THE. JOURNAL. nnnea PROFESSIONAL. - ; c;j:dyeC ' i f?" XAnyCdor V- I f Zmn s' 1 TrMC CUTS f i mi b MayasWr IAVS ataaey, aa ub v , Iwt kka ((W, by bu DIAMOND DlU. Tee vast It wr, elaeaa, awac I at Ma tW BST aa FA8TKST ten. Ask fat tMAMONO DTU aa taa M etaer. rr OUataf ar Brautac Faacy Arttdae DU - JJIAMUN JJ FAINTS. BOM, iUMr, MHd Capyaw. Only Baby Portraits. k rvt(ybeantllulbbyy t - f iawatsw . vnt4 am Sac a. F - vw- v . env Kvar (mni;MtltM sWIot'b una aaal km. ui, ticsAnsss 4 el, J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liverj Stable. .iKTn-!.!- ' - I have raoemd TWO MORE OAR LOADS of Horses and Males, which were seleeied by me individually with reat care. In making mT p:lTkd reliab,e men' -d et noth,n bnt d J sound stock. ,11 take plewure in showing 3 ou through my Stables and - J... J Dl. A 1T . otiu oireei. - anc27dwif LINSEY :rTwrrv ,"s For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. W Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal I1ITIM troiri cirolAi MARBLE WORKS. MKW BERNE. N. C. Qlonuments. Tombs! l.t til tuts era aa Inlldlnc work a ITALIAN&AUERICAN MARBLE ; Orders will raoairo proanpi attontioii vnu wHaiaouon guaraniaoa JOE k. WILLIS. Proprietor Oe. 8M0AD A AH CLBAFXA ote. iVlTr' BK&irX, It. 0 I I 7 O. I. XiLLaa la my authorized ageit la Clastoa. v ,j w Baa80-drw c:c::h ALLEti b oo AifTfcultaTl lupiementii j. rtowi; lUrrotrg. CttTatera. 1 ilaVei raViid" JaMgV'.'Ji w ' TToo4 , Mower and Reapara, ' ' . 8tam Cnrlnes. , : rr Coliott Qlia and Presaea. Fertlllzera. Land Plaster, Kaixiit l ecb antes Toola and Hard ware, L! 2t' Crick; Cement, r Plaster LTir, Paint, Kaliomine, Var ' nl:h, OIL Class, Putty and Ilalr. Freeters, Reftijrerators. Oil Cock Stores Eureka Burglar rrc-f Eash Locks, warranted to Klra tecirtty and satlsfkctlon. r::rci:3 jrr.Y lot?. nadKins rattle's Celery Wpoi, CVnOiTiupatiaa, aiH restates tlha Mi tnc tbs system of all wtnt Polne's Celery Compound muNm r itm taste and etrenenUsc iiiii, raTtrluf the ssergles aad spirU 'lunHturonNMUMMwittki eampucatto a dtmetuur. Alter trying va- rtilU . rA mtit Anuria II r t ... . Paine 1 Oatnry Cmpoani. , Man taking ana aiil battle trie louf tm.ti-pi wptutna b- Kt(Awd aad tea truy say now, that I Uk a dm avan. DiMDoa bas traprorxL and 1 tuv gained Ira pounds la weight aaicel keve eoniBienoed tafcing the CuukpounJ. 4 ttomww Stbauh, Petcanlia TV A.. AtBntgflBta, WaU RrOBalPSUg A OX, BufllatfWO, Vt, ... ew nerne. N. n. I IT i WOW SCH00L.1 J re, ivr. O- AGENCY .TOR. uan IDaiae BnaOnbeftb num. nv moan ivaauuu, we lot a nickel, why don't yen (o to PAL9IERa CIGAR STORE and get theri lo net be M. . jc? u"ppy; " ywa eaa get an quality of GlRars yon want. ' Little Mex oana. onm iwnt. VIV rtntanum ... oana, one cent. , popnlar brand, for ten eaats, el eta, Why not come and tr tharaf