( the happy past with its lore and pleasure, will drive the gloom from hoars that otherwise will be dark, for, "The memory of things precious keepeth warm the heart that once did hold them." hen "The melancholy days are cetne, The saddest of all tbe rear.1' and all is gray and dismal oat of doors, let the home sunshine be brightest, and the contrast between the inner and the outer world as pleasing as possible. Let the 'stored sunshine" of oar firewood, thatleaps cheerfully np the chim ney, be augmented by that which ia stored In oar hearts oat of super abundance that has been given us in th$ summer time of life. Though the days may be dark, either from leaden, clouds or the shadow of sorrow, we may dispel the gloom by stored sunshine, if we are as wise as mature. Oar Climate not Chaiflng-. Prof. Cleveland Abbe, of the Meteorological Building at Wash ington, who is the real founder of oar weather service, takes np in the February number of the Forum the popular "idea that oar climate is changing. After showing In an interesting way how changes, if any occur, are calculated from meteoro logical tables, he shows' that ra tional climatology gives no basis for the much-talkedof influence upon the climate of a country pro duced by the growth or destruction of forests, the building of railroads or telegraphs, and the cultivation of crops over a wide extent of prairie. "Any opinion as to the meteorological effects of man's activity," he says, "most be based either upon the records of observa tions or on a priori theoretical reasoning. Now the records of experience are exceedingly divers in various parts of the worldV and lead to no uniform conclusion. The palaeontological evidences of the former existence of animals and plants where they cannot now thrive, show clearly that great changes have taken place during geological ages perhaps 50,000 years distant; bat no important climatic change has yet been demonstrated since human history began.77 ELECTRIC BITTERS, ., This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion.- All who hare aged Electrio Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist audit isrnartn teed to do all that la claimefl. Electric Bitten will core all diseases of the Lirer and Kidneys, will remote Pimples Boils, Bait Bhannv and ether affections sensed try impure blood. Will drive Malaria froth tbe system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For , cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. -Price 00 ets. and $1.00 per bottle at H. N. Daffy's Drag 8 tore Wholesale price, 8 per dozen. By the very constitution ol our nature, moral evil Is its own curse.' . r.i r ..--- , 18 OOJISVHPTIOII ISCVBABtKt vSead the foUflwtBffi Mr. fL H. Uotrla. Newark, -Ark,., says: "Was down with Ibscekg of Lungs, and frierJis and phyai eiaDS prononnoed me an Iocnrabls Ooh. Fumvuve. oegu luini jje. ninsrajiew Dlsooverf ' for Conanmnuon. am .aow my third bottle, and able to oversee the i. , i tt M. m- T. 1 . 1 wwa w m; lulu , 4 a, la. UIO lUtfn nvT- cue ever waua. ,v ,,,.-, Jesse Mldldewart, Deoatnr, Ohicv says: 'Had It not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption Iwonld have died ot Lud Tronbles. Was gtaa up by doc tor, Am now in best of health Try IV bottle free at B. N.' Duffy 'I wnoieeaie ana itetau ung Htore, . Berne, N. C. $3 per down, wholesale. iUe girl bat lart wtwk oid L-rx k -ul L-J ntcriJXJOiJ tTuiu i'lit w.