npiecs - 'taw? a Per muV. stanta I via lot lit to steep, tut , jaftervfeaig taia kr tsre oars. B fled and tnactm ret lira - I have Ufcej Bly put t bottl ot Pitort Cetery Coio- tt ass eatfrdy iwaeved se o( bom which I have suffered greatly." U. . AOfOLD, FeorU, UL Paine CMery Cranpoand produces sound isd KtR-abiuf mmep, A utfanui imampupa it km cm karaitul 4nif. Like locV iuf ew tbt guarau(ae4 ears tor nkk- bub, II directions an faJUkfullv tallowed. tLSe. 8u tor 16. (M. DrorgiBM. r VlUA lOxnaaaesaaCo., Bariiiiguja, Vt D1AMQX3 OTIS V?TL J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liver j Stable. have received TWO MORE OAR LOADS of Horses tad Malee, which were selected by me iodividuallj with great care. In miking my purchases deal only with reliable men, tnd get nothing at good and toaud stock. Will take pleasure in showing j oa through my Stables tnd Yards. oad Street, -New Berne, N. C. ag27dwif INSEY a. . . . awspraji" m For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. J" Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH K1NSEY, Principal. mmi M1T1 G1B0LIH1 UARBLE WORKS, fEW BEBXZ. N.C. ilonuments. Tombs ii! i I tut, ire end BnUdlns werka ITALIANiAUERICAH UARBLE Orders will r'eoeive prompt attestior and atuf action guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor Oct. BROAD 4.VB OBAVtR 9U. O. K. MIT4JU ia my anthorlzed aget t in Eiirj'ito&. ' ma80-drw GEOnGE ALLEI1 6 CO . ZcJ'. : WJavaJUyw an , : rjSenefalrdware ,'Arlealtnral I m p 1 e in e n t a. ' PlOWB JlaVrowi,' CultiTtor ,tri, Ui? wad ' Axi v.J-4' ' Woodl 7 Mower and .Reaptra, ' ' it' Bteam Enjrinei, . ' fi, Cottda Qii nd PreaseaJ rertHizrs.LAad PUtstor, Ktvinit Mechantcc Toole nd Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, . Plaster 11 air; Paint, ' Calaomlne Var- nlsb,' Oil; dlaas. Potty and llalr! Freesera, ' Befrijreratora, Ofl !Jook Stores, Eureka Burglar Proof Saah Loeka, warranted to give icarit7 and atisfactloa. - t. : , f limits v3i ujHt.; GCO, ALLC J A CO. Wights "Tot ft ton-tuns fvu se nervous aad wan at Us I eutud sot work. I ws ataay BMdt nut, but aw r tat retool auu I ewa Pae1 Oekry CWpoead. atca at eaue agcHftfcead kBd lavWoraud mj term." . sUaier a--bazlmgtoii, Tl Paine's Celery Compound cruk-klr quiets and atreGTthma the Mm, wbea imuted or aaakaaod ky eerwark. tirrma.. disease, -or stock. It roia aarvoManMs, kead- aeiie. dvspepu, sleepleaiDeaa. nn-Wn..h.ii ukl outer auocaes or u aervot Tones up the Shattered Nerves " Portwo rears I was a iaffrr from Dervous debUltv. tad I thank God and tae discoverer ut the valuable rented, that hone j Celery Com pound cured roe. Let any om write to me lor advice." Gsoaal W. Boctum, SUnrford, oowl LACTATED FOOD school, Aak Tour Retailer for the) JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OB TBS JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to lour Needs. 