WM. E. PAL MM, Middle at., Newbarn. TIT. Aak TMW Rjrtailafl. eWaha, J'AIIES GII E AITS $4 SHOE: t AU TBI , .... .. I P JAMES: HEANS S3 SHOE! r JLocordJny to Yotf HeetW ' lne aerfceUy m; om Srat 8aa worn.. ItwUI.iitirf.oia rorn.. iiwull on. A SHOK lAJUsMJLtNg ! harli.iila ekva. kaaeaf Maarliawkleh BDMeneav. tawfeleh earaMlity Jak e fh. Sanaa JUauta&lmlbrBora Vail Usee f the above ahoea far sale T Howard & JonesA s JOHN UcSORLEY, . FASHIONABLE t n Boot and Shea Unkcr, Pplloclc BUMewberiLir. c Deelre to aanounee thatbla FALLSTOCR. nssmTos-MiJi looii aiijteim r r T- a- HMMi XfaVTtialwn - ' tt. ,. . .' , . - ' ; - 1 ord" Promptly "fill 7 kL. Tr'flF Pawonag e X gnaraataa "tae beat matenal, a good at. ine latest sWlm aaddnrabUity." a..?T5..WJ As one among many teetlmonlals of tba character of jny wort the subjoined froma weu known eiUsenteUs Usown atory: , JT STATee -i thsw Bnum, jr. L; OoMMis'aa omca - rv,s .,. ,st . H csoaurr, Fao. I f v -1 --' ' A Ria-Pleaaa mak me a Bale 1 g-lters similar to thos yon read ST two veara un. t ha vT a - wu they Rood yet, i h.v WVSrti boM flflf-ijx ftnd they ar JhT . r. r. v-s . sSamirR-PGUailV. 'Uamarl. ' a. W --. . - i iiruii.Ti.y ai prnmptly aona. wti .aa uw - " i an i ii " W 1 -.i.l . a Otrnf: WVT " K1SCS. JAltaB ULIT. I The atorne-hro wadroddiag kief U hare, I Hia klaat naa .- - k. I " - k. 1 OV plB4 fr &md ptar Uad. 7rto4 lr ft krookl alow flow, .4mmlng trM lika motra 3 ' ataad . i.bor th rockj kod no V ITh g-laat o( (ha baaUa wold BhxUkM ia kia atuiUar ou, Tba laM el ail tlM Maatka ia hold 014 Wll afloat, Dk 4axaot el (ha rndw Und, . Klda tMt tad tar (o-dar I la ehaaxt&f abadowa dowa (ha laad. Via. L . . K KB x un btm os wa ay i IWithia ftabotMitjo thaMaad, I Tha clad haar nt tha hill I By (TMnar gUda, whara twayad tha roaa Whan Sornmar drank (ha rill. Dirtaaly laaooaa( of gnila. Row aomaa ralntmnt &nrina wkh highar tun to daaat ara whila gray, oio, iaa.iana4 king. I Haari tha far aeughiag of tha windi u utur tow aaaanoaa, U on her pallid brow aha blndi Tba willow and (ha eon. I FUngt back tha fattarad band that gave l Qaaan Natnra to thm innh I I Preparing on her traaalant jtrata luxuriant nalda to bloom. And though the surging foreau fro wo. And earth look oold and bare. The feme of April 'e violet crown in winae of March prepare. Amongst the renliaa tn an ad. vertisement of a mnaifta.1 '"r a uaaaiaate aa oritarjiat, magic tchr" tha following: rVrtSw!!!?";1 DUCd ,(?r ad" Kftt Tars s; man. Having bean both for ior a candidate aa riranist, magic iwvarm jearg, i offer yon my ivn as vvnitiriiun MClBiBLEI Bead the fnllnwlnr- XT. r tt m i. I Newark, Ark , says: "Was down with iOscetsor Lungg, and friends and pbysi- u. muuuuiicou me an lucura ble Oon nnuve. Benn iilL rw v:-. r I . o-- B vi. aui new Lnscoverr for Coomimminn an . I