-.k.t miy spciuJ thcUcllE. MiU t-y IS? time ODC bottle wa :H lo Ufju, and by tike Uiuc ik ;i.f pitc wu com pieteij cqiw 'ill hay of hir . f-t . '! tt ilt duty to mate ii T SBoBE, Hich Hill. Mo. ...1 uJl .. il.T- r UU)d . ue, lki inntu U ud teUeu !; Now sh! Ita" .1 roba8ti Ucjllu) i .. LtU SUlflttteLL HSeod far our u.k od Ad vie to Sutler l"mi swift hnit': jft Blood and a;u Diatvt ? - tuilHt frw. t Co., Drawer 3, AuanLa, u. A Noted Divine Savs: !( I utl a Liter Pill .iter PIIU uarti aul lr uyapwpala. tlcik Momach aud iwuieacw, a tin nbirb 1 bat luug ea aiiileteu. Ms Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I oarer kad anything todoineeomnrlt f aeMl. I rereoinmeilU tbem to all mm he heat medicine lu iia:ire." Hev. V. H. 0S4.001). , Tork. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York.. Brick! Brick 1 Brick! 50,000 or S-Etle BV W. P. s CO., 0ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GRAIN DEALERS, MirkkY Dock n i;v IIEltNK, N. (' CVinsign us your produce a u Mules and Horses. NORTH CAROLINA STo K Mr E S. STHKE T has just receive,) from Western N C. anothi.r l it of tine Mules and Homes. eVy Come and see thorn. he World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW I'ltlOES, And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to b easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK r'UK SHALL FKOFITa. My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. It. JONES. New Berne, N. 0. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO IM. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handsom ily constructed frelnht and naa- senger boat, having ben placed on this oata, jm pieparea to render saperlor aervlce to and from all points on lower Nense River and Pamlleo county, nnd New Berne. For tne present me following scheaule will be In peraiion: Leaves New Ttarne pwrv WinA.,i anA Saturday atSIX A, M. for bay boro. stopping at Clubfoot, Adams and Bmltba lr-eka. vandemereand stonewall. Leaves riavboroevarv M onilnv an 1 Thnrfl. day at BJX A. M stopping at Htonewall, vandemere, gmlths, Adamg ani Clubfoois Creeks, arilvlnn at New Thnrs lay evenings. r.xoeiient puaenger accommodation, am ple freight aoilities. Krelgnt receipted lor an I received dally by and every Information given D. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, j. n rjn i.r.f. Bionewall. FOWLKR A CUWELI,. Agents. Bayboro. OEOROE A. IIUSMEY. novldwtf General Manager. Sale of Land. BTATE Or NOFITH TAROLIKA.I SuperUr uraven uouniy. i oart. Starkey F. Gardner, et als. i . ; Hot ce. Norma Gardner, et al. ) Futsnant to the Judgment In the above named proceedings, 1 will aell at Public A notion at the Court House In Newbern, on Monday the Fourth day of March. 188, at Eleven O'clock. A.M.. the following deanrthail land, vis: Part of lot known In pi in of City of Newbern as Lot No 10, at tbe northwest corner or George and South Front streets, formerly OCCUDled bv Htarkpv Gardner Av. ceaaed, and deecrtned In the petition In said proceedings. Terms Saili 4AME3.U. HAHRIROS, Oommlsglooer. Newbern. N. C, Jan. 20, m. Round Knob Hotel, ' VT. IK SPKACOK, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB, N. 0. Most Plctnresqao Scenery in Western Worth Carolina, POIKTS OF INTEKEST NSAB BY:. Old rort.Hl.i ' Distant 5 Miles. r .. i. .. i . " 1 ' . " 8 " .. 5 .. . " 7 " .. g . 81 Bernard Moaetaia.... .. ttawtja ralla-...-. jsen imt . ; wannatdTunBel.. . Pinnacle of tbe Blue fildge,. Toe River, fine trout ashing . Bridges' Iron Bprtngsw Kelly's Iron Springe,. uj nnawigp., L MUebell's Peak, the Oravaof Prof. tchell i .iV the highest aotnt east of the Rocky 1ura roi dry atmosphere) no fogst fight ews, Tlrastopatwedooil. jTapS ' i Open nil the yesr. Trms reaifonable PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK OENTXBT, ' XIVIKU. BV. O. JSn in oravaa itraai. awtweea PoltocJ and Broad. 