111 Htfht tnd ttylUh. It Sti like (tooklnr, end BKOCISU praetuu tke lnt H w wn. itwui MtKrr me n ttdkm. JAMK.HMKAI . a3 8H01E k Uolutlr tha . udjt inoe or ra nnce wuca k tenerrelf on ue nertet IxxmUdtnd taeare fceueeSbMftrBej 1. MCAHS CO Beat, fell Ilaea ef the ebeve eale bt Howard & Jones' JOHN McSOELEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoo Llnicr, . Pollock St.. Newbem,U'. C. Deelretto ennonnoe that bit FALL STOCK. OF M4TERIAL baa been received and he la prepared to Oil orders fer FIIE CnSTOH-HADE BOOTS liraOES Bavlnctwo superior sallied workmen, all order promptly (tiled. In soliciting patronage I gnaraatee "the best material, a good lit,, the la teat styles and durability," As one among many testimonials of the character of my work the subjoined from a well known eiUsen tells its own storyi Vnrm States Srw Bnn, v. cn Oommis'bs uma Oct. 6th, 1888. Jko,' MoSorlbt, Eao. -"i;;.. . DA Ma Plea make me a pair of gaiters similar to those yon made me two years MO. I have worn them two years and they ar good yet. i have been wearing shoes fifty-a) x year and they are the best lever wore. - , Berpectfnlly, i. uigaed" ' ff. KQHILL. Hepalrtng neatly and promptly done. . - - eetatdw " - .-'.' runtennoRs Or Ue Liqaor Habit, Positively Cirei it unisnraiH ti. itiicr tuui puirttv ' m IZZMJZ.?!. nm ertes.erle sr. Seles et teod. wttboot the kaowledireef tbeper nn uklng U) It la abeointely banUaas and will effect a eermaant aad speedy ear, whether w" pw i a wntrtw n n i rr or ee steoiton vw.iTnevf;Fita, WeGUARANTEE ttvnnriitefaraiiiaTerylnetaaee. aMcebeat SftCr iC CO, t ta lacelt. Clseleatl . m.. "V WAX A m3X V VseT tUM. the joubnal; WOIVBTZ. I 1nt tae. vkh a falliaf tear, And imil te fleeting ear; Ha deauktw part arlth eat to dear for to mj view tar caarms appear like aooM revoJvtar, nar. I leave Laee, bat wiik p concern, Wkiok bore caaaot remave. Oh 1 4o sot my Lectioe ijmrn, out paUMt wan uu mj rnnrn, Aa prove tae Lruta of love. I leave thee, but I love thee jet. The germ of every bloom ; I never ehall nr choice regret Until the ana of life thall tet, And love link ia the tomb. Oh I Lady, take theee Uaee to heart : The laet toad tale I tell, I thai my ewa dear love thoa art; Then, till we meet ao more to part. If y Lady, fare thee well !" Fraakaess. Frankness is sopnoeed to be a common virtoe. It is most uncom mon. It is indeed an extraordinary thing. It requires troth, simplicity, love and genuine croodnega. Men speak plainly when they do speak, ooi iney are not open and tree. Many speak troths "very plainly when anrry: msnv sDeak nlAaaant troths frankly. Bat lew there sre whose soals are so balanced in an atmosphere of love that they epeak wnatever needs to be said, to each and to all. plainly, gently, fully. The dearest friends live together tor years without daring to speak things which they know, and which each party knows that the other knows. Parrots live with a reserve years long towards their children. Children carry untoached, ansyl Ublrd, thooghu and feelings that take hold of their very being. Friends meet and part day by day friends so true that they would alooet die tot each other, or what is barder than this, who are willing to tire for each other and never speak of things that each knows is passing in the other's mind. It is very strange to see Deonle come upin conversation to topics tnat, by a lacit freemasonrv. are sacred, and without word or look one glides past on one side, and tne other on the other side, and meet oeyond, foinf down the com mon channel acrain. Was thr ever a thoag-htful. sensitive uerson that dared to be open, transparent, irantT But however this may be, there can be no doubt that neonle are not frank enough for each other's good. If men knew how to peak the truth in love, how