Dt8CO my third bottle, tnd abl to oversee the work on my farm It is the finest medl- cine ever made Jesse Midldewatt, Decatnr, Ohio, says ' Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died v. "iiuj iruuuiea. was given np by doc tors. Am now In best of health." Try It. Sample bottles free at R. N. Duffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, New Berne, N. C. $8 per doaen, wholesale. Better ride an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me laherlted Blood Pblaaa. How many people there are whose distress from sores, aobea, palna and eruptive tendanoiea are duo to inherit- wi mooa poison, tsad blood paaaaa from parent to child, and ta thrvai i. .v. tat7 of hnabaad and wife to keep (hair uiuuu pure, lnia is easily aooomplished br a timelw naa nf n n r nn..i. - - --j - w a. iawsialiu Blood Balm). Bend to Blood Balm Co., a.uaui, i0r oook or most convincing HWlt Jamea Hill. Atlanta n. ..t "Mr two Bona Wara affl Wan Ok V.I-J - - - - wi.imww TT ... VIWV polaon, whioh doctors said was heredi tary. Thaw both hmka mi 1. --a - - v ... ww aa. arvsva suu -wopwiw wnicn 1x0.0, promptly eon AfBaXllsai at al KalH.'.-v.l f . " a .a lira. B. M. William, flaarfv Tal'.. writes: "Mr the www mttA .kn. a . . , t arwwa aww Villi drea, who inherited Mood poison, have Itnnrnwsfl .a.JI s . . . . F ' " aaa 01 a. o. o. UtoaOodaaad." T.H Wltarm nA lt. o'-.!. vr 0.. Febai 11L ISSfi ak.llla. .D lJ L . . . -.a .vw wuo suu nOOd POtBOB fofeed ma to haa mw u .u..i1i.j . . .u-futsw,, Bna on ma atump (here aroar. wnica grew worse evecT dar tuitil drafrinva .... . w a -waw Piw.aj aasa HU as K I onry weighed 130 pounds whan a iu k Mae o. b. u., and is bottles mwwiw mw warrht in lsn aag Htn; and ' wall. I never b wv rvwaw aaaia WJXm tmnvm waabafoca. ' rw.i a.s;lB:oi5j. . i 1 ' ii mi. i- i.t i lav; Ow Stook of Plows mmim'u. if. a Avery Steel (one or wo horse), Atlas, Boss, Dixie, Daisy, Champion, Clipper; Granger, Watt, Olhnax, -ram ; ana otonewaii, and also the ordinary Torn Plows, inch as tha VT a tk -Wat 4J A . a. xi oa. .a. o, au, ii, ao 40, 45, 48, 60, if 1 nm ' . ' ' wm ov. ' Caatintrt of arerr desorintinn. K. si4asa! fall T and eomplete line of eyeryuung ior ue j. arm. ' Wa reimeetfiillr aolleit fee wi.Aia- sale Trade ia well as the Eetail. and we are prepared to offer special in- daeementa taMerohanta, ,Bend for onrPrioe List. ::7IIITTy,-GATES. M3T. Baw lgj-lSiippHes a specialty. VALUABLE Oity Property . For Sale, PariTiant to power la a mortgire ax iated liar SStk. JS7.- aui .iii iJ - "win. paee ds. dha and nfir will aall a PubTw lnotloa, at tha Oonrt i. ju-, m . ewparaiaa Bonds the 1st d.??,A,2il'"A-&- I88 " o'olook, mldisy; Tha lot of land ana ir.a.J piente et (ha aotrtheart oorner of Crarea atreera, ta toe CUr of New bern. where tha lata iw..L tt cr. ton Miidad, boing part of lot No. 14.