aily Journal BE VOL. Vn.-NO. 297. NEW BERNE. N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS.1! D t 7 t BUBmZSS LOCALS. NORTHERN BEEF, by nrnn, for Ml at Bote Albert this anoning. "FOB 8ALE-A. rood bneineasr well JL eetabiiefied; best location M eitr. AUm V. T. W P BerM, C Box 414 Nsw ACMNSIQNsUCNT of CBAB QRASS BAT for Ml by Gk. Allbx & Co. JOB WORK Call and p Mm plea ud gat retea at tbia efflo. Good work at low rata. m7-lw. BEST Old Virginia Smoking Tobaoco At Dail's, maS if Broad Street, FERTILIZERS for Trnokara and for Cotton Planters, at Geo. Allen & Co. JAMES REDMOND. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, haa juat re ceived a good assortment o( Native Wiaaa and Brand iea, and alao tome of th famous California Wine known aa tha "Angelica," mad from th. famous and delicious Angalioa Grape. This Grape ia only aoooasafnlly cultivated in the Souther part of California; it is a very delicate grape and rt quire, cer tain conditions of climate to bring it to axoellenoe, whloh ooadltiona are only a! In that pared U of tha United Btates. Bia BatiT North Carolina Wine and Bread iea from th vintages of Garrett & Co. and J. Wharton Green are of very superior quality and are vary pure. fs2 lm PLOUGHS, Cultivators and Harrows at vary low prioee. Geo. Allkm & Co. J" U8f RECEIVED-Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY lor Ml by James Redmond. ONE Thousand Rolls Wall Paper at very low pricea. Geo. Allen & Co. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal and other usee for aale by James Redmond. I) LEASE REMEMBER that I need money as well aa tha reat of man kind, and if you owe me please pay me. J. C.Whitty. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN, Just received and for Mia by James Redmond. The State Legislature adjourned on Monday. The Navy Department is without news from Samoa. alii A STRIKE at Fall River, Mass., throws 8,000 weavers out of em ployment. Lt. Gov. Bolt was highly com plimented by the Senate jast before its adjournment. It is said that Mr. Gebhard and Mrs. Langtry were married in New York city last Tuesday. George C. Tichenor, of Illi nois, has been nominated Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. The Governor's Mansion, which has for so long remained un finished, will be completed. Oeoton water mains burst in New York Saturday night causing considerable damage to property. The running of street cars was stopped for twenty-four hoars. We congratulate the country and felioitate ourselves npon the pros pects that spread oat before the people of East Carolina. Labor, nergy and perseverance is the de mand of the hoar. i" ' " sBaBnaMsiMaBaaaaaaBaKaaaaaeaanaeB t Ex Congressman John 8 'Wise declares that the whole v Conntry will indorse an application of Gen. Mahone for a foreign mis ion ia order to get him oat of the conntry.'' - - "THE Bichmond and Danville Railroad now runs fortnightly be tween Washington and the City of Mexico, a vestibule train, called the . Montesoma special, which Is pro- Bonnced the finest train of cars in : too .woruuUi a : THE,,Charlotts Chronicle says ' A proposal to bay the.' Kew Ens ' land Btates is soon to be intro dnced in the Canadian Parliament.'' A part of NewEngland doe not : emit a fragrant aroma, bnt Yale v Harvard and Banker Hill are tot ;"-for 'aale.7-?.:j' . It is said in Washington City that Ben. Batlerr WiHiani; Walter Phelps and John ' Ju' Kasaon : will ba sejit to represent f America in the Samoan conference at Betlin If Bismarck gets any portion" of E tier's hirsute adornment he wii bare to handle bis diplomatic razor deflly.-N. Y. World. Yochg man, g to work, ana tick to what yoa so at until you thoroughly master it, and eternal aacceaa ia youra. Brevard Voice. The Wilmington Messenger says: "Charlotte is swiftly following in the footsteps of Atlanta. Her peo ple have detfrmintd to make her the first trade city ia North Caro lina, and they have set the right way about it." Postmaster General Waha maker baa purchased trom the Frrlmghajsen estate th elegant residence, No. 1731 I street, until recently the home of Secretary Whitney. The price paid for the house aud a part of the furniture is nnderstood to have been 180,000. The World says: "Five wealthy tourists from Lyons, France, two of them women, have "been mur dered in the Yellowstone National Park. Their guide says that In dians did the butchery, bnt some persons believe that the guide, who has fled, was in league with Mon tana murderers." "Until negro and carpet-bag rule shall be re established at the South that section has no right to hope that Northern capital or Northern enterprise can be attract ed" says the Tribune. Daring the last three years, under Democratic rule at the Sonth and in the nation, there were organized in that section, according to the Manufacturer's Record, the follow ing number of new enterprises: in 1886, 1,575; in 1887,3,430: in 1888, 3,618. These called for the em ployment of hundreds of million of apital, a large part of which came from the North. The South has grown mightily and soundly ever since the corrupt travasties of gov ernmcnt under Republican rule were overthrown." