P (1 1-n-ir-.-. OURNAli AI1A; VOL. Vn.-NO. 293. NEW BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY. MARCH 9. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. 'V: i BUSUTESS LOCALS. SMALL HAMS, Sugar Oared Shoal dere. Breakfast Stripe, Coraed Beef, Chipped Bef, Beef Toaguee, Cod Ih, White 6mu, Meeearoai. Hoaniay, Oat Flakes, Crushed Wheat, Buckwheat, ; Mtoee Meat, Freeh Prunes, Evaporated Apple. Tapioca, Coooaaut Pad dine, Fraah Boaatad Coffee, Cboioa Teea, CboooUta, Cocoa, Importad Bay Ran, Foraat I lower Cologna, Household Amoaia, Frank Sid dalle Soap, Pearline, Bath Brick, Scrab Bruahea C. E. Slovh LOST A bunch of here le.weenthe railroad depot and Cotton Ex change. If tha finder will leave tje earne at Joxsnal office ha will ba liberally rewarded. 9. LOST Yesterday evening on tha tide walk tome where between tha drug tore of R. N. Daffy and tha corner of Broad and Middle etraata, a gold dollar. There wm a (pack of alloy on tha eagle aide. Information can ba left at thia offloe. mar8 2t JOB WORK Call and -see aamplee and gat ratee at this office. Qood work at low rate. u7-1 w. FOR SALE AT HALF PRICE-Rand, MoNally & Co 'a Baaiaaee Atlaa and Shipper! Guide. Large oeeful and wall bound. Apply at thia offloe. m7 8u BEST Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco At run. to DHL'S, maStf Broad Street. I FERTILIZERS for Truckere and for Cotton Plan tare, at Qbo. Allen & Co. JAkES REDMOND. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, haa juet re oeirad a good aeeortment of Native Winaa and Brandiea, and alao tome of tha famoua California Wlna known aa tha "Angelica," made from tha famoua and dalicioua Angelica Orapa. Thia Ore pa ia only locoeeafally caltiratad in tha Southern part of California; it ts a cry delioata grape and requires cer tain Conditions of climate to bring it to excellence, which oonditiont are only met in that paradiae of the United State. Hie native North Carolina Winaa and Brandiea from the vintagee of Garrett & Co. and J. Wharton Oreen are of very iu parlor quality and are very pare. fe2 lm 1) LOUGHS, Cultivators and narrow at very low price. Qo. Allen & Co. )USf RECEIV ED Anoi h r lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for aale by Jambs Redmond. NE Thousand Roll Wall Paper at very low price. Geo. Allen Jt Co. I JURE WINES AND LIQUORS for L Medicinal and other uses for aale by James Redmond. I ) LEASE REMEMBER that I need money aa well aa the reat of man kind, and if you owe me please pay me. J. C. Whittt. TRUCKERS' Seed and Supplies L At Geo. Allen & Co. "Every. one who practices fir t ne lessens Tioe." "Too much help haa rtrined more me 3 than too little." 1 Where can the poor Chinese go f They have even ezclnded from the cruel, Chili world. Petroit Free Press. The man who was lost in admira tion of a woman afterwards found himself in lore with her. Boston Courier. A last refers to the time she spends In front of her looking glass as "moments of reflection. Mer chant TraTeller. ,'. It Is not interesting to have a .nan tell how ? rich he might have been if he bad good lack. It ia letter to know what he has been ; able to do againsi bad lack. N. O 'Picayune. .It Ia palpable to everybody in , the light of recent events that with the single exception of Gladstone Mr. Parnell it now the biggest man in Great Britain, not even excep ting Qaeen Victoria. Philadelphia : A ETJSSlAir prince who has been arrested la New York for stealing ' and pawning an overcoat is ont in : card : asking for a suspension of -' pnbtio. jadgmentv : He -probably wants a chance to steal the rest of the snit.t)atroit Free Press. , i v d. alvct Talcott, of jOon O&ecticnt, ft Tale man of fbe class 01 - '25, says that he reads hundred ' lines' of Bonier every night to go -to;aIeep;pnTnius Is established v ? ', (he advantage of a classical ednca- ft tion;to ;man "troubled with In . somnia." '. In 'the list of patents issued this week is ; one; for is float. HV YA Trioune. ,Wi nope is is, not ior the Democratic party wnleh .the Tribune says "ia afloat." Howbcit the production of an j thing like it woald be creditable to the present Administration. Says the Record : In Philadel phia the average number of persona living on an acre of ground it 13; the number of dwellings per acre is 2$, and the persons per dwelling 6. In New York the number of persons on each acre of space ia 52' the number of dwellings per acre 4, and the number ol persona per dwelling IS. "IUssell Harbison's friends in Helena, Mon., declare that he will be 'pitching into the old man' (his father) through bis newspaper there before the Administration ia six months old." We think better of Russell than tbat. No doubt the Administration will be "pitched into," bnt Russell sboald not do the pitching,, bnt be ought to "be at the bat'' "to keep in'' the family. The South is practically ignored altogether in the make up of the Cabinet. That certainly has a de cided tectional look. The Demo cratic Administration was broadly Union, knowing no North Sonth. There were two members from the South chosen by Mr. Cleveland fer bis Cabinet. We can see no grounds for special hope in the artful ad dress. Its omissions are signifi cant, audits shy and covert hints may not bo overlooked. liming- ton State. LOCAL NEWS. SEIV ADVERTISEMENTS. F. C Roberts -To let. JoI'RNaL OFFICE -Loet. C. E. 8 lover Small hams, etc. VV. B Flanneh Boota and shoes. Barrinoton A It a iter Agents for Battles' ho s. etc. The old fashioned March winds pre vail. The boys did the thing up rightist night. The welcome tendered to Simmon by D. Congdon. & Son last night was the admiration of all. Whan Jimmie ,Moore, Dick Hilton and Ed. Pavie put their heada together to get up a reception it ia dona in style. A dispatch to the Journal last night from Mr. D. W. Roberta at Raleigh states that the foot-ball game between Trinity and tha University waa won after a stubborn contest by Trinity 25 to 17. The two amateur baee ball clubs, King of Diamonds, Herbert Moore Captain, and Heavy Hitters, T B. Smith Captain, crossed bats on the Academy Orean yesterday evening. The score 'stood 15 to 13 in favor of the former. Shipping News. The steamer Ifanteo ef the 0. D. line left for Norfolk yesterday morning The steamer Vesper of the E. C. D. line tailed yeaterday with a fall canto of cotton, lumber and general freights, The Annie of this line will arrive today The steamer Tahoma aails this morn ing at 7 o'olock Personal. Hisses Eatelle Pear sail, Rebia Griffin Fannie Griffin, and MrJoe.Patriok and Rd. Spear of Bell's Ferry, hate been in the city a few daya visit ing friends. Mr. John Spier of Ridge Springe and Ifr. Joe. Dixon of Fountaia. Bill were in the city yesterday. Treasurer Harrison of Jones county waa in the city yesterday J. C. Bryan, Esq., of Jones, was at ths Exchange yesterday. 71 James City Not Incorporated. A private letter from Raleigh atates that James City has not been incorpo rated, nor is it likely that it will be, If the property was not in dispute, and the inhabitants were clearly entitled to an act of incorporation, still they ought not to have it so long aa they send such representative to the General Assem bly. A Festival. . Some monlhi sgo a nnmb v of little girls organized toe "Earnest Workers for the purpose of assisting the poor. Hias Clementine "Whllford is Pre id ant and Kits Eulelia "Willie ia Secretary and Treasurer. Their first festival was held last night at the residence of MraRoes Cuthbeitr and was highly tn joyed by all: who bad the good fortune tone preient. More than sight dollars ware wbioh'wai be given to the poor. The little children have set the older peeple an example worthy of imitation, A HXARTT RICBPTIOW. 