a. aaa. 6 r,. " A L ft!"1. Jbiy Cohi , fWV Hatters, v -ro. "fom. ftcgs7itc ) ten cents aW fe away etta vera SAVE Meacy, aaa ataka tanas kwk aha MtW, my wag DIAMOND D1U. T1 vark a easy, aaaaa,iuck: Won ikt BUT ul FitTUT lm. A I DIAMOND DYES aaa take aa ether. FatiMiaa m limln Saacy Arttctsa Q8S DIAMOND PAINTS. Qald, SilTer, Breast, Capper. Oaly Casta. 0ntY Portraits. - I Fortibltoof beautiful babr pic tures fruan Ult, panted on nae nlata nana ty Bates naoco praeeaa. asat baa to Mother o any Bam born within a rear. Iwj Mother wants thaw pictures ; tend at once. Gits Babya naa and afe. El LI, RISaARDSOl A CO., auauaaroa, rt. ajcr a l" 1 I'd Yt l I J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livcrj Stable. c I have racemd TWO MORE CAR LOADS of Horsei and Male, which were selected bj me individually with treat care. In making m. purchases I deal only with reliable men, and pet nothing but good and sound stock. Will take pleasure in showing jou through my Stables and I aras. '-oad Street, "New Berne, N. C. augZ7d wif KINSEY SCHOOL, La Grange, IVT. O. For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. CaT Write (or Catalogue to . JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. tilTm MlTl CAROLIHi MARBLE WORKS, STEW BEKME. N. C. Monuments. Tombs. Aft all kln Orava and BnUdlnc works ITALIAN&AUERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attantior tod tatiafaetlon rnarantaed JOE K. WILLIS, Froprletor Ovr. BROAD AND CRAVKX 8t: BXW BEBJJM, A. C Q. X. Millis ia my authorlxed aget t la k J i m80-dTw CEOPiCE ALLEN CO General Hardware v. 4irtlealtitral Implemanti. vPlowir BftiTotrti OultlTmtoiii, , ' ' ' ilM and Axes, Wokl'i J teowen tuid Beaperi, 1 a ff; tiM Enjrlnwt 1 Cotton Gft andPrefsei, -. Fertilize rt. Land Plaster, Kainlt ' Jllechanlcfl Tool and Hardware, - Lltoe, Brick, Cement, Platter Hair, Paint Kaliomlne, Var- nlth, OIL Glass, Patty and Hair. Freezer, Refrl(reratorf," Oil . Cook 8oTei. Eureka Burttlar Proof Bash Ioks, .warranted to IflTe ticarity aad atlslkcioiuv rr.ini:3 veby lott. ' - ' t'-.CSO, ALLEN & CO. . y. .Cleanse the System - n a iuu aaaa rename nednaai Faint-a eatery CnanpiwaJ UpbrrAeaU Mood, cures OoMOpaaon, ad regvlatee (be lrar ae4 tklneys.eflwtuaUy cataaa. IDS tne system o( ail waste and aaad Batter. Paine's Celery Compound combines true nerre tonic and strengtolnf qualities, revtylng tat anas-pet aad apuita. I bart beaa troubled tor tome years witb a anmpBuaOon of atfaoattaaa. After trying ra rtous remedies), aad not nndmg reflet I tried Paint's Cesary Compound belon taking aaa tull bottle tba km- troublesome symptoms be gan to subside, and I can truly say now, tnat I feel UJus a ww man. DliwUua aaa Improved, aad I have grained tea pound in weight auice 1 have cuuimenced taking the Oocipouail " UuvcgTca tTH nxa, PeicHTUle, TV f. no. 8U tur 16 ou. At Drugpsta Wbm KicaASDeox t Co., BurUnaOon. vt. AGENCY FOR WHEN yon can cat a para, elaaa, flna SAVANNAH CIGAR lnalde andont,oftha very (Inert SAVANNAH TOBACCO, two for a nickel, why don't yongo to PALMKR't CIOAR STORE and get them. Do not ba bambomed by cheap traah; get a food moke and be happy; and you aaa gat any quality or Cigars yon want. Little Mexi can!, one cant. FIVE CHKROOTS, rery popular brand, for ten eenta, ate., eta Why not come and try themT WM. Ij. PALMER, Middle at., Newbern. The Ladies Must Cornel The Gentlemen May Come ! AND "Everybody" Come! TO BEE THE Handsomest Tea. Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER BBOTJOHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A FULL LINE OP Hou se Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BEKSE. N. a JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE y i' Boot and Shoolkicr, Pollock Si lbeKvC.; Destree to anfiotmea that hta FALL BTOCB. OF MATERIAL haabaenraealTad and kata prepared to SU orden ter FIIE GUST0M-M1DS BOOTS ill) SIDES Haying two nperloT aklQad WorkMnat,aIl orders promptly filled. In aoiieitlng patronage I guarantee tha beat material, good lit, the latest stelae and durability." i . i Aa one among Inarjy estfraonlala of the character of my work the subjoined from a wall known eiussntaila ltaowa steryt -0irmiSTAns KrwBwra,H.O- OoKaig'ss Urncm. Oet,6tn,188a.. Jiro, Mcsosurr, Esq. f Dbab rib Fleaa mate me pair 'of (altera similar to tboaa yon made me two years ago. 1 have worn them two years aad they ora con yet. i have been Weartnaj thoa nrtr-slXj years and they are tea beat I ere wore, r . , BetBeetfally, c Bigned" r'. - m OBILLk - L Repairing neatly and promptly done, 1 r ; oet owr-.. '--'v ,DO IT NOW --ZmTMM aa m . - i 4 l 1 I THE JOURNAL. BU HaIIXIUVS 6UEST. aUTHOB nuovi. Baa Hatsards hat was smoky aad cold. Baa HauaM, kali bliai, waa black and aid, Aad as cobbled shoe (or kia scanty gold. Sometimes k sighed (or a larfar store, Wharewith to bless Lbs wandering poor, Fbf ka waa not wiaa la nrMI Inra Tha poor waro Christ he knew no Twaa vary littla thai Baa oould do, Bat ka pagtad kia prajar in many a Aad only kimsalf aad tha good Lord know. Meeawkile, ka mast cobble with all kia mifht. Till tha Lord knew when it would all ha riant! For ha worked by faith and not by sight. One night a ory from tha window oame; Baa Hauard waa sleepy and tirad and lama: ' Ban Hasxard, open," it seamed to say. "Give shatter and food 1 knmbly pray. " Ben Uaxtard lifted kia woolly head To listea "Tie awful oold. 'f he said. And kia old bonea shook in kia ragged bad- "Bot tka wanderer mast be comforted. " Oat from kia straw he painfully crept. And oyer (ka f raatv floor ha atant While under tka door the enow wreaths swept. "Come in, in the name of the Lord," ne cried, As he opened tka door and held it wide, A milk-white kitten was all he spied. Trembling and crying there at his feet, Ready to die in Use bitter sleet. Ben Hazzard amazed, started up and j down; I The candles were out in all the town. The stoat boase doors were carefully shut, Safe bolted were all but old Ben's hut. "I thought that soma one called," he said "Soma dream or other got into my head, Come, then, poor pussy and share my bed." But first he sought for a rusty oup, And he gaye his guest a generous sup; Then out from the wind, the storm, and tha sleet. Puss joyfully lay at old Ben's feet. Truely, it was a terrible storm, Ben feared he should never more be warm. But just aa he began to be dozy. And puss was purring soft and cozy , A roica oaliad faintly before his door: "Ben Hazzard, Ben Hazzard ! help I imDlore. Give drink and crust from out of your store. Ben Hazzard opened his sleepy eyes, And bis wrinkled face showed great . lumriia. Out from his straw he stumbled again, His teeth e-chatler with neuralgio pain, Caught