-1 Aleo, part of lot No. 47. adjoining the -DCve lot of land, and fMnti... r TOT ftalkr jMfltfftt!flTf 'Mmm ..trf ttert?age,,--,-j ,,..y.;:,; , , jerms uasa. ,lQLk U. OATE3, i fl't K ? ttortjaiea. I w MtiatUl tiktt Ttacer ia hereditixj ia mj fan. tj. My tatar djod or It. a must ol iu nwtW dial my m kter dwd of it ky faehsan ay ka aaaaaa. Uea. whea the hom&U aimTe ada its appranno oa aiy uae. U mm a r'ymiu Caaaar, eauaa; u winUr la aoen a war Uut l-Cutid' aoBtoat. NniLMBfoua fanadea"wn aaed lor a. bat tha Caacar grew aiwdily wutm. Baulk mm. JiifJTtoofc SpeciAc, which, froa tk9 ti antil 1 bad taken mnnl Untie, woea 1 foond bit- elf w41. I koow that S. 8. 8. cured me. Wiaaua, . C, Not. 36, "88. Mbs, s. M Idol sw rar oooc on i tncer and Blood Disease CURED OF SICK HEADACHE. "cat arr ck Uaaeli ledlclataa. i Sw&wLn '. ae5i: SOLD EVERYWHERE. OfBea 44 Wnn-o c, vr tt . umoe, m murray Street, New York, Brick! Brick! Brick 50,000 For Sale BY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock NEW BERNE, N. V tT Consign us your produce. m i dwtf The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW .MUCKS, And wonders, How ia it that I can sell so mo oh lower than anv nnn aUoV I'll tell TOU: I hlRVfl rlntflrminorl tn k. easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK TJVV D aw S T T l'T.TTm. i via ouaiiii rnur lis. Mr Motto is: FAIR DtfArmn Coma and buy from m. and on will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. 0. NEW BERNE AND.PAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA. A handsomely constructed freight and paa. aSnger boat, having bnen placed on this route, la prepared to reader superior service toLfrom Polnu on lower Meuse Klver and Pamlico connty, ami New Berne. For Lha nraan t thn l.ll,.,i.i....unk ., . . - r .-..ivnmsDwui!uui. wui ue ill peratton: IasTM Naw Rani. Tl' - j . . , ' v ttj.t tt TTuiioHuay una patnrday at 8IX A. M. for Layboro, stopping viumwui, Aoimi en.i rjmltba Creeks, laauaiaaivauu OlODOWail, I A.VAI KavhArn ova... M , . ,. .1 .. 1 Vandemer. Smiths, Adams and Olubfooia viiwsaa, .niving ai new tierne Monday and Tnnralay evenings. Kzeellent passenger accommodation, am ple freight anilities. rreigat receipiea ror snJ received dally by Sat KL 0. D fin A on. I ,.., 1 ; v w.c.jf iuiui iiiaiuu ABBOT-I , Agent. Vandemere, O. H. FOWLEH. Stonewall F0WLBK 4 OOWBLl,. Agents Baybdro. 6EOR8E A. HIISSBY, BOVi dwtf General Manager. Sale of Land. STATU! OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior viriavBu uounty. j court. Starkey F. Gardner, et alg. i 1 Notice. Norma Gardner, etui. ) Pursuant to the (nda Mont 11 Kfa nKAnn. Dftm4 proceedings, I will sell at Public At A 11 ftr. avt. fhaa (V.nrt TTauba l. .rn . Monday the Fourth day of March. 1889, at T.I.V.n ft'.lnnb A AA . 