1. X. Blmmoaa Retonxa and ia Met By the Tire Departmaat and a Large Number of Citiaene. When the Jocmal's apial lei ram aaaouaciag the paiaaage of the bill for a publio building in thia city wm made know last Monday morning a apoa taaeoas aeatiatant arose that Mr. Sin moOa, who had aerved hia eonatituants ao faithfully and had crowned the eloaing hours of hia term with obtaining the paaaage of thia laet measure, a meaa. re wtkh had been aakad for and ought for a quarter of a oentury .should be tendered a publio reception upon hia arrival home Messrs. Jaa. W. Moore, R H. Hilton. E. M. Pavie and etbera at once took hold o) the matter, and tha people re sponded with a unaaimitv rarely ehewn in this city. XHI merchants close. Ou yesterday morning informatioa waa received that Mr. Simmona, who had gone to Raleigh after leaving Washington to look after mature of importance to hia constituency, would arrive on the evening train. Tha news waa at once circulated, by printed post ers, through the city and tha merchants agreed to close their storea at 0 o'olock and give their clerks an opportunity to join in the procession to the depot. Ia the meaa time the Are department had agreed to turn out in full uniform. THE PROCESSION. Information having been received that the train would be thirty five min utes late, the prooeaaion formed at 6 SO on Middle street. The New Berne and Atlantio fire companies in full uniform. ith tha Cornet Band in front, the New Berne on the right and the Atlantio on the left, with ropee to a carriage, the ew Berne engine and a large number of citizens with torches following, the recession moved up Middle street TO THE DBPOT. At 6:53 the whistle announced the ap proach of the train. As it rolled in th band atruck ud "Hail to the Chief," the New Berne engine blew a long continu ous whistle and ior ten minutes toe atmosphere was vivid with pyrotech ica. After the band had concluded Mr. Simmona alighted at tha rear end of the passenger car and waa at once conduoted to the oarrlage drawn by the fire oompaniea. MB. OONQDON ILLCMINATKS. The prooeaaion moved from the depot down Queen street to Graves, down Gravea to Middle. In paaaing the real deaoe of D. Congdon & Sea three hearty cbeera were given. The residence was illuminated and on tha outer wall of tha front yard .waa a tranaparency about fifteen feet in length with the word Simmona Our Pride," and following waa an enumeration of the appropria tiona aecured by him for thia lection amounting in all to $190,000. The illumi nation and transparency were apt and timely and the Maaara. Congdon richly deserved the hearty cheers that ware giyen. The procession moved down Middle itreet to Broad, down Broad to Craven, down Craven to Pollock, up Pollock to Middle, down Middle to South Front, down South Front to Craven, down Craven to the Cotton Exchange. All along the line of maroh the Mew Berne band kept up lively airs and firework Illuminated the ea tire line. AT THS IXCHANOX. OArriving at the exohange Mr. Sim mons was at once conduoted to the Board of Trade rooms in the seoond story of the building. A balcony had been erected daring the day and on this, after the band had rendered one of its best pieces, O. H. Guioa, Esq., who sat with Mr. Simmons in the carriage from the depot, appeared and in language fit, chaste and eminently appropriate intro duced T. M. SIKHI0NS who addressed the vast audieace for about twenty minutes, feelingly and at times eloquently. To him after almost continuous absence for two years this was indeed an unexpected pleasure, a happy return. ' He knew of batons interpretation to put upon thia demon itration and that was, it is an ovation. Yon mean to say to bus, said he, that my oonduet has met with your approval. No success can compensate a man for the loss of the love and. esteem of those who have confided