at the door in the frozen rain. wrai in, in tne name of the Lord, "he said : Withsuch as I haTe thon ihallhn f.H " Only a little black dog be saw. whining and shaking a broken paw, "Well, well !" cried Ben Hazzard, -,I muat hava Arimwntui But verily like a roice it seemed," roor creature, ne added, with husky tona. His feet so cold they seemed like stone; l nou shait have tha whole of my mar-row-honn ." He went to the cupboard and took from the ahalf Tha bona ha kad eared for kia very self. Then after binding tha broken pave, Half dead with cold went back to his straw; Under tha ancient blue quilt he crept, His oonscience was white, again he siept. But again a voice oalled, both loud and oiear. Ban Hauard, for Christ s sweet sake ooma hara." Onca more be stood at tha open door, And Inokad ahrnarf aa Vi k.fn.. This time, full sure, 'twas a roioa he i . neara, But all that ha saw was a storm-tossed bird, With wearT ninion and baatinir nraat. And a blood-red stain on ita snowy breast "Coma' in, ia tha name of tha Lord," ha aid, Tenderly raising its drooping; head; And taarinsr hia tattarail mt tti Laid tha cold bird on bis own warm naart. The sunlight flashed on tha snowy tnatcn, As an angel lifted the wooden latch. Ban woka in a flood of golden light, And knew tha yoica that had called all night. And steadfastly gazing without a word, Behold tha messenger from tha Lord. He said to Ban, with a wondrous smile (The thfae guests sleeping all tbo while), "Thrice happy ia ba that bleeeeth the poor; The1 humblest oraatnre that sought thy door, For Christ's swset sake thon bast com forted." "Nay, twas not much," Beta humbly said, With a rueful shake of his old gray head. "Who gireth all of his scanty store, t In Christ's dear name oan da no more. Behold! the Master who waiteth for thea. SaJth, 'Giring'tothem tho has given Then, with heaven's bright light on his faoe, "Amen: looms in the name of libs Lord," said Ben. , "Frozen to death." tha. watatimaw aalil Whan at last thaw toainA kin. im ku With a smile on hia fttow so strange and Befwondertd what oM Ban saw that ..f.ItThti Ben's lips were siler and nerar told am amu gone up signer to nn nisgoia, -xatJ'U on is - I HATS not waed all at ma tWrt tla a I auffarad from eatanh for twtlra yaars.zperiaaoing the - nanaaaUng dronaiBW bt tha HitMi "-- a ta diseaae, and aoee bled almost daily. v l tnaa yanoas- remdiee without tenant until' last April,, wkaa I tair Ely's Cream Balm adyartiaad in the Boston Badge-1 proourea a bottle, and stnee the ant day 's use have bad aomort bleeding, tha anran a knitratw n a: D. QDavidson with the Boston Budget, lormeny wr.a UQtvm onniai. uy Mj fatow Am l . . .r v a. aiocher djed ef it, aaa aiy u : i-nl t .t " k feenbg, Wkj be utuumi ii, i.e borntuc diicutc aaJa na appairiuiuc ou m s.Ov li vt w t Ui&iigouu Caacer. eaCiii mrcl... m a v itut it could Mae cut out. Numerous ruiwi:, were used for tt. aol am Ctocer ;re ieiliiv norm-. uuv.i it seem ed that I duuoied lu Kmo tut jilien) ol ate faauij I Hot :ft a !,jciiii, a. fruit mi ftrm day, farced ou: the poison mid , nunrutxi i until I hml twtea everiil ttotti. .