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V. T. W.-Forseie. Fob Sale Northern beef. W. P. Bukrus & Co. Corn. John H. Cbabtree & Co Cast iron scrap wanted. Mr. Rhem a cabbage field is looking splendid. J. A. Meadows' pea field on the Neuse road is looking wall. A large number of hands were at the oanning establishment yesterday. City politics are warming up. The fight in the first ward from all indioa tiona, will ba quit sharp. If the city can rata the money to pay for the shell, it would be a good idea to put a new covering of thell on our principal streets. Mr. John McSorley has planted his North Carolina potatoes; says they were never in Ireland and afe consequently not "Irish potato." The steamer Trent ia on the ways She will discontinue her trips down the Neuse for the present, having taken the contract for bringing th rock down tha Trent river for the cemetery road 'M Quad" tested the enterprising metal of New Berne last night, that ia he took th right step to ascertain whether there ia any "hustle" among as or not, Good will com oat of that meeting. The carrying of oy store from North Carolina waters seriously Interfered ith canning operations at Moor & Brady's for about two weeks. Th oystermea wero assisting the foreign vessels in loading seed oysters to take oat of th Stat. Sine Mr. Oekely went down quite a fleet of boats nave arrived and canning has resumed. Shipping- News. Th steamer Atnie of the E. C. D (in sailed yesterday with- a cargo of Inmber, cotton and general freights Th Vesper of this line will arrive today. - ' -- c- Fom them weeks I was stiff ering from a savers cold ia my head, accompanied by a paia in the temples. I tried torn of th many catarrh ' remedies without any relief. Ely's- Cream Balm was recommended to m. -v After only six applications of the Balm every tree of my eoia was removea. tunry u, uisrk 1st ivleion . New Toik Appraiser's Office tvj -'iy i r -1-4 v , For several years I have been troubled with catarrh."- Ely's Cream Balm has proyed to be the article deal red. X be lieve it the only care. L. B. Cobarn, Merchant. Towanda, Fa. at Quad ia th City. Yesterday morning Messrs. C. E. Foy. Geo. Allen and a JocshaL reporter called at Hotel Albert with carriage and team' from Stewart and took Mr. B. Lewi of th Detroit Free Pree and Hies Pierce, of Mobil, Ala., who write for several Northern and West ern paper, to ride throngh the track farm near th city. Aftr driving throngh th prineipei streets of th ity th driver tamed into th street lead ing eat throngs Dun A WiUett s modal track farm and on through Dudley', Wateon & Daniels' and others to the National Cemetery, which u alao taken it, and then on to Oakea, the stock farm of Dunn at Willett. After view ing these premie, which were shown by Mr. Dnan, the driver took them across to N ease road, passing the farms Mr. Yeomans, Mr. Crockett, Mr. Meadows, Mr. Allen and across to Trent road to the immense farm of J Rhem. After driving through this they returned to the city, taking in the Fair grounds. In the afternoon Mr. Lewis sod Miss Pieroe in company with Mr. Geo. Allen and Mr. T. A. Green, wsre taken serosa the Trent by the polite and rffi cient mate of the steamer Manteo, Mr. Rhodes, to Gray wood where tbey want through the interesting establishment of the S. H. Gray Manufacturing Com pany, where wood pulp and wood plates and dishes are made. In the evening "tuad" tinned St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M . and the Board of Trsde rooms where hs was met by a large a umber of our business men. We will tell more about the meeting tomorrow. Quad" is after cold facts about our dvantaCM for manufacturing, truck ing, etc., etc. Mies Pierce will Indulge in the beau tiful and sublime and tell the readers of her numerous papers and magazines what a lovely spot New Berne is, and what a good place it is for those seek ing; health and pleasure. The Onslow Baflroad. From