rich might one become. A man might then stand in the focus of the wis- lom of all his friends. But refusing to let their lights shine, men now trope la the partial liirht, of thair own wisdom, distempered by self love. MERIT WHS. We desire to aav to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr rung s New Life Pills. Bucklen s Arnica Halve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell ss Well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them avert time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase prioe if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For tale by R. N. DuTy, whole sale tnd retail druggtft. F'rico per dozen bottles, $8.00. jan2'J ly That Ache in the Back. An Albany physician, says a contemporary, declares that Americans suffer more generally from Bright' s disease and nervous diseases than any other people. and be says the reason is that Americans sit down so persistently as tneir work, ue sayi: "Ameri cans are the greatest sitters I ever knew While Englishmen, Ger mans, and Frenchmen walk and exercise, an American business man win go to his office, take his seat in his xhair and sit there all day Without giving any relief to the tensions of the muscles of the back The resalt Is that these'mnscles sur- roundingthe kidneys become soft and flabby. They lose their vitality. The kidneys themselves soon become weak and debilitated. If Americana would exercise more, ii they would stand at their desks rather than git, We woald hear less of Bright's disease. I knew of a NewTork: man who had suffered for some years from nervous pros tration until it was recommended to mm that he have a desk at which he could - standi to do his work. Within .aVeat he wa one of the healthiest mea'yoa ever saw. His dyspepsia and kidney trouble had disappeared, flpd fie had an appe- lK a Ataa. Datrifflra. Ma. Kl.flAWntsr Atlanta Ga.: -Deer -Sir Yotl ddubtiese remember ale getting a tlast' of yon nearly three week,go I had -tkea given apj ait bopee of ever being able to -read araio. Tba- las three week, leowever,' ri th the nee ef yonr gtaseee f eyee have been wonderfull bene Btoil, and I have been enabled to dd a treat deal of read ipr. thefiritl hsd dpM la two Tears, aod moreover Xhffv ent hopea of their ebtire recovery la a few years. I oeonok too 'bighlyj-ecomrjaend voor gtM to tary friendsJ-YoMrs reepeotfuily, C ii ijiaJi C. .OaUAWaTa tsrith Moore. Manh Co. AllyW jBtted and fit faraEted by !', 3 sw aaa PHUdn af Marrary and Pih. a a t, Maniy eawd Ue Bwad Patau, but retired the Klwrnanaai ttica ni caattsd by tik- uuimxmiu auneraa. uu BO V ELL, vi 3d AwlCn Y. Scrofula dereioped on mj Uw-noW aad and ta iwiut wa wuadrfai and -Ji care pruaupt. o. a. kbajuidm), oteeiuid, Teon: Bbttt's Sptvirtc ia eaarelj a tytit nunoiv aBdutUu ooj.y Bkirttia tm! pcrman-ntlv cun scaufa. Braud Ur.mors. C mcer and iWiu Blood Pwaua. !wbu f,i twut, ou BkkaI aua Dnaaaea. auuled frw Tas Svirr Bi-stmc Co., lr J, : b i Fop Old and Young. reiMB Uver mile art a kladly m th klM,taa1ltea reaaat r taflraa aa. a sae vtcwtwae bbb. nil's Pills rive tMttk weak etemaeh. kew . aialaeye auaal blcr. T the ai BirvBetaaailaia- ajHBUUm a wvadarfwl, alais- aam t par feraa taiadr fwaieueae a la youth. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray 8t New York. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. OnlT Geaalae Syeteai afMrBiarr Tralaiaf . "'ar Bk. Leaned la readioe. Mlad WBadertae cared. E,' rblld Bad adalt araaily brnrAttvd. Qrnmt inilaoetn.DCa to CoirMpoudenc. CLumw. Piii, mth Oinn,.n of r. H a, . lm. Hanil Lr.a.l.. fTL . ' MUk J. Itl. ... Ik Ik .'J., va!.iai;i.i: Oity Property For Sale. Turiuant to power in a in 'rtgax n eculed to me by A II tloltoti anil ifo. datd May 28ih, 1?. ami rei'onie.l in book No 95, panes 'i. t o.i 585, 1 will sell at 1'ublio Auction, at tli Court House in Newborn, on Monday the 1 si day of April, A L) l!M. at 12 o'clock, midday : The lot of lami an i improve ments st the aoutheant corner of C raven end Broad street, in tht 1'ity of New born, where the late Alexander II Hel ton resided, being part of lot No "l Also, part of lot N 47. adjoining the above lot of land, am) fronting on Hroail street. For fuller description refer to said mortgage. Terms Cash IOI.A 11 (1ATKS, (27 td Murigaee. The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW PRICES, And wonders, IIow is it that I can sell so much lower than any one elee? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEALINO. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. E. R. JONES, New Berne, N. 0. NEW. BERNE AN0PAMLlC0 LINE. The 8teamer TAHOMA, A handsomely constructed freight and pa senger boat, having ben placed on this route, Is prepared to render superior service to and from all points on lower Nenae Ki ver and Pamlico county, and Mew Berne. For the present the following schedule will be In operation: Xeaves New Berne every Wednesday and Saturday at SIX A. M. for Bay boro, stopping at Clubfoot, Adams anj tjmllhs Creeks, Vandemere and Stonewall. Leaves Hayboro every Monday an ' Thurs day at BIX A. M.. stopping at Stonewall, Vandemera, Smiths, Adams and Clubfoot Creeks, arriving at New Berne Monday and Tnnrs lay evenings. Excellent pasaenger accommodation, am ple freight aotlttles. Freight receipted tor an i received dally by saeat K. C D. I.lne. and every Information given. I 1 . V. rl. abhott, Agent, vandemere, C. H FOWLEK. Stonewall. FOWLER A COWKLIj, Agents Bayboro. GEORGE A. HU8SKV. novtdwtf General Manager. Round Knob Hotel, W. . SPRAOTJE, Proper. ROUND KNOB, N. 0. LMost Picturesque Scenery in r Western North Carolina. POINTS OF INTEREST N1AB BY: Old Fort, Distant 5 Miles. 8t. Bernard Mountain " 1 Oatewba Falis... Mud Cut.. . flwannanoa Tunnel......... - Pinnacle of the Blue Ridge. Potato Top Toe River, fine trout ashing' - rjriages iron Bpnngs Kelly's Iron xprlnga... . ' "u MUtebeU's Peak, the Grave of Prof. Mftcbell the highest point east or tbe Rocky a Mountains, nine miles. Pur eeol dry atmosphere; no fogs; light eews, xraina atop at we uoor. api7 Open all the year. Terms reasonable by month or week. al8 d wtj .Notice. ' Go to the Gaston House Barber Shop ror as taiy ahavejind a good hair cut. Rhittna Iftnt. kale pnttins SAm. . r0P. W. H. BHEFASD, IIMY 7 J . M. HucklrT. W.Oolitorof tha rr,r, ,j"tt?,J- I . Kir hard Prorlor, the .s.iniu. i II M.W A.lor, Judr;lbMu, Juduh P. Df ajanlB, an1 .thn. M.nt iHMt f ti, : . Prof A LOIETTt, 437 1 inli Ave , v PROFESSIONAL. DO. D. CLARK nwmuwMM. a. o. OSaaa. a Oravea straM. aatwau PoUocJ and Broad. earf-Uewi P. H. PELLET ATTORNEY AT LAW, Craven Sw, two doors South of Journal