1. .. Ill . .' . I . lueionowing aeaoriDed lanrl .1.- Pa rt rf I rt lr , i , .. . . nf Naorharn u Tnt M am A. ' " " ab lus corner of Oaorge and Bontn Front streets. iw.w.v uwu ujr zz21U7 .r penuon iu laid a, vvwvuiub., .rruisvsHU JAM 11,3 U. MAKRI80N, Ckmmlsloaer,. New bern, N. C, Jan. 80, 1889, Round Knob Hotel, VT. D. SPBAGTJE, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB, N. 0. Moat Picturesque Scenery in Western North Carolina. POINTS OF INTEREST NEAR BY:" OVrl start ni......, St. Bernard Mountain i .. V" 5 - Mud Cut, i SvannSTuiaTnnnal n Pinnacle of the Blne Eidge"" 5 Potato Top , ., tf., , m 7 a, Toe River, fine trout tubing . a Bridgea' Iron Hpiinga j M it imu ni uijrs.... M,w - 14 ' .tU'i i1'. tllirv. of Prof. MTtcheU the highest point eaat of the RooJur .1" liAnntatna n " . w. j ..uius)iuvrv: no roes: lisnt dwe Tralna stop at the dow. npf; upen au tha year. Terms reasonable by month or week. . is dwti ... t - & ; ?lraaia llO tA Lha) IwAJltAn HAnaa DaVAa 0a. f0 furahara and h good hair cnt. : ouaTiug aw ci,; nair enttiag goo. j i j-tt ro.W. H; 8Hrparti i.; ; kick Haadacaa. Ma kawtrtaa aaaaty e41eiaMa, bat DR. J. D. CLAKK aawBuu. a. e. Oata a UraTa nv, aatvaaa roiioat aaa Broad rvuai P. H. PEUaETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Cravea St., (wo doors South of Journal office. i I ! Win Bn,n i .w. r . cniMM Biaiea Voan at Mew Bern, Snprema Coon of tba Stat. fobl dif OWEH H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ; Room South Front street, four doors 'west of Craven. Mercantile Law and Convejaociug pw ... lea. T lmber lougbt and tout i Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. nm . Umce in rear of Hanoock t drug .tore next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 d.t). Will give rs pertain i'it dit ! fl' prompt attention to all mi . HUMPHREYS' UST OF BUHCIPIL Roe. CCBES rill I rerere. Congestion, Inflammation. -i nrm. tfnn. I. U .i . Crytnii l ollc. or rclnug of lnt.,u Diarrhea, ol t b.ldr.n or A.luii. UyarBlerv, Oriinux. bU'oua .2 k'oueha. Cold. Brvnakius vaoirra moreu.. iruraim, 1 oomacB., r 40i-a.-h nr.nai-nc. wic M.a.urh. v.n e IS HOMEOPATHIC Ovapepata. bilious htnmach funprrasfd or Painful Frrl.iil. llllea. too frnruM t'snotla Croup. Coagh, Illfioa!t Hraallnnif Nail lihfiam. Erysipelas, tni i,.qs- . nnruinaiiani. nvu.uaiaiic I ai Jl Fever sod Atue, I'huls Idanns .AO 1 'iriiea. nnno or rilMilina ,o I l('atarrh, Influsars, ( ..,! in th Head .,Mk Whooprnt Cooeh, Violent r..iigha Mi I'JTI Kldnv Dlar-asn... 'icrvoua Debility I Oil SH rlnary Urakni-as wiimB M M lllllf. If . 