the Wilmington Star of Tuea day we get the following item: Negotiations for the sale of the Wil mington, Onelow & East Carolina Rail road, pending for some time past, have been completed and a formal transfer of the franohiae was made laat Saturday to Mr. Thos. A. Molntyre of New York, and his associates, a syndicate of North ern capitalists. It is said that the new company will (go to work at once to build and equip th road. The East Carolina Land and Railway Company with it amended charter, will lso be at work befere a great while. Th Journal promised its Onslow readers several years ago that it would not cease to agitata the building of a railroad to that county until the thing waa done, The agitation has had the effect of projecting many railroad schemes into that county, none with more certainty of suooesafnl termina tion than tha one mentioned above in oonneotlon with the East Carolina Land and Railway Co. We find in the Star of the same date th following notice: Tb legislature juat adjourned passed a charter for th above named company to ooastrust a railroad from Wilming ton to Jacksonville, Nsw Barn, Wash ington and Edanton, to a point on th dividing lin between North Carolina and Virginia, in th direction of Nor folk, and from Wilmington southward to th South Carolina lin, ia th direc tion Of Charleston. Among tb corporators are W.P. For tun), F. P. Fortune, J. D. Bellamy, jr. Wm. E. Worth, B. R. Bellamy, Frank H. Stedman, of Wilmington: Clement Manly, of New Berne; (Jol. S. b. Taylor, of Onalow; John H. Small, Washington; William Bond, Ed an ton. It is said th ohartar is a most liberal and zcUentono, and that there are capitalists at the back of it who intend at an arly data to build the road. Aa Opportunity for Fin Beef and Mutton. Charlotte people are eating beef that waa killed and dressed in Kanaas City, aiisaouri. It eomes hers la oars packed bytb Armour Company and all the butehers are selling it. Th car in whloh tha meat ia transported is finely ar ranged for th purpose, being provided wga aids and end walls which ar packed in io. Th meat is hung up on nooks attached to beams. Ia thecal which was opened this morning, there were 83,000 pounds of beef, pork and mutton. The beef is th finest evsr seen here and is said to b equal to th beat that could b found in the New Tork markets. Charlotte News. The above u significant. We can shortly have the main beef and muttcn for sale ia New Bern. It only depends upon ourselves now. The Atlantic Road Is going tb put oa refrigerator cars; and if w ' weak thie beef and mutton, we Can get ft fof the ordering! What d our batchers say f - W ill they orderftT : , - , J f-r':- - -" Persotal i - 4 Vti H. Stanford, Yioe-Prseldent of the 1. D. & 8. Co, of Hew York, and Mi. Lynch, General Freight Agent, arrived on the kfante yesterday morning. Death of Mrs Doble The maoj fnruJa sdJ relatives of this tstimabU lady will be pained to learn of her death which occurred at Lowell. Mam , on He 4.h .f tLe present month, the following account cf which we take frcm tLe t Pu.i, pub liahed in that out Mr. Matlia A wife ui Krancis M. Doble, died m this cut, at her nooie on Tilden et..oo March 4 ami her funeral was conducted ty Krv W. T Perrin on Wednesday last The cir cumstances of Lrr marriage were pecu liar and more ibu onl.mruy roman tic. Capt I'oble was finontd, during the prog reea of the rebellion, at Nsw borne. N. C and in the pun-uit of bis duties visited the borne if bis luture wife, a short dis atce out if tbscity. The yellow fever aa then prevalent in that neighborhood . aud anions other victims was the young woman who was destined to bucorue the bride of tbe Union officer ne "us an acccuiplnthed singer . and after m ji r ,.e uai North where she won Loot of frieuds by her amiable character .-. ut mini graces. She bad only in l. fii since last Auguot. ahh ".)k-h C ; ; t!f used formerly to be a rpDnleut hr for maoy years, and in ibe trief interval Mrs j Doble hai rn learcd h-r?elf to many' heart fhe waa connected i:h the Method in church S. uih. but attended 1 the YVouheti l i bur- hilh. ie She had suffered (real.y Iiom lr i!ii' dis ease, which, afler t,in..i n r v lelief, finally resulted fatal. Two voung daughters surv iv e her At the funeral many friends gathered to honor hr memory Wm J Hardy acted aa mas ter of ceremouie 11. e remains were placed in a tomb and I taken to North Carolina for iru u cm later The Editor of the Vw, and (miller hilled I'lUM.K.sTON . S .. March 12 I'apt. F. W. Uawaou. editor of the News and Courier