4T).Ui : P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doors South o( Joarnal oflloe. Will practice In the Oooatlea ot Graven. Car teret, Junes, Onalow and Pamllcu. United Mtau rtnn at New Berna. aa Supreme Ooart of the Stale. febl dtf OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Boosts South Front street, four Joon west of Craven. MercauUie Law and iViivrjai i'.! g c-n.- Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Ollice in rear of HancocS next door to Uotel Albert. I Jrufi store. Open from 9 a m. to 4 p.-. Will give prompt attention to all ma . in per mm ' inn to Justices' courts A'i'i 1tf I HUM 1MI lir.YS' For Horses, Catt'e, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Peltry. A00PA.EnOOKnTrf at- I mriil ui i 1 bart rcnl I- rvv , ( onifsllnns, Inflanimnilon A. K. spinal Men! n.Hlev, 11 Ik h rr. H.B.- irutBS, l.amenPUi II bruinni inm. ( . ( . DNirmpf r, NmhmI hist Hh rj r. I. IK- lloiai or (rai. V nrm. K. E.-(ougkt, lewr, roramon V. Colli- or airloe If ihr. I.. Ii. viltH-arrlage. II. II. I rtnarr and Kidnfy IMaciisrs. 1 nuge. j. k. bUeaeeeofDIsi-Hilou. M.blr l'oe, wl'h PiwifVi". Maru.i u It, h lliuel i '11 ttDil MnlkniiT. 87 00 Prl, r, SIhk1i UottMl.xer 50 d. .-e 1, . .(,0 Hold by DruggUfni nr Hem Prepaid od Kecrlpt of Trite Humphreys' Med. Co, 109 Fullon St.. N. Y. inunpnuEYs HOMEOPATHIC f r SPECIFIC No j0 In um 3D wenra. Tbe otilv aueceenfii 1 remcly (or Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, ami 1'rontratinn, from over work or other riui ft titr vial or 6 vial and larit. vial (lowdur lor $5 N il li H V I HV iMti! r ir tnt !( pa i.l .in rt. "i i-t of All of our Veterinary Preparations itn l had of J. V. Johi'AN. Iirunnist, N. V. oor. Itroad and MulJIo wLrt -u. Newborn. N. C. $500 Reward! W.i will pay the above reward for any .. r ll er complAtnt, lyi In.livpstlon, oonattpallon or coetlvt'iirw we citnuol cure Willi Weat a V egetahle I, Her I'llla, wb.'u ll.e direcilona are at i let 1 . . m -piled nli. Tbey are purely vegifth:.'. n.l u.'ver rail to give aaltafart Ion. Ijirse t.if conln1nir 1U1 eugar coat.'.l pllla. 2 .. l..r atle by a. Irtigglata. He are of c..unterf.''.ti n I ttnltat 'rta. Tbe lenulne niannraclure only byjil. N V. W KMT A IX).. ml W Mad laon HI., (li igo. III. Sold by U. N DUFTY, druggist, New Berne. N. C. si.24d.wly TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1000 newspaper I divided lnlo will be aenl on 8TATKH AN I HK0T1OS8 appl Icatlon PRKSS. To those who want tbelr adverting to pay, we nan offer no better medium for (nor ough and effective work than the var.ona seotlons of our Select Loral Llat. (ISO P. HOWELL fc CO.. Newspaper Advertising Bure&n, J n!8 dwlm 10 Spruce street, .New York. THE LADIES' FAVORITE, NEVER OUT Or ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing maxhtnp. ask our agent at your place for terms and i i f mmn MnnM nnA nnr Mjmtxl. write fllrecttoneareat address to you below named. chicaso - 28 UNION SQUSRLNX- DWXAS. kt'louh. mo. ,TVwi?S'uf 'i'"rtiAcl5"cL PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. LOW 1 1 HIGH ABM, ' f ABM, $20 aj m -) ms FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL Dl TOUR OWI HDUS ILTORE TOU PIT ME CUT. High-Arks Machine has eel resetting? weeella. elf-threndlns; ahntile, is ssalaeleas as lick t-rnnnlag,rnatbtta eat aetarattaebri aaesita la velret-ltaed ssm Doa't pay agents tss or $60, bat send for drtalsA KeawsiDer. we raarantea ear sasdiiaa eqaat is say kiga-prkad saatbia ea die ssarket. Addrssa . r - The C A. WOOD COTwi?W ni.l9tastPhUa4eTphisi,rn, .; The II. C. Frer-:j Lina - u kT2C2Al'?S azi SSFISS, TAXI KSTI3 Ou l4 October 15. 