- Ben 1 found mv Mif wau. I kuo (hm s. u-vd an Wlaaun, K. C , No a, Mk s M Icv Sead for Book on Cuiicer md Diae Taj Swirr si'Scltk to, L'ru.er S. Aiuum, CURED OF SICK HEADACHE, Palmyra. O.. wrltaa : II baya m a great aaffcrer froid " "r awmvamacjaaga aaaaa, Tl thatgava me relief. I - - - - mwww . umn tateaf aay aiaer kind, aad doea waaaaai ar grip. ' a.lraoilr augar ewataa. Daaa email. Frtea, H eeata. I SOLD EVEltYWHEKE. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. Brick! Brick ! Brick 50,000 F-or Sale W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MEKCHANT8, AND GRAIN DEALER8, Mahkkt Duck NEW I4KUNE. N. t; 4T Consign us your produce in dif The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW I'KH lis, And wonders. How ii it. that I run up 1 1 so much lower than any one elseV I'll tell you: I have determined to bo easily satisfied for tho cash, and W'OKK FOB SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FA Hi DEALING, Come and buy from tne, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. 0. NEW BERNE ANDMiMUCO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handsomely constructed frelglit and pas senger boat, having Iwen pi seed on this route, Is prepared to render superior service to and from all points on lower Neuse River and Pamlloo county, and New Berne. Kor the present the following schedule will be in operation: Leaves New Berne every Wednesday and Saturday atSLX A. M. for bnynoro, stopping at Clubfoot, Adams and smiths Creeks, Vandemere and Stonewall. Leaves Hayboro every Monday an Thurs day at SIX A. M., stopping at Htonewall, Vandemere, Smiths, Adams and Clubfoon Creeks, arriving at New Borne Monday and Thura lay evenings. Kzoellent passenger accommodation, am ple freight aollltles. Freight receipted for an J received dally by agemtlLO. D. Line, and every Information given. D. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Vandemere, C.H.FOWLKH, - Htonewall. FOWLKB A CO WELL, Agents Hayboro. GEORGE A. HUSSEV. novldwtf General Manager. Sale of Laud. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Craven County. j court. Starkey F. Gardner, et nig vs. Norma Gardner, et al. Notice. Pursuant to the Judgment In the above named proceedings, I will sell at Public Auction at the Court House In Newbern, on Monday the Fourth day of Marc h. I88M, at Eleven o'clock, A.M., the following described land, via: Part of lot known In pi m of City of Newbern as Lot No BIO, at the northwest corner of Qeoige and Houtn Front streets, formerly occupied by HtarkeyOardner.de eaaaed, and descrloed In the petition In said proceedings. Terms Cash JAME3 C. HARRISON, Commissioner, Newbern, N. C, Jan. 30, 1888. Round Knob Hotel, If. D. SPRAGCK, Prop'r. E0UND JIN0B, N. O. Most Picturesque Hcenery in Western North Carolina. POINTS OF INTEREST NEAR BT:; Old Fort...... ...Distant S Miles. ... ' 1 . " 5 " 1 a ... " 5 St. Bernard Mountain. Catawba FalLs.... Mud Cut.., Swannanoa Tunnel Pinnacle of the Blue nidge.... PotatnTnn Toe River, One trout'flshlng ;" 7 " 8 " pnugw iron Bpnnga.Hm 1 " Jvistiy iron apnDge w " u tUtobeU's Peak, ua Grave of Prof. Mitchell '- " tne highest point east of the Rocky Mountains, nine miles. Pnra eaol dry atmnaiAara. Anm. hk slews. t Trains stop at the door. 'api7 upen all tne year. Terms reasonable by month or week. al8 dwt; Notice. 1 1 Go to tba 08 ton: Eboss Barber Shop tor an easy shave sod a feood haircut. 'Shaving 10 cts.; hair cnttin 20o, i-A. rP.