and agent of the Associated Press, in ibis my. was murdered this afternoon about 3 :I0 o'clock by T. It. McUow, a physician of thw city. It seems that Dr. Mcl) , who is a mar ried man and the lather of a family, hed been too familiar with a Swiss maid in Captain Dawson family, and tbat Dawson had waited Mi Dow at his office to remonstrate w nh him. Words and blows followed and the encounter snded in McDow shooting Dawson through tbe heart. The murderer then locked up his .oflice and went out. Three hours later he surrendered him self to the police authorities and the body of the murdered man was found lying in McDow's otli -e The murder causes intense en iiciurnt i.n 1 there is talk of lynching. Capt- V. W. Dawson was a man of national reputation Besides being for maoy yearn the editor of the ablest journal in the South, he waa a potent political factor, not onlv in South Caro ma, but in the Unittrd States. Uis po sition for years on the National Demo cratic Committee gave him prominence all over tbe land. He was personally acquainted with every prominent Dem ocrat and with moat of the prominent Republicans, in the country. He was an uncompromising tariff reformer. never having toleration far the mu tr ump Protectionists calling themselves Democrats. Several years ago Capt. Dawson took high grounds against duelling. lie waged a crusade throunh the News and Courier against the "code." For his seryioes in this matter, the Pope made him a Knight of Peace. Captain Dawson was an Englishman. lie waa over six feet tall, cf massive mold, and leonine head. His power as a writer was felt throughout every national campaign since the war. His style was trenchant and his words pi&ed with elegant taste. His taking oil is nothing short of a ca'amity to South Carolina. Lenoir Co. Sondar-Srhool Convention. Tbe Lenoir Co. 8unday-school convsn- tion waa held in the Methodist church in Klnston, March 8th, 1839. A. J. Loft in was elected president. W. W. Rose secretary, and O. E. Miller assistant secretary. Tbe following were enrolled as dele gates to the convention, viz: Mrs. J. F. Woolen. Mrs. T. B. Aehford, Mrs J C. Kennedy, lira. J. M White. Mrs. L. Harvey, Miss L. H. Wooten, Miks Capi- tola Grainger, Miss Lula Aldridge, Mrs. J. F. Parrots, Miss Lula Forlaw, Miss Aftnee Orady, Mrs. Henry Dunn. Revda. N. A. Hooker, A. J. Hires, J. B. Webb, W. S. Rone, H. C. Bowen, W. W. Rose, and Bros. A. J. Loftin, H. A. Edwards, Robt. Sutton. J. W. Ald ridge, O E Miller, D. T. Williams and S. H. Abbott. Various topics were discussed and teemed to be productive of good. The follow ins; were elected delegates to the StateS. 8. Convention to be held in Charlotte, April 2, 3. and 4.h. W. H. Worth. A. J. Loftin. U. E. Miller, Mrs. J. F. Parrott and Mrs L. Harvey. Tbe convention adjourned to meet again at the call of the president. Stockholder's Meeting. The stockholders of the East Carolina Flah, Game Oyster and Industrial Asao elation will hold tbeir annual meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, in the city of New Berne at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 8 o clock p. m. The election of officers and other important business will come up. WM. Dtjun, President. J. K. WILLIS, Secretary. the perfection Of tha age in the medical line is the liquid fruit remedy, Syrnp ot Figs, manafaotured only by the California Fig Syrnp. Company, San Francisco, Cal. It ia agreeable to the taste, ac ceptable' to the stomach, harmless ia its nature, painleet yet prompt and thor ough In ita action." ' B. N. Duffy, agent. New Berne. N.C. fti Vmh8dw4w Jiinety Per CeaU Wast a Change. Tbe present management of the A. & N. C. R. R , is the ail absorbing topic of this county. Its importance, seemingly, is more significant to us than ia ths preeent Legislature. Ninety per oent. of the people of this county want a change in the management of this road Tbey prefer any good man for president to Washington Bryan, the present in cum bent. They think the country through which the road runs should have the management of it and not Raleigh, as now, as they claim, is the case. Tbe town people are not alone in their abuse of Mr. Bryan's management Tbe farmers are even muttering and something is going to be done or their meeting in tha court bouse last Friday was without meaning. I have the utmost confidence in Governor Fowle, and believe be will not follow in the footsteps of hispredeces sors, by going to Chatham county to appoint the State proxy, for the above named road, and to Wake county for the management of it. Mr. Bryan. 