01 ins HS-art. falpilation t 1141 SPECIFICS. .SoM l.y llrussi.ta. or aant ihi.iimiiiI ..ii iw.ipi of iii -ui.i uatio BBailliilu. IVUtsltsaSU N. I. All of tho above medicinea are fur sain lit the drugstores of K. S Duff and R. IWry, Middle street. New Heme, N. $500 Reward! We will nav the a ri . tt a raws r.. tw. ., Of liver COmillAlnt. HvanAnala al..b- h.n.l.,,.1,.. Indigestion, constipation or' cosllvcnriw wr ...... ,.wb ..wt, wiiu vv eai a vegctAnie l.lvet IMllH.Wllfn 1 1 IA illreitlnna araai.lnli.. plied nh. They are purely vegetable and never fall to give satisfaction, l-ame boict containing Ml sugar coated pills. 2.c. Km aaie oy an amggista. He ware of counlerfelti and Imitations. The genuine manufacture. imhv ny junnii. WHiiiCU., W Mad laon 8t... (hlnairn III Sold by R. N. DUFTY.druKRiat, New oerne, . u. ap24 dwly THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine, ask our agent at your place for terms and prices. If you cannot find our agent, write lrect to nearest addrees to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.0R1GE.MASS. VJ I a An rft S lllia.l AAl . A n a a , . ask.. -nin.v - to umuN ayuflttt.ri.r.- urlla., st lo; TIJI'iTSil?A-rBAiici?eEox1. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. IiOW J HIGH AJttMa . 520 FinTEEfl DAYS' TRIAL IU TOUR mifl HOttsr RrrnRr mn asv nn kit . . n. wpua wvn I alMhrt.v .k.ttle, i. nalaeleW.? -ronlBi. has the flneat aetaf attaveta. " vvwaiiait)w eaae. ioo t pa agents tit tt 16o. but aeaal fa. rfm.!.. we gaaraatee our aiackine eqaal to any bigh-prkeJ aMcLas eatbeaaarka. Addraat V . . Ta O, a. WOOD COn"8 -rr V.10ttkBunilas)Iklaj,ra, "John WilUams P ermanehtly located Oh eorner of Broad a brr Bern au., ta prepared 10 oleen, dye a nd repair all kinda of ClothiaR at Low 1a.Xaa. . A - la . a . - f vi. a apeQiaiiy ia maae incieaniaa LMlea' Presses, Satisfaction gnaran- 1 If i?saXlr.H7JrSLIYS,BC:2 I f aw' II Cloth & Cold Bindmg I (TV I Ui rw,.... La.r.iia,, If W I ailLLHUKS. I fat, ,,,, I iMrm. f fl Ho. I I il T I VABM. 1 fS28 ThllJclFfc Jl Lino Ouand nver cewMwr 1 sn, UM vtu SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS Baltimore and New Berne Leaving Baltimore for Ne, net0. Sn. Lav:c New Brne for Bkltlttiore rriCA. 1A . 8ATUKi)AY, at olX t M bJ- leonly DIRECT Una out , i v. Beraa l4.r bait; more without ea.o,, ., ', and f,,r , . , , " col net' Hon e . rotiowe J i trt, uu i M miliar ; as w P i wtiar e0 Norm r 1-.fe!1 1 i , h.;. m. .re K . Agt.. Nor. vi. k V e UtlavdeVfi... 1. iuij A 1,1. l tiiL... - Ct i.tra! i aijj piurda)i .. f " ruuria.t Mamrdaya dajs. Buiurdajs , .acme, ....i :,, UieiHiuiiMMiii. ' ,,Lr"m' 'IU OK BILK iv MIIF IM . i. LI. NIC. .N t v i.riue, i ' EASTERN CAHUlINA LPA.Ch The f ast Freihi i. 'ue BI I I Uribi Kasls. Poliils su,l 01,oilli 1 ' arollui t( illllurv. t k . liuilus. t nuailr'iilii. , j ste. .la h.llial,rln ,, , Till. M K.Mi L-s EAGLET and VESPER ibis IIII u- I ,rm.:.fc ., , ., I I l-.Mli.A i . iv- ,. "i r...i.n . in ( : v U K-MMl n , , Nr i iidbo sl. au.t i s ,. A Ualil ic A . ( ft K : . -t-w I ,,i n ! V l n'1,,.,1 , ' ' ' ' M".ia1 - I II ,.,, ' y.. t A 1 I hi , i l-iiecll . .i.i... ' ' ' I- . 