in him, snd no success can be greater than the reten tion of the oonfldsnce of these who have trusted him. ' He , was unable to find words to ex areas -the' gratituds that loom np front the great depths of his heart for this expression of the approval of hie conduct while their representa tive. . -Ha told them frankly that he did not thirst for the , distinction which at taches to a member ef Congress; he only regretted " that he ' had to leave Congreea at a t time when he' thought ' he 4 eeuld aeoompiiah a great deal more for his district than he had heretofore. He did not pretend t) aay that he had done everything that' ha could have dece. but ibis deaon-! suation is evidence that his jo&autuenta approved of w hat Le La. don. 1c was 1 . : r i hia intention if oe had etmued in Congress to have had a p wurtice outab- liahed for every rive i.i milra on avery public road ia vi .:nct He told of the circuaitatct uQ.iri wLich he secured the pasaae of tLe bill to erect a public building tu New Berne, and he wished to teil the public of this oity that tbey would ue lackinK in gratitude if they did do. bestow upon Ssnstor Ransom a proper appre ciation of bis erf or La in their behalf We regret tbat we eauot Mr Simmons' remarks .a f it! Ha was evidently deeply uu-ed at tbe unex pected ovation le hi thought, no doubt, that he w,u!i t' met on his arrival by fnetuN t it :. r.a 1 not anticipated such aa .t; i.r.igif the the people ard i m i den.ocsira- lion as old New Id r t - ,,ei up on short notict . Ia con um h lie ..dt.kr.t tbe u,l crowd from ih. : , f Ins . f their h 1 u v e r . ,fe , at ,s fro-n,s heart for (hi mitu; approval H turn t UCCess be ti.i 1 n: jia .1 :i due in a rest nieainu.- 11 here at huni'- an I Hk- , : .r.h i ;.em 1 1 1 om the t.utom . f I,. . h. ..i ; them niJ ciKl t At the conclusion ! M: n, :1,011a fTeech ttu hind urn I up :i lively air, ana a Krau'1 l 1 '''' :' ' ' " play and a t alkoii iivi.ii n followed. The door rf th Knh.mK ous tln-n thrown open and a lollut, 11 srn.d. Sam. RadclilT, Fit-.l llar.ivti. t birlis Herrington and Itowdrn mivh,. It was an occasion loo(? to bo irniciu- bered and shos ibir. tin peoplM of New Berne are always ready to show their apprectati u of met it and are ready to do bon. r t t:, - who de serve it. Where are They J Bro. Creecy ot the I'coiioinint m writ ing up our lair inakeH the follow iog just criticism on the an department We went and looked around and recognizsd but one portrnil i f New Berne s glorious galaxy of tho olden time, and that n as one u bo w as great ly beloved and honored in his time and whose memory is still green and cher ished in the hearts o Ins count rymeu tbe courteous and digiutud m.ileman. the statesman, iho scholar, the jurist. the warm-hearted friend, the Chevalier Bayard of North Carolina, the beloved Mathiaa L Manly ot iNew Heme. Where were these great men ih l he loved so well, soma his contemporaries, tome hia friends, some with whom he had wrestled in the forum, some the (lam- ahela at whose feet he bad learned the lessons of life and first hgnud the torch ot hi youthful ambition.-' Where were the Stanly s, father and son' Where waa Oaston, ths first Stanly's great rival, who owed much of his own great ness to tbat giant intellect and imperi ous will which snrank from no compe tition however gifted or cultured it might be? He it was and be alone that oould strain Clapton to tbe top of his mettle and give and take blows that no Other men of thir time could give and take. Where were the Stanlys, grand father Wright Stanly , son Jack Stanly ard grandson Edward? Where wars the Speights, father and son ; that grand Old gentleman, the elder Governor Speight, whose sad fate at Stanly's banda will always be the dark and bloody picture in New Berne's history and the younger Speight, not conspicu oua for brilliant gifts, but