'ti true, comes from Nsw Berne, but it is said that Raleigh owns him Kiuston Correspondent of Wilmington Messen ger. AltVKK TO HIOTIIEHS Mu8. Wlnblow'b Hykip should always be used for children teething, lt soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for .'diar hie Twenty -five cents a bottle Wanted, TtlN Ti'S of OLD CAST IKON SCRAP JOHN H CKAHTKKK .t Co March 14 d ' CORN! CORN! CORN! 50,000 Bushels IT" o x" Sale W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Markkt Dock, NEW HKRNE, N. C. Oonsign us your produce, mav i dwtf For Rent, Dwelling on Johnson street, opposite the Academy Ureen. Seven rooms Apply ta mH dim F.M.SIMMONS. City Ordinance lie it Ordained by the Mayor and Board of Councilmen of the City of Newborn: Section 1. That George street be and the same is hereby eitended from the northern line of South Front street to the channel of Trent river, said exten sion to be of tbe same width as the present etieet. Section 3. That all lots and parts of lots of land within the boundaries of said extension, now claimed to be the property of Isaac W. Bubanks, be and the same is hereby condemned for the purpose of said extension. E. II. Meadows, Mayor. 8ilas Fclchkr, Clerk. City Tax Notice. LAST CALL. On and after March 20, 1889, I shall proceed at once to levy upon and advertise in the New Berne Journal all property upon which the city taxes have not been paid. Please call and settle your taxes, as no further indulgence will be given. 8ILA8 FULCHER, City Tax Collector. New Berne, N. C, March 9 1889. 1 w Barrington & Baxter, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOB THE A. A. BATTLES' W CALF SHOE. EVERT PAIR WARRANTED. Also, a Full Line Ladles and Gents' Shoes or other make They sell the Cheapest and Best Line of CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever offered to the trading pnblle. mrlOdwy m , For Rent, A House op East Front street, con taming live rooms and kitchen. Apply to mar8 d2w JAS. M. HOWARD A GLANCE UN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF "Bell The Jeweler" Will convince any one that we have in took the Largest, Meet Varied, and Complete Line of Diamonds, Watches Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware. Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and 8ilver Head Canes In the Bute, i- ' It Will be to buyers interest to see our foods before purchasing. To Let, DWELLING Uul"E cn Pvi.ock, be tween Hancock acj Meti-:f .tri. Tte !k m i'iCU.ej nf:en rx tea, and is adniirab; adapted to till a want lone f eil :o Nr w beru - a !iri-.-:i l.uiJ... h. use Ttier t k d statilfS. cistern, '.J ;hrr ou'.hcusea. eilar j 1. a Itrep V4r i in 1 a w.ry Urge surden. 1 ' ' (i J 1 .'ice. ' C K")Ri:KrS. Woul J d c AGENCY FOR iif" I'hure ii l! : n . n lu 1 thai la "" Vl -lit mni-i li.t . . ' , i rr H 1 , 1 1 ' I i 1 1 1 11 la I" , ir-i i, ll,r t'liit Igara. Ili-Hlifl , lga. I hiulni, Tob.l.o. l-'lll. til I l NllHIf. Hi.d a, ntf il.- ca.l IMP !i; 1, a u Hi r m y k, N t- w i-ru . Go to F. S.DUFFY 1 ( ;( ; i st, . ii in DRUGS & MEDICINE CHEAP FOR CASH. n. A V I .1 it N ' a i ilr ii A i a t u int-r hi A . ' , ,iri ii ii tf-,1 i. ' I'fifu- .1 i heap M Uure I'M. IT I'Ulti I- Mill I Mil , M.M IU; I . , l i'HMi. I Mi- A V A . ; . t i K I I'KIl r ill-. I u U M ll'rils. i-y "Special Notice." All Ch l;. is i r.VIMi State and County Taxts art hereby nnulii-d t.: make immediate 1 'hall proceed a ai.d if;( r Mirch payment uf the Kainr. tocnllei t by di-tn-n i .; the loth. Ml. IM()N, SherilT. dtf March Int. 1 100 Barrels Potatoes, Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED, "Maine Stock," For sale by wholksali; ;i;o(':r, MIIM'I.K TKKKT, Boraxine. The best Washing ompound ever offered for sale in this City. A Premium with every Eox, Try It. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Ketail Grocer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, jn23dwtf NEW BKKNE N. C. J. E. SMITH, figl,, DEALER IN Mens. Boys and Children's . Clothing. Boy's Clothing, f 1.50 up. Men's, S3.C0 uo. Also, a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES i Women's Shoes, 75c. ud. Alan fnli line of DRY GOODS. Call and see them. marl dwtf TotheVholesaloTrcia Select your SHOES from Half Ifil Hon Dollar stock and SAVE TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. J. F. IVES.. Kr-:' New Berne, N. C.,, . Mauufactnrere'AgiMrt. State Agency for Colgan'a LnbrP eating Balls. . , feb23dwln urn- l:a.' 11, In, rt'm g "i i one ,,-n in

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