1, -lie IVllll.) ,liia u ""uii Hinar li ,.,.. Tai JUII . I I'M I. tra .s.. , , . Iilcli point , iiirnuKi, tn .1. . l'ir..,-; ,, ; , "' aroiuiai l i, , . , u J r ruin .NPW , , , r . No'Ul Iv.MT. ' r'i"' fin, a, 1,1,1, ia i, K. K.. 1.k- .- ' I . . . i , Krmu tin, i m,,,, (l) , , , It.. rrrMdriu ,Hi...i Kioui ui in. a. . , , ,, Kruiii iitMt, in i, v i,. , , . '. Iirtn t !l i ' 1 I Ii i H.I, K.. I I I . ' Vt . A l. i li A run k .'ii. i; i is ,v Mini . - , ., , (Kituilli.ii t s, v . K. It. l a ami v r ,.K o;wZ""'Waudtlule'""" .... W llfi, iicran;,,!, r, .rips .f, vv.-i-k ... J Ni i. S V , i i , I' K It ii..., H i.. I.pj i I r i . Ala.: ... Ax. in lieul. i i ho siri i , . , , . , , I' V. .1 ,, a ji f,,i ., I', .v s i. . I li : .a ' "Tin F l. -tl.l V l r. in in,i '. K. H . .N ui foiu v I r, :iil Agi 1 t. S fe.Uldw "'"N Agent. .New li. riio. N ( !. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. 8KM1-WEKKLY LINE, The Old Dmlni Sle.m.hlp , .,. pany-a Old and K.torll. Water lloola. via Albern.rls and ! hs.apraUs Canal. FOB orfolk. Bal.lmo,., New xtrk , delphla. Boalon. I'rovl.l.uc,. nd WaaliliiKton n, . And all points, North, East and West On and after 11 KHhA ti.,,,-, .... im, until furtnernotioe.'tue Steamer M.NTEO, Capt. Sontiigate, AND Steimer NEWBEfiHE, CapL Prilchett Will sail frnm u...r,.i . .. ' Berne. via - ror New and KR1DATH. mT. nc i,M MtiN DA 1 rt With tn. Htekme"'",1- .TT"".? d.B Co.,for Klustou Trenu,nrt i.' "Re ,n.n SS,--"- Sveri" forNORsTiT'L Hr' "., .'r."m. HfcHNK UAVrt at ;T.v.l " .piA.t andKKl- . ' " n. ai . aectlon win. ,. . .. ' uiaging oou. for New York, B. M. J -JO.'s ships for Baltimore Vfj-ir-,:. .;"' steamer delnhla. m u u".om' 'orFbiiaa and ProvldenoT ' " "ulp" for 'o" Order an .nn.i. .. folk. Va. ' u' u- B-8- Oo-. H or Passenirnra ori 1 1 . able roriTna . . u " KO,,a table, comfort. Sot? wW to i?.?,nv"ryo"urty atten " wul De PftllJ 'hem by ibe officers. E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. JJaasas. CULPKPI'EK A TL KNKB Agents, Norfolk- Va. V'ce-President. New Torkfjlty. NEUSE L TRENT R17EB Steamboat Company. Will run tha fnii. . . . January Uim' tKaav Steamer Trent Kill leave avai-. ai mornin it s , Ji , J. na xnursday dam.nJe::k.8aXnd0. nSloLSS returning sap, day" oi' t0a lUamar KInston. fill l.a Na- S - days and BvirT."".. ' oaTtias. mi. will T leave Ltk!., C10ck- M- orn- vv , uiaoH wax at NawkarBj W. . BTAnr. Kaautoa. - 0. 8. BAaatTB, rOUoJUVtlU." 4' V w ' 5 WARD' rnt at Trtnlow ' - M. O. Bihth, Joujr 0M rield. ' 1. a. BAraa, QtuLkar andi? : abtavia'-TJIaava I'itl I aaj : una iiru nwi w admci. i un iiir n i ui i , ior IoaA . .n.-fv Proprietor. : . "V '' -T '"."Ci-''-; ; J- MAIM inmioln rrr??'- .; a . . . -vmaw, jt.t.