for the steady qualities that are of ten as us-ful, and alao for being the last of the old time legislative Governors'. Where were the Blaokledgea, tbe Grahams, the Shepard the Bryane the Daves, the Nashes, the older Badger that we once heard the venerable Judge Frederick Naeb, a na tire New Bernian, say waa the equal of hia more distinguished son George E. And where was that great man, Qan. Francis Nasb, who fell at Brandywine, in the great struggle for independence, and now lies buried on Pennaylvania soil ? Where was the likeneeaof Edward Graham, the rival of Gaston and Stanly r Oh 1 where were the paintings of all those great names and others tbat we do not now recall tbat have made Nev Berne a place of renown and given to its sons in all time a heritage of glory. And where were the beautiful and gifted women that were worthy of tbe love and made the refinement of these great men t Where ware the. lovely and patriotic matron that lent their influence in urging on , the ball of the revolution where were the pictures ot tbe Uaves' the Gas tons, the Blackledge ? Where were the picture of tbat Esther Wake who by her feminine witchery won the beartaof North Carolinians in the legis latire assemblies thatmet in New Berne In the troubled times cf Governor Trvon' administration, and influenced legislation 7 Where was the likeness of the pretty girl who touched her "light fantastic in a minuet with Waahington at a ball when he visited New Berne after he became President ? Where waa tbe likeleae of Miss Jones, afterwards Mra. Govan of South Caro lina, who had the heart and offered band of the wealthy and distinguished Jaaea .0. Johnston , of Edenton, and whoee refusal of them made him celibate and cynic, and who was said to have Men toe moat oeautirui woman of her time in. North Carolina. Persona wishing to improve their memories or etrengtben their power of attentioaauoula nd ttfrrof. LoUette 237 Fifth Ae., N. Y., for hia propeo tua poet free, advertised in another column, i moawit Tbe Public Building. Editor JocesaL Allow a citizen who '" l the western pert of New Berne ,!UI5" A ""'" of "olloc and George streets as the most central point in tha city for the location of the publio building soon to be erected b J 'he U. S. Government. Wu. E. McKay. A Memory ef Early Dais Bane of childhood's tender year. Swallowed oft with groan and uar. How it made the flesh recoil. Loathaome, greasy castor 01) ' bearch your early memory oloee. Till you And another dose: All the shuddering frame revolu At the thought of Epsom sain 1'nderneath the pill-box lid Was a greater horror hid. Climax of all inward ills. Huge and griping old bine bil': Whafa contrast to the mild and da tie action of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant 1'ur gative Pellets, sugar-coated, eaey to lake, cleansing, recuperating, renovat ing the system without wrenching 11 with agony. Sold by druggists To Let, DWF.I.l.lNll HOI SE on IVlUvk. be twsen Hancock and Metcalf streets. Ths house contains fifteen rooms, and is admirably adapted to fill a want loug felt in Newbern a tint class boarding home. There are Rood stables 11-tern, cellars kitchens and other outhouses, a laree rard and a very larg g.o len Would sell for a good price 'J d'.'w F. l'. RO HERTS Barringfon & Baxter, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE . A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF SHOE KVEKV PAIK WARRANTED. A Isn. a Full Line I Jidles and Ueiit Ahopa ' other make Tio-y sell the Cheapest and Rmt Line ef CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ver offered to the trading public. mrlOilwy For Rent, A House on East Front street, con taining Ave rooms and kitchen . Apply to mar3d2w JAS. M. HOWARD. THE AMERICAN RATERNAL CIRCLE. The Acme of Insurance Cost of Policy, 85 25. Annual dues, 84.00. Assessments, 82.50. 