-W. H.f BHEPlEDt PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK DENTI8T, kiwi nxa , s. o. OSUe 3 a Uravaa nraat. aatweas Polloct anJ BrovU. aart-iaawi P. H. PELLETLEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will practice In tha Oonatlaa of Craven. Caj tem, Jooea, Onalow aad Pamlioo. Tnltad Kia lee Court at e Berne, an J Supreme 0art of the Stale. febl 0 li OWEN H. QUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mercaiitl.e law and i'onve at;. ;''... lee. 1 iml'fi lougrit mid o.(! Robert Hancock, Jr., i TRIAL JUSTICE. OtBi-e in rear of Hancock drug store, ! neit door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to4 . n. W.li ve prompt attention lo all ma rs pertain- ing to Justices' courts. J2J dtf I HUMPHREYS' Cloth A Cold B.ndmg B til KI I lit B. 4fldraa V t It.n I t Ml 1 T ! 1ST OF PRINCIPAL NO. criu. FKl. C- UnriTig, Worm Fever W,rtu i . .2 hUfTtiea. ol t'bil1rn or Atluits . Ovientery, tiniuat Hih.-u.t t, boltra !vlorbua. V.-rnitKm , ouh. Cold, Hnmrhiim 4, Hadnchr. Kirk Hea.U.-hi ' , y. HOMEOPATHIC IHnpepaia. Bilious Ktoinnoti upprea.rd or Pelnhil Period. V ullee. too ProfuM Peno.1. Crnup. Oough. LiAcult HrA.lh.nn ... alt Kheem, F.ryipl.B 1 ni.u..n4. . Rheuinatlam. Rheum.tK- I'mn. Kever and Agar, ( hills Mnitna Piles. Hl.n.l or allin. Ceterrh, Intln.nra, ..Id m thp 11,,1 S.t IS i is .:s ,M Ml Whooptng Cough, Vmlent i ltng t OUSh. V ml.nt I '..uuliH ..14, general nehHItv.Py1.! NVeakiiona .r0 Hldnrv lllaeeae ..M Nrroua Drbllllv 1 IM Alt niseawi of Ihl Hrwrt, I'nlpitAtiMn 1 4MI SPECIFICS. tvMti I iv I if (lira ia(. I tin rccin nf prut! -liLllliHa.O MtKl lO. lUUrttJ.o. suh.i. Ail nf the shove medicinvs are fur tali at the drugstores of Y. S l)u(fy mid K. lierry, Middle alnvt Nrw U-Tiif. N. t'. $500 Reward! will pay the alove reward fnr rmv rase r er 'im plaint , dyspepsia, sli-k hernia, he i u l ,;t-Kt i. u. ,-iuiHl Ipatlou or eosl 1 .irK8 we uiiM.I .uie Willi Weal's Vri-mlile 1'l.w. wli.-n Ihe illreelloiis r r st r l.-t I v .- i: l'l.e-1 itli. 1 liey are purely vegelalile Htid never lull lo iMvh aatlsfaclliin. I nrpe Loies in ui mi inn sugar coaled pllla. . h or sail- ly nil druggists, ilewaie of rounlerf.-lli an 1 Imitations. The genuine tiiamifurturet only by JOHN C. WK8T A I'll.. w Mail Ison St., Chicago, III. Sold by K. N. DL'FFY.druffgist, New Items, N. C. ap'J4dwly THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT Or ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine ask our ngent at your place for terms and nrlcea. If you cannot find our asrent. write direct tonearegt address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.0RAN(K CHicsoo - & UNION SQUARE NX" DALLAS. 'LU ATI1NT1 r.l TEX. stlouh.mo. Vrnifiiga SAsruAnciscocnJ PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. man ABM, FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL IR TOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE TOU PAT ORE KIT. High-Arm Machine hat self-aettlBsr aedl, self-threading ahattle, is aolaeleaa vJ "laiiiwHre vaiavivi BIMW aaeata, la , velyeS-llaetl eaaa. Don't pay agents tsj or S6o, but send for circular. Remember, we guarantee aucbine equal to any high-priced suchine on Uw market. Address The C. Am WOOD CO., lTS.10taBtriOla4elptUt,ra. ' John Williams Permanently located on nomar of Rrnad and Bern sts., is prepared to clean, dye ana reneir au kinds er ninUiina- at Price. A aneoialtv la mada In nlaanlns