office. Win practice In tha Oooanea of Graven.. Ibj- leral, Jonaa, onalow and Paoi ico. Called Htaua Court at cw Berne and Supreme Court 0 the State. febl dif OWEN H. GUIOH"," ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mercantile Law and Coa vejam",ng pn".a: lea. T loiber loughl and aold. Hobert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p. ii. Will give prompt attention to all ma -, re pertain in to Justices' oourte. d2i dtf HUMPHREYS' Cloth ACotd Binding IH Pfefea, with Met k af ri imf ill r D KKiR. tiMfM. O hoitstti T I 1ST Of PEINCIPAL HOeV CURLS PRi tt. 1 rTtr. ( oni nation. Indantniait 'ns .'21i 2 oroia, H'orm ever Uorm i .1,10 .2 3 rrin i olio, or lewtinuif it InUniav . j i w (Marrttea. uf ('btldrwD r AJu.u 2S ft l arillr , GnpiQ(t bilious c . 'i b i hulrrk. Mnrbu. VomitKi ? i uuith. Ciil, HruDt-hiLi . h ruratlfitt, Toothach Faoead'e 9 Hfadach. Kick Hadahe ri,rn '2. HOMEOPATHIC UV.P'P'lB. Oilmua Klomacn ruppreMea or Painful Period. nlles. too Profti.a PencM. 4'roup. Cough. Hitficult Breath. . . . i .is 1 .Mi .tit .M . ..M .AO H( IM alt nheum. r-rytipei, hniptiou.. Hheumatism. r.iu. Fever and Aaue, i'hilt.. Mal&na Piles. BliDd or Bleeding Catarrh, lnrlueata, I'nlJ id the !tad VVhuoplfis Conth. Violent i'ouh General llebllUy.Phy.uti WeakueM ftlilnev DleeaeA . i Ml -" Dektlltv I :U4 1'rtaarv V eaknesa. Weitins Bed . SSlDleraspS of the Heart, Palpitation 1 Specifics. Sal ty iriiHViala, or nnt poatpau) on rvc011.1t of priov -HllMsii'slkltlUk . lOvrallMSi. 1.1. All of the above medicines are for al at the drug mores of F. S Duffy and U Berry, Middle street. New Heme, N. C. $500 Reward! W will pay the above reward for any cms f liver complaint, dyapepala, alck headache. nillKestlon, constipation or coatlvencRN w. cannot cure with Weat s electable l.lvcr lllH.whpn the dlrectlona art- strict ly com piled lth. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to Klve satisfaction. Larve boxes onialnlng m sugar coated pills, 2 c. I- r ale by all drugglala. Beware of counterfeit. n i Imitations, ibe genuine tn an ti fact ured nly by JOHN ft. WEST CO., W2 W. Mad son St., Chicago, 111. Hold by R. N. DUFFY, druftRiat, New Berne, N. C. ap24 d w 1 y 1 til'i'ii'li'lli'Hi '" THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine auk our agent at your place for terms anc n if vmi cannot. find our acrr-nt. wrlb direct to nearest address to you below named. n CHIC SO 28 UNION SQUARl.NX ULLli. ILL. TI NT OA. TEX. ST loui V wo. .irBiuB'ia 'urBAsqcco ( PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. HIGH ABM, FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL M TOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE TOU PAT ORE CENT. High-Arat Machina has Mlleettlsie; aeeelle, seir-threKdlaa; Bhattle, b sMttseleae an attach, sneats, la velvetllaed ease. Don't pay agents $SS ffo Sot send for circular. Remember, va rami tea onr autchim aqoat a say high-priced auchins oa to aurket, 4tidceat The C A. WOOD CO., 17 B. iota at Pkiladelphia, fa. ' John Williams Pernarientl located oa corner of Broad nd Bin sts.,U prepared to clean, iyt nd teDair all kinds of Clothing, at Low . ike. A ipeolattr la Bade In cleaning Lad lee' Ureseee. DiXtalaoUoa cnaraa lead. aocSldtf IliMcHltlfl LOW J ABM, f V STEAMEHa. The II. 0. FielgnFLInB i f-r" a , w Onand af wr 1 cvober U 1MI, tt'l line will rcauoie tnu reealar SEMI-WElLY TBTPS enwru; Baltimorf and Kew Bern Lav o -A 1 , BAIL iw 1 , ti ED M Lsdttv D(i Ne ht-ru tor Baltisioir t L i-'A 1 , - 1 L n.AJkA . i -ix r M IL La i..c t.Ui) L .tt-( t Dcriie i' Ujelf Ir k .New ru .p iruLLi r.kimrc ck u.;t-, - i. c . i' 1 UiJ Not .... 