825 per week during disability. $200 paid after three years. 8300 paid after five years. The bal ance of 81.000, less 8 per cent Interest on amounts previously drawn, paid at expiration of seven years. 8500 paid in event of permanent dis ability or death after three years. 1,000 paid in event of death after five year. Eighty-three applications taken in New Berne in about a month, among whom are many of the beet business men of this city. Males and female between the age of 16 and 60. W- B. BOYD, mar3 dwtf Agent. TclSncT IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF " Bell The Jeweler " Will convince any one that we have in stock the Largest, Moat Varied, and Complete Line of Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Canea in the State. It will be to buyers interest to see our goods before purchasing. Furniture!! JOHN SUTER Haa on band and ia receiving every day handsome parlor auits, chamber sets, heavy walnut, bureaus, wardrobes, mattresses, chair, lounges, sofas, etc, etc. He alao baa a line of home-made work of bedsteads, aofaa, tables, bureaus, etc., which are neat and substantial. Prices Right Down to jRock Bottom. ae6 d w lliddle if, Ne w Borne. Life Size Portraits. Life Sin Portraits, in Oil or Crayon, made from any kind of am all picture by Mb 8 AURORA MACS. . fiT Satisfaation narmateed. Apply at her residence, Johnson street. febSdwly AGENCY FOR in i ii i 1 1 1 1 1 ' nere niva i, lnliaoa geoe rhere Is) only one lMt .u the fin, UJ vhai j, M pHimers ir wiore on Middle street. Tobaceu u mi lud.aa weed, and from It ki ronje Pine ttcr. (bcolif Tebaee. Kine 1 m chewing, an.i Suwir, ud soaoc i:.'.ug muni iin omeiriiiiir ihej- eaU 1 S.rrl!r i.i ,rr bat W wtiwl. V M L. faLMKh, M.JJle St., .Newbern. Go to F. S.D fl , d er DUFFY aaisT, drugs & mee; The tn-st s. r ' A I ertfcl r. l no A f u . : as .1 :;. r , A lafic r mer v aii.l t :ue - A ((., i.v-e : 1 Oiiarn. l'ri.ir'i s Hu!T , ,M;1 . H l- wilil s M.-.l , llt . Hl I'lun.v. r-. Ke! hrr ,, Miw W I ! , h , All ill , k.h r ru:, i- ilri' 1 In I : ry ri 'e CHEAP FOR CASH. ' T-" 'n :!. fity, 1 ' ... ' v minted ( l'erfu- t h ine ai t ( heap limn' Mi Hire, 1 .0 I reliable -Mi Arm Birds, s iuade by VIh LOW. H 1 I t KY. "Special Notice." ! ! 1 T.i. State and County Taxes are hereby 100 ilm i 1 1 payment i f ibe saui.i to Collect by d it: 1 . 1 the loth I--.I Kc immediate 1 shall proceed nd ufter March 1 IM -ON, Sheriff. dtf I Mar 100 Barrels Potatoes, Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED, " Maine Stock, For sale by IT. WIKM.i:.vl (.iiocej:, ';i.kt. 'i 1-: Boraxine. The best Washing Compound ever offered for sale in this City. A Premium with every Box, Try It. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Ororcr, FOOT OF MIDDI.F. STREET, jn23dwtf NF.tv p.KRNE, N. C. J. e. sums, hgt, DEALER IN Mens. Boys and Children's Clothing. Boy's Clothing. Si. 50 up. Mon 's, 83.(0 ud. Also, a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES Women's Shori". .". 11 n A lan a full line of DKY GOODS. Call and see thtni. marldwlf Steamer Vanceboro Leaves Vanceboro pvprv Monday nnri Tlinnt day morning ai tlgbt o cloek for Kew Berne touching at all principal points ' Returning, leaves Sw lUrn'e for Vance boroeveiy rncmlny and Kildav morning at Nine o'clock. .uA"..,fre,gh'8 fnr "iTmcnt ran be stored at the Warehouse f ihe i.lyue n. a f0 atall times. feb27dwtf JM. iPocn. Manager. GREEN, F0Y &?C0., Banliers.. Do a General Banking bnBinew. New Bankwo Hotjse, Middle 8treet, fourth doof beloe Hotel Albert , . , feld wly SEW BKRNE. IV C. To tho Wholesale Trdo Select your SHOE3 from a Half iMil lion Dollar stock aha SAVE TWENTY FIVE PER CENT.. s t - New Berne, N a, '-' Manufacturers' Agent. ' v f? AKeny 'or Colftan'a Lubrl catin Balls. . . . .; . feb23dwlm i ---, ' i 1 ---

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