aiaaiew- ureeees. ; isaueraction. maran Uw iH'bJ'lliJIJIiJl-pssaaaa LOW I 11 1 ABM, f V $goj STlLAlEElS.t The Hrc7rfLln9 upland after ccutr 15, 18 thla line wul rsaume lUtU ruia S KM I-WEEKLY TRIPS jo. Hrrwaaw Baltimore and New .Berna Leaving b tJUore for New Berne. WKD- Mwst'Ai. OAlLKUAV.at 81X M Leaving nrne for Baitlmore IT EH Mil Kl'AV, at ali t. Ja u , HiiTilneeut "I New C .ue..t..ppi!:v.ulra. SOtHHk L lor a , bei Ur 1. . .... ,,.D unwtiou. i.i .. out or New Kr . . r . : A . t . rr . -Nor li, , v r. --a..., a r.. -ish t BL, a. limorr At.. Moriuia, e. "Hdelpflta, U soutl, line. Tier ' ' :.arf. 1 "J itur.iv. .New 1 ti ... t 'aluiu. da) a. wa: rda. 1 hr.u.c ' e guar. "ID HKKAK M.t ,K 111 LK Mill- til i . LIE A S T fc. f CAhli1,- I i PL Mi- i us; rreijin Line S I J. N N, I'. . ... i. . rollne n .liuore. . iloat n , ' . . it i e Hi In I., 1 EAGLET and VKSPER ' 'CliedU. I r - I ... I M, , ., 'II M'Al "M'li. : . . . i :,e " nHirni K. N U . and ' , ilh;e K,,,l i-llLlli a I, n I lly, ai ' ' 1 . ' I 1 1 I'H I 8 III " i I hm I e i i , ' ' !. r.ei r,. ! " v . a , . in, ' "l A Hull R. ' ! ern K it. s 1 r 1 1 H :.u- bug u a,i an by an - . . ol ., ,., ' 1 r" " Ai;enl I. i , I..'. Keiit, : " t .l Aj.e!il N y 'I l- re.gln Agant N III 1. - I I I r I- i. .n , I K-l 1 1 I . tne hi llltll 1 1. .v , . e . i ; R le l' iii.f. , . , eu.Hl N I r .i s t I lUll-.-i ui. . im.uia I'.r. Norn, , , er ! '"in I ;,.,,i. K. It.. I... K rrmii it,,, t;.,,,, H,. i 'rt-.Hi, : , . i I I I'Ul ,. . K i loin r.,,M.,. I K. K. I-UU-H A. ., , A , ilher line 4 hen o,', m ni i-ei i , , i, IV' H W.i !' UK . , il ' i s i i : r . a i H H run!,, I'. A N li 1. II . II I l , .s H K It .. : lih.N: feliil,;, ' Agent, i.trno. ,N . (j. OLD OOMIHION Steamship Company. HKMI-WKKKIA- I.LNJS. The (ii,. mlnlon s,Mlllthlp oip. P'-M 's Old ., ISavo,.,,. Waler l-'out . la A I tr mar la ami t tiesaprehe (anal. PVH ...,.... oo.ii.n. Providence Id W.hlii!t(111 ( ,, And all points, North, East and W est on and after Tl ..niiav FKitrr i dv . lW..untii further nidu-eiue ?''t" Steamer MtNTEO. Capt. Sauthgate, V. It Steamer BEWiEHJIB, Capt. fotciatt on 1 1 . 1 1 Berne, via W,J' "hi Bun iioni "v n f. , 1 1. for V.w and HUDaYH, i,1Kaii,g MOMIA1.H "se oonu-cuon d.B.to..for KiuHioi, i .,, - 1. K hdlnK8 on luTZLi u.l '"I'.""? ?ll other Keturnlnit, win .m, r . ",ver- UAH at M.M-. , "" ana KI- uectlon wlln the o i, lor New V .. . maKluK eon. Lio.'a Bhlps tar Hamni L -1 '.'- ielpnia, Jii. , anil lTnvirlM ' " "' nips for l-uias ur lioatoh. Our nullriiig efforts r. r. , . and our almost ,."r tVl LrL' thirteen years ill, "TL? "7 106 ,or a past .fler an .hlpner, aK, T, "!" iMm in the future " lor toixva."11 ! H. Oitor. r'Hllfnfara nrin . . . ' hie rooTniVna o?u?lSto' J?afort- Won will be Dnid ti, oiucers. lkak8. LX-U-m-fcK Tl-RSItR, Agents, .Norfolk Va W. H- STANFORD, v iee-1 resident. Kew York City., THE T 1TEUSE b TRENT RIVER 8teamboat Company. v- Steamer Trent .SSL' .,eTe. Mon.Uy and Tima4 Steamer Klnatoi X'Ji -teaJ? New lierue for iU.. -r2L ig.Vm leSvKi'n' ,U 'clOBk- 'SattS. "... LT, tunitoa, , D. 8. Baaaue, PoUeksyuie. W. B. WARD.AgeatatTranfrt,,; or v t . - ciiH jouy Uld- rield, B- Bajtm, Quaker Brtdt i f aa faTTXTrntat , . .... . r-0' muiIes m w ""aajn-s' FPRHrunwiv vi iui.il U ILL S'i08'. m ratiiB

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