6 It a beruc tL, t r. - i A - . f v ..ttanpma, H Liar vt. - CLlll A, HUaWf. e -o - ,ti. .. .1 .a 8 Jet. a 1 aruufc!. 1 i tue cvuii its AtOll) blthli. ill BILK VN Mill' I t LL. t. .1 1 r . I be i- as, I t 1 1 1 f ' Li l ut I' . , I 1. 11. I. 1. 1 AliLLi anu VESPER I l I . .-- 1 A U I'm . ... HIiMiMa L ... I " III I' w I I , N or Ui hiin. r tuui 1 ii 1 ., U. II . i'.k .-, It,. I r. ... r unii ,s,.i 1, ,. , , , r tuui iu.m. .1, 1 . , 11 , k.i ia, .1. i .1 , K. It. lUiU-e MM iw aiiu I, uther line V Ui 1, . HM ii )l r I'., ripe , k ... . I .Nil. M W.I. . 1 , f K K . . , , n 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' v ,vi ; 11 11 1 .,1 ,., 1 r. ,v ,s 1, 1. s 11 t . 11 1 1 . . . ., It K 1 : fehjli ,lw OLD GOMIHION Cl.a.L!. ft .oicdiuanip oompanv. V ;si;Sll-WKl.KI,V LINK. Th Old Doinlnloi, Meamtltlp t OIr P'l a Old and fmoilte U .ter Itoute. via Albeiuerle i,, he.njie.k. ( .mill. Korfolk, llaltlmor., r v , u , delplila, Boston. I'rni lilru, r and a.bluM (,, H) And all poiuta, North, K.-uit ft,l Weat On and after 1 I l-xi'. K H 1:1:1 IXHW, until furtu Steamer MiNlEU. Capt. SocLhgate, jLS and Steamer NEWBEKE, Ca.pL Pntciett, Will sail fr. .111 ,Si,r Berne, ui Vt rth and rKUiAiS. rnKi with tlie ttteaim r a. B. I o., for Kinatiin landings on tbe Nrus a . Mr ew MuMiAi.H so rnimecUoii N- T. K. '. i"1 all oilier 1 ri ,,i Rn, ru. "I-1 HKlt.NK t - sii.l r Kl-; 04.Ii. ami Keiurning, will sah tr..r. wr, II t - UA1S at MM, a. uectlon witn iii (i. ; for New York, H. n. for baltlmore, riyde lelpbla. ja am. i , 1 1 and Providence r. U.i allies ii. stcarner- no t-bipa for I'hllas . i:nh fur lioeUin Our untiring efforts to ,, ease on r patron a and our aimosL perfect ..hin, fortnepai thirteen years. Is tne 1.,-ei kiiHranle we can jfler ail sin piiem ae b, , u,. will do fur Oiem in tbe future lb-dor all goous rr. r o 1. . h. no., Hor folk. Va. ramengere will And a go.,.1 tat,;e, comfort able rooms, aoil ever couru-s and atten tion will be paid them nj u,e nftlcera. E B- ROBfc.KTH, AgeDt. ataasag. CC l.PEI'l'KP. t 1I HNFR, Agi nts, .Norfu k. Vs. ". Ki- HTASKORl, Vice-t'reatdenl. Aew TorkOlty, THE NEUSE L TBaENT RIVER Steamboat Company. Will run tbe following Bohedule on sad after lauuari iBfc.iaoi, Steamer Trent Will leave every Monday and Thnradav morning at Bli o'clock for Hmitha and Adams Oeetks and all tntsrmedlate points, returning same day. Iteamer Klnston. Will leave New Berne for K days and Fridays at in o'clock, M. Return ing, win mare Klnston on Mondays and Thursdays: Toucnlng at ail interrfledlale Landings on Meuae Hi ver. J. J. DISOSWAT at Kswbera, W. r. Btajtlt, Kinstos. v" D. 8. Banana, Poilokaviiie. v W. j:. WAHD, Agent at Tren-e..; M. Or Bbutr, JoUy old field. ' J. B. Baku. Quaker Bridge. Jet WBTTB. OanT Ilanage BbTdAw Kloatnn J n . FOR MEN ONLY. SsT XMJM atZSiaal. OO. BQnalA M. T. F.B,I?T,Kew BeTne. V.Xk'iitmlTlf- -'' Proprietor. , ;,5 v i w-;'i:.i--cK' ji-4f-(w ;fr vti w - - - 4 -"---if1-- s , .?w fs" v-

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