188. thla Une will rreuiue lutir regular SEMI-WEIIKLY THIPS o. BStWIIS Baltimore and Vtw Bern Laann b tjuore for L'A) , tA I I. t.L: Nfw tetar WU). 1 . at SIX r M. hr Pultimor rrm. 1'AV. SA1 . RL'AY. t MX f v Tuu w tne on.y i. k :ftje out k I New brruetur bail; mors uncut ctauee auil oa luni murp uip ln..;i !.. t moit come aireo-iufbi-ue,.iU,):,lJv Nom.:s. cuu- mntii.,; uirn lor b!iij, I .vnOrt,., i-hii. , o.-ie Norin .... ui Stm 1 M. '. n ' ' . T'aft.more s" . V. aacijLlM. u sou II. ' -UV, Viet ! '.. Laif. ':L,.'. ic I. b inl aaiunlye. .fsuajiA Satuiu. I I ... .a. t ,1 ! k . -1.J l git!- 1 1 oi I lilt K K V l. I Mill' I I N. I't III LK t I I K. trtO I 1.11,1 The r n . I: 1 1. I'ul I, . ri.i:,i, at r t I It , Hat itruors. t vw or k, HoslBb. trtli tttf. N t y la 1:11. AMl.luS EAGLET and VESPER M.'M'Al . ill K i . A Mi'M..t , i. II . . to .11, U "ULi.ern h. K. K.. aiui liable at,. Ht'ilmt-a I.,. .'Ill I'lty.a. .1 .'II Cuia u. '""' -- ! . . 1 vt Kaa-e... ki.i i, i .. . , . ...a, " 1 ' ' I. . I I. I T. N'Tlii Kiver K. li, i,; .- - , ... r' . v. .... - :,., K. i, r ' . .1.1 ii. A ,,.,.r. I',,,,, K I.. ft ,:::,".:: " :-: - ' I - i" . , 1 V " U ' ' ' AS- ., 1 " ; ' .u' "r '"',' . ; ; "'. ' - ' ' " rr. igbl At.ect. a Ian i i. '. i.'.ti v " ' ,"' ' . fr. ti Agent .N , n I. ii '-I ... ' !'r..N I'l IIH...N. Agent. ,,W'J" rwberne. .N. t! OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. . . S KM I -V K 1 li 1,Y LINE. Ii I I 1.; in l n l. i.i tieam,hlp Cmtr l' 'l'l Ola an. I favorite Water i.ouia, via A ll.eni.rl, and I liM,p(k. Canal. roa lh. Bald mora, Hew York, I i drlplila. Bo, Ion. I'toi Idcnca, aud Waahlngton ll. all points, North, Eaut and West And On and after I ! KM DA . an Hi i i.i in r notice, tne JAM AKV dth.UO-.n Steamer ihNTEO. dpt. SonlhgaU, A.NU Steamer NEWBERliE, CapL Pritchett, Will sail from Norfolk. Va for v Berne. vi.i W utiuuum u,,vi..v and KHibAVS, uiaaum n.,., ,.,,',.. i,,. with toe hteanier ol th N a t i. B. to.. for Kinau.u 1 renton. and all i.ih, landings on tne en,e ana 1 rent Klvera. Helurnlng, win aali from MvH Bt-lvNK for MjKrui.K nirert, II hM.AYs and Frtl- L-Atnai i f.i.v i. M , ,,,,. making oon uecllon wnn tne 1 1. i. r,. n. LO lc tor New ,k. ii. n. o ,..-, ,utut for Baltimore, Clyde Line Snips for i bllaaN delphla, m A M. 1'. Co. 'a hu. for twinn and frovtdence Our UDiirii.K efforts to p. oaae 6tfr patrons, and our almost periect service fur tne peat tnirteea years, lame lst guarantee we san offer all auipperB as to wna' we will do lor uieiii in meiuiure. folk.dVaa" "OWlt f " 8'0 ftuuengers will Ond a aood tahl. able rooms, aad every coortesy and atten Uon Win be paid tliejii uy tbe officers. K B. ROBERTS, Agent, 1M8R8. CULrtri'KP. A TURNER, Agents, iVorfolk, V -W. U- BTANFORU, Vice-l-reaiaent. New Tork Olty. ' tub NEUSE &. TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company. : ' WUl ruu '.lie following rcheduis on Snd'aftav January 1st, 1S87. " , Steamer9 Trent A 111 leave every Monday and Thursdsr luormng at 8lx o'clock for Bmlthatd Adama Ceeka and all lntarmedlate jMsin.a. returning same day. J Steamer Klnaton. Will leave Hew Kerne for v. eitrvwi rr 4iaeaai days and Fridays at U o'clock, M, Return- . a.inston on Moadays ana Thursdays: Touoninc at -nil Intersaediate iMuuiuga uu ieose Hiver. J. J. DISOSWATaaJIewbed w. r, BTAaTLT. Klnatna. ' V D. S. BAaarra. foUoksv.lla. ' V7. K. WARD, Agent at Trea'oa M. a &nrrR, Jolly Old y.eld. I. a-Bim, Quaker Biidfa, , JM WH7T S, Oeal Hums hlw .. gJaatoavH iti.V laBenttrrae - faillna a, 1 a ef , 1 ry I- ' rM , . b r. ov devaiorimaDt. r. Saoeaa. a eto. Vnlmnnit .l -U MEDICAL CO.. t : pymontuorweek. . al9 dwtl